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Enhanced Microsoft Office 2013 Illustrated

Introductory First Course 1st Edition by Beskeen
Cram Duffy Friedrichsen Reding ISBN 1305409027
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Enhanced Microsoft Office 2013 - Illustrated

Excel 2013 Unit D: Working with Charts

A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:

We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom
activities and a cohesive chapter summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the textbook. Under each
heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section, if

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any, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared
towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources Site also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test
Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

For your students:

Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date
with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to http://coursecasts.course.com, where they can
download the most recent CourseCast onto their MP3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty
member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department, where he is responsible for teaching
technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts
through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend
their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion
based on the latest CourseCast.

Unit Objectives 2
Excel 80: Plan a Chart 2
Excel 82: Create a Chart 3
Excel 84: Move and Resize a Chart 4
Excel 86: Change the Chart Design 6
Excel 88: Change the Chart Format 7
Excel 90: Format a Chart 8
Excel 92: Annotate and Draw on a Chart 10
Excel 94: Create a Pie Chart 11
End of Unit Material 12
Glossary of Key Terms 12

Students will have mastered the material in Excel Unit D when they can:

⚫ Plan a chart ⚫ Change the chart format

⚫ Create a chart ⚫ Format a chart
⚫ Move and resize a chart ⚫ Annotate and draw on a chart
⚫ Change the chart design ⚫ Create a pie chart

• Prepare to create a chart
• Identify chart elements
• Explore common chart types


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Excel 2013 Unit D Page 3 of 13

• Discuss the importance of planning a chart before starting to create it.

• Explain the guidelines for planning a chart as shown on page Excel 80.
• Define the terms x-axis, y-axis, category axis, value axis, z-axis, plot area, tick marks, data point,
data marker, data series, and legend. Point out these chart elements in FIGURE D-2.
• Use TABLE D-1 to discuss the different types of charts available in Excel.


TABLE: D-1: Common chart types

The x-axis should contain the independent variable and the y-axis the dependent variable or
variables. For example, if a chart of daily high temperatures is needed, days are the independent
variable and charted on the x-axis; since the value for the high temperature depends on the unit, in
this case days, it is charted on the y-axis. The x-axis unit could have been hours, months, or years;
that value is chosen, or independent. The temperature depends on the unit used on the x-axis, which
is why it is called the dependent variable. Note: For bar charts, the roles of the axes are reversed.

Selecting the correct chart type is sometimes taken for granted. Because it is so easy to create charts
in Excel, students can get carried away and not pay attention to which chart they are using to display
the worksheet data. Point out that effective charts can be created only by using a chart type suitable
to the data being displayed. Bar and column charts are good for comparison; line charts are used to
show trends and data needs to be related; and pie charts show what parts make up a whole.

Using FIGURE D-2 as a guide, make sure that students can easily identify all the elements within a
chart. Time spent learning these components will pay off when creating and modifying charts.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. In a chart, the horizontal axis is called the ________-axis or the ________ axis. (Answer: x,
2. In a chart, the vertical axis is called the ________-axis or the ________ axis. (Answer: y,
3. Each value in a cell you select for your chart is called a(n) ________. (Answer: data point)
4. A collection of related data points is a(n) ________. (Answer: data series)

2. Class Discussion: Discuss the different types of charts shown in TABLE D-1. Provide examples to
students of different charts from the Web or print media, or create several examples in Excel, and
discuss whether or not they convey a clear message about the data being displayed.

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• Create a chart
• Switch a chart's columns/rows
• Add a chart title

• Demonstrate how to create a chart in Excel.
• Define an embedded chart and explain the difference between an embedded chart and a chart
placed on a different sheet in the workbook. Define a chart sheet.
• Define sizing handles, pointing them out in FIGURE D-5.
• Discuss the tools available on the CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab, using FIGURE D-4 as a guide.
• Switch to the CHART TOOLS FORMAT tab and discuss the tools available.
• Discuss the parts of a chart using FIGURES D-4 and D-5 as a guide.

