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PRE EVENT PREPARATION → Head (craniocerebral) injury
→ Cervical spine injury
 Establish and practice emergency protocols and → Severe bleeding
review sideline preparedness  The examiner must be most prepared for these
 Safety check of potential hazards situations, because they are the most common
 Emergency Protocols - Designated personnel emergency life threatening situations
 Emergency vehicle access routes  Talking to the patient - If pt replies in a normal voice
 Location of emergency equipment and gives logical answers to questions:
 Location of telephone We can assume the airway is patent and the brain is
 Emergency telephone numbers (ambulance, receiving adequate perfusion
physician, dentist) o Ask the mechanism of injury
 Communication plan o Ask the symptoms and their severity
 Hand signals - Cross arms: “send a physician out” - o Reassure and explain what you are going to do
Hand on top of head: “Send ambulance” o Observe whether the pt moves, is still, or is
having a seizure.
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT o Movement: partially conscious, no apparent
 Primary survey - 30 seconds - 2 minutes neurological dysfunction, and has some
o Maximum on scene time: 10 Minutes cardiopulmonary function
o Determine whether injuries are life threatening, o If the patient is still: unconscious, has some
the severity of injury, and how the patient can be neurological dysfunction, or has other major
moved system failure
 Severe injuries - The longer the assessment takes, o Seizure: neurological, systemic, or psychological
the higher the mortality rate is likely to be. dysfunction.
 Charge person/Person in control - The examiner  If the pt is unconscious/unable to speak
designated o Ask the witness if the pt is unconscious or unable
o Takes control by not allowing the patient to be to speak
moved until some type of assessment is made,  If unconscious (“collapsed athlete”), the examiner
the spine is supported as much as possible, and, must work with the assumption that a neck (cervical
if required, assistance is obtained. spine) injury has occurred until proven otherwise
 Call person - The person the examiner calls to provide  Position of the patient
immediate assistance, relay messages, and obtain o (e.g., normal, deformity) and look for altered joint
additional help, if necessary. alignment (e.g.,fracture, dislocation), swelling, or
o Should know the location of the closest telephone discoloration
(a cell phone would be ideal) and what telephone o SCI: pt should be left in the original position until
numbers to call in specific emergencies the nature and severity of the injury have been
o The call person must state the emergency determined, except in cases of respiratory or
telephone information cardiac distress.
 Emergency Telephone Information POCKET CONCUSSION RECOGNITION TOOL
→ Caller’s name
→ Number of telephone being used  Used if there is a suspected head injury and is mobile
→ Type of emergency (type of injury)  To determine if a concussion has occurred
→ Degree of urgency
→ Exact location of facility Emergency Evaluation
Airway evaluation (A): 5–7 seconds
→ Emergency vehicle access route
Breathing (ventilation) 5–8 seconds
→ Estimated time of arrival
check (B):
→ Best entrance
Circulation/heart rate 20–30 seconds
 Other individuals - as many as six or seven may be (C):
called as necessary to act as transporters or help Blood loss: 20–30 seconds
move the patient. Neurological injury: 10–20 seconds
 Initial Assessment - Six situations can immediately TOTAL TIME: 60–95 seconds
threaten the life of a patient
→ Airway obstruction
→ Respiratory failure
→ Cardiac arrest
→ Severe heat/cold injury


 Rapid brain and spinal cord assessment can be

accomplished by asking the pt to do simple
movements, such as sticking out the tongue


 Determined by talking to the patient, not by
moving the patient.
o Sometimes referred to as “shake and shout”
stage: examiner tries to arouse the
unconscious individual by gentle shaking
(without allowing movement of the head and
neck) and by shouting into each ear.
o No response: examiner can initially assume
the pt is unconscious or not fully conscious
and proceed under that assumption.
o Further neurological assessment is left until
the examiner is sure that the pt has a patent
airway, is breathing normally, and has a
o Regardless of state of consciousness, the pt
should not move or be moved until the
examination has been completed.
o Do not use ammonia inhalants be to arouse
the pt during initial assessment
o Only allowed if there is no SCI because the
fumes may cause a reflex head jerk

On-Field or Sideline Evaluation of Acute Concussion

When a player shows any features of a concussion (see
Table 2.11):
ALERT: Fully conscious
A. The player should be evaluated by a physician or
other licensed health care provider on-site using - Is able to carry on an appropriate conversation with
standard emergency management principles and no delays and is aware of time, place, and identity
particular attention should be given to excluding a  Confused: drowsy
cervical spine injury.  Delirium
B. The appropriate disposition of the player must be  Obtundation: dulled sensations, especially pain and
determined by the treating health care provider in a touch
timely manner. If no health care provider is available,
 Stupor
the player should be safely removed from practice or
 Coma
play and urgent referral to a physician arranged.
C. Once the first aid issues are addressed, an SIDELINE CONCUSSION ASSESSMENT TOOL — 3rd
assessment of the concussive injury should be made edition (SCAT3) exam and a Neural Watch
using the SCAT5 (see Fig. 2.49) or other sideline
assessment tools. - Done to provide serial monitoring for the possibility of
D. The player should not be left alone following the injury an increasingly severe head injury
and serial monitoring for deterioration is essential BALANCE ERROR SCORING SYSTEM (BESS)
over the initial few hours following injury.
E. A player with diagnosed concussion should not be - Balance testing
allowed to return to play on the day of injury. - Three different stances (double, single and tandem)
twice on two different surfaces (the ground and the
- Six trials

