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Period 8: part 3 + 4
Class: 1B

A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Core competences
 Cognition: Ss can identify and read the learnt words. Make a short exchange,
using the structures “Hi, I’m (Bill).” and “I have a (cat).”
 Skills: reading and speaking
2. General Competences
 Self-control & independent learning: perform the tasks, remembering, recalling
and guessing words/phrases
 Communication and collaboration: ready to help friends and actively work in
pairs / group.
 Problem-solving and creativity: to be confident when present about themselves
and their items in front of the class
3. Attributes
 Kindness: helping partners to complete learning tasks
 Diligence: focus on the lesson and work hard to complete all the tasks
 Honesty: telling truth about which items they have
 Responsibility: loving and saving their things
 Vocabulary: review
 Sentence pattern: review_____.
1. Teacher
 General education program 2018 – Foreign Languages
 Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, activity book, teacher’s book
 Teaching aids: flashcards, pictures, ...
 Assessment tools: observation sheets, rubrics
2. Students
 Textbooks, notebook, workbooks, school things
I. Warm – up: (5’)
- Greeting Ss
- Play Simon say game to review the letters
II. New lesson:
- T asks Ss to open their book (page 13)
- Lead to the new lesson.
3. Read and tick. Then colour and say. (15’)
- Have Ss look at the pictures and ask them What can you see in the pictures? Have
them point to each picture and say the words.
- Ask them to tick the correct pictures.
- Have Ss colour the correct pictures, then say the words loud.
- Get Ss to check their answers in pairs. Then ask some pairs to give their answers.
- Give comments and confirm the correct answers.
4. Let’s play. (10’) A happy circle game

- Explain the rule of the game: A group of Ss make a circle. T gives each student a card
with a picture. Two Ss will play first. student A greets, introduces his/her name and
says what he/she has in the card by saying Hi, I’m …_. I have a … . Student B does the
same as student A. After that, student B points to any pupil in the circle and he/she
does the same. The last pupil in the circle shouts out “Happy” when he/she finishes
his/her turn. (Upper level)
- Model the game with one pupil.
- Have Ss play the game in groups of five or six.
- Support and give them help, when necessary.
- Ask the whole class to play the game if the time allows. This time Ss can point to any
one they like in class.
III. Wrap – up. (5’)
- Practice more at home.
- Prepare new lesson.

* Self-evaluation of teaching:


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