Predator Type Advantages Flaws V5

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Predator Type

Your Predator Type describes your favored means of hunting, and it also
confers some additional benefits.

Alleycat: Stalk people and attack them for blood.

Add specialty: Intimidation (Stick-Ups) or Brawl (Grappling)
Gain one dot of Celerity or Potence
Lost one dot of Humanity
Gain three dots of criminal contacts

Bagger: You only drink bagged blood, procured from a blood bank, hospital,
Add a specialty: Larceny (Lockpicking) or Streetwise (Black Market)
Gain one dot of Blood Sorcery (Tremere or Banu Haqim only) or Obfuscate
Gain Feeding Merit: Iron Gullet(●●●)
Gain Enemy Flaw(●●) either someone thinks you owe them or there’s
another reason you keep off the streets

Blood Leech: You drink vampire blood. This is frowned upon.

Add specialty: Brawl (Kindred) or Stealth (against Kindred)
Gain a dot of Celerity or Protean
Lose one dot of Humanity
Increase Blood Potency by one
Gain the Dark Secret:(●●) Diablerist, or the Shunned:(●●) flaws
Gain the Feeding Flaw:(●●) Prey Exclusion(mortals)

Cleaver: ala Leave it to Beaver. You maintain a mortal family which you feed
from. (This is a Masquerade risk; a Kindred friend might “help” you by
murdering your family)
Add specialty: Persuasion(Gaslighting) or Subterfuge(Coverups)
Gain one dot of Dominate or Animalism
Gains the Dark Secret Flaw: Cleaver(●)
Gain the Herd Advantage(●●)

Consensualist: You only feed with free consent. This can be considered a
Masquerade breach.
Add a specialtyL Medicine(Phlebotomy) or Persuasion(Vessels)
Gain one dot of Auspex or Fortitude
Gain one dot of Humanity
Gain the Dark Secret Flaw: (●) Masquerade Breacher
Gain the Feeding Flaw:(●) Prey Exclusion (non-consenting)

Farmer: You only feed from animals

Add a specialty: Animal Ken (specific animal) or Survival(Hunting)
Gain one dot of Animalism or Protean
Gain one dot of Humanity
Gain the Feeding Flaw:(●●) Farmer

Osiris: You’re a celebrity, cult leader, preacher, or similar, treated like a god.
Add speciality: Occult(specific tradition) or Performance(specific
entertainment field)
Gain one dot of Blood Sorcery (Tremere or Banu Haqim only) or Presence
Spend three dots between Fame and Herd backgrounds
Spend two dots between Enemies and Mythic flaws

Sandman: You feed from the sleeping.

Add a specialty:Medicine(Anaesthetics) or Stealth(Break-In)
Gain one dot of Auspex or Obfuscate
Gain one dot of Resources

Scene Queen: You blend into and feed from a subculture

Add a specialty Etiquette(specific scene), Leadership(specific scene), or
Streetwise(specific scene)
Gain one dot of Dominate or Potence
Gain the Fame advantage(●)
Gain the contact advantage(●)
Gain either the Influence flaw: (●) Disliked (outside subculture) or the
Feeding flaw: (●) Prey Exclusion (a different subculture from yours)

Siren: You seduce your victims.

Add specialty: Persuasion (Seduction) or Subterfuge (Seduction)
Gain one dot of Fortitude or Presence
Gain the Looks Merit: (●●) Beautiful
Gain the Enemy Flaw: (●) A spurned lover or jealous partner


Flaws are listed with their value in dots in parenthesis, indicating how much they
count toward the mandatory flaw amount during character creation.

The value of merits is the number of dots before their name. This is used both
toward the maximum dots you can pick up for free during character generation and
also the cost to buy them as improvements later.

Getting rid of flaws is a daunting possibility, so choose carefully! Eg. The implicit
point value of a ●● flaw would be equivalent to a ●●●● merit, hence 12 points
to buy off -- a very significant investment!

Vampire is a dice pool game, meaning that you roll X dice and count your
number of successes. Modifiers typically affect either the number of dice in
your pool or the GM-set difficulty number you have to beat. A pool of 4 is
equivalent to an average mortal, maybe. A pool of 6 is very competent for a
mortal. Above that is in the realm of professionals or experts. For basis of

Linguistics: Fluency in birth language and English by default, if non-anglophone by

birth. Ability to read, write, and speak one additional language for each dot.

Flaw (●●) Illiterate, Academics and Science skills capped at 1 with no

modern knowledge available.


Flaw (●●) Repulsive - lose 2 dice from all relevant social pools
Flaw (●) Ugly - as above except 1 die
●● Beautiful - 1 extra die
●●●● Stunning 2 extra dice

Substance Use: Specify substance

Flaw (●●) Hopeless Addiction - Lose 2 dice all pools if your last prey wasn’t
on your drug, unless they are actions to obtain that high.
Flaw(●) Addiction - As above but 1 die
● High Functioning Addict - add 1 die to any category of pool when you
feed on a mortal who was high on your drug of choice. Choose this
pool when you take this merit

Archaic - Not applicable to neonates.


