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13, Issue 3 FAll 2009

The Carroll Experience

10 Members of our Carroll Family share Their stories
Amy Gunderman, Class of 2011

2008-2009 Honor Roll of Donors

One for the scrapbook: Frank Walton 59, celebrating his 50th Reunion, lines up an image during the Welcome Home to Carroll Reception, the Friday-evening event that kicked off the three-day Reunion 2009 at John Carroll. At the reception, which was new this year, more than 200 alumni and guests from all class years and geographical locations mingled in the Muldoon Atrium of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology. Turn to page 80 for more Reunion photos.

Vol. 13 Issue 3

FAll 2009

John Carroll University

President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J. Vice President for university Advancement Doreen Riley Assistant Vice President of Integrated Marketing and Communications John A. Carfagno Editor Ken Kesegich Alumni Journal Michele McFarland Campus Photography Coordinator Cheri Slattery Advisory Board John A. Carfagno Sherri Crahen Kimyette Finley 95 Jack Hearns 61 Mary Lavin 87 John Marcus 72 (ex officio) Paul V. Murphy Doreen Riley Thomas Schubeck, S.J. Barbara Schubert 62 Karen Schuele Brian Williams

John Carroll Magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, OH 44118 / 216-397-4343 Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH 44118, and additional mailing offices. ISSN 1542-0418 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: John Carroll Magazine University Marketing and Communications 20700 North Park Blvd. University Heights, OH 44118

Photograph by Robert Wetzler

Mission: As a Jesuit Catholic university, John Carroll inspires individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and in the world.


Leading the Way

The University recognizes our most generous lifetime benefactors. The John Carroll Leadership Circle comprises individuals and organizations whose lifetime contributions to Carroll are $1 million or more.

The John Carroll Leadership Circle

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bohannon Mr. and Mrs. James C. Boland 62 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boler 56 Jack 56 and Mary Jane 91, 94G Breen Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation Cleveland Foundation Mr. Anthony N. Culicchia 64 Mr. Charles F. 52 and Mrs. Helen Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donahue 71 The Donahue Family Foundation Mrs. Margaret F. Grace George Gund Foundation H.C.S. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hamlin Sr. 49 John Carroll Jesuit Community Corporation John Huntington Fund for Education Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kahl 62 The Kresge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. McDonough 52 Mr. and Mrs. James J. McDonough 55 Mellen Foundation Edward M. 48 and Ann Muldoon Mr. Andrew A. Mulwick 42 Murlan J. Sr. and Margaret Murphy Nextel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. OConnell 61 Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Mr. Hugh ONeill III 46 F. J. ONeill Charitable Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Polce 57 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Reid Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schilling 53 John and Barbara 62, 67G, 80G Schubert Dr. and Mrs. Leland Schubert The Sherwin-Williams Company Don 51 and Mary Anne Shula Mr. and Mrs. David W. Short 81 Elizabeth C. Smith Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Subcasky 52, 54G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sullivan 53 Walter and Helga Sutowski The Tetlak Foundation John C. Jr. 45 and Mary Wasmer Deceased Circle of friends: From left, John 56 and Mary Jo Boler, and Mary Jane 91, 94G, and Jack 56 Breen, are recognized for lifetime giving to the University of $1 million or more. They are shown in the Bolers home.
Photograph by Brian Hemmis


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the Carroll experience

What makes CarrollCarroll? To find out, the magazine asked a cross section of 10 John Carroll community members to talk about their time at the University. What follows are stories that describe the University, suggest how it has changed, and show where it will never change.

3 Presidents Message 4 On Campus 73 Alumni Journal / AlumNews 74 Class Notes 79 In Memoriam Inside back cover: Carroll People


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John Carrolls enrollment update and guide to the college admission process



2008-2009 Honor Roll of Donors

Contributors: Todd Anderson, David Budin, Susan Curphey, Kathy Ewing, Brian Hemmis, Daniel Milner, Ron Rajecki, John H. Reid III, Melissa Springer, Robert Wetzler Design: Villa Beach Communications, Inc. Printed by Lane Press

It is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the University and its extended community for its alumni and the other members of the John Carroll family.

on the cover: Amy Gunderman, Class of 2011, is one of 10 Carroll community members interviewed in the story The Carroll Experience, which begins on page 8. She is shown in the Schott Atrium of the D.J. Lombardo Student Center.
Photograph by Daniel Milner

John Carroll university FALL 2009

PresiDents MESSAGE

Experience of a Lifetime

John Carroll will continue leaving its mark on the world in learning, leadership, and service just as it has left its mark on you.

hat is the John Carroll experience? The magazine tries to answer that question in this issues cover feature, The Carroll Experience. In the story, 10 members of the Carroll community share reflections about their time on campus. They are a diverse group representing our alumni, faculty, staff, and students. In some cases, their association with John Carroll goes back many years. In other cases, such as that of the cover subject, student Amy Gunderman 11, their arrival is more recent. All tell personal stories of what it means to be a member of the John Carroll family. Joe Cimperman 92 says Carroll taught him something absolutely essential to his work as a Cleveland city councilman. Evelyn Jenkins Gunn 72G marvels at the inclusivity of the Carroll Board of Directors, on which she serves. The Very Reverend Timothy Kesicki, S.J. 84, provincial superior of the Detroit and Chicago Provinces of the Society of Jesus, says he wouldnt be a Jesuit today if not for the network of Jesuits he met at John Carroll. Emeritus economics faculty member Joseph Bombelles, who emigrated to the United States from Croatia, recalls giving his students firsthand accounts of living in a communist state and opening their eyes in the process.

From the stories, common themes emerge. John Carroll is a place of men and women for others and with others. John Carroll is dedicated to the Jesuit Catholic philosophy of nurturing the whole student mind, body, and spirit. John Carroll inspires in many graduates deep devotion to the University. Im grateful to have heard the personal stories of many others connected to John Carroll. In them, I usually find the same core themes. Much has changed and evolved at the University since its founding in 1886, but in fundamental ways it will never change. John Carroll will continue leaving its mark on the world in learning, leadership, and service just as it has left its mark on you. You, in turn, leave your mark on John Carroll. You contribute your time, energy, and financial resources to the University. This issue of the magazine also contains the Honor Roll of Donors, which gives us the chance to thank you, the multitude of John Carroll alumni and friends who supported the University in the last fiscal year, dating from June 1, 2008, to May 31, 2009. As this celebration of your philanthropy shows, you value the academic excellence and nurturing student environment at John Carroll. You value your Carroll experience, and you invest in it. We are proud that you support our efforts. Your contributions are vitally important to the University community, particularly our students. You are helping to make possible their own Carroll experience. I extend my personal gratitude to you our alumni, friends, and other loyal benefactors for your generous commitment to John Carroll. May God bless you,

Robert L. Niehoff, S.J.

During the reunion Mass in June, celebrant Fr. niehoff was joined by the very reverend timothy Kesicki, s.J. 84, left, who served as homilist.
Photograph by Robert Wetzler FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Leadership Update
On July 1, Beth Martin began serving as interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The schools former dean, Linda Eisenmann, left John Carroll in the summer to become provost at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts. Dr. Martin had been associate dean for arts and sciences since 2006. Previously, she served as chair of the Department of Psychology. The author of numerous articles, she was promoted to professor of psychology in 1994 and remains active in her research area of industrial organizational psychology. Beth Martin

Blue Streak for Others

Photograph by Robert Wetzler

team spirit: Frank ross is joined by Fr. niehoff after his donation to the Carroll football program.

First Salute

Last springs ROTC commissioning ceremony was especially memorable for John Carroll University graduating ROTC cadet Daniel Pirchner 09. At the May ceremony in Saint Francis Chapel, during which the cadets became commissioned officers, he received the customary first salute as a surprise from his sister, Sergeant Lauren Pirchner, who is serving in Iraq. The salute took place via satellite. Lauren, a 2005 Carroll graduate, is stationed at Camp Victory. John Carroll University is the local Army ROTC headquarters for Cleveland colleges and universities.

The John Carroll football squad can thank a teammate for their new jerseys. Frank Ross 10 appeared as a contestant on the television game show Deal or No Deal in November 2008. He came away $14,000 richer. Last spring, he took his winnings after taxes, nearly $10,000 and donated them to the University for new jerseys. Frank, from Canfield, Ohio, went on the show with the goal of winning money for the Blue Streaks football program. The marketing major plays wide receiver and quarterback on the team.

Great School, Great Price

John Carroll once again has earned a place of distinction in the exclusive annual rankings published in U.S. News & World Report. In the 2010 edition of Americas Best Colleges, Carroll ranked fourth in the Great Schools, Great Prices category among universities in the Midwest offering masters programs. Also, for the 21st consecutive year, JCU ranked in the top 10 overall for Midwest schools granting masters degrees. Carroll earned the number seven ranking in that category. We are thrilled to be recognized in these two important categories, highlighting the quality and value of a John Carroll education, says President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J. The rankings reflect our outstanding faculty and student success that has earned JCU an impressive fouryear graduation rate. Our alumni, many of whom were the first in their families to attend college, tell the John Carroll story best, through their professional leadership and commitment to community service.

Photograph by John H. Reid III

John Carroll university FALL 2009

Photograph by Robert Wetzler

President to Lead Through 2015

The John Carroll University Board of Directors unanimously approved the contract renewal of Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., as president of the University. The decision was announced May 20, during the boards final meeting of the academic year. The new contract term will commence July 1, 2010, and end June 30, 2015. This decision by the board, to renew Fr. Niehoffs contract a full year before his current term expires, emphasizes our confidence in his accomplishments and vision for John Carroll University, said Allyn Adams 64, outgoing board chair. His exceptional business acumen and commitment to Jesuit education will provide the guidance the University needs to maintain its excellent reputation. We are very grateful to him for his significant dedication and outstanding service to John Carroll during the last four years. Fr. Niehoff is the 24th president of John Carroll University. He was inaugurated October 11, 2005. Highlights of his tenure include the highly praised Ohio Access Initiative scholarship, which makes it possible for academically qualified students from Ohio families with annual income of less than $40,000 to attend John Carroll, and the Arrupe Scholars Program, which awards scholarships to incoming students committed to social justice and community service.

top accounting educator
In May, Gerald Weinstein, professor and chair in the Department of Accountancy, received the 2009 Outstanding Ohio Accounting Educator Award presented by the Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association and the Ohio Society of CPAs. The award is presented each year to an accounting educator who has made Gerald Weinstein extraordinary contributions to the accounting profession and whose teaching skills and techniques merit special recognition. Prof. Weinstein began teaching at John Carroll in 1979. He has taught many accounting topics, including financial, managerial, tax, intermediate, and advanced accounting.

Fr. Niehoffs exceptional business acumen and commitment to Jesuit education will provide the guidance the University needs to maintain its excellent reputation.
Among his other accomplishments, Fr. Niehoff led the development and sharing of the first-ever master-plan analysis of the Carroll campus. The goal of the ongoing master-plan process is to attract and retain students with improved student housing, athletic facilities, and parking options.

Meet the Press Fellow

Andrew Rafferty 09, former editor in chief of the Carroll News, has been selected as the first NBC/John Carroll University Meet the Press fellow. Mr. Rafferty graduated cum laude, with a degree in communications. He earned a minor in political science. Mr. Rafferty is from North Tonawanda, New York, not far from the hometown of Tim Russert 72, in whose honor the fellowship was created. Betsy Fischer, executive director of Meet the Press, selected Mr. Rafferty from among three finalists forwarded to her by an on-campus selection committee.

Prized Poet
John Carrolls George Bilgere recently was awarded a plum of a prize the Pushcart for one of his poems. The associate professor of English, who directs the Creative Writing Program and the Visiting Writers Series at Carroll, earned the honor for his poem Graduates of Western Military Academy. Graduates of Western Military Academy is based on a true story: Prof. Bilgeres father, while a student at a military academy in Illinois, became friends with Paul Tibbets. Mr. Tibbets was the man fated to pilot the U.S. bomber, The Enola Gay, on the flight that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. George Bilgere The Pushcart Prize is a prestigious American literary prize presented by the Pushcart Press that honors writers of short stories, poetry, and essays published in the small presses over the previous year. The works of Pushcart Prize winners are presented in an annual collection. Prof. Bilgere is the host of Wordplay, a weekly radio program on Carrolls radio station, WJCU-FM 88.7. The show features poetry by local and nationally known poets. In 2006, he won the prestigious May Swenson Poetry Award for his book of poems, Haywire. To read Graduates of Western Military Academy, visit poem.htm.

Corporate leader
John Carroll Board of Directors member Richard Kramer 86 was elected chief operating officer of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in June. He holds his new role, in which he reports to chairman and CEO Robert Keegan, in addition to his previous role as president of the companys North American Tire business. richard Kramer 86 Mr. Kramer will continue to hold that position as well until his successor is named. The Boler School of Business graduate joined Goodyear as vice president of corporate finance in 2000.

On page 8 of the summer issue, we incorrectly cited the graduation year for David Rastoka. Hes a member of the Class of 1990.

FALL 2009 John Carroll university

John Carrolls
John Carroll is something special. Words, pictures, admissions brochures, and other publications cannot fully capture what its like to be a John Carroll student. Its the people and the spirit of the University that make us distinctive. In an effort to capture this, we have created CampusTour, an online video tour that allows visitors to hear from our students, faculty, and administrators about what makes John Carroll a unique university.

enrollment update and guide to the college admission process

Start your CAMPUSTOUR today

Beyond a standard tour of campus, the CustomTour option helps to match student interests (majors, athletics, extracurricular activities, etc.) to relevant

This is a one-of-a-kind online tool that is the next best thing to visiting campus.
videos of students or faculty members describing their own stories about that particular topic. At any point during the tour, viewers can access any of the other 60 videos and create their own personalized tour. They can also send their video to friends or post it on Facebook.

Not your typical virtual tour

John Carrolls VP for enrollment, Brian Williams, says, We havent seen anything else like this. This is a one-ofa-kind online tool that is the next best thing to visiting campus. Weve tried to capture the voices of the John Carroll experience online and help prospective students learn more about us. We have more than 60 videos in the tour, and more will be added throughout the fall. This platform will grow and change anytime you come back to visit, or as your interests change throughout the admission process.

Get started now!

John Carroll university FALL 2009

Cant get enough JCU?

Are you a fan of John Carroll on Facebook? Are you following us on Twitter? Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? If youre interested in attending John Carroll, did you give us a shout out on Zinch? There are plenty of ways to keep up on all things John Carroll. In addition to our presence on the main social networking hubs, you can also log on our JCU Connect online alumni community website to find out whats going on in The Heights. Check out the URLs below to get all your JCU news:

visit John Carroll!

Once you have experienced our online tour, get ready to see John Carroll firsthand. Beyond our daily visit opportunities and personalized visit experiences, JCU will host three general Open Houses this fall: Monday, October 12th Saturday, November 7th Wednesday, November 11th In addition, two new themed Open Houses this fall will focus on a specific academic area: Friday, October 2nd: Communication and Theatre Arts Saturday, October 10th: Boler School of Business

if you cant visit campus, well come to you!

Check out to see where our admission counselors are traveling this fall.

Come see us! What are you waiting for? 888.335.6800
FALL 2009 John Carroll university

The Carroll

Amy Gunderman 11
Amy Gunderman is a biology major from Hillsboro, Ohio. She has been a part of John Carrolls Arrupe Scholars Program since her freshman year, when she was a member of the programs inaugural class. The scholarship program emphasizes service learning and social justice issues. Among her other Carroll activities, Amy is in the Honors Program, serves as a lector, volunteers in the mentoring program Seeds of Hope, is a newly commissioned Eucharistic minister, and, this fall, starts her second year as a resident advisor. She recently co-founded The Hope of Tomorrow, a mentoring program in conjunction with Cleveland Scholarship Programs. Amy plans to go on to medical school or to a program to become a physician assistant, after which she would like to serve in the International Medical Corps. Her sister Lauren is a freshman this fall at Carroll and a fellow Arrupe Scholar.

John Carroll university FALL 2009 John Carroll university FALL 2009

What makes CarrollCarroll? The magazine asked a cross section of John Carroll community members to talk about their time at the University. What follows are stories in their own words that describe the University, suggest how it has changed, and show where it will never change.
arroll offered me a scholarship, so I came up to tour it and absolutely loved the place. My first time touring, three or four upperclassmen stopped me to say hi and ask if I was enjoying my tour. That meant a lot. I knew John Carroll had a good science program. And I was looking into pre-med. My grandfather went to John Carroll [Robert Gunderman, Class of 1950]. He had a great experience there, and he said the academics were wonderful. Dr. [Peggy] Finucane 80 has taught my Arrupe Scholars classes, but shes also been my advisor. On numerous occasions, Ive gone to talk with her. Freshman year, second semester, I battled mono, and she was there to help me. Its such a comfortable friendship and academic relationship. Thats been essential to my progress at John Carroll. One thing Ive noticed about being an RA. Its not about giving residents advice. Its not about telling them what they should do. Its just being willing to listen. I bought a bunch of carpet squares from a local outlet back where I live, and I brought them to my floor in Sutowski with paints. The girls decorated doormats for outside their doors. They decorated them together. A couple of weeks into the semester, there were doormats outside of every single door Welcome and Hannahs Room and Lauren and Melissas Room. It gave the hallway such a nice, homey feel. The [feeling of] community on the floors, all over campus, is phenomenal. We had two girls floors and two guys floors in Sutowski last year. Typically, youd see guys who would leave the floor in groups of five or six. Two of the upper floors had intramural football teams that were the entire floor. They would go out two or three times a week and play as a floor.

Yes, John Carroll stresses the idea of men and women for others or, as we like to say in Arrupe, men and women with others. But at the same time, with Arrupe, were focused on reflecting. One of the first weeks in class, we are told were in Arrupe to let our experiences helping others also help us to grow to shape us and who we are to become. Were shaped by our experiences with social justice and solidarity at John Carroll, so that, when we leave Carroll, we can take that social justice and solidarity out into the world and spread it. Theres so much poverty in our own backyard. I want to help those individuals right here. My own calling is in the United States and the poverty that is hidden in our corners here.

service at John Carroll becomes so much a part of who you are. it becomes part of your daily life. Part of your week. Part of everything. its such a core fundamental value of John Carroll.
On Cultivating Community Day, the entire football team came out and helped re-landscape schools and plant gardens. I watched these big football players tossing a football with a little boy. They were all on the same level interacting with the children. It meant so much to the kids. When I went home for spring break, one thing I missed the most was doing the Seeds of Hope on Friday night. I missed seeing my little [the elementary school student she mentored]. I missed it more than seeing my friends in the cafeteria. I missed seeing how her week had gone.

The Carroll Experience

Joe Cimperman 92
Joe Cimperman has served as a Cleveland city councilman since 1997, representing a huge and important district that includes downtown Cleveland, the major sports venues, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, hospitals, a university, and more. He was born and raised in a Slovenian neighborhood in Cleveland, and graduated from John Carroll in 1992 with a degree in English. While at Carroll, Joe served as Student Union president and founded Project GOLD, an international award-winning service organization dedicated to helping underprivileged families. He is shown at Clevelands landmark West Side Market.

cannot tell you a day that has passed since I graduated from Carroll when I have not used something I learned or quoted someone from Carroll. Honest to God. I feel a very deep, personal sense of gratitude to the school. For real. Because, when I was going there, I think I was the most subsidized student there. I came from a very poor family, so I got a lot of financial aid and scholarships. But it also helped me figure out who I was in the world. Ive managed to stay closer to the school than I have to any other institution in my life. I think when you go to John Carroll, theres an inherent sense that you have a responsibility to other people. And for me, that meant I had to pay back the school, because I couldnt have gone there without the generosity of the people there. Second, I had to pay back the city, because I was who I was because I had an urban education. Third, what is a Jesuit education for unless you put it to use?

Jesuits are the premier educators in the world. they believe that the kingdom of God is now. its not tomorrow. so youd better pick up a hammer or figure out how to use a saw, or do something constructive with your life. I dont
care if youre a doctor, a journalist, a husband, a father, or a brother. But thats the kind of thing it taught me. Ive never felt relieved of my duties. I will never, ever forget Modern American Fiction, with David La Guardia 65, 67G. We read the best books books like The Beloved, All the Kings Men; books that you cant read and not change your life. And we went down to hear Toni Morrison from her yet-to-be-published book Jazz in an audience filled with 350 African American students from Cleveland State University and five white John Carroll students. Dr. La Guardia was all about: Youve got to live the literature that you read; you have to understand it. When the Rodney King riots the L.A. riots started, we had an African American teacher in our class who was getting some of his English credits, and Dr. La Guardia had him teach the class for the week. And I thought: This is what happens when world events need relevance; you know, when its right there.

I had this teacher, Dr. James Magner, at John Carroll, a teacher of poetry. We used to call him Walt Whitman, because he looked like Walt Whitman. But he had the meanest three-point shot, one-handed. And hed wear his suit and go into the gym and hed put people to shame sinking those three-pointers. He used to say things like Prose is six-point-two-percent beer. Poetry is one-hundred proof. Can you dig it? And he was a phenomenal poet. He has since passed away. But he was awesome.


John Carroll university FALL 2009

The campus ministry experience was always such a fundamental piece of the school. When I was there, one of the things that was really impactful was that because of the alumni groups and other folks who were there they started to make it more than just an extracurricular. And it also became much more overtly political, which was good. On one side was the Campus Crusade for Christ, and on the other side was the Young Democrats, and you had this growing engagement, where it got to the point when John Carroll hosted the first national Jesuit student convention, in 1992, and I think we had 25 to 28 Jesuit schools there. The

idea wasnt to be Democrat or Republican or independent, but it was to be something. That, to me, was kind of a turning point at the school. And the school is so much better now; its so much more diverse. And its a tougher school. I dont know if I could have gotten in now. If theres one thing John Carroll taught me, more than anything else, that Im grateful for, is courage. It teaches you courage; it brings it out. Because its a school that made you be honest with yourself. In my line of work, you absolutely need that.

The Carroll Experience

Evelyn Jenkins Gunn 72G

Evelyn Jenkins Gunn earned her masters degree in education from John Carroll in 1972. She has served on the Board of Directors since 2006 and was awarded the Alumni Medal in 2000. The Carnegie Scholar taught English and journalism for 42 years. She is one of only 350 teachers nationwide to receive certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in Early Adolescence/English Language Arts. She serves on the Committee on Teacher Education of the National Academy of Education and as a trustee of her undergraduate alma mater, Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, where she now lives. She is shown at home in the photograph.

love teaching. I get an opportunity literally to spend my days with tomorrow. I get an opportunity to help young people see that the world definitely can be and is a better place than what theyre presently experiencing. I can show them by reading, you can go anyplace, at any time, and be with anybody. I just have a reverence for the spoken and written word. I think one aspect of it [reading] saved my life. It broke the chain of poverty! Through books, I was able to, not only break that chain for me personally, but I broke the chain for many of my students. I went to Carroll in 69 with absolutely no money. My fourth child had been born that November. And the world was, you know, chaotic. Fr. [Joseph] Owens called me on the day of my first graduate school class and told me to go to his class. I wasnt going to go because I didnt have the money. He said, Are you coming to my class tonight? I told him, I havent been to the registrars office. He said, Come on out. I have to think he called everybody. Thats the kind of educator he was. I learned his teaching strategies. Long before professors became interested in their students, Fr. Owens did. He called. He taught me to write. He also taught me to do presentations. Hed go over my work and say, You can do better. At the end of my term, I chose to design a reading program for older, disabled people. On the day of the presentation, my husband [the late Rev. Dr. Lenton Gunn Jr.] had a funeral and I had no one to watch my children. I told Father I couldnt come. He said, Youve got to come. And I did. [After making child-care arrangements,] I just went out there and did it. I followed the footsteps of Saint Ignatius with people from Carroll [in Paris]. At the time, I was terribly grieved. My husband had died during the mid-term of 2002. So when I went with the contingent from John Carroll, I was just a

hurting woman. Fr. Gray [Carroll board member Howard J. Gray, S.J.] and Mary Ann [board member Mary Ann CorriganDavis 75] and others helped. They could just see we didnt even have to talk about it. So, here I am on Easter morning and hearing these wonderful bells ring out. I just couldnt believe it. It was like a rebirth of me, Evelyn Jenkins Gunn. The Istanbul trip [last spring] with John Carroll was about making the global connection: to expand John Carrolls international reputation and attract more international students, as well as increase the cultural and ethnic diversity of the campus community. And it served to fulfill our vision statement: engage the world around them. Its the mission of John Carroll. Its our mission. Christ taught you have to go into the world and show through example what Christ has done in the lives of our ancestors and I mean ancestors in its broadest sense and what He has done in our lives.

When you look at John Carrolls board, youll see that it is absolutely inclusive. a black, Protestant woman is represented. My opinion counts. that is amazing.
Thats the magic of John Carroll. Suppose Fr. Owens had not called me. Suppose he had not taken a chance on this lady with four children, married to a black, Protestant clergyman, and possibly not able to pay [tuition]. Suppose he hadnt taken a risk and said, Come anyway. John Carroll made me have confidence in Evelyn Jenkins Gunn. I can write. I can read. I have teaching strategies that people at the Carnegie Foundation and the National Academy look at and say, Shes an exemplary teacher. And I have been taught by exemplary teachers. Thats what I got from John Carroll. They allowed me to expand and grow. Thats the story. They took me in and now they wont let me go! I love that place! I just love it.


John Carroll university FALL 2009

hen I started, Carroll was more a local school. By the 70s, we became more regional and, to a certain extent, national. People realized that at a Jesuit school you have to work. If students started failing, the advisors would get after them. Students at Carroll were supposed to work and behave. That is still the case. One thing they [Jesuits] know how to do is educate. They have been in it for 500 years already. Higher education in the U.S. is rather individualistic. Here was a university that expected people to give something to the community. And to give something even to the nation. At that time, it was in vogue to say, God is dead. There are no universal laws. Everybody can have his own values.

and here was Carroll, a Catholic university which required people to be active in the community. it required from students discipline and work. there was a world of difference coming to the campus of John Carroll versus the campus of another university. At John Carroll,
you saw students smiling and saying, Good morning or Good afternoon, and being decently dressed. And there were no student uprisings at JCU. Fr. [Henry] Birkenhauer, who was the president of Carroll for a long time, was an intellectual par excellence with whom you could talk for hours. Professors are a special breed. Its a different life in academia than outside. You can talk about subjects that are so diverse and interesting. Professor [Ed] Walter [late director of Carrolls former seismological observatory] you could talk to him for hours about the planet earth, about the plates and how they move, about earthquakes. In practically every department, there were outstanding and interesting specialists in their fields.

[Carroll] let me grow. I could do many things I wanted to. I could teach the courses I like. One of my pet courses was comparative economic systems. I would teach about socialism and capitalism. Students were really interested in this. They were hearing about the Soviet Union and China, and what great societies they are. And how a planned economy is such a great thing. I had lived through it, so I could tell the students how it looks from the inside. One year, the government forgot the production of combs. You couldnt get a comb for love or money. Next year, they forgot needles. The year after that, they forgot toothbrushes. And there was the persecution of private farmers and a constant lack of food and consumer goods. I said to my students, How would you like to live in such a society? They got the message. They started thinking. We [Prof. Bombelles and Duro Njavro, fellow Croatian and co-founder of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management] concluded Croatia badly needed a good university. When change occurred from Yugoslavia to Croatia, the government did not dare to fire all the communist professors. I went over there and said, Look what youre doing! Youre letting communist professors continue to do what theyve done the past 40 years! So we decided we will have to establish a new university. From 1994 to 2002, we were doing preparations. I took programs from John Carroll and the University of Michigan to make a curriculum. [For Carroll] it has meant international connections. Every summer, we send Croatian students to Carroll, and we send young professors for a semester to observe how things are done. JCU professors also go to Zagreb to teach, or sometimes they teach remotely. ZSEM has grown to more than 1,000 students. [At Carroll,] I most enjoyed introducing students to a new way of looking at problems and analyzing them. Its opening the eyes, widening the horizons of young people.

Joseph T. Bombelles
Joseph Bombelles, a professor emeritus of economics at John Carroll, has dedicated his life to the advancement of education and freedom. A two-time Fulbright scholar and a Carroll Distinguished Faculty Award honoree, Prof. Bombelles taught economics at Carroll for 30 years before retiring in 1998. A strong advocate of global thinking, he organized many symposiums, bringing recognized experts from throughout the United States and Europe to Carroll. In 2002, he co-founded the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (affiliated with the Boler School of Business) in his homeland Croatia, and continues to serve as its board chair. In the photograph, he is shown at home. The sculpture behind him depicts his father.

The Carroll Experience

hen my peers come back to John Carroll, theyre often astounded by the growth here. Obviously, the landscape has changed. The size has changed. Now we have about 3,000 undergrads, 500 and some staff, 700 graduate students. Its a different feel now. Learning styles are different today. We heard a lot of lectures. We didnt really think twice if a faculty member just came in and lectured for 50 minutes or 75 minutes. People still do that, but its harder to keep students attention. So many influences have shaped how they learn and what they attend to. That singular focus on sitting and taking notes is not within the realm of their experience.

When I was a student here, there were so many Jesuits that the charism of the Jesuits was more implicit. And now weve made it more explicit. We talk more about mission. We need to explain why a John Carroll education is different. We care for students in more ways than their intellectual development. Theres an emphasis on helping them to grow and develop, to be challenged in multiple ways. So, taking them out to the community, engaging them whether its through service or an internship or a project I think is not something youd find in every school. There was a real strong moment in my recognition back in 2004 of our need to engage the students in the community. A group of faculty and administrators put together a syllabus


John Carroll university FALL 2009

Peggy Finucane 80
Margaret Peggy Finucane, associate professor in the Tim Russert Department of Communication and Theatre Arts, began teaching part time at John Carroll in 1984 and became a full-time faculty member in 1998. As director of the Center for Service and Social Action, she organizes community service opportunities for students and develops academic courses with a service component. Her father, William OHearn 59G, was a professor of physics and administrator at John Carroll for 40 years. Peggy and her husband, Tom Finucane 80, have four children, two of whom are alumni and one a student. She is shown in a Cleveland community garden with Willie Brown, who, as the community partner in Carrolls Cultivating Community class, is instrumental to the project.

out there. Theyre people Im dealing with. Theyre people I have an obligation to stand with and serve. That, I think, is a difference that comes from experiential programs. Were starting a GED program here for our service employees for the fall. Ten to 12 employees in food service and cleaning service will be encouraged, if they dont have a high-school degree, to participate. Well hold training here in the fall. Were hoping to train 25 or 30 students as tutors. Were hoping some of our retirees will come back and tutor as well. Think about what our mission is! This program really speaks to what we should be doing. A benefit of a GED program would be student interaction and exposure. Students will be engaging with the food service and cleaning staff in different ways. What I learned from my dad and my mom about a commitment to others was shaped by his experience here, and then transmitted to us.

for a class we named Cultivating Community. I recruited faculty from economics, political science, religious studies, from all across the curriculum, and each one would come in and do a presentation on Cleveland. We spent a lot of time in the community visiting people and places that related to understanding Cleveland. After visiting the Hough neighborhood, a graduating senior told me, Dr. Finucane, I just dont understand how I could have gone four years at John Carroll and not known the poverty and devastation that was ten minutes from campus. Im floored to learn all this now. Theres value in traditional learning textbooks but the experiential piece makes it real. The people arent just numbers in a textbook, and they arent just those people

Many people love this place. the faculty and staff make a commitment to the students the relationship that develops that translates into a commitment to the institution. over time, it becomes a part of how they define themselves. I saw that with my dad. John Carroll was just
part of him, part of his definition of self, his role. Years later, coming back to Reunions, alumni would tell me, You know, your dad is the reason I made it through. He really took care of the kids. He made tough decisions. Hed tell a kid with serious academic problems, You need to leave for a semester. Youre paying a lot of money. You need to figure out why youre here. Take a semester off, figure it out, and then come back. And they did. When he died in 2006, so many former students sent messages. One alumnus called him a giant of a man and said he never thinks of Carroll or smells a pipe burning without thinking of my father and smiling. I only hope that Im remembered as well.

The Carroll Experience

Jason Therrien 01

Jason Therrien grew up in Strongsville, Ohio. He graduated from John Carrolls Boler School of Business in 2001 after majoring in logistics and management. While at John Carroll, Jason created several small business models, one of which has grown into thunder::tech. Today, he is president of the growing and sought-after Clevelandbased integrated marketing firm, which employs 22 people. He and his wife, Holly, live in Ohio City. He was photographed at thunder::tech.

come from an entrepreneurial family, but it wasnt until my teenage years that I realized that the conversations my family had around the dinner table were different from what other families discussed. Like most 17-year-olds, I hadnt given much thought to where I would go to college. But my father knew of John Carrolls excellent reputation, so we drove across town to take a look. Carroll was big enough so that not everyone knew you, but small enough that you could get the attention you wanted or needed. That was very appealing to me. Having learned great respect for entrepreneurs at a young age, I always used my downtime at Carroll productively. I didnt even know what an internship was when I first visited the University, but I sure knew by the end of my second semester. I took on a number of interesting internships, and, through those, some good business ideas emerged, one of which was thunder::tech. The Boler School has a great reputation in the business community. I understood that when I enrolled at Carroll, but it wasnt until I actually began talking to business leaders in the community that I grasped its full importance. your

the application style of learning, and he brought that every day. He was working in logistics and consulting, but he was also teaching and researching. He was a stickler, but you knew his rules and he was fair. You wanted to earn his respect. I loved going to his classes, because he threw all of his great knowledge together with being kind of a nutty guy always a joke or some sort of animation, always flailing arms. When I go back to the campus today, Im always impressed by how much it has changed physically in just eight years. I was the starting fullback for the Blue Streaks, and we always had top-notch athletic facilities and programs. Now theres also a beautiful new football stadium. What I remember most was the way our football team bonded. It was a fraternal atmosphere and we came to see each other as brothers. In my senior year, the football team had the opportunity to visit Italy. We played in Rome against an Italian semi-pro team. I scored a touchdown in that game, which was a pretty big deal because they usually didnt give the fullback the ball that many times. As Ive gotten older and had a chance to reflect on the school, I have come to appreciate the value of the Jesuit teaching style. Underlying everything is a belief in creating wellrounded individuals. Its about mind, body, and spirit the full package. What makes JCU what it is is not only its philosophies, but also the type of people those philosophies attract. You need the philosophies as guides, but you also need the people to absorb and live them as well. Carroll definitely has that.

education can be a brand, and you can be judged by it for better or worse. the brand is not something i chose John Carroll for, but its a very beautiful piece that came out of going there.
Another beautiful piece for me has been the alumni network. I dont know if thunder::tech would be around today if it werent for John Carroll alumni who were willing to sit down, listen, mentor, and coach me as I was getting this business started. Now Im in a position where Im fortunate enough to be called if other John Carroll alumni have a question about marketing, or about starting a business. Its my pleasure to be able to give back to them, because so many alumni did the same for me. The strength of the Boler School, and the strength of the University in general, is all the quality individuals who have gone there over the years. I realized year after year just how important it is in your life to associate and be involved with such quality people. My friends and contacts from John Carroll have helped me personally and professionally over the years. Theres one person in particular: Dr. Paul R. Murphy [professor of marketing and business logistics]. Im a fan of
John Carroll university FALL 2009

he Inn Between is for everyone. We get everyone, a little bit of everyone. We get the faculty, construction people, students who live here all the students.

Ive been there a long time, the longest of anyone. i love this job because of my kids. i call them my kids. at thanksgiving, when their parents come to get them, i say, youre coming to take my kids away! I still hear from a lot of students whove left here. I get wedding invitations. Students get to know me and remember me. I still get cards and letters. These are the things I like. My feelings for the students just grew over the years. I have a lot of memories. The students appreciate things the professors and staff do for them. They can come to the professors, and theyll take the time to talk to them. That has a lot to do with it. You have to take time, no matter what youre doing. One time, a new manager was watching me talk to my kids and hug them if they looked like they needed a hug. He told me I couldnt do that. I had this long line of students, and I said to them, Excuse me? Anyone in this line that gets

offended or really doesnt like it when I say hello or give you a hug? One of them said, No, because if you didnt, you wouldnt be you. I said, Thank you, honey. I know what they like. I know what they do not like. I miss them when they graduate. In the 30-some years Ive been here, Ive only called off two times. The first time was when my husband was sick. And I started to come in that day. It was Saturday, and I only had to work four hours, but I didnt want to leave him alone, so I called off. I hate taking off work. Were off so much. I figure were off for months, for Christmas break, Easter break, spring breakWhy take time off, unless its absolutely necessary? The other time I took time off was when I collapsed. The doctor had just given me a clean bill of health, too. So, I went back to him the next day, and he said, Clarissa, what happened? I just gave you a clean bill of health! Have you been drinking fluids? I said, No. He said, Youre dehydrated! Thats all it was. I called the manager and said, We only have one week until the break. Can I just stay home this week and then come back after the break? He said, I was looking at your record. If anyone deserves a break, its you. Believe me, youve earned it. You can stay out as long as you like. Fr. [Donald] Cozzens called me up and said, Are you OK? After I came back to work, one lady came in and didnt see me, but she said, Clarissas back? I was over in the corner. I walked around and said, How did you know I was back? You didnt see me. She said, The place is so clean and together! Because I was there, wiping everything up. I like to see everything put together. Im close to everyone! I dont want to pick anyone out. Im really close to all of them. I know almost every teacher there, almost all the staff members. Its like a family. A big family. Theyre all really, really close.

Clarissa Kimbrough
Clarissa Kimbrough was born in Alabama and grew up in Florida. She came to Ohio in 1963 to help a cousin whod just had a baby and never left. Ms. Kimbrough has one son and two grandchildren. She and her husband, Robert, have been married for 40 years and live in Clevelands Collinwood neighborhood. She has worked at the Inn Between, John Carrolls snack bar, since 1968. The photograph shows her at the Inn Between.

The Carroll Experience

grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, and went to a Catholic high school. I vividly remember my first visit to Carroll. I was visiting a friend who was already a student there. I stayed in his dorm I think it was Pacelli Hall. The visit on the campus, the friends he had made, led me to think this was a place where I would love to go to school. At Carroll, I got involved in Christian Life Communities, largely because I wanted some explicit faith reference. I met a lot of upperclassmen that way, and I met my first Jesuits that way. Don Smythe, S.J., and Jack White, S.J. 51, were very involved in it, and I got to know them. They opened the door to other Jesuits for me. It was through Carroll that I met a network of Jesuits who inspired me to enter. I wouldnt be a Jesuit I wouldnt be doing what Im doing today had I not had that exposure. Father Joe Schell was a wonderful man. Hes someone who sought you out. I decided [to become a Jesuit] in my senior year at John Carroll. I had, for about a year and a half, been what you call a candidate to the Jesuit order. One of the great things, and this was the genius of Joe Schell, was to allow college students to make the Spiritual Exercises.

Through the exercises, I felt an intimate knowledge of what made Jesuits Jesuits. There is the myth that the Jesuits were just intellectual giants, yes. But the Spiritual Exercises were so much more a part of who they were than anything else. Carroll has fewer Jesuits now than when I was a student. But John Carroll has many more members of the faculty who have become more intentional about what it means to work in a Jesuit university. Clearly, service opportunities have been added. Theres a greater focus on mission and what it means to be a Jesuit university. Many of us assumed that all the men coming in and out of rodman hall were what made it a Jesuit university. and now its everyone who works there taking ownership of what Jesuit education is and what it can do in an individual. Im very involved and committed to the Board of Directors, because I love what John Carroll does. When my sister, Mary McDermott 87, helped moved me on campus, she turned to me she was a freshman in high school and she said, This is where Im going to college. And she did. She was so much better at John Carroll than I was. She got the Beaudry Award! Now shes on the Alumni Board. She and her husband theyre both speech pathologists moved to Cleveland about five years ago. That wouldnt have happened if she hadnt gone to John Carroll. We live in an age where faith, belief, and religion are not as central to peoples lives. We need institutions where faith is celebrated and where people are not ashamed. And where you see there is an absolute link between academic life and faith life that the two arent separate. Theyre connected. Theres no better place than a school like John Carroll to help a student recognize this. I love that the Jesuit order is a worldwide order. I didnt enter just this province. I entered the whole international society. John Carroll can leverage an international religious order to help broaden the world view of students and to help directly engage them in the affairs of the world. At the Reunion Mass, what I most saw was how full Gesu church was. Thats very moving, to think that so many people come back to their school and even come back to the Mass at their school with their spouses and many with their children. Still committed and still coming back.

Timothy Kesicki, S.J. 84

Timothy Kesicki, S.J. 84, a member of John Carrolls Board of Directors, has served as provincial superior of the Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus since the summer of 2008. This summer, he took on the additional duties of provincial for the Chicago Province. His dual roles are part of a reorganization of the provinces. Before his appointment with the Detroit Province, Fr. Kesicki had been president of Clevelands Saint Ignatius High School for eight years. In June, he returned to campus and gave the homily at this years Reunion Mass. The photo is from that Mass.

Anne C. Conway 72
Anne C. Conway, who graduated in 1972, was appointed district judge by President George H. W. Bush in 1991, and now serves as chief judge of the Middle District of Florida, one of the largest courts in the federal system. At Carroll, she was among the first class of women admitted as full-time students to the day school. As a student in the early 1970s, she and a few other young women started womens athletics at John Carroll when they initiated the first basketball team. Anne is the great-granddaughter of John J. Bernet, president of the Nickel Plate Railroad and a major supporter of John Carroll University. He was instrumental in the creation of Carrolls first residence hall in 1935, Bernet Hall. This spring, Anne was awarded Carrolls Alumni Medal. She is shown in Orlandos federal courthouse.

tarting the Carroll womens basketball team taught me the importance of getting involved in activities. And if you dont have an activity that suits you or your needs, you go create that activity. Which is what we did with basketball. I loved playing basketball, and the only way I could play was to help create an opportunity. It was one of the challenges we had as the early women at John Carroll: We had to create everything for ourselves. We used to have to practice after mens intramurals, sometimes late at night. And we had to take masking tape and put it on John Carroll T-shirts for our uniforms. It was rough going then. Becky Bode 73 and Ellen Wasmer Brackett 73 as well as others were part of the basketball effort. Becky, Ellen, and I still keep in touch and get together every year. For me, what was good about it was that I then went into law, which was considered a mans profession. So, at John Carroll, I learned how to get along considering myself as an equal, so I didnt have to feel like I didnt fit in. John Carroll taught

was promoting. And I did a lot of work for Tim Russerts 72 student government campaign, drawing on what I had done the year before as director of publicity. I was also very active in Lambda Chi Rho sorority. We started it and I was the first pledge mistress and, senior year, vice president. At that time, there was another sorority already, but some of us decided that one was not enough and we should have a second one, to give people choices, since there were getting to be more and more women at John Carroll. All the sororities and fraternities then were service-oriented. Thats sort of the baseline of John Carroll University service the Catholic Jesuit education is based upon service to God and to others. One of the things I do now that fits [with the idea of service] is that I have a lot of interns law students or pre-law students who come and work for me. Its a good opportunity for me to teach and mentor. John Carroll helped me learn how to deal with something else: I like to be involved in lots of different things. That started at John Carroll and I started learning how to manage it. Ive got that now, and it may not be classes, sorority, basketball, publicity and Student Union, but its chief judge, and family, of course, which is first, and all my cases. Were one of the busiest courts in the country, and I have a full case load, on top of this special case load that I have. Its called a multi-district litigation, and I have 6,000 cases relating to it. I have that to manage, on top of my other responsibilities. So Ive learned to juggle. My years at John Carroll were the basis of my adult philosophy, my judicial philosophy for all the reasons that you promote Jesuit education: leadership, scholarship, and social work.

me how to get along in a mans world, since there werent a lot of women there. i credit John Carroll with helping me learn how to deal with all kinds of challenges. its a great place to develop leadership skills and relationships and help you get along with people.
I was involved in the Student Union as a class representative, senior year. And I also was involved in I guess back then we called it director of publicity. So, for instance, Bonnie Raitt came for a concert, and I was in charge of getting all the publicity out. And the same thing with Muhammad Ali. We had to figure out ways to get people to participate in the activities the Student Union

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


The Carroll Experience

ohn Carroll is about pride. I was very proud of the national championship we won in wrestling. I couldnt help but remember not 10 years earlier, starting the wrestling program from scratch and pulling people out of the hallway to join us. Just the mere fact of knowing that I helped prepare a group of young men to achieve that goal was phenomenal. When they return for Reunion, alumni are proud of how this campus has grown, how beautiful it is and how much weve added. Theres a sense of pride when they walk the campus. While there have been many physical changes to the campus, what hasnt changed is the way students are treated. The environment here has always been the same. The Jesuit education that this university produces is truly outstanding. Its an experience in itself. I know that for a fact because Ive seen it myself with the education my own children have received. The great education theyve received here has really vaulted them out into the world, and has helped make them successful in the fields theyve chosen.

Getting the new football stadium [Don Shula Stadium] built was a big moment for me. In the 12 years I was coaching football, I would have given my right arm to have that stadium and be able to coach in it. I think its the premier Division III football facility in the country. Having the varsity center renamed in my honor was a shock. Its a source of pride for my entire family. The fact that the University would do that still makes me emotional to this day. Yet its an even greater source of pride for me when someone Ive coached comes up to me and says, Coach, I cant thank you enough for teaching me or helping me. Ive had former players tell me Im like a father to them, or that Ive changed the direction of their lives. Those are high points in my career. It makes me feel like a million bucks when I hear that from a student, or get a letter like that. It just knocks me out.

The number of positive influences available to students here is just amazing. The Jesuits have made such an impact on peoples lives: Fr. Schell, Fr. [Casey] Bukala 54, Fr. [Thomas] OMalley, and Fr. [Michael] Lavelle, just to name a few. Fr. Birkenhauer, who was here when we won the national title. The Jesuits do a great job of teaching and preparing people for life. I know they have been a great influence on me. In addition, there are many professors who have done what Ive done and made this university their home. There are so many people on this campus who are highly committed to what theyre doing, in all the schools. Its a very closely knit and unified group. It makes us what we are. You really cherish the fact that youre here, you love what youre doing, and youre doing it with a lot of great people.

the Jesuit philosophy of commitment to the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development of each student, and the commitment to each other and the community, isnt something thats on paper here. its something that is happening every day on this campus.
This is a great university thats going to continue to be a great institution for many years to come. The people will change, but the place isnt going to change. The values here are embedded. Theres a feeling that you get when youre here, and youre a part of it, that always stays with you and never changes.

Tony DeCarlo 66G

Tony DeCarlo has been a familiar face on the John Carroll campus since 1964. Over the past fourplus decades, Tony has served as the head wrestling coach (leading the Blue Streaks to their only national sports title, in 1975), head football coach, athletic director, and, now, director of athletic development. In 2003, the campus varsity gymnasium was renamed the Tony DeCarlo Varsity Center to honor Tonys long years of service. Tony, his wife of 48 years, Rita, and their three children have all earned degrees from John Carroll. In the photograph, he is shown at Don Shula Stadium.

You have stories of your own about the Carroll experience. Wed like to hear them. Share them with the magazine at
Contributing writers: David Budin (Cimperman, Conway), Susan Curphey (Bombelles, Gunn), Kathy Ewing (Finucane, Kimbrough), Ken Kesegich (Gunderman, Kesicki), Ron Rajecki (DeCarlo, Therrien) Contributing photographers: Todd Anderson (Conway), Daniel Milner (Bombelles, Cimperman, DeCarlo, Finucane, Gunderman, Therrien), Melissa Springer (Gunn), Robert Wetzler (Kesicki, Kimbrough)


John Carroll university FALL 2009

John carroll University

Honor Roll of Donors 2008-2009

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Dear Supporters of the John Carroll Community:

our mission: As a Jesuit Catholic university, John Carroll inspires individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and in the world. our vision: John Carroll University will graduate individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world around them and around the globe.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of John Carroll University, I want to thank you for your generosity over the last fiscal year. Your contributions provide invaluable support to the University. With your help, we continue to support and inspire our students, strengthen John Carrolls existing programs and develop new ones, bolster our excellent faculty, and enhance our physical campus. For nearly 125 years, John Carroll University has strived to deliver an outstanding Jesuit Catholic educational experience. With your help, we are meeting that mission and looking forward to the next 125 years. The honor roll that follows notes the generosity of donors who contributed to John Carroll University in the 2009 fiscal year, between June 1, 2008, and May 31, 2009. We sincerely thank each and every one of you. As one expression of our gratitude, we invite you to watch a special short video created just for you. Find it at: Again, thank you for your support of John Carroll University.

David Short 81 Chairman, John Carroll University Board of Directors

Disclaimer: The Honor Roll of Donors was compiled by the Division of University Advancement to be used only for the information of John Carroll Universitys alumni and friends. All other uses, especially commercial, are strictly prohibited. The 2008-2009 Honor Roll of Donors lists all new gifts or commitments to John Carroll University during fiscal year 2009, including matching gift credit. John Carrolls 2009 fiscal year started June 1, 2008, and ended May 31, 2009. Gifts made after that time will be recognized in the 2009-2010 honor roll. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please make us aware of any errors by calling Patricia Harris 86G, director of advancement services, at 216-397-4344, or e-mailing Thank you!


