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Commas & Clauses

A ​dependent clause​ ​cannot​ stand alone. Therefore, the dependent clause

depends​ on the independent clause. An ​independent clause ​can​ stand
alone as its own sentence. Read the sentences below, and underline the
dependent clause. If the dependent clause comes first in the sentence, add
a ​comma​ to separate the clauses. The first sentence has been
done for you.

1. After the baseball game​, we walked to the parking lot.

2. He finished his homework before he played outside.
3. When we arrived at the grocery store the lines were too crowded.
4. We waited for our friend while he hurried to the bus stop.
5. Before she left the house she grabbed the keys.
6. While the cat was sleeping the dog was eating.
7. I got a free sandwich because it was my birthday.
8. Since crossing the finish line at the big race she has been smiling.
9. The museum was closed when we arrived at the doors.
10. During P.E. class I scraped my knee on the floor.
11. The sneaky mouse grabbed the cheese when the big dog was
distracted by the mailman.
12. You can’t walk on the beach with bare feet if the sand is too hot.
13. Although the weather called for rain the sun shined all day.
14. The boys played video games until it was time for dinner.
15. When winter gets too cold the birds will fly South.
16. We wore our sunglasses everyday during our family vacation.
17. After the team won the game they all went out for pizza and ice
18. If you eat healthy foods, wash your hands often, and sleep eight
hours each night you can avoid getting sick.
19. When the teacher asked the class to turn in their assignments my
brother realized he’d forgotten his backpack at home.
20. Because he loved music he signed up for guitar lessons.

Created by: The Speech Satchel

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