Flaw (●●) Bondslave - You become bound with one sip of blood. You start
the game bound to your sire.
Flaw (●) Bond Junkie - You like being bonded. Subtract one die from your
pools to act against a blood bond.
Flaw (●) Long Bond - Blood Bonds on you take 3x as long to depreciate in
● Bond Resistance - Add 1 die to resist bonding for each time you take this
merit, up to 3.
●● Short Bond - Bonds on you take half as long to depreciate.
●●●● Unbondable You cannot be Blood Bound. You cannot take the
Presence power “Lingering Kiss”.


Flaw: (●●) Farmer - You only feed on animal blood. You must spend 2
willpower to feed on a human.
Flaw: (●●) Organovore - You must eat flesh and organs to sate hunger;
only the heart has resonance, flavor.
Flaw: (●) Methuselah’s Thirst - Draining mortals will not lower your hunger
to 0; only draining supernatural creatures of all blood will do that for
Flaw: (●) Prey Exclusion - You refuse to hunt a certain class of people;
doing so causes you stains on your humanity. You may or may not gain
stains from watching another kindred feed on this prey without
● Bloodhound - You can detect the resonance, flavor, of a human’s blood
by scent.
●●● Iron Gullet - You can feed from any kind of blood, but low quality
blood has little or poor flavor. (no resonance)

Mythic Merits/Flaws

Flaw:(●●) Stake Bait - Getting staked will kill you.

Flaw:(●) Folkloric Bane - Something, ultraviolet light or silver for example,
does aggravated damage to you per folklore
Flaw:(●) Folkloric Block - Something, like a cross or garlic, requires you to
spend a willpower not to shrink away from it, per folklore.
Flaw:(●) Stigmata - you start to visibly bleed when very hungry.
●● Eat food - You can eat food and possibly enjoy it, though you still have
to purge it at the end of the night and gain no nourishment from it.


Allies and Enemies

Allies are mortals who help you, enemies are mortals who are out to get you.
You purchase effectiveness and reliability as a total for an advantage, to a
maximum of 6 dots. For a flaw, an enemy is work two fewer dots than its
effectiveness. (Meaning that weak or average mortal enemies are worth
nothing.) An enemy’s “reliability” is up to the GM.

● Weak Mortal (Pretty much helpless)
●● Average Mortal (Fred and Daphne)
●●● Gifted Mortal (Street gang, celebrity)
●●●● Deadly Mortal (Sorcerer, Private security company, Velma)

● They show up half the time you call
●● They show up within 1-10 hours
●●● They come ASAP


Human sources of information.

● One contact who can do or get something cheap or common for you.
Weed dealer, car dealer (resources 1)
●● One contact who can do or get something useful to you. Gun dealer,
Veterinarian. (resources 2)
●●● One contact who can do or get something expensive for you. Security
systems expert, police lieutenant (resources 4)

You’re famous among mortals. Each level reduces social difficulties with your
fans by one point, but secrecy becomes harder. Infamy means you’re famous
for something horrible and the police might be looking for you. A Dark Secret
is equivalent to infamy in severity but provides one fewer point than the
severity equivalent Infamy. Eg. Dark Secret(●●) is worth one dot against the
minimum dots of flaws you have to take. One-point infamy can also function
as a one-point Dark Secret.

Flaw:(●●) Serial breacher of the Masquerade, Masquerade risk, you’ve

been blood-hunted out of a city before, etc.
Flaw:(●) You owe a big debt or rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, or
you’re considered an associate to someone with infamy ●●.
● Popular in a subculture
●● Local celebrity
●●● Known nationwide by name
●●●● Everybody in your field knows of you
●●●●● Movie star, former president, etc.


You have pull with the mortal community. This is based on a specific area in a
city, eg Hollywood, the Bronx w/e. Influence diminishes a point for each
degree of separation from your powerbase. Dots in Influence can substitute a
trait, like Charisma or Manipulation, in applicable circumstances.

Flaw:(●●) Despised. One group in the city is out to thwart you. Two dice
penalty to sway politically neutral mortals.
Flaw:(●) Disliked. As above except only one die.
● Well-connected
●● Influential
●●● Entrenched
●●●● Powerful
●●●●● Dominant


This is your home and sanctuary from the sun and vampire hunters, nosy
mortals. With no points in Haven, you still have a haven, it’s just not
glamorous, like the Santa Monica haven in Vampire The Masquerade
Bloodlines. It’s possible to pool haven points with members of the coterie to
have a better communal haven… but remember you will be in closer proximity
to people who can see your doings >_>

Base Haven

Flaw:(●) No Haven - you need to find a new place to sleep every morning.
This sucks.
● Small Haven - more private and secure than default
●● Good size, security, or privacy
●●● Very large, secure, or private

Haven Merits and Flaws

Flaw:(●●) Compromised - Probably on a watch list.