INDICATIONS THAT ATHLETE SHOULD BE - If breathing and heartbeat are not restored within 4-
REFERRED TO AN EMERGENCY FACILITY 6 mins, brain damage is probable.
- If there is no breathing and no heartbeat for 6 to 10
 Worsening headache minutes, biological death occurs, and brain
 Very drowsy or cannot be easily awakened damage is likely
 Cannot recognize people or places
 Develops significant nausea or vomiting
 Behaves unusually, more confused or irritable
 Develops seizures
 Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs
 Slurred speech or unsteadiness of gait



 Airway, Breathing, and Circulation (ABCs) of
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
o May be immediately done while waiting for
o Check for abnormal or arrested breathing,
abnormal or arrested pulse, internal and
external bleeding, and shock
o FIRST PRIORITY: Maintain an adequate
airway, normal ventilation, and hemodynamic
o Control bleeding by compression
o Assess the airway for patency by looking,
listening, and feeling for spontaneous ABNORMAL BREATHING PATTERNS
respirations - Cheyne-Stokes & ataxic respirations: often
associated with head injury

RESPIRATION  Hyperpnea: Abnormal increase in the depth and

rate of the respiratory movements
 Movement of chest  Apnea: Periods of non-breathing
 10 to 25 breaths per minute: Adults → Possible neurological lesion: Pons
 20 to 25 breaths per minute: Children.  Ataxic breathing (Biot respiration): Irregular
 An athlete or someone who has been exerting before breathing pattern, with deep and shallow breaths
injury may show a higher rate. occurring randomly
→ Possible neurological lesion: Medulla
 Hyperventilation: Prolonged, rapid hyperpnea,
resulting in decreased carbon dioxide blood levels
→ Possible neurological lesion: Midbrain, Pons
 Cheyne-Stokes respirations: Periods of
hyperpnea regularly alternating with periods of
apnea, characterized by regular acceleration and
deceleration in depth
→ Possible neurological lesion: Cerebrum,
cerebellum, midbrain, pons
 Cluster breathing: Breaths follow each other in
disorderly sequence with irregular pauses
between them
→ Possible neurological lesion: Pons, medulla

ASPHYXIA: Abnormal/arrested breathing

 look for the possible causes:
- If there is no breathing and no heartbeat: clinical → Compression of trachea
death occurs 0-4 mins → Tongue blocking airway

→ Foreign bodies  As a last resort, a wide-bore needle (18- gauge or
→ Tissue swelling larger) may be inserted into the trachea to ensure an
→ Fluid in air passages airway
→ Harmful gases or fumes  If the patient is not breathing, artificial ventilation
→ Suffocation (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) must be initiated
immediately, by using the breathing portion of the
CPR techniques or by using a similar artificial
 Falling back of the tongue is the most common cause breathing method.
of airway obstruction after a sport injury, especially in  If the pt has no patent airway, an airway must be
the unconscious pt. established
 Normally, the tone of the tongue muscles ensures  If pt is moving in an attempt to get air into the lungs:
airway patency severe cervical injury is unlikely
 Unconscious pt: Especially in supine, loses muscle  But, movement of the head in relation to the cervical
tone and the tongue falls back, potentially leading to spine should be limited
an obstruction.
Possibility of cervical injury: examiner should position
CHIN LIFT OR JAW THRUST MANEUVER the pt so that airway clearance and resuscitation can
easily be accomplished.
 If the tongue is the cause of obstruction, this is used
to restore the airway being careful to keep movement - This is done to ensure that movement of the cervical
of the cervical spine to a minimum. spine is kept to a minimum.
 The chin lift maneuver is less likely to compromise the
cervical spine  If pt is comfortable in side-lying or prone and there is
 Either maneuver pulls the retropharyngeal no problem with cardiac function or breathing: moving
musculature forward, thus opening the airway the pt to supine is not needed
 After the airway has been established, ensure that the
OBJECT OBSTRUCTION airway is maintained and that the pt continues
 Oral screw and tongue forceps is used to remove an
 Non spontaneous respiration: assisted ventilation
object obstructing the airway
(e.g., mouth-to- mouth, bagging) should be instituted.
 The mouth should be held open with an oral screw or
 Ventilation can be compromised by a flail chest or
something similar, a finger can be used to sweep the
pneumothorax (tension or open)
mouth clear of debris (e.g., broken teeth, dentures,
 Endotracheal intubation is necessary if
mouthguard, chewing gum, tobacco).
nasopharyngeal bleeding, laryngeal trauma,
 If the jaw is not held open and blocked from closing,
secretions, or aspirations prevent maintenance of an
the examiner’s fingers are placed in the pt’s
adequate airway or end-ventilation
mouth only with caution.
 Transtracheal ventilation: treatment of choice for pt
 Cause of blockage is other than the tongue (e.g.,
with breathing problems caused by brain, cervical
foreign body)
spine, or maxillofacial injuries.
o If conscious, pt should be asked to cough.
 Endotracheal tube: cause straining and venous
 If this is unsuccessful, the Heimlich
hypertension leading to increased brain edema, and
maneuver should be performed until the
extension of the head and neck to open upper airways
patient expels the object.
may aggravate cervical spine injuries.
o If unconscious, pt should be placed supine and
 Hemorrhage in maxillofacial injuries prevents
ventilation attempted.
effective use of a breathing mask and does not allow
 If unsuccessful, six to ten subdiaphragmatic
abdominal thrusts are applied.
 This sequence of ventilation and thrusts is AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
repeated until a physician or EMS personnel
arrive to perform a laryngoscopy. Conscious Athlete Unconscious Athlete
 Other causes of asphyxia may be treated by 1. If patient is breathing 1. Perform head tilt if no
epinephrine (anaphylaxis) or intubation or coughing, leave cervical spine injury
him/her alone but is suspected
 If the concern is about maintaining a patent airway,
continue to watch 2. If no response, try to
an oropharyngeal airway may be used.
2. If no air is going in ventilate
and out of lungs,
administer four

