Industrial Organizational Psychology Notes

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Training and Development - Competitive advantage is a kind of

- Result from performance eval may result training thaat puts one at an advantage
in the need for training people so they may than those who doesnt undergo the same
enhance their skills and improve job training
performance - Training to improve worker skills and
output, in return, makes the company more
competitive because of improvement in
performance and productivity of
- Improving something else or learning
something new

- Equip with proper knowledge about the

job, skills, etc to be able to compete with
other people of the same job from other
- Competitive strategies linked with the
training program that the org invests in

- Fast service

- E.g. fast food chains; certain systematic

procedure among workers to produce fast
- Training is necessary bc one is also hired service
for the potential of being successfully
trained, to learn something new

- Offer something different

- Because jobs may change; change in
objectives, management, technology, etc.
human attributes must also adjust to
changes which is done through training
Why do we have to train people?

- Make quality control very strict; quality

control is a section that checks the work
output of employees, if there are defects in
the product its not sold on the market, they employees who goes through training, the
are brought to surplus department weight of the training in terms of

- Employees undergo training to have a keen

eye and produce quality products

- To do this, there’s an assessing training

needs; looks at the needs of employees for
- Invest very little on human resources bc training at different levels
expectations are lower; low cost = low
- High turnover rate in companies with cost
reduction strategy because highly skilled
employees who receive low compensation
will leave the company

- Part of this is whether or not there is a

certain amount of money is set aside to
fund training

- Orgs that believe human resources are

their biggest asset, they will invest in
training to have a competitive advantage
- Training enhance professional growth of
employees but also contribute to
employees’ personal growth; employees
themselves benefit from the training they
get not just the organization

- All tasks present in the job are accounted

for in terms of the training that are given to
- Employees learn about the interests of employee
org’s interest in putting workers into
training, whether funding is given to
- OJT: Person/student may be made to do
actual tasks that an employee does; also
observes what people do on the job itself

- Look at performance eval to see whether - Expert teaching the novice

employees need additional training and
find out why employee has a low rate for
certain task

- New worker may seek help to actual

- The mere fact that they belong to a special workers or actual workers may teach new
group, may need specific training just for worker or check on their work
● Once assessed the need for training, doing
the four levels of analysis, 2nd step is to
establish training objectives

- E.g. simulation machine that they use in

- E.g. objective is to apply the knowledge pilot schools
gained in seminar to actual work setting;
then design training program in such a way
that trainees can actually do the job itself
in the seminar which can determine
training success
- Employee training methods depend on the - Usually computerized or modular
they would later on want to occupy; hr
helps them achieve this position

- When going to a foreign country, have to

- Employees can get a view of the issues
know the culture and the language
happening in the org
- Some companies allow employees to bring
their families for support system when
assigned internationally bc hard to live in a
foreign country

- Can use a variety of all techniques - SH training

- Ethical behavior in terms of work ethic

- Teamwork; to ensure people are

comfortable to work in groups
- Usually new employees are mentored by ** employees can choose the training but there are
long term employees also trainings in terms of necessity

- Taught the culture, policies of the org, the

diff offices, processes, systems of the
- Introduced to the org

- Retraining given to people who have

undergone the training a long time ago,
may need retraining in terms of refresher
courses because there may be changes in
the job
- Make the training interesting by thinking
of activities so the trainees do not get
- Financial aspect; teach would-be retirees bored
how to properly invest retirement money
- Psychosocial & emotional aspect; on the
- Can through activities employed
kind of expectations after retirement, what
to do, how you deal with that

- Certificates are important bc they may be

- Helping employees recognize or know needed when submitting for promotion
their direction in the org; usually done by - Food is important bc part of evals at the
asking employees what kind of position end of training
- Accreditation; there are professions that - Trainee motivation may just be because
needs license renewed so have to undergo they want to travel, get out of the work
continuing education program; if attended setting and not because they really want to
training outside org, make sure it is attend the training