FIGURES: D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6

1. Quick Tip: When charting data for a particular time period, make sure all series are for the same
time period.

2. Quick Tip: To base a chart on data in nonadjacent ranges, press and hold [Ctrl] while selecting
each range, then use the INSERT tab to create the chart.

3. Quick Tip: You can also triple-click to select the chart title text.

4. Clues to Use: Creating sparklines

You can quickly create a miniature chart called a sparkline that serves as a visual indicator of data
trends. You can create a sparkline by selecting a range of data, clicking the Quick Analysis tool,
clicking the SPARKLINES tab, then clicking the type of sparkline you want. (The sparkline
appears in the cell immediately adjacent to the selected range.) You can also select a range, click
the INSERT tab, then click the Line, Column, or Win/Loss button in the Sparklines group. In the
Create Sparklines dialog box that opens, enter the cell in which you want the sparkline to appear,
then click OK. FIGURE D-6 shows a sparkline created in a cell. Any changes to data in the range
are reflected in the sparkline. To delete a selected sparkline from a cell, click the Clear button in
the Group group on the SPARKLINE TOOLS DESIGN tab.

Point out that when the range is selected, the labels in the left most column go on the x-axis and the
column headings in the top row are the variables for the y-axis.

Explain why totals are not included in the range selected for the chart.

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Sparklines, which were new to Excel 2010, are a great way to show data trends, but are too small to
visualize exact data.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. A chart that is inserted directly in the current worksheet is known as a(n) ________ chart.
(Answer: embedded)
2. True or False: Any time a chart is selected, a blue border surrounds the worksheet data range.
(Answer: True)

2. Group Activity: Divide the class into groups of three to four students and ask each group to write
down the steps used to create a chart. Make sure the steps include sufficient details.

• Reposition a chart
• Resize a chart
• Modify a legend
• Modify chart data

• Define an object and point out that charts are drawn objects and are not located in a specific cell
or at a specific range address.
• Point out that because charts are objects, you can easily select, move, and resize a chart.
• Mention that chart objects contain other objects, such as a title and legend, which you can move
and resize independently.
• Demonstrate how to resize a chart.
• Demonstrate how to move the legend in a chart.


TABLE: D-2: Common object pointers

1. Quick Tip: To delete a selected chart, press [Delete].

2. Trouble: If you do not drag a blank area on the chart, you might inadvertently move a chart
element instead of the whole chart; if this happens, undo the action and try again.

3. Quick Tip: To resize a selected chart to an exact specification, click the CHART TOOLS
FORMAT tab, then enter the desired height and width in the Size group.

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4. Quick Tip: You can move a legend to the right, top, left, or bottom of a chart by clicking Legend
in the Add Chart Element button in the Chart Layouts group on the CHART TOOLS DESIGN
tab, then clicking a location option.

5. Clues to Use: Moving an embedded chart to a sheet

Suppose you have created an embedded chart that you decide would look better on a chart sheet
or in a different worksheet. You can make this change without recreating the entire chart. To do
so, first select the chart, click the CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab, then click the Move Chart button
in the Location Group. The Move Chart dialog box opens. To move the chart to its own chart
sheet, click the New sheet option button, type a name for the new sheet if desired, then click OK.
If the chart is already on its own sheet, click the Object in option button, select the worksheet to
where you want to move it, then click OK.

Discuss the importance of verifying that students have the correct object selected before moving and
resizing a chart. For example, if the plot area is selected instead of the entire chart, only that element
will be moved or resized. Remind students that they can use Excel’s Undo feature if they
inadvertently move or resize incorrectly.

Point out the common object pointers in TABLE D-2 and discuss how they differ in appearance and

1. Quick Quiz:
1. A(n) ________ is an independent element on a worksheet. (Answer: object)
2. How do you select an object? (Answer: By clicking within its borders)
3. True or False: You can resize a chart by dragging its sizing handles. (Answer: True)

2. Class Discussion: Ask students whether moving and resizing a chart is similar to moving and
resizing other types of objects, such as clip art. If so, discuss how these tasks are similar. Make
sure students understand that the skills used in moving and resizing a chart object are no different
than those used in moving and resizing any other object.

• Change the chart design
• Change the chart type
• Apply a chart style

• Point out to students that whenever a change is made to a data value in the worksheet, the chart
is automatically updated to reflect the new data.