abdominal thrusts 3. If no success,  Weak or rapid pulse: Usually indicates shock, heat
(Heimlich maneuver); reposition head and exhaustion, hypoglycemia, fainting, or
some people also try to ventilate again hyperventilation.
administer four back 4. If unsuccessful,  Slowing pulse: Sometimes seen if there is a large
blows follow with four increase in ICP → severe lower brain stem
3. Repeat until patient abdominal thrusts
can breathe (Heimlich maneuver);
independently or some people also  Rebounding and rapid pulse: Often the result of
patient becomes administer four back HTN, fright, heat stroke, or hyperglycemia.
unconscious blows
5. Perform a quick
sweep of the mouth  Increases chance of survival in cardiac arrest
6. If unsuccessful,  Although cardiac arrest is rare in athletes, sudden
repeat steps 1
death or commotio cordis resulting from low-impact
through 5 until there
is no longer blunt trauma is always a possibility in sports
qualified help arrives;
a tracheotomy may
follow if obstruction  May also determine circulatory sufficiency
continues  Capillary refill is delayed if the pink color does not
ESTABLISHING CIRCULATION return to the nail bed or hypothenar eminence within
2 seconds after release of the pressure
 Circulation should be checked for 10 or 15s using the  Squeezing the hypothenar eminence is a better
carotid (preferred), brachial, radial, or femoral pulse. indicator if the patient is hypothermic.
 Sedentary adult: 60 to 90 bpm
 Children: 80 to 100 bpm.
 Highly trained athlete: as low as 40 bpm  May occur if pulse rate starts to weaken.
 With activity: HR ↑  Characterized by S/Sx that occur when the cardiac
 Depending on type and level of an individual’s output is insufficient to fill the arterial tree and the
activity, the HR for a fit person should decrease to blood is under insufficient pressure to provide organs
slightly above normal values within 5 minutes after and tissues with adequate blood flow.
exercise.  Maintained pink skin, in the face and extremities =
seldom hypovolemic after injury.
 Ash-gray or white skin in the face or extremities =
 Note whether pulse is absent, rapid and rebounding, blood loss of at least 30%
or weak and diminishing.  S/Sx of Shock
 Most often checked at the carotid artery, because this → Pulse slowly becomes weak and rapid
is large and easy to locate. → Cold, clammy and pale skin
 No pulse detected = assume no heartbeat →CPR → Profuse sweating
initiated using either manual methods or an → Face is initially pale and later cyanotic around the
automated external defibrillator. mouth
 The examiner should estimate the rate, strength, and → Increased and shallow RR - Labored, rapid or
rhythm to obtain an indication of the cardiac output. irregular and gasping
 May also be used to determine BP → Dilated pupils
o If carotid pulse is palpable, systolic blood → Eyes usually dull and lusterless
pressure is 60 mm Hg or higher. → Increased thirst
o If femoral pulse is palpable, systolic blood → Nausea and Vomiting
pressure is 70 mm Hg or higher. → Restlessness and Anxiousness
o If radial pulse is palpable, systolic blood → Altered LOC
pressure is 80 mm Hg or higher → May become unconscious if shock develops fast
o Like HR, BP should drop to almost normal levels → To prevent or delay onset of shock, the examiner
within 5 minutes following termination of may cover the patient, elevate the pt’s legs, or try
exercise. to eliminate the cause of the problem.

blood vessel damage
 Primarily caused by blood loss from vascular damage Anaphylactic Allergic reaction
or fracture, or hypovolemic shock Metabolic Loss of body fluid
 Shock in trauma may also be caused by tension
pneumothorax, CNS injury, or pericardial tamponade ASSESSMENT FOR BLEEDING, FLUID LOSS
(heart compression resulting from blood in the AND SHOCK
- Look for signs of external bleeding or hemorrhage
 When hypovolemic shock becomes evident, blood
loss may be as high as 20% to 25%.
 Incisions: are clean cuts/lacerations with jagged
 BP in Shock
o Normal BP: - 100 -120 mm Hg systolic pressure /
o Type of wounds where external bleedings or
- 60-80 mm Hg diastolic pressure
hemorrhage may be seen
o With shock, BP gradually decreases.
 Contusion: may produce internal bleeding
o It is best to assume that shock develops in any
 Puncture or abrasion: may show bleeding or oozing
injured adult whose systolic BP is 100 mm Hg or
on the surface.
 Major traumatic injuries: such as fractures (e.g.,
 Normal Dark Skinned Patient
pelvis, femur), can cause a great deal of internal
o Usually has a red undertone and shows a healthy
pink color in the nail beds, lips, and mucous
membranes of the mouth and tongue.  Puncture wounds: most difficult to treat, has the
highest probability of infection.
 Dark Skinned Patient in Shock
o Gray cast to the skin around the nose and mouth,  Liver, spleen, or kidney injury → serious internal
especially if experiencing respiratory shock. bleeding
o Mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, o Blood is not visible since it is contained within the
the lips, and the nail beds have a blue tinge. abdominal cavity.
o Pt may experience abdominal rigidity, pain, and
 Hypovolemic shock mucous membrane
difficulty breathing (pressure on diaphragm).
o Pale, graying, waxy pallor
 When inspecting a bleeding structure, the examiner
CPR should note the type of vessel affected.
o Artery spurts blood
 Done if no pulse is present  Vein provides an even flow
 Sports equipment should be removed, at least  Capillaries tend to ooze bright blood
anteriorly, to give the examiner clear access to the
anterior chest wall.
 Provides only approx. 25% of normal
 cardiac output, so it is imperative that it is performed
properly by knowledgeable persons
 Maintained until the pt recovers or EMS personnel
 Must be done with care if a cervical spine injury is
suspected, because compression to the heart can
cause repeated flexion/extension of the cervical