- Opportunities related to transfer of training

- Training program may be presented to
higher ups and they dont check and depend
on the HR shows that the org does not give
much importance to the HR

- Expect that once we get back to work, we

get to apply what we learned

- Problem is what if training was learned

somewhere else and you go back to work
and do not get support for newly trained

- When employes learn that their work

improved, then transfer of training has
been facilitated and motivates employees
to attend

- Will the trainee learn? How ready is the

employee to attend a training program?
May 17, 2023 - Does satisfaction lead to better
Job Satisfaction performance or does better performance
- Job motivation results in job satisfaction lead to satisfaction?
- Degree of pleasure an employee derives - Satisfaction is best thought of as a result of
from the job performance rather than as a cause of it
- An expression of individual workers of - Satisfaction can influence motivation
their feelings toward the job depending on the I’s belief about whether
Global Satisfaction performance will result in the desired
- Overall feelings about their jobs consequences
- General feeling - A comparison theory, which includes both
Job Facet Satisfaction self and social comparison to determine
- Satisfaction about selected dimensions or the level of satisfaction with job or any of
facets of their jobs its facet
- I.e. global satisfaction = not happy, but - Also a discrepancy model: a person’s
happy with job perquisites (job facet) satisfaction is determined by the
Job Satisfaction Theories difference, or dis
a. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory C. Work adjustment theory
- Motivation-hygiene theory - Predicts the probability that the individual
- Implications: organizations can increase will adjust to his or her environment and
employee motivation by designing jobs the length of time the individual will stay
that provide opportunities for personal on the job
challenge, responsibility, advancement, - Expectations and outcome to meet in the
and growth (Steers and Porter, 1991) middle
- To have a sense of meaning in their - Tenure - amount of time an individual
jobs’ remains on the job
- Job design concepts: - Primary factor for tenure is
- How can we design jobs to make it satisfaction
more motivating - Related to both the employee’s
1. Job enlargement satisfaction with the job and the
- Employees are given more of the same employer’s satisfaction with the
kinds of activities within which they can employee’s quality of performance
apply existing skills (horizontal expansion) (satisfactoriness - company is
2. Job enrichment satisfied with performance of
- Employees are afforded opportunities to employee)
increase their repertoire of skills and are - Assumption:
given the chance to move vertically to - Employees with substantial tenure
other jobs within the organization are satisfied with their work
- Giving additional skills to qualify for environment and are satisfactory to
promotion the work environment
B. Lawler’s Facet Satisfaction Model - Work adjustment
- Motivation leads to satisfaction through - Mutual process by which an
the person’s perceived association between employer and employee react and
effort and performance, moderated by that respond to meet each other’s
individual’s ability to perform the job or requirements (continual process)
his expectations of attaining rewards - Degree to which these
requirements are met
- Correspondence between - There are some studies that say that
employer and employee women usually have higher job
Correlates of Job Satisfaction satisfaction than men
Input Correlates - Discrimination lowers JS among
- Things individuals bring in to the work minorities
setting B. Situational variables
A. Individual characteristics a. Intrinsic sources of JS
- Variations in personality, age, gender, race - Recognition, type of work
a. Personality b. Extrinsic sources
- Energy levels & resistance to - Pay, supervision, organizational
fatigue climate
- Level of importance attached to - Organizational climate
intrinsic job rewards includes the kinds of
- Intrinsic job rewards may relationship people have
come as professional within the org, also includes
development, personal culture
growth, career - Can be an input correlate, output
development, level of correlate; can be a moderator
responsibility; diff level of variable bc found in situations in
importance context of the work setting
- Individual reactions to various
leadership styles
- Need to interact with others
- Levels of ability with regard to
handling responsibility
- *Type A personality - positively relate to
JS; impatience & irritability are negatively
related to JS
- Type A are competitive, always
want to be on top of everything,
- Type B are more laid back, works
in their own pace
b. Age
- U shaped, or curvilinear
relationship between age and JS
- JS higher in younger age groups,
- Job status: nature of the work; is it too
declines later, improves in older
detailed? Too technical? Etc.; there are
attributes that speaks about the job status
- Career development is a
i.e. blue collar jobs, white collar jobs
- Blue collar blues: satisfied with
- In some researchers, rel’p is
their work but when they see
themselves as blue collar worker
c. Gender & race
they envy/compare themselves to
- Perceptions of JS & assumptions
other workers; where
made about minorities account for
dissatisfaction comes around
differences in employee
- Distributive justice: input should equal
output; job dissatisfaction can result from - Lawler’s model: When worker is satisfied
being underpaid (i.e. has high salary, good working
condition, good benefits, etc.), worker will
increase performance

