Analysis of Seismic Attribute

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In this study, we have extracted and analysedfour seismic attributes of Akos oil field in order to

obtain more information about the structures, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the area.

The four seismic attributes variance edge, sweetness, root mean square and acoustic impedance

were applied to the seismic data. The Variance edge analysis was used to delineate the faults in

the area. The high sweetness regionsin the seismic data indicate high amplitude which indicates

the presence of hydrocarbon-bearing sand units. The root mean square amplitude analysis also

indicates the presence of hydrocarbon in seismic data. The acoustic impedance analysis was used

for delineating faulted areas and also for delineating bright spots in the seismic sections. The

result of the seismic attribute analysis has shown that the Akos field has good hydrocarbon


Keywords:Seismic attributes; Root mean square amplitude; Variance edge; Niger-Delta;

Hydrocarbon prospects.


Seismic interpretation involves determining the geologic significance of subsurface formation

and structures the delineation of likely hydrocarbon accumulations, and to reduce drilling risk

(Anstey, 1980; Allstair, 2011; Mcquillin et al., 1984; Avseth et al., 2005). Seismic attributes are

extensively being used in the oil industry to predict subsurface reservoir properties (Taneret al.,

1995; Chen and Sydney, 1997; Pramanik et al., 2003b; Srivastava et al., 2003). Seismic

attributes are used to obtaining information on reservoir properties (Van Riel, 2000, Vig et al.,

2002, Pramanik et al., 2002, 2003a).Seismic attributes arequantities of geometric, kinematic, dynamic,

or statistical features obtained from seismic data (Liner, 2004; Chopra and Marfurt, 2005, Oyeyemi and

Aizebeokhai, 2015).

Taner et al.,(1995)presented a comprehensive classification of attributes into geometrical and

physical. The geometrical seismic attributes can enhance the visibility of the geometrical

characteristics of seismic events and are sensitive to the lateral variation of azimuth, continuity,

similarity, curvature, energy, and dip. The geometrical attributes are used for structural and

stratigraphic interpretations of seismic data. Seismic attributes analysis may offer clues to

lithology typing and estimation of layer porosity and fluid content, mitigation of stratigraphic

and structural drilling risk, reservoir characterization during exploration and exploitation, better

identification and definition of "sweet spots,". This study aims to determine the seismic attributes

of the Akos field for the identification of potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. Four seismic

attributes used in this research are; acoustic impedance,variance edge, and sweetness.

Geological BackgroundThe study area (Akos Field) is located in the onshore coastal swamp

depositional belt in the eastern part of the Niger Delta(Fig. 1) and it lies on latitudes 4° 19′ 00” N

and 4° 50′ 00” N and Longitudes 6° 02′ 30” E and 7° 10′ 00” E.The basemap of the area

showing the seismic lines and well locations are shown in Figure 2.2.

Fig. 1: Map Niger Delta showing the study area.

Fig.2:SchematicBase map showing the study area.

The Niger-Delta forms one of the world’s major Hydrocarbon provinces and it is situated on the

Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa (Southern part of Nigeria). It covers an approximate
area of about 75,000 km with an average thickness of about 12km. It is made up of an overall

regressive clastic sequence. The Niger Delta resulted from the separation of the African and

South American plates.

The Niger Delta is a low gradient delta plain-shelf slope wedge with an estimated areaexceeding

over 200,000 square kilometres. The tectonic framework of the continental margin along the

west coast of Equatorial Africa is controlled by Cretaceous fractured zones expressed as trenches

and ridges in the deep Atlantic. The trough represents a failed rift triple junction associated with

the South Atlantic. After the rifting ceased, gravity tectonism became the primary deformation

process. The Niger Delta has one identified petroleum system known as the Tertiary Niger Delta

(Akata-Agbada)petroleum system (Orife and Avbovbo, 1982; Ekweozor and Daukoru, 1994;

Reijers et al., 1996; Tuttle et al., 1999, Burke et al., 1971).The oil in the geological structures in

the basin may be trapped in dip closures or against a Syntheticor antithetic fault (Fig.3).

Fig.3:Generalized dip section of the Niger Delta showing the structural provinces of the Delta.

(Adapted from Whiteman, 1982)


The data provided for this research work is 3 D-seismic volume in SEG-Y format. The data was

released by the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC) in line with the

Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) and the federal government's policy on education.

The software used for data analysis is Petrel software. The data was imported into the software

and then the quality was check.Four seismic attributes analysis were carried out on the seismic

volume of the Akos field.

Determination of Acoustic Impedance

The acoustic impedance of a media is given as



V = velocity

I = acoustic impedance

ρ = density

To measure acoustic impedance, it is necessary to use seismic inversion. It was assumed that the

input seismic data has been processed to reduced noise and multiples, and also contains zero

phase and large bandwidth. The seismic trace represents a band-limited reflective series;

1 Δ ρν
f ( t )=
2 ρν 2

The integration of the seismic trace will provide a band-limited estimate of the natural log of the

acoustic impedance. Since the integration of band-limited, the impedance will not have absolute

magnitude values and consequently is only relative. However, Taner (2001) stated that the

relative acoustic impedance (RAI) can be computed by integrating the real part of the seismic


In ( ρν )=2 ∫ f ( T ) dt
t=0 3

A Butterworth filter is then applied to remove long-wavelength trends that originated from the

integration process (Schlumberger, 2007a).

BL ( f ) =
1+ ( f / f H ) 2 N


BL(f) = band –limited signal in frequency;

fH = frequency cutoff value of 10Hz

(N = filter order of 3.