John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

2008-2009 DONORS
Donors By Class year
Total Giving $700 33.3% participation Lawrence Kelley William Muth



Total Giving $100 8.3% participation Ralph Pelegrin

Total Giving $380 21.4% participation Chester Cudnik William Dwyer Donald McDonald Joseph Stolla Louis Turi



Total Giving $1,650 100% participation William Gorris C. Norman Kempel Arthur Noetzel

Total Giving $1,580 26.3% participation John Farley John Kmieck Eugene Schmitt

Michael Klema Joseph Kundrath W. Robert Logsdon William Masterson Charles Mayer Robert Moeller William Monroe John Montean Edward Murray James Pojman Richard Snider Joseph Spaniol William Varga Frank Washko Albert Zippert

John Toth John Tullio John Waldron





Total Giving $6,170 50.0% participation James Fleming James Klima James Morgan Ralph Napletana Justin Noetzel James Schlecht Louis Sulzer John Sweeney

Total Giving $700 44.4% participation James Malone Andrew Putka Raymond Sasala Thomas Stratford



Total Giving $1,750 22.6% participation Edward Cunneen Robert Meier Frank Reilly Joseph Zingales

Total Giving $1,250 30.0% participation Francis Cachat Robert Kaiser T. Patrick Lahey Robert Muth Donald Myers



Total Giving $14,420 66.7% participation Nicholas Barille Richard Cachat Raymond Casey H. Kenneth Fitzgerald Alfred Musci Robert Politi Robert Smith Robert Trivison Arthur Wincek Anthony Yonto


Total Giving $3,625 35.2% participation William Brugeman William Claus Emiddio DiFulvio John Duffy Francis Hogan Paul Hritz Robert Kastelic Maurice Logsdon William McCarthy William Mosholder Robert Munley Andrew Piccuta John Quinlan Casimer Scott Jack Smith Julius Sukys Patrick Waldron Joseph Walker

Total Giving $4,050 32.4% participation Salvatore Calandra Donald Coburn Leo Corr Thomas Dunnigan Edward Hurley John Kerr Edward Kipfstuhl Richard Moriarty J. Walter Schwarz Bruce Thompson


Total Giving $41,325 29.2% participation William Barker James Broadbent Thomas Colosimo Peter Corrigan Robert Droney Raymond Fox Thomas Gibbons Richard Hamlin Thomas Harrison Richard Iammarino Jerold Jost

Total Giving $24,036 26.3% participation Thomas Antonelli Allan Bennett Thomas Blaha John Brattoli Robert Brihan Nestor Burkhart Charles Byrne Salvatore Calabrese Kenneth Callahan James Callow Ronald Carr Ernest Centa Charles Conry Warren Cummings John Eggl Charles Ely Gerald Fenton John Ferrell George Frantz Henry Grosel Robert Gstalder Robert Gunderman Joseph Kastelic Paul Kleinhenz Robert Knotek Frederick Korey Andrew Krafcik Eugene Krakowiak Leonard Kravitz Eugene Kray James Lasch Eugene Lavelle Thomas Lynch Robert Lyons Thomas Mahoney Donald Mandalfino John McCauley John Moloney Edmund OBrien Maryalice OBrien Raymond Ogrinc Raymond OLeary George Plavac James Reymann James Ruffing Frank Ruther Eugene St. Marie George Stead Richard Sweeney T. Leonard Terry

Total Giving $59,232 29.4% participation Walter Beyer Donald Carroll Richard Cermak Robert DeVoe Donald Donovan William Dunigan Joseph Dwyer Leonard Dybzinski Saburo Ebisu Richard Ennen Kevin Fergus J. Donald FitzGerald James FitzGerald James Foerstner Daniel Gallagher James Gillen Charles Good Chester Howe George Hughes William Huth Joseph Isabella Richard Joliat Luke Kehoe Richard Kmiecik Paul Kunzen Bart Lanchman Arthur Lauer Conrad Marquard Raymond Masek Kevin Mayer Angelo Milano Charles Missar Hugh Morgan Richard Neubert Frank Nugent John OMalley Charles Patterson Walter Platte Charles Porter Robert Revello William Riski Donald Shula Joseph Sigmund Raymond Smiley Richard Spittler Norman Stalzer Robert Stephenson Joseph Stipkala Charles Struffolino Daniel Sussen Albert Wakelee Arthur Walters Edmund Wick Frank Zidonis

Joseph Chambers Louis Colussi Thomas Dannemiller Thomas Day James Dennis George Dietzel Charles Dolan Thomas Emling George Englehart Robert Gallagher Michael Gavin John Gay William Gibson Robert Grindereng James Harrington John Hicks James Kelley William Kenealy Robert Laheta John Lauer Albin Lipold Herbert Louis Alexander Makowski William Malone R. Bruce McAuliffe Gerald McDonough Paul McMahon Jerome Miller Dorothy Poland James Previt Donald Reilly Albert Roberts Frank Schmitzer Wayne Subcasky Timothy Sullivan Robert Tayek Patrick Trese Stephen Trudick Norbert Zak John Zupancic



Total Giving $80,630 26.2% participation Thomas Bader George Beltakis Lawrence Buynak Gerald Cerny

Total Giving $176,130 29.2% participation Jon Altman Richard Barrett John Beringer Ralph Bosch Arthur Branco Raymond Buganski John Church John Crnkovich James DeChant Francis Dempsey Anthony Ferrante John Hammer Robert Harter William Hoehn Joseph Hubbard Paul Jakubisin Joseph Johnson John Kelley Ronald Kinney Casimir Kotowski James Lesniak Anthony Lupica Edward Metzger Patrick Moran Edward Mundzak

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Carl Munn James Myers Charles OMalley Robert Onufer Norman Perney James Porter Neil Raleigh Terry Rozga Roger Sargent Frank Schilling Paul Schmidt Walter Shimoda Robert Sullens Joseph Sullivan Robert Sullivan J. Harold Traverse Herbert Trayte Edward Uschold Thomas Vickers Francis Walsh Gerald Weber Eugene Wetzel

John Wensinger Eugene Wiemels Robert Wischmeyer

1955G 1956

Alice DeWitt Total Giving $1,064,060 26.5% participation Seely Beggiani John Berg Patrick Bohan John Boler Thomas Bonifas Edward Bracken Jack Breen Allen Caine Edwin Canning John Carey Paul Carlotta Michael Cleary John Daley Edward Daugherty Albert DeGulis Charles DeVille Otto Dreiling Theodore Druhot Leo Duffy Anthony Elisco Denis Hoynes Frank Kaspar James Kerg Frank King James Knechtges Kenneth Looney W. Frederick Marshall Thomas McCarthy John Meyers Anthony Minkunas Carl Monastra John Nairus Lawrence Nichta Patricia Oldfield Thomas ONeil Thomas Parrish Francis Paulovich James Pipino Bernard Rauckhorst Robert Reitz Philip Ripepi David Santoro Philip Schaefer James Schempp James Schindler Paul Schlimm Joseph Sedlock Lawrence Selhorst Patrick Shannon Hugh Smith John Szakal George Vaul John Volpe George Waldeck Donald Wingenfeld Ronald Wysocki Arthur Zammikiel




Total Giving $17,111 30.6% participation George Abowd Clarence Blake William Bloomstine Harry Burkhardt Eugene Burns Donald Buynack Vincent Carioti John Carson Richard Dow Robert Farkas Dominick Festa Frank Finazzo Eugene Flynn John Freas William Frett Patrick Hynes Frank Johns Gerald Kalal Richard Keeney James Kipfstuhl Vic LaJeunesse Louis LaRiche David Lazarony Raymond Loyer Peter Mahoney Thomas McBride William McCuen Donald Petrash John Prcela Herbert Ramerman James Rapier Robert Reilley Richard Reim Mark Ruffing Theodore Sabine David Schuler James Schultheis John Schwerzler Robert Small John Spaniol James Sutphin Adelbert Tepley Edward Tracy Richard Trivison John Tuohy Michael Velotta Joseph Wasserbauer John Weakland

Total Giving $76,376 29.6% participation Edward Andrews Donald Balciunas John Barranco Raymond Beidle Ronald Berschig Thomas Bridgman Charles Butchko John Byrne Michael Caplice Lawrence Carelli Thomas Carmody Donald Chapello Bernard Clark Arthur Dister Robert Dolgan Joseph Doman James Doran Joseph Dory James Downes Charles Ensign Larry Faulhaber Emmett Feely Harold Feldman Frank Geraci Thomas Gillen James Gosser Richard Hartman Raymond Hils Ronald Hinds Traugott Keller James Kilway Frederick Kovar Henry Krebs Carl Krill Gordon LaGanke Leo Leiden John Mackin James McDonough Thomas Moloney Aloysius Mullee Garrett Murray Anthony Musca Robert Muzic Peter Neroni Richard Norris John Norton John Novak James OConnor Michael Powall Raymond Rhode Salvatore Rizzo Eugene Rooney Thomas Rusk John Ryan Edward Schwallie Thomas Skulina John Smith Donald Spisak C. Anthony Stavole Daniel Strishock George Thomey James Trainor Joseph Trivisonno James Weigand Richard Wisniewski Robert Wurm Richard Zunt


Louis Haughney Ila Johnson Arthur Kresse Robert Wolff

Total Giving $43,952 26.2% participation Theodore Arvanitis George Bidinger Edward Bourguignon Thomas Bracken James Clark H. Richard Collins William Comiskey William Coyne Gilbert DeGrave John Downes Eugene Drap Salvatore Felice John Frain Dean Gassman John Gormley Donald Grace Chuck Guthrie Thomas Halloran Stephen Hamilton Herbert Hanlon Henry Hentemann James Holler Francis Hovorka Francis Humenik Nicholas Isaac Thomas Kasper James Keegan Carl Klotz Thomas Langlois Joseph Luby Alfred Lucas John Lynch Lester Lyons Donald Mack Bartholomew Merella Thomas Moran Richard Murphy Albert Musca Robert Niesen Gerald OCallahan James ODonnell G. Richard Olivier Richard Ottes Vincent Panichi Morris Patarini Henry Pikturna Louis Pikula Walter Pomidor John Quigley Jack Riley Anthony Rocco John Scanlan Lawrence Scully Robert Simonis Mathias Skowronski John Szabo Joseph Szabo Donald Toth Paul Vertin Leo Wells Carl Winger Ralph Wroblewski David Zenk John Zickes



Victor Owoc Ann Trivisonno Joseph Zelasko

Total Giving $72,720 32.7% participation Timothy Abraham William Anderson Stephen Birskovich Joseph Bonadio John Briatta Thomas Broderick James Caine John Carroll Anthony Caticchio Richard Christie John Clifford Thomas Code John Converse Lawrence Dietz Michael DiGiovanni Donald Emmerich John Fusciello G. Joseph Garn Edward Garvin John Ginley Stanley Glod Ronald Glover Richard Graff Henry Grey Philip Grushetsky John Hanson Joseph Heimann William Henkel William Hinds Robert Holtwick Charles Jacobson John Kandzer Thomas Krukemeyer John Lavelle Attilio Lepri Robert Maynard Patrick McGinty Thomas McGunigal David Mercer Patrick Mingarelle William Moran Harold Murphy Robert Nix Joseph Novak James Oakar Joseph Ogonek Joseph OGrady James OMeara John Pellegrene John Phillips Leonard Piascik Gerald Porter William Preston Robert Prioletti Francis Proch John Reali John Robertson James Seeberg Robert Seiler John Smith Charles St. John Julius Staniskis John Stavole Daniel Stegmaier Joseph Tosto George Wasmer William Weaver Gary Wechter John Young


John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL


Total Giving $68,643 40.2% participation Nicholas Antonazzo James Atten Thomas Barrowman David Basinski Robert Bracken Richard Bronner Thomas Brunn Paul Brust Gerald Burke Daniel Buttner G. Daniel Carney John Chuchman Marvin Cook Thomas Croft Philip Cusick John Czerapowicz Robert DAlessandro Martin Dempsey Richard Dodson Philip Doherty Thomas Dwyer Richard Eisenmann Dennis Fagan Charles Farrell J. Peter Fegen Gary Furin Michael Geraci Donald Gould Gerald Grant Arthur Granzeier Donald Hagerty Leland Hall Joseph Harrison David Hemminger James Hill James Hirotsu Thomas Hoban David Hogan Edward Hribar John Hyland Robert Kaczor David Karnak William Karnatz Louis Kastelic Anthony Long William Marks Robert Martin George McBride Thomas McGann Gerald McGivern Joseph Miller Thomas Nahra Charles Novak Paul Oswald Thomas OToole J. Edward Paglione Donald Palmer Robert Pasquesi John Piatak Pablo Quinones David Rawski Thomas Ribar Roger Risher J. David Ross Kenneth Rowley Joseph Ruble John Ryan Paul Sabatino Thomas Scanlon Robert Schneider James Schuerger

Robert Shipka Arnold Siemer Rudy Skerl Regis Stafford Donald Stanic Walter Sterbenz Robert Straub Roy Streetz Ronald Tipul Alan Tokunaga Wesley Toles John Toronski Thomas Tully Geraldine Turk Ronald Uritus John Veres Francis Walton Charles Ward Anthony Weigand James Witting John Wolf

1959G 1960

Geraldine Kempski Marilyn Studer Total Giving $37,179 25.4% participation Robert Barkett Thomas Bausch Michael Bernatovicz James Bowers Richard Brej T. Alan Brown Robert Budka William Buescher Christopher Bunsey Louis Burger Peter Buswinka Thomas Collins William Cybulski Leo Deininger Francis Dempsey Anthony Drabik Peter Fabien John Feighan E. Gregory Fisher Robert Fitzgerald Franz Forster James Gauntner Edward Gaydosh Richard Hanusz William Harmon Edward Hinko Matthew Hoenig Donald Huettner William Jilek Charles Keane James Keim Gilbert Kenehan John Klein Anthony Klemer Donald Koehler Raymond Kosak Donald Kucera Thomas Lewis John Lyons John Magnotto Lawrence Marsalek Francis Martines James Mason James McAuley John McDonough Dennis McGrath

Richard Mog Donald Muno David Nichting Thomas OToole Janet Pasquesi Norbert Patla James Patterson James Patton Louis Pepoy Terrence Peters Leonard Piotrowski Armand Pucci Jerald Rachfal James Reilly Karl Rill Alfonso Rossi Kenneth Roznowski Donald Salasek Stephen Schuda Gerald Schweickert Joseph Skoda Vincent Sorrentino Bruce Taggart Albert Trentini I. Bernard Trombetta Lawrence Turk John Ungar Daniel VanBelleghem David Webster Eleanor Zrimsek Gene Zuckerman

Joseph Radican Daniel Shaughnessy John Shovary Algis Sirvaitis James Smith Harry Steller John Tien Edward Tischler Edward Walsh Robert Witt Donald Wysocki Earl Youmell Gerald Ziegler Paul Zifchak


Marilyn Bourguignon Miriam Fabien Marian Flash Stephen Vargo

James Sanger Val Saph Terrence Sauvain Barbara Schubert John Sheridan Joseph Sherrick George Smith John Smith Paul Spangler Carl Stas Michael Sullivan Robert Sweeney Raymond Turk Thomas Vince Thomas Zeck Anthony Zeno

1962G 1963

Miriam Porter John Zubal Total Giving $52,905 22.9% participation Martin Bader Donald Baltz Joseph Boyd Edmund Brady Anthony Broglio Vincent Campanella Philip Collins Dennis Conheady James Corrigan John DAngelo Peter Danszczak Mary Pat Dempsey James Farrar Richard Flasck Timothy Gauntner Thomas Geoghegan David George Thomas Ging James Gocek Frank Grace Peter Hoffmann Robert Hogue Paul Kantz Thomas Kilbane Walter Knake Jon Knight John Kodweis Frank Kohout Thomas LaFond Dale Leonard William Marquardt E. Bruce McEvoy Thomas McFarlane John McHale Patrick McNulty John Merjavy James Mertes Daniel Minarik Richard Morgan Peter Mykytyn Bruce Noble Michael ODonohue Michael OHalloran Lawrence Orwig Gary Previts Chuck Priefer Richard Rinehart Margerita Ruhrkraut Joseph Sallak Preston Shelton Robert Simon



Total Giving $43,954 22.1% participation Lowell Amick Helen Ankenbrandt George Arthur James Beres Bruce Bixler Paul Boyce Gerald Burns Robert Burns James Dial John Domonkos Joseph Esser Michael Frank Marie French Donald Gallagher Stanley Grenn Joseph Guta Paul Haas Catherine Hannon Jack Hearns Richard Henderson Lawrence Hipschen Thomas Hogan Warren Johnson Leonard Judy Daniel Keegan James Kemeny Richard Koblin Wallace Kosinski Ronald Krainz Joseph Krulich Stephen Latran Michael Mangiarelli Edward McGervey James Meehan P. Laurence Mulvihill Gerald OConnell Jerome OGrady Edward Parks Mario Percic George Pfeiffer

Total Giving $369,685 22.0% participation Joseph Barrett John Barton James Boland Gerald Brandt James Breen Earl Brieger Richard Bruening James Brunner Edward Buzzelli Robert Carles William Chinnock Leonard Clezie James Conway John Crilly George Dlouhy Robert Dodd Thomas Donovan Paul Dwyer John Fagan Charles Fitzgerald Robert Fitzmaurice Howard Frain William Gee Robert Gibbons Donald Grazko Edmond Heffernan Jack Kahl Elmar Koeberer J. David Korn Walter Lazuka Terence Leahy Terry Leiden Michael Leonard Richard Martin William Masica Thomas McDonough Joseph McGreal Michael McHale Charles McKeon Gene McLaughlin James Mullin Gerald OMalley John ONeill George Oryshkewych Eugene Pasek Edward Porubsky Frederick Previts Ronald Reuss T. L. Rochford Peter Rossi Daniel Rubery


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Clifford Stevens Edward Stevens Andrew Sullivan Rosemarie Surace Jerome Taylor Lawrence Tremaglio Wayne Urban John Van Blargan Robert Wahl Michael Walker Michael Wolford Robert Wright John Yasenosky Frank Zalar Michael Zofchak John Zvolensky


Edward Andrews James Barko Hildegarde Boehm George Duggan Geraldine Kaftan Jeanne Lese Sandra Montrose Carol OConnell Richard Paulson Michael Quirk Judith Rundel Marjorie Wiemels Harry Winca


Total Giving $62,668 31.0% participation Allyn Adams Thomas Arnold John Baker David Barnes Jack Barrett Robert Becker Paul Berger Edward Berleman Frederick Blazer Kenneth Bodle John Breen James Capparelli Joseph Carmola Joseph Cech Russell Centanni Kathryn Clearage James Corsica Dennis Crockett Terrance Crogan William Danko John De Perro Dennis Dempsey Daniel Donahue John Drewniak Laurence Feasel Lawrence Felter P. Robert Fox David Free John Froehlich Thomas Gazdic Francis Glamser George Goodrich R. Joseph Graney Jerome Grdina Donald Grons David Haas Michael Havrilla Thomas Hayden Michael Herald Robert Heutsche 26

Frank Hillenbrand Louis Hlad Edward Holicky Michael Holt Kenneth Jalen Frank Kelley John Kent William Kerner Peter Kiebort Robert Klepac Richard Koenig John Kovach Charles Kullik Bruce Lang Thomas Leahy Thad Leininger Richard Lembach Robert Lembach Ronald Loeffler Matthew MacFadden Dennis Marini Louis Mastrian Dennis McAndrew David McClenahan James McDonald Michael McGannon James McGreal Gus McPhie John Menes Joseph Metz James Metzger Robert Mirguet Thomas Moore Walter Mueller James Murphy Thomas Musbach Thomas Nash David Norris Richard Nowicki Gerald Ondash Robert ONeill Alex Orban Thomas ORourke Martin Parks Thomas Quinn David Reuter Frank Rochon John Rooney Louis Ruggiero Robert Runtz Roger Schinness John Serkownik Bruce Shapiro Joseph Stevens Michael Storey Francis Stuchal Eugene Sullivan Ronald Timpanaro Richard Walsh Michael Ward Daniel Warniment Michael Weigand Martin Wenzler James Williams Gerald Wochna James Woodward Dale Works John Young

Mary Lewis Richard Reusch Mary Schmelzer Louise Weber



Carol Brown Peter Corodimas Sheila Dobransky Maureen Drury Virtie Holley

Total Giving $80,085 23.2% participation Roger Abood Frederick Barr James Bazzoli Emery Bodnar Michael Boyer William Braidech John Brungo Stephen Buday Bingley Burdick Robert Burt William Carr Edward Christie Noel Clark Kenneth Dayson Manrico DeAngelis Ralph DeFranco Richard Doerr Edward Doherty Nicolene Emerson Hans Fellner Edmund Ferrall John Ferrante Joseph Fiala James Flanagan Joseph Gaebelein David Gauntner Lawrence Guzy Robert Heffernan Carl Heintel Michael Hogan John Hurley John Janecek Rudy Jasko Raymond Karcher John Kelly Nicholas Kemock John Kenesey Robert Kolesar Frank Kollarits Timothy Kramer Kenneth Kuechle Kenneth Kurtz David La Guardia James LoPresti David MacDowell Mamie Madge Joseph Matejka Kenneth McCarthy S. Donald McCullough Michael McDonagh Sean McGuan Dennis McSeveney Robert Meyers Angelo Milicia Ralph Nottoli Eugene Nowakowski David Pfalzgraf Charles Prochaska Thomas Quilter Garry Rupp Wolfhart Schubach Stephen Sennott Michael Shemo William Speno Joseph Stenson Ronald Sterbank Norman Suttle

Mary Sweeney Michael Thomas David Thompson Nicholas Tibaldi John Urbanic Raymond Vehar Ralph Walker Joseph Warren Joseph Weiss Paul Welsh J. Joseph Whelan James Winchester David Woods James Worley Edward Zalar Christopher Zegers


Timothy Boylan Josephine Czerapowicz William Fitzgibbons Robert Jackson Thomas Kascak David Lichtenberg Carl Lorenzo Lyle Pauer


Total Giving $18,300 20.7% participation Thomas Alvord Bruce Asmus Vincent Basile John Bodnar John Boland H. William Buckley John Calabrese Henry Cerha Donald Chenelle William Connelly Dana Czmer Edward Dell J. Denis Dempsey Richard Dimmock Bernard Divis Joseph Doran William Drummond John Duffy Matthew Filipic James Fineran R. John Fox Joseph Frederick Roger Freyhauf Ronald Gillenkirk William Gordon John Haller Hil Hornung James Jochum Thomas Jones Douglas Kaputa Thomas Kaufman William Kinsella Richard Kollarits Steve Krajnak Harijs Kruza Leonard Krysinski Daniel Kush Frank Lazzaro Richard Leopold Albert Lucas Richard Lucha Laurence Mackie Thomas Madden Dale Masino Gerald Matyk

Richard Mayfield Warren McFarland John Meder Robert Monnaville Joseph Nunney Joel Parrish William Patterson William Plesec Thomas Pruse Daniel Raleigh Timothy Robertson Dennis Ross Lawrence Ryan Timothy Sauvain Alfred Schroeder Louis Schuster Stanley Sever Thomas Shipka James Small Judy Speno Robert Spicer Gerald Staraitis L. Michael Starr Heidi Stull Clevis Svetlik Thomas Tarpy George Tokesky Ronald Uncapher Martin Vasko Dale Winchell Thomas Wittman Frank Zombek


Mary Bourke Joseph Byrnes Pauline Clark Frank Cotturo Anthony DeCarlo William Filipkowski Diane Fritel Mary Rose Oakar Donalene Poduska


Total Giving $98,651 19.8% participation James Andres Thomas Ashdown Nicholas Bade Anthony Baltakis Susan Barkett Linda Barucky Paul Becka Roy Berger Peter Bernardo Robert Boharic Thomas Callahan Michael Connor Leonard Corpora David Coynik Joseph Csaszar John Daly Andrew Dalzell Timothy David Timothy Davis Z. Harold Davis Patrick Day William Divis James Elshaw Joseph Giovinale Carl Glotz Alan Goldstine Michael Grady John Graham

John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Thomas Grimes Daniel Harrington Steven Henstridge Thomas Hoy James Hughes John Husek Leonard Janchar Roger Joseph Judy Kenson William Ketterer Wayne Krupitzer Wayne Lisowski Ron Mandelbaum Walter Martens Bernard McGinley Timothy Mertz David Meuse Charles Mramer Frederick Nagel James Neforos Philip Norris Stanley Obernyer James Ohradzansky Suzanne Pappas David Penner John Peters William Popovic Jerome Praszek Paul Quigley Rudolph Rehm Morton Reminick Joseph Ribar Fredric Ridel Stephen Rodkey J. Paul Schmidt Daniel Shea Thomas Slavkovsky Robert Sledz David Smayda William Stack David Stenson Harry Sulzer August Supan Gregory Szuter Richard Tomc Kenneth Urban John Weiss Thomas White Jack Winchester Madelyn Worley William Zaffiro Leonard Calabrese Thomas Cashero Charles Ciuni Thomas Clark Timothy Curran Raymond DAngelo Timothy DeHaven Louis DeNinno William Eichenberg Kevin Faubel John Faulhaber Daniel Fishwick Francis Foley Patricia Forman Ronald Franks C. Richard Frishkorn Donald Gehrlein Philip Giacinti Wayne Gleixner Edward Hack Michael Hagerty Robert Hannan Mark Hauserman Jeffery Hawk Robert Heineman Alvin Hensel John Heutsche Mary Hlivak Joseph Hocevar Ernest Hurguy Mark Kadzielski Michael Kanda Richard Kassar Lawrence Kennard A. Gary Klesch Fred Kuhar Daniel MacDonald Michael Malone George Maloney Allen Maragliano Joseph Maurer Philip McKeating Joseph Miklich John Miller Paul Mockenhaupt Louis Mole Ernest Novak Thomas OConnor Thomas Oden John ODonnell Michael Palko William Pappas Timothy Peppard John Pergi Theodore Pope Michael Quinn Bruce Rand Anthony Ricci Leonard Ringenbach Andrew Roth Edward Ruszkiewicz George Schlotterer William Schumacher Jack Sherwin David Sinar John Smith Joseph Sobotka John Soucek William Spellacy James Sullivan Maurice Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Frederick Tarantelli William Trost Richard VanEtten Daniel Zydowicz


Winston Bachmann Barbara Chambers Pat Crisci Rita DeCarlo Suzann DiPaolo Dexter John Glaser Rosemary Hubeny Angela Maloy Mary Roberto Jeanne Schoenharl Jeanne Vild Barbara Witkiewicz Andrew Yaronczyk Jane Zickes



Rosalie Andrews Donna Burovac Rae Folkes Eleanor McCarthy Betty Myers Joan Stelmack Kalman Vizy Norbert Wethington David Wohleber


Total Giving $54,017 19.7% participation Robert Adams Anonymous James Armstrong John Babington Raymond Bartz Stuart Bauder Michael Beck Yaroslav Bihun Michael Bushi Paul Cadamagnani

Total Giving $121,199 17.8% participation Anonymous Christina Atzberger Thomas Atzberger George Aufmuth William Badke Gregory Ballentine Kenneth Banks James Barbour William Baroni Lawrence Blasius Walter Boekley Martha Brinson Sharon Caine Rick Carbone Donald Cernansky James Chenet Edward Christy James Cullen Roger Deike Nicholas DeLucia John Dienes James Galinas Dennis Garriga Robert Geiss Gerard Grim Richard Guinta Jane Hand Hoddy Hanna Michael Hardy Paul Heltzel J. Patrick Herald Thomas Herold Donald Hicks John Iurlano David Janitor Douglas Jenkins Abe Jones Kenneth Keipert John Kennedy William Kirk Frank Knazek Thomas Lewkowicz Mitchell Lison David Lloyd Thomas Lynch William Lynch George Mackey John Malone Robert Mamich Phillip McDermott Phillip Michel John Millikin Robert Moeller Philip Murphy William Nowak

Thomas Nowel Daniel Obringer John Parsons Kevin Patton Robert Petrovic R. Thomas Plunkett Jean Ptacek Mary Beth Quinn Daniel Renehan Milton Roney Edward Ryan Linda Sarnecki Thomas Sarnecki Thomas Scallen Frank Schillace Christopher Schraff Bion St. Bernard Dean Steigerwald Joseph Stoker John Streb Joseph Sustersic Dennis Szweda Leslie Taborosi Allan Toomey James Toomey Robert Valente Thomas Veverka Karl Vrana Raymond Waiwood Daniel Walsh William Ward James Wieser Eugene Wolanski Vincent Yamilkoski Patrick Zook


Kathleen Betz Daniel Dobas Robert Feldman Gustave Fralick Lawrence Friedman Barbara Hayes Melvin Host Anne Macall Nancy Marti Judith McGuire Lillian Nawalanic Roger Nibert Andrew Szaniszlo James Toman Maria Turk Paul Uher Judith Young


Total Giving $135,348 16.8% participation Thomas Ahern Albert Antonelli Kathleen Barr David Beaucage David Bedell Maurice Blanchard Frank Brady Alan Brown Donald Brown Michael Brown Christine Capasso Rocco Carbone Christopher Carmody John Casper Wesley Catri Richard Cicerchi Patrick Condon Thomas Couvreur

Charles Crawley Vincent DAlessandro Raymond Daull James Day David DeMay Kathleen DiFranco Michael DiFranco Daniel DiLucchio William DiZinno Michael Dunigan Andy Durny Robert Faught Anthony Ferris Richard Fridrich Sarah Gale J. Rickey Gibson Stephen Gullo Robert Haas Michael Hatgas Robert Heltzel Edward Heutsche Vincent Isabella Robert Jaeckin Anthony Jelenic Charles Kaps Timothy Kasparek David Komar Donald Korb Frank Kuhar George Kunath Margaret LaGanke Frank Laudonia Gerald Mager Ronald Masterson Frederick McGuire William McGuire John Meehan John Misenko Francis Mitchell Ronald Moeller Martin Mohler Joseph Moran Patrick Murphy Stephen Nypaver John OConnell James ODonnell Frank Piunno Michelle Polins James Reilly Jay Reu William Rose Edward Sandrick Richard Schlitter Gregory Schoen Donald Shina Joseph Skevington Richard Starr Thomas Swope John Tomsic Terrence Tracey Dominic Vecchio Damian Vopat George Vourlojianis Lynn Waiwood Robert Weichel James White Terrence Wichmann Dennis Winchester Gerard Wygant Ivana Yuko


Catherine Dempsey Patricia Dippel Jean Fadil Myrna George


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Elliott Groves Joan Groves Douglas Hertel Louis Joyce Frances Pickett John Valley David Williams


Mark Singleton Geraldine Smith Gary Soeder Raymond Tchou Kerry Volkmann Michael Walsdorf Daniel Welsh John Zarek

Total Giving $27,388 14.2% participation Charles Abbey Paul Armstrong James Bailey Fred Balzarini James Baumbick Michael Berichon Harold Butler Paul Callahan Paul Catalano Mary Margaret Cavera Keith Coolick Rosemary Costello Thomas Costello Michael Crabill William Cunningham John Dachko Cormac DeLaney Thomas Dreher Michael Frederick Jerome Gavin Charles Grebenc James Grendell Peter Hamm David Havrila David Henry Carl Hiteman Michael Jester Dennis Joyce Thomas Keenan Anthony Kenzie Philip Kleinhenz Paul Kovacs Stephen Kresnye Richard Leehr Tim Leonard Michael Lewis Gary Ljubi Jerome Lucas Thomas Madden John Malinky Michael Mannion Victor Matteucci Patrick McMahon Michael Meehan Dennis Metz Paul Milazzo William Mitchel J. Michael Monteleone Leonard Muni Nicholas Nunes Thomas OBrien Dennis Perry Lawrence Podolski Paul Pojman Martin Powers David Price Thomas Ray Janis Rose Joseph Rudolph David Samick Michael Sanson Michael Schall August Selak William Shanahan Lawrence Sigler 28
John Carroll university FALL 2009


Susan Becker David Botnick Rupert Emerson Eloise Fiebig Sophie Kosem Judith Lachvayder-Frazier Virginia Little Bonnie Miller Eileen Mullally Paul Pangrace Lucy Schembri John Sullivan Rosemary Sutter


Total Giving $81,685 18.3% participation Edward Ahern Thomas Ambrogio Patrick Auletta Robert Bensur Jack Bertges Nikki Bondi David Bongorno Donna Brown Edward Butler John Caco Vincent Calabrese Lawrence Cermak Michael Chambers Ralph Chippas James Cogan John Collins Anne Conway Joan Crockett Elizabeth Dabrowski Richard Ebner George Edgar Thomas Eisele Frank Fejes Jos Feliciano Mark Fildes Donald Fisher Margaret Gavin Martin Germ Thomas Gurgol Virginia Gurgol Edward Harrington Michael Hill Patrick Hogan Robert Horvath Robert Howard John Hudec Linda Hurley Carmen Iacobucci Bruce Jarosz Bill Jirousek Thomas Joyce Michael Kelty Stephen Kilijanczyk Kenneth Krajewski Edward Kramer Mark Krochmal Thomas Long Alexis Madden John Marcus

Vincent Marino Thomas McGarril Terrance McGonegal John McKenna Alvin Miller Michael Mullen John Muni James Myers Richard Novacek Betty Nowac Michael Otto Robert Patterson Margaret Petrovic William Petrovic Clifford Radie William Reidy Jeffrey Rogo Alan Romanoski Joyce Salisbury Richard Schmitt Eric Schultz Dominic Scoccola Carl Scruggs Leanne Sensesak Martin Swiatkowski Daniel Telzrow James Telzrow DyAnne Thomas Stanley Walsh Irene Wander Andrea Wasdovich Eileen White Andrew Yonek


Rose Brigneli Wanda Edge Julia Griffith J. Avery Head Rebecca Jefferson Evelyn Jenkins Gunn John Kendel Patricia McGuan Marcella Milota Kathleen OMalley James Petras Rosa Schembri Kurt Schramer Mary Stein Virginia Winchell

Patricia Henry John Hetzer William Hopkins Richard Iacobucci John Janik Patrick Jenkins Richard Kaplar Joseph Kasavich Robert Keenan Peter Klein Robert Kraft David Krahe Mildred Kraus Gilbert Kroboth Charles Kyle Michael Lachman Debra Lavelle Martin Leinweber John Licastro Thomas Malone Pamela Mayeda Nicholas Mazzone Elizabeth McNinch Michael Meredith Dorene Miller Mary Ann Miller Joseph Monroe James Murphy Dennis Muzilla David OBoyle Linda Page Gerald Patno John Pekarcik Philip Peters Richard Petrulis Judith Rosenthal Nancy Sigler Angela Tamburro Robert Terlizzi Katherine Thomas Beverly Thornton James Trausch Joseph Usher John Volpi Martha Welsch A. Michele Wersell Darice Zabak



Total Giving $29,410 13.5% participation Norman Bender John Blaney Michael Bolton Edward Bugner William Caine Catherine Costello Susie Curtis Joseph DeLuca Edward Dickson Maryanne Dokler Joseph Duffin Edward Echan Conchy Fajardo-Hopkins Hugh Fiebig Helen Findlay Gary Frick Hildegard Fritsch Linda Gahr Elizabeth Gesenhues James Gorman Kathleen Grendell Rita Haag

Kay Carr Rosemary Conners Marian Denicola Barbara Goldfarb Charles Nezbeda Jeanna Pisegna Helen Previts Mary Ann Rini Tamara Schilko Marilyn Schultz Frank Slusarczyk Mimi Sobel Michael Sweeny Nancy Welchans Thomas Wilson


Total Giving $62,706 15.0% participation Anthony Antonelli Jean Antonelli Timothy Antos John Arko Kevin Barrett Richard Bedell Thomas Bodle Robert Boehlert

Martha Boerschlein Michael Bunsey Victor Catullo Joseph Curatolo David DAmore Ronald Deneweth James Dillon Carmen Distefano Lawrence Dulay Jon Englander Joan Farrell Thomas Feick William Foderaro Kathleen Fortney Dennis Gallagher Francis Gaul Michael Goodrich Michael Gratson Ronald Grobelny Marc Haag Annette Haile Daniel Hardt Edward Hatgas Nancy Hiltibrand Richard Hyclak Louis Jannazo Francis Keim Dennis Kelly John Kleinhenz Steven Kramer Donald Kuratko E. Gary Laughlin Mary Lynn Laughlin Loretta Marquard Laura Marshall Thomas McCrystal Keiran Menacher Diane Meredith Arlene Mole Ann Monroe Karl Naugle Phillip NiedzielskiEichner Meribeth Ogrinc Kathleen ONeil Fred Pestello Gail Porter Catherine Radie James Rados Catherine Reinhard David Robinson Martin Rupich Carol Sabreen Daniel Sansone James Schade Christopher Schuba Joan Sila Edward Staunton Mark Stewart Jeanne Marie Stumpf John Sullivan Joseph Tasse Mark Telich Peter Tracy Anne Tulig Virginia Turturro Joseph Ursic Joseph Virostek Brian Walsh William Wersell Maria Yaecker Scott Yaecker


Margaret Bruening Mary Caroniti

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Laurie Divoky M. Michael Fagan Josephine Gigliotti Robert Guidos David Hancock Mary Korejwo Karen Lyons Judith Ritzenberg Paula-Jean Stumph Warrene Walcott Charlene Rapinz Richard Rea Richard Ress Kathryn Riedel Mary Robinson Molly Robinson Kevin Roth Joseph Samuelson Ita Schenkel Catharine Schuba Robert Schultz James Searson Rose Sevcik Carl Sly Joyce Snodgrass Joanne Sweeney Joan Ursic Michael Vary Lorraine Wagner Julianne Wanner Daniel Wensing Robert Zotti Thomas Lawrence Patricia Lonergan Joanne MacEachen Maureen McSweeney Joseph Michael Cheryl Morgan John Mulhall George Mullan John OBrien Anton Ogrinc James Pauley Dominic Perri Barbara Pochily William Rainsberger Patricia Rogo William Russo Jo Anne Scaminace Richard Schoen Beverly Schweickert John Senderak Kathleen Senger Kevin Shea Christopher Sheridan John Simon Michael Skerl Richard Stewart H. Gail Sullivan Thomas Supan Stephen Svab Roberta Thompson Elizabeth Trocki James Wagner Thomas Welsh Mark Wester Susan White David Wolfe Paul Wozniak Bill Gagliano Kevin Gallagher Susan Generazio Michael Gorey Daniel Greene Philip Hartman Sally Harvey Debra Hawald Mark Hawald Susan Hellstrom Brian Henke Kevin Hinkel Frank Hlad Robert Juhasz Robert Keir Nancy Knuff Kathleen Kobyljanec Maureen Krol Dennis Lane Demaris LeBlanc Timothy Leddy Diane Lockard Richard Maroun Donald May Elizabeth May Maggie McDonough Kathleen Michael R. Timothy Moroney Joseph Neelon Francis Ogrinc Patrick Palmieri Corinne Patel Urban Picard Maryann Polivka Thomas Renwand Donna Schmidt Peter Schmidt Christopher Smerglia Branka Snajdar-Mismas Jacqueline Stringer Terence Sullivan David Weibel Ann Wenneman William White Leslie DiGeronimo Karen Edwards Mary Egan William Eline Mary Englehart Ann Faist Brian Farrell Daniel Fickes Timothy Freeman Earl Hamlin Timothy Hanrahan Robert Herald Loretta Higgins Gregory Hink William Hoelting Patricia Holly John Jackson Daniel Jacobs Roderick Jordan Ellen Kannen David Kavanagh Charles Kretschmer Thomas Lanese George Lewandowski Terri Lewandowski Bruce Luecke Martin Lutz Barbara Lynch John Martin Mark McGinley Michael Merriman Mary Milcinovic Fred Nelson Terrence OBrien Paul Orovets


Total Giving $36,863 15.5% participation James Blackburn Gary Boncella Daniel Bonder Neal Buckon Pamela Burtonshaw Anne Carey-Pecon Maureen Carr Eileen Cataldo George Christoph Peter Chudyk James Cigler Victor Cook Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis Michael Crotty Molly Curl Deborah DAmore Rita Danks John DeJovine Stephen Detelich Dennis DiGeronimo Joseph DiNovo John Dobrowski Edward Donnelly Mark Donovan Anthony Dorsch Dennis Duffy James Eardly Marian Extejt Joseph Frabotta Bryan Fritz Harry Giallourakis Gary Glausser Kathleen Hoover Daniel Klein Joanne Kleinhenz Karen Kleinhenz Kenneth Kleinhenz James Knuff Gary Knuth Raymond Koloda Kathleen Long Lawrence Lowes Kathleen Lynch Mary Kay Malone Susan Marine Peter McAuliffe Charlene McCarthy Timothy McCarthy Cornelius McDermott William McGah Anne McGorray Cleary Susan McNamee Michael Messina Michael Murphy Susan Navish Thomas Novak Kenneth OKeefe George Palko Victor Perelmuter Patricia Perkins Michael Pojman John Randall


Anonymous Sam Fiorentino Lois Hudson Johanna Kinder Christine Mitchell Charles Roman Eva Stern Linda Urban


Total Giving $26,292 15.3% participation Patrick Anson Joseph Barmann James Bauer Douglas Blakeley Constance BodnarHerron Christine Buttress Patrick Cataldo Carmen Centanni Howard Coburn Thomas Connelly Mary Conway Michael Conway Deborah Cook John Cunningham Victor DiGeronimo Joseph Fox Thomas Fox Robert Frederick Bonnie Freeh Mark Gacka Angelike Giallourakis Joseph Gibbons Judith Gorski David Harrington Timothy Heppler Cloyd Hildebrand Mary Hogan John Horrigan Joetta Humphrey Tim Iacofano Eugene Iannucci Gary Jantonio Michael Jiannetti James Juris Charles Keberdle Susan Kenney William Kern Martin Kinsella Leonard Law


Top Participation by class

year % Participation year % Participation

Howard Bender William Deal Barbara Ebert Mary Farrar Sally Griswold Mary Michael Joan Naugle


1938 1942 1940 1946 1959

100.0 66.7 50.0 44.4 40.2

1948 1936 1958 1943 1964

35.2 33.3 32.7 32.4 31.0


Total Giving $61,321 12.3% participation Leonard Barbe Laura Barrett Terry Bedell John Belli Kathleen Berry Steven Billick Brian Blackburn Valarie Boughman Mary Boyle Thomas Bremer Jeannine Brown-McNeil Daniel CaJacob Diane Carey Sharpe Joseph Cerino Patrick Coburn Andrew Collin Mary Corall Thomas Corall Diane Corrigan John Corrigan Nancy Cunningham Benacci Mark Danisewicz Richard DiGeronimo Thomas Englehart Jerome Faist

Diane Barrett Dolores Black David Borsani Alice Galan Rochelle Gross Mark Jaffee Kathleen Nylen Marilynn Weeden-Watts


Total Giving $47,810 14.1% participation Virginia Arp Ara Bagdasarian Michael Banks John Baran Christopher Beaufait Diane Bellas Remigijus Belzinskas John Blackburn Bradley Bowman Robert Burak Claire CaJacob James Carrabine Grace Carroll Michael Carroll Maureen Costa Raymond Dalessandro Philip Devereaux Susan DiBlasio

Christopher Parrilli William Peruzzi Rosemarie Piening Virginia Pierson Mark Prendergast Philip Rist Anthony Sebastiano Laure Senatore David Somrak Bruce Swartz James Walsh James Weir Stephanie Young


Frances Babic Vida Berlec Robert Blosser Dolores Christie Joanne DeMarco Mildred Foster Ellen Hearns J. Larry Holodnak Margaret McCullough John Moore David Pitts Judie Sylak Gary Truxton Ronald Van Alstyne


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Louis Volpe Barbara Whitaker Donna Zorge


Total Giving $24,630 17.4% participation Grace Adofo Nancy Agacinski Michael Bednar Jean Billick Gary Bloom Pamela Bradley Michael Breier Patricia Brundage Edward Burke Joseph Callahan Bernadette Cavolo David Chervenak Thomas Chialastri Dennis Clunk Mark Costa James Coyne Gina Dalessandro Florence DEmilia William Dragolich Lawrence Duber Loretta Dubray Mary Edgar John Ehrman James Ewert-Krocker Laurie Ewert-Krocker Richard Farrell Rosemary Floccari Julie Garofalo-Hussey Albert Giammaria Laura Giammaria Karen Greco Mary Haas McGraw Michael Hamlin Alfred Hess James Hoddick Michael Horning Charles Hoven Peter Hughes Daniel Juris Scott Kahn George Kappos Edward Kelley Michael Keresman Mary Kirby Jeffrey Kraus Thomas Kromer James Kulich Linda Kupiec Paul Lange Gregory Louis Gilbert Macali Mary Mackessy Richard Mackessy Kathleen Mayer Karen McCarthy Robert Meilinger Joseph Miglionico M. Elizabeth Monihan Stephen Moynihan Michael Murray Catherine Newell Brian Niec Robert ODonnell Michael Pappas Jane Perchinske Phyllis Petroff Michael Pierson Lori Pietravoia Michael Poremba 30
John Carroll university FALL 2009

Ann Ray J. Norman Riley Mary Riley Elizabeth Rinz Eileen Rodgers Timothy Rowell Patricia Rupich John Sanders-Reed James Schaefer Thomas Schultz Susan Sevcik Kevin Sever Scott Smiley Laura Smith John Taormina Danita Thomas Robert Turocy John Walsh Catherine Weir Bernard Wiederwohl Daniel Young Brian Zinner


Timothy Fenske Philip Kirk Margaret Mason Sandra Sikorski Carl Walz


Total Giving $51,533 14.2% participation James Antall Susan Antall Thomas Armagno Mary Therese Barrett Christine Bavola Sharon Bellassai Wanda Boudinot Carl Brunello Thomas Burland Judith Caine Kevin Caine Frank Cappello Dennis Coughlin Richard DeChant Julie Delaney Judith DeLeonibus Fedele DeSantis Robert Donelan Raymond Dubray James Edgar Lee Ann Eline Jackie FassingerRossell Margaret Finucane Thomas Finucane Kathleen FitzGerald Michael Gordon Matthew Gulling Thomas Heilman Debra Holy Patrice Hulseman Mark Hutchison Rick Jeric Roland Karthan Robert Kasper Maureen Katanic Kurt Klausner Catherine Kopanski Brenda Kristof P. Daniel Liska Mary Ann Luecke Aileen Magnotto William Mahnic

Julianne Malloy David Marshall Amy Martin James Martin John Mastrantoni Michael McCarthy Donald McGuire Catherine Melfi Bobbie Miller Thomas Mockler John Moeschberger Robert Monitello James Myers Shirley Novak Kevin ONeill Anthony Palermo Jeffrey Piening Barbara Plum Diane Quinlisk Margaret Rabal Donald Rose Edmund Rutherford Eloise Rutherford William Sampson Mary Stalter-Gulling Gary Szelagowski John Tortelli Kevin Whalen Cheryl Wilson Beth Wright Mark Wysocki Michael Zaksheske Thea Zimmerman


Allen Aungst Ronald Birch James Buckley Barbara Comienski Paul Flament John Lawler Peggy Miles Kathleen OConnellBurton


Michael Keller Joseph Kennedy Stephen Kinney Anna Kmetich John Knapp James Koenig Catherine Kooser Donald Kusek Karen Lahl Peter Langenhorst Michael Latsko Pamela Liska Thomas Loeffler Michael MacIvor James McBride Brian Mell Mariann Moeschberger Jeffrey Mog Judy Mog Mary Carol OBrien William OBrien Joseph Ogrinc Frank Omerza Richard Pacyna Catherine Plichta James Plichta Anthony Raguz Richard Rice Preston Rocco Kevin Schaffner Michael Schmidt James Schmitt David Short Suzanne Shoup Alice Simon Paul Sparrow Patrick Sweeney Frank Syracuse Myron Terlecky Anthony Vespoli R. Jeffrey Walters Lisa Wiant Peter Wile Carl Winger Terri Zupancic

Total Giving $198,721 12.4% participation Anonymous Ronald Ambrogio Margaret Bach Denise Balint David Beleny Linda Bickerstaff Dawn Bloom Marianne Breen Thomas Carr Patricia Carroll David Chepke Michael Cleary Brian Coughlan Michael Coyle Frank Curtis Lynne Fugate Nicholas Gemma Clare Grady Peter Grady Dennis Hareza Harold Hawk Teri Hembree Julie Hepfer Robert Hostoffer Emily Ingram Robert Jenskovic Theresa Jeric Elizabeth Kasper


Ted Andrzejewski Robert Beach Katherine Cross Joseph Grieco JJ Gufreda Ihor Hlohowskyj Anthony Iezzi Sherman King Paul Koballa Judith McLaughlin James Meier Margaret Ocepek Jo Rochelle Luke Smrdel Elizabeth Vollstadt


Total Giving $87,324 13.3% participation Lorie Armagno Sarah Baran James Beirne Thomas Biltz William Bolton Barbara Brown Charles Brown Domenica Cappello Cindie Carroll-Pankhurst Christopher Chalko

Frank Cicco Ann Marie Condo Susan Coppedge Kevin Coyle James Coyne Donald DeBrakeleer Paul Dickard Rocco Dolciato Charlene Donelan Deirdre Donnelly Corinne Dupuis Mary Durkin Christopher Ebert P. David Everett Cheryl Eynon Vincent Fazio Umberto Fedeli Mark Finneran Suzanne Fortunato Elizabeth Gruttadaurio Joyce Hayes Rebecca Hennessy Virginia Hess Daniel Hilson Scott Hoffacker James Holler James Hopkinson Paul Hulseman Susan KatalinasRodrick Mark Keelan Michael Knoblauch John Knuff Julie Knuff Brian Koenig Rita Konfala Keith Kubach John Lane Beth Langenhorst Anthony Lemut Thomas MacPherson Gregory Marlier Arthur Matteotti Mark Mazzu Judith McBride Mark McDonnell Charles McGarrity Michael McGarry Richard McKenna Mary Alice Mecke Ann Mell Eileen Meyer Maureen Morley Marjorie Mulanax John Mullen Robert Parrilli Elaine Randolph James Redford Jeff Savarise Mary Ann Sekerak John Spellacy Mary Stanton Elizabeth Sweeney William Thompson David Urig Randy Viviani Robert Wake Suzanne Whalen Kathleen Zima


Virginia Bossu Barbara Davis Carol Freund Helen Joyce Mary Jane Linn

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

James Maletta Kathleen McMahon Charles Palsa Christine Palsa Frank Russo Albert Skrabski Carol Tevis Ann Tobbe Susan Weiler Clara White Madelon Queenan Megan Raleigh Daniel Reynolds Lidia Richani Manuel Rodrick Laura Rohozen Sandra Ryan Peter Schmidt John Schneeberger Eileen Sindelar-Ivan Stephanie Sivak Deborah Solyan Lisa Sullivan William Sullivan Janet Todaro William Urban Jennifer Van Petten Mary Vitale Thomas Wancho Elisa Weigard Rebecca West Allen Wiant Debra Wolter Robert Zienkowski John Magyari Draga Marusic Michael Mawby Michael May Maidie McGarry Edward Mohler Elizabeth Montgomery Barbara Moore Jeanine Mooren Eileen OConnor Donna Ogonek Michael OGrady Thomas OLeary Colleen OToole Vincent Pompili Daniel Ranke Patrick Reardon Barbara Riedel Frank Roddy John Rybarczyk Stephen Sasala Susan Sheehan Linda Smolik Mark Smolik Robert Venables Michele Kisthardt Timothy Kozar Dan Krane Jeffery Linker Letitia Linker Amy Malloy Jill Mancini Sean McAndrews Sean McCauley Maureen McCormick Michael McCuen Anne Mintz Linda Mlinarcik Anthony Nader Joseph Najjar Maureen OLeary Merre Phillips Suzanne Pompili Jay Rachfal Elizabeth Randall-Dodd Timothy Reid Mark Reinecke Shirley Reynolds John Roddy Karen Shankman William Sikora Gerri Slavkovsky Thomas Smith Joseph Sweet Joseph Szente William Vary Ellen Wych Jeffrey Your Michael Znidarsic Anne Kish Christopher Klocek Jean Kloos Christine Kramer Richard Kramer Maria Magee Michael Mahon Jeffrey Malicki Caroline Malloy Linda McCorkle Christine McHugh Regina Morris Arlene Moseley Erika Nace Annette Nader Richard Ogrocki Vincent Passerell Marcia Pecek Robert Pecek Suzanne Pfeiffer Genevie Prangle Mary Raguz Paula Reape Charles Rini Margaret Salamon Michael Salamon Deborah Scanlon John Scanlon Lisa Sferra Brenda Shellenberger Jane Sikorovsky Ann Smrekar Maureen Spooner Susan Stojanovski Ann Sutphin Nock Robert Tangredi Joseph Timko Gigi Togliatti-Rice John Tomczak Andrew Toth David Wechter Martin Williard Carol Young Susan Zimmerman


Total Giving $105,248 12.5% participation Maureen Adler Sharon Allen Thomas Barrett Kathleen Bayun John Bleacher Joseph Bokar Eric Botnick Richard Cenar Dennis Chevalier Barbara Cully Jane Cunin Kevin Cusack Thomas DeDonno Adrienne Dennis William Donnelly Rita Esposito Sheila Fandrey Arlene Fedorchak Heidi Figas Carrie Foliano Ann Fortin Craig Fortin Thomas Fox Daniel Frate Jeanne Gallo James Garvey Monica Garvey Maureen GarveyMcDonnell Richard Glass Denise Green Susan Grover Sheila Gulick Christopher Holecek Eric Jochum Patty Jochum Thomas Joly Elizabeth Jordan Joseph Keller Patrick Kennedy Carolann Kerner Timothy Killeen James Kisthardt Mark Koberna Mariann Krebs Bolton Jane Lambesis Cheryl Lucas Charles Mahanor Nitsa McClatchey John Mlinarcik Ryan Mullaney Susan Mullaney Diane OBrien Jane OBrien Robert OBrien Edward Ogonek Joseph Omahen Louis Onders Mary Kay OToole Steven Passwaiter Robert Porter Julie (Pucher) Quattro


Beverly Brodsky Gretchen Dean Sharon Goldman Leona Sterbank Nancy White



Total Giving $64,567 12.7% participation Anonymous Terrill Anthony Gregory Baldini James Barrett David Baumgartner Roy Beck John Bedell James Bindas Gail Bode John Breen Mary Brett Mary Jo Burwinkel Michael Carswell Daniel Conway Edward Cooper Daniel Corrigan Sarah (Stohr) Cotrupi Donald DAmore Michelle DAmore Carol DeFrances Mary Dispenzieri Bridget Dolnosich Susan Donnelly Stephen Forystek Allen Gabrenya John Gallagher Denise Geisler Nick Gravino Robert Hager Michael Heben John Herber Karen Hostoffer Michelle Jech Jerome Kozon Timothy Lach Michelle Laird Kimberly Lenner James Liggett Mary Liggett William Loftus Kirk Ludwig

Molly Berger Karen Buchanan Raymond Champa Ned DeLamatre Ruth Fawcett Sandra Groudle Ellen Kelly Jamie Kovarik Sarah Mack Carol Newman Donald OToole Michael Pallini Anne Raspey Patricia Suminski Mary Sweeny


Sally Bosley Dorothy Grim Andrew Ivan M. Patricia Johnson Nancy Polk



Total Giving $25,150 10.5% participation Anonymous Steven Ahlers Guy Ballard Mary Beth Bedell Richard Bloom Lawrence Blum Ellen Cannon James Cannon Brian Clarke Mary Culbertson Margaret Currier Harriet Davidson Robert DiNardo Alice Dugal William Durkin Gregory Fichtner Susan Gurgone Mary Hager Akos Harmat Christine Harris Christopher Harter Thomas Healey Stephen Healy Joan Hinkle Robert Hinkle Mary Beth Hogan James Hopkins Teresa Isaac Joanne Jenovic Dolores Kimberly

Total Giving $26,680 12.0% participation Anonymous Michael Anderson Peter Apicella Leslie Bakkila Grace Barber Cynthia Bellian Shannon Cain Rita Carroll Heather Cassell John Cigas Dina Cirino Robert Cirino Mary Ann Coleman Kathryn (Larson) Conway Salvatore DAngelo Howard Dobbins Carole Donnelly Daniel Dreiling Edward Dufala Cathy Fichtner Christian Ford Sharon Frum Mary Gaertner Michael Gaertner Eileen Gerity Joseph Gurgone Tanja Holecek Margaret Hopkins Paul Joyce William Kahl


Alice Ferfolia Mary Frank Patricia Harris Michele Iammarino Michael Mayhugh Nicholas Milcinovic LaVonne Miller Carl Stump


Total Giving $85,140 11.9% participation Alice Bean Margaret Beggy William Bergen Philip Bevilacqua James Bisheimer John Blase Susanne Brockman Joseph Buchtinec Mary Bunker H. Brian Burkhardt Mary Cannon Pamela Cermak Cynthia Clemente David Clifford John Clifford Marty Connell Roseanne Corrigan August Culotta


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Linda DeCocker Kara Dombroski Karen Dufala Julie Evans Mary Freeman Maria Fuscaldo Norma Geller Christin Giangreco Gary Giangreco Robert Graff Susan Hering Michael Humenik Rick Incorvati Colleen Joyce Margaret Judd Anita Kazmierczak Kelly Kearney Michael Koubek Margaret Kuhlman Kathy Landrum Mary Lavin Daniel Leamon Karen Levis William Lock Mary Anne Machado Mary McDermott Irene Meyerhoefer Leo Miller Ronald Mingus Fenton Moore Maria Moore Terence Moran Ellen Moreau John Morrissey Barbara Nemeth Robert Nemeth Kelly Otter Thomas Perovsek Kevin Randall Vincent Rattini Anne Redmond John Rock Patti Rosenfeld Paul Rossman Maria Ruane Sheryl Scheerer Christine Semarjian Jeffrey Smart Bonnie Spitznagel John Vaccariello Laurin Vaccariello Samuel Walker David Welshhans Daniel Wolf Shannon Wolf