Hemorrhagic Blood loss
(hypovolemic) Source Bleeding
Respiratory Inadequate blood supply Characteristics
Neurogenic Loss of vascular control Artery Bright red, spurting or
by nervous system pulsating flow
Psychogenic Common fainting Vein Dark red, steady flow
Cardiogenic Insufficient pumping of Capillary Slow, even flow
blood by the heart Lungs Bright red, frothy
Stomach “Coffee grounds” vomitus

Upper bowel Tarry black stools PUPIL CHECK
Kidneys Smoky, red urine
Bladder Red urine, difficulty  Checks pupils for shape and for response to light by
urinating using a penlight or by covering the eye with one hand
Abdomen Blood not visible; and then taking it away.
abdominal rigidity, pain,  Pupils normally react to the intensity of light or focal
difficulty breathing distance.
 Dilation: Dark environment or long focal distance
 Pressure points: Important since arterial bleeding is  Constriction: Light environment or short focal
of greatest concern. Tells where to apply proper distance.
 Pupils are normally equal or almost equally dilated
o Choose the pressure point closest to the area of
(diameter range, 2 to 6 mm; mean of 3.5 mm)
bleeding and apply pressure to the artery to slow
o CNS injury may cause the pupils to dilate
or stop the bleeding
 Tourniquets: used with extreme caution and in o However, some people normally have unequal
selected instances and then only with enough pupil sizes.
pressure to stop bleeding.
 Trauma near the eyes to a conscious alert person:
o Accidental amputation of a limb,
Dilated, fixed pupil may most likely result of trauma to
o Very severe bleeding from a major artery
the short ciliary nerves of that eye
o Need to apply CPR with no assistance available
 Drugs may affect pupillary size
o Time of tourniquet application is noted
o Opiate drugs cause pinpoint pupils
carefully to prevent unnecessary tissue damage.
 Hemodynamic stability: best maintained by ASSESSMENT FOR SPINAL CORD INJURY
applying direct pressure to an open wound,
keeping the pt in a recumbent position, and  Regular cervical assessment is given if the athlete
minimizing the number of times the patient is moved walks off the field before notifying the medical staff of
 If S/Sx of shock are present but visible bleeding is a potential neck injury
minimal, suspect hidden bleeding within the  If the athlete appears to have or communicates a
abdomen, chest, or extremities. neck injury on the field or is unconscious, then a neck
o Suspected bleeding in the abdomen: palpate or head injury should be assumed, and cervical
the abdominal wall for shape and distention. assessment is modified.
o Suspected bleeding in the chest or  So that movement may be minimized during
extremities: look for deformities (e.g., fractures). examination
Percuss the chest area, noting any loss of hollow  The athlete is immobilized and transported to a
sounds, to help locate presence of fluid or blood. medical facility after examination
o Hyporesonance: solid organ or the presence of
Upper SCI (Cervical Spine Injury) is suspected, initially
fluid or blood
if pt has/is:
o Hyperresonance: air or gas filled spaces
 After the ABCs systems have been assessed and  Neck pain or Stiffness
controlled, proceed to the remainder of the primary  Asymmetric or abnormal head pos
assessment.  Cervical mm spasm
CSF & BLEEDING  Respiratory difficulty, especially if the chest is not
moving (absence of abdominal or diaphragmatic
 Check the ears & nose for CSF presence breathing)
 Blood or CSF leakage from ear: may indicate a skull  Priapism (erection of the penis)
fracture.  Unconscious after a fall or other contact activity.
 Incline the head toward the affected side to facilitate  Numbness, tingling, or burning, especially below the
drainage, unless a cervical injury is suspected. clavicles
 Gauze pad may be placed over the pt’s ear or nose  Mm weakness; twitching; or paralysis of the arms or
where bleeding is occurs to collect the fluid on the legs, especially bilaterally (flaccid paralysis).
gauze  Loss or bowel or bladder control
 Look for an orange halo forming on the pad o Quick assessment of brain and SC to note wether
o Halo: is a good indication of a skull fracture pt can follow instruction and can do the activity:

 Ask pt to stick out the tongue, wiggle the toes, → Squeezing the trapezius muscle,
move the feet or may arms, or squeeze → Squeezing the soft tissue b/w the pt’s thumb and
examiner’s fingers index finger
→ Squeezing an object (pen or pencil) between the
Unconscious Patient patient’s fingers
 Level of unconsciousness must be reassessed if → Squeezing a fingertip
possible and treat the pt as though a spinal injury has → Applying a knuckle to the sternum. (Be cautious,
occurred. may cause bruising.)
 Watch for spontaneous limb movement, especially  LOC can best be determined with the use of the
after the application of a painful stimulus, movement Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
indicates that the patient is less likely to have suffered o The sooner the pt is tested with the scale the
a severe cervical injury. better
 Also watch for tonic posturing that indicates a severe o Initial assessment can be used as a baseline for
head injury. improvement or deterioration in the patient.
 Fencing response may occur at time of impact with o The GCS is often used in conjunction with the
one limb extending and the other flexing regardless of Neural Watch.
position or gravity  Deterioration of consciousness may result from many
 Decerebrate rigidity: all four extremities being in conditions, such as increased ICP caused by an
extension. expanding intracranial lesion, hypoxia (which can
aggravate cerebral edema and increase the ICP),
 Decorticate rigidity: LE in extension andUE in
epilepsy, meningitis, or fat embolism.
 Always look for signs of expanding intracranial
ASSESSMENT FOR HEAD INJURY (NEURAL lesions, especially if the pt is conscious.
WATCH) o These are emergency conditions that must be
attended to immediately because of their
 Used to note any changes in the pt over time. potentially
 Initially performed every 5-15 mins, since it also  If pt experiences LOC or appears to have disturbed
facilitates monitoring of the pt’s v.s. senses, is seeing stars or colors, is dizzy, or has
 After pt is stabilized, Neural Watch recordings may be auditory hallucinations or a severe headache, the pt
made every 15-30 mins. should not be left alone or allowed to return to activity.
 Reassessment by the same examiner allows the  Nausea, vomiting, lethargy, increasing BP, disturbed
detection of subtle changes. sensation of smell, or a diminished pulse should lead
 Examination should include an evaluation of the pt’s to the same conclusion.
facial expression; a determination of the pt’s  Amnesia, hyperirritability, an open wound, unequal
orientation to time, place, and person; and the pupils, or CSF/Blood leakage from the ears or nose
presence of both post traumatic amnesia and also indicates an emergency condition.
retrograde amnesia.  Numbness on one side of the body or a large
 Emergency S/Sx of Head injury contusion in the head area should also lead the
→ Increased headache examiner to handle the pt with care.
→ Nausea and vomiting  Frontal Lobe Affectation: May experience lapses of
→ Inequality of pupils memory, personality changes, or impairment of
→ Disorientation judgment.
→ Altered level of consciousness  Temporal Lobe Affectation: May experience
→ Increased blood pressure feelings of unreality, déjà vu, or hallucinations
→ Decreased pulse rate involving odors, sounds, or visual disturbances, such
→ Decreased reaction to pain as macropsia (seeing objects as larger than they
→ Decreased or altered values on Neural Watch really are) or micropsia.
chart or GCS  Head injury depends not only on the magnitude and
 Verbal and physical stimuli may determine reaction to direction of impact and the structural features and
pain and the LOC physical reactions of the skull but also on the state
 If (-) cervical injury, verbal stimuli may include calling of the head/brain at the moment of impact.
the pt’s name and shaking and shouting at the pt.

 Physical stimuli include:

→ Squeezing the Achilles tendon,

ASSESSMENT FOR HEAT INJURY  If the pt has not moved, ask pt to move the limbs to
reassess for a cervical spine injury and look for major
 If there is a suspected heat-type injury with no trauma (e.g., fracture, dislocation, third-degree strain,
cervical injury, heat exhaustion and heat stroke third-degree sprain).
need be considered as lifethreatening.  At the same time, palpate areas of potential injury, not
o Heat fatigue or exhaustion: Person is exposed any pain, abnormal bone or joint alignment, swelling,
to high environmental temperature or humidity
hypersensitive or hyposensitive areas, or palpable
and perspires excessively without salt or fluid
defect (third-degree strain).
 If movement is relatively normal, quickly check the
o Heat stroke: A non-acclimatized person is
myotomes of the UE or LE for any possible motor
suddenly exposed to high environmental
involvement or motor impairment.
temperature or humidity. The thermal regulatory
 Changes in limb power: may be caused by a
mechanism fails, perspiration stops, and body
contractile tissue injury, a neurological injury, or an
temperature increases.
expanding intracranial lesion, which will be displayed
 Above 42°C oral body temperature, brain damage
as progressive weakness in the contralateral arm or
occurs, and death follows if emergency measures are
not instituted.
 Decreased limb power: caused by reflex inhibition
 The diagnostic keys are high body temperature and
as a result of previously unrecognized limb injury.
absence of sweating.
o In these cases, contractions are weak and
 Initial signs of heat injury: muscle cramps,
excessive fatigue or weakness, loss of coordination,
o These types of injuries are in the low priority
decreased reaction time, headache, decreased
group since they represent a threat to the limb
comprehension, dizziness, and nausea and vomiting
rather than to the life of the pt.
 Body temp varies according to the site at which the
measurement is taken. POSITIONING THE PATIENT
o Oral: 37° C (98.6° F).
o Armpit or axilla: 36.4° C to 36.7° C (97.5° F to  Normally, a pt is left in the position in which he or she
98.1° F) is found until primary assessment is completed.
o Rectum: 37.3° C to 37.6° C (99.1° F to 99.7° F).  If there is breathing difficulty or no pulse, pt must be
 Palpating the skin can get some idea of the positioned to do CPR.
external temperature of the body and  If a conscious pt is prone and in respiratory difficulty,
possible pathology. the examiner, with assistance, should log-roll the pt
 Hot and dry skin: caused by heat stroke, high fever, onto a spinal board so that an attempt to restore the
or hyperglycemia. airway is made.
 Cold and clammy skin: caused by hypoglycemia,  During any movement of the pt, traction of about 4.5
shock, fainting, or hyperventilation. kg (10 lbs) may be applied to the cervical spine to
 Cool and moist skin: caused by heat exhaustion maintain stability.
 Cool and dry skin: caused by exposure to cold.  Before any movement is attempted, the pt and those
who are going to assist the examiner should know
SKIN COLOR what the examiner plans to do and what their jobs are.
This requires frequent practicing of emergency
 White Pallor/Whitish skin: circulatory disturbance or procedures.
decreased circulation and is most often associated o Only rolling, not lifting—should occur.
with trauma and shock. o With pt in supine, proper CPR techniques may be
 Cyanosis (blue pallor): respiratory distress, as does applied, or the pt may be transported.
a gray tint. o Pt may be covered with a blanket to provide
 Redness/Red Pallor: increase in blood flow as a warmth.
result of fever, heat stroke, exercise or inflammation


