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Instructions to candidates:
a) Time allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do not write anything
during this time)
b) Answer any FIVE questions
c) All questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]

1. Explain the buyer characteristics that can have an influence on the purchasing decisions made by
consumers. [20]

2. Discuss THREE budgeting methods used by marketing management in order to establish the size
of the marketing budget. [20]

3. Explain how the adoption of the marketing philosophy can assist travel and tourism organisations in
improving their overall effectiveness in highly competitive markets. [20]

4. a) Describe Ansoff’s product-market growth strategies matrix. [16]

b) Explain the value of the model to travel and tourism organisations. [4]

5. Discuss FOUR Public Relations activities used by marketing organisations in order to develop a
positive image for the company and its products and services. [20]

6. Evaluate the contributions THREE popular printed materials can make to the effective marketing of
tourism products and services and provide examples to support your recommendations. [20]

7. Discuss the evaluation criteria to be considered in selecting the distribution channels to be used as
part of an organisation’s marketing campaign. [20]

8. Describe the strategic implications of FOUR key components of the tourism product. [20]


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