Glorianne Bohinski Carol Fiorelli Bela Fischer Catherine Hlohowskyj Valerie Libman Mary Melton Mildred Niehaus Kimberly Reilly Aurelie Sabol David White


Total Giving $13,082 13.0% participation Holly Abitz George Alaimo Edward Arcand David Baldwin 32

Ann Bergen Nancy Bernard Brian Brugger Sharon Byrnes Audrey Cercelle Timothy Cercelle Louis Chorich Anthony Ciavarella Maria Cronin Elizabeth deVente Lynn Dezelon Kathleen Donohue Stephanie Dreiling Eric Edelman Christopher Feczko Edward Fike Francisco Galvan Christine Gawronski Thomas Giordano Judith Glenn-Gauntner David Gravelle Thomas Guest Michael Hogue Catherine Huber Patrick Hurley Andrew Juhola Heather Kaznoski Dianne Kenny Timothy Kernan Suzanne King Frank Kovac Ellen Kramer Joan Lauer Donato Lepore Michelle LoSchiavo Julie Maloney Mark Maloney Elizabeth Manthei Laura Mather Meredith McCreary Michael McGarry Frank Meszaros Christine Mingus Judith Mondry Beth Murdy Michael Murdy John Murphy Edward Nicosia Christine Olexa Daniel ONeil Sheila ONeil Sandy Opacich Jeffrey Paravano James Peternel Rita Piccin Martin Randal Lori Randorf Robert Reyes Lisa Rock Allison Rohde Cynthia Russell Patrick Ryan John Saada Paul Saluan Cynthia Sech John Slagter Ann Stiltner Brian Stiltner Megan Tilles Mary Lou Toler Roy Tomko Marcianne Touchette Shawna Townsend Gregory Van Niel Sabrina Williard

Gary Willis Frank Ziegler


Ruthanne Anderson Katherine Callahan Linda Catanzaro Nancy Dobras Christine Fishman Alan Haber Juliette Madigan Marjorie Mellon Doreen Mittinger Sally Morley Linda Revay Anne Robinson Nancy Rosenzweig Ann Seabright Thomas Seabright Donna Studniarz Mark Wessels


Total Giving $18,560 11.4% participation Margaret Adams Lisa Almeter Laura Asseff Mary Baldwin Sue Bares Beth Biltz Jane Bohinski Robert Bohinski Kathleen Bond Scott Brennen Kevin Brown Michael Cain Shaun Carey Sarah Caserta Michael Collica Michelle Conkle Anne Costello Kenneth Curley Cathleen Cusack Lawrence Daher Teresa Dolinar Gregory Dubbs Patricia Dubbs Jennie Femec Christopher Gaugler Michael Gebura Pearl Graham-Johnson David Granger Julie Granger Kathryn Gravelle Martin Gruhler Janice Haber George Hanzel Andrew Hoffman Lev Holubec Sharon Hrusovsky Judy Hubbard Megan Juby Richard Juby George Kanieski Valerie Kanieski James Kenny James Kerner Kris Koch Joseph Koshay Philip Lombardi Patrick Longo Michele McGarry Karen McGinty Keith Merritt

Lori Mertes Anthony Micheli Lisa Miller Robert Mohney Kathryn Moosavian Justin Murphy Kathleen Murphy Lisa Murphy Michael Murphy Mary ODonnell Siobhan OLeary Joellen ONeill Michael Petras Phillip Pruner Maureen Reilly Christine Riggle Ellen Roberts Kevin Roberts Thomas Rogers Jeffrey Rummel Debra Ryba Steven Ryba Lisa Scaffide Mary Beth Schram Mary Taylor Christopher Weber Virginia Wendling Julie Williams John Yusko Maura Zagrans


Judith Aungst Patricia Bertschler Robert Cichanski Deborah Cohen Pamela Jones Yvonne King Nancy Koons Carolyn Oakes MaryJo PiunnoLackamp Elizabeth Ray

Michelle Koester Kathleen Laffey Ann-Margaret Lambo James Lambo Julie Lazor Robin Leasure Deborah Leccese Catherine Lombardi Mary Mahoney Melissa McGuire Timothy Morgan Patrick Murphy Kristin Oberheu Erica OLeary Colleen Olszewski Michael Olszewski Thomas Pelon Stephen Prelock Michael Rastatter David Rastoka Shawn Robertson Thomas Roche J. Michael Schaub Joseph Schmidt Sheila Sexton Lauren Sobol Leonard Soeder Suzanne Sullivan Susan Swain Walter Sweeney Madeleine Thomey Stephen Tirpak Julieanne Turnley Shin Umezu Brigid Weiller Christian Yorka



Total Giving $23,095 9.8% participation Joseph Behm Christine Bradley Jill Brdar Robert Brdar Christopher Calo Susan Carney Jessica Cook Francesco DiGiannantonio Sandi DiSalvatore Thomas DiSalvatore Erin Dittoe Elaine Dobransky Kevin Fanning Timothy Forrestal Matthew Gaebelein Michael Galloway Marie Gieseler John Griffith Thomas Gulick Brian Haggerty Michele Harlan Kristin Hogue Daria Jakubowycz Theresa Jennette Matthew Johlie Amy Jones Amalya Karnavas

Brian Bontempo David Crozier Susan Freimark Constance Koss Lisa Lenhart Agnes Maynard Lynn Rosen John Schetter James Vokac


Total Giving $526,369 7.2% participation Julie Bjorkman Thomas Bluemle Mary Jane Breen David Brogioli James Burke Michael Burke Virginia Burke Richard Cinalli Mariano Corte Michael Cummins Rebecca Cummins Michele Daniher Timothy DeGeeter Martha DiGiannantonio Donna Fabe Ronald Falconi Scott Ferraro Tami Fischer Leigh Fox Carla Gilenko Danielle Gruhler Laura Haggerty Daniel Hewitt Matthew Hils

John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Michelle Hils Tina Hivnor Scott Hivnor Amy Imro Richard Jablonski Mary Pat Janowski Patrick Kelleher Geoffrey Laughlin John Lazor Mary Lynn Loversky Laura McGuinness Margo Meola Jennifer Modesti Kimberly Moore Carol Anne Nelson Joyce Nelson Michael OConnor Alison Otterman Peter Otterman Susan Pero Marsha Peters David Poplar Robert Powers Paul Prosperi Alexander Quinn Judith Quinn Richard Radke Stanley Rhodes Pamela Rozic Elizabeth Rummel Richard Sack Christopher Schlaak Pamela Schlosser Gina Sergio John Slatniske Michael Snelling Colleen Sommerfeld John Taborosi Michael Taylor Mary Beth Tirpak Mark Waner Victoria Ward Maura Yarbrough M. Alisa Yorka Ronald Zucca Paul Etzler Guy Fabe Thomas Feddrix Brian Fors Michael Gaugler Thomas Gibbons Jennifer Gilliland Etheridge Stephen Gleydura Michael Haver Mark Henderson Terri Hennessey Melinda Jacob Michelene Jardine Carolyn Jirousek Erik Johnson Carolyn Kilbane Thomas Kilbane Dawn Kruger Brian Kuczinski Michael Lascu Kathleen Lee Mary Liang Peter Mancuso Molly McNally Karin McNulty Marc McNulty Karen Micheli Colleen Miller Dianne Milton Mark Molnar Mary Molnar Joseph Mullen Kathleen OBrien Alicia Paradise Douglas Poss Margot Poss Catherine Powers Andrew Rabkewych Christie Radke Jason Recard Michael Rozic Mary Runfola Gina Schmidt Christopher Schwallie Kathleen Shearer Michael Stefanek Jeffrey Stiltner Gregory Wargo Elizabeth Weiss Julie Zaleski Kristina Zugan Steven Zugan Mark Zuzek Andrew Dennee Anne Dennee Rebecca Dinnen Karen Edwards Michael Elsner Anthony Fasanella Pamela Ferraro Chris Fette Sherry Foulkes Donna Frank Brian Gagnon Kathleen Gleydura Janet Goodman Stacy Gray Mary Guisinger Edward Guzowski Laszlo Harmat Julia Henderson Gretchen Heutsche Elizabeth Higgins John Hogan Gerald Hrenko Suzannah Hrenko Karen Jewett Timothy Jewett Suzanne Kane Dale Kaprosy James Kavalec Kimberly Kirby Susan Kost Laura Krebs Patrick Krejci Linda Kresnye Anthony Leccese Kenneth Liang Fredrick Lytle Giles Manias Rachel Manias Matthew McCurdy Laura Miller Robert Miller Shawn Mitchell Christopher Mulchin Michelle Mulchin Bonnie Oskowski Larry Oskowski Denise Pebbles-Heller Thomas Peppard Christine Picard R. Bradford Raitz Michael Roeder Jennifer Sachar Scott Scavuzzo Dawn Schmitt Michael Schrage Mark Schreiner Mark Shearer Pamela Shields Douglas Shostek Judd Smith Lori Sprague Wendy Steiger Monica Steiner Theodore Steiner Donald Sweeney Elaine Szalay Raymond Szalay Christian Warzocha Kristin Warzocha Kurt Wolter Christopher Yarris Michelle Yarris Lisa Blackwell David Buckle Katherine Gall Cheryl Kanzinger Louisa Matthias Daniel Thomeier Joseph Veverka Mary Warren Amy Resch Christopher Ricchiuto Kevin Robinson Curtis Ross Gerald Rudowsky Julie Rudowsky David Sabath Laurie Salatino Kerri Salvino Edward Scheid Debora Schmitt Carolyn Sennett Eleanor Shelton Cynthia Shumaker Lara Slatniske Lisa Smiley Shanna Smith Anne Spicer Jeannine Spinola Alexander Spinos Renee Timbrook Mark Vasiliauskas Susan Vasiliauskas Paul Voinovich Sean Walsh Matthew Warnement Candace (Gash) Welter Amy Wheeler Nicole Yingling Lana Zachlin



Dalia Armonas William Baus Eileen Bricker Karen Broer John Chamberlin Nancy Hatgas Joseph Sabik Robin Schade Peter Tuttle Amy Zucca



Total Giving $16,456 6.8% participation Jay Bahr Deanne Bauer Joseph Bettendorf Stephanie Boshart David Buckiso Nicholas Ciulli Andrew Daniher Patricia Davis Brian DeLap Roseanne Deucher Christina Dinges Robert DiRocco Thomas Doyle Lorianne Dyke

Kenneth Konchan Timothy Lanese Cynthia Young


Total Giving $18,490 8.1% participation Edward Ash Elaine Bahr Gregory Bauer Thomas Bernot John Biegel Nicole Biegel John Burley Julia Castagnero Andrea Ciulli Donna Clifford-Klein Vincent Close Monica Coreman


Thomas Bauer Thomas Bennett

Total Giving $60,859 10.3% participation Renee Albarano Sarah Alzamora William Barrett Robert Baxter Timothy Bayne Kathleen Beckwith Robertson Bertrand Nicole Bourrillion Kathy Bozimski Michelle Burchfiel Brian Burk Juan Calzada Mark Carlson Teralyn Carlson Patrick Carr Laura Caserta Robert Castagnero Renee Close Michelle Cook Danielle De Weerd Nada DiFranco Peter Duggan Andrea Lynn Earley Andrew Ennis Kimyette Finley Marcy Gainer Terrance Gainer J.T. Garabrant Gregg Geldart Kathleen Gerba Timothy Gill Karen Goetz Joyce Griffith Elizabeth Guzowski Angela Harrivel Nicole Hilbert Stephen Hilbert Annie Kahl Loraine Kalic Kristen Kemp Margaret Ann Kirian Jennifer Kitchen Bridget Kobus Jason Kopczak Susan Krejci Siobhan Malave Brian Marita Angela McCurdy Salvatore Mileti James Miller Victoria Miller Patrick Moriarty Laura Musgrave Dina Neuman John Pakiela Mary Jude Pakiela Christine Pavelka Jonathan Petrus Amilia Pickerill James Pollpeter Elizabeth Pruchnicki Randolph Pruchnicki Michael Reichart


Ellen Barrett-Gisser Melissa Batista Susan Bradley Paula Canfield Susan DAngelo Mary Catherine Jacob Anita Kazarian Rachel Legerski Thomas Malito Barbara Maxwell Bonita Morris Emily Schetter Jennifer Sebastian Susan Tatom Deborah Weinstein


Total Giving $12,564 8.1% participation Rose Abood Anne Bayne Carolyn Bohm Ellen Calvello Michael Colyer Francine Costantini Michael Costantini Matthew Cox Bryan Davis Jacqueline Davis Anne DePerro Danielle Felice Adele Fini Patricia Flowers Gabe Galioto Julie Garvin Camilla Geraci Jennifer Gerborg Veronica Gerken Jeanne Haberer Elizabeth Henton P.J. Insana Victoria Insley Jay Kelley


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


J. Patrick Klus Kenneth Konet Deborah Kreuz Molly Kuczinski Keith Langham Ines Lascu Annmarie Lyons Michael Lyons Heather Macks John Macks Mark Madeja Mary Marita Misty Matin Jill McCormac Colin McIntyre Kimberly McNally Kathy McPhillips Sherri Mowinski Gerald Nannen Annette Nassali Mirsat Nikovic Thomas OLinn John Panza Dennis Percy Donald Phillips Amy Pohl David Powell Kathryn Purcell Brian Robinson Karen Rugai Moran Robert Joseph Sandrick Richard Skotzke Elizabeth Slanina Joseph Slanina Joanne Smith Michelle Stevens Barbara Swanson Thomas Telesco John Thorne Nicole Trombetta Michelle Vis Michael Warbel Sean Williams Jeffrey Yost Jennifer Yost


Kristine Basiter Margaret DeGulis Carol Diedrichs-Himes Denise Doberdruk David Holz Casimir Karbowski Mary Jane Kirbus Tamara Lott Christopher Lynch Jeffrey Mostade Anne Richman Gerald Sgro Rodney Sheets Cynthia Trivett Mary Walsh Robert Windle John Wright Lawrence Zierler

Erik Boland Judith Bourne Jonathan Boyle Leah Cavanaugh Jonathan Chambers Erik Chiprich Frank Colaprete Kelly Cunningham Martin Desmond Yolanda Duncan Amy Dunlap Roslyn Ellerbusch Michael Evrard Christopher Felice Kevin Floyd Timothy Gallagher Julia Gerdeman Gregory Gleine Joseph Haverstick Julie Herceg Shannon Hotek Jozsi Jalics Jonathan Kase Jason Kessen Jennifer Kos Ellen Krueger Mary Madeja Robert Marsh Allison McCallum Tina McCarthy John McGuire Gary Niederpruem Valerie Nowak Paul Nungester Stephanie Porter Stephanie Potter Victoria Potts Gregory Preisel Eugene Rivel Jeffrey Sesplankis Gordon Short Jacqueline Skotzke Jason Sprunk Jason Stevens Brian Unk Elizabeth Unk Vittoria Utterback Nancy Verhoff-Martin Arthur Ward Mary Warren Sandra Zerrusen



James Benchek Paul Bosley Stephen Canfield Thomas Chirumbole Brian Harper Lydia Hill M.J. Celeste Krejsa Marjorie Moore Steven Niehoff Jeffrey Orzolek Lynn Shoda Mary Therese Slota Mark Ursu

Angela Bielawski Joseph Bielawski Joseph Bigler Laura Bigler Bryan Bishop Lynn Butler Anne Cleary John Click Andrew Close Kelly Close David Davis Monica Dragoman Daria Dreboty-Cerimele Mihaela Dwyer Carrie Ennis Amy Evrard James Floyd Robyn Floyd Elizabeth Fullerman Andrew Henton Joyce Holloway John Huszczo Theresa Laheta Christine Leak Jill Ledin John Meany Nicole Merdes Ryan Miday Caroline Morse Joseph Morse Rebecca Mueller Mollie Niederpruem Erin Norton Laurie Olver Matthew Olver Jane Panza Jessica Paprzycki Scott Paprzycki Mayme Patthoff Ernest Petti Brian Polian Stephen Potashnik Ignatius Qian Katherine Rochon Ronald Romanini Natalie Sabo John Samol Laurence Santagata Vincent Shemo Eric Steiner Sheri Terens Andrea Tracy Andrew Tulenko Steven Voinovich Lisa Wade Maria Zaczyk


Total Giving $12,131 7.7% participation Allison Abbamonte Timothy Abbamonte John Bardwell John Bartels Jennifer Beno Tina Beskid 34


Total Giving $9,487 7.1% participation Carlin Adrianopoli Anthony Affatato James Aldom Christopher Anderson Ami Armbruster Elizabeth Bacon

Barbara Apanites Gail Arnoff Eve Bendezu Diana Herhold Joseph Hope Paul Karbowski Timothy Lahey Karen McCrystal Michael Neely Michael Radenkov Martha Walters

Ryan Bode Rebecca Brown Timothy Burke Amy Choe Bradford Darr Gretchen Darr Theresa Day Heather Delsing Mark DiDonato Jay Donato Beth Drinan Kevin Drinan Ryan Eskridge Laura Gore Erin Greco Noreen Halley Dana Haney Jason Jankowski Amy Koester Brian Koester David Kovass Dana Kublis Maassen Carolyn Kucharski David Kucharski Jeffrey Laheta Daniel Lambert Nyla Lambert Sean Lavin Christopher Lembach Michael Lipinski Sara Martin Carrie McVicker Ian Meyers Stacy Miros Gregory Muresan Kerri Nowicki Stephen Nowicki Alan Panteck Jill Panteck Nicole Powell Kristin Previte Loren Ranaletta Maria Reale Jodi Romanini George Schaefer Jennifer Scherschel John Schmidt Alex Schmitt Ian Schoen Alison Scolaro Cheryl Skoczen Elizabeth Sloan Samuel Subity Artie Taylor Jason Valent Gina Voinovich Sarah Wilson Christine Wolken Steven Wolken




Total Giving $9,012 6.9% participation Kelly Affatato James Aschenbrener Kimberly Bischof

John Browngardt Linda Buckle Jennifer Carr Rosemarie Cinalli Lea Echan Judith Franchina George Frank Kathleen Koci Susan Lober-Bower Timothy Oden John Percival Roderick Russell Brenda Sobodosh Eileen Teske Tedd Wagner

Total Giving $11,438 9.0% participation Julie Adrianopoli David Anderson Charles Aquino Giselle Bardwell Angelo Barile Sarah Bass Emily Berdell Erin Biehle Daniel Boyle James Boyle Barbara Burkardt Rita Burke Vincenzo Catalano Colleen Chimenti Steven Chimenti Erin Clark Keith Cockrell Kaitlin Connelly Christopher Costanzo Lisa Craze Julie Curtis Dennis DiDona Joseph DiPasquale Michael Dolan Richard Donley Brian Doyle Renee Doyle Richard Eslich Meitra Fakult Frank Feola Nicole Finefrock James Flach Aaron Frazee Kerry Gallagher Margaret Galligan Peter Gast Robb Giambrone Jennifer Giordano Monika Glazar-Stavnicky Matthew Griswold Rebecca Griswold Stephanie Grohar Erin Hartnett Jenifer Hebda Halliday Brian Horvath Amy (Bakos) Iannello Monica Johnson Jeffrey Kempe Sara Kovass Ursula Lecznar Jonathan Leebow Molly Leiter Anita Lembach Joanna (Rosati) Lewis Jeffrey Longsworth Gregory Martin Kirstin Martin Andrew Mayle Jill McAuley Kevin McAuley Stephen McKenney Daniel Memo Shane Mignogna Carrie Minardo Brian Murphy Aaron Muttillo Seamus OMahoney Susan OMahoney Bridget Patton Maria Podsiadlo Amanda Polito Colleen Potanko

John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Thomas Reilley Michael Reitz W. Patrick Rond Ted Rosati Megan Ross Monica Russell Michael Salgat Barbara Schoen Jerry Schuplinski Michael Shields Margaret Skinner Erin (Collins) Soroosh Jean Spinosi-Rond Angela Spitalieri Michael Stelmack Stephen Udycz Karen Westover William Wetzel Resaca Whipkey James Wideikis Rochelle Young Melanie Shakarian Lisa Stelmack Angela Susnjara Stephen Trudick William Wade



Ruth Connell Catherine Grover Richard Mausser Georgeta Schwartz



Gary Cepis Donna Levy Mahli Mechenbier Linda Sipos Alisa Warshay


Total Giving $5,570 4.8% participation Michael Baron Joseph Cerni Denise Ciulla Moira Conway Jennifer Costarella Douglas Dentler Laura Dolan Brian English Ilia Estremera Jennifer Feola Toni Fink Valerie Gerbus Jennifer Gruber M. Stephen Gruber Kristen Haag Michael Haag Michael Hofherr Christina Horner Hilary Keberdle Bridget Kennedy Christopher Kerr Jenilia Kostko Kathleen Kovacina Robert Kraft Katherine Lavelle Kelly McGlumphy Christian Meade Heather Meade Erin Memo Kristen Mignogna Christopher Miklich Lisa Miklich Angela Monateri Victor Nolan Jaime Onk Jeremy Onk Timothy Rankin Jeremy Rayl Kristin Redenbaugh Daniel Schmidt Alyssa Schmitt Jerome Schmitt Frank Sciarabba

Total Giving $9,530 5.1% participation Laura Bevier Michael Bogdan Patricia Boleky Jeffery Brust Krista Burke James Burrows Molly Calvey Timothy Corrigan Jill DiPiero Anibal Estremera Bryan Fialkowski Ronald Frey Christina Heintel Christopher Heintel Meghann Hubach Jared Huelsman Joseph Jagodnik Kevin Klein Michael Kovacina Garth Leggett Molly Lynch Kenneth Majewski James Martines Laurel Maurer Rebecca Misencik Valerie Moyer Dorothea Nondorf Hickey Thomas Parish Ann Pederzolli Bogdan Melissa Powell Gerald Sabin Amy Santos Nicholas Scolaro John Shiga Bryan Sillaman James Simon Kelly Simon James Slivanya Jeremy Sobeck Lindsey Sobeck Samantha Sommer Meghan Starr Jason Therrien Susan Tober William Toler Katie Topolewski Ardie Tragesser Matthew Weber Emily Wieshuber

Total Giving $7,937 6.3% participation Victor Alexander Kimberly Baga Brett Becker Paul Beckwith Sarah Brainard Jack Brown Wesley Catri Tara Cerni Jason Codispoti Kimberly Codispoti Gary Cooper Richard Davidson Karen Dougherty Amanda English Daniel Ernstberger Sarah Ernstberger Mark Fernando Bridget Fox Paul Franz Jennifer Gohring Maria Haller Joseph Humphries Kathleen Jagodnik Brendan Kavanaugh Corey Klein Dana Klein Stephen Large Erin Marotta Michael Marotta Nicholas Mehall Amanda Nemeth Gregory Nichols Rico Piccirillo Thomas Reed Charles Reiman Jason Rodesky Richard Rosen Philip Ryan Gretchen Sabin Nadia Sajovie George Sample Raechel Scarchilli Gregory Schetter Susan Schmitt Daniel Schrag Laura Sterk Jennifer Sturm Alexis Sullivan Becker Tara Tatman Bryon Thornburgh Joseph Toula Michael Voute Susan Voute Andrea William Scott Wilson Jessica Zuik


Total Giving $3,364 6.2% participaton Kristin Barclay Jennifer Basa Joseph Brankatelli Guy Bucci Jessica Buehner Molly Connaughton Jeffrey Cook Emily Copeland Jeffrey DeChellis Katie DeGennaro Alice Demyanick Buchanan Brian Devlin Eloisa Diaz-Insua Kristin Dudas Carla Falasco Leia Fanelli Matthew Ferri Padriac Finnerty Stacy Gilfillan Thomas Goebel Kevin Harrison Mairghread Johnson Eamon Kelly Michael Kiene Elizabeth LaGamba Laura McCaskey Kathleen Morris Allison Murphy Alyssa Nayden Thomas Nayden Matthew Nist Brooke Novak Janine Novick Ann Ortega Allison Parsons Kirk Pohto Cheryl Pokrywka Jennifer Popik Thaddeus Poweski Gina Prodan Jessica Proellochs Jason Reynolds Sarah Rodak Colleen Ryan Michael Salinsky Lauren Santoriella-Meek Ann Schneider Megan Shiga James Sigmund Theresa Sran Katherine Upton Patrick Vrobel Jamie Wacker Lina Wallace Sandra Wright-Esber



Natasha Ferguson Linda Hill Erin Killeen Ileen Linden Paula Metz Wendy Shonk James Solether Matthew Wilkins

Darlene Andler Judith Cetina Patrick Ferrante Cari-Ann Hickerson Michelle Koach Brian Murphy Karen OHara Jeanne Petarra-Weeks Norman Schmidt William Scott Allison Spinos Reed Tepper


Timothy Cherney Brice Civiello Paul Clapp Margaret Cost James Day Ryan Dieter Stephanie Dishauzi Gina Dowell Susan Downey Jackie Eaton Michael Edgar Erin Eiser Nada Faddoul Santino Fanelli Kathryn Ferguson Nicole Flores Rebecca Gellott Margaret Harrison Ryan Hirko Joseph Hoelzle Gregory Holcomb Dennis Horvath Katherine Hyduk Kimberly Knoch Darice Kopcak Katherine Kormos Lisa Krall Lauren Lovell Wildali Lugo DeJesus Lindsay Marciniak Erik McKay Jessica McKay Antoinette Mileti Ryan Neumeister Ryan Paugh Joseph Petro Eric Piechowski Jordan Pogorelec Allison Quaresma Peter Range Lindsay Recktenwald Patrick Riley David Roberts Joseph Schauer Kevin Scott Kenneth Sinagra Candice Smith Theresa Spada Rebecca Story Erin C. Sullivan Erin M. Sullivan Cara Sulzer Matthew Sulzer Jennifer Swanger Jessica Talbott Cheryl Tanko Kristen Taylor George Theofilos Erika Thomas Andrew Wolken John Zaluski

Catherine Anson Tracy Engle Marc Richards



Total Giving $5,833 8.5% participation Anthony Baker Todd Belinky Erin Bendycki Christina Bernard Mark Bittenbender Randall Bosley Amanda Calabro

Jacquelyn Baker Catherine Blasier Jessie Blasier James Dickerson Kenneth Honecker Katie Lazarowicz John Manka Kristina McConnell Marguerite Murphy Quynh Nguyen Ilene Rehfuss Martin Reynolds


FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Craig Steinbrink Phillip Westgard Stacey Wielgus Charlene Wilson-Duncan



Total Giving $3,817 6.9% participation Timothy Batkiewicz Margot Benjamin John Brennock Tiffany Brick Daniel Corall Joshua Czerwinski Luis DeJesus Sarah Demarte Michael Fanous Kathryn Federico Eric Floriani Carla Gall Erica Gilson William Grant Gladymar Guzman Michael Herald Elena Hess Kimberly Hetzel Margaret Hickey Melissa Holodnak Francesco Iacobelli Julie Iammarino Jacqueline Jarosz Matthew Jaworski Erin Joyce Maureen Joyce James Kaemmerer Joanna Lefebvre Olga Lerner Kristin Lonergan Gregory Lopez Mark McDowell Megan Miller Connor Mullin Catherine Myers Maura Nagel Kristin Netzband Clinton OBrien Kristen OHare Anne OReilly Monica (Ference) Orlando David Redig Meghan Riley N. Shawn Robinson Joshua Robson Adam Roggenburk Kyle Sandberg Lauren Slawinski Elizabeth Stoops Michelle Stuhler Shannon Tagliarina Brian Walsh Molly Webster Lindsey Wells Scott Wiles Michael Woolley


Margaret Hoare Anita Kidd Christina Malinowski Holly Rieman-Bell Laura Scott

Total Giving $5,677 8.9% participation Colleen Andrassy Mark Antonelli Meghan Banks Adam Bodell Joan Braun Blair Campomizzi Shaun Castorano Andrew Ciccolini Joseph Corsaro Thomas Daly Stacey DeHoff Frank Eich Stephanie Engel John Ferron Joanne Finley Kevin Fitzpatrick Douglas Foster Carmelo Franchina Erin Gilmore Bethany Glassbrenner Erik Gorman Maeghan Gorman Jennifer Gotch Tricia Graham Kelly Gruber Zachary Hall John Heil Richard Hemme Andrew Holodnak Stephanie Hovan Jessica Jennings Christen Kempton Julie Klemens Paul Konrady Lauren Koster Stephen Kotris Katherine Leckenby Andrew Luciana Jeffrey Lupica Patrick Mallott Sean Martin Alexandria McKenna Michelle Mirowski Maria Nainiger Connor Nathanson William Navarre Randa Nemer Brendan ODonnell Jacob Oresick Kristin Pietrasiewicz Cyril Pinchak Maria Plecnik Shamika Reese Maggie Regan Angelica Rhea Nicole Rishel Michael Santangelo Kathleen Saunier Janine Solomon Megan Sommer Christopher Swartz Rebecca Taft Megan Theller Rachel Trapani Joseph Wachtel Jill Weidlich Joseph Yusz Jessica Zimmerer


Dennis Arko Trevor Bernard Theresa Carlin Robert Cassidy Megan Clark Charles Corsillo Susan Curtis Christopher Dorrance Karen Kastor Laura Morabito Darlene Morales Robert Pennington Kathleen Philipps Mary Schneider Lars Schvartz Daniel Teater Sara Tyburski


Total Giving $3,762 11.5% participation Maria Adenwalla Melissa Anderson Michelle Anderson Peter Aubry Andrea Ball Celestina Barile Justin Boruch-Dolan Michelle Branaghan Lauren Calevich Svijetlana Celan Scott Churchill Melissa Cigoi Catherine Conlisk Eileen Cooper Jason Craciun Michael Cuddy Dana DeNoi Michelle Dunphy Zachary Egnot Katherine Fazio Daniel Finucane William Fishleigh Rae Foisel John Francis Lauren Fraser Megan Gaffney Christopher Geraghty Carrie Gillespie Wendy Godbey Kristen Gorisek Kristen Harkey Jennifer Hipp Elizabeth Holowecky Meghan Hummel Lisa Iafelice Brian Jacques Jadallah Jadallah Lauren Jimenez Aaron Joslin Danielle Kensinger Stephanie Kinsman Megan Kolupski Halle Kozink Jonathan Krol Paul Lazuka Eric Lewis Frank Luckino Tony Macedonia Joseph Madigan Michelle Manzoian Mark Matthews Charles McCarthy William McKenney

Brent McWhorter Ryan Mekota Jason Miller Melissa Murphy Katherine Obloy Laura Pareso Karri Peck Clayton Petro Christina Phillis David Pogachar Kenneth Poleski Daniel Ralph Amber Repp Joseph Rich Vanessa Rodriguez Julie Scarpo David Schneider Jonathan Schneider Michael Sciandra Mark Seddon Elizabeth Smietana Nathan Smith Jeannine Stiglitz David Sypert Michael Szafraniec Marina Timush Sean Trees Rosanna Violi Natalie Volkin Erika Wager Jennifer Whiteleather Brandon Wosotowsky Stephen Yonto Josh Zamiska Alisha Zapor


Russell Bell Victoria Bell Tina Bosman Jacqueline Doyle-Davis Allen Guisinger Ann Hoelzel Juliet King Sarah Kolis Erin Lewis Kevin May Eileen McNamara Varnish Arden Nelson Rebecca Rumsey Ellen Smedley

Samantha Fernandez Caitlin Gall Margaret Gleeson Jacob Glover Jessica Gordon Amy Gourniak Kathryn Grodek Michael Hall Courtney Hanak Thomas Haren Laura Harkey Marc Hartmann Jacqueline Hicks Christopher Hooton David Kaszar Jeffrey Knipper Joseph Konrad Christina Kyrkos Amanda Maggiotto Bryan Mauk Rachel Morse Joshua Nugent Carla Provenzano Laura Ramdhan Theodore Reardon Rachel Rex Ryan Riggs Theodore Robbins Timothy Roberts Ashley Russo Rina Russo Rebecca Rutherford Paul Schroder Sarah Seavers Amanda Shannon Lisa Shano Jovanna Silipigni Jeanne Stiglianese Sarah Stroney Shannon Telling Louis Volino Bethany Wall Timothy Warner Kylie Wilhelmy Mallory Wiltshire Benjamin Winings Danielle Zavarella



Total Giving $2,192 10.4% participation Christine Andres Bethany Bachman Derrick Bendau Marisa Benich Jamie Bigley Carl Blankschaen Meryl Borato Edward Borowy Boris Bosnjak Joseph Buescher Elizabeth Caldwell James Catanese Timothy Clymer Rachael Couchey Thomas Dietrich Danielle Dietzel Steven Downie Joktan Drake Jeffrey Evans Joshua Ewing

Anonymous Kathryn Boerner Barbara Breslin Nicholas Chiorian Timothy Daley Samuel DeGennaro Aimee DeMuro Meghan Feran Lisa Judge John Hofherr Jennifer King Rosemary Kinsworthy Betsy Kohn Nicole Michael-Adams Christopher Nelson Katherine Riley Lara Roketenetz Eric Siemborski Megan Strok


Total Giving $105 0.6% participation Haley Bishop Trisha Carey Ashley Frakes Ashley Ortiz


John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

2008-2009 DONORS
Donors By Dollar amount
Over $250,000
Anonymous (2) Estate of Mildred P. Bach Mr. and Mrs. James C. Boland 62 * Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boler 56 Estate of Janet Boockoff Jack 56 and Mary Jane 91, 94G Breen LS Estate of Anthony N. Culicchia Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dailey TC Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Glickman SS John Huntington Fund for Education TC Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Miller The Ohio College Access Network John and Barbara 62, 67G, 80G Schubert SS Mr. Thomas R. Skulina 55 LC Dr. Alan R. Stephenson Cleveland Foundation LS Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Fleischman Jr. Mrs. Margaret F. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hardy 69 LTC Charles S. Hymers Jr. John Carroll Jesuit Community Corporation LS Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges LC Mr. and Mrs. David W. Short 81 SS Skirball Foundation Elizabeth C. Smith Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Korb 70 Mr. Michael Lynn Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mastrantoni 80 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. McDonough 52 SS Mr. and Mrs. James J. McDonough 55 SS Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McGarrity 82 Medical Mutual of Ohio Mr. and Mrs. David R. Meuse 67 Ryan 83 and Susan 83 Mullaney SS Mr. James J. Neforos 67 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. OConnell 61 SS Mr. John J. OConnell Jr. 70 LC The ODonnell Family Trust William 59G and Frances OHearn Estate of Dr. John L. Porter SS Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Schmidt 81 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith 62 RS Mary Lu and George 58 Wasmer Kevin B. 80 and Suzanne M. 82 Whalen * Xymogen and Brian 77, John 78, and James 75 Blackburn

carroll Fund Giving Societies

Presidents Forum schell society (ss) $25,000 and above lavelle society (ls) $10,000 $24,999 rodman society (rs) $5,000 - $9,999 Donor clubs loyola Club (lC) $2,500 - $4,999 Founders Club (FC) $1,886 - $2,499 tower Club (tC) $1,000 - $1,885 Donor names followed by SS, LS, RS, LC, FC, or TC indicate members of John Carroll giving societies (see above). For more information on the Carroll Fund or to make a donation, visit givetojcu or call 1-800-736-2586. Names in italic/bold denote donors who supported the Carroll Fund. Deceased * Individuals and organizations that supported John Carroll University through matching gifts.

$5,000 - $9,999

$100,000 - $250,000

$10,000 $24,999

$50,000 - $99,999

Anonymous Estate of Rev. James A. Conry Mr. and Mrs. Umberto P. Fedeli 82 LS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Ferrante 53 George Gund Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Hawk Jr. 81 LC Mr. Dennis M. P. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Metzger 53 The Burton D. Morgan Foundation The QUIKRETE Companies SS Ronald and Patti 87 Rosenfeld RS Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schilling 53 * Dr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Subcasky 52, 54G Frank and Helen Williams Vecchio Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Walsh Sr. 69 SS Mr. Sean C. Walsh 94 SS The Walsh Foundation SS Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Winchester 70 SS Mr. and Mrs. James E. Winchester Jr. 65 SS Mr. and Mrs. John O. Winchester 67 SS

$25,000 - $49,999

Allyn 64 and Susan Adams SS * William Bolton 82 and Mariann Krebs Bolton 83 Estate of Joyce Callahan Ernst & Young Foundation TC * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Frate 83 SS GE Foundation LC * Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hamlin Sr. 49 SS Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heltzel Jr. 70 Jochum Moll Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Kinney 53

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Auletta 72 RS Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barrett Jr. 84 RS The Beck Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John E. Blackburn Sr. 78 Blue Gold Club Eva L. and Joseph Bruening Foundation Mr. Vincent C. Campanella 63 David and Joan 72 Crockett LS Crown Battery Mfg. Co. Inc. LC Nancy Cunningham Benacci 77 LS * Estate of Richard D. Deems Mr. Albert J. DeGulis 56 LS Deloitte Foundation LS * Corinne L. Dodero Trust for the Arts & Sciences Bill 83 and Sue 84 Donnelly LS Mr. James M. Doran 55 Executive Arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Fejes 72 Walter and Kathleen Joyce 74 Fortney LS * Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Grace 63 LS Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Guinta 69 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Hanna III 69 LS Mr. William J. Henkel 58 Hugoton Foundation Amo and Margaret 87 Judd Mr. Mark A. Kadzielski 68 LS Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Kaps 70 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bud Koch LS Kulas Foundation Rev. John A. Leahy 60G, 62G Thomas & Margaret Lynch Charitable Trust * Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Maroun 77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Merriman 78 LS Thomas 84 and Maureen 85 OLeary LS Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Olivier 57 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP * Estate of Lucian Przybysz Mr. and Mrs. James S. Reid Jr. LS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sansone 74 LS * SC Ministry Foundation Lawrence 56 and Martha 71G Selhorst Don 51 and Mary Anne Shula LS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Smiley 51 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sullivan 53 LS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Sussen 51 LS Vulcan Materials Company LS *

Anonymous Mr. Jon J. Altman 53 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ambrogio 72, 78G RS American Jewish Committee Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Barrett 53 RS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Belli 77 * Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bergen 87 Mr. Kenneth Bevington William C. Bloomstine 54 RS Bowden Manufacturing Dr. and Mrs. Brent G. Brossmann Dr. Claire A. CaJacob 78 RS * Vincent and Corine Chiarucci RS Mr. and Mrs. James D. Clark 57 * John P. 72 and Holly B. Collins RS Ms. Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis 75 and Mr. Edward J. Davis RS Mr. and Mrs. James A. Coyne 82 RS Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crnkovich 53 * Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. DeHaven 68 RS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Deneweth 74 Fred and Brittan DiSanto RS Dixon and Carol Doll Family Foundation RS James Drake and Therese Sweeney Drake RS Guy 92 and Donna 91 Fabe * Fluid Line Products, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Garofoli Mr. and Mrs. George G. Goodrich 64 Grant Thornton Foundation Ms. Annette L. Haile 74 RS Bob 84 and Mary 85 Hager RS Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hamlin 79 Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Heintel Jr. 65 RS Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hetzer 73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Hilson 82 TC Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hoelting 78 * Mr. Francis J. Hovorka 57 Mr. James J. Hummer Bruce 72 and Deborah Jarosz Dr. Evelyn Jenkins Gunn 72G RS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Judy 61 RS Ms. Elizabeth B. Juliano Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kahl 62 RS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Kennard 68 RS Thomas 63 and Sally Kilbane RS Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kirsch RS COL Kurt A. Klausner 80 Mr. A.G. and Mrs. Anita Klesch 68 RS KPMG Foundation TC * Richard 86 and Christine 86 Kramer RS Ms. Marilyn R. Kuczynski 81 Eleanore and Edmund Kudey Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Leiden Jr. 55 RS Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Leiden 62 LC The Lubrizol Foundation * Ms. Margaret M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch 50 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Magnotto 60 RS Michael 73 and Diane 74 Meredith * Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Monitello 80 * Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Monteleone 71 RS

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Murch Foundation RS Mr. and Mrs. James M. Myers 80 RS Mr. Justin R. Noetzel 40 * Mr. Gerald P. OMalley 62 RS Ms. Kathleen ONeil 74 and Mr. Joseph M. Incorvaia RS Princeton Tool Inc. Estate of Rose Mary Prosen Estate of Norette Przybysz Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner FC Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Rehm 67 RS Rockwell International Corporation Trust RS * Mr. Franky Ross St. Vitus Church Joseph and Jo Anne 76 Scaminace Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Schmidt 83 Christopher 74 and Catharine 75 Schuba RS Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schwallie 55 RS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherwin 68 RS The Sherwin-Williams Company * Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Siemer 59 RS Skoda, Minotti & Co. Mr. Carl Sly and Ms. Jennifer Edwards 75 Robert F. Sly Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Snider 49 Richard 51 and Joan Spittler RS Ms. Marilyn R. Studer 59G COL Allan A. Toomey, USA (Ret) 69 Mr. Robert A. Valente 69 RS Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Walsdorf 71 RS Mr. J. Joseph Whelan 65 Dr. Thomas J. Zlatoper FC Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Zwierlein

$2,500 - $4,999

Alcoa Foundation * Anna Ansberry LC AT&T Foundation FC * Bank of America LC * Ms. Marguerite M. Bergen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Beringer Sr. 53 LC Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Bertges 72 Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloomstine Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund * Campus Coolers Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cigler 75 * Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Condon 70 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Corrigan 63 LC * Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Corrigan 01 Rick and Sherry Dandrea Richard 65 and Marilyn 93G Doerr Mrs. Florence B. Druckenbrod Enterprise HVAC Service & Control Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Farrell 78 Mr. and Mrs. Jos C. Feliciano 72 LC Ferro Corporation Thomas and Lauren Fitzgerald TC FM Global * Mr. Dennis P. Gallagher 74 LC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gibbons 49 LC * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Glod 58 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gradowski LC Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gries LC Mr. Michael J. Haver 92 * Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hogan 72 LC Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning 79 LC Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Huettner 60 Mr. Patrick J. Hynes 54 LC IBM Matching Grants Program LC * Mr. John C. Kent 64 LC

Key Foundation FC * COL William C. Kirk, USA (Ret) 69 LC Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Koltz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Lang 64 * The Laub Foundation Matthew and Lisa 90G Lenhart George 78 and Terri 78 Lewandowski Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew J. Merella 57 Monsanto Fund LC * Mr. James E. Murphy 73 LC National Association of Black Accountants Mr. John and Mrs. Karen Nestor * Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka * Robert 83 and Diane 83 OBrien LC * Mr. Thomas OConnor 68 and Ms. Mary Bomba LC Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James K. ODonnell 70 LC Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Panichi 57 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Paravano 88 LC Dr. William T. Peruzzi 78, 80G Mr. Frank R. Piunno 70 The Progressive Insurance Foundation FC * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn 64 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Raleigh 66 RAV Financial Svcs. Inc. LC Mr. James T. Reilly 60 LC Carol and Charles Rini Sr. LC The Ritz-Carlton Cleveland Mr. Kevin W. Schaffner 81 * Mr. and Mrs. Boake Sells Linda Janchar Sinar Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Starr 70 Jason 96 and Michelle 95 Stevens * Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard Terry 50 LC Mr. Robert E. Troop Verizon Foundation LC * Wachovia Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program LC * Byron and Eileen 72, 80G White LC * William 77 and Susan 76 White LC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Yonto 42 FC Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Zajac *

$1,000 - $2,499

Mr. Timothy Joseph Abraham 58 TC Carlin 97 and Julie 99 Adrianopoli Advanced Appraisal Services Inc. Thomas J. Ahern 70 Alpha Sigma Nu Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Apicella 86 TC Apple Growth Partners, Inc. James David Atten 59 and Georgia Derrick Auburn Records Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Barbe 77 * Robert 60 and Susan 67, 93G Barkett TC Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bausch 60 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bergold * Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Bernardo 67, 72G John 93 and Nicole 93 Biegel * Dr. Julie M. Bjorkman 91 TC Dr. Robert Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Boekley 69 TC Robert 89 and Jane 89 Bohinski FC Ms. Sandra M. Bonnot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bosch 53 FC * Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bracken 59 TC Mr. James K. Breen 62 Thomas and Louise 76G Brick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bridgman 55 Dr. Carol A. Brown 64G TC Donald 70 and Donna 72 Brown TC CH(LTC) Neal J. Buckon, USA 75 TC Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Burak 78 *

Sr. Judith Burchyns, CSJ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burland 80 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Cachat 41 TC Mr. Richard E. Cachat 42 TC Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Caine 56 FC Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Callahan 50 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Carroll 51 TC * Dr. and Mrs. John L. Carroll 58 TC Timothy and Rita 86 Carroll TC Richard 58 and Dolores 78G Christie Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Chudyk 75 TC CITGO Petroleum Corporation TC * Ciuni & Panichi Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Clunk 79 TC Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Coburn 43 TC Cohen & Company Mr. Philip R. Collins 63 FC Columbus Foundation TC Community West Foundation Anne C. Conway 72 TC Dr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Cook 59 TC Cooper Tire & Rubber Company TC * John 62 and Angela Crilly TC * Mary Cullen TC Mr. John M. Cunningham 76 TC Tony 66G and Rita 68G DeCarlo Mr. and Mrs. Cormac B. DeLaney 71 TC Phil and Julie 80 Delaney TC * COL and Mrs. Arthur C. Dister 55 FC Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dodd Jr. 62 TC Dr. Maryanne Dokler 73 TC Dr. Teresa M. Dolinar 89 TC Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program TC * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Dwyer 51 TC Mr. Richard D. Ennen 51 TC Excel Medical Management LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Exline Peter 60 and Miriam 61G Fabien Falcon Industries Inc. TC Mr. and Mrs. John F. Faulhaber 68 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Faulhaber 55 TC Fay Sharpe LLP Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter Fegen 59 Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Nancy Ferro TC Mr. and Mrs. Chris F. Fette 93 TC Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Fitzgerald 62 TC Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald FitzGerald 51 TC Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fitzgerald 60 * Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Flasck 63 TC * Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fleck TC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flosi TC Folk Foundation TC Mr. and Mrs. Franz J. Forster 60 TC Dr. and Mrs. R. John Fox 66 TC Mr. Howard P. Frain 62 TC * Mr. and Mrs. John M. Froehlich 64 TC Ms. J.T. Garabrant 94 TC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gazdic 64 TC Mr. Michael J. Gebura 89 * Albert and Norma 87 Geller Mr. and Mrs. David Raymond George 63 TC Dr. Elizabeth K. Gesenhues 73 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Gillen 51 TC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gillen 55 FC * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ging 63 TC Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ginn FC * Joseph Gorski Trust Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grant 59 Mr. Thomas Grimes 67 and Ms. Karen Kibler TC Mrs. Sally Griswold 76G TC Mr. Richard Gross *


John Carroll university FALL 2009

2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hansler TC * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Harrison 49 FC Ms. Angela R. Harrivel 94, 96G Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harter 53 TC Dr. Michael J. Heben 84 Mr. Robert Heffernan and Ms. Lisa Wintermute 65 TC David 71 and Patricia 73 Henry TC Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herald 64 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Hinkel 77 Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Hiteman 71, 74G TC Scott 91 and Tina 91 Hivnor Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hogan 48 FC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Honecker 04G TC Keith and Kathleen 75 Hoover FC Howard, Wershbale & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Howe 51 TC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hoy 67 TC Dr. John A. Hudec 72 TC Human Arc Corporation Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Insana 95 Intel Foundation TC * Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Isaac 57 Timothy 93 and Karen 93 Jewett TC Paul 86 and Colleen 87 Joyce TC The Hon. and Mrs. Dennis R. Joyce 71 TC Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kassar 68 TC Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kavanaugh TC Mr. Richard A. Keeney 54 TC * Mr. Luke P. Kehoe 51 TC Mrs. Jean G. Keller TC Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kelty 72 TC Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Kenehan 60 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kennedy 69 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kerg 56 TC David and Carolann 83 Kerner Dr. and Mrs. William F. Ketterer 67 TC Estate of Richard J. Kindel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Kinney 81 TC Mr. Bradford and Mrs. Georgene Kinsman TC Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Klepac 64 FC Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kmieck 45 TC Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Koehler 60 TC * Mr. Frederick A. Korey 50, 66G FC Mr. and Mrs. Ivan M. Kralik TC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kromer 79 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Krukemeyer 58 TC Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Krysinski 66 FC Dr. and Mrs. James F. Kulich 79 TC Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kunath 70 TC Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Kuratko 74 TC Dr. David La Guardia 65, 67G and Ms. Lisa Mencini TC Peter and Jane 83 Lambesis TC Mr. Dennis Lane 77 and Ms. Denise Geiger TC Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lane Jr. 82 Peter 81 and Beth 82 Langenhorst TC * Mr. Louis H. LaRiche 54 TC Ms. Barbara C. LaRose E. Gary 74 and Mary Lynn 74 Laughlin TC Thomas 60, 62G and Mary 64G Lewis Mary Margaret Lewis-Friel and Brian Friel Ms. Maureen F. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lillis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David F. Lloyd 69 TC Ms. Diane L. Lockard 77 TC * Lubrizol Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luby 57 * Bruce 78 and Mary Ann 80 Luecke TC * Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lyons III 60 TC Ms. Julianne M. Malloy 80 Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Mandelbaum 67 * Mr. Michael B. Mangiarelli 61 TC Mr. Rayford A. Mann * Marathon Oil Company Foundation TC * Mr. and Mrs. William P. Marks 59 TC Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Martin 59 FC Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mason 60 FC * Ms. Laura J. Massa Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Matteotti 82 TC Robert 58 and Agnes 90G Maynard Arthur B. McBride Sr. Family Foundation TC Mark and Mary McCarthy Mr. Patrick N. McCarthy * Mr. and Mrs. S. Donald McCullough 65 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McDonald TC * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McFarlane 63 TC Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McGervey 61 The McGinness Foundation, Suzanne McGinness Trustee Mr. Patrick E. McGinty 58 TC * Mr. Colin S. McIntyre 95 * Thomas and Molly 92 McNally TC * Mr. and Mrs. Gus McPhie 64 TC Dr. and Mrs. John J. Meehan 70 TC Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Meier 47 TC Michael Klein and Catherine Melfi 80 TC * Merrill Lynch and Co. * Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Merritt 89 FC Miceli Dairy Products Co., Inc. Joseph 76, 83G and Kathleen 77, 84G Michael FC Shane 99 and Kristen 00, 01G Mignogna * Ms. Antoinette Mileti 04 Ms. Stacy A. Miros 98 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mockenhaupt 68 TC Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Mohler 70 Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Monastra 56 Ms. Darlene Morales 06G Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran 53 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moran Jr. 57 TC Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moran 58 FC Mr. Hugh J. Morgan 51, 53G TC * Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Moriarty 43 TC Mario M. Morino Trust Mr. John A. Morrissey FC Dr. Marian J. Morton Mr. Brian Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy FC Ms. Susan B. Murphy Mr. Alfred P. Musci 42 TC Anthony 85 and Annette 86 Nader FC Nationwide Insurance Co. TC * Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Navratil NE Ohio Chapter Institute of Internal Auditors Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neubert 51 TC Mr. and Mrs. John M. Newman Jr. FC Richard and Elizabeth Nijoka Mr. Robert F. Nix 58 TC Dr. Arthur J. Noetzel 38 Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Norris 55 TC The Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust TC * Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Norton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nowak 69 TC * Lois A. Ohlemacher Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. OKeefe 75 Ms. Helene ONeil Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Orban 64 TC Mr. and Mrs. Antoun Oska Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pacyna 81, 86G TC * Parker-Hannifin Corporation * Mr. and Mrs. William K. Patterson Sr. 66, 80G TC Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pellegrene 58 TC Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Petras Jr. 89 FC * Ralph A 49 and Jane Pfeiffer Plante & Moran, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. William T. Plesec 66 TC Dr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Plunkett 69 Mr. Robert J. Politi 42 TC David 95 and Melissa 01 Powell * Michael and Genevie 86 Prangle TC Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Preisel 96 * Mr. and Mrs. Chuck J. Priefer 63, 67G Procter & Gamble TC * The Quality Castings Co. FC Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Quigley 67 TC Mr. and Mrs. Jerald J. Rachfal 60 FC * Mr. David A. Rastoka 90 TC Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reali 58 TC Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rhode 55 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rice 81 TC J. Norman 79 and Mary 79 Riley TC * Kevin and Mary Riordan TC Dr. and Mrs. Philip P. Ripepi 56 TC Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rooney 64 TC Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi Jr. 62 TC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Roznowski 60 TC RSM McGladrey, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rudibaugh * Dr. and Mrs. Garry H. Rupp 65 TC Mr. Wilmer M. Rutt St. Francis De Sales High School Mr. and Mrs. John M. Samol 97 TC Mr. George A. Sample 02 and Ms. Tanya Williams Sample * Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Sauvain 66 TC * Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Savarise 82 TC Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scanlan 57 TC * Dr. and Mrs. Philip W. Schaefer 56, 57G FC Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schempp 56 TC Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Schlimm 56 TC Thomas 91 and Pamela 91 Schlosser * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Schmidt 90 * Paul 53 and Kathleen Schmidt Gerald 60, 65G and Beverly 76 Schweickert TC Second Generation LTD Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy Shea 67 TC Mr. J. Gerard Sheehan and Dr. Julie Keller TC Ms. Kim Sherwin Sigma Phi Epsilon Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Smiley 79 Mr. Edmond J. Sobey Southwestern Ambulatory Surgery Center TC Squire, Sanders & Dempsey Estate of George A. Stanton Jr. TC Rev. John J. Sullivan 71G TC Brian and Lisa 83 Sullivan TC Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Sullivan 62 Mr. Thomas C. Sullivan Sr. Tarolli, Sundheim, Covell & Tummino, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tarpy 66 TC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Timpanaro 64 TC Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Toles 59 FC Mr. John A. Toth 50 TC Dr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Urban 63 TC Joseph 73 and Ana Usher TC * Mr. and Mrs. George D. Vaul 56 TC Mr. and Mrs. John D. Volpi Jr. 73 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Waldeck 56 FC * Mr. Samuel D. Walker 87 *