It is used for delineating sequence boundaries, unconformity surfaces, and discontinuities. The

acoustic impedance may be related tothe formation of porosity and the presence of fluid in a

hydrocarbon reservoir.

Determination ofRoot mean square (rms) amplitude

Root mean square (RMS) amplitude is used to obtain a scaled estimate of seismic trace envelope.

It is obtained by sliding a tapered window of N samples as the square root of the sum of all the

trace value x squared.

X rms =
∑ wn x n 2
n−1 5


Xrms = root mean square amplitude

wn = window values

N = number of samples in the window

x = trace value

RMS amplitude is similar to reflection strength and it is used in seismic exploration for

delineating bright spots and amplitude anomalies. The RMS amplitude is may be used for

identifying coarser-grained facies, compaction related effects, and unconformities.

Determination of Sweetness

Sweetness is obtained by the division of the seismic trace envelope a(t) by the square root of the

average frequency fa(t) as:

a (t)
s ( t )=
√f a(t ) 6


a ( t ) = instantaneous amplitude.

f a ( t ) = instantaneous frequency.

Sweetness is used for identifying “sweet spots”, that are hydrocarbon prone. The sweetness is

also used for improving the image of relatively coarse-grained (sand) bodies. In young clastic

sedimentary basins, sweet spots are delineated in seismic data as high amplitude and low

frequencies. High sweetness values are possible indicating oil and gas (Radovich and Oliveros,

1998). Sweetness can be used for channel detection and detail on a geomorphic feature such as

sand bodies in point bars and distributary channels (Kosen, 2014; Hart, 2008).

Determination of Variance edge

Variance attribute is a measure of the similarly seismic waveform or seismic traces adjacent over

given lateral and/or vertical windows. It is also known as an edge method. It is used for imaging

discontinuity related to faulting or stratigraphy in seismic data. Variance attribute is a useful tool

for delineating fault and channel edges on both seismic horizon slice and vertical seismic profile.

Variance attribute is proven to help in imaging of channels, fault zones, fractures, unconformities

and the major sequence boundaries (Pigott et al., 2013).

Results and Discussion

A series of seismic volume attributes such as variance edge, sweetness, acoustic impedance, and

Rms amplitude was generated in Schlumberger's Petrel® software interface to investigate

potential structural and stratigraphic controls within the study area.

Variance Edge

Figure 4 shows the computed variance attributes of the seismic section.The variance edge

enhanced the faults within the seismic data volume. The areas dotted with red, blue, green and

pink coloration lines signify high variance values that correspond to the location of mapped

faults (Law et al., 2006). Furthermore, several bright spots are also delineated (in black circle)

which indicate high reflectivity sediments compare to their surroundings. These bright spots are

an indication that a potential hydrocarbon trap might exist in the area.

Figure 4: Variance Edge inline 6875


. Figure 5 shows the map of the sweetness of the seismic data. The sweetness value ranges from

0 (blue) to 22500 (yellow). The high sweetness regions within the seismic data (circled in black)

indicate a high amplitude. They are interpreted as hydrocarbon-bearing sand units.

Fig. 5: sweetness inline 6875

Though the sweetness attribute is quite effective for channel detection and characterization of

gas-charged bearing sand units, it is known to be less useful when the acoustic impedance

contrast between shale and sand units are low, and also less effective when both lithology units

are high interbedded.

Acoustic Impedance

Acoustic impedance is the product of seismic velocity and density. It is also a basic physical rock

property and it gives important information concerning the nature of the rock and changes in

lithology. The acoustic impedance generated for the study area is shown in Figure 6. Areas of

high impedance value respond with the faulted areas (in black circle) denoted by red/yellow.

Fig. 6: Acoustic impedance inline 6865

.In addition, several bright spots can be seen (in orange circle), indicate high reflectivity

sediments compare to its surroundings, which also indicates that a potential hydrocarbon trap

might exist in the area.

RMS Amplitude

The result of the RMS amplitude analysis is shown in Fig 7. The RMS amplitude values range

from 0 (blue) to 12000 (red).Areas of high amplitude (in black circles)in the seismic data

conform to the structures and confirm the presence of hydrocarbon (Mangal et al., 2004). The

high amplitude ranges from gray to yellow/red coloration. Root mean square amplitude is used

as a good indicator of the presence of hydrocarbon in seismic data (Mangal et al., 2004).

Fig. 7: RMS amplitude inline 6895


The seismic attribute analysis in this study has helped in increasing the understanding of the

delineated reservoirs and geological structures in the study area towards a better delineation of

hydrocarbon potential and improved reservoir characterization. Furthermore, it has been

demonstrated that seismic attributes are complementary to the information derived through

traditional methods of seismic interpretation. Extraction of seismic attributes can bring to fore

new information and insights into stratigraphic and structural interpretations. Hydrocarbon

exploration and development risks can reduce greatly with the outcome of seismic attributes

extraction and analysis.

Availability of data and materials

The materials used for this research were obtained from Shell Petroleum Company Limited

through the Department of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria.The dataset for the Akos Field can be

obtained from Shell Petroleum Company Limited, Nigeria on request. Due to privacy, an

individual has no right to give out the data without the consent of the SPDC, Nigeria.

Competing interests

The authors Emujakporue, G. O and E. E. Enifome declare that they have no competing interests


The project was funded by the authors. There's no support from any institution

Authors’ contributions

This article was part of Enyenihi Emmanuel Enifome MSc research work. Emujakporue Godwin

Omokenu supervised the work. Both prepared and approved the manuscript.


We wish to acknowledge the Department of Petroleum Resources and Shell Petroleum

Development Company, Nigeria for approving and releasing the data used for this research



This study was supported by the authors


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