Chapter 4,12,13 Bio p1

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Class Inter part I Date 19-06-2022 Chapter No. 1,4,10,12,13 MaximumMarks 50

Subject Biology Mr. Ahsan Test no. 02 Time Allowed 2 hrs
Q#1: You have four choices in each objective type question, choose the most appropriate among A, B, C&D.
Note: Cutting, over-writing & use of Lead Pencil or Ink Remover will result in loss of marks. 12x1=12
Sr. Question/Statement A B C D
I. Cilia and flagella are absent in Viruses Bacteria Higher plants Lower animals
The ability to distinguish between
II. Magnification Centrifugation Fractionation Resolution
two objects is callled
III. Site of protein synthesis is Nucleus Nucleolus Ribosomes All of these
IV. The prokaryotes possess small
40 S 60 S 50 S 30 S
ribosomes of size
The structure involved in
V. Chloroplast Leucoplast Peroxisome Lysosomes
breakdown of old organelles is
Which organelle is responsible for Golgi
VI. Mitchondria Lysosomes ER
cell secretion appartus
VII. Oxyntic cells in stomach produce Pepsin Gastrin Pepsinogen HCL
The emulsification of fats is the
VIII. Saliva Mucus Gastrin Bile
function of
IX. Goblet cells produces Secretin Gastric juice Mucus HCL
X. The inner layer of stomach is called Submucosa Mucosa Serosa Muscularis
As carboxy Plasma Bicarbonate
XI. Most of the CO2 is transported by Freely as Co2
hemoglobin proteins ion
Which respiratory disorder is
XII. Cancer Emphysema T.B All of these
related to malnutrition
Q#2. WRITE SHORT ANSWERS OF thirteen PARTS (13x2=26)
I. Define fresh water and marine biology.
II. Differentiate btw prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
III. Define Hydroponic culture technique.
IV. What are autophagosomes?
V. Define coral reefs.
VI. Write characters of mammals.
VII. What is meant by pyrosis?
VIII. What are Benefits of sharks?
IX. Differentiate between bolus and chyme
X. Define bulemia nervosa.
XI. What is sac type digestive system?
XII. Why air is better respiratory medium than water?
XIII. Define parabronchi.
XIV. What is inspiration?
XV. Define emphysema.
Q#3: (a) Explain Digestion in cockroach With labeled diagram
Q#3: (b) write a note on mitochondria.
Q#4: a) write a note on Endoplasmic reticulum, also draw its diagram
Q#4: b) write a note on cloning with procedure.

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