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Walton TC Mary Warren 93G TC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wasserbauer 54, 58G TC Brigid Reilly Weiller90, 96G TC Gerald and Deborah 95G Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Wetzel 53 TC Ms. Deborah L. Wilson TC Dr. and Mrs. James M. Witting 59, 60G Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Wolford 63 TC Mr. James F. Woodward Jr. 64 TC Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wright 63 TC Michael and Kathleen 82 Zima * Mr. Daniel Zittnan *

Under $1,000

Anonymous (7) A.B.V. Corporation A.M Design Group Inc. Ms. Sylvia Aarons Timothy 96 and Allison 96 Abbamonte Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Abbey 71 Abbott Laboratories * Mr. C. Michael Abdalian Robert and Holly 88 Abitz * Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Abood 65, 67G Ms. Rose A. Abood 95 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Abowd 54 Accenture Foundation Inc. * Ms. Barbara A. Acton Mr. Cyrus K. Adams Mr. Jonathan D. Adams Richard and Margaret 89 Adams Ms. Mary A. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Adams 68 Terry and Sheldon G. Adelman Ms. Maria S. Adenwalla 07, 08G Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Adick Mary E. Adkins Roger and Sandra Adkins Eric N. Alder Charles and Maureen 83 Adler Grace Laast Adofo 79 Advantage Partners Inc. Anthony 97 and Kelly 98 Affatato Ms. Nancy Agacinski 79 Marcia Aghajanian Mr. Edward J. Ahern 72 Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ahlers 85 Aloyzas Aidis Aircooled Auto Ms. Sharon E. Airhart Mrs. Theresa Akuszewski Mr. and Mrs. George A. Alaimo 88 Ms. Renee M. Albarano 94 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Aldom 97 Ms. Mary Kay Aleksandrovic Robert and Katie Alexander Ms. Lisa M. Alexander Mr. Victor B. Alexander 02 David and Sharon 83 Allen Mr. Eric Allman Mr. John Neuhaus and Ms. Diane Allyn-Neuhaus Ms. Irma Almasi Mrs. Lisa Tower Almeter 89 Ms. Joan Y. Aloia Mr. Kenneth L. Aloia Ms. Toni L. Aloia Mikhail Alterman Ms. Deloris A. Altig David and Eileen Altobelli Mr. Thomas J. Alvord 66 Michael and Sarah 94 Alzamora 40
John Carroll university FALL 2009

Ambiente Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Ambrogio 81 American Endowment Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Post 336 American Lithuanian Seniors Club Mr. and Mrs. Lowell L. Amick 61 Ms. Angiolina Amoroso Mr. and Mrs. David A. Amos Geza Andahazy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Anderson 97 James and Cynthia Anderson Dr. and Mrs. David G. Anderson Mr. David G. Anderson Jr. 99 Ms. Melissa M. Anderson 07, 08G Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Anderson 86 Ms. Michelle L. Anderson 07, 09G Ms. Ruthanne Myers Anderson 88G Doug and Sheila Anderson Dr. and Mrs. William B. Anderson 58 Mrs. Darlene Andler 02G Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Andolina Mr. Archie A.T. Andonian Ms. Colleen M. Andrassy 06 Ms. Christine A. Andres 08 Dr. James M. Andres 67, 69G Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Andrews 55 Edward 63G and Rosalie 67G Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Ted Andrzejewski 81G Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. * Ms. Helen R. Ankenbrandt 61, 63G Dr. William Annable Mark and Catherine 03G Anson Mr. Patrick M. Anson 76 James 80 and Susan 80 Antall Terrence and Terrill 84 Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Antloga Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas O. Antonazzo 59 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Antonelli 70 Ms. Emma Antonelli Anthony 74, 78G and Jean 74, 77G Antonelli Mr. Mark Antonelli 06 Mr. Thomas E. Antonelli Jr. 50 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Antonucci Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Antos 74 Ms. Barbara A. Apanites 97G Mr. Jay S. Apple Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Aquino 99 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Arcand 88 Arcaro Rentals Ms. Margo Archambault Ardmore Tree Service Ms. Rasa Ardys-Juska Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Arena Mr. Dennis M. Arko 06G Mr. John D. Arko 74 Thomas 80 and Lorie 82 Armagno Edward and Ami 97 Armbruster Ms. Dalia N. Armonas John and Dalia 91G Armonas Mr. James W. Armstrong Jr. 68 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Armstrong 71 Peter and Sue Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Arnett Ms. Gail A. Arnoff 97G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Arnold 64 David and Virginia 78 Arp Mrs. Carol A. Arslanian Mr. Nazareth Arslanian Mr. and Mrs. George E. Arthur 61 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Arvanitis 57 Mr. and Mrs. George Asadorian Mr. and Mrs. James D. Aschenbrener 98

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ash 93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ashdown 67 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Asmus 66 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Aspegen Steven and Laura 89 Asseff Mr. David L. Atkins Ms. Mary P. Atkinson Thomas 69 and Christina Kwiecien 69 Atzberger Mr. Peter F. Aubry 07 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Aufmuth 69 Stephanie Augenstein and BMW Co-workers Joseph and Carol Augustine Allen 80G and Judith 89G Aungst Mrs. Jeannette A. Aurslanian Meshac H. Aurslanian Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Aurslanian Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avarello Avery Dennison Corporation * Dr. Rafi Avitsian Mr. Mazhar Kanneh and Ms. May Awkar Mrs. Ruth M. Babey Nick and Frances 78G Babic Mr. and Mrs. John F. Babington 68 Brian and Margaret 81 Bach Ms. Bethany T. Bachman 08 Mr. and Mrs. Winston T. Bachmann 68G * Rex and Elizabeth 97 Bacon Susan Ann Badaluco Mrs. Dolores Badarzynski Ms. Elizabeth Trenkamp Bade Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Bade 67 Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Bader 63 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bader 52 Mr. William C. Badke 69 Ms. Kimberly M. Baga 02 Ms. Brenda S. Bagby Mr. and Mrs. Ara A. Bagdasarian 78 Mr. and Mrs. Obie Bagdasarian Deacon Wilbur and Nancy Bagley Jay 92 and Elaine 93 Bahr Mr. Bob Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James G. Bailey 71 Mr. Simon Bajaksouzian Mr. Andrew Bajda Ms. Celia Bajda Ms. Julia Bajda M. F. and Iris Bajda Mr. Anthony R. Baker 05 Ms. Diana M. Baker Ray and Donna Rae Baker Ms. Jacquelyn E. Baker 04G Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker 64 Ms. Liz Baker Ms. Tina Marie Baker Roger and Leslie 86, 88G Bakkila Mr. Phillip Terry Balazs Mr. Donald M. Balciunas 55 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balderston Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Baldini 84 David 88 and Mary 89 Baldwin * Denise Balint 81 Ms. Andrea R. Ball 07 Mr. Guy M. Ballard 85 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Ballentine 69 Ms. Ann Balog Ms. Klara Balogh Dr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Baltakis 67 Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Baltz 63 Ms. Rita L. Balys Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Balzarini 71 * Jun Bang and Charles Bae Ms. Rita Bania Mr. Kenneth E. Banks Jr. 69 Ms. Meghan M. Banks 06

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Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Banks 78 Ms. Glenda K. Baran Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baran 78 * Ms. Sarah A. Baran 82 The Baranello Lodge Mr. and Mrs. Jorge L. Barbeito Ronald and Grace 86 Barber Dr. Kathleen L. Barber Mr. Eric S. Barbic Mr. and Mrs. James W. Barbour 69 Mr. Robert Barboza Ms. Kristin Barclay 03 John 96 and Giselle 99 Bardwell James and Sue 89 Bares Angelo 99 and Celestina 07 Barile Mr. Nicholas R. Barille 42 Jim and Becky Barker Mr. and Mrs. William P. Barker 49 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barko 63G Roseann M. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Barmann 76 * Anne and Stephen Barnes Mr. and Mrs. David L. Barnes 64 Mark and Elizabeth Barnes Mrs. Karen O. Barnes Mr. Michael S. Baron 00, 08G Mr. William J. Baroni 69 Frederick 65 and Kathleen Giantonio 70 Barr Mr. and Mrs. John B. Barranco 55 John and Diane 77G Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Barrett 64 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Barrett 62 Keith and Mary Therese 80 Barrett Kevin 74 and Laura 77 Barrett Marie Therese Scott Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barrett 83 Mr. William J. Barrett 94 Ms. Ellen Barrett-Gisser 94G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barrowman 59 Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis Barsamian Mr. and Mrs. David J. Barsan Mr. James A. Bartek John 96 and Kristen 97 Bartels John W. Barton, MD 62 Ms. Judi Barton Mr. Edward P. Bartz Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Bartz 68 Ms. Linda Barucky 67 Vida Barzdukas Ms. Jennifer Basa 03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bascone Bash, Gesas & Co. Mrs. Deborah L. Bashian Janie and Allen Bashour Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Basile 66 The Hon. and Mrs. David A. Basinski 59 Mrs. Kristine A. Basiter 95G Mrs. Betty Baskin Ms. Sarah E. Bass 99 Bass Security Services, Inc. Ms. Rosemary K. Bastian Mr. and Mrs. William G. Batchelder III Bruce and Melissa 94G Batista Mr. Timothy J. Batkiewicz 05 Mrs. Anna M. Battista Mr. Stuart R. Bauder 68 and Mrs. Debra Miesfeldt Ms. Ann Marie Bauer Mr. Carl Bauer Jr. Carl and Coletta Bauer Gregory 93 and Deanne 92 Bauer Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bauer 76 Jack and Tricia Bauer Mr. Thomas W. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bauer 93G Mr. and Mrs. H. Flagg Baum Ms. Catherine M. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baumbick 71 * Mr. and Mrs. David C. Baumgartner 84 Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Baumgartner Dr. and Mrs. Nick R. Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. William Baus 91G Dr. Christine L. Bavola 80 Mr. Robert John Baxter 94 Ms. Margaret L. Bayless Timothy 94 and Anne 95 Bayne Ms. Kathleen A. Bayun 83 Dr. and Mrs. James M. Bazzoli 65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beach 81G Mrs. Alice A. Bean 87 Rev. James H. Beatty Mr. David J. Beaucage 70 Mr. Christopher B. Beaufait 78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bechtel * Ms. Becky J. Beck Ms. Cheryl L. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Beck 68 Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Beck 84 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Becka 67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Becker 64 Dr. Susan D. Becker 71G Paul 02 and Kathleen 94 Beckwith Mr. David E. Bedell 70 John 84 and Mary Beth 85 Bedell Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bedell 74 Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Bedell 77 Bedford Pictorial Studio Inc. Mr. Michael Bednar 79 and Ms. Terese Gaul Dr. and Mrs. Michael Beer Msgr. Seely J. Beggiani 56 Michael and Margaret 87 Beggy Mr. Joseph W. Behm 90 Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Beidle 55 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Beirne 82 Mr. Thomas Belden Mr. David F. Beleny 81 Mr. Todd A. Belinky 04 Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Bell 07G Ms. Victoria S. Bell 07G Diane S. Bellas 78, 80G Joseph and Sharon 80 Bellassai Joseph and Cynthia 86 Bellian * Mr. and Mrs. George E. Beltakis 52 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Belz Mrs. Irene Belzinskas Mr. and Mrs. Remigijus H. Belzinskas 78 * Bemis Company Foundation * Mr. James Benchek 96G * Mr. Derrick T. Bendau 08 Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Bender 76G Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edward Bender 73 * Ms. Eve L. Bendezu 97G Ms. Erin M. Bendycki 04 Benedictine High School Ms. Marisa R. Benich 08 Ms. Margot Benjamin 05 Mr. and Mrs. Allan F. Bennett 50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bennett 93G, 04G Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Benninger Joseph and Jennifer 96 Beno Richard and Ellen Benson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Benson LCDR and Mrs. Robert W. Bensur 72 Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Bentley Mrs. Piroska Beodray Ms. Emily F. Berdell 99 Mr. James A. Beres 61 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Berg 56 Ms. Michele S. Berger Dr. Molly W. Berger 84G Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Berger 64 Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Berger 67 P.A. Bergsten Mr. Michael G. Berichon 71 Ms. Vida Berlec 78G Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Berleman 64 * Mr. Paul B. Berman Trevor 06G and Christina 04, 06G Bernard Anthony and Nancy 88 Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bernatovicz 60 Mr. Thomas J. Berninger Mr. Thomas Bernot 93 Ms. Kathleen M. Berry 77 Dr. Ronald E. Berschig 55 Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Clark Bertrand 94 Laura and John Bertsch Mrs. Patricia Bertschler 89G Ms. Terese Berzinskas Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Besch Scott and Tina 96 Beskid * Mrs. Zoriana Irene Besser Michael J. Bestul Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Bettendorf 92 * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bettura Ms. Kathleen E. Betz 69G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Beuck Nicholas and Laura 01 Bevier Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Bevilacqua 87 Mr. Bernard R. Beyer Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Beyer 51 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bialecki Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bianchi Mrs. Michelina M. Biasella Louis and Nilla Biasiotta Ms. Linda L. Bickerstaff 81 Mr. and Mrs. William Bickerton Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bidinger 57, 58G Drs. Leo and Maureen Bidula Sara Adams Bieber Dr. Erin M. Biehle 99 Joseph 97 and Angela 97 Bielawski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biggar Joseph 97 and Laura 97 Bigler Ms. Jamie L. Bigley 08 Mr. Yaroslav Bihun 68 Mr. Bruce B. Bilek Steven 77 and Jean 79 Billick Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Billiter Thomas 82 and Beth 89 Biltz Mr. James R. Bindas 84 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Binder Dennis and Diane Bing Bioenterprise Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Birch 80G Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Biro Mr. Miklos Biro Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Birskovich 58 Ms. Kimberly A. Bischof 98 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bisheimer 87 Dr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Bishko Mr. Bryan J. Bishop 97 * Haley Bishop 09 Ms. Cheryl Bissell Mr. Mark R. Bittenbender 04 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Bixler 61 Ms. Agnes M. Black Wilbur and Dolores 77G Black BlackRock * Robert and Lisa 93G Blackwell Mr. Thomas J. Blaha 50 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Blake 54 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Blakeley 76 *
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Jonathan and Laura Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Blanchard III 70 Ms. Denise J. Blanda John Blaney 73 and Kathleen Lynch 75 Mr. Carl J. Blankschaen 08 * Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blase 87 Jessie 05G and Catherine 05G Blasier Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Blasius 69 Mr. George J. Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Blazer 64 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bleacher 83 Mr. Mitchel Blecharczyk Ms. Catherine M. Bleck Ms. Amy E. Blenkhorn Mr. Gerald D. Bline Brian and Dawn 81 Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Bloom 79, 95G Mr. Richard K. Bloom 85, 00G Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Blosser 78G Doris Bliumentalis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bluemle 91 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Blum 85 Don and Gail 84 Bode Dr. and Mrs. Ryan S. Bode 98 Mr. Adam M. Bodell 06 * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bodle 64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bodle 74, 77G Mr. Emery J. Bodnar 65 Mrs. Frances G. Bodnar Dr. and Mrs. John E. Bodnar 66 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bodnar Constance Bodnar-Herron 76 Ms. Wanda Bodosian Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Boehlert 74 Ms. Hildegarde Boehm 63G Daniel and Kathryn 08G Boerner Ms. Martha A. Boerschlein 74 Ms. Tracy L. Bogart Michael Bogdan 01 and Ann Pederzolli Bogdan 01 Mr. James R. Boggs Dr. and Mrs. Leo R. Boggs Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Bogolin Mr. Joseph Bogovic Mr. Donald Bogucki Patrick 56 and Catherine Bohan Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Boharic 67 Robert and Glorianne 87G Bohinski Konrad and Carolyn 95 Bohm Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bokar 83 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Peter Boland Mr. Erik J. Boland 96 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boland 66 Mark 00 and Patricia 01 Boleky Thomas M. and Mary Jane Bolon Michael C. Bolton 73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bonadio 58 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Boncella 75 James and Kathleen 89 Bond * Ms. Jodi H. Bonda Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Bonder 75 James McPolin and Nikki Bondi 72 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bongorno 72 Mr. Thomas A. Bonifas 56 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bontempo 90G, 95G Ms. Meryl L. Borato 08 Mr. John G. Borazanian Ernest and Louise Borden Mr. Brian Bordon Mr. Burt Bork Ms. Dolores Bork Martin and Catherine Boron Mr. Edward L. Borowy 08 Ms. Linda A. Borowy Mr. and Mrs. David C. Borsani 77G 42
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Mulba Borsay Mr. Justin Boruch-Dolan 07 David and Stephanie 92 Boshart Ms. Nevenka Bosiljevic Paul 96G and Sally 85G Bosley Mr. Randall P. Bosley 04 Ms. Tina M. Bosman 07G Mr. Boris Bosnjak 08 Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Bossard James and Virginia 82G Bossu Mr. and Mrs. David Botnick 71G Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Botnick 83 * Stephen and Wanda 80 Boudinot Robert and Valarie 77 Boughman Edward 57 and Marilyn 61G Bourguignon Mrs. Mary M. Bourke 66G John and Judith 96 Bourne Ms. Nicole M. Bourrillion 94 Ms. Margaret H. Boutwell Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Bova Ms. Ann J. Bowdish Dr. Lauren Bowen and Mr. Kevin Snape Dr. and Mrs. James E. Bowers 60 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Bowman 78 Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Boyce 61 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Boyd Jr. 63 Karen Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boyer 65 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Boylan 65G Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Boyle 99 Mr. James M. Boyle 99 Mr. Jonathan B. Boyle 96 Ms. Mary M. Boyle 77 Donald and Kathy 94 Bozimski BP Foundation Inc. * Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bracken 56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Bracken 57 * Mrs. Amy F. Bradley Dr. Christine Bradley 90 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bradley Gerry and Pamela 79 Bradley Brian and Susan 94G Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Brady Jr. 63 Mr. Frank J. Brady Jr. 70 * Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Braeunig Mrs. Jeanne R. Brahm Mr. and Mrs. William J. Braidech 65 Ms. Jennifer A. Brainard Ms. Sarah E. Brainard 02, 04G Mr. John Brambert Robert and Carol Brammell Ms. Michelle C. Branaghan 07 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Branco 53 Kalyn K. Brandewie Mr. Edward B. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Brandt 62 Ms. Beth Brandt Sersig Rev. Joseph R. Brankatelli 03 Mr. Keith F. Bratt Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brattoli 50 Ms. Joan M. Braun 06 Janet and Doug Brautigam Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Bravo Bravo Productions Inc. Robert 90, 99G and Jill 90 Brdar Mr. Bruce A. Brecheisen Skip and Sheila Brechtel Hugh G. Breen and Family Mr. and Mrs. John A. Breen 64 Mr. and Mrs. John Gerard Breen 84 Gerald 68 and Kathleen Breen Ms. Marianne C. Breen 81, 85G Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Breier 79 Mr. Richard Brej 60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bremer 77

Mary Ellen Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Brennen 89 Mr. John E. Brennock 05 Mr. James E. Brentar Ms. Barbara A. Breslin 08G David and Mary 84 Brett Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bretz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Briatta 58 Ms. Tiffany L. Brick 05 * Douglas and Eileen 91G Bricker Ms. Marcie F. Brickman Mr. and Mrs. Neal Brickman The Bridge Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Brieger 62 Ms. Rose Marie Brigneli 72G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brihan 50 Lenard and Martha 69 Brinson Bristol-Myers, Squibb * Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Britton Mr. and Mrs. James E. Broadbent 49 Mr. John F. Brocci Mr. and Mrs. John Brock Karl and Susanne 87 Brockman Ms. Denise L. Broderick Ms. Linda M. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Broderick 58 Sheldon and Beverly 83G Brodsky Dr. Karen A. Broer 91G Mr. David J. Brogioli 91 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Broglio 63 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bronner 59 Fred and Paula Brothers Mr. Bradford J. Brotje Ms. Sandra K. Brotje Ms. Jane A. Brower Mr. Alan H. Brown 70 Charles 82 and Barbara 82 Brown Ms. Colleen M. Brown Mr. Jack Y. Brown 02, 04G Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown Dr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brown 89 Ms. Maureen A. Brown Rev. Michael O. Brown 70 Ms. Michele M. Brown Craig and Rebecca 98 Brown Susan L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. T. Alan Brown 60 Ms. Teresa Brown Mr. John A. Browngardt 98G Michael McNeil and Jeannine Brown-McNeil 77 Mrs. Margaret J. Bruening 74G Mr. Richard J. Bruening 62 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brugeman 48 Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Brugger 88 William and Patricia 79 Brundage Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunello III 80 Ms. N. Kate Bruner Dr. and Mrs. John D. Brungo 65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brunn 59 Mr. and Mrs. James Brunner 62 Mrs. Rita E. Bruno Richard and Alice Brusadin Brush Engineered Materials Inc. * Mr. Jeffery P. Brust 01, 03G * Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Brust 59 Mr. and Mrs. Romualdas Bublys Mr. and Mrs. Josip Bucar Mr. Guy Bucci 03 Russell and Karen 84G Buchanan * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Buchtinec 87 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Buckingham Mr. and Mrs. David B. Buckiso 92 David 93G and Linda 98G Buckle Mr. and Mrs. H. William Buckley 66

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Mr. and Mrs. James E. Buckley 80G Ms. Vida Augulis Bucmys Dr. Stephen J. Buday 65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Budka 60 Ms. Jessica R. Buehner 03 Mr. Joseph T. Buescher 08 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Buescher III 60 Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Buganski 53 Edward F. Bugner, CPA 73 Mr. Dominick M. Bullotta Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Bundy J. William and Mary 87 Bunker Mr. Christopher A. Bunsey 60 Mr. Michael J. Bunsey 74 * Mr. Kenneth Tod Buraw Brian and Michelle 94 Burchfiel MAJ Bingley L. Burdick USAF 65 Mrs. Cindy L. Burg Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Burger Jr. 60 Ms. Maria M. Burgyan Mr. Brian C. Burk 94 Brian and Barbara 99 Burkardt Mr. Edward F. Burke 79 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Burke 59 Ms. Julie S. Burke Michael 91 and Krista 01 Burke Timothy 98 and Rita 99 Burke James 91, 97G and Virginia 91 Burke Mr. and Mrs. H. Brian Burkhardt 87, 95G Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Burkhardt 54 Mr. Nestor J. Burkhart 50 Mr. John R. Burley 93 Mr. Irby L. Burnett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Burns Mrs. Deborah G. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Burns 54 * Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Burns 61 Mike and Mary Burns Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Burns 61 Robert and Donna 67G Burovac Mr. James C. Burrows 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Burt 65 Pamela Burtonshaw 75 Ronald and Mary Jo 84 Burwinkel Ron Busan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bushi 68 Deborah Plummer Bussey and Michael Bussey Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Buswinka 60 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Butchko 55 Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Butler 72 Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Butler 71 Brett and Jocelyn Butler Lynn Butler Mr. Daniel A. Buttner 59 Lee Czerwonka and Christine Buttress 76 Ms. Mary L. Butts-Horn Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Buynack 54 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Buynak 52 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Buzzelli 62 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Byrne 50 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Byrne 55 Ms. Donna L. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Byrnes Jr. 66G Sharon Byrnes Mixner 88 * Mr. Marco E. Cabrera The M.F. Cachat Company * Mr. and Mrs. John S. Caco 72 Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Cadamagnani 68 Michael 89 and Shannon 86 Cain Dr. and Mrs. James J. Caine 58 Kevin 80 and Judith 80 Caine Ms. Sharon A. Caine 69 Mr. William R. Caine 73 Ms. Lisa L. Cairo Dr. Daniel E. CaJacob 77 Anthony and Beverley Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. John F. Calabrese 66 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Calabrese 68 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Calabrese 50 LT and Mrs. Vincent J. Calabrese 72 Joseph and Amanda 04, 06G Calabro Ms. Marie B. Calafiura The Hon. and Mrs. Salvatore R. Calandra 43 Calcom Inc. Mr. Dennis J. Calderone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calderone Ms. Elizabeth A. Caldwell 08 Ms. Lauren N. Calevich 07 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Rev. Joseph H. Callahan 79 Ms. Katherine Callahan 88G Mr. Paul A. Callahan 71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Callahan 67 Margaret Callinan Dr. and Mrs. James T. Callow 50 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher V. Calo 90 Ms. Mary L. Calogero Joseph and Ellen 95 Calvello Molly McGrath Calvey 01 Mr. Juan C. Calzada 94 Ms. Anne Campbell Blair Campomizzi 06 and Marilea Woda Donald C. Canestraro, Attorney at Law Stephen 96G and Paula 94G Canfield Mr. Edwin H. Canning 56 John and Ellen 85 Cannon James 85 and Mary 87 Cannon Debbie and Watson Canterbury Ms. Christine E. Capasso 70, 81G Mr. Robert and Mrs. Alyce Capka Michael P. Caplice Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caplice 55 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Capparelli 64 Frank 80 and Domenica 82 Cappello * Sister Carolyn Capuano, HM Mr. and Mrs. Tony Caraballo Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Carano Mr. Michael J. Carbo Ms. Cheryl A. Carbonara Mr. and Mrs. Rick Carbone 69 Mr. Rocco Joseph Carbone 70, 72G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Carchedi CardinalHealth * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Carelli 55 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carey 56 Ms. Judith E. Carey Ms. Shaun F. Carey 89 Ms. Tricia M. Carey Carey Funeral Home Ron Sharpe and Diane Carey Sharpe 77 Jeffrey Pecon and Anne Carey-Pecon 75 Mr. Frank Carfagna Mr. Vincent Carioti 54 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carles 62 Peter 52 and Angela Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carlin Mr. Terrence J. Carlin * Theresa 06G and Martin Carlin Dr. Paul A. Carlotta 56 Carlsbad Health Insurance Services Inc. John and Janis Carlson Mark 94 and Teralyn 94 Carlson Mr. Christopher J. Carmody 70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Carmody 55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Carmola 64 Mr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Carney 59 Chris and Susan 90 Carney Thomas 47 and Mary Carney Mary Ann Caroniti 74G Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Carpenter Ms. Wendy A. Carpenter Ms. Jennifer B. Carr 98G Ms. Kay Frances Carr 73G Ms. Maureen P. Carr 75 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Carr 94 Mr. Roger Carr Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Carr 50 * Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Carr 81 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Carr Sr. 65 Hazelmarie Carrabine Mr. and Mrs. James P. Carrabine 78 Carrabine & Reardon Co. LPA Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Carrocce Ms. Carole Carroll Ms. Grace M. Carroll 78, 84G Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carroll Michael 78, 87G and Patricia 81 Carroll Carroll Glass and Maintenance Mark Salling and Cindie Carroll-Pankhurst 82 Carron Asphalt Paving, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carson Jr. 54 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carswell 84 Mrs. Anne K. Cary Casa Italia Foundation, Inc. Richard and Judith Ann Casale Mr. and Mrs. David G. Case Mrs. Rosalyn Case John Koppitch and Laura Caserta 94 Patrick and Sarah 89 Caserta Raymond 42 and Margaret Casey LTC and Mrs. Thomas E. Cashero 68 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Casper 70 Mr. Paul J. Casper Mark and Heather 86 Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Emmet P. Cassidy Mr. Robert B. Cassidy 07G Robert 94, 05G and Julia 93 Castagnero Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Caste Ms. Gina M. Castonguay Mr. Shaun T. Castorano 06 Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Caswell Mrs. Margaret G. Caswell Bruce Catalano and Ann Reichsman Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Catalano 71, 74G Mr. Vincenzo Catalano 99 * Mrs. Carmela Catalano Zoltoski Patrick 76 and Eileen 75 Cataldo Mr. James J. Catanese 08 Phillip and Linda 88G Catanzaro Caterpillar Foundation * Ms. Rosemary Cather Kelly Catholic Central High School Mr. Anthony L. Caticchio 58 Dan A. Catignani, Attorney At Law Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Catri 70 Mr. Wesley E. Catri 02 Ms. Maria Catullo Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Catullo 74 Cavalieri Reale Band Ms. Cecillia M. Cavanagh Patrick and Leah 96 Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cavato Dr. and Mrs. John B. Cavenagh David and Mary Margaret 71 Cavera Richard and Bernadette 79 Cavolo Mrs. Lillian J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Terence Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cech 64 Mrs. Stanislava Cecys Cedar Lee Theatre Ms. Svijetlana Celan 07
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Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Cellino Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Cenar Jr. 83 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Centa 50 Dr. Carmen J. Centanni 76 Dr. and Mrs. Russell J. Centanni 64, 66G Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Centofanti Mr. Gary Cepis 99G Mr. Rimvydas L. Cepulis Mrs. Roma Cepulis Timothy 88 and Audrey 88 Cercelle COL and Mrs. Henry T. Cerha 66, 68G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cerino 77 Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cermak 72 James and Pamela 87 Cermak Richard 51 and Doris Cermak Mr. Donald H. Cernansky 69 Joseph 00 and Tara 02 Cerni Mr. Gerald A. Cerny 52 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Cestra Ms. Judith G. Cetina 02G Mr. Edward J. Chadd Jr. Man-Lih Chai Mr. Ralph Chakerian Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Chalko 82 Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlin 91G Dr. Barbara A. Chambers 68G Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Chambers 96 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Chambers 52 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Chambers 72 Ms. Jane G. Champ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gerard Champa 84G Mrs. Susan Champa Pamela Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Chapello 55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Chapin Charms & Giusto, LLC Suh-Ling Chen Mr. Donald W. Chenelle 66 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chenet 69 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Chepke 81 Mr. Timothy D. Cherney 04 Bill and Sandy Cherry Mr. and Mrs. David A. Chervenak 79 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Chevalier 83 * Chi Omega Alumnae Cleveland West Mr. Thomas W. Chialastri 79 Childs Place Child Care Center Steven 99 and Colleen 99 Chimenti * The Hon. William F. Chinnock 62 Mr. Nicholas C. Chiorian 08G Mr. Ralph A. Chippas 72 Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. Chiprich 96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chiro Mr. Thomas M. Chirumbole 96G Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Chiulli Ms. Barbara A. Chmura Mrs. Deanna L. Chobanian David and Amy 98 Choe Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Chorich III 88 George and Lynne Chriss Mr. Edward C. Christie 65 Christie & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Christman Patrick and Sheryl Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Christo Mr. George W. Christoph 75 Ms. Marie Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Christy 69 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Chuchman 59 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard B. Church Mr. and Mrs. John M. Church 53 Mr. Scott E. Churchill 07 44
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Mr. Anthony J. Ciavarella 88 Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Cicco Jr. 82 Mr. Andrew J. Ciccolini 06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Ciccolini Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cicerchi 70, 72G Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cichanski 89G Ms. Marianne Cicirelli Mr. Richard Ciecierski Mrs. Marlene Cielec Ms. Judi Cifranic Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cigas 86 Ms. Melissa A. Cigoi 07 Richard 91 and Rosemarie 98G Cinalli Cincinnati Bell Telephone * Ms. Linda G. Cindric Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Cingle Cipkus Management Co & Cipkus Realty Robert 86 and Dina 86 Cirino Cisco Foundation Matching Gift Program * Citi Electric Inc. Christopher and Denise 00, 02G Ciulla Nicholas 92 and Andrea 93 Ciulli Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ciuni 68 Mr. Brice A. Civiello 04 Mr. and Mrs. Kestutis C. Civinskas CKStonescapes LLC Patty and Daniel Clair Mr. Paul S. Clapp 04 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Clark 55 Charles and Nancy Clark John and Colleen Clark Ms. Erin M. Clark 99 James and Frances Clark Ms. Megan T. Clark 06G Noel 65 and Pauline 66G Clark Mr. and Mrs. Taylor F. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark 68 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Clarke 85 Mr. and Mrs. William Neal Claus 48 Ms. Kathryn Carol Clearage 64 Ms. Anne M. Cleary 97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cleary 56 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cleary 81 Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Clemens Joseph Spotleson and Cynthia Clemente 87 Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Hungarian Baptist Church Cleveland Hungarian SDA Church Cleveland Polka Association Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Clezie 62 Mr. John L. Click 97 Mr. David G. Clifford Jr. 87 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Clifford 58 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Clifford 87 Scott Klein and Donna Clifford-Klein 93 Ms. Leslie Climenhaga Andrew 97 and Kelly 97 Close Mr. and Mrs. David L. Close Vincent 93 and Renee 94, 99G Close Gwen and James Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Coleman J. Clougherty Mr. Timothy D. Clymer 08 CM Profit Group LLC Ms. Ann E. Coady Coal and Coke Management LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Coast Ms. Nora Coast Dr. Andrew C. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Coburn 76 * Mr. Patrick L. Coburn 77 Mr. Brian Cocherell LT Keith A. Cockrell 99 Mr. Thomas M. Code 58 Jason 02, 04G and Kimberly 02, 05G Codispoti

Percy and Patricia Cody Mr. Robert F. Coffin Sarah Coffin and Mark Barnett Ms. Shirley M. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cogan 72 Kenneth and Deborah 89G Cohen Mr. Frank T. Colaprete 96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Colbert Ms. Mary B. Cole Ms. Mary Ann Coleman 86 Mr. Josh Coles Colini Landscape Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Miles D. Colley Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Collica 89 Mr. Andrew D. Collin 77 Duane and Barbara Collins Ms. Erica Collins Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Collins 57 * John Collins and Edith A. Yoder M.J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Collins Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Collins 60 Mrs. Jane R. Collyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Colosimo 49 Mr. Louis A. Colussi 52 Mr. Michael E. Colyer 95 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Comella Comerica Incorporated * Dr. and Mrs. Marc J. Comianos James and Barbara 80G Comienski Mr. and Mrs. William B. Comiskey 57 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Commes CommTech Systems, Inc. Community Foundation of North Florida Donna and Jim Compton and Family Comstock, Springer & Wilson Co., LPA Gabriel and Ann Marie 82 Condo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Conheady 63 Ms. Michelle L. Conkle 89 Damir and Kim Ann Conklin Ms. Catherine C. Conlisk 07 Mr. Robert P. Conlon Ms. Molly Connaughton 03, 06G Mr. and Mrs. James P. Connell Mr. Marty D. Connell 87 Timothy and Ruth 00G Connell Zack and Kaitlin 99 Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Connelly 76 Mr. William C. Connelly 66 Ms. Rosemary Conners 73G Mr. Tim Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connor 67 Mrs. Gerard M. Conochan Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Conry 50 Consultnet Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Converse 58 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Conway 84 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Conway 62 Thomas and Kathryn (Larson) 86 Conway Michael 76 and Mary 76 Conway Ms. Moira E. Conway 00 Victor 75 and Deborah 76 Cook Ms. Jean R. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cook 03 * Patrick and Jessica 90 Cook Mr. Michael A. Cook Kevin and Michelle 94 Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Cook Mr. and Mrs. Gale A. Cooley Ms. Christine Coolick Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Coolick 71 John 48 and Anne Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cooper III 84 * Ms. Eileen M. Cooper 07 Mr. Gary G. Cooper 02

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Ms. Mary Lou Cooper Brian and Emily 03 Copeland John and Susan 82 Coppedge Mr. Daniel J. Corall 05 Thomas 77 and Mary 77 Corall Ms. Janet Corbo Ms. Monica Coreman 93, 99G Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Cornacchione Mr. William H. Cornhoff III Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Corodimas 64G Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Corpora 67 Leo 43 and April Corr Mr. Daniel P. Corrigan 84 Eileen Corrigan John 77 and Diane 77 Corrigan * Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Corrigan 49 Mrs. Roseanne E. Corrigan 87, 94G Mr. Terrence Corrigan Mr. Joseph M. Corsaro 06 Mr. James A. Corsica 64, 68G Mr. Charles Joseph Corsillo 06G Mr. Mariano M. Corte 91 Ms. Mary Cosgrove Ms. Margaret K. Cost 04 Mark 79 and Maureen 78 Costa Michael 95 and Francine 95 Costantini Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Costanzo 99 Ms. Jennifer L. Costarella 00 William and Anne 89 Costello Daniel and Catherine 73 Costello Thomas 71 and Rosemary 71 Costello Mark and Sarah (Stohr) 84 Cotrupi Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Cotturo 66G Mr. David G. Cotugno Ms. Rachael L Couchey 08 Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Coughlan 81 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Coughlin 80 Ms. Kathleen E. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Couvreur 70, 72G Mr. John C. Couzens Jr. Mr. Malcolm W. Couzens Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Covey Jr. Mr. Gerald Paul Cox Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cox 95 Mr. Kevin E. Coyle 82 Mr. Michael G. Coyle 81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Coyle Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coyne 79 The Hon. and Mrs. William J. Coyne 57 Dr. David J. Coynik 67 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Coz Mary Ann Coz, O.S.U. Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Maureen Coz Mrs. Rhoda F. Crabbe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crabill 71 Mr. Jason M. Craciun 07 Mr. Michael Roeder 93 and Dr. Sherri Crahen Mr. William J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Craven Michael and Lynne Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Crawley Jr. 70 Ms. Lisa A. Craze 99 Creative Irish Gifts Ms. Barbara A. Creel Paul and Mary Ellen Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cremone Dr. Pat E. Crisci 68G Ms. Judy K. Crist Jimmy and Martha Crist Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dell Crockett 64 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croft 59 Ms. Winifred K. Croft Mr. and Mrs. Terrance B. Crogan 64 Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Croke Mr. Kevin H. Cronin Joseph and Maria 88 Cronin Ms. Patricia R. Cronin Ms. Jean Cross Ms. Katherine M. Cross 81G Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Crotty 75 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Crozier 90G Mr. Rafeal Cruz Mr. Joseph J. Csaszar 67 Thomas Richard 54 and Patricia Cudahy Mr. Michael P. Cuddy 07 Rev. Chester C. Cudnik 44 Tim and Mary 85 Culbertson Ms. Darleen J. Culek Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cull Mr. James D. Cullen 69 Tom and Barbara 83 Cully Mr. and Mrs. August F. Culotta 87 Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Culp Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Cummings 50 Michael 91 and Rebecca 91 Cummins Ms. Jane Cunin 83 Mr. Edward T. Cunneen 47 Ms. Kelly A. Cunningham 96 Ms. Lynne M. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cunningham Jr. 71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Curatolo 74 Ralph and Molly 75 Curl Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Curley 89 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Curran Jr. 68 Ms. Alice L. Currie Joseph and Margaret 85 Currier Ms. Sharon Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Curtis 81 Matt and Julie 99 Curtis Ms. Susan D. Curtis 06G Robert and Susie 73 Curtis Kevin 83 and Cathleen 89 Cusack Philip Cusick 59 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Custer Ms. Maura Moran Cutting Dr. B.H. Cutujian Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cybulski 60 Ms. Jennifer Cyrill Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Czaplenski Ms. Susan Czaplicki John V. Czerapowicz 59 Dr. Josephine M. Czerapowicz 65G Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Czerwinski Mr. Joshua D. Czerwinski 05 Mr. and Mrs. Dana A. Czmer 66 Ms. Elizabeth M. Dabrowski 72 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dachko 71 Debra and Donald Dacone Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Daher 89 Ms. Kathleen J. Daigler Ms. Kathleen M. Dailey Mr. John W. Daily Raymond 78 and Gina 79 Dalessandro Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. DAlessandro 59 Mr. Vincent DAlessandro Jr. 70 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daley 56 Mr. Timothy M. Daley 08G Mr. and Mrs. John J. Daly 67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Daly Mr. Thomas J. Daly 06 Joseph S. Daly, Attorney At Law Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Dalzell 67 Ms. Carol Dambaugh Dr. Barbara K. DAmbrosia Ms. Bethany Damon David 74 and Deborah 75 DAmore Donald 84 and Michelle 84 DAmore Mr. and Mrs. John A. DAngelo 63 Mr. Raymond A. DAngelo 68, 70G Mr. and Mrs. Sal DAngelo 86 * Ms. Susan M. DAngelo 94G Ms. Helen I. Daniel Andrew 92 and Michele 91 Daniher Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Danisewicz 77 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Danko 64 Richard and Rita 75 Danks Mr. Thomas E. Dannemiller Sr. 52 Mr. Richard R. Danolfo Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danszczak 63 Bradford 98 and Gretchen 98 Darr Mr. Gary M. Darr Mr. Thomas Dart and Ms. Corinne Seguin Ms. Susan A. Dauer Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Daugherty 56 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Daull 70 Dr. Mario E. DAurora Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. David 67 David and Inez Myers Foundation Mr. Edward H. Davidian Roger and Harriet 85 Davidson * Mr. Richard B. Davidson 02 Ms. Barbara Davis 82G Bryan 95 and Jacqueline 95 Davis Ms. Colleen Davis Mr. and Mrs. David M. Davis 97 * Mr. Frederick Davis Mr. Karl J. Davis Ms. Lynn M. Davis Robert and Patricia 92 Davis Mr. Timothy J. Davis 67 Mr. and Mrs. Z. Harold Davis Jr. 67 Ms. Barbara Day Ms. Denise Day Mr. and Mrs. James W. Day Jr. 70 Mr. James F. Day 04 John T. Day Jr. Mr. John W. Day Lynne Day Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Day 67, 69G Travis and Theresa 98 Day Thomas 52 and Joann Day Mr. Kenneth A. Dayson 65 LTC and Mrs. John F. De Perro 64 Eric and Danielle 94, 97G De Weerd Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Deal Mr. and Mrs. William T. Deal 76G Richard and Gretchen 83G Dean Mr. Robert J. Dean Mr. Manrico N. DeAngelis 65 Dearborn Capital Brokers, LTD Mr. Ryan A. Debiase Ms. Lisa T. Debick Drs. Donald and Lynne DeBrakeleer 82, 86G Mr. and Mrs. James F. DeChant 53 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. DeChant Jr. 80 Mr. Jeffrey DeChellis 03 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Deck The DeClercq Family Jeff and Linda 87 DeCocker Mr. Thomas M. DeDonno 83, 85G Ms. Lisa DeFilippis Michael Laskowski and Carol DeFrances 84 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. DeFranco 65 Ralph T. DeFranco Co LPA The Hon. and Mrs. Timothy J. DeGeeter 91 Samuel 08G and Katie 03 DeGennaro Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. DeGeorge James and Sarah DeGiovanni Ms. Rachel Rosen DeGolia Joseph 49 and Rose Marie DeGrandis Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. DeGrave 57 Ms. Helene E. DeGross
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Ms. Margaret H. DeGulis 95G Grace deHaas Ms. Stacey M. DeHoff 06 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Deiger Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Deike 69 Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Deininger 60 Ms. Bernadette M. Deiss Luis DeJesus 05 and Wildali Lugo DeJesus 04 Mr. John DeJovine 75 and Ms. Tina Keck Mr. Ned R. DeLamatre 84G Mr. and Mrs. James M. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. DeLap 92 Anthony and Judith 80 DeLeonibus Mr. Edward M. Dell 66 Sean and Heather 98 Delsing Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. DeLuca 73 Kenneth A. DeLuca Ph.D. & Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DeLucia 69 Ms. Joanne DeMarco 78G Ms. Sarah C. Demarte 05 Dr. David J. DeMay 70 Walter Lambrecht and Greta DeMeyer Robert Quartell and Florence DEmilia 79, 84G Mr. Murad Demirjian Mrs. Alyce O. Dempsey J. Denis 66 and Catherine 70G Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dempsey 64 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Dempsey 53 Francis 60 and Mary Pat 63 Dempsey Dan and Laura Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Dempsey Jr. 59 Ms. Aimee DeMuro 08G David Buchanan and Alice Demyanick Buchanan 03 Mr. Jason Denhart Nancy and Dan Denhart Ms. Marian P. Denicola 73G Frank and Antoninette DeNigris Rev. Louis L. DeNinno 68 Andrew 93 and Anne 93 Dennee Adrienne Takacs Dennis 83 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dennis 52 Ms. Dana M. DeNoi 07 Douglas 00 and Eneida 00 Dentler * Ms. Debra DePaul Scott and Anne 95 DePerro Mr. Jason W. Deramo Mr. Fedele DeSantis 80 Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Desimone Mr. Martin P. Desmond 96 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Detelich 75 Michael and Roseanne 92 Deucher Ms. Ellen Chenshinsky Deutsch Kameron and Elizabeth 88 deVente Kathryn A. Dever Ms. Rosemary Dever Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Devereaux 78 Ms. Gretchen E. DeVictor Mr. Charles W. DeVille 56 Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Devlin Mr. Brian Devlin 03 Mr. Robert C. DeVoe 51 Ronald L. DeVore, MD Richard A. DeVore, MD LLC Ms. Teri Dew Mrs. Alice T. DeWitt 55G Shawn, Jeanette, Jessica, and Jonas DeWitt Ms. Maria DeWitt Ms. Michelle DeWitt Dr. Lynn C. Dezelon 88 Ms. Ilisabeta Dezso Mr. Joseph DiPierro Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dial 61 Skip and Peter Diamond 46
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Ms. Eloisa C. Diaz-Insua 03 Mr. and Mrs. Ted DiBacco Joseph and Susan 78 DiBlasio Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DiCillo Jr. Mrs. Victoria DiCillo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dickard 82 * Mr. James Michael Dickerson 05G Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Dickson 73 Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. DiCorleto Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. DiDona 99 * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. DiDonato * Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. DiDonato 98 Ms. Carol F. Diedrichs-Himes 95G Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dienes 69 Mr. Ryan D. Dieter 04 Mr. Thomas R. Dietrich 08 Carol P. Dietz Mr. and Mrs. David B. Dietz Mr. Lawrence L. Dietz 58 Ms. Danielle F. Dietzel 08 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dietzel 52 Michael and Kathleen 70, 84G DiFranco Stivo and Nada 94 DiFranco Mr. and Mrs. Emiddio J. DiFulvio 48 Ms. Maria DiGangi Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. DiGeronimo 75 Richard 77, 92G and Leslie 78 DiGeronimo Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiGeronimo Mr. Victor F. DiGeronimo 76 Francesco 90 and Martha 91, 96G DiGiannantonio Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DiGiovanni 58 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dillon 74 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. DiLucchio 70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Dimino Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dimmock 66 Mr. Robert B. DiNardo 85 Michael and Christina 92 Dinges David and Rebecca 93 Dinnen Mr. Joseph X. DiNovo 75 Ms. Carol Dioguardi Mrs. Suzann DiPaolo Dexter 68G Mr. Joseph J. DiPasquale 99, 01G Christopher Kerr 00 and Jill DiPiero 01, 04G Sr. Patricia R. Dippel, OSU 70G Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiRocco 92 Thomas 90 and Sandi 90 DiSalvatore Mr. Eugene DiSalvo Ms. Stephanie L. Dishauzi 04 Ms. Lynn D. Disney Charles and Mary 84 Dispenzieri Mr. Carmen A. Distefano 74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Distelrath James and Erin 90 Dittoe Dr. Bernard J. Divis 66 Mr. William J. Divis 67, 81G Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Divoky Sr. Laurie Divoky SND 74G Mr. Donahue Dixon Dr. William J. DiZinno 70 Ms. Kathleen J. Djukic Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dlouhy Jr. 62 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Dobas 69G Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Dobbins III 86 Ms. Denise M. Doberdruk 95G Ms. Marie A. Dobos Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dobosh Ms. Elaine M. Dobransky 90 Robert and Sheila Toomey 64G Dobransky Ms. Nancy E. Dobras 88G * Ms. Maria Dobriansky Dr. and Mrs. John M. Dobrowski 75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dodson Sr. 59

Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Doherty Mr. Edward B. Doherty 65 Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Doherty III 59 Mr. Charles F. 52 and Mrs. Helen Dolan Michael 99 and Laura 00, 01G Dolan * Mr. and Mrs. Rocco G. Dolciato 82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dolgan 55 Ms. Renee K. Doll Charles and Bridget 84 Dolnosich Mr. Joseph P. Doman 55 Kenneth and Kara 87 Dombroski Domenicks Electric Sewer Cleaning Co., Inc Dr. John A. Domonkos 61 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Donadio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. Donahue Jr. 64 Patricia Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Donatelli Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Donato 98 Robert 80 and Charlene 82 Donelan Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Donley Jr. 99 Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Donley Donleys Inc. Ms. Carole A. Donnelly 86 Thomas Sawyer and Deirdre Donnelly 82 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donnelly 75 Mr. Agostino Donofrio James and Kathleen 88 Donohue Mr. Donald J. Donovan 51 Mr. Robert Rossignol and Ms. Kathleen Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donovan 75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donovan 62 * Donyaction, Inc. DBA: Park Place Pub Ms. Marjorie L. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Doran Jr. 66 Stuart and Nancy Dorfman Ms. Mary E. Dorgan Mr. Daniel G. Dorko Mr. Christopher John Dorrance 06G Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Dorsch 75 Mr. Joseph E. Dory 55 Mr. Richard Doss and Ms. MaureenMarshall-Doss Mr. and Mrs. George Dougherty Ms. Karen L. Dougherty 02, 04G * Ms. Margherita Dougherty Mr. Robert L. Dougherty Ms. Karen Villalba Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Dow 54 Dow Jones & Company Inc. * Albert and Rosemary Dowd Ms. Gina C. Dowell 04 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Downes 55 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Downes 57 Ms. Susan E. Downey 04 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Downey Mr. Steven J. Downie 08 Jerry and Donna Doyle Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Doyle Brian 99 and Renee 99 Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle Jr. 92 * Mr. William T. Doyle Ms. Jacqueline Anne Doyle-Davis 07G Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drabik 60 Dr. and Mrs. William E. Dragolich 79 Ms. Monica V. Dragoman 97 Mr. Joktan S. Drake 08 Mary and George Drake Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Drap 57 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Draper Rose and Perco Draskovic Michael Cerimele and Daria Dreboty-Cerimele 97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Dreher 71