 Consider how the pt will be moved and immobilized

(e.g., self-ambulation, stretcher, spinal board)
depending on the severity of injury, and whether the
pt can move him or herself or can move only with

Spinal injury suspected in a conscious pt is in prone accomplished without causing further pain or
but has no difficulty breathing breathing problems or aggravating an injury.
 If pt has breathing difficulties or a chest injury or has
 pt is log-rolled halfway toward the assistants while experienced a heart attack or stroke, it may be
another assistant slides the spinal board as close as desirable to lower BP in the injured parts by elevating
possible to the pt’s side. the upper part of the body slightly, if position change
 pt is then rolled directly onto the spinal board in prone. can be accomplished without causing further pain or
Spinal injury is suspected in a pt in supine position breathing problems
and breathing normally

 pt is rolled toward the assistants while another

assistant slides the spinal board under the pt as far
as possible.
 pt is then rolled back onto the spinal board in supine.

Spinal injury is suspected in a pt in side lying

 pt is log-rolled directly onto the spinal board and into

→ In each of these cases, the examiner controls the  If pt is unconscious and cardiac & circulatory
head, applies traction, and instructs the functions are not compromised, pt should be left in
assistants. the original position until consciousness is regained.
→ The pt’s head is then stabilized and immobilized  if pt is unconscious and lying supine, always watch for
with sandbags, a head immobilizer, or triangular possibility of the pt “swallowing” the tongue and
bandages, and the pt is strapped to the spinal obstructing the airway.
board with restraining belts.  An unconscious pt loses the cough reflex, and if
→ If a collar is used to stabilize the spine, it must do vomiting or bleeding occurs, vomitus, mucus, or blood
so during movement as well as when the patient may enter and obstruct the airway. Therefore, the
is stationary examiner may elect to put the pt in the recovery
 it must not hinder access to the carotid pulse, position.
airway, or performance of CPR;  If pt is unconscious and in respiratory or cardiac
 it must be easy to assemble and apply; distress, quickly assess the pt and attempt to restore
 it must be adaptable to patients of all ages respiratory and cardiac function. This pt is then
and sizes treated the same as the conscious pt.
 it must allow radiological examination without  If pt’s spine is twisted or flexed and the pt is
removal reasonably comfortable, the pt should be stabilized in
→ Any major injury (e.g, head injury a spinal injury, that position until a spinal injury is ruled out.
or fracture) requires appropriate handling, slow  If there has been a loss of breathing or cardiac
and deliberate. management, and proper function, the examiner must carefully correct the
transportation to provide a satisfactory outcome deformity, place pt supine lying, and perform the
RECOVERY POSITION appropriate measures to deal with the problem.

 Is used if pt is nauseated, vomiting, or has fluid If a cervical spine injury has occurred to a 7yr old or
draining from the mouth, and provided breathing and younger child
circulation are normal and as long as there is no  The head is normally larger in proportion to the rest of
suspicion of a spinal injury. the body.
 This position enables continuous monitoring (ABCs)  If the child is positioned on a spinal board without
and allows easy observation of any change in modification, the neck will be forced into some flexion.
condition +while waiting for emergency personnel.  The spinal board should have a cutout for the head,
 pt’s head should be positioned to keep airway open or a pad for the chest or rest of the body should be
and to allow drainage from the throat and mouth. added to elevate it in relation to the head
 If blood flow to the heart and brain has diminished, o If pt is in the water and unconscious
circulation can be improved by elevating the lower  He or She must be reached ASAP
limbs, provided that position change can be  Do not jump into the water, because this
creates waves that may rock the pt’s head