- Interrelationship in work setting is a large


- Effects of self-esteem

- Going through many channel/s of - Not necessarily the case that when
communication may lead to needs not satisfaction is high, performance is also
being met and may result in job high
dissatisfaction; feelings of being devalued - Can be high satisfaction, low
performance, low satisfaction, high
performance, etc.
- Varied bc there are variables that intervene
- Comforatble physical working conditions; bw satisfaction and performance
also involves policies governing welfare of

- E.g. bonus bc high quantity of sales

- amount/level of commitment workers put

in their job
- Time can be stolen in the form of doing
something else other than work during
work hours

Team Work
- More plausible explanation of relationship Stages
bw job satisfaction and job performance 1. Forming stage
- Feeling good about your output makes you 2. Storming stage
feel good about your job - Arguments, discussions
- How agreements are reached
- Compromise
3. Norming stage
- standards/rules are laid down
- Assigning of leader/facilitator
4. Performing
- When not satisfied with work/ doesnt find - High performing teams
meaning in work, workers look for other - Those who adhere to
opportunities outside organization standards/rules set
5. Adjourning stage
- Teams are dissolved

- When recruiting, do we look at attendance

from prev. company?
- E.g. Happy company employing PWDs
Organizational Culture - Diverse makeup of workers reduces
- Culture: knowledge, traditions, beliefs, discrimination
norms, practices 7. Personalities of the companies founders and
- Situating these in the context of their most dominant leaders
organizations - Company leader’s personality will reflect
the company’s personality/culture

- Something that binds people together

- Function is to control, to limit, to move us

in a certain direction
- Resistance may be due to the disruption in
balance that change brings about

- Values that should govern workers

- Organizational differences

- E.g. tiong san - low prices with large range

- Culture being dynamic; changes brought of products
on by time and demands of the population
2. Technology used in the organization
- Different technology used by different
- E.g. panaderya that still uses “pugon” or
old type of oven
- Makes them distinct which can also
be used as their marketing strategy - E.g establishments in BGC catered
3. Market it sells its products towards upper class/corporate people
- E.g. sells to upper class, to athletes, etc.
4. Organization’s competition
- What does the organization offers? How
does it compete in the market?
5. Societal culture
6. Makeup of its workers
- Employees having democratic freedom;
function of unions

7. Conduct regular evaluations

- Evaluate also problems that arise

- E.g. diff tiong san branch managed by

siblings but similar culture
- Loyalty: e.g. sunshine grocery workers
have worked there for years, grew old with
the organization compared to SM where
there are new employees every few
- Passed down from “generations” old
employees to new employees
- New employees can get a glimpse of
organization’s culture through this

- Strict in channels of communication; job

rotation not applicable bc experts are
- Psychological casualties: napag uusapan
ang certain person; may be detrimental to
the person but can also be used to improve

- Change management: employees given an

overall picture of the changes that will
happen in the organization

- Important to know what people feel and

think about their working conditions to
know how to improve such conditions

- Theory that supports this is Locke’s goal

setting theory
- In order to help organization to reach
objectives/goals, employees must be aware
of these goals and be part of the decision
making process
- To help management and sectors
address/improve product quality problems

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