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Mr. Otto G. Dreiling 56 Daniel 86 and Stephanie 88 Dreiling Ms. Debra Drew Mr. and Mrs. John J. Drewniak 64 Kevin 98 and Beth 98, 01G Drinan Mrs. Shirley Drobnick Mr. Robert E. Droney 49 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Druhot 56 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Drummond 66 Mrs. Maureen S. Drury 64G Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Drvenkar DTE Energy Foundation Matching Gifts * Mr. William C. Du Gar Gregory 89 and Patricia 89 Dubbs Mr. Lawrence A. Duber 79 Ms. Valerie Dubos Raymond 80, 89G and Loretta 79, 89G Dubray Ms. Wilda Duch Zenonas Ducmanas Ms. Kristin Dudas 03 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Dudek Ms. Rose Dudevszky Mr. Donald Dudley Edward 86 and Karen 87 Dufala Ada Steinmetz-Duffin and Joseph D. Duffin Jr. 73 Mr. Dennis W. Duffy 75 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duffy 48 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duffy 66 Dr. and Mrs. Leo J. Duffy 56 Mark and Alice 85 Dugal * Mr. and Mrs. George L. Duggan 63G Mr. Peter M. Duggan 94 Mr. Andrew E. Dugrenier Deborah and Andrew Dugrenier Mr. Ed Dugrenier Ms. Jody A. Dugrenier Mr. Orville E. Dugrenier Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dulay 74 Ms. Elisha Dumser Rob and Mary Dunbar Drs. David and Rozell Duncan Allie Wims and Yolanda Duncan 96 Mr. James C. Dungan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dunigan 70 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dunigan 51 Ms. Virginia H. Dunkelberg Denis and Amy 96 Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Dunn Mr. Thomas J. Dunnigan 43 Ms. Michelle L. Dunphy 07 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Duns Mr. and Mrs. John Dunton Ms. Corinne A. Dupuis 82 Ms. Barbara A. Durbin Ms. Mary E. Durkin 82 Mr. William E. Durkin 85 Mr. Andy J. Durny 70 Sean and Sandy Dvenkar Ms. Audrey Dvorak Gregory and Mihaela 97 Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Dwyer 62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dwyer 59 Dr. William B. Dwyer 44 Dr. Leonard R. Dybzinski 51 Ms. Lorianne E. Dyke 92, 94G M.E. Dzigiel Mr. Bill Eadelis Mr. and Mrs. James P. Eardly 75 Timothy and Andrea Lynn 94 Earley Ms. Lisa J. East East Boston Land Use Council Ms. Jackie L. Eaton 04 The Henry Eaton Children Eaton Corporation * Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eberhardt Ms. Barbara Ann Ebert 76G Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Ebert 82 Mr. Saburo F. Ebisu 51 Donna and R.J. Ebner Elaine M. Ebner and Marc. F. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ebner 72 Edward 73 and Lea 98G Echan Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Edelman 88 * Mr. and Mrs. George W. Edgar 72 James 80 and Mary 79 Edgar * Ms. Mary Lou Edgar Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Edgar 04 Waymon and Wanda 72G Edge Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Edmunds Daryl and Karen 78 Edwards Jonathan and Karen 93 Edwards Mary Ellen Egan 78 and James Rossman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Eggl 50 Mr. Zachary E. Egnot 07 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ehrbar Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ehrman 79 Mr. Frank A. Eich 06, 08G Mr. William M. Eichenberg Jr. 68 Gregory and Jane Eiden Dennis and Michele Eidson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Eisele 72 Dr. Matthew Eisen and Dr. Terry Tobias Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eisenmann 59 Adam and Erin 04 Eiser Mr. Scott Eitman Ms. Marcia Landau Elbrand Eli Lilly and Company * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elias Leonard and Lisa Eliason Manuel and Lorna Eliazo William 78 and Lee Ann 80 Eline * Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Elisco 56 Doug and Roslyn 96 Ellerbusch Mr. and Mrs. Brett Elliott Ms. Kathryn M. Ellis Mrs. Sonia Elloian Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Elseser Mr. and Mrs. James M. Elshaw 67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Elsner 93 Mr. Charles R. Ely 50 LTC (R) and Mrs. Douglas C. Ely Mr. James Embrescia Rupert 71G and Nicolene 65 Emerson Emerson Electric Co. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Emling 52 Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Emmerich 58 Mrs. Loucine Emrikian Ms. Stephanie G. Engel 06 Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Englander 74 Mr. Tracy Engle 03G Mr. and Mrs. George R. Englehart 52 Thomas 77 and Mary 78 Englehart Brian 00, 01G and Amanda 02, 04G English Andrew 94 and Carrie 97 Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ensign 55 Mrs. Annemarie M. Erkman Antony and Courtney Erminio John and Roseann Erminio Daniel 02 and Sarah 02 Ernstberger Mr. and Mrs. Ryan N. Eskridge 98 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Eslich 99 ESPMGMT LLC Anthony and Rita 83 Esposito Mr. Joseph A. Esser 61 Anibal 01 and Ilia 00 Estremera Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Etzler 92 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Evans Mr. Jeffrey G. Evans 08 Ms. Julie A. Evans 87 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Everett Mr. and Mrs. P. David Everett 82 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Everette Michael and Patricia Evers Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. Evers Lawrence and Toni Evers Michael 96 and Amy 97 Evrard James 79 and Laurie 79 Ewert-Krocker Dr. and Mrs. David W. Ewing Mr. Joshua D. Ewing 08 Express Scripts Foundation Matching Gift Program * Dr. Marian M. Extejt 75 Mr. Daniel Exton ExxonMobil Foundation * Jack and Cheryl 82 Eynon Mr. Nicholas Fabrizio Ms. Nada G. Faddoul 04 Ms. Jean N. Fadil 70G Mr. Dennis P. Fagan 59 Mr. John P. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fagan 62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fagan Dr. M. Michael Fagan 74G Mary and Tony Fagnant Jerome 77 and Ann 78 Faist Christopher and Meitra 99 Fakult Ms. Carla Falasco 03 Mr. Roger Falasco and Ms. Constance Morgan Falasco Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Falatovich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edison Falconi 91 Mr. Ronald J. Faliszek James and Sheila 83 Fandrey Ms. Leia M. Fanelli 03 Mr. Santino L. Fanelli 04 Fannie Mae Foundation * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Fanning 90 Mr. Michael B. Fanous 05 * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fargo Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Farkas 54 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farley 45 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Farley Ms. Sue Farley Paul and Gloria Farquhar James 63 and Mary 76G Farrar Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Farrell 59 Ms. Joan Farrell 74 Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Farrell 79 Mr. Anthony R. Fasanella 93 Brian Rossell and Jackie Fassinger-Rossell 80 Mr. Saverio M. Fato * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Faubel 68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Faught 70 William and Dianne Faulkner William and Ruth 84G Fawcett Mr. Antonino Fazio Ms. Katherine R. Fazio 07 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Fazio 82 Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W. Feasel 64 Christopher Feczko 88 and Ann Bergen 88 Mr. Thomas A. Feddrix 92 Nicholas and Kathryn 05 Federico Niles Overly and Arlene Fedorchak 83 James and Deborah Feeks Mr. and Mrs. Emmett P. Feely Jr. 55 COL and Mrs. Thomas W. Feick Jr. 74 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Feighan Jr. 60 Mr. Michael P. Fekete Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Feldman 55 Mr. Robert M. Feldman 69G Christopher 96 and Danielle 95 Felice
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COL and Mrs. Salvatore R. Felice, USAR (Ret) 57 Dr. and Mrs. Hans G. Fellner 65, 65G Mr. Lawrence J. Felter 64 Ms. Jennie Ann Femec 89 Mr. Timothy Fenner Dr. Ruth E. Fenske Mr. Timothy J. Fenske 79G, 84G Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Fenton 50 Frank 99 and Jennifer 00 Feola Ms. Meghan Feran 08G, 09G Mrs. Monica L. (Ference) Orlando 05, 08G Donald L. and Alice 86G Ferfolia Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Fergus 51 Ms. Kathryn E. Ferguson 04 Ms. Mae L. Ferguson Christopher Hazard and Natasha Ferguson 01G Ms. Alma G. Fernandez Ms. Samantha J. Fernandez 08 Mr. Mark C. Fernando 02 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Ferrall 65 Dr. John Ferrante 65 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Ferrante 02G Ms. Joan D. Ferrari Scott 91 and Pamela 93 Ferraro Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ferrell 50 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ferri 03 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Ferris 70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferron Mr. John P. Ferron 06 Dr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Festa 54 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Fiala 65 Mr. Bryan R. Fialkowski 01, 07G Gregory 85 and Cathy 86 Fichtner Rev. Daniel R. Fickes 78 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program * Hugh 73 and Eloise 71G Fiebig Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Fielder Fifth Third Bank * Michael and Heidi 83 Figas Mr. Constantine T. Figurski Mr. Edward G. Fike 88 Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Fildes 72 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Filipic 66 Mr. William F. Filipkowski 66G Mrs. Helen Filippelli Mr. Brian Fillmore and Ms. Pam Sayre Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finazzo 54 Albert Schlisserman and Helen Findlay 73 Mr. Edward D. Fine Kevin and Nicole 99 Finefrock Mr. and Mrs. James V. Fineran 66 Ms. Adele M. Fini 95, 04G Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fink Chris and Toni 00 Fink Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbone Ms. Joanne C. Finley 06 Ms. Kimyette M. Finley 94 Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Finneran 82 Mr. and Mrs. Padriac Finnerty 03 Mr. Daniel F. Finucane 07 Thomas 80, 96G and Margaret 80 Finucane Dennis and Carol 87G Fiorelli Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Fiorentino 75G Radford Hayden and Delia Fiori-Hayden The Fioritto Family of Fioritto Funeral Service First Cleveland Cavalry Assoc. FirstEnergy Corp * George and Bela 87G Fischer Mrs. Tami A. Fischer 91 Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Fisher 72 48
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Dr. and Mrs. E. Gregory Fisher 60 Mr. William M. Fishleigh 07 Jack and Christine 88G Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fishwick 68 Kale and Andrea Fithian Dr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth Fitzgerald 42 Mr. and Mrs. James D. FitzGerald 51 Paul Sheridan and Kathleen FitzGerald 80 Eileen and Mike Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. William O. Fitzgibbons 65G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmaurice 62 Mr. Kevin J. Fitzpatrick 06 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Flach 99 Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Flament 80G Ms. Cathy R. Flamino Mr. Edward F. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flanagan 65 Ms. Kimberly E. Flash Walter and Marian 61G Flash Mr. Thomas and Dr. Valerie Flechtner Ms. Deborah Ann Fleetwood Mr. and Mrs. James L. Fleming 40 Mr. Philip E. Fletcher Susan and Michael Fletcher Fletcher Spaght Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Fligge Frank and Rosemary 79 Floccari Mrs. Terri Flora Hakiowskie and Nicole 04 M. Flores Mr. Eric M. Floriani 05, 06G * Mrs. Donna M. Flowers Ms. Patricia R. Flowers 95 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Floyd 97 Kevin 96 and Robyn 97, 99G Floyd Mr. Patrick D. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Flynn 54 Ms. Heather M. Flynn Ms. Linda Flynn Ms. Joan Fobare Ms. Diana J. Focer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Foderaro 74 Dr. and Mrs. James E. Foerstner 51 Thomas P. Fogarty and Debra Stratton Fogarty Thomas and Martha Fogle Ms. Rae M. Foisel 07, 08G * Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Foley 68 Ms. Carrie A. Foliano 83 Rae E. Folkes 67G Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Fontaine Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Ford 86 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Forebaugh Dr. Patricia Reilley Forman 68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Forrestal 90 Mr. Brian Fors 92 Craig 83 and Ann 83 Fortin Mr. M.J. Fortner Ms. Suzanne T. Fortunato 82 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Forystek 84 Mr. Douglas R. Foster 06 R. Clifford and Mildred 78G Foster Michael and Vicki Foster Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Fotoples Louis and Sherry 93 Foulkes Ms. Sandra J. Fouts Ms. Bridget A. Fox 02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fox 76 Paul and Leigh 91 Fox Mr. and Mrs. P. Robert Fox 64 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Fox 49 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fox 76 Thomas 83 and Rosemary 83 Fox Mr. and Mrs. Remo A. Frabotta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Frabotta 75

Mr. William Zaccardelli and Ms. Michelle Fracci Mr. and Mrs. John P. Frain 57 Ashley Frakes 09 Mr. and Mrs. Gustave C. Fralick 69G Carmelo 06 and Judith 98G Franchina Mr. John J. Francis Jr. 07 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Francl Ms. Nikola Franic George 98G and Donna 93, 01G Frank Jerome and Mary 86G Frank Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. Frank 61 Ms. Susan D. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Burton Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Franks 68 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Frantz 50 Ms. Laurie A. Frantz Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Franz 02, 04G Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Franzen Ms. Lauren M. Fraser 07 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Frazee 99 Mr. Luke Frazier Mr. John R. Freas 54 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Frederick 66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Frederick 71, 75G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Frederick 76 * Mr. and Mrs. David A. Free 64 Ms. Faye A. Freed David and Bonnie 76 Freeh Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Freeman Timothy Freeman 78 and Mary Walsh Freeman 87 Peter and Susan 90G Freimark Stephen Freireich, CPA Ms. Marie G. French 61 French Street LTD LLC Mr. and Mrs. William W. Frett Jr. 54 William and Carol 82G Freund Mr. Ronald L. Frey 01 Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Freyhauf 66 Mr. Gary P. Frick 73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fridrich 70 Dr. Ernest H. and Anita B. Friedman Mr. Howard Friedman Ms. Jane Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Friedman 69G Ms. Nancy Friedman Mrs. Ruth Friedman Board and Staff of the Cleveland HtsUniversity Hts. Public Library Ron and June Friesen Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Frishkorn Jr. 68 Robert and Diane 66G Fritel Klaus and Hildegard 73 Fritsch Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Fritz 75 Ms. Sheila M. Frost Howard and Sharon 86 Frum Norman and Lynne 81 Fugate Ms. Ann Bagley Fuhry Matthew and Elizabeth 97 Fullerman * Richard and Eileen Funk Mr. and Mrs. David C. Funyak Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Furin 59 Ms. Maria F. Fuscaldo 87 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fusciello 58 Mr. Bohdan A. Futey Mr. Allen R. Gabrenya 84 John and Mary Ellen Gabriele Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Gacka 76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Gaebelein 65 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Gaebelein 90 Ms. Eileen G. Gaertner Michael 86 and Mary 86 Gaertner Ms. Megan E. Gaffney 07

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Ms. Patricia C. Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gagliano Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Gagliano 77 George and Doris Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Gagnon 93 Robert and Linda 73 Gahr Terrance 94 and Marcy 94 Gainer * Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Galadza Mrs. Alice A. Galan 77G Dr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Galante Mr. Thomas A. Galante Ms. Louisa D. Galaska Mr. Bryan Gale Thomas and Sarah 70 Gale Mr. James J. Galinas 69 Mr. and Mrs. Gabe J. Galioto 95 Ms. Caitlin Gall 08 Bryan and Carla 05 Gall Peter and Katherine 93G Gall The Hon. and Mrs. Daniel E. Gallagher 51 Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallagher 61 Ms. Hallie Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallagher Jr. 84 * Ms. Kerry L. Gallagher 99 Mr. Kevin F. Gallagher 77 Ms. Peggy E. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gallagher 52 Terry Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M.S. Gallagher 96, 98G Gallagher Nugent Electronics Ms. Lisa Sullivan Gallant Ms. Margaret M. Galligan 99 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Galligan John and Jeanne 83 Gallo Ms. Maria Folino Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Galloway 90 Mr. Jeffrey W. Gallup Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Galvan 88 Chris and Jody Galvin Richard and Barbara Galvin Guy and Betty Gamble Mr. and Mrs. John Gambone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ganick Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Gansheimer Gap Foundation * Richard and Colleen Gardella Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gardner Mr. Robert E. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Garn Jr. 58 James Hussey and Julie Garofalo-Hussey 79 Mr. Dennis P. Garriga 69 James 83 and Monica 83 Garvey Mark McDonnell 82 and Maureen Garvey-McDonnell 83 Dr. Edward J. Garvin 58 Ms. Julie A. Garvin 95 * Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Gaspar Ms. Linda Gasparatos Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Gassman 57 Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Gast III 99 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Gaugler 89 * Drs. Michael 92 and Erin Gaugler Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Gaul 74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gaul Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gauntner 65 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gauntner 60 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gauntner 63 Ms. Doris U. Gavin Ms. Betsy Gavin Mr. J. Christopher Gavin Jerome 71 and Margaret 72 Gavin Ms. MaryJo Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gavin 52 Robert and Christine 88 Gawronski Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Gay 52 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gaydosh 60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gayetsky Mr. Andor Geczi Fran and Joe Gedraitis Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gee 62 Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gehrlein 68 Douglas and Denise 84 Geisler Mr. Ronald Geisler Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Geiss 69, 71G Mr. Gregg D. Geldart 94 Zina Gelgotas Ms. Rebecca Gellott 04, 08G Ms. Teresa M. Gelonese Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Gemma 81 General Motors Foundation * Edward and Susan 77 Generazio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Geoghegan 63 Mr. Charles T. George Ms. Mary Jo George David and Myrna 70G George Ms. Camilla A. Geraci 95 Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Geraci 55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Geraci 59 Mr. Christopher M. Geraghty 07 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Geraghty Stephen and Kathleen Niehaus94, 99G Gerba * Niklas and Jennifer 95 Gerborg Kevin and Valerie 00 Gerbus Ms. Julia A. Gerdeman 96 James Sheridan and Eileen Gerity 86 Ms. Veronica L. Gerken 95 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Germ 72 Dr. Robert H. Getscher Dr. Krikor P. Ghazarian Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Giacinti 68 Harry 75 and Angelike 76 Giallourakis Mr. Robb B. Giambrone 99 Albert 79 and Laura 79 Giammaria Gary 87 and Christin 87 Giangreco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gibbons 76 Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gibbons 62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Gibbons 92 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickey Gibson 70 Mr. William J. Gibson 52 Ms. Aniceta Giedraitis Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Giegerich Herb and Marie 90 Gieseler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Gigliotti Ms. Josephine Gigliotti 74G Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Gilbert Mr. Lars G. Gilbertson Ms. Carla J. Gilenko 91 Ms. Stacy Gilfillan 03 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gill 94 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gillenkirk 66 Ms. Carrie A. Gillespie 07 Robert and Ann Gillespie Paul Etheridge and Jennifer Gilliland Etheridge 92 Dr. and Mrs. A. Marc Gillinov Ms. Erin E. Gilmore 06 Ms. Erica M. Gilson 05 Ms. Nijole Gincas Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ginley 58 Ms. Jennifer L. Giordano 99, 02G Dr. Thomas P. Giordano 88 and Ms. Sharon Hermes Mary A. Giorgis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Giovinale 67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Girty David and Jeanette Given Arlene F. Gladura Trust Dr. Francis D. Glamser 64 Mr. John W. Glaser 68G Richard 83 and Carolyn 83, 85G Glass * Ms. Bethany A. Glassbrenner 06 * Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Glausser 75 Gary 75 and Mary Frances Glausser Ronald Stavnicky and Monika H. Glazar-Stavnicky 99 Mr. and Mrs. David Michael Gleason Janice and George Gleeson Ms. Margaret L. Gleeson 08 Mr. Gregory M. Gleine 96 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Gleixner 68 Mrs. Judith A. Gauntner 88 Stephen 92, 95G and Kathleen 93 Gleydura Robert and Joann Glick Mr. Carl E. Glotz 67 Mr. Jacob R. Glover 08 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Glover 58 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gluss Ms. Barbara A. Gnat Ms. Carol Z. Gobel Nancy and Ted Goble Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gocek 63 Ms. Wendy M. Godbey 07 * Mr. Thomas Goebel 03 Mrs. Florence K. Goekjian Ms. Valerie Goellner Ms. Karen M. Goetz 94 Eric and Jennifer 02, 03G Gohring Bernard and Barbara 73G Goldfarb Ms. Sharon M. Goldman 83G Mr. Alan M. Goldstine, CPA 67 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Gonet * Mr. Norman Jay Gonsalves Mr. Charles A. Good 51 Dr. Janet Goodman 93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Goodrich 74 Ms. Donna Goodwin Mrs. Dianne Goold Ms. Jessica Gordon 08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gordon 80 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gordon Jr. 66 Scott and Laura 98 Gore James and Kimberley Gorey Dr. Michael Gorey 77 and Ms. Martina Mead Mr. Leo F. Gorie Tim and Sandy Gorie Ms. Kristen A. Gorisek 07 Erik 06 and Maeghan 06 Gorman Mr. James F. Gorman 73 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gormley 57 Mr. William E. Gorris 38 * Roderick Harron and Judith Gorski 76 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gosser 55 Gretchen Goss-Hartung and Mark Hartung Ms. Jennifer M. Gotch 06 Mr. Dennis L. Gould Mr. Donald Gould 59 Ms. Lois Ann Gould Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Gourley Ms. Amy L. Gourniak 08 Mr. Jeffrey A. Grabel Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Grace 57 Len and Sheila Gradowski Peter 81 and Clare 81 Grady Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Grady 67 * Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Graff 58 * Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Graff 87 Howie and Cindy Graham Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Graham Mr. and Mrs. John R. Graham 67
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Mr. Russell Graham Ms. Tricia A. Graham 06 Mrs. Pearl Graham-Johnson 89 W. W. Grainger, Inc. * Ms. Julie Gran Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Graney 64 David 89 and Julie 89 Granger * Mr. Robert H. Grano Mr. Jack M. Granowitz Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grant Sr. Mr. William R. Grant 05 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Granzeier 59 Mrs. Jeanette Grasselli Brown Mr. David A. Grasser Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gratson 74 David 88 and Kathryn 89 Gravelle Dr. and Mrs. Nick D. Gravino 84 Nick D. Gravino, DDS, LLC Ms. Marie Gray Edward and Stacy 93 Gray Donald 62 and Theodora Grazko Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Grdina 64 Great Lakes Brewing Company Greater Cleveland Chapter of MOAA Mr. Charles A. Grebenc 71, 93G Ms. Erin E. Greco 98 Karen Lysyk Greco 79 * Mr. Andrew Green Ms. Denise D. Green 83 Ms. Linda E. Green Mr. Steven Green Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Greene 77 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gregg Barbara L. Gregory Maureen Gregory and Derek Stillman James 71 and Kathleen 73 Grendell Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Grenn 61 Mr. John A.C. Greppin Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Grey 58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grieco 81G Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Griesmer Mr. Robert M. Griesse Mr. Dennis Kish and Ms. Kimberly Grieve Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Griffin Ms. Robyn Y. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Griffith 90 Mrs. Joyce R. Griffith 94 * Julie Griffith 72G Mr. William B. Griffith Ms. Sally Cleary Griffiths Gerard 69, 04G and Dorothy 85G Grim Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Grindereng 52 Ms. Brenda S. Grist Mr. David W. Grist Mr. James B. Griswold Matthew 99 and Rebecca 99 Griswold Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Grobelny 74 Ms. Kathryn E. Grodek 08 Ms. Stephanie J. Grohar 99 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Grons 64 Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Grosel 50 Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie A. Gross Ms. Rochelle L. Gross 77G Glen and Sandra 84G Groudle H. Nathan and Catherine 00G Grover W. Wesley and Susan 83 Grover Elliott 70G and Joan 70G Groves M. Stephen 00 and Jennifer 00 Gruber Ms. Kelly A. Gruber 06 Martin 89 and Danielle 91, 96G Gruhler Mr. Philip J. Grushetsky 58 Ms. Elizabeth A. Gruttadaurio 82 Mrs. Vanda Gruzdys Ms. Marlene J. Grzech Leon and Gloria Grzegorzewski 50
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Jim and Kelly Grzegorzewski Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gstalder 50 Mr. J. Al Gudenas John and Nancy Guenin Dr. Thomas M. Guest 88 JJ Gufreda 81G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Guidos 74G Allen 07G and Mary 93 Guisinger James and Sheila 83 Gulick Mr. Thomas Gulick 90 Matthew Gulling 80 and Mary Stalter-Gulling 80 Mr. Stephen P. Gullo 70, 77G Mr. and Mrs. David Gunderman Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gunderman 50, 52G Thomas 72 and Virginia 72, 76G Gurgol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Gurgone Joseph 86 and Susan 85 Gurgone * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Guta 61 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Guthrie 57 Mr. Dean Guy Ms. Gladymar Guzman 05 Edward 93 and Elizabeth 94 Guzowski Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Guzy 65 H. J. Heinz Company Foundation * Michael 00 and Kristen 00 Haag Marc 74, 85G and Rita 73 Haag Dr. and Mrs. David A. Haas 64 Dr. Paul F. Haas 61 Dr. Robert Haas 70 Brian McGraw and Mary Haas McGraw 79 Alan 88G and Janice 89 Haber Ryan McConnell and Jeanne Haberer 95 Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Habursky Ms. Alice Hacherian Mr. Jack Hacherian Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Hack 68 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hagan Mrs. Kathy M. Hagemann Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Hagerty 59 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hagerty 68 Brian 90 and Laura 91 Haggerty Ms. Betty Hahn Dr. Dwight Hahn and Mrs. Mary Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. David Haigh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Halaiko Mr. Karl W. Haldeman Dr. Leland K. Hall Sr. 59 Mr. Michael C. Hall 08 Mr. Zachary D. Hall 06, 09G Mr. Kenneth J. Halladay Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hallal Mr. and Mrs. John F. Haller 66 Ms. Maria L. Haller, ESQ 02 Ms. Noreen M. Halley 98 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Halloran 57 Ms. Gladys M. Hamann Mr. and Mrs. William Hamann Dennis Cotter and Mari Anne Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Hamilton 57, 77G Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Hamlin III 78 Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Hamm 71 * Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hammer 53 Ms. Courtney R. Hanak 08 Mr. David A. Hancock 74G Mrs. Jane Stimson Hand 69 * John and Dana 98 Haney Mr. Jerry Haney Ms. Deidre A. Hanlon Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Hanlon 57 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hannan 68 Catherine Hannon 61 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Hanrahan 78 Harold and Cecelia Hanshaw

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hanson 58 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hanusz 60 Dr. and Mrs. George S. Hanzel 89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harden Mr. Daniel Francis Hardt 74 Hardwood Lumber & Planing Mill Mr. Thomas G. Haren 08 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Hareza 81 Law Group at KeyBank Ms. Kristen M. Harkey 07 Ms. Laura A. Harkey 08 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harkey James and Michele 90 Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Akos J. Harmat 85 Drs. Laszlo and Jill Harmat 93 Leo and Kathleen Harmon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Harmon 60 Timothy and Patricia Harnett Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Harney Mr. Brian D. Harper 96G Jim and Jeanne Harper Ms. Elizabeth Harpootlian Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harr Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harrington 67 Mr. and Mrs. David N. Harrington 76 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Harrington Jr. 72 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Harrington 52 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Harrington William and Christine 85 Harris Rob and Patricia 86G Harris Harris Trust and Savings Bank * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Harrison 59 Kevin 03 and Margaret 04 Harrison Ms. Melody Joy Hart Drs. Christopher and Jill Harter 85 Mr. Gregory J. Hartman Mr. Philip T. Hartman 77 * Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hartman 55 Mr. Marc R. Hartmann 08 Dennis and Erin 99 Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hartung Jim and Diane Harvanek Roy and Sally 77 Harvey Ms. Barbara Haselow Mr. Douglas S. Haselow John and Linda Hassey Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hatgas 70 * Edward 74 and Nancy 91G Hatgas Ms. Jodi L. Hatherly Luyster Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Haughney 56G Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Hauserman 68 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hauserman Mr. Hunter S. Havens Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Haverstick 96, 03G Mr. and Mrs. David M. Havrila 71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Havrilla 64 Mark 77 and Debra 77 Hawald Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Hawk 68 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hayden 64 Salim Hayek Dr. Barbara W. Hayes 69G Patrick and Joyce 82 Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Hayes Diane and Donald Hayford Mr. John Haymond Mr. Greg T. Hazen Mr. J. Avery Head 72G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Healey Jr. 85 Health Care REIT Inc. * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Healy 85 Jack 61, 64G and Ellen 78G Hearns Cecilia Heaton Ms. Jenifer M. Hebda Halliday 99, 06G Mr. Edmond J. Heffernan 62

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Mr. David W. Heffner Amy and Brian Heil Mr. John T. Heil 06, 07G * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Heilman II 80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Heimann Jr. 58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Heineman 68 Christopher 01, 02G and Christina 01 Heintel Ms. Jane R. Heitkamp Mr. Michael O. Helber Ms. Alberta M. Hellinger Ms. Susan A. Hellstrom 77 Ms. Barbara Helper Ms. Susan R. Helper Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Heltzel 69 Mr. Eric Hemann and Ms. Sharon Hostak-Hemann Mrs. Teri A. Hembree 81 Mr. Richard J. Hemme 06 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hemminger 59 * Mark 92 and Julia 93 Henderson Robert and Loretta Henderson Ms. Maureen Henderson Mr. Richard D. Henderson 61 Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Henke 77 Damian and Terri 92, 99G Hennessey Sean and Rebecca 82 Hennessy Mr. Alvin E. Hensel 68 Mr. Steven A. Henstridge 67 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Hentemann 57 Andrew 97 and Elizabeth 95 Henton Robert and Julie 81 Hepfer * Mr. Timothy J. Heppler 76 Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Herald 69 Mr. Michael J. Herald 05 Mr. Robert M. Herald 78 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herber Jr. 84 Ms. Judith A. Herbert Mr. Charles G. Herbruck Jr. Ms. Julie M. Herceg 96 Ms. Cheryl Herdina * Ms. Diana Herhold 97G Michael and Susan 87 Hering Heritage Partners, LTD Dr. and Mrs. Aravind Herle Mrs. Mary A. Herman The Hermes Foundation Mr. Christopher Hernan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Herold 69 Mr. Douglas L. Hertel 70G Mr. Daniel Hespen Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Hess 79 Ronald and Elena 05 Hess Martin and Virginia 82 Hess John and Catha Hesse Pat and John Hession Ms. Kimberly M. Hetzel 05 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Heutsche 70 John Hogan 93 and Gretchen Heutsche 93 Mr. and Mrs. John V. Heutsche 68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Heutsche Jr. 64 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Hewitt 91, 01G * Harry and Eileen Hewitt Mr. Robert T. Hexter Ms. Kay M. Heylman Ms. Cari-Ann Hickerson 02G Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Hickey Jr. Ms. Margaret M. Hickey 05, 07G * Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hicks 69, 71G Ms. Jacqueline E. Hicks 08 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hicks 52 Kevin and Elizabeth 93 Higgins * Thomas and Loretta 78 Higgins * Stephen 94 and Nicole 94 Hilbert * Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd A. Hildebrand III 76 Ms. Kelly Hileman Mr. James J. Hill 59 Mrs. Janice R. Hill Ms. Linda E. Hill 01G Ms. Lydia Hill 96G Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hill 72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hill Dr. Walter J. Hill Hill Fastener Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hillenbrand Jr. 64 * Matthew 91 and Michelle 91 Hils Mr. Raymond J. Hils 55 Kim and Nancy 74 Hiltibrand Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Hinds 55 COL and Mrs. William H. Hinds 58 Mr. Robert E. Hindulak Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hinebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hink 78 Robert 85 and Joan 85 Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hinko 60 Richard and Regina Hinterschied Ms. Jennifer E. Hipp 07 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hipschen 61 Ms. Ryan M. Hirko 04 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hirotsu 59 Elizabeth Hissong HJK Systems Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank James Hlad 77 Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Hlad 64 * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hlatky Ms. Mary Lou Hlivak 68 Ihor 81G and Catherine 87G Hlohowskyj Mark and Margaret 05G Hoare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hoban 59 Mr. Joseph V. Hocevar 68 Dr. James A. Hoddick 79 Ms. Anna Hodos Dr. and Mrs. William G. Hoehn 53 Ms. Ann K. Hoelzel 08G Mr. Joseph T. Hoelzle 04 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Hoenig 60 Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Hoffacker 82 * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hoffman 89 Mr. Peter R. Hoffmann 63, 66G Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hofherr 08G Mr. Michael A. Hofherr 00 Dana and Doug Hogan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hogan 59 Patrick and Mary 76 Hogan Dr. Mary Beth Hogan 85 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hogan 65 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hogan 61 Michael 88 and Kristin 90 Hogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hogue 63 Mr. Jaleh Hojat Mr. Gregory J. Holcomb 04 Christopher 83 and Tanja 86 Holecek Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Holicky 64 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holler 57 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Holler 82 Otis B. and Virtie 64G Holley Ms. Joyce Holloway 97 Ms. Patricia H. Holly 78 Mr. Andrew Holman and Dr. Joan Holman Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Holmes Mr. Andrew J. Holodnak 06 Ian and Melissa 05, 06G Holodnak Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Holodnak 78G Ms. Elizabeth A. Holowecky 07 * Mr. Kevin F. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Holt 64 Ms. Anna E. Holter Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Holton Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Holtwick 58 Mr. and Mrs. Lev W. Holubec 89 * Ralph and Debra 80 Holy Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holz 95G The Home Depot * Ms. Linda Homeyer Donald and Noreen Hone Mr. Christopher M. Hooton 08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hooton * Mr. Joseph Hope 97G Ms. Erin Hopkins James 85 and Margaret 86 Hopkins Mrs. Virginia Hopkins William Hopkins 73, 03G and Conchy Fajardo-Hopkins 73, 84G Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hopkinson 82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horesh Dennis and Susan Horkey Mr. Kenneth P. Horne Mr. Robert E. Horne Craig and Christina 00 Horner Mr. and Mrs. Hil T. Hornung 66 Mr. John E. Hornyak Mr. and Mrs. Tibor Hornyik Mr. and Mrs. John F. Horrigan 76 Mr. Stephen P. Horsfield Mr. Dan Horvat Mr. Brian R. Horvath 99 * Mr. Dennis J. Horvath 04 Mr. Robert J. Horvath 72 Darrell J. Dick and Jeanne L. Horwath Ms. Linda M. Hosler Mr. Melvin H. Host 69G Robert 81 and Karen 84 Hostoffer Mrs. Shannon C. Hotek 96 Ms. Renee Hotz Ms. Stephanie C. Hovan 06 Stephen Hovancsek & Associates, Inc. Mr. Charles E. Hoven 79 Dr. Mary K. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Howard 72 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Howard Dave and Renee Howell Mr. Denis F. Hoynes Jr. 56 Gerald 93 and Suzannah 93 Hrenko Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hribar Rev. Paul J. Hritz, 48 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hrtanek Mr. Ronald J. Hruby Ms. Sharon Hrusovsky 89 Ms. Meghann Hubach 01 C.J. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hubbard 53 Douglas and Judy 89 Hubbard Hubbard Township FOP Lodge 85 David and Rose Hubbell Ms. Rosemary L. Hubeny 68G Thomas and Catherine 88 Huber Jennifer and Mark Hudnutt Ms. Lois P. Hudson 75G Ms. Mariangela M. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hudzinski Mr. Jared G. Huelsman 01 Ms. Melissa Huey-Burns Dr. and Mrs. George T. Hughes 51 MAJ and Mrs. James T. Hughes Jr. 67 Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Hughes 79 Huguelet Construction Company Paul 82 and Patrice 80 Hulseman William E. Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Humenik 57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Humenik 87 * Ms. Meghan R. Hummel 07, 08G * Richard and Joetta 76 Humphrey Mr. Joseph Humphries 02 Hungarian Retired Club of West Side Ms. Judith E. Hunt
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Mr. Douglas B. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Hurguy 68 Mr. Russell D. Hurlburt Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hurley 43 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hurley 65 Robert Bade Hurley and Linda 72 Hurley Mr. Patrick J. Hurley 88 Mr. August P. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. John M. Husek 67 Mr. J.J. Huszczo 97 Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Hutchison 80 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Huth Mr. and Mrs. William O. Huth Jr. 51 Mr. Richard J. Hyclak 74 and Mrs. Kimberlyn Blum-Hyclak Ms. Deborah J. Hyde Ms. Katherine F. Hyduk 04 John P. Hyland 59 Mr. Francesco Iacobelli 05 Mr. Carmen J. Iacobucci 72 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Iacobucci 73 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Iacofano 76 Ms. Lisa M. Iafelice 07 Ms. Julie E. Iammarino 05 Mark and Michele 86G Iammarino Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Iammarino 49 Ms. Gabriella Iannarelli Amy (Bakos) Iannello 99 and Clem Iannello * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Iannucci 76 ICI Group Services Inc. * Dr. Anthony J. Iezzi 81G J. Ignatavicius Mr. Douglas A. Ihrig Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Ilg Illinois Tool Works * Dr. Abdulrazaq A. Imam Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Impullitti Dr. Amy K. Imro 91 Mr. Rick A. Incorvati 87 Independent Insurance Adjustors of America Inc. Mr. and Mrs. August C. Indovina Jr. Mrs. Susan Infeld ING Foundation * Charles and Emily 81 Ingram Gene and Victoria 95 Insley Institute of Management Accountants Inc. Integrity Asset Management LLC * Ms. Teresa A. Isaac 85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Isabella 51 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Isabella 70 Mr. Max Isbell Mr. and Mrs. John P. Iurlano 69 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ivan Jr. 85G Mr. Richard W. Jablonski 91 * Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jackson 78 Ms. Patricia A. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Jackson 65G Mary Catherine Jacob 94G John and Melinda 92 Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Jacobs 78 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobson 58 * Mr. Brian M. Jacques 07 Mr. Jadallah A. Jadallah 07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jaeckin 70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jaffee 77G Edward J. Jagela, ODFAAO DBA Ohio Vision Center Larry W. Jageman Mr. Joseph A. Jagodnik 01 Ms. Kathleen M. Jagodnik 02 Mr. and Mrs. Lajos Jakab Ms. Paula Jakab Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jakubisin 53 52
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Mark and Daria 90 Jakubowycz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Jalen 64 Dr. and Mrs. Jozsi Z. Jalics 96 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Janchar 67 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Janecek 65 Dr. and Mrs. John E. Janik 73 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Janitor 69 Dr. and Mrs. Jason T. Jankowski 98 Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Jannazo 74 Karl Meyer and Mary Pat Janowski 91 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jantonio 76 Guy and Michelene 92 Jardine Ms. Nancy Jaroscak Ms. Jacqueline M. Jarosz 05, 07G Tricia and Mark Jarvis Mr. Rudy J. Jasko 65 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Javorek Mr. Matthew C. Jaworski 05 JCU Department of Political Science Ronald and Michelle 84 Jech Frederick and Rebecca 72G Jefferson Mr. Anthony J. Jelenic 70 The Hon. and Mrs. Douglas C. Jenkins 69 John P. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Jenkins 73 Bette and Donald Jenks Don and Theresa 90 Jennette Ms. Jessica B. Jennings 06 Michael and Joanne 85 Jenovic Mr. Robert G. Jenskovic 81 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jerdonek Rick 80 and Theresa 81 Jeric Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Jester 71 Dolores Jewett 95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Jiannetti 76 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jilek 60 Ms. Lauren M. Jimenez 07 Jims Custom V.W.s Bill 72 and Carolyn 92 Jirousek Eric 83 and Patty 83 Jochum Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jochum 66 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Johansen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johlie 90 Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johns 54 Mr. and Mrs. Erik T. Johnson 92 Dr. Ila B. Johnson 56G Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Johnson 53 Leigh and M. Patricia 85G Johnson Ms. Mairghread Johnson 03 Ms. Mary E. Johnson Daniel and Monica 99 Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Johnson Mr. Warren D. Johnson 61 Johnson Controls, Inc. * Ms. Charlene F. Johnston Mr. T. Scott Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Joliat 51 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Joly 83 Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones 69 Ms. Amy E. Jones 90 Jim and Mary Jones Ms. Michele Jones Ms. Pamela Sue Jones 89G Ron and Cindy Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Jones 66 Mr. William J. Jones Mr. David B. Joranko Shawn and Amy Jordan Rev. Barbara Jordan Paul and Elizabeth 83 Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Roderick B. Jordan 78 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Joseph Ms. Nadelane Joseph Mr. Roger F. Joseph 67

Mr. Aaron M. Joslin 07 Mr. and Mrs. Jerold F. Jost 49 Ms. Erin E. Joyce 05 John and Helen 82G Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Joyce 70G Ms. Maureen L. Joyce 05 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce 72 Ms. Elaine P. Joynt Richard 89 and Megan 89 Juby * Aurelija Jucaitis * Ms. Lisa M. Judge 08G Bill Juergens Family Mrs. Livia Juhas Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Juhasz 77 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Juhola 88 Stanko and Peggy Jukanovic Ms. Izolda Juodisius Mr. Marius Juodisius Ms. Virginia L. Juodisius Rubinski Stephen T. Juodvalkis Trust Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Juris 79 Mr. James A. Juris 76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Juster Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kaczor 59 Mr. Daniel Kades Kadish, Hinkel & Weibel Mr. James E. Kaemmerer 05 Ms. Geraldine M. Kaftan 63G Ms. Annie Kahl 94 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kahl 86 Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Kahn 79 Mr. Robert J. Kaiser 41 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Kalal 54 Ms. Theresa Kalasz Ms. Pam A. Kaleal Zeljko and Loraine 94 Kalic Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kalin Mr. Alan J. Kaminsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp * Ms. Valerie Kampe Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kananian Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kanda 68 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kandzer 58 James and Michelle Kane Mr. Russell A. Kane Keith Whitaker and Suzanne Kane 93 George 89, 91G and Valerie 89 Kanieski Ted and Ellen 78 Kannen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kantz Jr. 63 Bill and Cheryl 93G Kanzinger Karen Kapes Mr. Richard T. Kaplar 73 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kappos Jr. 79 Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Kaprosy 93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaput Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kaputa 66 Mrs. Anna Karayan Mr. Casimir A. Karbowski 95G Mr. Paul Karbowski 97G Dr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Karcher 65 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Karnak 59 * Mr. and Mrs. William E. Karnatz Sr. 59 Christopher and Amalya 90 Karnavas Ms. Kathleen Karrick Ms. Genovaite Karsokas Mr. and Mrs. Roland Karthan 80, 88G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kasavich 73 Mr. Thomas J. Kascak 65G Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Kase 96 Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Kaspar 56 * Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Kasparek 70 Robert 80 and Elizabeth 81 Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kasper 57 Dr. Joseph E. Kastelic 50 Louis A. Kastelic 59

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Mr. Robert L. Kastelic 48 Ms. Leslie A. Kasten Ms. Karen E. Kastor 06G Mr. David P. Kaszar 08 Manuel Rodrick 83 and Susan Katalinas-Rodrick 82 Nick and Maureen 80 Katanic Tom and Mary Katzenmeyer Mr. Thomas W. Kaufman 66 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kavalec 93 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kavanagh 78 Mr. Brendan Kavanaugh 02 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kavanaugh Ms. Jolan G. Kavay Ms. Cynthia Kavouksorian Ms. Anita P. Kazarian 94G James and Anita 87 Kazmierczak Pete and Heather 88 Kaznoski Mr. Charles E. Keane 60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kearney 87 Dennis Keating Mrs. Eloise A. Keating Mr. Glen M. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Keaveney Steve and Becky Kebe Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Keberdle 76, 89G * Mrs. Hilary J. Keberdle 00 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Keegan 61 Mr. James L. Keegan 57 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Keelan 82 Ms. Jacqueline M. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Keenan 73 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Keenan 71, 74G Mr. James A. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Keim 74 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Keim Jr. 60 Mr. Kenneth J. Keipert 69, 72G Mr. Robert J. Keir 77 Mr. Joseph P. Keithley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Kelleher 91 Mr. Joseph A. Keller 83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Keller 81 Mr. and Mrs. Traugott F. Keller III 55 Ms. Barb Kelley Ms. Barbara J. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kelley 79 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kelley 64 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelley 52 Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Kelley 95, 08G Mrs. Jody M. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelley 53 Mr. Kevin E. Kelley * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Kelley 36 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelley Carl P. Kelly, DO Mr. Dennis H. Kelly 74 Mr. Eamon Kelly 03 Joseph and Ellen 84G Kelly Helen Kelly Mr. John P. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly 65 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kemeny 61 Mr. Nicholas M. Kemock 65 Mr. Donald C. Kemp Kenneth and Kristen 94 Kemp Ms. Rose Kemp Dr. Jeffrey W. Kempe 99 Mr. and Mrs. C. Norman Kempel 38 Ms. Geraldine M. Kempski 59G Ms. Christen E. Kempton 06 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kendel 72G CPT. and Mrs. William E. Kenealy 52 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kenesey 65 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kennedy Michael and Bridget 00 Kennedy Ms. Jacqueline Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kennedy 81 Mr. Kevin A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kennedy 83 John and Susan 76 Kenney James 89 and Dianne 88 Kenny Mrs. Mary Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kenny Ms. Danielle Kensinger 07 George and Judy 67, 70G Kenson Kent State University Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Kenzie 71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Keresman III 79 Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Kerman Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kern 76 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kernan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Kernan 88 Mr. James B. Kerner 89 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kerner Sr. 64 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kerr 43 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kerscher Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Kerschner Mr. Kenneth Kesegich Kesic & Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kessel Mr. and Mrs. David Cyril Kessen Drs. Jason 96 and Sandra Kessen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ketchaver Mr. Fred W. Keyerleber Michael and Betsy Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kibelbek Ms. Anita M. Kidd 06G Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kiebort 64 Mrs. Danielle Kiedaisch Mr. Michael Kiene 03, 04G * Mr. Robert M. Kierer Mr. and Mrs. Juozas Kijauskas Mr. Brendan J. Kilbane Thomas 92 and Carolyn 92 Kilbane Ms. Grace Kilbane Mrs. Lucy R. Kilbane Dr. Nora C. Kilbane Bernie and Katie Kilcullen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kilijanczyk 72 Ms. Erin E. Killeen 01G Mr. Eugene M. Killeen Mr. Timothy J. Killeen 83 Dr. and Mrs. James B. Kilway 55 Kimberley Clark David and Dolores 85 Kimberly Ms. Natalie Kimble Thomas and Johanna 75G Kinder Dr. Gwendolyn and Mr. Michael Kinebrew COL and Mrs. Frank E. King 56 Mr. Jeffrey A. King Ms. Jennifer Lynn King 08G Ms. Juliet Mable King 07G Wayne and Mary King Mr. and Mrs. Sherman J. King Jr. 81G Ms. Suzanne M. King 88 Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell King Thomas and Yvonne 89G King Ms. Nancy King Smith Mr. Martin W. Kinsella 76, 82G Dr. and Mrs. William E. Kinsella 66 Ms. Stephanie S. Kinsman 07 Ms. Rosemary Kinsworthy 08G Mr. Edward F. Kipfstuhl 43 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kipfstuhl 54 Ms. Franciska Kiraly Richard and Mary Jane 95G Kirbus Ms. Helen Kirby Brendan and Kimberly 93 Kirby James and Mary 79 Kirby Ms. Margaret Ann Kirian 94 Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Kirk 79G Brian R. Kirkland, DO Deacon and Mrs. Robert P. Kirschner Ms. Diane L. Kirst Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kirwin James and Anne 86 Kish James 83 and Michele 85 Kisthardt * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kistner Matthew and Jennifer 94 Kitchen Mr. Edward I. Kizys Ms. Leokadia D. Kizys KJ Vietmeier Company Mr. Al Klammer Betty and Mary Klaric Corey 02 and Dana 02 Klein Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Klein 75 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Klein 60 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Klein 01 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Klein 73 * Kenneth 75 and Joanne 75 Kleinhenz Jack 74 and Karen 75 Kleinhenz Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kleinhenz 50 Mr. Philip J. Kleinhenz 71, 90G Michael A. Klema, M.D. 49 Ms. Julie A. Klemens 06 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Klemer Jr. 60 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Klepac Mr. and Mrs. James G. Klima 40 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Klimo Mr. Christopher A. Klocek 86 Robert and Jean 86 Kloos Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Klotz 57 Ms. Cynthia M. Klug Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Klug Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Klus 95, 02G Victor and Anna 81 Kmetich Mr. Richard J. Kmiecik 51 and Ms. Anne Greene Ms. Anne T. Kmieck Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Knake 63 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Knapp 81 Mark A. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Knazek 69 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Knechtges 56 Dr. and Mrs. Jon A. Knight 63 Knights of Columbus Council 13581 Mr. Jeffrey E. Knipper 08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Knoblauch 82,90G Daniel and Kimberly 04 Knoch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Knotek 50 Ms. Judy Knox James 75 and Nancy 77 Knuff John 82 and Julie 82 Knuff Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Knuth 75 Ms. Michelle Koach 02G Mr. Paul V. Koballa 81G Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Koberna 83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Koblin 61 John and Bridget 94 Kobus William and Kathleen 77 Kobyljanec Mr. and Mrs. Kris T. Koch 89 Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Koch Mr. Michael Edward Koch Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Koch David and Kathleen 98G Koci Ms. Nida Kocijan Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kodweis 63 Mr. and Mrs. Elmar G. Koeberer 62 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Koelliker Mr. Brian D. Koenig 82
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Mr. and Mrs. James C. Koenig 81 Ms. Mary Ann Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Koenig 64 Ms. Sandra M. Koenig Brian 98 and Amy 98 Koester * Robert and Michelle 90 Koester Mr. Stewart A. Kohl Gary and Betsy 08G Kohn Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kohn Dr. Frank J. Kohout 63 Dr. Robert Kolesar and Dr. Karen Gygli Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kolesar 65 Ms. Sarah Kolis 07G Maia and August Kollander Drs. Frank and Carol Kollarits 65 Dr. Richard V. Kollarits 66, 68G Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kolo Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Koloda 75 Mike and Leslie Kolschetzky Ms. Megan L. Kolupski 07 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kolupski COL and Mrs. David M. Komar 70 Mr. Kenneth Konchan 92G Kondracke Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Kondrat Mr. Kenneth P. Konet 95 John and Rita 82 Konfala Mr. Norbert S. Konkowski Mr. Joseph M. Konrad 08 Karen L. Konrad Mr. Paul B. Konrady 06 William and Nancy 89G Koons Ms. Catherine Kooser 81 Ms. Catherine M. Kopanski 80 * Ms. Darice J. Kopcak 04 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kopczak Mr. Jason A. Kopczak 94 Ivy Kopit and David Rohler Ronald and Christine Koprowski Ms. Frances M. Koral Korean Karate Center Inc. Sr. Mary Jean Korejwo, SND 74G Ms. Katherine E. Kormos 04 Dr. J. David Korn 62 Ms. Sophia Korodi-Bocskap Mr. Roscoe Kortyna Paul and Jennifer 96 Kos Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kosak 60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kosek Frank and Sophie 71G Kosem Mr. Joseph C. Koshay Jr. 89 Dr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Kosinski 61G John Kosko and Nancy McDonnell Robin Koslen Ms. Constance Brigneli Koss 90G Ms. Susan M. Kost 93 * Barbara Kostensky Ms. Lauren B. Koster 06, 09G Ms. Lynn M. Koster Eric Kostko and Jenilia Kostko 00 Mr. and Mrs. Casimir J. Kotowski 53 Mr. Stephen R. Kotris 06, 07G Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Koubek 87 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Koury Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kovac 88 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kovach 64 Michael 01 and Kathleen 00 Kovacina Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kovacs Jr. 71 Mrs. Josephine Kovalchick Dr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Kovar 55 David and Jamie 84G Kovarik David 98 and Sara 99 Kovass Joseph and Holly Kowalski * Mr. Timothy Kozar 85

Charles and Michelle Kozik Joseph and Eleanor Kozik Ms. Halle R. Kozink 07 Mr. Jerome M. Kozon 84, 88G Rev. Andrew W. Krafcik 50 Mr. Joseph J. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kraft 73 Mr. Robert M. Kraft 00 Dr. and Mrs. David H. Krahe 73 Mr. Michael S. Krainz Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Krainz 61 Mr. Phil Krajcovic Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Krajewski 72 * Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Krajnak 66, 72G Mr. Eugene T. Krakowiak 50, 59G Ms. Lisa A. Krall 04 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kramer 72, 94G John and Ellen 88 Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Kramer 74 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Kramer 65 Drs. Dan and Corissa Krane 85 Mr. Edward Krantz Ms. Alyssa M. Krasinskas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kraus 79 William and Mildred 73 Kraus Mr. and Mrs. William S. Krauth Rabbi and Mrs. Leonard S. Kravitz 50 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Kray 50 Rev. Henry L. Krebs 55 Mrs. Janice Krebs Tom and Laura 93 Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Kreiser Patrick 93 and Susan 94 Krejci Ms. M.J. Celeste Krejsa 96G Stephen 71 and Linda 93 Kresnye Mr. Arthur O. Kresse 56G Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kretschmer 78 Todd and Deborah 95 Kreuz Mr. Armand Krikorian Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Krill Jr. 55 Dale Edward and Brenda Kristof 80 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Kroboth 73 Mr. Mark P. Krochmal 72 Mr. Jonathan H. Krol 07 Kenneth and Maureen 77 Krol Warren and Ellen 96 Krueger Mrs. Dawn Kruger 92 Dr. James H. Krukones Mr. Joseph R. Krulich 61 Mr. Wayne J. Krupitzer 68 Mr. and Mrs. Harijs R. Kruza 66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Krzan Keith Kubach 82 and Mary Ann Sekerak 82 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kucera 60 David 98 and Carolyn 98 Kucharski Brian 92 and Molly 95 Kuczinski Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Kuechle 65 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Kuenzig Mr. and Mrs. William W. Kufahl Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kuhar 70 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhar 68 Richard and Margaret 87 Kuhlman * Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kullik 64 Mr. Dennis Kulpa Mr. Thomas J. Kulwicki Ronald and Shirley Kummer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kundrath 49 * Mrs. Ursula Kunsitis Mr. Paul J. Kunzen 51 Ron and Linda 79, 04G Kupiec Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Kurtz 65 * Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kusek 81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kush 66 John Kusiak Family Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kusmier Ms. Kathleen M. Kutzer Al and Jane Kwasiborski Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kyle 73, 79G Ms. Christina E. Kyrkos 08 Ms. Elizabeth Lacaties Dr. Timothy J. Lach 84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lachman 73 Kenneth Frazier and Judith Lachvayder-Frazier 71G Mr. Jorge and Dr. Graciela Lacueva Mr. Barna Lacza Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc. Brian and Kathleen 90 Laffey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. LaFond 63 Ms. Elizabeth Lohr 03 Gordon 55 and Margaret 70G LaGanke Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Laheta 52 Jeffrey 98 and Theresa 97 Laheta Mr. and Mrs. T. Patrick Lahey 41 Mr. Timothy Lahey 97G John and Karen Lahl Patrick and Michelle 84 Laird Mr. and Mrs. Vic J. LaJeunesse 54 Lake Catholic High School Lake Erie Electric, Inc. Ms. Cydney LaLama Daniel 98 and Nyla 98 Lambert James 90 and Ann-Margaret 90 Lambo Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Lambrix Philip Lammers and Joy Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Bart L. Lanchman 51 * Ms. Fay B. Landau Mr. and Mrs. George W. Landis Bryan and Kathy 87 Landrum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lanese 92G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lanese Jr. 78 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lanese 92G Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lang Mr. Paul G. Lange 79 Mr. Keith Lewis Langham 95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Langlois 57 Marius M. Laniauskas Mr. Wiliam R. Lanphear Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lapi Mr. Stephen J. Large 02 Ms. Penelope M. Larkin Mrs. Arlene Larry Larry Vuillemin LTD Dr. Janet D. Larsen Mrs. Marguerite S. Larson Dr. and Mrs. James R. Lasch 50 Michael 92 and Ines 95 Lascu Mr. Mark LaSota Mr. Joseph Laszio Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Latran 61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Latsko 81 Ms. Elizabeth Latukka Stephen and Bonnie Lau Mr. John M. Lauber * Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Laudonia 70 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Lauer 51 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lauer * Charles and Joan 88, 92G Lauer * Dr. and Mrs. John D. Lauer 52 Mr. Geoffrey C. Laughlin 91 Ms. Irena Laurinaitis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lause Delores and James Laux Michael and Debra 73 Lavelle Mr. Eugene E. Lavelle 50 Mr. James M. Lavelle Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lavelle 58 Ms. Katherine L. Lavelle 00