and could cause severe consequences if a If pt is in respiratory distress,
neck injury has occurred.
 Approach the pt head-on and place an  Facemasks can usually be easily removed with an X-
extended arm down the middle of the pt’s Acto knife or a similar device to release the restraining
back with the pt’s head in the examiner’s straps while holding the mask in place.
axilla. If the decision is made to remove the headgear, the
 The examiner then grasps pt’s biceps with neck and head must be held as rigid as possible.
the forearm around the pt’s forehead, slowly
lifts the arm, and turns the pt face up.  At least two people are needed: one to stabilize the
 The examiner’s forearm locks the pt’s head in head and neck and one to remove the facemask.
the examiner’s axilla during the turn.  One person, usually the assistant, first applies in-line
 Once pt is supine, both of the examiner’s traction is to the helmet to ensure initial stability.
arms support the pt’s head and spine in the  A second person, usually the examiner, then stands
water. at the side of the pt and employs in-line traction by
 An assistant then slides the spinal board applying a traction force through the pt’s chin and
under the pt in the water and blocks the pt’s occiput.
head with towels.  The assistant stops applying traction and, if the
 The pt is next strapped to the spinal board helmet is a football helmet, first removes the cheek
with restraining straps and is lifted out of the pads by sliding a flat object (e.g., scissors handle)
water between the cheek pad and helmet, twisting the
 If no spinal board is available and a cervical object to cause the pads to unsnap.
injury is suspected, pt should be supported in o After the pads are removed, the assistant applies
the water until emergency personnel arrive. bilateral expansion to the helmet so that the ears
are cleared as the helmet is removed.
Athletes who wear helmets.
o After the helmet has been removed, the assistant
 Generally if the pt is unconscious, the helmet should reapplies in-line traction from the head, and the
not be removed unless absolutely certain that there examiner then releases the traction and
has not been a neck injury. continues the primary examination
 If pt wears both a helmet and a shoulder pads, both o If desired, a cervical collar, such as the Stifneck
should be left on the pt, because they help to maintain collar, this should be done with caution because
the cervical sagittal alignment close to normal. cervical collars do not completely eliminate
 Ideally, the helmet and shoulder pads should be movement in the cervical spine.
removed in a controlled setting, such as the o If the helmet is removed and the pt is wearing
emergency department shoulder pads, the person holding the head must
 Helmets should be removed only if ensure that the head does not fall back into
o Facemask or visor interferes with adequate extension, and a modification must be made to
ventilation the spinal board.
o Facemask interferes with the clinician’s ability to o Shoulder pads should be removed only if it is
restore an adequate airway impossible to do this or if defibrillation is
o Helmet is so loose that it does not provide necessary.
adequate immobilization of the head when  If pt is conscious and there appears to be no cervical
secured to the spinal board injury or other severe injury, the pt may be moved to
o If life- threatening hemorrhage under the helmet another area for a more appropriate and complete
cannot be controlled secondary assessment.
o If in children, the helmet is too large and causes  If the injury is in the UE and the injured part is
flexion of the neck when used as part of the immobilized, the pt may first be moved from a supine
immobilization to a sitting or kneeling position, then from sitting or
o If it is necessary to defibrillate the pt. kneeling to supported standing, to unsupported
 In the last case, the shoulder pads must be removed, standing, and finally the person may walk off the field.
so the helmet should be removed to maintain spinal  During these changes in position, the examiner or
position assistants are positioned to provide support and
assistance if the patient feels dizzy or unsteady.
 If the injury is in the LE, the athlete may be helped off
the field by teammates, stretcher, or cart.

 Spinal injuries require greater care and the use of a R: Normal Labored or Absent
spinal board and cervical collar with support. respirations shallow
 Again, assistance may be required, and everyone, A: Abdomen Abdomen Abdomen
including the pt and assistants, should be aware of abdomen & thorax & thorax &
the movement sequence before it is attempted. no tender tender rigid or flail
Movement Sequence to Remove Conscious,
M: motor Normal Response No
Mobile Athlete from Field of Play
Supine lying only pain response
↓ S: speech Normal confused No
Sitting (supported) intelligible
↓ words
Kneeling (supported, 4 point → 2 point)

Standing (supported) SECONDARY ASSESSMENT

Standing (unsupported)  Secondary assessment is done if the pt is conscious,
↓ is able to respond by talking coherently, shows
Walk off field (assistance ready) minimal or no distress in terms of breathing, and
displays normal circulation.
INJURY SEVERITY  Keep in mind that the pt may still have suffered a
catastrophic injury that, although not life-threatening
 Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test, which tests
at the present time, could lead to significant problems.
for posttraumatic amnesia;
 The secondary survey is predicated on the pt’s being
 Abbreviated Injury Scale, the Injury Severity Score,
clinically stable.
Trauma Score, Triage Index, Circulation, Respiration,
 When secondary assessment begins, any possible
Abdomen, Motor, and Speech (CRAMS) Scale;
life-threatening situations should be eliminated and
 The Trauma Score illustrates the ease of scoring and
then injury assessment can be complete
the survival probabilities that can be expected in
 In the case of a sudden injury, remember that the pt
trauma patients. This tool provides a dynamic score
has had no time to prepare psychologically or
that monitors changes in the patient’s condition and
practically for the injury. The injury may represent a
is useful in making triage decisions.
sudden and frightening change in the pt’s physical
 The CRAMS scale illustrates a similar scoring
 Other concerns experienced by the pt may be related
THE REVISED TRAUMA SCORE to the pt’s job, financial situation, family, or prognosis,
and these concerns, suddenly magnified, may affect
Glasgow Systolic Respiratory RTS Value the pt’s behavior, especially in later secondary or
Coma Blood Rate (RR) “sideline” assessments
Scale Pressure  The secondary assessment is a head-to toe rapid
(GCS) (SBP) physical examination and can be performed after the
13-15 >89 10-29 4 examiner has ascertained that there is no threat to the
9-12 76-89 >29 3 pt’s life.
6-8 50-75 6-9 2  The secondary survey involves a complete body
4-5 1-49 1-5 1 survey to detect other injuries that may cause serious
3 0 0 0 complications or lead to a pt’s not being allowed to
return to activity.
 It is important to maintain communication throughout
Major Trauma (CRAMS scale < score 8) the examination.
 During this time, the examiner is testing for possible
2 1 0
spinal injuries, fractures, dislocations, or soft-tissue
C: Normal Delay No
injuries. Care must be taken that injuries are not
circulation capillary capillary capillary
refill & refill or missed
refill or
SBP SBP > 85 SBP < 85
> 100 <