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• Mention that each of the Chart Tools tabs can be used to make specific changes in a chart. Discuss
the changes that can be made using the CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab.
• Demonstrate how to change the chart layout, chart type, and chart style.

FIGURES: D-9, D-10, D-11

1. Quick Tip: You can see more layout choices by clicking the More button in the Chart Styles

2. Quick Tip: If you plan to print a chart on a black-and-white printer, you may wish to apply a
black-and-white chart style to your chart so you can see how the output will look as you work.

3. Clues to Use: Creating a combination chart

A combination chart is two charts in one; a column chart with a line chart, for example. This type
of chart is helpful when charting dissimilar but related data. For example, you can create a
combination chart based on home price and home size data, showing home prices in a column
chart, and related home sizes in a line chart. Here a secondary axis (such as a vertical axis on the
right side of the chart) would supply the scale for the home sizes. To create a combination chart,
select all the data you want to plot, click Recommended Charts in the Charts group on the
INSERT tab, click the All Charts tab, select Combo, supply the series information that conforms
to the chart you want to create, then click OK. To change an existing chart to a combination
chart, select the chart, then click Change Chart Type in the Type group on the CHART TOOLS
DESIGN tab. Click Combo in the Change Chart Type dialog box, select the Secondary Axis box
for each data series you want to plot, change the chart type to Line, then click OK.

4. Clues to Use: Working with a 3-D chart

Excel includes two kinds of 3-D chart types. In a true 3-D chart, a third axis, called the z-axis, lets
you compare data points across both categories and values. The z-axis runs along the depth of the
chart, so it appears to advance from the back of the chart. To create a true 3-D chart, look for
chart types that begin with “3-D,” such as 3-D Column. In a 3-D chart, data series can sometimes
obscure other columns or bars in the same chart, but you can rotate the chart to obtain a better
view. Right-click the chart, then click 3-D Rotation. The Format Chart Area pane opens with the
3-D Rotation category active. The 3-D Rotation options let you change the orientation and
perspective of the chart area, plot area, walls, and floor. The 3-D Format category lets you apply
three-dimensional effects to selected chart objects. (Not all 3-D Rotation and 3-D Format options
are available on all charts.)

Show how to toggle between seeing the CHART TOOLS tabs by selecting and deselecting the chart.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. You can use the CHART TOOLS ________ tab to change the chart type. (Answer: DESIGN)

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2. In a true 3-D chart, a third axis, called the ________, lets you compare data points across both
categories and values. (Answer: z-axis)

2. Critical Thinking: Think about whether or not different types of charts are more appropriate for
different types of data. At what stage should you decide on the particular chart type that you will
be using?

To get a better understanding of different chart types, have students change their charts to at least
four different chart types. Also ask them to experiment with applying different chart styles to their
charts. Have them save the new versions of their workbooks with different chart types and styles.

• Change the gridlines display
• Add axis titles
• Change the border color
• Add a shadow to an object

• Discuss the types of changes that the CHART TOOLS LAYOUT tab allows you to make to a chart.
• Define major gridlines and minor gridlines.
• Demonstrate how to remove and display major gridlines and minor gridlines.
• Demonstrate how to add horizontal and vertical axes titles, and format the horizontal and vertical
axes labels.
• Demonstrate how to format the chart title.

FIGURES: D-12, D-13, D-14

1. Quick Tip: You can move any title to a new position by clicking one of its edges, then dragging it.

2. Quick Tip: You can also edit text in a chart or axis title by positioning the pointer over the
selected title until it changes to , clicking the title, then editing the text.

3. Quick Tip: You can also apply a border to a selected chart object by clicking the Shape Outline
list arrow on the CHART TOOLS FORMAT tab, and then selecting from the available options.

4. Quick Tip: You can also apply a shadow to a selected chart object by clicking the Shadow arrow,
then clicking a shadow effect.