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La-Vera Party Center Inc. Ms. Mary R. Lavin 87 Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Lavin 98 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Law 76 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lawler 80G Mr. Andrew F. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Lawrence Jr. Dolores Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lawrence 76 Diane L. Lawriw Mr. Walter J. Lazar Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lazarony 54 Ms. Katie Lazarowicz 04G John 91 and Julie 90 Lazor Mr. Paul C. Lazuka 07 Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Lazuka 62 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lazzaro 66 Leadingwork LLC Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. Leahy 62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Leahy 64 Ms. Christine A. Leak 97 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Leamon 87 Leonard Soeder 90 and Robin Leasure 90 Tom and Sara Leberer Dick and Demaris 77 LeBlanc Anthony 93 and Deborah 90 Leccese * Dr. Robert and Mrs. Patricia Lechner Ms. Katherine A. Leckenby 06 Ms. Ursula A. Lecznar 99 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Leddy 77 Ms. Jill E. Ledin 97 Carl and Kathleen 92 Lee Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Lee Jr. Mr. Jonathan A. Leebow 99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Leehr 71 Ms. Joanna L. Lefebvre 05 Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Leffard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lefko Legacy Construction Services LLC Violeta Z. Leger Mrs. Rachel L. Legerski 94G Mr. and Mrs. Garth S. Leggett 01, 04G * Ms. Janet Lehane Ms. Lila Lehrer Mr. Patrick Leigh Mr. and Mrs. Thad L. Leininger 64 Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Leinweber 73 Mr. Jeffrey T. Leitch Gary and Molly 99 Leiter Ms. Debra S. Leizman Christopher 98 and Anita 99 Lembach Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lembach 64 Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lembach 64 Ms. Priscilla E. Leming Daniel and Brenda Lemmon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lemut 82 Steve and Mary Lenarz Mr. Michael Lenehan Mr. Jack G. Lenhart Mrs. M. Lenkauskas Joseph and Kimberly 84 Lenner Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Leonard 63 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leonard 62 Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Leonard 71 The Hon. and Mrs. Richard L. Leopold 66 Mr. and Mrs. Donato Lepore 88 Mr. Attilio J. Lepri 58 Ms. Olga Lerner 05 Ms. Alison LeRoy Henri and Jeanne 63G Lese Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Lesko Mrs. Rita Lesko Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lesniak 53 Ms. Julia Leszko Jim and Pam Leuenberger James and Katherine Levis John and Karen 87 Levis Ms. Donna L. Levy 99G Drs. Albert and Helen Lewis Mr. Carter P. Lewis Mr. Eric A. Lewis 07, 09G Ms. Erin M. Lewis 07G Mrs. Joanna (Rosati) Lewis 99, 05G Mr. John M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Lewis Mr. Michael D. Lewis 71 Mr. Thomas P. Lewkowicz 69 Kenneth 93 and Mary 92, 01G Liang John and Nancy Liber Ms. Valerie Heller Libman 87G Mr. and Mrs. John M. Licastro 73 Mr. David E. Lichtenberg 65G Life Equity LLC Mr. Miklos and Mrs. Rose Ligetvari James 84 and Mary 84 Liggett Diane and Douglas Lightbody Ms. Valerie Lindak Don and Ileen 01G Linden Mr. Vincent K. Lindsay Lines of Connection Jeffery 85 and Letitia 85 Linker Ms. Mary Jane C. Linn 82G Mr. and Mrs. William J. Linsenmayer Mr. Michael Lipinski and Ms. Carrie Goglin 98 Edward and Carol Lipnos Mr. and Mrs. Albin Lipold 52 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lipovecs Judi and Mike Lisi P. Daniel 80 and Pamela 81 Liska Mr. Mitchell S. Lison 69 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Lisowski 67 Dr. and Mrs. James Lissemore Mrs. Virginia B. Little 71G C.A. Litzler Co. Inc. * Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Ljubi 71 Andrew Bower and Susan Lober-Bower 98G Mr. William J. Lock 87 Lockheed Martin Corporation * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Loeffler 64, 66G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Loeffler 81 * Mr. and Mrs. William G. Loftus 84 Loggia Baranello, Inc. Mr. Maurice F. Logsdon 48 Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Logsdon 49 Philip 89 and Catherine 90 Lombardi Ms. Patricia T. Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lombardo Jr. Ms. Kristin M. Lonergan 05 Ms. Patricia A. Lonergan 76 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Long 59 Janice and Gary Long Thomas 72, 75G and Kathleen 75 ,82G Long Ms. Teresa M. Long Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Longo 89 Fr. Robert Longobucco Mr. Jeffrey V. Longsworth 99 Dr. and Mrs. James Lonz Mr. Kenneth E. Looney 56, 74G Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lopes Gregory 05 and Rebecca 05 Lopez Mr. James M. LoPresti Ms. Beverly S. Lorek Mr. Carl F. Lorenzo 65G Mr. N. Michael Lorenzo * Mr. Daniel Loreta Ms. Michelle M. LoSchiavo 88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lott Matthew and Tamara 95G Lott Dr. Gregory J. Louis 79 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Louis 52 Mrs. Eileen M. Love Ms. Lauren R. Lovell 04 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lovequist Ms. Sarah E. Lovequist Timothy and Mary Lynn 91 Loversky Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Lowes 75 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Loyer 54 Sal and Maria Lubrano Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Lucas 66 The Hon. and Mrs. Alfred V. Lucas 57 Christopher Hopey and Cheryl Lucas 83 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Lucas 71 Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lucha 66 Mr. Andrew J. Luciana 06 Mr. Frank A. Luckino 07 Mr. John D. Ludway Dr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Ludwig 84 Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Luikart Mr. John and Dr. Martie Lukanich Mate Luketic Sara and Stan Lundine Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Lupica 53 Mr. Jeffrey C. Lupica 06 Bruce and Sandy Lusher-Waterhouse Ms. Debora A. Lutz Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lutz 78 Mr. Ernest J. Luzar Lydia Ladies Guild Barbara Lynch 78, 97G Mr. Christopher M. Lynch 95G * Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lynch Ms. Jody M. Lynch Mr. John P. Lynch 57 Ms. Molly C. Lynch 01 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lynch 69 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Lynch 69 Ms. Kathy Y. Lynn Michael 95 and Annmarie 95 Lyons Sr. Karen Lyons, CSJ 74G Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Lyons 57 Mr. Robert J. Lyons 50 Mr. and Mrs. William John Lyons Lyons Management Group Fredrick 93 and Amy 93 Lytle Michael and Dana 98 Maassen Dr. Paula Mabee Helenurm and Mr. Kaius Helenurm Mr. Gilbert A. Macali Jr. 79 Fred and Anne 69G Macall Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. MacDonald 68, 70G Ms. Donna S. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. David M. MacDowell 65 Ms. Joanne MacEachen 76 Mr. Tony V. Macedonia 07 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. MacFadden 64 Ricardo and Mary Anne 87 Machado * Dr. Elizabeth MacIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. MacIvor 81 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mack Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mack 57 Starling and Sarah 84G Mack Mark and Mary Mackert Richard 79 and Mary 79 Mackessy Mr. and Mrs. George G. Mackey 69 Laurence 66, 84G and Martha Mackie The Hon. and Mrs. John F. Mackin 55 Mr. Michael R. Macko

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John 95 and Heather 95 Macks Dr. and Mrs. Gregory MacLennan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. MacPherson 82 Thomas 71 and Alexis 72 Madden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Madden 66 Mr. Terry Madej Mark 95 and Mary 96 Madeja Ms. Mamie A. Madge 65 Mr. Joseph D. Madigan 07 Mrs. Juliette M. Madigan 88G Mr. and Mrs. James A. Magee Ralph and Maria 86 Magee Dr. Gerald M. Mager 70, 73G Ms. Amanda L. Maggiotto 08 Michael and Aileen 80 Magnotto Mr. and Mrs. John J. Magyari 84 Mr. Charles A. Mahanor 83 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Mahfouz Mr. and Mrs. William Mahnic 80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mahon 86 Peter and Brenda Mahoney Mr. Joseph C. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mahoney Ms. Mary A. Mahoney 90 * Michael and Barbara Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mahoney 54 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mahoney 50 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maier Mr. Kenneth A. Majewski 01 Ms. Pam C. Makee Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Makowski 52 Ms. Siobhan D. Malave 94 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Malecky Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Maletta 82G Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Malicki 86 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maline Dr. Jack M. Malinky 71 Ms. Christina M. Malinowski 05G Ms. Theresa Malion Mr. Thomas B. Malito 94G Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mallin Mr. Patrick S. Mallott 06, 08G * Sean and Amy 85 Malloy Timothy and Caroline 86 Malloy * Ms. Catherine R. Malloy COL and Mrs. James J. Malone 46 Mr. and Mrs. John Reece Malone Sr. 69 Judith Malone and Jeffry Katz Thomas 73 and Mary Kay 75 Malone Dr. and Mrs. Michael Malone 68 Dr. William F. Malone 52 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Maloney 68 Mark 88 and Julie 88 Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maloney Mr. Patrick Maloney Thomas and Angela 68G Maloy Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Mamich 69, 71G Mr. Craig Manahan Carl and Jill 85 Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Mancuso 92 Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Mandalfino 50 Giles 93 and Rachel 93 Manias Mr. John S. Manka 05G Mr. and Mrs. Guido Mannella Jacqueline D. Mannella Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mannen Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mannion 71 Jeffrey and Elizabeth 88 Manthei Mr. Eric Manthey Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Manuszak Ms. Michelle Manzoian 07 Mr. Allen P. Maragliano 68 Dominic and Jacqueline Marchionda

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marchioni Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Marchlen Ms. Lindsay A. Marciniak 04 Mrs. Marija Marcinkevicius Bonnie and Steve Marcus Mr. and Mrs. John M. Marcus III 72 Mr. Zarouhi Mardikian Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Marek Mr. Frank Margittai Mr. Andy Maric Michael and Susan Sonchik 75 Marine Mr. Donald V. Maringo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Marini 64 Mr. Bruce David Marino Ms. Shirley A. Marino Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Marino 72 Mrs. Severina Della Marinucci Marist Fathers and Brothers Brian 94 and Mary 95 Marita Dr. Z. Markarian Markel Corporation * Mr. Anton Markschat Mr. John Markulin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Marlier 82 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Marlowe Jr. Michael 02, 06G and Erin 02 Marotta Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Marquard 51 Loretta Marquard 74 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Marquardt 63, 64G Ben Marrison Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Marsalek 60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Marsh 96 Dr. and Mrs. David W. Marshall 80 Richard and Laura 74 Marshall Dr. and Mrs. W. Frederick Marshall 56 Ms. Holley Martens Mr. Walter E. Martens Jr. 67 Ralph and Nancy 69G Marti Dr. Amy Martin 80 Heather Martin Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Jr. 80 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Martin 78 Gregory 99 and Kirstin 99 Martin Jim and Mary Beth Martin Mr. Michael P. Martin Mr. Richard J. Martin 62 Paul and Sara 98 Martin Mr. Sean P. Martin 06 * Mr. William O. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Martines 60, 65G Mr. and Mrs. James J. Martines 01 Ms. Olga Martonhegyi John and Draga 84 Marusic Mary and Ken Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Masek 51 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Masica 62 Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Masino 66 David and Margaret 79G Mason Ms. Lynette M. Massaro Michael D. Masterson, MD Mr. Paul J. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Masterson 70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. William G. Masterson 49 Dr. and Mrs. Louis C. Mastrian 64 Dr. Giedra J. Matas Mr. Stephen J. Matas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Matejka 65 * Mr. James M. Matesich Thomas and Laura 88 Mather Dr. and Mrs. Paul Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Mathews

Mr. Robert J. Mathews Paul R. and Nancy V. Matia Surena and Misty 95 Matin Ms. Tobi L. Mattes Mr. and Mrs. Victor W. Matteucci 71 Mr. Mark I. Matthews 07, 08G * Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Matthews Ms. Louisa K. Matthias 93G Mr. Vytautas Matulionis Dr. Gerald E. Matyk 66 Mr. Bryan P. Mauk 08 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Maurer 68 Ms. Laurel M. Maurer 01 Mr. Mark Maurer Mrs. Aldona Maurutis Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Mausser 00G Mr. Maguy Mavissakalian Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mawby 84 Ms. Barbara Maxwell 94G Mr. Casimir J. May Donald 77 and Elizabeth 77 May Mr. Kevin May 08G Michael 84 and Shari 88 May * Fumio and Pamela 73 Mayeda Mr. Charles R. Mayer 49 Richard and Kathleen 79 Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Mayer 51 Ms. Diana T. Mayes Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mayfield 66 Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mayhugh 86G Mrs. Neema Mayhugh Mr. Andrew R. Mayle 99 Ms. Marjorie P. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Mazzocca Mr. Nicholas J. Mazzone 73 Mr. Thomas A. Mazzone Mr. Mark R. Mazzu 82 Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. McAdams Jr. Noreen and Timothy McAllister Judith and Martin McAnally Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. McAndrew 64 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McAndrews 85 Mr. and Mrs. James H. McAuley 60 Kevin 99 and Jill 99 McAuley * Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. McAuliffe 75, 78G * Mr. R. Bruce McAuliffe 52 Mr. and Mrs. George P. McBride Sr. 59 James 81, 90G and Judith 82 McBride Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. McBride 54 Mr. and Mrs. James McCall Ms. Allison McCallum 96 McCallum Law LLC Barbara McCarthy Ms. Charlene Ann McCarthy 75 Mr. Charles O. McCarthy 07 Mr. Denis J. McCarthy Michael and Eleanor 67G McCarthy Michael and Karen 79 McCarthy Mr. Kenneth P. McCarthy 65 Lucy and John McCarthy Bill and Maggie McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McCarthy 80 Dr. Thomas M. McCarthy 56 Mr. Timothy J. McCarthy 75 David and Tina 96 McCarthy Mr. William A. McCarthy 48, 77G McCarthy Marcus Hennings, LTD Mr. Donald J. McCartin John, Geri, and Mary McCartin Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCartin Jon and Laura 03 McCaskey Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCauley 50 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McCauley 85, 91G


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Jay and Nitsa 83 McClatchey Mr. and Mrs. David L. McClenahan 64 Craig and Kristina 05G McConnell Ms. Linda Marie McCorkle 86 John and Jill 95 McCormac Ms. Margaret J. McCormick Mr. Matt McCormick Ms. Maureen R. McCormick 85 Robert and Meredith 88 McCreary Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. McCrystal * Thomas 74 and Karen 97G McCrystal Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCuen 85 Mr. and Mrs. William A. McCuen 54 Mr. William McCullam Allen and Margaret 78G McCullough Matthew 93 and Angela 94 McCurdy McD Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. McDermott 75 Stephen and Mary 87 McDermott Mr. Phillip A. McDermott 69, 71G Mr. Michael E. McDonagh 65 Mr. and Mrs. David McDonald Donald and Grace McDonald 44 Dr. and Mrs. James E. McDonald 64 John G. McDonald Ms. Jill McDonough and Mr. Gregory Merriman Mr. and Mrs. John W. McDonough 60 Ms. Maggie McDonough 77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDonough 62 Mark 05 and Roselean 05 McDowell Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy 63 Ms. Elizabeth Alexandra McFadden Mr. Warren McFarland 66 Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGah 75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McGann 59 Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. McGannon 64 Mr. Thomas J. McGarril 72 * Michael 82 and Maidie 84 McGarry Michael 88 and Michele 89 McGarry McGarry & Sons The Hon. and Mrs. Bernard L. McGinley 67 Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McGinley 78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. McGinnis Regis and Karen 89 McGinty Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. McGivern 59 Ms. Kelly M. McGlumphy 00 Mr. Terrance J. McGonegal ESQ 72 Joseph Cleary and Anne McGorray Cleary 75 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. McGrath 60 Mr. Fred McGraw Mr. and Mrs. James V. McGreal 64 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McGreal 62 Sean 65 and Patricia 72G McGuan Mrs. Ethel McGuigan David and Laura 91 McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. McGuire 80 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. McGuire III 70 Mr. John T. McGuire 96 Sr. Judith McGuire, CSJ 69G Kurt Hack and Melissa McGuire 90 Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGuire 70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McGunigal 58, 59G Mr. and Mrs. John L. McHale III 63 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McHale 62 Ms. Mary Lou McHenry McHenry & Associates, Inc. William and Christine 86 McHugh Mr. Ray McIntosh Erik 04 and Jessica 04, 08G McKay Paul and Heidi McKay Mr. Philip J. McKeating Jr. 68 Pamela McKee and Allan Slawson Ms. Alexandria J. McKenna 06 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McKenna 72 * Bro. Richard McKenna, SM 82 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. McKenney 99 Mr. William G. McKenney 07 COL and Mrs. Charles A. McKeon 62 McKesson Corporation * Ms. Roberta J. McKibbin Mr. William C. McKinney Ms. Libbey McKnight Mr. Andrew J. McLandrich Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. McLaughlin 62 Geraldine McLaughlin Robert and Judith 81G McLaughlin Dr. Janice V. McLean Mrs. John McLeod Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Suzanne McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. McMahon Ms. Kathleen McMahon 82G Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McMahon 71 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. McMahon 52 Ms. Cynthia McManamon Mr. John T. McMillen Mrs. Kimberly McNally 95 Mr. Brian R. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. George T. McNamara Mr. Rich McNamara Ms. Eileen C. McNamara Varnish 07G Patrick Havens and Susan McNamee 75, 79G Rick and Elizabeth 73 McNinch Ms. Hilary M. McNulty Thomas and Jerilynn McNulty Marc 92 and Karin 92 McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. McNulty 63 Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold McPartlin Donald and Kathy 95, 01G McPhillips Mr. Kevin McQueen Ms. Laura L. McQueen Dr. Dennis R. McSeveney 65 Ms. Maureen A. McSweeney 76 David and Carrie DeWitt 98 Mr. Brent A. McWhorter 07 Ms. David McWilliams Christian 00, 03G and Heather 00 Meade Meadowood Graphics Inc. Dick and Marilyn Meadows Mr. John J. Meany 97 Ms. Mahli X. Mechenbier 99G T. Hart and Mary Alice 82 Mecke Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meder 66 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Meehan 61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Meehan 71 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Megerian Mr. Nicholas M. Mehall 02, 04G * Mr. and Mrs. James M. Meier 81G Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Meilinger 79 Mr. Ryan M. Mekota 07 Mrs. Ann Mell 82 Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Mell 81 Philip and Marjorie 88G Mellon Mr. David Melo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Meloni Arthur and Mary 87G Melton Mr. Malcolm Meluch Daniel 99 and Erin 00 Memo William and Keiran 74 Menacher Mr. and Mrs. John A. Menes 64 Mr. Sam Menl Mr. Charles W. Menser Father Chuck Mentrup Council 14400 W. Jack and Margo 91 Meola Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mercer 58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mercer The Merck Company Foundation * Garett Merdes and Nicole Merdes 97 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Merjavy 63 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mersch Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mertes 63, 81G Matthew Hiestand and Lori Mertes 89 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Mertz 67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mesrobian Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Messina 75 Ms. Barbara J. Messinger-Rapport Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Meszaros 88 Metro Catholic School Terrence J. Metter Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Metz 71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Metz 64 Michael 00, 01G and Paula 01G Metz * Mr. and Mrs. James V. Metzger 64 Ms. Eileen M. Meyer 82 Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Meyer III Meyer Construction Trent and Irene 87 Meyerhoefer Mr. Ian P. Meyers 98 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Meyers 56 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Meyers Jr. 65 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Micca Michael and Mary 76G Michael Christopher Adams and Nicole Michael-Adams 08G Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Michel Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Michel 69 Anthony 89 and Karen 92 Micheli Microsoft Matching Gifts Program * Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Miday 97 Mr. Joseph A. Miglionico 79, 85G Ms. Margaret A. Miguet Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Mikel Christopher 00, 06G and Lisa 00 Miklich Mr. Joseph J. Miklich Jr. 68 Patricia A. Miklich Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Miklich Ms. Marie Mikonis Dr. and Mrs. Angelo Milano 51 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Milavec Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Milazzo 71 Nicholas 86G and Mary 78 Milcinovic Ms. Karen Miles Willie and Peggy 80G Miles Mr. Salvatore Mileti 94 * Mr. and Mrs. Angelo S. Milicia 65 Mr. Alvin A. Miller Jr. 72 Mrs. Bobbie J. Miller 80, 83G Sanford and Bonnie 71G Miller W. John and Colleen 92 Miller Mark and Dorene 73 Miller Mr. Frank J. Miller Mr. James M. Miller 94 Mr. Jason L. Miller 07 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Miller 52 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Miller 68 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Miller 59 Ms. Julia D. Miller Michael and Kristina Miller Ken and Laura 93 Miller James and LaVonne 86G Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Miller 87 Dr. Lisa M. Miller 89 Ms. Marta R. Miller Ms. Mary Ann Miller 73, 02G Ms. Megan R. Miller 05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Miller 93 Stephen and Victoria 94 Miller Millers Rental & Sales Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Millikin 69

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John J. Mills Co. Dennis and Marcella 72G Milota Ms. Dianne Walton Milton 92 Ms. Carrie A. Minardo 99 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Minarik 63 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Mingarelle 58 Ronald 87 and Christine 88 Mingus Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miniter Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Minkunas 56 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Minter Howard and Anne 85 Mintz Ms. Lucine Mirakian Samuel and Sue Mirakian Drs. William and Denise Mirando Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mirguet 64 Ms. Michelle Mirowski 06 Mr. J. David Misconish Mr. Michael D. Misconish Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Misconish Susan and Bill Misconish Ms. Rebecca L. Misencik 01, 08G Mr. and Mrs. John M. Misenko 70 Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Misera Mr. Charles D. Missar 51 Dr. William C. Mitchel 71 Dr. Christine M. Mitchell 75G Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Mitchell 70 Mr. John M. Mitchell Mr. Shawn M. Mitchell 93 Jene and Doreen 88G Mittinger John 83 and Linda 85 Mlinarcik MMC Matching Gifts Program * Mobil Corporation * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mockler 80 Julian and Jennifer 91 Modesti Arthur and Lisa Moeller Ms. Mary L. Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moeller 49 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Moeller 69, 71G Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Moeller 70 Moen Inc. * John 80 and Mariann 81 Moeschberger Jeffrey 81 and Judy 81 Mog * Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Mog 60 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Mohler 84 * Martin E. Mophler Attorney At Law Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mohney 89 Ms. Arlene F. Mole 74 Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Mole 68 John and Ann Moliassa Mark 92 and Mary 92 Molnar Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moloney Jr. 50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moloney 55 Ms. Suzanne M. Molzan Michael and Angela 00 Monateri Richard and Judith 88 Mondry Brian Toohey and M. Elizabeth Monihan 79 Mr. Robert H. Monnaville 66 Mrs. Alice K. Monroe Joseph 73, 79G and Ann 74 Monroe Mr. and Mrs. William T. Monroe 49 Mr. and Mrs. John Montean Jr. 49 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Montefiori William and Elizabeth 84 Montgomery Sandra Montrose 63G Daniel and Jean Montville Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Moodt Mr. and Mrs. John L. Moonan James and Barbara 84 Moore Mr. Craig L. Moore Dan and Marjorie 96G Moore Fenton 87 and Maria 87 Moore Mr. John M. Moore 78G Ms. Kimberly M. Moore 91

Ms. Linda C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Moore Ms. Sarah Kilbane Moore Scott and Nancy 88G Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moore 64 Mr. Timothy Moore OBrien Kevin and Jeanine 84 Mooren Thomas and Kathryn 89 Moosavian Ms. Laura Morabito 07G Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Morales Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Moran 70 Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Moran 87 Ms. Virginia Moran Jeffrey and Ellen 87 Moreau * Ms. Audrey Morgan John and Cheryl 76 Morgan Ms. Doris A. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James OC Morgan 40 Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Morgan 63 Mr. Timothy M. Morgan 90 The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift Program * Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. * Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign * Ms. Melissa Morganti Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Moriarty 94 Kent S. and Jill J. Morin John and Sally 88G Morley Mrs. Maureen M. Greene 82, 85G Mr. and Mrs. R. Timothy Moroney 77 Lyle and Bonita 94G Morris Ms. Kathleen Morris 03 Mr. Michael K. Morris Scott and Regina 86 Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morris Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morrissey III 87 Eileen and Ken Morrow Joseph 97 and Caroline 97 Morse Jeffrey and Rachel 08 Morse Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Morton Robert H. Mosakowski Ms. Arlene K. Moseley 86 The Hon. William W. Mosholder 48 Mr. Frank E. Mosier Mosier Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mossman Dr. Jeffrey Mostade 95G Mindaugas Motiejunas Mr. S. Z. Motiejunas Mt. Lebanon Dermatology PC Ms. Sherri D. Mowinski 95 Ms. Valerie S. Moyer 01 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Moynihan 79 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mramer 67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mroczka Mark and Pamela Muehlman Jeanne Mueller and Family Darren and Rebecca 97 Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Mueller 64 Craig Fulthorpe and Marjorie Mulanax 82 Christopher 93 and Michelle 93 Mulchin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulhall 76 Mr. Algirdas P. Muliolis Dr. Pierce H. Mullally 39 and Eileen Murphy Mullally 71G Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mullan III 76 Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius J. Mullee 55 Mr. John J. Mullen Jr. 82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Mullen 92 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mullen 72 Mr. Connor E. Mullin 05 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mullin 62

Mr. Russell Mullins Mr. and Mrs. P. Laurence Mulvihill 61 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Mundzak 53 Mr. John M. Muni 72 Mr. Leonard M. Muni 71, 80G Mr. Robert J. Munley 48 Mr. Carl R. Munn 53 Mr. Douglas A. Munnell Thomas and Linda Munnell Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Muno 60 Michael 88 and Beth 88 Murdy Mr. Gregory G. Muresan 98 * Ms. Allison Murphy 03 Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Murphy 99 Mr. Brian F. Murphy 02G Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Murphy 58, 59G Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy 64 John 88 and Lisa 89 Murphy Mr. Justin B. Murphy 89 Dennis and Kathleen Murphy Ms. Kathleen A. Murphy 89 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy Ms. Marguerite A. Murphy 05G Ms. Melissa M. Murphy 07 LTC and Mrs. Michael J. Murphy 75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Murphy 89 Pat and Robin Murphy Patrick 70 and Elaine Murphy Mr. Patrick Murphy 90 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Murphy 69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Murphy 57 Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Murray 49 Mr. and Mrs. Garrett J. Murray 55 Mr. Michael J. Murray 79 Mr. Patrick K. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Musbach 64 Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Musca 57 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Musca 55 The Musca Family Charitable Fund Daniel and Laura 94 Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Musser Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Muth 41 Mr. William A. Muth 36 David and Donna Muthersbaugh Mr. Aaron R. Muttillo 99 Mr. Robert J. Muzic 55 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Muzilla 73 Ms. Betty Myers 67G Mrs. Catherine Ramella Myers 05 Ms. Christa L. Myers Mr. and Mrs. David Myers Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Myers 41 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Myers 53 Dr. and Mrs. James H. Myers 72 Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Mykytyn Jr. 63 Ms. Diane M. Myrda Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Myszkowski * David and Erika 86 Nace Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Nagel 67 Ms. Maura M. Nagel 05 Mr. Arpad Nagy Ms. Ethel Nagy Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Nahigian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nahra 59 Ms. Maria D. Nainiger 06, 09G Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Nairne Dr. and Mrs. John P. Nairus 56 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Najjar 85 Leokadija Nakvosas Ms. Janette Nalbandian Dorothy and Joseph Nameth Mr. Paul F. Namitka Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Nannen 95 Mr. Ralph A. Napletana 40


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Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Napoli Mr. Carl F. Nardone Mr. Tom Narolski David and Alisa Nash Ms. Janet Nash Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Nash 64 Dr. Annette N. Nassali 95 Mrs. Regina R. Nasvytis Nasvytis Enterprises Inc. Mr. Connor P. Nathanson 06 Nature Stone Karl 74, 80G and Joan 76G Naugle Mr. William J. Navarre III 06 Ms. Susan J. Navish 75 Dr. Lillian A. Nawalanic 69G Thomas 03 and Alyssa 03 Nayden NCAA NDI Medical Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Nealon Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Neary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Neelon 77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neely 97G Mr. James F. Negrelli Mr. Negrescu and Ms. Tecuta Margaret and Ronald Neissen Mr. Arden D. Nelson 07G Scott and Carol Anne 91 Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Nelson 08G David and Tracy Nelson Mr. Fred N. Nelson 78, 79G Edmund and Joyce 91 Nelson Ms. Randa M. Nemer 06 Thomas and Amanda 02 Nemeth * Robert 87 and Barbara 87 Nemeth Ms. Verna J. Nepa Joan and Mark Nerderman Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Neroni 55 Don and Linda Nettis Ms. Kristin A. Netzband 05 Mr. Glenn W. Neuf Matthew and Dina 94 Neuman Mr. Ryan M. Neumeister 04 Bruce and Catherine 79 Newell Ms. Carol C. Newman 84G Ms. Nancy Newman Mrs. Rachel Baker Newman Karen Newshutz Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nezbeda 73G Ms. Ngoc Quynh T. Nguyen 04G Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Nibert 69G Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Nichols Mr. Gregory R. Nichols 02 Mr. Lawrence J. Nichta 56 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Nichting 60, 68G Mr. Anthony C. Nickras Ms. Carole A. Nicolosi Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Nicosia 88 Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Niec 79 Gary 96 and Mollie 97 Niederpruem Mr. Roy L. Niedzalkowski Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner 74 Ms. Mildred Jean Niehaus 87G Mr. Steven J. Niehoff 96G * Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Niesen 57 Ms. Debra Nigra Mr. Mirsat Nikovic 95 * Kathryn Marie Nisser Mr. Matthew Nist 03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nist Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nix Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Noble 63 John and Catherine Nocero Ms. Margaret M. Nocero Mr. Alan Nola Mr. Victor S. Nolan 00 Ms. Dorothea Nondorf Hickey 01 Norfolk Southern Corporation * Mr. and Mrs. David L. Norris 64 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Norris 67 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance * Ms. Erin E. Norton 97, 00G Mr. John F. Norton 55 Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Nosal Mr. Marc R. Noss Dr. John Notaro and Dr. Nga Le Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Nottoli 65 Mr. and Mrs. W. Jerry Noud Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Novacek 72 Jon and Brooke 03 Novak Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Novak 59 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Novak Jr. 68 Mr. John F. Novak 55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Novak 58 Ms. Shirley A. Novak 80 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Novak 75 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Novatsyk Janine R. Novick 03 Gary and Betty 72 Nowac Caren Nowak Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nowak Ms. Valerie L. Nowak 96 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Nowakowski 65 Thomas 69 and Lynne Nowel Stephen 98 and Kerri 98 Nowicki Richard 64 and Linda Nowicki Mr. Frank X. Nugent 51 Mr. Joshua D. Nugent 08 Num Num World Music Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Nunes Jr. 71 Jonathan Nungesser Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Nungester Jr. 96 * Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis Nunney 66, 80G Ms. Diane L. Nuzum Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Nych Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nygaard Ms. Kathleen Nylen 77G Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nypaver III 70 Dr. Athol Abrahams and Dr. Lorraine Oak Mr. and Mrs. James L. Oakar 58 Ms. Mary Rose Oakar 66G Carolyn Oakes 89G Mr. William Oatey Zenon Obelenis Ms. Kristin M. Oberheu 90 * Judith Oberheuser Mr. Stanley L. Obernyer 67 Robert D. Oberst Ms. Katherine R. Obloy 07, 08G Mr. and Mrs. David M. OBoyle 73 Mr. and Mrs. Chris OBrien Mr. Clinton K. OBrien 05 * Dr. and Mrs. Edmund J. OBrien 50 Timothy and Jane 83 OBrien Mr. John P. OBrien 76 Ms. Kathleen A. OBrien 92 William 81 and Mary Carol 81 OBrien Maryalice OBrien 50 Mr. Matthew J. OBrien Robert OBrien and Ann Chiarucci OBrien Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. OBrien 78 Mr. Thomas P. OBrien 71 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Obringer 69 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. OCallahan 57 Margaret B. Ocepek 81G Peter and Kendra Ochs OCI Construction Inc. Carol C. OConnell 63G Mr. Matthew L. OConnell Mrs. Maureen D. OConnell Kenneth Burton and Kathleen OConnellBurton 80G Ms. Andrea M. OConnor Ralph Day and Eileen OConnor 84 Mr. James J. OConnor 55 Mrs. Jane Marie OConnor Ms. Maureen T. OConnor Mr. Michael P. OConnor 91 Thomas and Nancy OConnor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Oden 68 Mr. Timothy H. Oden 98G Mr. and Mrs. Gardner C. Odenbach Mr. Brendan M. ODonnell 06 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett H. ODonnell Dr. and Mrs. James P. ODonnell 57 Dr. John N. ODonnell 68 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin ODonnell Chris and Kay 89 ODonnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. ODonnell 79 Judge Terrence ODonnell Mr. Timothy J. ODonnell Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. ODonohue 63 Edward 83 and Donna 84 Ogonek Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ogonek 58 Mr. Jerome L. OGrady 61 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. OGrady 58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. OGrady 84 Dr. and Mrs. Anton J. Ogrinc 76 Dr. and Mrs. Francis G. Ogrinc 77 Mr. Joseph M. Ogrinc 81 Dr. Meribeth A. Ogrinc 74 and Mr. Daniel Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Ogrinc 50 Mr. Richard E. Ogrocki 86 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. OHalloran 63 Jack and Hannah OHandley Joseph and Karen 02G OHara Mr. and Mrs. William John OHara Ms. Kristen M. OHare 05 District 13 of The Ohio American Legion Ohio Gear & Transmission, Inc. The Ohio Valley Group Inc. Ms. Kristin Ohlson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ohradzansky 67 * Olde Reserve Title Agency Mrs. Rosemary Oldenburg Sam and Patricia 56 Oldfield Michael and Erica 90 OLeary Dr. and Mrs. J. Timothy OLeary Mr. Raymond J. OLeary 50 Ms. Siobhan C. OLeary 89 Joseph and Christine 88 Olexa * Mr. Thomas J. OLinn 95 * Solomon and Louisa Oliver Karstin Olofsson * Michael 90 and Colleen 90 Olszewski Matthew 97 and Laurie 97 Olver Olympus America Inc. * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Omahen 83 Seamus 99 and Susan 99 OMahoney Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. OMalley 53 Mr. and Mrs. John E. OMalley 51 William and Kathleen 72G OMalley Ms. Noreen C. OMalley Mr. Sean A. OMalley Mr. and Mrs. James E. OMeara III 58 Dr. Frank Omerza and Ms. Julie Davis 81 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Ondash 64 Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Onders Jr. 83 Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. ONeal Daniel 88 and Sheila 88 ONeil Mr. James F. ONeil

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Mr. Thomas D. ONeil Mr. Thomas F. ONeil 56 Ms. Joellen C. ONeill 89 Mr. John P. ONeill 62 Kevin J. 80 and Mary Ellen ONeill Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. ONeill Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. ONeill 64 Jeremy 00 and Jaime 00 Onk * Doug and Jan Ontrop Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Onufer 53 George and Sandy 88 Opacich Ms. Lydia B. Oppmann Oracle Matching Gifts Program * Ms. Diana Ordin Dennis and Anne 05 OReilly Mr. Sam Orenbach Mr. Jacob S. Oresick 06 Mr. Nick Oriti Mr. John and Mrs. Jean Orlando Orlando Baking Co. Inc Janice and Eugene Orlowski Ms. Nicole Orlowski Mr. Arpad Orosz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. ORourke 64 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Orovets 78 Ms. Ann M. Ortega 03 Ms. Ashley L. Ortiz Ms. Nancy Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ortolani Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Orwig 63 Christopher Fox and Irene ORyan-Fox Mr. and Mrs. George V. Oryshkewych 62 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Orzolek 96G Ms. Cynthia Oser Larry 93 and Bonnie 93 Oskowski * OSMA Mr. Ludovic L. Osvath Mr. Paul G. Oswald 59 Dennis and Colleen 84 OToole Mr. and Mrs. Donald OToole 84G Ms. Janice M. OToole Martin and Mary Kay 83 OToole Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. OToole 59 Thomas and Kelly 87 Otter Peter 91 and Alison 91 Otterman Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Ottes 57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Otto 72 Faculty & Administration of Our Lady of Mercy Academy Mr. Jerry Ourlian Mr. and Mrs. Edward Overberger Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Overdorf Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Owoc 57G Mrs. Albina Ozinskas Ms. Anna Padar Ms. Catherine Paetz Mr. Filippo Pagano F. Barth and Linda 73, 84G Page Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Paglione 59 Ms. Judith Pahor John 94 and Mary Jude 94, 97G Pakiela Mrs. Donna J. Palacz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Palermo 80, 86G Catherine and John Palko Mr. and Mrs. George Palko 75 * Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Palko 68 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Palko Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pallini 84G Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Palmer 59 John and Susan Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Palmieri 77 Mr. Antonio Palmiero Charles 82G and Christine 82G Palsa Mrs. Lina Palubinskas

Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pangallo James and Jan Pangallo Mr. Paul H. Pangrace 71G Alan 98 and Jill 98 Panteck John 95, 97G and Jane 97, 99G Panza Mr. and Mrs. James M. Papania Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pappas 79 William 68 and Suzanne 67 Pappas Scott 97 and Jessica 97 Paprzycki * Ms. Alicia M. Paradise 92 Mr. Eric A. Pardee Ms. Laura J. Pareso 07 Mr. David Parish Mr. Thomas J. Parish 01 Parkers Appliance Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Parks 61 The Hon. and Mrs. Martin O. Parks 64 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Parrilli 78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Parrilli 82 Robert C. Parrilli Insurance Co. * Dr. and Mrs. Joel H. Parrish 66 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Parrish 56 Mr. Adam Parson Steve and Allison 03 Parsons Dr. John 69, 71G and Margaret Parsons Mr. Michael M. Partington Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Pasek 62, 64G Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Paskay Robert 59, 60G and Janet Pasquesi 60 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent I. Passerell 86 Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Passwaiter 83 Mr. Dennis Paszkowski Mr. Michael Pataky Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Patarini 57 Mrs. Corinne M. Patel 77, 86G Mr. Gary R. Patena Mr. and Mrs. Norbert I. Patla 60 Mr. Gerald O. Patno 73 Ms. Louise K. Patno Mr. Lowell C. Patric Mr. Gary Patrick Charles Patterson 51 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Patterson 60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Patterson 72 Eric and Mayme 97 Patthoff Kevin C. Patton 69 Ms. Bridget R. Patton 99 * Mr. James V. Patton 60 Mr. Kevin C. Patton 69 Bill and Heidi Patton Dr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Pauer 65G * Mr. Ryan N. Paugh 04 Ms. Katherine Paulas Mr. and Mrs. Juan Paulet Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pauley 76 Glen and Beverly Paulk Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Paulovich 56 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Paulson 63G Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Pautler Mr. Bob Paval Mrs. Christine M. Pavelka 94 Ed and Pat Pavlish Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Payer Mr. Dean L. Payne Mr. Gary L. Payne Ms. Jill M. Pearce Ms. Thelma T. Walter Russell Heller and Denise Pebbles-Heller 93 Robert 86 and Marcia 86 Pecek Ms. Karri A. Peck 07 Pediatrics South Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Pedone

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Peer Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Pekarcik Jr. 73 Mr. Roy Pekoc Dr. Ralph J. Pelegrin 37 Pella Rolscreen Foundation * Ms. Margaret Pellack-Walker Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Rebecca Pellegrino Mrs. Mollie B. Pelon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pelon 90 Mr. Charles P. Pelsnik Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pender Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Penko Marc and Kim Penn Mr. and Mrs. David A. Penner 67 * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennington 06G Ms. Emily Penske Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Pepoy 60, 65G Mr. Thomas E. Peppard 93 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Peppard 68 Ms. Jane F. Perchinske 79 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Percic 61 Mr. and Mrs. John Percival 98G Mr. Dennis Percy95 and Mrs. Michelle Maladen-Percy Mr. and Mrs. Victor Perelmuter 75 Mr. Alan Perez Mr. and Mrs. John V. Pergi 68 Bill and Patricia 75 Perkins Mr. Norman E. Perney 53 Susan Burke Pero 91 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Perovsek 87 Mr. Dominic R. Perri 76 LTC and Mrs. Dennis W. Perry 71 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Perry Perspectus Architecture Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Pestello 74 Ms. Jeanne Petarra-Weeks 02G Mr. James R. Peternel 88 Dr. and Mrs. John G. Peters 67 Marsha Peters 91 Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Peters 73 Dr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Peters 60 Mr. Tim K. Peters Ms. Laura Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Petras 72G Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Petrash 54, 59G Mr. Alexander Petrauskis Mr. Bill Petrello Mr. Clayton C. Petro 07 Mr. Joseph Petro 04 and Ms. Katie Harcher 04 Ms. Phyllis A. Petroff 79 Victor and Elizabeth Petroni Petros Homes, Inc. Ms. Erin M. Petrovic Margaret R. Petrovic 72G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Petrovic 69, 76G Dr. and Mrs. William M. Petrovic 72 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Petrulis 73 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Petrus 94 Miss Autumn L. Petti Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Petti Mr. Ernest J. Petti 97 Ms. Rosemary Petti-Schaner Mr. and Mrs. David R. Pfalzgraf 65 Richard and Doris Pfaus Ms. Judith Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pfeiffer 61 Janet and Rick Pfeiffer Bernie and Suzanne 86 Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pfriem Janice Phalen Ms. Karen Phelan The Phillips Family


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Ms. Kathleen E. Philipps 06G Philips Electronics North American Corporation * Mr. Daniel L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anthony Phillips 95 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phillips 58 Ms. Merre A. Phillips 85 Mrs. Susan K. Phillips Ms. Christina L. Phillis 07 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Piascik 58 MAJ GEN and Mrs. John R. Piatak 59 Urban 77 and Christine 93 Picard Gherardo and Rita 88 Piccin Mr. and Mrs. Derrick J. Piccirillo Mr. Rico J. Piccirillo 02 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Piccuta 48 Ms. Frances Pici Mr. Joseph Pici Mike and Sara Pici Ms. Rose L. Pici Mr. Vincent Pici and Ms. Anita Fumar-Pici Mrs. Amilia Pickerill 94, 99G Ms. Sharyl Pickering Mr. William Pickering Frances Pickett 70G Mr. Eric S. Piechowski 04, 05G Jeffrey 80 and Rosemarie 78 Piening Michael 79 and Virginia 78 Pierson Ms. Kristin R. Pietrasiewicz 06 Frank and Lori 79 Pietravoia Mr. and Mrs. John S. Piety Mr. Henry J. Pikturna 57 Dr. Louis Pikula 57 Mr. Craig Pilditch Ms. Margaret E. Pilditch Mr. Pete Pinaha Mr. Cyril N. Pinchak 06 LS Mr. and Mrs. Augustine R. Pinedo Ms. Laura F. Pinnick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pinter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Piotrowski 60 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Pipino 56 Ms. Jeanna M. Pisegna 73G Mr. John M. Pitarresi Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Pitorak Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pitts 78G Ms. Toni Z. Pitts J. Jerome Lackamp and MaryJo PiunnoLackamp 89G Breck T. Platner Mr. Walter R. Platte 51 George N. 50 and Mary Plavac Mr. Walter J. Pleckaitis Ms. Maria I. Plecnik 06 Mr. Benjamin Pless James 81 and Catherine 81 Plichta Mr. Vytautas Pliodzinskas Jeffrey and Barbara 80 Plum Ms. Monica A. Plunkett PNC * David and Barbara 76 Pochily Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pockar Molly and Glenn Pocock Mr. Lawrence A. Podolski 71 Ms. Maria J. Podsiadlo 99 Donald and Donalene 66G Poduska Mr. Joseph Poecze Mr. David Pogachar 07 Mr. Jordan M. Pogorelec 04 Joseph and Amy 95 Pohl Mr. Kirk Pohto 03 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pojman 49 Mr. Michael T. Pojman 75 Mr. Paul E. Pojman 71 Michael and Paulette Poklar Ms. Cheryl Pokrywka 03 Dorothy Poland 52 Mr. Kenneth M. Poleski 07 Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Polian 97 Stanley and Michelle 70 Polins Brian and Amanda 99 Polito Ms. Maryann G. Polivka 77 Mrs. Nancy W. Polk 85G Mr. James R. Pollpeter 94 Mr. Walter J. Pomidor 57 Mr. Anthony J. Pompignano Vincent 84 and Suzanne 85, 87G Pompili Mr. Ildiko Ponyeczki June C. Poole Dan and Char Pope Ms. Corinne Pope Bill and Jane Pope Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Pope 68 Mary Pope-Baratta and Chris Baratta Mrs. Jennifer L. Popik 03 Mr. David D. Poplar 91 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Popovic 67 John and Trish Popp Mr. Arthur C. Pordash Jr. Mr. Michael J. Poremba 79 * Mrs. Mary C. Poretta Mike and Sandy Porta Mr. Charles A. Porter Jr. 51 Ms. Gail McKenna Porter 74 Gerald 58 and Miriam 62G Porter The Hon. and Mrs. James M. Porter 53 Jennifer and Rob Porter Katie and Mark Porter Dr. Robert P. Porter 83 Mark and Stephanie 96 Porter Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, LLP David and Cyndy Portman Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Porubsky 62 Russell and Carol Posey Douglas 92 and Margot 92 Poss Post 923 Jackson Police Explorers John and Colleen 99 Potanko Mr. Stephen J. Potashnik 97 Karen Potocki Mr. James R. Potter John and Stephanie 96 Potter Ms. Victoria A. Vargo 96, 98G Mr. Dzaghig Pounardjian Mr. Krikor Pounardjian Raffi H. Pounardjian Razmig K. Pounardjian Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powall 55 David and Nicole 98 Powell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Power Robert 91 and Catherine 92 Powers Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Powers 71 Mr. Thaddeus Poweski 03 Mr. Jerome T. Praszek 67 Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. John Prcela 54 Preformed Line Products Co. * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Prelock 90, 94G Mr. Daniel M. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Prendergast 78 Mark A. Prendergast CPA Inc. Pre-Owned Computer Sales, Inc. Mr. William G. Preston 58, 60G Dr. and Mrs. James M. Previt 52 Ms. Kristin J. Previte 98 Mr. Peter Previte Frederick 62 and Helen 73G Previts Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Previts 63 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Price 71 Greg and Jean Priddy Mr. Robert D. Prioletti 58 Pro Bake Inc. Mr. Francis M. Proch 58 Mr. Charles J. Prochaska Jr. 65, 67G Ms. Gina Prodan 03 Ms. Jessica Proellochs 03 Mr. Wesley Proshek Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Prosperi 91 Ms. Carla M. Provenzano 08 Mrs. Hilda Prpic Randolph 94 and Elizabeth 94 Pruchnicki Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program * Mr. Phillip A. Pruner 89 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Pruse 66 Ms. Sharon Pry Robert and Jean 69 Ptacek Mr. Brogan M. Ptacin Ken Ptak Mr. and Mrs. Armand A. Pucci 60 Ms. Doris M. Pudloski James and Kathryn 95 Purcell Rick and Marcia Puskar Mr. Andrew C. Putka 46 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pyne Mr. Ignatius P. Qian 97 Ms. Lory L. Quaranta Erni and Allison 04 Quaresma Julie (Pucher) Quattro 83 and Bruce Carleton * Michael and Madelon 83 Queenan Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Quenneville * The Quiet Investor, Inc. Mr. John Quigley 57 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Quilter III 65 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Quinlan 48 James and Diane 80 Quinlisk Alexander 91 and Judith 91 Quinn Michael 68 and Mary Beth 69 Quinn Mr. Pablo R. Quinones 59 and Ms. Carmen Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Quirk 63G Bradley and Margaret 80 Rabal Mr. Andrew Rabkewych 92 Mr. Jay and Mrs. Margaret Rachfal 85 Rad Graphics Inc. Mr. Michael Radenkov 97G Mr. Joseph A. Radican 61, 63G Clifford 72 and Catherine 74 Radie Richard 91 and Christie 92 Radke Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rados ESQ 74 Lynn Rafac Anthony and Mary 86 Raguz Mr. Steve Raikes William 76 and Michelle 76 Rainsberger * Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradford Raitz 93 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rakic Ms. Megan J. Raleigh 83 * Mr. Neil Joseph Raleigh 53 Mr. Daniel J. Ralph 07 Ms. Ona Ralys Ms. Eleanor J. Ramage Ms. Laura M. Ramdhan 08 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Ramella Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Ramerman 54 Mr. Valdas S. Ramunas Mr. Loren J. Ranaletta II 98 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Rand 68 Mr. Martin J. Randal 88 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Randall * Mr. and Mrs. John F. Randall 75

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Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Randall 87 James Dodd and Elizabeth Randall-Dodd 85 Ms. Ruth Randle Jonathan and Elaine 82 Randolph William and Lori 88 Randorf Mr. Peter V. Range 04 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Ranke 84 Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen Rankin Mr. Timothy J. Rankin 00 * Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rapier 54 Ms. Charlene A. Rapinz 75, 78G Mr. and Mrs. Sherman L. Rappaport Frank and Anne 84G Raspey Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rastatter Sr. 90G Ms. Marsha Raszowski Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Rattini 87 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Rauckhorst 56 Aldona A. Raulinaitis Dr. and Mrs. David P. Rawski 59 Michael and Ann 79 Ray Ms. Elizabeth A. Ray 89G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ray 71 Mr. Jeremy M. Rayl 00 Mr. Richard Rea Jr. 75 and Dr. Melissa Rea Maria 98 and Jim Reale David and Paula 86 Reape Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Reardon 84 * Mr. Theodore J. Reardon 08 Mr. Jason T. Recard 92 * Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Recht Ms. Susan Reckl Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Recko Jr. Ms. Lindsay C. Recktenwald 04 Ms. Katherine M. Reda Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Redding Jonathan and Kristin 00 Redenbaugh Judge and Mrs. James R. Redford 82 Mr. David R. Redig 05 Ms. Anne E. Redmond 87 Ms. Helen M. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Reed 02 Ms. Doris H. Reese Ms. Shamika D. Reese 06 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Regal Ms. Maggie I. Regan 06 Ms. Marva S. Register Ms. Ilene Rehfuss 05G Ms. Julie M. Rehm Mrs. Roberta Reichard Mr. Michael F. Reichart 94 Ms. Roberta Reichtell Dr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Reid 85 Dr. Kathryn Riedel 75 and Dr. Joseph Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. William P. Reidy 72 Mr. Timothy G. Reik Drs. Robert and Barbara Reilley 54, 55G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reilley 99 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Reilly 52 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Reilly 47 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reilly Jr. 70 Mr. John P. Reilly Patrick and Kimberly 87G Reilly Ms. Maureen A. Reilly 89 Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly Mr. Richard N. Reim 54 Mr. Charles H. Reiman 02 Harry T. Rein Mark G. Reinecke 85 and Melissa Lande Alumni of Bishop Watterson High School Ms. Catherine A. Reinhard 74 Christopher and Lisa Reis Drs. John and Mary Reiser

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Reitz 99, 01G Mr. Robert J. Reitz 56 Mr. and Mrs. Morton Reminick 67 Ms. Dorothy M. Rendlesham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Renehan Jr. 69 The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas W. Renwand 77 Repower Solutions Ms. Amber D. Repp 07 Edward and Amy 94 Resch Ms. Barbara A. Resler Ms. Rose M. Resler Mr. Spencer Resler Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ress 75 Ms. Rosalyn J. Rettman Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Reu 70, 75G Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Reusch 64G Mr. Ronald R. Reuss 62 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Reuter 64 David and Linda 88G Revay Robert 51 and Faith Revello Ms. Rachel A. Rex 08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reyes 88 Rev. James J. Reymann 50 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Reynolds 83 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reynolds Mr. Jason Reynolds 03 Mr. John F. Reynolds Martin 04G and Shirley 85 Reynolds Ms. Angelica M. Rhea 06 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rhodes 91, 97G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ribar 67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Ribar 59 Mr. Christopher A. Ricchiuto 94 * Dr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Ricci 68 Ricci & Corsillo Mr. James Riccio Mr. David E. Rich Mr. Joseph T. Rich 07 Naji and Lidia 83 Richani Mr. Marc Richards 03G Mr. Paul J. Richards Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richards Mr. and Mrs. George J. Richardson Mr. George J. Richardson Mr. James Richardson Sean Richardson and Lisa Nersesian Richardson Mr. Ronald A. Richardson Spencer and Anne 95G Richman Mr. Fredric J. Ridel 67 Jeff and Holly Rider Mr. Robert K. Rider Mr. Frank M. Ridzi Ms. Barbara L. Riedel 84 Dr. Kathryn Riedel 75 and Dr. Joseph Gibbons Patricia Riegelsberger Gregory Bell and Holly Rieman-Bell 05G Timothy and Christine 89 Riggle Mr. Ryan D. Riggs 08 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley 57 Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Riley 08G Doreen and Matthew Riley Patrick 04 and Meghan 05 Riley Ms. Susan Riley Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rill 60 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Rinehart 63 Ms. Kathyrn G. Rinella Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Ringenbach 68 Mr. Hugh P. Ringer Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rini Jr. 86 Mrs. Mary Ann O. Rini 73G James and Elizabeth 79 Rinz *

Ms. Nicole M. Rishel 06 Mr. Roger G. Risher 59 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Riski 51 Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Rist 78 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Riter Marvin and Judith 74G Ritzenberg Mr. Eugene Rivel 96 Mr. Jos Rivera Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore G. Rizzo 55 Ms. Eileen A. Roache Mr. Theodore J. Robbins 08, 09G Mary Diane Roberto 68G Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Roberts 52 Mr. Anthony S. Roberts Mr. David W. Roberts 04 Kevin 89 and Ellen 89 Roberts Mr. Timothy S. Roberts 08 Mr. William and Dr. Julie Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John B. Robertson 58 Mr. and Mrs. Shawn O. Robertson 90 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Robertson 66, 69G Ms. Anne Irene Robinson 88G Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Robinson 95 David 74 and Molly 75 Robinson Mr. Kevin J. Robinson 94 * Mrs. Mary E. Robinson 75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Robinson * Mr. N. Shawn Robinson 05 Mr. Joshua D. Robson 05 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Rocco 57 Mr. and Mrs. Preston J. Rocco 81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Roche 90 Jo Rochelle 81G Megan Rochford and Timothy Pearson Mr. T. L. Rochford 62 Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Rochon 64 Ms. Katherine J. Rochon 97 Mr. and Mrs. Vacys Rociunas John 87 and Lisa 88 Rock Ms. Rebecca Rocker Ms. Maxine L. Rockoff Ms. Sarah Rodak 03 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Roddy 84 Mr. John J. Roddy Mr. John Joseph Roddy III 85 Mr. Jason E. Rodesky 02 Ms. Eileen L. Rodgers 79 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Rodkey 67 Ms. Vanessa Rodriguez 07 Dr. Thomas Rogers 89 and Ms. Michelle Kuster Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Roggenburk 05 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Roginski Mr. Jeffrey J. Rogo 72 Patricia A. Rogo 76 Robert and Allison 88 Rohde Thomas and Laura 83 Rohozen Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard J. Rohrbacher Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rohrig Ms. Lara D. Roketenetz 08G Alan and Lydia Rolik Mr. Joseph Rolling Mr. Charles J. Roman 75G Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Roman Ms. Jenny Roman Ms. Tina Romanak Mr. Dominic Romanello Ronald 97 and Jodi 98 Romanini Dr. Alan J. Romanoski 72 Mr. and Mrs John Romeo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Art J. Rometo W. Patrick Rond 99 and Jean Spinosi-Rond 99 *