Flaw:(●) Creepy - looks like the den of a serial killer. Minus 2 dice to
comfort human visitors.
Flaw:(●) Haunted - Literally haunted by something you don’t understand
or control. You can take multiple points in Haunted with increasingly
daunting penalties to actions taken in your haven.
● Hidden Armory - one pistol, one longarm, securely hidden
● Cell - For prisoners. Requires more than a small haven.
● Watchmen - could be conspicuous. Four guards and a boss for each
● Laboratory - each dot provides a bonus die to one specialty of either
science or technology. Not available for small havens.
● Library - each dot provides a bonus die to one specialty of Academics,
Investigation, or Occult. Small havens can only manage one dot.
● Location - provides a 2 dice bonus to rolls pertaining to the location: eg a
fashionable location or one close to a prime feeding area.
● Luxury - 2 dice social bonus to dealing with mortals in your haven.
Without Resources ●●●, the luxury was illegally obtained.
● Postern - rear exit. For each dot, you gain one bonus die to escape or
evade surveillance.
● Security system - Each dot adds one to your dice pools to resist or be
alerted to intrusion.
● Surgery - Adds two dice to relevant dice pools, probably Medicine. Not
available in small havens.
● Warding - Requires Occult 3 or Blood sorcery. Each dot adds a die to
resist supernatural scrying. Talk to me about the specifics.

A group of safe vessels to feed from, whom you have cultivated. Describe who
they are in general, eg. Some grad students, club scenesters.

Flaw:(●●) Obvious Predator - You cannot maintain a herd. Lose 2 dice

from your hunting pool for anything other than stalking, chasing,
killing prey. Lose 1 die to social tests to put humans at ease.

● 1-3 vessels with random resonance/flavor. Susceptible to manipulation

to change flavor.
●● 4-7 vessels. You can pick a resonance/flavor that half will have when
you buy this advantage.
●●● 7-15 vessels. Each week you can specify two of them will have
specific resonances after feeding on different herd members.
●●●● 16-30 vessels. Twice a week you can specify resonances you have an
indefinite supply of among them.
●●●●● 31-60 vessels. As above but three times a week. Maintenance
becomes difficult and it begins to become a Masquerade issue.


As provided. Don’t take more than 2 dots in one without discussing it first.
Otherwise they are bought like any other advantage.


These are mortal identities you might have assumed. You don’t need one if
nobody knows you’re dead, however, except possibly to make tracing you

Flaw:(●●) Known Blankbody - You’re flagged as a terrorist, and the Second

Inquisition knows you’re a vampire.

Flaw:(●) Known Corpse - People will recognize you as somebody who died

● A good fake identity. Passes state or province level background checks.

●● Passes national, FBI, etc. Background checks.

Advantages for a ●● mask:

● Zeroed - your real records are purged. The old you officially doesn’t
● Cobbler - You can make a mask at three days per dot or source one at
one day per dot at some additional cost.


A mentor or group of kindred who look out for you. They help you and provide
advice, but if they are ever put into a position where they have to fight your
battles for you, you’ll lose a dot in this advantage.

Mawla cost by power:

● Neonate
●● Ancilla
●●● Elder
●●●● Primogen or Anarch Revolutionary Council member
●●●●● Prince or Anarch Baron

Adversaries are flaws valued at two fewer points than the equivalent Mawla.


Economical status, wealth, or lack thereof. Please describe the nature of this.

Flaw:(●) Destitute
● Portfolio Proletariat - Live paycheck to paycheck; apartment, car
●● Middle Class
●●● Rich
●●●● Wealthy - Mansion, jet
●●●●● Ultra Rich - the 1%


Loyal henchmen. By pay, gift of your blood, or mind-control. The stronger the
retainer, the harder to control, also.

Flaw:(●) Stalkers
● Underwhelming Retainer - Weak mortal
●● A ghoul, lover, family servant - ghoul with no advantages or average
●●● A competent retainer capable of independent action, probably a
strong ghoul.

Status among Kindred, as oppossed to Fame among mortals. It is limited to a
particular city and group, probably Camarilla or Anarchs. It can substitute for
a skill on Social rolls occasionally, especially first meeting.

Flaw(●●): Shunned - They loathe you.

Flaw(●): Suspect - They don’t like you, for a 2 dice Social penalty.
● Known - up-and-comer
●● Respected - with responsibilities!
●●● Influential - with authority!
●●●● Powerful - officeholder.
●●●●● Luminary - on a Prince or Baron’s council.

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