Environment Science Issues Solutions 1st Edition Molles Test Bank 1

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Environment Science Issues Solutions 1st Edition Molles

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Molles Test Bank Chapter 8

1. A fishery collapse is when:

A. a commercially important species goes extinct.
B. a commercially important species cannot sustain itself.
C. the annual catch declines to less than 10% of its historic catch.
D. a larger than normal catch in one year reduces the population to 10% of its
historic abundance.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

2. In commercial fishing, bycatch refers to:

A. incidental mortality of nontarget species.
B. subsistence fishing.
C. catch per unit effort.
D. longline fishing.

Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

3. Marine fisheries account for _____ of the fish harvested globally.

A. 1%
B. 10%
C. 25%
D. 90%
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Remembering
Level of difficulty: Easy

4. The controlled growing of aquatic organisms as a crop, mainly for food, is:
A. subsistence fishing.
B. commercial fishing.
C. aquaculture.
D. recreational fishing.

Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Remembering
Level of difficulty: Easy

5. The destruction of noncommercial species incidental to commercial fishing is:

A. catch per unit effort.
B. bycatch.
C. catch and release.
D. maximum sustained yield.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of subsistence fishing?

A. use of hand lines and nets
B. inshore fishing along coastline
C. limited hours or days of fishing
D. on board processing and freezing of catch
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of industrial fishing?

A. large, powerful boats
B. use of fish finding technology
C. on board processing and freezing of catch
D. use of hand lines and nets
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

8. An aspect of sports fishing that is NOT found in commercial fishing is:

A. gillnetting.
B. longline fishing.
C. bottom trawling.
D. catch and release.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

9. The use of weighted nets that are dragged along the ocean floor is:
A. longline fishing.
B. trawling.
C. gillnetting.
D. subsistence fishing.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy
10. Which of the following fishing methods does NOT result in bycatch?
A. gillnetting
B. bottom trawling
C. longline fishing
D. All industrial fishing methods result in bycatch.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

11. The harvesting of clams by vacationers for personal consumption is an example of:
A. subsistence fishing.
B. commercial fishing.
C. recreational fishing.
D. bycatch.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Applying
Level of difficulty: Easy

12. A fishery stock is a:

A. individuals of the same species found in a geographic area.
B. a subpopulation of a species that is reproductively isolated from other stocks.
C. individuals of the same species found in the same body of water.
D. a commercially harvested species.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

13. A method used to estimate the population size and geographic range of a fishery stock is:
A. catch per unit effort.
B. mark and recapture.
C. maximum sustained yield.
D. stock assessment.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

14. In the graph, population growth would be MOST rapid when the population:

A. is smallest.
B. approaches the carrying capacity.
C. is approximately one-half the carrying capacity.
D. is approximately twice the carrying capacity.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

15. Reproductive success and survival in a fish population is highest when:

A. population density is high.
B. it is at a very low population density.
C. it is at an intermediate density.
D. it is at the carrying capacity.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult
16. The greatest harvest of a renewable natural resource that does NOT reduce future yields is:
A. maximum harvest.
B. maximum sustained yield.
C. catch and release.
D. catch per unit effort.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.1
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

17. The name of the process resulting in the deflection of winds from a N-S direction as a result
of the Earth’s rotation is the:
A. westerlies.
B. trade winds.
C. Gulf stream.
D. Coriolis effect.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

18. In the Atlantic Ocean, heat from tropical waters is transported to higher latitudes by the:
A. Gulf stream.
B. Labrador current.
C. Coriolis effect.
D. trade winds.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

19. The boundaries of major marine environments are delimited primarily by:
A. the extent of the euphotic zone.
B. average ocean temperatures.
C. primary productivity.
D. chlorophyll a.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

20. The layer of the ocean where there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis is the:
A. euphotic zone.
B. Gulf stream.
C. upwelling.
D. ocean floor.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

21. The high net primary production which characterizes upwelling regions is a result of:
A. cold, nutrient rich water brought to the surface by ocean currents.
B. warm tropical waters brought to northern regions by the Gulf stream.
C. abundant light for photosynthesis in the euphotic zone.
D. high levels of chlorophyll a.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Analyzing
Level of difficulty: Easy

22. The cycling of phosphorus differs from that of carbon or nitrogen in that it:
A. is not an essential nutrient for most living organisms.
B. does not exist as a gaseous form in the atmosphere.
C. is taken up from the soil by plants.
D. is not transported through water.

Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Moderate

23. Phosphorus is transported to distant ecosystems through:

A. wind and water.
B. the removal of a gaseous form from the atmosphere.
C. weathering of phosphorus-containing rock.
D. the food web.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

24. Which of the following statements is supported by the data from Pacific coastal locations
presented in the graph?

A. Fish production is highest for locations closest to the shoreline.

B. Fish production is correlated with primary production.
C. Fish production is higher on the west coast than the east coast.
D. Most of the inshore fish on the Pacific coast are herbivores.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Moderate
25. Which of the following would be expected to have the lowest primary productivity?
A. coastal waters along eastern North America
B. upwelling area along western South America
C. the Gulf of Mexico
D. offshore Atlantic Ocean
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.2
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Moderate

26. During El Niño events, widespread mortality of marine mammals and birds is correlated with
modest increases in ocean surface temperatures. Which of the following BEST explains these
A. A lack of upwelling currents results in low primary production which is
transmitted through the food web.
B. Marine mammals are particularly sensitive to high temperatures.
C. A weakening of the trade winds allows them to migrate away from coastal areas.
D. Since El Niño affects climate, other factors must be responsible for the deaths.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.3
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

27. The energy that fuels the upwelling along the western coast of South America is provided
A. prevailing winds that blow westward across the Pacific ocean.
B. cold, nutrient-rich water in deep offshore waters.
C. the Gulf Stream.
D. El Niño.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.3
Bloom’s level: Analyzing
Level of difficulty: Moderate
28. During an El Niño event, the prevailing trade winds which blow across the Pacific Ocean
weaken. As a direct result of this:
A. the vertical upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich waters shuts down.
B. the reproduction and survival of marine mammals and sea birds is affected.
C. offshore fish harvests collapse.
D. the populations of anchovies and other small fishes are reduced.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.3
Bloom’s level: Analyzing
Level of difficulty: Moderate

29. Depletion of the right and bowhead whales in the 19th century was a result of:
A. public perception that whales were dangerous to ocean navigation.
B. development of harpoon guns.
C. a lack of international treaties to limit their harvest.
D. development of larger ships that could accommodate whale carcasses for
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.4
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

30. The decline of blue whales in the 20th century was a result of:
A. technological improvements that made harvesting this species possible.
B. international agreements to set quotas on whale harvest.
C. a combination of technological improvements and lack of international
agreements to limit whale harvest.
D. changes in ocean food webs.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.4
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

31. The loss of the cod and other predatory fishes in the northwestern Atlantic had multiple
effects on the structure of the marine food web including all of the following EXCEPT:
A. a decrease in plankton feeding fish.
B. a decrease in zooplankton.
C. an increase in phytoplankton biomass.
D. a decrease in nutrients.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.4
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

32. The trophic cascade observed in the food web of the northwestern Atlantic resulted because:
A. plankton-feeding forage species increased in the absence of apex predators.
B. phytoplankton biomass increased because of higher nutrient levels.
C. zooplankton biomass increased because of higher plankton biomass.
D. growth in the forage fish populations allowed the recovery of the cod.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.4
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

33. Despite the construction of fish ladders on many of the dams in the Columbia River, survival
and reproduction of salmon remains impaired because of:
A. degraded and unsuitable habitat for salmon spawning above the dams.
B. overharvesting of adult salmon in the Pacific Ocean.
C. salmon no longer return to the rivers they originated from.
D. overfishing of salmon in the impoundments formed by the dams.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.5
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

34. Dams on the Klamath River in Oregon and California have impacted salmon populations in
all of the following ways EXCEPT:
A. prevented the migration of salmon to upper portions of the watershed.
B. water diversion for agriculture in the upper watershed has reduced river flow.
C. high algae densities have decreased oxygen levels.
D. cooler water temperatures behind the dams have created unsuitable habitat for
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.5
Bloom’s level: Analyzing
Level of difficulty: Moderate

35. Which of the following statements concerning aquaculture is correct?

A. It is a nonpolluting, sustainable, food production system.
B. It is the fastest growing food production system today.
C. It is limited to marine species of fish.
D. It makes up a small fraction of total fisheries production today.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.6
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Easy