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Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Roney 69 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rongone Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Rooney Mr. Eugene C. Rooney 55 Ms. Regina F. Roos Mr. Stephen E. Roos David and Susan Roos Robert and Janet Rosadini Mrs. Carmella Rosati Mr. Ted C. Rosati 99, 01G Mr. Donald S. Rose 80 Ms. Janis R. Rose 71 Mr. William J. Rose 70 Ms. Lynn C. Rosen 90G Mr. Richard P. Rosen 02 Karen Rosenberg and Roy Szubski Mr. Larry Rosenfeld Dr. Debra J. Rosenthal and Dr. Glenn Starkman Mrs. Judith L. Rosenthal 73 David and Nancy 88G Rosenzweig Mr. Philip and Dr. Kathleen Roskos Ms. Judith A. Rosman Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Ross 94 David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Ross 66, 71G Mr. and Mrs. J. David Ross 59 Ms. Megan R. Ross 99 Ms. Dorothy Ross Cass Dr. and Mrs. Alfonso A. Rossi 60 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rossman 87 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Roth 68 Ms. Deidre Roth Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Roth 75 Mr. and Mrs. P. Thomas Ms. Gizella M. Rouhana Mr. Terrence W. Rounds Mr. Donald R. Routh Ms. Laura D. Rowan Nancy and Timothy J. Rowell 79 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Rowland Mr. Kenneth R. Rowley 59 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rownd Mrs. and Mrs. Richard Rozewski Philip and Terry 53 Rozga Michael 92 and Pamela 91 Rozic * James and Maria 87, 01G Ruane COL and Mrs. Daniel J. Rubery 62 Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Z. Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ruble 59 Mr. Joseph L Rudolph 71, 73G Gerald 94 and Julie 94 Rudowsky * Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ruffing 50 Mark 54 and Peggie Ruffing R. Michael Moran and Karen Rugai Moran 95 Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Ruggiero 64 Harland and Margerita 63, 73G Ruhrkraut Mr. Algis Ruksenas Jeffrey 89 and Elizabeth 91 Rummel Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Rummel Ms. Rebecca C. Rumsey 07G John Sheldon and Judith Rundel 63G Ms. Mary I. Runfola 92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Runtz 64 Anita and Martin 74 Rupich * Roy Swindler and Patricia Rupich 79 * Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rusk 55 Mark and Cynthia 88 Russell James and Monica 99 Russell Mr. Roderick R. Russell 98G Ms. Ashley E. Russo 08 Mr. F. J. Russo Mr. Frank Russo 82G Ms. Rina R. Russo 08 Mr. and Mrs. William I. Russo 76 Dr. Edward D. Ruszkiewicz 68 Mr. Frank C. Ruther 50 Edmund 80 and Eloise 80 Rutherford James and Kathleen Rutherford Ms. Rebecca A. Rutherford 08 Ms. Lois Rutt Mr. Brendan T. Ryan Mr. Brogan C. Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ryan 69 Dr. and Mrs. John F. Ryan 55 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ryan III 59 Mr. Kevin M. Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Ryan 66 Mark Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Ryan 88 Philip 02, 04G and Colleen 03 Ryan * Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan III Sandra Ryan 83 and Michael OConnor Wanda Ryan Dr. and Mrs. W. Francis Ryan Mr. Fred Ryavec Tom and Marilyn Ryavec Steven 89 and Debra 89 Ryba Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rybarczyk 84 Bob and Mary Rycyna Mr. Ed Rypka Ms. Dorothy Rzepka Mr. John M. Saada Jr. 88 Mr. David E. Sabath 94 Mark and Nora Sabatini Paul M. Sabatino 59 Rev. Joseph A. Sabik 91G Gerald 01 and Gretchen 02 Sabin Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Sabine 54 Ms. Natalie A. Sabo 97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sabo Ms. Aurelie Ann Sabol 87G Mrs. Carol K. Sabreen 74 Ricky and Jennifer 93 Sachar Mr. Walter R. Sachno Mr. Richard Sack 91 Ms. Alexandra Sagys St. Hilary Confraternity of Christian Mothers St. John Funeral Home Inc. St. Joseph Raphael Choir St. Jude the Apostle Church Dr. and Mrs. Eugene W. St. Marie 50 St. Matthias Church Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation, Inc. * Ms. Karen I. Sais Jim and Chris Sajewski Patrick and Nadia 02 Sajovie Stephen and Marguerite Saker Michael 86 and Margaret 86 Salamon Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Salasek 60 Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Salata Ms. Laurie A. Salatino 94 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Salay Mr. Michael J. Salgat 99 Mr. Michael Salinsky 03 Richard and Joyce 72 Salisbury Michael Salkind and Carol Gill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sallak 63 Paul and Robin Salosky Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Saluan 88 Richard and Kerri 94 Salvino * Sam Fiorentino & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Sambora Mr. and Mrs. David J. Samick 71 Theresa Sampsell Mr. William A. Sampson 80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Samuelson 75 Mr. Kyle R. Sandberg 05 Dr. and Mrs. John N. Sanders-Reed 79 * Mr. Edward J. Sandrick Jr. 70 Mr. Robert Joseph Sandrick 95 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sanger 62 Mr. and Mrs. Royce N. Sanner Mrs. Maria C. Sansavera Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Sanson 71 Mr. Laurence A. Santagata 97 Santagata Financial Services, LLC Mr. Michael L. Santangelo 06 David and Constance Santez Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Santilli Peter Meek and Lauren Santoriella-Meek 03 Dr. and Mrs. David A. Santoro 56 Ms. Amy Santos 01 Mr. Val A. Saph 62 Saraswati Inc. Mr. Roger G. Sargent 53 Mrs. Irene H. Sarian Mr. Sam Sarkisian Thomas 69 and Linda 69 Sarnecki Norbert and Rose Anne Sarver Mr. Raymond B. Sasala 46 Dr. Stephen Sasala 84 Ignazio and Maria Satariano Mr. John Sauerland Ed and Jennifer Saunders Ms. Kathleen A. Saunier 06 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Sauvain 62 Ms. Lisa M. Scaffide 89 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Scallen 69 John 86 and Deborah 86 Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Scanlon 59 John and Raechel 02 Scarchilli Ms. Julie A. Scarpo 07 Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Scavuzzo 93 Mr. and Mrs. James Schaberl Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schachleiter Mr. James E. Schade 74 Mr. and Mrs. Williard Schade Robert and Robin 91G Schade * Mr. George F. Schaefer 98 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schaefer 79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schafer Robert and Dawne Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schall 71 Thomas C. Schamberg, JD Eric and Michele Schaner Mr. and Mrs. James Schappert Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Schaub 90 Mr. Robert K. Schaub Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Schauer 04 Ms. Sheryl A. Scheerer 87 * Drs. Edward 94 and Sara Scheid Ms. Lucy M. Schembri 71G Ms. Rosa Schembri 72G Mr. Thomas Schemrich James and Ita 75 Schenkel Dr. and Mrs. James L. Scherger Ms. Jennifer M. Scherschel 98 John 90G and Emily 94G Schetter Mr. Gregory M. Schetter 02 Ms. Tamara Schilko 73G Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schillace 69 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schindler 56 Dr. and Mrs. Roger T. Schinness 64 Ms. Elaine D. Schipke Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Schjeldahl Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Schlaak 91 Rich and Joan Schlagheck

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Mr. James F. Schlecht 40 Mr. James B. Schleihs Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schlitter 70 Mr. John B. Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. George F. Schlotterer Jr. 68 John and Mary 64G Schmelzer Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schmidlin Mr. Daniel P. Schmidt 00 Gina Krusinski Schmidt 92 Mr. J. Paul Schmidt 67 John 98 and Kristen 97 Schmidt * Mr. Norman E. Schmidt 02G Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schmidt Peter 77, 79G and Donna 77 Schmidt * Alex 98 and Susan 02 Schmitt * Jerome 00, 02G and Alyssa 00 Schmitt James 81 and Dawn 93 Schmitt Richard 72 and Debora 94 Schmitt Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schmitt 45 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Schmitt Richard 72 and Debora 94 Schmitt Dr. Beverly and Mr. Richard Schmittgen Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schmitz Frank 52 and Patricia Schmitzer Mr. and Mrs. RIchard A. Schnaterbeck Ms. Laurie A. Schneck Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schneeberger Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schneeberger 83 Ms. Ann Schneider 03 Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Schneider Mr. David J. Schneider 07 Ms. Debbie Schneider Mr. Jonathan R. Schneider 07 Ms. Mary R. Schneider 06G Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider 59 Ian 98 and Barbara 99 Schoen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Schoen 70 Mr. Richard F. Schoen 76 * John and Jeanne 68G Schoenharl Ms. Carol L. Schoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Scholze Mr. Alan R. Schonberg Tom and Elizabeth Schorgl Mr. R. Joseph Schork Ms. Bernice Schrader Ms. Kathleen M. Schrader Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schraff 69 Mr. Daniel J. Schrag 02 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Schrage 93 William and Mary Beth 89 Schram Mr. Kurt M. Schramer 72G Mr. Lawrence J. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Schreiner 93 Mr. Paul M. Schroder 08 Mr. Alfred Schroeder 66 Mr. and Mrs. Wolfhart K. Schubach 65 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Schuda Jr. 60 * Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schuele Dr. and Mrs. James M. Schuerger 59 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schuler 54 Mr. Kevin E. Schulte Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schultheis 54 * Mr. Eric J. Schultz 72 Ms. Helen M. Schultz William and Marilyn 73G Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schultz 75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schultz 79 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schumacher 68, 81G Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Schuplinski 99, 02G Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Schuster 66 Ms. Mary O. Schuster Mr. Lars E. Schvartz 07G Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Schwallie 92 Mr. Dennis Schwartz

Ms. Georgeta Schwartz 00G Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Schwarz 43 Mr. Mark E. Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schwerzler 54 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Schwope Mr. Michael R. Sciandra 07, 08G Mr. Frank T. Sciarabba 00 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic L. Scoccola 72 Nicholas 01 and Alison 98 Scolaro Ms. Candy Scothorn Mr. and Mrs. Casimer A. Scott 48 * Mrs. Dorothy-Anne Scott * Mr. Kevin C. Scott 04 Ms. Laura M. Scott 06G Mr. Thomas M. Scott * Mr. William Scott 02G Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scruggs 72 * M.A. Scudellari Window Cleaninig LLC Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Scully 57 Thomas 88G and Ann 88G Seabright Mr. and Mrs. James E. Searson 75 Ms. Sarah J. Seavers 08 Mrs. Jennifer L. Sebastian 94G Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Sebastiano 78 Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Sebbens Mrs. Anna Sebestyen Ms. Cynthia S. Sech 88 Securus Financial Strategies Mr. Mark T. Seddon 07 Robert and Constance Sedlecky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sedlock 56 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Seeberg 58 Mr. Mark Seeberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Seeholzer Mr. Robert B. Seiler 58 Mr. and Mrs. August J. Selak 71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sellers III Mr. Charles J. Sellers Drs. Joseph and Kathleen Sellers Ms. Kathleen Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sellers Christopher and Christine 87 Semarjian Mr. and Mrs. Senatore 78 Mr. John F. Senderak 76, 08G Dr. Kathleen Ann Senger 76, 83G Mr. John V. Senn Ms. Carolyn R. Sennett 94 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sennott 65 Ms. Leanne M. Sensesak 72, 78G Sentry Insurance Foundation * Gregory and Gina 91 Sergio Ms. Edith W. Serkownek Mr. and Mrs. John P. Serkownik 64, 66G Mr. Jeffrey M. Sesplankis 96 * Mrs. Ilona Sestak Mrs. Janet C. Setlock Dr. and Mrs. Sebouh Setrakian Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Sevchek Dr. Rose A. Sevcik 75 Ms. Susan M. Sevcik 79, 82G Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sever 79 Mr. Stanley J. Sever Jr. 66 Ms. Sheila Sexton 90 Stephen and Lisa 86 Sferra Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Sgro 95G Mr. and Mrs. David V. Shaheen Ms. Katherine S. Shahinian Mr. and Mrs. Berj Shakarian Dr. Peter J. Kvidera and Ms. Melanie A. Shakarian 00 Ms. Marie D. Shaker The Shaker Heights Country Club Mr. and Mrs. William M. Shanahan 71 Philip and Karen 85 Shankman

Ms. Amanda M. Shannon 08 Ms. Donna J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shannon 56 Ms. Lisa M. Shano 08 Mr. Bruce J. Shapiro 64 Mr. William F. Sharpe Mr. Charles L. Sharrow Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Shaughnessy 61 Mr. Michael Shaut Ms. Rebecca L. Shaw Ms. Charlotte Shay Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shea 76 Mark 93 and Kathleen 92, 94G Shearer Mr. James Sheehan Mr. Robert Sheehan Thomas and Susan 84, 87G Sheehan Mr. Rodney H. Sheets 95G Joanne Sheldon Richard and Brenda 86 Shellenberger * Ms. Eleanor F. Shelton 94G Dr. and Mrs. Preston G. Shelton 63 Mr. Thomas H. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Shemo 65 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Shemo 97, 03G Ms. Lou Ann Sherba Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sherer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Sheridan 76 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sheridan 62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sherrick 62 Mr. Michael L. Shields 99 Thomas and Pamela 93 Shields Mr. Robert F. Shields John 01 and Megan 03 Shiga Tom and Pat Shima Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Shimoda 53 Dr. Donald C. Shina 70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Shipka 59 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shipka 66 Mr. Tim Shirk Ms. Lynn A. Shoda 96G Robert and Wendy 01G Shonk Mr. Gordon C. Short 96 * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Shostek 93 Christopher and Suzanne 81 Shoup Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shovary 61 Ms. Cynthia M. Shumaker 94, 97G Joseph and Kathleen Sichko Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Sicree Donald and Alice Siefker Mr. Eric C. Siemborski 08G Ms. Kathleen Siemon Sifco Foundation * Lawrence 71 and Nancy 73 Sigler Mr. James Sigmund 03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sigmund 51 Drs. William 85 and Christine Sikora Andrew and Jane 86 Sikorovsky * Ms. Sandra Jean Sikorski 79G Ms. Joan L. Sila 74 Mr. Darius Silgalis Mrs. Regina Silgalis Ms. Jovanna M. Silipigni 08 Mr. Bryan J. Sillaman 01 Silver Square Hair Shop Ms. Alice M. Simon 81 Ms. Geri H. Simon James 01, 03G and Kelly 01 Simon * Mr. and Mrs. John R. Simon 76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Simon 63, 71G Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Simonis Jr. 57 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Simonyi Ms. Debra J. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sims Mr. Kenneth M. Sinagra Jr. 04


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Dr. David M. Sinar 68 Ms. Karen Sinarski Mr. and Mrs. Del B. Sinchak Thomas Ivan and Eileen Sindelar-Ivan 83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Singleton 71 Marguerite M. Singley Mr. Wilbur J. Singley Jr. Ms. Linda A. Sipos 99G Jerry and Deanne Siracki Duane and Shirley Siracki Ms. JoAnn Siracusa-Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Algis Sirvaitis 61 Mr. Anatole Siry Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato M. Sison Steven and Josie Sisson Sisters of Charity Cleveland Foundation Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Sisters of Saint Joseph Margaret and Anthony Sisti Ms. Stephanie A. Sivak 83 Mr. and Mrs. Zelko Skalicki Ms. Karen Eisner Skall Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Skerl 76 Dr. and Mrs. Rudy F. Skerl Jr. 59 Mr. Joseph H. Skevington 70, 72G Dr. and Mrs. Robert Skiffey Ms. Margaret E. Skinner 99, 08G Ms. Maureen Skinner Mr. and Mrs. David M. Skiviat Ms. Cheryl L. Skoczen 98 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Skoczylas Mr. Joseph F. Skoda 60 Ms. Lillian J. Skorzewski Richard 95, 98G and Jacqueline 96, 97G Skotzke Mr. and Mrs. Mathias J. Skowronski 57 Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Skrabski 82G Mr. John S. Skutnik Ms. Roberta Jean Sladeck Mr. and Mrs. John P. Slagter 88 Mr. Michael Slain Joseph 95 and Elizabeth 95 Slanina Laird and Sue Slater Mr. Thomas F. Slater John 91 and Lara 94 Slatniske Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Slavish Thomas and Gerri 85 Slavkovsky * Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Slavkovsky 67 Ms. Lauren R. Slawinski 05, 08G Ms. MaryAnn Sleasman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sledz 67, 72G Ms. Nina G. Sleva Mr. and Mrs. James D. Slivanya 01 Mary Ann and Andy Slivka Kevin and Elizabeth 98 Sloan Mrs. Mary Therese Slota 96G Nijole L. Slotkus Ed and Margaret Slovenec Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Slusarczyk 73G Mr. Gerard T. Slusny Mr. James D. Small 66 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Small 54 Ms. Adrian Smarado Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Smart 87 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Smayda 67 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Smedira Ms. Ellen Smedley 07G Mr. Steve K. Smelcher Mr. Christopher J. Smerglia 77 Ms. Joan M. Smetana Ms. Elizabeth C. Smietana 07 Thomas and Lisa 94 Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Smith Mrs. Candice N. Smith 04 Mr. and Mrs. George Burke Smith 62 * Ms. Geraldine M. Smith 71 Dr. Hugh E. Smith 56 Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Smith 48 Dr. and Mrs. James Callan Smith 61 Eric David and Joanne 95, 03G Smith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith 55 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith III 58 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith 68 Dr. Jonathan E. Smith Judd 93 and Shanna 94 Smith Jud and Anita Smith Thomas 85 and Laura 79 Smith Ms. Melinda K. Smith Mr. Nathan S. Smith 07 Pat and Dick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith 42 Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Smith Mr. Stephen A. Smith Bill and Cathy Smith Smith Clinic Smith Marshall LLP Mark 84 and Linda 84 Smolik Mr. and Mrs. Luke Smrdel 81G Richard and Ann 86 Smrekar James Mismas and Branka Snajdar-Mismas 77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Snelling 91 Mr. and Mrs. William Snodgrass 75 Jeremy 01, 04G and Lindsey 01 Sobeck Marvin and Mimi 73G Sobel A.J. and Brenda 98G Sobodosh Robert and Lauren 90 Sobol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sobotka 68 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thomas Soeder 71 Ms. Mary L. Sokolnicki Mr. James H. Solether 01G Ms. Janine M. Solomon 06 * Ms. Kathy K. Solomon Julieanne Turnley 90 and Deborah Solyan 83 Ms. Megan E. Sommer 06 Todd Schnnel and Samantha Sommer 01 Michael and Colleen 91 Sommerfeld * Andy and Ann Sommers Mr. and Mrs. David J. Somrak 78 Mr. Ron Sonedecker Sons of Malatia Mr. Stanley Sopinski Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sopko Wm. Sopko & Sons Co., Inc. Erin M. (Collins) Soroosh 99 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Sorrentino 60 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Soucek 68 Southminster Presbyterian Church Ms. Theresa K. Spada 04 Mr. Bill Spaeth Mr. Eliezer Spaeth Mr. and Mrs. Alan Spalding Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Spangler 62 Dr. John R. Spaniol 54 Mr. Joseph F. Spaniol Jr. 49 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Sparrow 81 Mr. John M. Spellacy 82 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spellacy 68 William 65 and Judy 66 Speno Mr. Andy Spero Ms. Cindy Spero Spero-Smith Investment Advisers Inc. Ms. Anne L. Spicer 94 Mr. Douglas S. Spicer 91 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Spicer 66 Ms. Jeannine M. Spinola 94 Ms. Lynne S. Spino-McElhaney Alexander 94 and Allison 02G Spinos Ms. Valerie K. Spirikaitis Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Spisak 55 Ms. Angela C. Spitalieri 99 Carl and Bonnie 87, 96G Spitznagel Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Spohn Andrew and Maureen 86 Spooner * Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sprague Timothy and Lori 93, 01G Sprague Sprint Foundation * Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Sprunk 96 Ms. Deborah Squires Goeble Theresa S. Sran 03, 08G Mr. and Mrs. Bion St. Bernard 69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. St. John 58 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stack 67 Dr. and Mrs. Regis W. Stafford 59 Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Stalzer 51 Cathy and Michael Stamps Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Stang * Mr. Donald F. Stanic 59 Mr. Julius D. Staniskis 58 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Stanley Mary Ann Stanton 82 * Fred and Rosemary Stapf Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Staraitis 66 Mr. Jim Staron Mr. and Mrs. L. Michael Starr 66 Eric and Meghan 01 Starr * Mr. Anthony Starvaggi Mr. Carl A. Stas Jr. 62 Mr. Henry V. Stasas State Farm Insurance Companies * Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Staunton 74 * Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Stavole 55 Mr. John M. Stavole 58 Stavole & Miller Attorneys At Law Ms. Beverly Stayer Dr. George J. Stead 50 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stefanek 92 Mr. Richard J. Stefanik Robert and Barbara Stefanko Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Stegmaier 58 Andrew and Wendy 93 Steiger Mr. Dean R. Steigerwald 69 Sr. Mary Alice Stein 72G Mr. Craig Steinbrink 04G Mr. Eric James Steiner 97 * Theodore 93 and Monica 93 Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Steinmetz Mr. and Mrs. Dale Steinwald Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Stellato Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Steller 61 Joseph and Joan 67G Stelmack Michael 99 and Lisa 00 Stelmack Mr. A.J. Stempuzis Dr. and Mrs. David L. Stenson 67 Dr. Joseph P. Stenson 65 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephan Mrs. Patricia Stephas Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stephenson 51 Eufemija E. Steponis Ronald 65 and Leona 83G Sterbank Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sterbenz 59 Ms. Laura Sterk 02 Sterling, a National City Company, now part of PNC Arthur and Lois Stern Ms. Eva E. Stern 75G Michael D. Stern, DDS Anthony G. Sternisa Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Stevens 63

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Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Stevens 63 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stevens 64 Stevens Baron Communications, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Stewart 74 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stewart 76 Ms. Jeanne E. Stiglianese 08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Stiglianese Ms. Jeannine L. Stiglitz 07 Brian 88 and Ann 88 Stiltner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stiltner 92 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stipkala 51 Krume and Susan 86 Stojanovski Mr. Mark Stojkov Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Stoker 69 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Stolla 44 Ms. Elizabeth A. Stoops 05 Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Storey 64 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Storey Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stortz Ms. Rebecca A. Story 04, 06G Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Stratford 46 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stratz Mr. Robert J. Straub 59 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Streb 69 Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Streetz 59, 77G Mr. and Mrs. James F. Streicher Stase Strimaitis Ms. Jacqueline Ann Stringer 77 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Strishock 55 John and Megan 08G Strok Ms. Sarah E. Stroney 08 Ann and Lawrence Strosser Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Struffolino 51 Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Stuchal 64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stucker Joseph and Donna 88G Studniarz Ms. Michelle M. Stuhler 05, 07G * William and Heidi 66 Stull Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Stump 86G * Dr. Jeanne Marie Stumpf 74 Paula-Jean Stumph 74G Ms. Jennifer E. Sturm 02 Ms. Renee Bork Sturm Richard D. Sturm and Susan M. Sturm Mr. Samuel J. Subity 98 Mr. Julius P. Sukys 48 Mr. Frank Sulics Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sullens 53 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Joseph Sullivan 63 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Sullivan Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan Ms. Erin C. Sullivan 04 Ms. Erin M. Sullivan 04 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Sullivan 64 John 74 and H. Gail 76 Sullivan Mr. James H. Sullivan 68 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Sullivan 68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sullivan 53 Joseph and Suzanne 90 Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Terence C. Sullivan 77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sullivan 68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Sullivan 52 Mr. William F. Sullivan 83 Brett Becker 02 and Alexis Sullivan Becker 02 Ms. Martha M. H. Sullivan Eberhard Matthew 04 and Cara 04 Sulzer Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Sulzer 67 Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Sulzer 40 Germain and Patricia 84G Suminski Summit Strategies Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sunyak Mr. and Mrs. August G. Supan 67 Mr. Thomas J. Supan 76

Sandra and Mike Supler Charles and Rosemarie 63 Surace Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sureck Ms. Angela Z. Susnjara 00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Sustersic 69, 82G Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sutphin Sr. 54 Michael Nock and Ann Sutphin Nock 86 Ms. Rosemary J. Sutter 71G Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Suttle Jr. 65 * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Svab 76 Mr. and Mrs. Clevis T. Svetlik 66 Scott and Susan 90 Swain Ms. Jennifer L. Swanger 04 Mrs. Barbara N. Swanson 95G Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Swartz 78, 87G Mr. Christopher B. Swartz 06, 07G Mr. Christopher P. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sweeney 93 Patrick 81 and Elizabeth 82 Sweeney Michael and Joanne 75 Sweeney Mr. John J. Sweeney 40 Ms. Mary C. Sweeney 65 Ms. Melissa M. Sweeney Michael Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sweeney Sr. 50 Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Sweeney 62 Mr. Thomas F. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sweeney Dr. and Mrs. Walter Sweeney 90 Mr. William F. Sweeney Jr. John 49 and Mary 84G Sweeny Dr. Michael J. Sweeny 73G Mr. Joseph D. Sweet 85 Dr. Elizabeth V. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Swiatkowski 72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Swope 70 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sword Dr. David and Mrs. Mindy Sybert Ms. Theresa Sykes Robert Boggs and Judie Sylak 78G Mr. David F. Sypert 07 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Syracuse 81 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Szabo 57 Mr. Joseph C. Szabo 57 Ms. Theresa Szabo Mr. Michael J. Szafraniec 07, 08G Mr. and Mrs. John E. Szakal 56 Raymond 93 and Elaine 93 Szalay Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Szaniszlo 69G Mr. Walter J. Szczesny Mr. Eugene Szedenits Sr. Ms. Etelka Szeebach Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Szelagowski 80 * Idiko C. Szenasy Mr. Joseph J. Szente 85, 86G Mrs. Veronika Szigeti Jim and Pam Szilagyi Mr. Al Szlamas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Szlaninka Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Szuter 67 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Szweda 69 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Taborosi 91 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Taborosi 69 Ms. Rebecca A. Taft 06 Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. Taft Mr. Bruce F. Taggart 60 Ms. Shannon M. Tagliarina 05 John and Margaret Tait Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Tait Ms. Edith Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Takacs Ms. Elizabeth Takacs Ms. Martha Takacs

Mary and William Talbert Ms. Jessica S. Talbott 04 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Tamarkin Ms. Angela M. Tamburro 73, 78G Dr. and Mrs. James W. Taneyhill Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tangredi 86 Ms. Cheryl M. Tanko 04, 06G Mr. John J. Taormina 79 Mr. Gheza Tar LTC and Mrs. Frederick N. Tarantelli 68 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Taraska Mr. Frank Tarcsay Dr. Malcolm A. Tarkanian Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse 74 James and Tara 02 Tatman Ms. Susan Tatom 94G Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tayek 52, 72G Mr. and Mrs. Artie D. Taylor 98 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Taylor 63 Jordan and Kristen 04 Taylor Michael 91 and Mary 89 Taylor Ms. Patricia J. Taylor Mr. Ronald Taylor Ms. Seta A. Tchobanian Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Tchou 71 Mr. Daniel Teater 06G Ms. Stephanie Teeter Ms. Cynthia B. Teeto Lisa and Tim Tehan Mr. and Mrs. John B. Tekavec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Telesco 95 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Telich 74 Rosalie Tellers Ms. Shannon A. Telling 08 Mr. Daniel J. Telzrow 72 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Telzrow 72 Mr. and Mrs. David Ten Brink Tendon Manufacturing Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert T. Tepley 54 Mr. Reed R. Tepper 02G Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tepper Mrs. Sheri L. Terens 97 Tony and Shirley Teresi Mr. and Mrs. Myron N. Terlecky 81 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Terlep Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Terlizzi Sr. 73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Terry Robert and Eileen 98G Teske and Mary Teske 06 Ms. Carol S. Tevis 82G Ms. Megan E. Theller 06 Mr. George C. Theofilos 04 Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Therrien 01 Tom and Cathy Thimons George and Danita 79 Thomas John and Delphine Thomas Ms. DyAnne M. Thomas 72 Ms. Erika M. Thomas 04 Dr. Katherine M. Thomas 73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thomas 65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Thomeier 93G Mr. George J. Thomey 55 Ms. Madeleine A. Thomey 90, 96G Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Thompson 43 Mr. David L. Thompson 65 Mr. James E. Thompson * Thomas and Roberta 76 Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson 82 Mr. Bryon N. Thornburgh 02 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Thorne Mr. John R. Thorne 95 Kevin and Beverly 73 Thornton Ms. Anita Thrasher Ms. Margaret Thurner


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Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Tibaldi 65 * Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tien 61 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tilden Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tilden Steven and Megan 88 Tilles Ms. Patricia Tillou and The Rev. Conley Zomermaand Robert and Renee 94 Timbrook Mr. Joseph J. Timko 86 Ms. Marina Timush 07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tipi Mr. Ronald E. Tipul 59 Stephen 90 and Mary Beth 91 Tirpak Mr. Edward Tischler 61 Norbert and Ann 82G Tobbe Ms. Arnette P. Tober Ms. Susan A. Tober 01 Linda Tobin and Stephen Pepper Frank and Janet 83 Todaro Robert Rice and Gigi Togliatti-Rice 86 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Tokesky 66 Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Tokunaga 59 William 01 and Mary Lou 88 Toler Dr. James A. Toman 69G Dr. Laszlo S. Tomaschek Mrs. Margaret Tomaschek Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Tomc 67 * Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tomczak 86 Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Tomko 88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tomlinson Ms. Joanne M. Tomolo Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tomsic 70 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Toomey 69 Mr. Vahan Tootikian Mr. Michael K. Topalian Christopher and Katie 01 Topolewski Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Torcello Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Torok Mr. and Mrs. John J. Toronski 59 Mr. Arek A. Torosian Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tortelli 80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tosto 58 Mr. Andrew J. Toth 86 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Toth 57 Ms. Gizella Eva Toth Ms. Irena B. Toth Mr. James M. Toth Ms. Marcianne White 88 Mr. Joseph J. Toula 02, 03G * Town Hall of Cleveland Wade and Shawna 88 Townsend Joanne and Jeff Toye Mr. Terrence A. Tracey 70 Ms. Andrea R. Tracy 97 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Tracy 54 Mr. Peter J. Tracy 74 Ms. Ardie L. Tragesser 01 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Trainor 55 Ms. Ailien Tran Mr. Wei Zhang and Ms. Vanessa Tran Dr. Charles Richardson Ms. Rachel M. Trapani 06 Mr. James S. Trausch 73 Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Traverse 53 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Trayte 53 Mr. Sean M. Trees 07 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Tremaglio 63 Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Trentini 60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Trese 52 Triathlon Medical Venture Partners LLC Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Trillis Mr. and Mrs. Pat R. Tripepi Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Tripi Ms. Cynthia L. Trivett 95G Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Trivison 54 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Trivison 42 * Joseph 55, 56G and Ann 57G Trivisonno Ms. Elizabeth S. Trocki 76 Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernard Trombetta 60 Ms. Nicole E. Trombetta 95 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Trost 68 Mr. Kerry Troy Roman and Katie Troyer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Trudick 52, 56G Mr. Stephen Trudick 00 Mr. George Trutza Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Truxton 78G Mr. Alexander P. Tsarouhas Mr. Andrew G. Tulenko 97 Michael and Anne 74 Tulig Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tullio 50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tully 59 Mr. John W. Tuohy 54 Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglas Turchan Mr. Thomas M. Turco Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Turi 44 Drew and Sue Turk Ms. Geraldine F. Turk 59 Lawrence 60 and Maria 69G Turk Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Turk 62, 66G Ms. Julia M. Turkaly Dr. and Mrs. Earl A. Turner Mr. Francis C. Turner Bob and Kelly Turner Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Turner Turner Construction Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Turocy 79 * Audrey E. Turturice Michael and Virginia 74 Turturro Ms. Maryann T. Tuscano Mark and Karen Tuss Ms. Miran Tutelian Doug and Noreen Tuttle Mr. Peter Jon Tuttle 91G David and Patricia Twist John and Mary Twist Ms. Sara Anne Tyburski 07G Mr. and Mrs. Terrance M. Tyna UBS Matching Gift Program * Mr. Drago Udovic Mr. Stephen J. Udycz 99 Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Uher 69G William and Fern Ulrich Mr. Shin Umezu 90 Paul and Cindy Uminski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Uncapher 66 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ungar 60 Ruby and Alan Unger United Parcel Service * Dr. Michael E. 76 and Kathleen Skerl Brian 96 and Elizabeth 96 Unk Wes and Katherine 03 Upton Mr. Vincas Urbaitis Mr. Kenneth P. Urban 67 Ms. Linda J. Urban 75G Mr. and Mrs. William J. Urban 83 * Mr. and Mrs. John G. Urbanic 65, 74G Mr. and Mrs. David E. Urdzik Mr. and Mrs. David C. Urig 82 Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Uritus 59 Joseph 74, 76G and Joan 75 Ursic Mr. Mark Ursu 96G * Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Uschold 53 USG Foundation Inc. * Thomas and Cathleen Utgard Utilities Equipment & Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Utrup Benjamin and Vittoria 96 Utterback John 87 and Laurin 87 Vaccariello Mr. Linas F. Vaitkus Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Valade Dr. Jason Valent and Ms. Deborah Rathz 98 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Valerian Valerian Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Valigosky Ms. Margaret M. Valletta Rev. John A. Valley PhD 70G Mr. G. M. Vamos Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Van Alstyne 78G Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Van Blargan 63 * Ms. Linda L. Van Buren Timothy Van deWalle and Ann Cook Van deWalle Mr. Brian A. Van Dootingh Deborah Van Kleef and Jim Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Van Niel 88 * Thomas and Jennifer 83 Van Petten Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. VanBelleghem 60 Russell and Catherine Vanderboom Mr. Hans H. Van-Der-Velden Mr. Richard J. VanEtten 68 Dr. Gloria S. Vaquera-Little Mr. and Mrs. William Varga 49 Ms. Bambi Vargo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vargo 61G Dr. Michael W. Vary 75 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Vary 85 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vasiliauskas Mark 94 and Susan 94 Vasiliauskas Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Vasko 66, 94G * Mr. and Mrs. Dominic C. Vecchio 70 * Mr. Anthony J. Vegh Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Vehar 65, 73G Mr. Michael F. Velotta 54 Mr. Robert A. Venables 84 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Veres 59 Michael Martin and Nancy Verhoff-Martin 96 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vertin 57 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Vesperman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Vespoli 81 Mr. Joseph Veverka 93G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Veverka 69 Vexor Technology Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Vickers 53 Mr. Kurt Vietmeier Joseph and Jeanne 68G Vild Mr. Thomas L. Vince 62 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Vinci Mr. Kenneth Vinciquerra Mr. Ivan M. Vinski Mr. and Mrs. James T. Violet Ms. Rosanna C. Violi 07 Ms. Agnes Viragh Viridian Medical Innovations LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Virostek Jr. 74 Douglas and Michelle 95 Vis Mr. John Visnauskas Ms. Maureen A.C. Vistica Ms. Valerie A. Vistocco Mr. John L. Vitale Jack and Mary 83 Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Vitale Viva Italia Association Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. Viviani 82 Vixseboxse Art Galleries Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kalman N. Vizy 67G Vocon Design Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vogrin Mr. and Mrs. Bill F. Vohsing Steven 97 and Gina 98 Voinovich Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Voinovich 94

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Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vokac 90G Ms. Jeannette M. Vokurka Mr. Louis E. Volino 08 Ms. Natalie M. Volkin 07 Mr. Kerry R. Volkmann 71, 78G Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L. Vollentine Peter and Elizabeth 81G Vollstadt Mr. and Mrs. John V. Volpe 56 Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Volpe 78G Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Voltin Ms. Elizabeth J. Vonau Mr. and Mrs. Damian E. Vopat 70 Dr. and Mrs. George N. Vourlojianis 70, 76G Michael 02 and Susan 02 Voute Mr. and Mrs. Karl Vrana 69 Mr. Patrick Vrobel 03 Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Susan Vrobel Mrs. Elizabeth Vucsko Mr. Robert C. Vyhnalek Mr. Joseph R. Wachtel 06 Mr. Jared Wachterman Ms. Jamie Wacker 03, 05G William 00, 02G and Lisa 97 Wade Ms. Erika A. Wager 07 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wagner 76 * James and Lorraine 75 Wagner Mary Lou Wagner Mr. Norman F. Wagner Mr. Tedd J. Wagner 98G Ms. Teresa Wagner Kelly and Larry Wagoner James and Jolene Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wahl 63 Herbert A. Wainer Raymond 69 and Lynn 70 Waiwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wake 82 Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Wakelee 51 Lou and Roberta Walcer Warrene Walcott 74G Mr. and Mrs. John J. Waldron 50 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Waldron 48 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Walker 48 Mary Jane and Herb Walker Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Walker 63 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Walker 65 Ms. Bethany J. Wall 08 Ms. Lina Wallace 03 Ms. Ann Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Walsh 74, 95G Mr. Brian R. Walsh 05 Mr. and Mrs. Denis F. Walsh Mr. Edward J. Walsh Jr. 61 Rev. Francis P. Walsh 53 Mr. Gerald E. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James D. Walsh 78 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Walsh 79 Martin and Mary 95G Walsh Mr. Richard Kieran Walsh 64 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Walsh 72 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Walsh Mrs. Thelma T. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Walters 51 Ms. Martha C. Walters 97G Greg and Mary Lou Walters Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Walters 81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Walton 59 Bud and Mary Jane Walton Mr. Joseph P. Waltz Mr. John H. Walworth Mr. Carl E. Walz 79G Mr. Bruce R. Wamboldt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wancho 83

Arden and Irene 72, 75G Wander Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Waner 91 Thomas and Sally Wangler David Powers and Julianne Wanner 75 Mr. Michael S. Warbel 95 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Ward 96 Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ward 59 Ms. Diane M. Ward Ms. Laura L. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ward Mr. Michael F. Ward 64 Ms. Victoria K. Ward 91, 93G Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ward 69 Mr. Gregory Wargo 92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waring Mr. Matthew J. Warnement 94 Mr. Serge P. Warner Mr. Timothy A. Warner 08 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Warniment 64 Ms. Clare L. Warren Mr. Curt Warren Mr. Joseph J. Warren 65 John and Mary 96 Warren Italo Gonzalez and Alisa Warshay 99G Christian 93 and Kristin 93 Warzocha Robert Duffner and Andrea Wasdovich 72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Washko 49 Mr. Bruce L. Waterhouse Karen A. Watson Mr. Richard D. Waugh Ms. Heather Ways Dr. and Mrs. John E. Weakland 54 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Wean Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Weatherbee The Hon. and Mrs. William W. Weaver 58 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Weber 89 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Weber 53 Ms. Louise A. Weber 64G Mr. Matthew J. Weber 01, 02G Mr. Oliver A. Weber Ms. Mary Weber-Eden Mr. and Mrs. David T. Webster 60 Ms. Molly T. Webster 05 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wechter 86 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wechter 58 Mrs. Marilynn D. Weeden-Watts 77G Dr. Mary E. Weems Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weese David G. Weibel 77 Mr. Robert M. Weichel 70 Ms. Jill A. Weidlich 06 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Weigand 59 Mr. James E. Weigand 55 Michael L. Weigand 64 Samuel and Elisa 83 Weigard Jeffrey and Susan 82G Weiler James 78 and Catherine 79 Weir Ms. Elizabeth A. Weiss 92 Mr. John J. Weiss 67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Weiss 65 Linda and Jay Weiss Mr. Jeffrey S. Weissman Ms. Gretchen Weitbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Terry Welch Roger and Nancy 73G Welchans Dr. Andrew M. Welki Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Wells 57 Lindsey A. Wells 05 * Wells Fargo Bank N.A. * Mrs. Martha F. Welsch 73 Mr. Daniel J. Welsh 71 Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Welsh Jr. 65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Welsh Jr. 76 Dr. David A. Welshhans 87, 90G

Dan and Candace (Gash) 94, 99G Welter Paul and Virginia 89 Wendling Ms. Ann F. Wenneman 77 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Wensing 75, 77G Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wensinger 54 Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Wenzler 64 Randy and Susan Werner William 74 and A. Michele 73 Wersell Mr. Stanley and Dr. Sally Wertheim Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Wessels 88G Mr. Edward E. West James and Rebecca 83 West William and Mary West Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Wester 76 Western Reserve-Lakewood NSDAR Mr. Phillip C. Westgard 05G Nick and Karen 99 Westover Ms. J. Lynn Westwood Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert A. Wethington 67G Mr. Lawrence T. Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wetzel 99 William and Amy 94 Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Whelan Ms. Resaca E. Whipkey 99 Ms. Barbara J. Whitaker 78G James and Clara 82G White Mr. and Mrs. James J. White 70, 84G David 87G and Nancy 83G White Olivia Masih White and Terry White Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. White Mr. Thomas W. White 67 Ms. Jennifer R. Whiteleather 07 Dr. Joseph and MaryLou Whitlatch Mr. Kent A. Whitley Patricia and William Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wholley Allen 83 and Lisa 81 Wiant Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Wichmann 70 Betsy Burton Wick and George Wick Edmund 51 and Betty Wick * Law Offices of James L. Wideikis 99 Mr. James L. Wideikis 99 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wideman Mr. David M. Wiechec Mr. Bernard J. Wiederwohl 79 Mr. Mitchell Wiegand James and Stacey 04G Wielgus Eugene 54 and Marjorie 63G Wiemels Mr. James L. Wieser 69 Paul and Emily 01 Wieshuber Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Wile Jr. 81 Mr. Scott J. Wiles 05 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. * Mr. Dean Wilhelm Ms. Kylie K. Wilhelmy 08 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Wilkins 01G Mrs. Andrea C. William 02 Ann and William Williams Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams 70G Mr. James L. Williams 64 Clark and Julie 89 Williams Ms. Lee A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Williams 95 Martin 86 and Sabrina 88, 90G Williard Mr. Gary M. Willis 88 Robert and Cheryl 80 Wilson Mr. J. Douglas Wilson Ms. Jene Wilson Mr. Joel Wilson John and Sarah 98 Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Wilson 02


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Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Wilson 73G Ms. Charlene Wilson-Duncan 04G Ms. Mallory Wiltshire 08 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Winberry Rev. Harry S. Winca 63G Arthur 42 and Frances Wincek Dale 66 and Virginia 72G Winchell Mr. Robert L. Windle 95G * Ron and Mary Winfield Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Wingenfeld 56 Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Winger 57 Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Winger 81 Mr. Benjamin M. Winings 08 Mr. Roger Winkel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Winship Janine and John Winters Mr. Robert A. Wischmeyer 54 Mr. Richard J. Wisniewski 55 Mr. Greg J. Wisnoski Mr. Jerry L. Wissman Ms. Susan Wissman Ms. Barbara L. Witkiewicz 68G Mr. Robert A. Witt 61 Mr. Hermann H. Wittje Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Wittman 66 Mr. Walter B. Witwer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Wochna 64 Mrs. Cheryl A. Wodzisz Dr. and Mrs. David A. Wohleber 67G Dr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Wolanski 69 Allyson Arbury Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wolf 87, 90G Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wolf 59 Meghan K. Wolf Jeffery and Shannon 87 Wolf Mr. and Mrs. David T. Wolfe 76 Msgr. Robert C. Wolff 56G Mr. Andrew M. Wolken 04 Steven 98, 02G and Christine 98, 02G Wolken Debra Wolter 83 Mr. Kurt E. Wolter 93 Womankind Inc. Ms. Lori J. Wood Mr. Donald F. Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. David M. Woods 65 Mr. Michael J. Woolley 05 Claire and Nicholas Wooters Mr. and Mrs. James A. Worgull Ms. Anita Works Mr. Dale C. Works 64 Worldwide Express, Inc. James 65 and Madelyn 67 Worley Mr. Brandon J. Wosotowsky 07 Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wozniak 76 William and Beth 80 Wright Rev. John J. Wright 95G Ms. Linda J. Wright Ms. Sandra Wright-Esber 03, 07G Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Wroblewski 57, 61G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wurm 55 Ms. Ellen J. Wych 85 * Dr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Wygant 70 Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wysocki 61 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Wysocki 80 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Wysocki 56 Xerox Corporation * Scott 74 and Maria 74 Yaecker Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Yamilkoski 69 David and Maura 91 Yarbrough Dr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Yaronczyk 68G Christopher 93 and Michelle 93 Yarris Mr. John V. Yasenosky Jr. 63 Mr. Anton Yeranossian Ms. Alice Yessayan Chris and Nicole 94 Yingling Ms. Mary Yirka-Vugrincic Jim and Dawn Yoder Mr. J. Lester Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Yoder Mr. and Mrs. William Yoel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Yonek 72 Mr. and Mrs. David Yonto Mr. Stephen J. Yonto 07 Christian 90, 92G and M. Alisa 91 Yorka Jeffrey 95 and Jennifer 95 Yost Yost & OConnell Attorneys At Law Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Youmell 61 Jack and Carol 86 Young * Ms. Cynthia A. Young 92G Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Young 79 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Young 58 Dr. John J. Young and Ms. Winifred Legerton 64 Lawrence and Judith 69G Young * Ms. Lucy Jane Young Jason and Rochelle 99 Young Norm and Stephanie 78 Young William 40 and Jane Young Mr. Jeffrey A. Your 85, 01G John and Ivana 70 Yuko Mr. John N. Yusko 89 Mr. Joseph D. Yusz 06 Martin Lipsky and Darice Zabak 73 Mr. Trevor Zachary Paul and Lana 94 Zachlin Ms. Maria C. Zaczyk 97 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Zaffiro 67 Ms. Maura P. Zagrans 89 Ms. Deborah A. Zajac Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Zajac Mr. Norbert J. Zak 52 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Zaksheske 80 * Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Zalar 65 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Zalar 63 Julie Zaleski 92 Ms. Marina V. Zalevsky Mr. Don Zalewski Mrs. Ann Marie Zaller Mr. John M. Zaluski 04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zaluski Mr. Josh R. Zamiska 07 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Zammikiel 56 Ms. Alisha M. Zapor 07 Mr. Lester Zapor Mr. and Mrs. John Edmund Zarek 71 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zastawny Ms. Danielle R. Zavarella 08 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Zeck 62, 66G Mr. Christopher B. Zegers 65 and Dr. Jill Crandall Ms. Catherine J. Zehe Jonathan and Kristin Zeko Mr. Joseph A. Zelasko 57G Ms. Elvyra Zemaitis Ms. Dalia Zemaityte Mr. and Mrs. David W. Zenk 57 * Mr. Anthony T. Zeno 62 Ken and Sandra 96 Zerrusen Ms. Jane M. Zickes 68G Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zickes 57, 69G Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Zidonis 51 Valdone Ziedonis Mr. Michael Ziegenhagen Mr. Andrew Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ziegler 88 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Ziegler 61 Ms. Nan Zieleniec Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Zienkowski 83, 02G Rabbi Lawrence S. Zierler 95G Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Zifchak 61 Ms. Jessica L. Zimmerer 06 Mr. Harry Zimmerli Joseph and Susan 86 Zimmerman Peter and Thea Palmer 80 Zimmerman The Hon. Joseph A. Zingales 47 Ms. Mary Zingales Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Zinner 79 Zinner & Co. LLP Lewis A. Zipkin Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Zippert 49 Kazimiera J. Zippert Mr. Zak Zippert Ms. Joann M. Zirkle Mr. Timothy Zisko Jim and Francine Zizelman Mr. Michael G. Znidarsic 85 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Zofchak 63 Mr. and Mrs. John Zolac Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zolac Ms. Ann M. Zoller Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Zombek 66 Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Zook 69 Mrs. Donna W. Zorge 78G Mr. Roman Zorska Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zotti 75 Ms. Eleanor M. Zrimsek 60 Ms. Maria Zsula Mr. and Mrs. John T. Zubal 62G Ronald 91, 93G and Amy 91G Zucca Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Zuccaro Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zucker Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Zuckerman 60 Steven 92 and Kristina 92 Zugan Zachary and Jessica 02 Zuik Mr. Josh Zulk Mr. Richard J. Zunt 55 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zupancic 52 Stanley Urankar and Terri Zupancic 81 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zuzek 92 Mr. and Mrs. John Zvolensky Jr. 63 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Zydowicz 68

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Magis legacy society

The Magis Legacy Society was formed to recognize and remember those who have included John Carroll University in their estate plans through bequests, trusts, annuities, insurance, or other types of planned or deferred gifts. Magis is a Latin word meaning more. It is one of the Jesuit ideals: to do more than the ordinary and give to the greater good. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. George A. Alaimo 88 Charles R. and Marion Allen Michael Gladstone and Mary Allen-Gladstone 82, 91G Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Anagnostos Leo J. 37 and Mary Alice Arbeznik Mr. Robert H. Arnold Ms. Mildred P. Bach Dr. Francis V. Baldo Mr. Donald D. Barner Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Barrett 53 Dr. Thomas J. Barrett 45 John 96 and Kristen 97 Bartels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Basehart 59 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bernatovicz 60 Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Bertges 72 William C. Bloomstine 54 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bobinski 71 Mrs. Frances G. Bodnar Mr. and Mrs. James Bohannon Mr. and Mrs. James C. Boland 62 Ms. Sandra M. Bonnot Mrs. Janet Boockoff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Botsko 53 Jack 56 and Mary Jane 91, 94G Breen Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brennan 39 Mr. James T. Breslin Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Brickel Jr. 62 Thomas F. 55 and Patricia A. Bridgman Ms. Betty Brossmann Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bugner 73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burkhart 51 Mr. Milan G. Busta Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Caine 56 Dr. Claire A. CaJacob 78 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Callahan 49 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Callahan 50 John L. 58 and Margaret Callinan Mr. John and Mrs. Geri Campbell Mr. Leonard J. Capoziello Peter A. Carfagna and Rita Murphy Carfagna Mr. Stephen P. Carlino 79 Mr. John R. Carpenter Mrs. Hazelmarie Carrabine Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Carroll 51 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carson Jr. 54 Mrs. Catherine Cavagna Dr. Barbara A. Chambers 68G Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Chelko 80 Dr. and Mrs. Verghese J. Chirayath Dr. Russell T. Church Dr. Alfred J. Cianflocco 72 and Ms. Mary Anne Garvey 77 Dr. Richard W. Clancey 54 Robert J. 43 and Loretta C. Cleary Mr. Philip R. Collins 63 Ms. Rosemary Conners 73G Mr. and Mrs. John M. Connery 54 Rev. James A. Conry 49, 65G Mr. and Mrs. James P. Conway 50 Mr. Michael T. Conway Mrs. Rita Conway Drs. William and Kim Cook 64 William H. Coyne 48 and Margaret Coyne The Hon. and Mrs. William J. Coyne 57 Mr. John J. Csurilla 51 Mr. Anthony N. Culicchia 64 Daniel and Virginia 71 Cullinan Edward T. 47 and Mary I. Cunneen Dr. and Mrs. James F. Curran 54 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dailey Mr. Howard P. Dallas Mrs. Ruth Dancyger 66G Gene G. 59 and C. Joanne Danoff Ms. Frances David 50G Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. De Blasio 71 Mr. Richard D. Deems Mr. Albert J. DeGulis 56 Robert C. 42 and Donna Devlin Pierre 43 and Margaret 81G Diemer Mr. James Dillhoefer 53 COL and Mrs. Arthur C. Dister 55 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donahue J. Bruce and Patricia Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donnelly 75 Ms. Helen M. Dougherty 66G Lawrence M. and Florence Druckenbrod Mr. and Mrs. F. William Dugan Mr. Thomas J. Dunnigan 43 Mr. Michael A. Dwyer 37 Dr. William B. Dwyer 44 Dorothy C. Elloitt Mr. Richard D. Ennen 51 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Ennis 93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Evans 62 Ms. Mary Loretta Farley 51 Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Farrell 59 Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Faulhaber 55 Mr. and Mrs. Umberto P. Fedeli 82 Mr. Dennis G. Fedor 60 COL and Mrs. Salvatore R. Felice, USAR (Ret) 57 Mr. John D. Fitzgerald Mr. Thomas and Dr. Valerie Flechtner Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Fleischman Jr. Rev. Matthew J. Fogarty 28 Mr. and Mrs. Franz J. Forster 60 Mr. Gerald F. Franklin 44 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Frett Jr. 54 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. M. Freyvogel Jr. 70 Ms. J.T. Garabrant 94 Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Garn Jr. 58 Mr. Robert D. Garry 50 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gaydosh 60 Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gehlmann 56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gibbons 49 Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Giblin 40 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickey Gibson 70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Glod 58 Miss P. Rita Glorioso Mr. Charles A. Good 51 Rev. Joseph Gorski Mr. Chester J. Gray Sr. 35 Mrs. Sally Griswold 76G Mrs. Rose B. Hall 39 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hamlin Sr. 49 Mr. Charles F. Hauck 41 Ben and Genevieve 72G Hauserman Mrs. Margaret K. Hauserman Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Hauserman 68 Mark 77 and Debra 77 Hawald Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Hawk Jr. 81 Mr. William J. Henkel 58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Henley Ms. Joan Hercl Gertrude Hess Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hill Jack B. 52 and Elizabeth Hissong Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Honn 42 Louis S. 38 and Olga Horvath 38 Mr. Francis J. Hovorka 57 Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Howe 51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Huberty Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hurley 43 LTC Charles S. Hymers Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Hynes 54 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Isaac 57 Mr. Lynn R. Joerger 72 Mr. Leo J. Joliet 46 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kahl 62 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kantz Jr. 63 Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Karmazin 63 Mr. Robert L. Kastelic 48 Mr. Thomas W. Kaufman 66 COL Kaye D. Kause 54 Mr. James P. Keane 44 Mr. James L. Keegan 57 Donald D. 54 and Betty Kelley Ms. Geraldine M. Kempski 59G Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Kenehan 60 Mr. Robert E. Kestner Mr. Richard J. Kindel 74G Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kinney 86 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Kinney 53 Mr. Martin W. Kinsella 76, 82G Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Kinskey 56 COL William C. Kirk, USA (Ret) 69 Mr. A.G. and Mrs. Anita Klesch 68 George M. 48 and Margaret Knoblauch Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Koehler 30 Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Koehler 60 Dr. Allan R. Korb 51 Mr. Frederick A. Korey 50, 66G Beatrice C. Kralik Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kress Sr. 52 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Krysinski 66 Dr. and Mrs. James F. Kulich 79 Mr. John Kusiak Mr. Frank A. La Salvia Jr. 40 Ms. Joan Lambros Dr. and Mrs. James R. Lasch 50 Mr. Walter J. Laughren Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Lazuka 62


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2008-2009 HONOR ROLL

Rev. John A. Leahy 60G, 62G COL Pierre L. LeFevre 57 Mr. Ernest W. Legris Arthur J. and Teela Lelyveld Dr. John J. Lennon 48 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luby 57 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Lupica 53 George C. Lyman Jr. 54 and Janet Lyman Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lyons III 60 James 71 and Laura 73 Mackey Dr. David D. Madorsky 58 John 73 and Mary Kay 75 Maksem Mr. and Mrs. John J. Manofsky 40 Dr. and Mrs. James M. Marsh 52 Dr. and Mrs. W. Frederick Marshall 56 Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Martines 60, 65G Mr. John J. Mathews 50, 59G Robert 58 and Agnes 90G Maynard Mr. Dennis M. P. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. McDonough 52 Mr. and Mrs. James J. McDonough 55 Mr. William R. McGee 36 Msgr. James P. McIntyre 34 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Meier 47 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Merritt 91 Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Merritt 89 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Metzger 53 LTC and Mrs. John R. Metzgar 71 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller 42 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mockenhaupt 68 Mr. Hugh J. Morgan 51, 53G The Rev. Msgr. Joseph T. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Moriarty 43 Mr. Frank E. Mosier Edward M. 48 and Ann Muldoon Dr. Pierce H. Mullally 39 and Eileen Murphy Mullally 71G Mr. Andrew A. Mulwick 42 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Mundzak 53 Mr. Daniel L. Murphy 58 Mr. Murlan J. Murphy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Murphy 57 C. Daniel 26 and Anne Murray Mr. Louis F. Navarre 51 Ms. Susan J. Navish 75 Mr. James J. Neforos 67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neubert Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nicholas 54 Lawrence 90 and Jane 90 Nicolette Dr. Arthur J. Noetzel 38 Mr. Justin R. Noetzel 40 Ms. Margaret R. Noetzel Mr. S. Darwin Noll Mr. Frank X. Nugent 51 Mr. Albert K. Oberst 56 Mr. William E. OBrien 50 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. OConnell 61 Mr. John J. OConnell Jr. 70 Ms. Anne B. ODonnell 73G Mr. L. Kenny ODonnell Jr. 54 Mrs. A. Patricia ODonnell Mr. Gerald P. OMalley 62

Mr. Hugh ONeill, III 46 Ms. Nancy ONeill Frances M. Opaskar Mr. Frank V. Opaskar 26 Mr. James M. Osborne 39 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Ostendorf Jr. 57 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. OToole 59 Mr. Frank J. Otto 37 Mr. Francis J. Palamara Mr. and Mrs. John F. Palermo 71 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Panichi 57 Mr. Thomas F. Patton Dr. Ralph J. Pelegrin 37 Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Pepoy 60, 65G Ronald 82 and Susan 82 Petnuch Mrs. Jane Pfeiffer Dr. Clair F. 53 and Beth Picard Ms. Dawn Pierce 07G Dr. and Mrs. James E. Piercy Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Pojman 39 Mr. Paul E. Pojman 71 Miss Carla Polak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Polce 57 Mr. Joseph G. Pope 50 Dr. John L. 50 and Loretta A. 87 Porter Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Boleslav S. Povsic Mrs. Frances Povsic 60 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Powers 39 Ms. Jacqueline A. Prechtl 51 Mr. William A. Primavesi 49 Ms. Rose Mary Prosen Mr. and Mrs. Lucian P. Przybysz Dr. Robert B. and Rosemary Racek Mr. and Mrs. Jerald J. Rachfal 60 Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Raglow 55 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Randall Mr. Frank J. Ranney 28 Mr. Carl W. Reese Robert 51 and Faith Revello Mr. Fredric J. Ridel 67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rini 60 Ms. Lucila C. Rivera 59 Ms. Michella A. Rolfe Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan 56 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ryan 57 Julius L. 58 and Joyce Sabo Mr. and Mrs. John M. Salcau 50 Mr. and Mrs. Bertram P. Samerdyke 56 Mr. Raymond B. Sasala 46 Dr. and Mrs. Philip W. Schaefer 56, 57G Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schafer Dr. Thomas E. Scheye Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schilling 53 Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Schloemer Mr. Richard H. Schoen 47 John and Barbara 62, 67G, 80G Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schwallie 55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sedlock 56 Lawrence 56 and Martha 71G Selhorst James C. 50 and Helen M. Sennett

Dorothy Shafer Mr. J. Gerard Sheehan and Dr. Julie Keller Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Sidman 53, 56G Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sigmund 51 Mr. Thomas R. Skulina 55 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Slife 34 Dr. Robert F. Sly 42 Elizabeth C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith 62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Snider 49 Mr. Edmond J. Sobey Dr. John R. Spaniol 54 Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Spettel Adele R. Spittler Richard M. 51 and Joan Spittler CAPT George A. Stanton, USN (Ret) 53 Dr. George J. Stead 50 Dr. Alan R. Stephenson Ms. Marilyn R. Studer 59G Dr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Subcasky 52, 54G Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sullens 53 Mr. Cornelius J. Sullivan Jr. 49 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sullivan 53 Mr. Joseph E. Sullivan 56 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Sussen 51 Mr. Robert J. Swadey Mr. William F. Sweeney 48 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Szabo 57 The Hon. Francis J. Talty 42 Mark A. 78 and Elizabeth Tanzosh Dr. Katherine M. Thomas 73 Mr. David L. Thompson 65 The Hon. John Toner 37 COL Allan A. Toomey, USA (Ret) 69 Rev. Edward M. Tulley 34 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tully 59 Dr. William J. and Fern Ulrich Mr. Kenneth P. Urban 67 Mr. Robert A. Valente 69 Mr. Ralph Vince Mr. and Mrs. John D. Volpi Jr. 73 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Vondriska Sr. 50 Mr. Michael J. Walsh 35 Dr. Edward J. and Constance E. Walter Mary Lu and George 58 Wasmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wasserbauer 55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wasserbauer 54, 58G William 53 and Therese 68G Weaver Dorothy Wiess Michael 70 and Vicki 87 Welsh Mr. and Mrs. William A. and Welsh 38 Dr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Wensinger Mr. Robert A. Westropp 67 Mr. Myron Wettrich 45 Mr. J. Joseph Whelan 65 Ms. Elizabeth Willacker Mr. Arthur T. Wincek 42 William J. 40 and Jane Young Mr. Norbert J. Zak 52 Mr. Gene C. Zannoni 39

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Thank you for supporting John Carroll University.