Musculoskeletal Injuries Commonly Missed during o Test for vision at distance: pt can be asked to
Emergency Assessment read the score clock, as an example.
 Closed tendon injuries of the hand  After brain function is tested “clearing,” or scanning,
 Carpal bone injuries assessments performed for the cervical or lumbar
 Occult elbow fractures spine is done.
 Femoral neck fractures  At this stage, the assessment follows the same basic
 Posterior shoulder dislocations protocol as in the detailed assessment of specific
 Epiphyseal plate injuries joints.
 Pubic ramus fractures  This is followed by a detailed examination of the
 Patellar tendon rupture specifically injured structures, (active, passive, and
 Lisfranc (tarsometatarsal) fractures resisted isometric movements, special tests, reflexes
 Compartment syndromes etc.)
 Simple non-leading questions should be asked, and
 In secondary assessment, consider whether the pt information should be clarified.
should be allowed to return to activity.  After the pt has been questioned, others who
 The decision whether further evaluation is required witnessed the accident or injury may also be
on-site or whether the pt should be taken to some questioned to complete the history.
other venue. In addition, keep in mind that home o Also helps detect abnormal behavior that may not
monitoring may be necessary and therefore should be noticed initially.
determine whether a responsible person is at home  Carefully watch for developing S/Sx of an expanding
to watch for changing S/Sx in the pt. intracranial lesion by noting changes in facial
 Neural watch or the GCS and watching for signs of expression, the pupils, and the level of consciousness
an expanding intracranial lesion or other and by performing the Neural Watch and GCS
complications must continue. several times.
 Advanced cerebral edema may further reduce the  The basic observation is the same as that performed
perfusion of an already damaged hemisphere of the during joint assessment and includes observation of
brain, and compression of the descending motor bony and soft tissue contours, scars, deformities, the
tracts may decrease limb power. ability to move, and body alignment.
 Pt’s LOC can reveal a deficit previously  Scanning examination: quick scanning of the entire
overshadowed by other evidence of severe brain body through observation, by asking the pt to make
injury. particular movements (depending on where the
 The pt’s abilities to assimilate information and act with suspected injury has occurred), and by testing
split-second timing are more likely to be impaired after myotomes, dermatomes, and reflexes.
a concussion than are strength and endurance. o May be done with pt wearing clothes but it is
 If a head injury is suspected, it is important to better without.
determine the pt’s reasoning and processing ability. o Warn the pt if clothes need to be removed
 The examiner also checks coordination or motor especially if in a public place, and every effort
neurological function should be made to maintain the patient’s dignity.
o Detailed assessment of the appropriate parts of
 When testing for proper neurological function palpate
the body after scanning examination may be
the neck and back for any pain or tenderness
 Balance and motor coordination: tested by
determining whether the pt can maintain balance Signs Indicating Need for Immediate Transport to
through unsupported standing. Hospital
 Motor neurological function: checking the pt’s grip  May happen any time during the primary or
strength or the various myotomes. secondary evaluation:
 Eye coordination and peripheral vision: asking the → Abnormal pupil or extraocular movement
pt to follow the examiner’s fingers up and down, side → Increasing facial or extremity weakness or
to side, diagonally, and in circles, noting any flaccid paralysis
wandering eye movements. → Amnesia, confusion, or lethargy
→ Sensory or cranial nerve abnormality
o Test visual disturbance: pt is asked to read or
→ Decreasing value in GCS
observe something from a short distance (e.g.,
→ Positive Babinski sign
eye chart, how many fingers the examiner is → Deep tendon reflex asymmetry
holding up). → Posttraumatic seizures

 Proper care for the pt must always be uppermost in
the mind of the examiner
 After the assessment has been completed and the pt
has been stabilized, has returned to competition, or
has been referred for further medical care by
ambulance, the examiner should be sure to document
what happened and the subsequent care that was
given, noting any potential difficulties. These notes, if
taken at the sideline, should be transferred to the
patient’s medical record as soon as possible

Priorities in the Management of Injuries: Beware of

Injury to the Cervical Spine!

Highest Priority
1. Respiratory and cardiovascular impairment: Facial,
neck, and chest injuries
2. Hemorrhage: External, severe
High Priority
3. Retroperitoneal injuries: Shock, hemorrhage
4. Intraperitoneal injuries: Shock, hemorrhage
5. Craniocerebral spinal cord injuries: Open or
closed, observation
6. Severe burns: Extensive soft-tissue wounds
Low Priority
7. Lower genitourinary tract: Hemorrhage,
8. Peripheral vascular, nerve, locomotor injuries:
Open or closed
9. Facial and neck injuries: Except priorities 1 and 2
10. Cold exposure
11. Fractures, dislocations: Splinting
12. Tetanus prophylaxis

Emergency On-Field Procedures

 Stabilize head and spine (Do not move patient.)
 Talk to patient and determine level of
 Move patient only if in respiratory or cardiac
 Check or establish airway
 Check heartbeat/rate/pulse
 Check for bleeding, shock, cerebrospinal fluid
 Check pupils
 Check for spinal cord injury (Neural Watch)
 Position the patient
 Check for head injury
 Assess for heat injury
 Assess movement


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