English 1 Tuan 2

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Period 3: Lesson 3 - Part 6,7,8
A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Core competences
Cognition: Introduce names (Ba, Bill) and things (ball, book)
Skills: listening and speaking
2. General Competences
 Self-control & independent learning: perform listening task.
 Communication and collaboration: ready to help friends in pair
work/ group work.
 Problem-solving and creativity: sing a song and clap hand with
3. Attributes
 Kindness: sing a song with classmate
 Diligence: say the letter B/b and the words bike, ball, book
 Honesty: introduce the name ( Ba, Bill)
 Responsibility: greeting and saying goodbye
 Vocabulary: Hi, Bye, I’m…
 Sentence pattern: Hi. I’m _____. and Bye ____
1. Teacher
 General education program 2018 – Foreign Languages
 Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, activity book, website
 Teaching aids: flashcard, pictures, audio files ...
 Assessment tools: speaker, ball, puppet.
2. Students
 Textbooks, notebook, workbooks, school things .
I. Warm – up: (3’)
- Greeting Ps
- Reciting the chant
II. New lesson:
- Say “Open your book page 6” and look at “Unit 1, Lesson 3 (6,7,8)”
- Ps open their books.
6. Listen and repeat (10’)
- Have pupils look at the first picture
- Ask Ps What is Bill doing? / What is the boy doing?
- Ps guess: Yes, he’s greeting and introducing his name. He says “Hi, I’m
- Yes, he’s saying goodbye to Bill. He says “Bye, Bill
- Play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat
- Have pupils look at the sentence “Hi, I’m Bill.” Explain the meaning of
the sentence and how it is used
- Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the
- Ps work in pairs to practice.
- Invite a few pupils to listen and repeat the sentence “Hi, I’m Bill.” in
front of the class. T corrects pronunciation → giving feedback.
7. Let’s talk (10’)
- Ask the students to Name some pictures and ask the students to repeat.
- Use the structure: “Hi. I’m …” and ask the students say the names.
- Have the students introduce themselves
- Give the students 2 minutes to role the plays. Go around the classroom
providing any necessary help.
8. Let’s Sing (8’)
- Have pupils read the lyrics
- Explain the meanings of the verse.
- Play the recording several times for pupils to repeat line after line.
- Ps listen and sing a song.
- Have pupils listen to the whole song. → Ps work in group to practice
the song
- Call one or two groups to sing the song in front of the class.
III. Wrap – up. (4’)
- Play game Slap the board.
* Upper level: identify the word has letter B and sing the song.
Hi, I’m Ben.
Hi, I’m Bob.
Hi, Bob. I’m Ben.
Hi, Ben. I’m Bob.
E. Extension :

Hi, I’m Ben.

Hi, I’m Bob.

Hi, Bob. I’m Ben.

Hi, Ben. I’m Bob.

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