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for a video thank-you message.

Disclaimer: The Honor Roll of Donors was compiled by the Division of University Advancement to be used only for the information of John Carroll Universitys alumni and friends. All other uses, especially commercial, are strictly prohibited. The 2008-2009 Honor Roll of Donors lists all new gifts or commitments to John Carroll University during fiscal year 2009, including matching gift credit. John Carrolls 2009 fiscal year started June 1, 2008, and ended May 31, 2009. Gifts made after that time will be recognized in the 2009-2010 honor roll. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please make us aware of any errors by calling Patricia Harris 86G, director of advancement services, at 216-397-4344, or e-mailing Thank you!


John Carroll university FALL 2009


Make your opinion Count!

Upcoming Events
Friday, October 9 athletic hall of Fame induction and Dinner Friday, October 9 Sunday, October 11 Homecoming Weekend 2009 Friday, October 23 Sunday, October 25 Parents Weekend Sunday, November 8 all souls Mass and Brunch Cleveland Thursday, November 12 alumni reception Pittsburgh Thursday, November 19 alumni happy hour Chicago Thursday, December 3 alumni reception Cleveland Sunday, December 6 Breakfast with santa Cleveland Sunday, December 13 Breakfast with santa Chicago
The events listed above are subject to change. For more information about these and other alumni events, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 800-736-ALUM or

t has been more than 10 years since alumni were asked for their collective opinions on topics ranging from what keeps them connected to Carroll, what activities they would be most interested in attending, and what communication tools are the most effective. Its simply been too long! You are a valued member of the John Carroll University community, and your opinion matters. Now is your chance to voice that opinion! In the coming months, alumni for whom we have active e-mail addresses will receive two electronic surveys. One survey will guide future University initiatives and alumni programs, and the other survey will help shape University marketing and communications with all constituents. But time is of the essence! In order to participate in either survey, please update your alumni record by October 1, 2009, to include an e-mail address. Do this by logging onto JCU Connect, or by calling or e-mailing the Office of Alumni Relations at 800-736-ALUM or alumni@jcu. edu. If we do not have a current e-mail address on record by October 1, we will be unable to forward the link to complete the questionnaire. Please do not miss out on this opportunity; we are counting on you!

Please update your alumni record to include an e-mail address by October 1, 2009.

Save the Date

Gathering in Germany: Carter Ham 76 and Christi Ignaut Ham 75 hosted an alumni reception at their home in Heidelberg on May 31, 2009, in honor of Fr. Niehoffs visit to Europe. In attendance were, from left, Stacey and Michael Reitz 99, Fr. Niehoff, Marie Efpraxiadis 90, Christi Ignaut Ham 75, John Novak 91, Mike 66 and Anna DeLisio, and Carter Ham 76.

Reunion 2010
June 11-13, 2010 Celebrating the classes ending in 5 and 0
FALL 2009 John Carroll university



to our Readers
For further columnist contact information, please call us at 216-397-4343 or 800-736-ALUM (2587). Note that we continue to publish additional class notes and archived columns online. Visit to read unabridged copy as well as previous columns. For this issue, which contains our Honor Roll of Donors, we have printed only Reunion-year columns because of space limitations. All columns submitted for the fall issue are available online at the above Web address. For a printed copy of your online class column, please call one of the numbers above.


Peter Mahoney 440-933-2503


Don McDonald 216-991-9140

Harry Badger was the only member of our class, along with his wife, Dottie, who attended our 65th Reunion, Mass at Gesu, cocktails, and dinner across the street on campus. I have been unable to get in touch with the Badgers, whom Grace and I had planned on meeting at Reunion, but we spent the afternoon and evening at the Cleveland Clinic emergency room. ... I had a great note from Chet Cudnik. I will get Bob Colopys and Tony Palermos phone numbers and addresses to him. Speaking of Bob and Tony Bob Colopy is going through therapy, and his health is improving. I had an encouraging conversation with Tony Palermo, whose health is also improving thanks to his caring wife, Louise. Maybe we can pick them up to attend the next Carroll alumni function. ... Lou Turi called June 18 with a message saying he and his wife, Pat, are enjoying Lous retirement and their terrific family. They have one son in the U.S. Navy and another son succeeding Lou in the practice of law in Lake County. ... Called Ruth and Bob Mannion recently but did not get an answer or answering machine. If anyone hears from Ray Conroy, Bill Dwyer, Bill Ennen, Gerry Franklin, Bob Gardner, Vince Hagarman, or Jim Herlihy, please drop me a note or phone call with updated telephone numbers or addresses. ... Ill cover other lost members in the next issue starting with the Ks. All the best and stay well. Don


Tom Harrison 440-331-4343

Most of the Cleveland-area classmates arrived to hear Fr. Niehoffs address, and then toured campus, read name tags, and visited with old friends. We then were chauffeured in golf carts to Gesu, where we gathered in assigned pews and visited in low tones before Mass began. Kay and Bill Varga sat next to Carol and me. The Vargas are looking forward to a September trip to Rome led by their parish pastor, and, in mid July, Bill will fly his personally rebuilt 1947 Stinson plane for display and participation in the Oshkosh, WI, air show. Eileen and Ray Fox joined us in the front pew. They had just driven in from their lakeside retreat in Vermillion, OH. Frank Washko, Tom Martin, Jim Pojman, Jack Powers, Bill Barker, and Ed McKenna joined us in the next pew. Our participation in the Mass, which remembered our deceased classmates and thanked God for our many blessings, was highlighted by an inspirational address by the Very Rev. Tim Kesicki, S.J. 84, recently appointed provincial of the Jesuit Detroit Province. We were golf carted back 74
John Carroll university FALL 2009

through the campus to cocktails and to find familiar names on clearly printed nametags, and renew old friendships. We were pleased to see Al Zippert, who is temporarily wheelchair bound. He made a great effort to participate in the dinner party, and, as all attending, was pleased with the beautiful and delicious dinner, which featured chicken Neapolitan. Al had expected the attendance of Dick Iammarino, also like Al a retired M.D., but Dicks knee repair became painfully complicated, making his attendance impossible. Jack Powers traveled from Barrington, IL, where only 40 miles from Chicago he has enough acreage to entertain two horses and a few dogs that help to entertain occasional visits from his 18 grandchildren. Jack was thrilled to see the beautiful and efficient development of the campus. The Shula Stadium, which includes great athletic facilities and the efficient placement of the baseball, softball, and soccer facilities immediately adjacent, maximize the utility of available space. Jack was impressed with the placement of the Dolan Science Center and its striking floor plan and architecture. N.B. We Clevelanders have seen and enjoyed the beauty and efficiency over the years, and have long enjoyed and appreciated it! Jim Pojman was looking forward to the July 4th week visits of his family at their vacation home at Chippewa Lake, OH. Jim sheepishly acknowledges that only one son and one daughter graduated from JCU; the others attended schools in small Ohio and Indiana towns. The son making the longest trip to Chippewa is coming from China. Jim, like all of us, enjoyed Fr. Niehoffs State of the University Address, which described accomplishments to date and plans for the future. Jim suggested the reason that Fathers five-year contract was offered was so he wouldnt consider the Cleveland State job, which pays basketball star money. Ed McKenna and I missed the Reunions Saturday Great Lakes Brew party at 3 oclock. Our dismay was deepened by Bill Barkers description of the event, which provided another great opportunity to socialize with younger grads and enjoy Dan Conways 84 brew. Tom Martin, who traveled from Arlington, VA, enjoyed partying with physics classmate Frank Washko, now a resident of Hudson, OH. Tom has some interesting history of Hudson, which together they plan to research and investigate. Ill follow their efforts, and report the results. Tom enjoyed a brief tour of the campus between activities on Saturday. He was impressed with the beauty of the entire campus, viewed Hamlin Hall, and was dismayed that Dick Hamlin couldnt attend. Our 60th Reunion was a complete success. Time of participation was limited by our general lack of stamina, but every moment was fun and memorable. ... Send news! All reported with reasonable accuracy. Good news preferred. Tom

...after nine Reunions in the last century, our second one in this century was a real blast! A hard core group of 12 (hmmm, perhaps Christ knew the magic that goes with that number) accompanied by spouse/guest/companion enjoyed the joy that comes with being with old friends and participating in a Mass celebration that made you proud to be there. Fr. Niehoff was celebrant and the Very Rev. Tim Kesicki, S.J. 84 was homilist (the homily was outstanding what Reunions should be about). The music and choir were uplifting and professional, and the Mass included a Moment of Remembrance for all deceased class members from the Reunion years. Our class was represented by Jim Kipfstuhl and now to the rest of the cast. Gene Burns was all set to attend, but when passing Fairview Park Hospital, he decided to pull in and have his sixth stent installed; this man has plumbing that will not quit. Bill Bloomstine found Route 90 and came from Erie, PA. Fr. Casey Bukala, S.J., was on the altar for Mass (no calls from Heaven) and then around visiting everyone at dinner. Gene Wiemels is still seven feet tall and the smartest science major I ever met. Dick Dow was table hopping after dinner looks like a run for mayor in Middleburg Heights. Don Buynack, who knows every inn and golf course in Ohio, just bought a new wagon from the LaRiche boys in Findlay, OH. Bob Small refuses to completely retire from the practice of law; he keeps saying that the best is yet to come. Bob has been retained by the friends of Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora need I say more? After having spent a career with the government in the field of oceanic and atmospheric administration, Ted Sabine has questions about cap-n-trade. Del Tepley has put his transportation law books aside and is now watching the traffic grow as Avon, OH, grows. John Spaniol, always checking the eyes and questioning how should one dress for the 55th... twas a fine night. The bar was crowded before dinner (open bar) and empty after dinner (cash bar). We had a picture taken before dinner with the classes of 44 and 49; those guys really looked old! ... Prayers, please, for Fred Blodgett, Gail LaRiche, Joanne Groden, and Sandra Nilges (Joanne and Sandra are doing much much better, but keep up the prayers). Keep the faith. Pete


Richard E. Dodson 804-748-8432

What a great turnout 67 strong! I heard many wonderful comments about the support provided by the John Carroll staff and faculty and the reunion committee. Gary Furin Kudos to the Class Reunion Committee, a wonderful time was had by all. Mike Campo JCU really took great care of us. Ive never seen people so helpful and eager! And they were all quite willing to give you a lift in those golf carts. To be honest I probably wouldnt have been able to attend even half of the affairs without the use of the carts. Paul Moon I think it was a superb Reunion. John Szuch I cant begin to tell you how much my wife, Marlene, and I enjoyed the Carroll reunion. The University took care of us

e-mail address is published - efcoyne@embarqmail. com. The tradition continues as Col. Tom Nails Barrowman with wife Dolores recently pinned the eagles on their oldest son, Rick, Army Corps of Engineers, Commandant of the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence School at Fort Belvoir, VA. Ricks wife, Dawn, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. National Guard, returned from Iraq in March and was selected for promotion to colonel. Mary Jo and I had a great time with them and our other tablemates, Joanne and Don Palmer and Barbara and Don Gould. We relived all the good times. It was quite a game of do you remember? For more information about Reunion, check the JCU website. Im proud to be a part of this wonderful Class of 59. Until the winter edition, Rick thought of combining those particular colors. The stunned amazement award unanimously goes to Gordie Priemer, who watched unbelieving, hands outstretched imploringly, as Lolly the Trolley steamed right past him on the side of the road to a series of jeers, catcalls, and worse. Fortunately, the second trolley did reluctantly pick him up. Thanks in large part to the presence of his lovely daughter, Molly, who managed a 9-8 vote in favor with 12 undecided. Crooner trophies to Allyn Adams and Jim Corsica for singing late into Friday night with the Irish band. Roberts Rules honors to Jim Williams, who now takes his parliamentary skills on the road in a consulting capacity. Commenting on encountering potentially disagreeable audiences on a regular basis, Jim tactfully states a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The weight watcher trophy to Angus McPhie, who spent a good portion of his time setting up weight loss challenges with various individuals. Alas, Gus, the spirit is willing, but the summer barbeque circuit is daunting. The humanitarian award respectfully to Evelyn and Pete Kiebort for their terrific work with Assisi House. The homesteading category to Tom Ungashick. With a new house built and his sons family on the same property in a second residence, hes completed the Kennedy-esque compound known around Atlanta as the Ungarosa. The racquetball championship goes to Tom Dickerson for repeatedly challenging everyone in sight to a match; there were no takers so TD wins by default. Lastly, a pamphlet in the lovely Saint Francis Chapel contained the following thought: We sometimes need a reminder that acquiring things is not nearly as important as appreciating the people God has placed in our lives. Joanne joins me in stating how loved and truly appreciated you all are. Thanks for the cherished memories. Frank

During Reunion, Tom Brunn 59 makes music at the saturday evening dinner. in royal fashion. The following observations were made throughout the weekend. Rita Szarwark was seen with friends Dianne Toronski and John Szuch at Saturday dinner, the night that would have been her and Tom Szarwarks 50th wedding anniversary. Peter Fegen, a wonderful dancer, was strolling my wife, Mary Jo, around the dance floor. Tom Tully and Roger Risher enjoyed renewing old times at the 5 Alarm BBQ lunch while chowing down and listening to The Sweet Carrollines. Donna and Robert Shipka were seen being entertained by Ed Paglione and Frank Walton at the Welcome Home to Carroll Reception. Arvell and Wes Toles shared a dinner conversation with Tom Ribar prior to the presentation of their 50-year Gray Streak pins and pewter plates. Sue and Joe Harrison looked great and obviously enjoyed seeing many returning friends. Bill Marks, whose best moves were not necessarily on the football field, was seen cutting a rug with Mary Lavin 87, spurred on by the heated beat emanating from Tom Brunns drums! Connie Brunn sat out the set with Mary and David Ross. Incidentally, Roger Risher plays a mean sax! Donna and Bob Dietrich headed for the casino after dinner where Donna was seen with chips cascading from her hands as she approached the cash in table. Davy Dempsey and Mike Campo were simultaneously cleaning up on the roulette table. I have a few facts to share with you from various sources Tom Barrowman and wife Dolores ran in the Reunion Fun-Run 5K Run 3K Walk race Saturday morning. Tom came in first while classmate Gary Furin placed second. Wes Toles represented our class during A Moment of Remembrance at Mass when we paid our respects to 77 of our classmates who have gone before us. Items of interest: A number of wives got their heads together and came up with an informal list of those classmates who have best stood the test of time the names Bill Colson and Jerry McGivern were mentioned often. This spring, Harvard University Press published Jerry Grants latest book, Hope and Despair in the American City: Why There Are No Bad Schools in Raleigh. Jerry officially retired from teaching at Syracuse University two years ago. Jerry says his former roommate, Phil Cusick, wrote what has become a classic book in the field of sociology and education: Inside High School: The Students World. Phils 144-word history will be available on Carrolls website - classnotes.htm - as will other individual notes. Ed Coyne lives in Bonita Springs, FL, had a great time at Reunion, and wants to make sure his correct


Frank Kelley 607-648-5947

Another Reunion comes and goes and the result is always the same: each is unique, rewarding, and memorable and somehow becomes the best ever. Huge kudos to chairman Tom Leahy for a masterful job of creating a fun and intellectually fulfilling multi-day agenda; we seemed to effortlessly glide through a variety of engaging activities with an ease that belied the cast of characters that historically defy managing. Quoting Tim de Bord, Theyre not all in charge, but they all think they are. The NASCAR award goes to Bill Smith racked up a one-day Cleveland record of 37 illegal U-turns, and managed to become ensnared in the Case-WRU campus for over an hour to the agony of parched passengers Jim Heavey and me. Nighttown was never closer, yet so far away. Long-distance honors again go to Idahos Ginny and Russ Centanni. No wine this time, but they brought their charm and sense of humor. Runner-up distance awards to Houstonian Ron Timpanaro and James McDonald of Naples, FL. The Rodney Dangerfield award goes without question to Jim Woodward. Classmates John De Perro, John Letherman, Denny Dempsey, and John Kovach were in the bookstore Friday morning when unabashed chaos and confusion erupted around the registration desk. Arson? Terror attack? No, merely the arrival of Woodie with a barrage of one-line zingers aimed at any and all unfortunates within range. Jerry Grdina and Dave Haas led two shell-shocked underclass volunteers to the first aid station for mild treatment, and John Baker swiftly got them to sign a waiver of any claims to limit class liability. Joe Stevens wins the Tall Tales category, keeping Bob Heutsche and Jim McGreal in stitches with his hilarious stories of ever more creative mortuary requests hes received over the years. Think turning ashes into diamonds. Enough said. Jack Froehlich and Dave McClenahan are excused for their overenthusiastic and unseemly boasting about Pittsburghs Stanley Cup champs, while Detroiters Al Rutledge, Ted Bidigare, and Frank Kelley calmly and with great dignity suggest wait til next year. David Free, from Belle Vernon, PA, was restrained and generous in triumph, and earns the Good Winner award. Tom Maroney takes the sweetness trophy for attending the creative jewelry workshop, producing a stunning set of precious earrings. Wife Dianne stated she would never have


Gerry Grim

I am writing this column on my 62nd birthday, so happy birthday to me and all my classmates who are 62 or will be soon. Besides serving as a way to draw attention to my birthday, this columns purpose is to recap our 40th Reunion. First, lets congratulate Bob Valente and Hoddy Hanna on the great job on the class gift. Our classmates gave $200,000 and increased their participation to 31 percent. Considering the economy the last 12 months, every donor needs an extra special thank you. Great job, Hoddy and Bob. Reunions can be bittersweet at our age. I got the following note from Mike Lavin: Gerry, this is the first time I have responded to the Alumni Journal in 40 years. The reason for this note is that last week I attended the funeral of Frederick G. Schmidt Jr., better known as The Greek from Pittsburgh, PA. Fred was my roommate during our senior year at Carroll. The Greek lost a valiant 10-year battle to cancer. I was the only Carroll alumnus at the funeral. The Greek was definitely one of the most well known and well liked guys from the burgh. We had some really crazy times at JCU with the Greek. He will be missed! Mike, I agree Fred will be missed by many and especially the secondfloor T-wingers in Pacelli. ... I also got a great note Reunion week from one of JCUs all-time great wrestlers, Dan Minnis, who works for the State
FALL 2009 John Carroll university


of Montana. Grimmer, I cant get to Reunion this year, but I ask that you give my warmest regards to everyone. I am doing a lot of public defender work. Unfortunately there appears to be no shortage of bad guys, so I am assured of having a job as long as I want it. As you may or may not know, Surfer (John Delaney) now lives in Montana within 125 miles of me. He is married with two young children. I have seen him a few times, and we talk on the phone. I also keep in touch with Kraut (Kurt Shellenberger). He is one of those guys who I may not see for several years, but when we do get together its as if I only went out for a loaf of bread. My wife (Lori) is the computer curriculum expert for the local school district. I have a daughter (Kate) in college; she wants to be a teacher. We have an adopted son (Bill) and an adopted daughter (Mya). Bill graduated from high school and has left the nest. Mya will be a high school sophomore; is an artist and has an artists temperament. Age 62 is coming with no regrets. Hopefully everyone else feels the same way. ... For me, a major Reunion highlight was a great golf match on Friday afternoon between George (Jerry) Mackey, Mike Hardy, David (Doc) Aggers, Michael Magulick, John Kennedy, myself, and an invited guest from the Class of 71, Jim Mackey. David Letscher was scheduled to play but failed to show on the first tee. No scores will be posted. I think the scene Saturday night is what makes Reunions important. I watched Bill (Willey) Ward and Don Cernansky talking with Coach Jerry Schweickert 60. The old coach and the two former players were laughing and telling lies about practices and games a long time ago. All three looked to be 40 years younger. The stories cannot be retold in this family publication. It was great to see everyone that attended the Boss, Badke, Kirk, Denis Delaney, Jim Price, Tom Mahler, Toomey, Tom Herold, Tom Scanlon, Guinta, Geiss, and all the others who attended. The only problem with our 40th Reunion was how many of our classmates didnt attend. I know the committee worked hard to reach out personally to everyone, but our attendance was low. I know it was Fathers Day weekend and U.S. Open weekend, but a Reunion only comes once every five years. If you have any suggestions on how to improve attendance, drop me a line. All suggestions and criticisms are welcome. Take care, everyone, and please write. Grimmer their son, John, is a senior in the business school at St. Josephs University, Philadelphia, majoring in food marketing. ... Kevin and Kathy Smiths children are all on the West Coast now, and they are contemplating a move from Ohio to California to be closer to them. Kathy has one more course to take and she will have completed her study of the Ignatius Spiritual Exercises. Congratulations, Kathy. ... Tim Long has published the book Curses! Why Cleveland Sports Fans Deserve to Be Miserable: A Lifetime of Tough Breaks, Bad Luck, Dumb Moves, Goofs, Gaffes, and Blunders. Tim has followed and endured the heartbreaks that are part of Cleveland sports for more than 30 years. Tim is also the author of Browns Memories, Indians Memories, and The Cleveland Sports Trivia Quiz. ... Thomas Bruckman has been appointed director of development for the Gift of Life Transplant House in Rochester, MN. Since 1984, the House has provided transplant patients and their caregivers high-quality and affordable accommodations in a home-like environment. Tom is also an active member of the Rochester Rotary, and he has been recognized with several awards for his leadership in public and community service programs. ... This spring, Joanne and Ed Stauntons son, Chris, graduated from high school in Maryland and is going to study marine engine technology in Florida. It is a 14-month program and followed by another two years in business school. With Chris graduating, Ed and Joanne have now joined the growing ranks of empty nesters. ... Sheila and Jim Weitzel wrote that their daughter, Erin, will be a freshman at the University of Texas in August, and son Drew will be a freshman at Strake Jesuit High School in Houston. ... Hope everyone had a great summer. REMINDER IXY Alumni: The IChis will celebrate their 50th anniversary the weekend of October 10 with a special recognition at half time during the Blue Streaks 2 p.m. game against Marietta. Hope to see you there. In the meantime, send me an e-mail or poke me on Facebook with your updates. Robby and wait staff were fantastic, but by far the highlight of the evenings dinner was seeing those of you that made it! Those present throughout the weekend included: Paula Bruening, Rosanna Garofalo, Nancy (Looney) Coburn, Matt Fatica, Maureen Rose Fay and husband Michael, Mike Keresman and wife Liz, Mary (Davis) and Norm Riley, Jeff Krouse and wife Barb, Theresa (Ptak) Buiel, Cathy (Dinkel) Newell, Beth Maher Rinz, Gil Macali, Mike Pappas, Jim Zins, Charles Kerr, Sue Vargo Kunas, Mary (Lantz) Tsai, Greg Schmidt, Mary Ann Meaker, Katie (OToole) Montgomery, Brian Niec (I heard you made an appearance Friday, Brian; sorry I didnt run into you and Mari), and Bob Meilinger and wife Joann (son John 09 also dropped by to visit such a charming young man). Georgina Haddad came all the way from Mexico City to reconnect, and she certainly added a warmth and vivacity to the weekend. So great to see you, Georgina. Ran into Dr. Frank Navratil, who always has a lot of irons in the fire. One of his current projects involves consulting with Dr. Joe Bombelles on the Boler School of Business partnership with the Zagreb School of Economics and Management in Croatia, which Dr. Bombelles helped found. Dr. Navratil and his wife, Jean, will be traveling to Croatia and Italy this summer for a visit. There were lots of activities to fill the time between meals during the weekend Jesuit spirituality sessions, jewelry making, beer and wine tasting. Theresa Ptak, Georgina Haddad, and I enjoyed the beer tasting put on by Clevelands own Great Lakes Brewing Co. (Man, I love that stuff! Especially the Eliot Ness.) So whatever happened to the Chicago girls Mariellen (OBrien) Hendricks, Susie (Comerford) Jacobs, Julie (Jarmuth) GarofaloHussey, Karen (McGuire) McCarthy? We heard you were coming. We did truly miss all of you who werent able to make it. Its not too late to begin planning for our next five-year Reunion in 2014. Be there, or be square! We have decided that our new class mantra will be every five, while were alive! Its a great mantra, isnt it? Check out - www. - for a recap from Reunion Weekend. ... Our classmate Fr. Joe Callahan, a longtime member of the Cleveland Dioceses El Salvador mission team, has most recently been a parish priest at St. Mary Catholic Church in Painesville, OH. In mid-July he became pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes, a Cleveland parish with a significant Hispanic ministry near E. 55th and Broadway. Joe welcomes us to Mass any time! ... So far, I havent heard from anyone whod like to take on the role of class scribe. I really hate to leave the position without someone willing to take over. Please let me know if you would consider being a guest columnist for the winter issue column due in October. At any rate, send me your news I can always pass them along. Every five, while were alive! Nancy


Nancy Agacinski 216-932-2824


Dave Robinson 248-642-9615

Reunion weekend 2009 attendees included 74 alumni Rich Bedell, Mary Berges, Bob Boehlert, Joanne Brady, Karen and Sean Cooper, Bob 73 and Martha Feldmeier, Stephan Forsythe, Christine Ulrich Gibbons, Fred Koneval, Mary Lynn and Gary Laughlin, Ann Monroe, Phil Niedzielski-Eichner, Sally and Steve Pap, Gail Porter, Cathy Reinhard, Jean and Bob Smolko, Pete Tracy, and Joan 75 and Joe Ursic. Fr. Bichl was the guest of honor at our class dinner and charmed everyone with his humor and recollections about our class. Thank you, Carla (Lauer) Gall 05, reunion coordinator, and the rest of the alumni office staff for hosting such a wonderful Reunion Weekend. ... Karen and Sean Coopers daughter, Kelly (Xavier 2007), is a teacher in Phoenix; and 76
John Carroll university FALL 2009

Aloha, everyone - Im finishing the Reunion column while vacationing in Maui ... wish you were here! ... Reunion Weekend was held on campus June 1921, and oh what a weekend it was. We had a small group, but we certainly had a fantastic time. It was great weather a little rain here and there early in the weekend, but it didnt stop any of the activities. There was a dinner for all classes under the big tent Friday, and Saturday included a 5 Alarm BBQ lunch served from a fire truck. The Reunion Mass was held at Gesu Saturday before the class dinners. The Very Rev. Tim Kesicki, S.J. 84, gave a wonderful homily at Mass. I really loved what he said about reunions that its more than reminiscing. Its about the path that took us to where we are now. Thats what is great about these Reunions not only do we get to share where we began our relationships together, but we get to check in with each other and see where our Carroll foundation has brought us. Our class dinner was held in the ODea room in the SAC building (now the D.J. Lombardo Student Center). We had a fairly good turnout for Saturdays class dinner, with 22 attending, including spouses. The food was good, and our bartender


Don DAmore 440-235-1323

It was a beautiful June Reunion! (The bumpy economy may have hurt attendance, though.) I used my iPhones voice recorder to take notes, with a loud band playing, so forgive any errors... Tim Kesicki, S.J., gave the homily at Mass held at Gesu Saturday night. Bob Hager represented

our class at The Moment of Remembrance, for classmates who have passed away. Nice that Colleen (OMalley) Hogan was part of the choir. She and husband James have their hands full with their five kids one each in college, high school, junior high, elementary, and preschool. Susan (Herchl) Cipriani and wonderful husband Peter have two sons, Dominic (6) and Matthew (4). Peter owns an IT/Web business,; Sues a full-time mom and volunteer director for Truth Booth, whose mission is educating the public on the prenatal development of the child in the womb using ultrasound video footage presented through kiosks. Check out Kevin Haberman hails from Pittsburgh. Hes been with PNC Bank for over 21 years. They have a daughter at Baldwin-Wallace College Music Conservatory, a daughter (16) starting to drive, and a son (14). Ted Mohler came with wife Pam, who gave me photo tips regarding her Digital Rebel. (Recall the cute photo she took of their young son, Luke, a few issues back?) Teds an attorney for Nationwide. Terry and Terri (Youse) Anthony came from North Carolina and brought their kids to enjoy Camp Carroll once again. They sat with Kathy (Dugan) Sasala and Diana DAlessandro, who works at MetroHealth hospital in Cleveland. Hard to believe this was Bob Schufreiders first Reunion because of prior work obligations. Schufs a sales director for Aptara Corp., which provides digital content production/publishing. Bob enjoyed watching his interview and those of other classmates that were recorded in 1984 on the DVD player that I brought. Dan Schodowski and wife Vivian (Brown) 85 have two teen children at Walsh Jesuit High School in Cuyahoga Falls, OH: Caitlin is a senior and Tanner a freshman. Dan must think that running one company isnt hard enough, because hes president of two companies: JTM Products and ChemMasters. Floridians Cathy and John Breen looked good! John toasted at our table to those classmates present, and those who missed the good time. Laryn Runco is director of admissions at Burlington College in Vermont. Laryn enjoys this liberal arts college, which is small enough for her to know the students personally. Ed Cooper was a great Reunion Class Gift chair. Coop is senior vice president of relationship marketing, Wells Fargo Bank in Chicago, where he lives with wife Patty and kids James and Grace. My speech language pathologist colleague, Suzanne Smola, and her friend Bob were a fun couple to share the evening with. They enjoyed the full Reunion night including dancing and casino time with Coop and Terri. Tim Tabar owns his own Farmers Insurance Agency in Rocky River, OH. Good to see him, and his fellow IPT member Bud Jindra, who was part of our class until 82. Bud, an event planner, keeps up with so many Carroll friends that hes considered a classmate. Bob 81 and Karen (Weakland) Hostoffer raise their five children almost in the shadow of JCU. Karen shared pictures of their beautiful kids. Jack Bedell works for Steris. He and his nice wife Mary Beth (Hoke) 85 raise four kids in Bay Village, OH. The family feels blessed to have toured Italy last year. Michelle (Jerva) McGuinness came in from New York City, where shes an attorney. Michelle and her husband of 22 years, Michael, have four children. Another married two decades/four kids couple is Ruth and Bill Loftus. Bill is senior vice president for Wachovia Bank in Maryland. Daniel 81 and Ann (Fox) Stefancin have four kids (catch a theme here?): Sean, at Notre Dame; Megan, at Duquesne; Sara, at St. Joseph Academy; and Erin, in eighth grade at Lakewood Catholic Academy, where Ann teaches second grade. Our 25th Reunion was Michelle and my 22nd anniversary! Fittingly, we were at Carroll, where we met 29 years ago! We often feel like a rarity raising four kids these days, but not after speaking to six other classmates that night with four or five kids! (Colleen, Karen, Jack, Michelle M., Bill, and Ann.) This small Class of 84 group raises a total of 30 kids! Don Crowe and Alex Spinos! After dinner, we hung out with Lisa Chambers, Michelle Thomas Burchfiel, Mitch Swint, Chris Sito, and Larry Rummel, and we talked to Jennifer Fry Reed on the phone! We all had the opportunity to hang with DVon (a current JCU student) on the golf cart and listened to the Irish tunes in the Jardine Room. On Saturday, we all got to catch up with Jon Petrus, Sue (Stukus) and Mark Vasiliauskus, Cathy Spicer, Laura Caserta, Lana (Caserta) Zachlin, Joe Santoro, Frank Kuhar, Erin (Canada) Owen, Kristen Cahill Catania, John Mangan, Beth (Szychowski) and Randy Pruchnicki, Pati Dargan Kemp, Ami (Reed) and Brett Casper, and Michael Cardamone. I know there were a lot more of us there, so, please, send me updates. I had dinner on Saturday night with John Tumminelli (with girlfriend Christi), John and Mary Jude (Detesco) Pakiela, Sean 96 and Nicole (Randazzo) Carmichael, Michael Reichart, Sean Mee, and Regina Hoover 95 at Shaker Square. Mary Jude and John are doing well and living in Macedonia. Michael is still causing problems in Chicago and flew in after seeing the Indians fall to the Cubs on Friday, and Sean and Regina will be getting married this fall! Good luck and congrats to both of you. John Tumminelli is busy as ever with his dental practice in Rochester; Nicole and Sean are both teachers at Hudson High, where Nicole teaches English and Sean is the head of the social studies department. Nicole also just graduated with her masters from Carroll in school counseling. Way to go, Nicole! Thanks for the adventure before dinner, Jude! ... I am pleased to announce that Robin Sacks participated in MetLifes Women Symposium as a representative from Brennan Financial Group in Philadelphia. This is a highly respected symposium in the field. Congrats, Robin! ... Congratulations to Amy (Caste) Wheeler and her husband, Bill, who welcomed son Billy into the world. It has been great to keep in touch with all the pictures on Facebook of her little one. ... Maureen Harrington Tolman married Richard on May 2, 2009. They honeymooned in Aruba and look like they had a fantastic time. ... If you havent done so yet, please consider joining Facebook (I know, Kelly, that will never happen). There are many of us on it who get connected every day! It is a great way to reconnect with old friends! Luck to you always. Moe


David Gassman 440-934-0366

Greeting 89ers and a big thanks to those of you who made our 20-year class Reunion over the June 19-21 weekend. I would say all and all a fairly decent turnout Lisa Tower Almeter, Laura Asseff, Catharine Barrett Roof, Brent Besinger, Maura Boyle, Matthew Caiazza, Michael Cain, Shaun Carey, Rita Cole, Michelle Conkle, Anne Costello, John DeCore, Frank Delvaux, Helen Demsher, Edward Dennee, Thomas DiCarlo, Jerry Driscoll, Christine Fennelly, David Fletcher, Thomas Ganley, Beth Gassman, David Gassman, David Granger, Julie Granger, Martin Gruhler, William Herman, Elizabeth Horton, Robert Horton, Richard Juby, Megan Juby, Keith Kecskes, James Kenny, Geoffrey Klimas, Kris Koch, Joseph Koshay, Joanne McCreary, Kara McNamara, William Menzalora, Sheila Geary Miklos, Joseph Mooney, Andrew Moore, Siobhan OLeary, Maureen Reilly, Kevin Roberts, Ellen Roberts, Jeffrey Rummel, Irma Santoro Bliss, John Schwartz, Daniel Seink, Joseph Sheils, Dan Soucie, Michael Sourek, Kristin Trainor, Suzanne Tschetter, Dan Weaver, Diane Zeitzheim. The weather cooperated nicely and, although I did not get to be at Carroll for much of the event other than the big tent on Saturday night, it was good seeing some of you and hearing a few stories. For those I did not get to see and anyone else who wants to comment about the Reunion, I would be glad to add it to the next column if you drop me a line. ... Before we know it, this summer will be over and we will be back to kids in school and carpooling to various activities. I must say I am truly blessed to have the chance to spend time with family and friends over the past few months. Thanks to all of you for the memories. Peace to all, David


Meg Galligan


Maureen Moe McGuinness

It was so good to see so many of you at the Reunion in June! Some of us have gotten gray hair, and some of us have lost the hair that we once had, but yall looked great! I am sorry I didnt get a chance to hear everyones updates, but please send me an e-mail or get me caught up via Facebook so I can make my next deadline! I had the great opportunity to have dinner on Friday night of Reunion with Terri and Curt Ross, Mary 95 and Brian Marita, Sara (Tabis) 95 and Kelly

Hi, everyone! I hope this column finds you all well! Here are a few updates following our Reunion ... Kait Habig Connelly reports that she and her husband, Zack, had Finian Maxwell Connelly on July 7, 2008. Prior to his birth, Kait was teaching but now is enjoying time with Finian and watching him grow into an amazing person. ... Dietra (Brooks) Winkfield is living in Euclid with her husband of almost eight years and her two adorable boys, Edward (4) and Elijah (1). Since acquiring her masters in rehabilitation counseling in 2002, Dietra has worked for the State of Ohio as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. ... Patty Raimer shared lots of great news for this edition. She got married in 2003
FALL 2009 John Carroll university


and had been living in the Ann Arbor, MI, area doing her pediatrics training. Patty completed her pediatric residency in 2006 at the University of Michigan and then stayed to complete a threeyear fellowship in pediatric critical care medicine. She completed the fellowship at the end of June and moved back to the Cleveland area to work in the pediatric intensive care unit at the Cleveland Clinic. ... Matt Thiel and his wife, Amy, welcomed a daughter, Brooke Madison, on March 30, 2009. She joins big brothers Luke Brady (4) and Landon Matthew (1). Matt is a dentist in private practice in Canton. ... Beachwood lost one of its best to Lakewood this year. After two years as the assistant principal at Beachwood Middle School and nine years in the district, Roxann Ramsey is transitioning into a new role as the curriculum coordinator for Lakewood City Schools. She taught English at Beachwood High School from 20002006 and was the districts director of student activities from 2003-2006. Immediately following her graduation from the JCU undergraduate program, she pursued and received her masters degree in 01 from our illustrious alma mater. ... Sadly, the Class of 99 lost one of its members, Michael Gressman, on July 14 to a brain tumor. His incredible will and determination will never be forgotten. To learn more about the fund created in his honor to support brain tumor research, you can visit ... Take care! I hope to hear from you soon. Meg he and Cara (Mazzocca) were able to attend and visit with everyone. A lot of our classmates continue to receive higher education degrees, including Beth Henry, who recently completed her MBA at Case Western Reserve University. Andrew Higl 03 graduated this spring from Loyola University Chicago with his Ph.D. in English. He and Teresa (Delagrange) Higl will be moving to Winona, MN, this summer, where Andrew accepted a tenure-track position at Winona State University in the English department. Erin Coyne is engaged to Jordan Makarius, whom she met while working toward her doctorate at The Ohio State University. She will be receiving her Ph.D. in business and getting married within the next year. On June 6, 2009, Kori Ortt-Gawrys was married in Buffalo to Ryan Gawrys. Lauren Stockhausen 05 was a bridesmaid. Kori also graduated from the University at Buffalo in May 2009 with her Ph.D. in biochemistry and was awarded The Biochemistry Dissertation Research Recognition Award. She accepted a job with the Erie County Central Police Services Forensic Laboratory, where she is working as both the quality manager and a DNA analyst. Jessica Lazor just moved to Silver Spring, MD, in November and is teaching for Montgomery County Public Schools. She recently became engaged to Andrew Swindell of Boston, MA, and will be married May 30, 2010. Eileen Cummings and Joe Lowry were married on July 18 in Hudson, OH. Dan Lavelle was the best man. Eileen is a teacher with Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia and has earned a masters in education from Loyola University Chicago. Joe is an emergency planner with the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Emergency Operations in Washington. Lisa Novatny 05 became engaged to Thomas Jenkins on May 30, 2009, as they visited their home away from home, Newport Beach, CA. The two are planning to tie the knot in 2010. Originally meeting in Dr. Tamba Nlandus Philosophy 101, they now have their whole lives to philosophize together. Joseph Schauer was recently honored by being named to the Twenty Under 40 by the Canton Repository. Joe is a fourth-generation family member working at Schauer Insurance. Steve Katz of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce said: Joe has natural leadership abilities, which are exhibited by his friendly, outgoing manner. He instills confidence in others and leads through example. As a young professional returning to the community after graduation, Joe is an excellent example of what were trying to accomplish. Joe and his wife are also expecting their first child. Three of our classmates have recently been ordained priests in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland after graduating from Borromeo Seminary. Rev. Kevin E. Estabrook celebrated his first Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Madison, OH, where he attended high school. He was assigned as parochial vicar at St. Columbkille in Parma. Rev. Matthew E. Pfeiffer celebrated his first Mass at Holy Family Church in Stow, OH, and will be assigned as parochial vicar at St. Sebastian in Akron. And lastly, Rev. Anthony Suso celebrated his first Mass at Holy Angels Church in Chagrin Falls, OH, and will be assigned as parochial vicar at St. Francis de Sales in Coventry Township, OH. ... Thats it for now. Clapp


Lisa Iafelice Brittany Bush

As its been two years since we graduated on the quad, we hope those of you who attended our two-year Reunion enjoyed celebrating with classmates and friends on the quad! ... This fall, Warren Ciabattoni will be attending George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, to pursue a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and John Finley will be attending the School of Visual Arts in New York City and receive his MFA in Interaction Design. ... Congratulations to those who are engaged and have recently gotten married! Brittany Krist was married on June 6, 2009, to Daniel Behrens, a graduate of Cleveland State University; they are living in Richmond Heights, OH. Eileen Cooper, a bridesmaid in the wedding, is engaged to Robert Reed, a graduate of Kent State University. Eileen and Robert will be married on October 10, 2009, and will live in Euclid, OH. On June 5, Jenny Dambrosio became engaged to J.J. Cooper; they are planning

Newlyweds Brittany Krist Behrens 07 and Daniel Behrens celebrate with Eileen Cooper 07 and robert reed at their wedding. a wedding July 31, 2010, at Saint Francis Chapel. Gennifer Licate Dzura and John Dzura tied the knot on June 13. Audrey Gedeon and Connie Selent Moores were both in the wedding; in attendance were Katie Purdy, Jillian Hrdy, Lindsay Deering, Jenna Cox, and Elizabeth Greene. ... Jennifer Whiteleather is working as an account executive at LondyLawrence Advertising in Columbus, OH. Jennifer and Bryan Arnold were married on July 24 at the Whetstone Park of Roses in Columbus. Bryan is a graduate of Wittenberg University, is employed as assistant lacrosse coach at Wittenberg, and is youth director at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Springfield, OH. ... Trista Barnhart is living in Fairfax County, VA, outside of DC. She finished her second year of teaching high school algebra and geometry at Lake Braddock Secondary School. Trista is the juniorvarsity volleyball coach and the varsity assistant basketball coach. Tristas fianc, Matt, popped the question in August 2008; they just bought their first home in March and are busy planning a wedding for 2010. It was great to hear from everyone! If you are on Facebook, check out the JCU 2007 class column group. Lisa and Brittany

Kait Habig Connelly 99 with her husband, Zack, and son, Finian Maxwell Connelly.


Paul Clapp 440-796-4947

Hello to everyone! Reunion was such a great time! Thanks to everyone who came back to Carroll to reunite and share awesome stories. It was so much fun to see so many people and talk about old times. We even were able to show our class spirit by painting the Lion on Saturday night. And as I write this update, the Lion still says Class of 04 for all the summer visitors to see. John Carroll put on an awesome show, and Im already looking forward to our 10-year! As for the updates, when I saw Matt Sulzer at our Reunion, he let me know he was living the dream. Both 78
John Carroll university FALL 2009

in MeMoriaM
Joseph Frank Zelle 38 James O. Paskert 42 John J. McCafferty 45 William H. Coyne 48 David J. Hackman 49 Sr. M. Incarnata Hlvac, OP 49G Paul E. Dochety Sr. 50 William E. Reagan 50 Thomas E. Day Sr. 52 Frank C. Schmitzer 52 William F. McCormick 53 Paul J. Schmidt 53 Richard J. Portik 55 Patrick J. Bohan 56 Robert Z. Greenley 56 Thomas J. Moffitt 56 Raymond George Suelzer 56 Thomas H. Richert 57 John W. Bauer 58 Frank J. Schmitz 58 Hazel D. Redden 59 Macaria Del Mabini 60G Michael A. Quattrocchi 60 James T. Lesiak 64 John D. Mulligan 64 Thomas A. Primosch 64 Maj. Joseph F. Souhrada Jr. 67 Edward M. Walsh 67 Gerald F. Blankschaen 68 Fred G. Schmidt 69 Michael R. DiSanto 70 John Cronin 71 James B. Wagner 84 James P. Evangelista 85 Joseph D. Sweet 85 Deborah A. Houchins 91G Penny Hennie 94 Michael J. Gressman 99 Robert T. Boyle 00 William E. Nichols, part-time faculty E. Bruce McLean, Ph.D. retired faculty, prof. emeritus Doris M. Pudloski, current staff George T. Tolbert, S.J., friend John A. Wiegman, retired staff 7/14/2009 6/29/2009 11/2/2007 6/11/2009 5/7/2009 6/26/2009 12/18/2007 6/11/2009 7/4/2009 6/30/2009 6/1/2009 7/4/2009 4/23/2009 4/10/2009 7/21/2009 6/3/2009 4/15/2009 7/19/2009 6/28/2009 11/30/2008 10/30/2006 5/7/2009 7/12/2009 1/10/2008 4/4/2009 2/23/2009 12/31/2008 7/16/2008 6/15/2009 6/9/2009 5/25/2009 7/20/2009 4/6/2009 8/7/2009 4/30/2009 7/16/2009 5/6/2009 7/14/2009 4/22/2009 6/20/2009 6/24/2009 8/2/2009 6/11/2009 4/4/2009


E. Bruce McLean
E. Bruce McLean, professor emeritus of biology at John Carroll, died on June 24, 2009, at a nursing home in Colorado. He was 72. Prof. McLean joined the biology department in 1970, served as chair from 1981 to 1988, and retired in 1996. In addition to teaching courses in mammology and ornithology, Prof. McLean developed and taught the departments first course in biodiversity. A native of Washington Court House, Ohio, he earned his Ph.D. in zoology from The Ohio State University. After serving on the faculty of Southern University in Louisiana, he joined Carrolls biology department. He served on the Ohio Academy of Science Council and the board of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. Survivors include his wife, Jan; children Scott, Hillary, and Jeremy; and three grandchildren.

George J. Prpic 56G

George J. Prpic died April 23, 2009, at the age of 88. He was a professor emeritus of history at John Carroll who taught from 1958 to 1989. Born in Croatia, Prof. Prpic studied history at Graz, Austria, in the early 1940s. He came to Cleveland in 1950, earned his masters in history from John Carroll in 1956, and later earned his doctorate from Georgetown University. The Euclid, Ohio, resident and Croatian-American leader was the author of several books, including From the Adriatic to Lake Erie: A History of Croatians in Greater Cleveland (2000), which he co-wrote. On Prof. Prpics death, his son, Frank, wrote, We will miss our gentle scholar, and we are blessed with a tremendous legacy of his work and art that we look forward to sharing in the future. He is survived by his wife, Hilda; children Frank and Maya 85; and one grandchild.

Doris M. Pudloski
Doris M. Pudloski, a longtime staff member at John Carroll, died at her residence in Lyndhurst, Ohio, on August 2, 2009. She was 56. The director of institutional research in the Office of the Academic Vice President, Ms. Pudloski had just completed her 30th year of service at the University. A native of Ravenna, Ohio, she began her John Carroll career as a faculty member in the Department of Business Administration. In 1985, she became the assistant to the director of institutional research and later commencement coordinator. In 1996, she was named director of institutional research. On her death, President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., wrote to the campus community, We were blessed to call Doris friend and colleague. Her keen sense of humor and vast historical knowledge made our community richer. We can all find strength in remembering that Doris spirit is woven into the John Carroll fabric and her presence remains with us. Ms. Pudloski is survived by brothers Don and Stephen, three nephews, and a niece.

This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius at 216-397-4332.

FALL 2009 John Carroll university


Reunion Weekend 2009

A Celebration John Carroll-Style

More than 1,000 alumni and friends celebrated John Carroll memories and traditions and likely made a few new ones at Reunion 2009, held June 19-21. Everyone in classes ending in 5 and 0, mark your calendars: Next years Reunion is June 11-13.
Photographs by Robert Wetzler and John H. Reid III


John Carroll university FALL 2009

20700 North Park Boulevard University Heights, Ohio 44118-4520

If you receive duplicate copies of John Carroll magazine, or a copy for your son or daughter who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us at or 216-397-4332.

Coming Home to Carroll

Homecoming 2009
October 9-11 Highlights include:
Friday Athletic Hall of Fame Induction and Dinner Saturday Homecoming Street Fair Reunion 2010 Planning Committee Meetings Homecoming Football Game against Marietta College Carroll Clam Bake Wrestling Room Dedication Sunday Homecoming Mass and Brunch

Come back to John Carroll to see old friends and be part of events with the entire University community.

For more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 216-397-4336, or visit

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