5. Clues to Use: Adding data labels to a chart

There are times when your audience might benefit by seeing data labels on a chart. These labels
appear next to the data markers in the chart and can indicate the series name, category name,

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and/or the value of one or more data points. Once your chart is selected, you can add this
information to your chart by clicking the Chart Elements button in the upper-right corner
outside the selected chart, clicking the Data Labels arrow, and then clicking a display option for
the data labels. Once you have added the data labels, you can format them or delete individual
data labels. To delete a data label, select it and then press [Delete].

Make sure students understand the importance of having clear labels and titles for the vertical and
horizontal axes. A viewer who has not previously seen a particular chart will depend on the axes
labels and titles for understanding the chart.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. What kind of gridlines represent the values between the tick marks? (Answer: minor
2. Using the buttons on the CHART TOOLS ________ tab, you can add shapes and additional
text to a chart, add and modify labels, and change the display of axes, among other things.
(Answer: DESIGN)

2. Critical Thinking: Think about the significance of modifying a chart layout. Do you think that
the layout of a chart can impact a chart’s effectiveness? Can changes made to a chart’s layout
make it easier to understand the data of a chart?

Ask students to experiment with applying different fonts and font sizes to the vertical and horizontal
axes labels to see which combination they like the best.

• Change the fill of a data series
• Use Live Preview to see a new data series color
• Apply a style to a data series

• Discuss the formatting changes that can be made using the CHART TOOLS FORMAT tab.
• Explain the enhancements that you can make using the Shape Styles group and the WordArt
Styles group.
• Demonstrate how to change the color of all the columns of a series.

FIGURES: D-15, D-16, D-17

1. Quick Tip: To apply a WordArt style to a text object (such as the chart title), select the object,
then click a style in the WordArt Styles group on the CHART TOOLS FORMAT tab.

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2. Clues to Use: Previewing a chart

To print or preview just a chart, select the chart (or make the chart sheet active), click the FILE
tab, then click Print on the navigation bar. To reposition a chart by changing the page's margins,
click the Show Margins button in the lower-right corner of the Print tab to display the margins in
the preview. You can drag the margin lines to the exact settings you want; as the margins change,
the size and placement of the chart on the page changes too.

3. Clues to Use: Changing alignment and angle in axis labels and titles
The buttons on the CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab provide a few options for positioning axis labels
and titles, but you can customize their position and rotation to exact specifications using the
Format Axis pane or Format Axis Title pane. With a chart selected, right-click the axis text you
want to modify, then click Format Axis or Format Axis Title on the shortcut menu. In the pane
that is displayed, click the Size & Properties button, then select the appropriate Text layout
option. You can also create a custom angle by clicking the Custom angle up and down arrows.
When you have made the desired changes, close the pane.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. You can change colors in a specific data series or apply a style to a series using commands in
the ________ group. (Answer: Shape Styles)
2. True or False: Many formatting enhancements can be made using the CHART TOOLS
FORMAT Tab. (Answer: True)

2. Class Discussion: Ask students to discuss reasons for wanting to change the fill color of chart
elements. What significance can different colors have (for example, think about the cultural
significance of different colors)?

Ask students to read the Quick Tip on page Excel 90 about adding a WordArt style. Then, ask them to
add their first names to their charts and apply a WordArt style to it. Have them save their changes in
a separate file. They should close this file and reopen the files they were previously working on
before moving on to the next lesson.

• Type text in a text box
• Draw an arrow on a chart
• Modify a drawn chart

• Define text annotations.
• Mention that you can add text annotations and graphics, such as arrows and boxes, to a chart to
point out critical information.

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• Demonstrate how to add a text annotation and an arrow shape to a chart.

• Demonstrate how to format an arrow shape.

FIGURES: D-18, D-19, D-20, D-21

1. Quick Tip: You can also insert a text box by clicking the Text Box button in the Text group on the
INSERT tab, then clicking in the worksheet.

2. Quick Tip: To annotate a chart using a callout, click the Shapes button in the Illustrations group
on the INSERT tab or the More button on the Insert Shapes group on the CHART TOOLS
FORMAT tab, then click a shape in the Callouts category of the Shapes gallery.