36. A concern about the escape of domesticated forms of fish from aquacultural operations into
native ecosystems is that domesticated:
A. fish and wild fish populations will interbreed.
B. forms will compete with and displace wild fish populations.
C. fish are not adapted to survive in the wild.
D. fish are more sensitive to disease.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.6
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

37. Problems common to both aquaculture and terrestrial agriculture include all of the following
A. high nutrient levels from feeding operations.
B. oxygen depletion and fish kills.
C. high concentrations of animal waste.
D. spread of communicable diseases.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.6
Bloom’s level: Analyzing
Level of difficulty: Moderate
38. The high productivity of coastal fisheries in the tropics are due to _____, which often serve
as nursery areas for fishes and other marine species.
A. shrimp farms
B. mangrove forests
C. coastal aquacultural operations
D. impoundments created by dams
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.6
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Easy

39. The clearing of mangrove forest in the expansion of tropical shrimp culture has been
accompanied by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. loss of nursery areas for commercially important and other species.
B. loss of biodiversity in the coastal zone.
C. increased vulnerability of coastal area to storms and tsunami.
D. loss of coastal agricultural land.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.6
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

40. A way that the percentage of fishing mortality through bycatch can be reduced is by:
A. setting minimum size limits for fish and shellfish.
B. limiting the length of the fishing season.
C. limiting the number of days at sea.
D. limiting the size and type of fishing gear.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.7
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

41. Gillnets were banned in California because:

A. bycatch losses caused many predatory fish populations to collapse.
B. they reduced the amount of harvest of target species.
C. the state extended the length of the fishing season.
D. of an international treaty banning whaling.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.7
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

42. A benefit of transferable quotas, or catch shares in a fishery, is that:

A. the season can be extended and more fish can be harvested.
B. any type of fishing gear can be employed.
C. when a minimum share is guaranteed, there is less competition among fishers.
D. they can be used in any part of the country.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.7
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

43. Field experiments with the seagrass, Zostera has correlated productivity and stability of the
ecosystem with:
A. depth of the water.
B. fishing pressure.
C. genetic diversity.
D. grazing by geese and other herbivores.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.8
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

44. Field investigations have found that aquatic ecosystems with high biodiversity are:
A. more stable and productive.
B. subject to frequent habitat loss due to storms and tsunami.
C. limited to tropical oceans.
D. those protected by marine protected areas.
Question type: Multiple choice
Book section: 8.8
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

45. How does climatic and habitat diversity lead to genetic diversity populations of sockeye
salmon around Bristol Bay, Alaska?
A. Natural selection favors genetic variants adapted to local environmental
B. Physical isolation result in sympatric species of salmon.
C. Larger rivers act as islands that are colonized by different salmon stocks.
D. Environmental diversity leads to ecosystem stability.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.8
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

46. Because sockeye salmon return to the river environments they originated from to reproduce:
A. populations develop genetic differences as they adapt to local conditions.
B. they are constantly interbreeding and genetically mixing with other salmon
C. habitat instability resulting from climate variation leads to genetic instability.
D. the genetic make-up of different salmon populations are indistinguishable.

Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.8
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

47. An ecosystem-based management approach to fisheries is the creation of:

A. transferrable quotas.
B. marine protected areas.
C. inshore aquaculture zones.
D. a moratorium on whaling.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.8
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy
48. The difficulties in moving forward on dam removal on the Klamath River, California center
A. sediment removal, once a dam is removed.
B. potential water quality changes that might impact salmon spawning.
C. economics impacts on local employment and income from agriculture, recreation,
tourism, and fishing.
D. behavior of the salmon toward the new pattern of water flows and habitat.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.9
Bloom’s level: Evaluating
Level of difficulty: Difficult

49. An aquacultural practice that involves the rearing of multiple species of trophic levels in the
same space or proximity is:
A. integrated mariculture.
B. constructed wetland.
C. marine protected areas.
D. organic aquaculture.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.10
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Easy

50. The environmental impact of high levels of nutrients generated from intensive land-based
aquacultural operations can be reduced by the use of:
A. constructed wetlands.
B. discharge into shallow coastal bays.
C. disposal in deep offshore trenches.
D. low nutrient feeds.
Question type: Multiple choice
Chapter: 8
Book section: 8.10
Bloom’s level: Understanding
Level of difficulty: Moderate

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