3. Clues to Use: Adding SmartArt graphics

In addition to charts, annotations, and drawn objects, you can create a variety of diagrams using
SmartArt graphics. SmartArt graphics are available in List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy,
Relationship, Matrix, and Pyramid categories. To insert SmartArt, click the Insert a SmartArt
Graphic in the Illustrations group on the INSERT tab to open the Choose a SmartArt Graphic
dialog box. Click a SmartArt category in the left pane, then click the layout for the graphic in the
center pane. The right pane shows a sample of the selected SmartArt layout, as shown in FIGURE
D-21. The SmartArt graphic appears in the worksheet as an embedded object with sizing handles.
Click the Text Pane button on the SMARTART TOOLS DESIGN tab to open a text pane next to
the graphic; you can enter text into the graphic using the text pane or by typing directly in the
shapes in the diagram.

Point out to students that they can resize, format, or delete a graphics object just like other objects
that they have previously encountered.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. ________ are labels that further describe your data. (Answer: Text annotations)
2. True or False: When you draw an arrow in Excel, the point where you start from has the
arrowhead. (Answer: False)

2. Critical Thinking: Think about the reasons for adding text annotations and drawn objects to a
chart. Are these additions helpful and do they add value? Can they ever have the opposite effect?
How can you decide whether the text annotations or drawn objects that you have added benefit
the chart or not?

• Create a pie chart
• Explode a pie chart slice

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• Point out that you can create multiple charts based on the same worksheet data.
• Discuss the reasons for creating a pie chart.
• Explain what is meant by exploding a slice from a pie chart.
• Demonstrate how to create a pie chart and explode a slice.
• Explain what is meant by landscape orientation and demonstrate how to change the page
orientation to landscape.
• Demonstrate how to print a workbook with charts.

FIGURES: D-22, D-23, D-24

1. Trouble: If the Format Data Series command appears on the shortcut menu instead of Format
Data Point, double-click the slice you want to explode to make sure it is selected by itself, then
right-click it again.

Explain that if the entire pie is selected instead of just one slice when students drag a slice out, all
slices will be exploded, which defeats the purpose of exploding a slice for emphasis.

Remind students that the purpose of a pie chart is to show the parts of a whole. Separate pie charts
could be made for each quarter and for each country, but a single pie chart of the entire spreadsheet
would be meaningless.
1. Quick Quiz:
1. True or False: You can create multiple charts based on the same worksheet data. (Answer:
2. Pulling a slice away from a pie chart is called ________ the slice. (Answer: exploding)

2. Group Activity: Break students into small groups and have them evaluate FIGURE D-31 (in the
Visual Workshop). Have each group compile a list of the chart and formatting options used, and
critique any of the formatting choices. Each group can present their conclusions to the class.

• Concepts Reviews consist of multiple choice, matching, and screen identification questions.
• Skills Reviews provide additional hands-on, step-by-step reinforcement.
• Independent Challenges are case projects requiring critical thinking and application of the
unit skills. The Independent Challenges increase in difficulty, with the first one in each unit
being the easiest. Independent Challenges 2 and 3 become increasingly open-ended, requiring
more independent problem solving.

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• Real Life Challenges are practical exercises to help students with their everyday lives by
focusing on important and useful essential skills, including creating photo montages for
scrapbooks and photo albums, retouching and color-correcting family photos, applying layer
styles and getting Help online.
• Advanced Challenge Exercises set within the Independent Challenges provide optional steps
for more advanced students.
• Visual Workshops are practical, self-graded capstone projects that require independent
problem solving.

• embedded chart (Excel 82)

• x-axis (Excel 80) • sizing handles (Excel 82)
• y-axis (Excel 80) • chart sheet (Excel 82)
• category axis (Excel 80) • sparkline (Excel 83)
• value axis (Excel 80) • object (Excel 84)
• z-axis (Excel 80) • combination chart (Excel 86)
• plot area (Excel 80) • secondary axis (Excel 86)
• tick marks (Excel 80) • major gridlines (Excel 88)
• gridlines (Excel 80) • minor gridlines (Excel 88)
• data point (Excel 80) • text annotations (Excel 92)
• data marker (Excel 80) • SmartArt graphics (Excel 93)
• data series (Excel 80) • exploding (Excel 94)
• legend (Excel 80)

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