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Based on the work of Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (Curing the Incurable, 2009) and Ty Bollenger (Cancer: Step Outside the Box 2009).

Humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats & primates. Besides being mammals, these species have another crucial thing in common: a genetic defect so-called, disabling them (or most of them) from making their own vitamin C in their livers or kidneys as other mammals & even reptiles & amphibians do. We have the genome to make the enzyme (GLO, gulonolactone oxidase) that makes vit.C from carbs, but it is shut off. Researchers suspect (but it has never been studied directly), that some of us who live longest, who are active & strong their entire lives til its time to die, & are the most immune to illness & toxins, are making our own vit.C more or less. This is suspected of the other non C producing mammals as well. If we could make our own vit.C we would be making as much as 10 to 20 grams daily, and much more (100-500g) when poisoned, injured or ill. Goats make a whopping 10g on an average day, the equivalent of 20g for us. Our dog & cat pets friends make about 1/10th that much for their size, about 100mg/day. Wild animals make about 4x that much or 400mg for the dog or cat size. Large wild animals our size make 10x that or 4g. Even with making their own vit.C these animals benefit from far more C when under greater stress or toxic loads. It may be that more active people make their own vit.C (see PACE, Rediscover Your Native Fitness, Al Sears, MD). Dr. Sears exercise strategy may be the best kind for this. And especially good since it is the most effective & efficient for conditioning, giving the greatest results for the least time & effort of any other conditioning system. Relatively small doses (100 to 1000g) of C can sometimes effect amazing results, sometimes not, depending on the persons toxic load, illness or infection. 100g/day is sometimes enough to eliminate symptoms of scurvy, or keep a person from dying of it. Scurvy is universally fatal otherwise. It takes months, usually for Scurvy to kill. I can take years in some cases of medical intervention, or as in our society today, we do get small amounts of vit.C added to our processed foods, which keeps us on the edge of fatal scurvy, with various symptoms of the disease, but not usually life threatening for most of us. Classic full blown scurvy is painful, unrelenting & universally fatal, but is rarely seen today in pure form. James Linds 1753 classic on scurvy describes the onset this way: The first indication of the approach of this disease is generally a change in color in the face from the natural usual look to a pale & bloated complexion; with a listlessness to action, or aversion to any sort of exercise. When we examine narrowly the lips, or corners of the eye, where blood vessels are most exposed, they appear of a greenish tinge. Meanwhile the person eats & drinks heartily & seems in perfect health; except that his countenance & lazy inactive disposition may portend approaching scurvy. Classic scurvy requires that blood levels of C approach zero & remain so for many months. After @ 5 months small skin hemorrhages develop, & in six months poor wound healing (Crandon, 1940, 41). When C depletion is bad enough the person is incredibly weak & prone to very easy bleeding, & probably easy bruising. Any movement will bring great pain. Gums are often infected & teeth loose. Breath smells very bad. Bleeding under the skin is evidenced by many small spots. In late stages the
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legs & knees tend to be painful & swollen. The immune system is very weak & some respiratory illness (cold, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.) will usually end the persons life. Many such victims do not appear wasted or malnourished, & can be very overweight. The importance of the quality of the food over the quantity is noted here. Most of my life I have seen & heard of so many dying of dropsy, edema, swelling, in great pain, hemorrhaging & wondered what was behind it. Wounds that dont heal or surgery that is very difficult to heal is common. So may begin to swell at the feet, then up the legs & finally up the torso, swelling all over & dying screaming in great pain of respiratory or heart failure. Laziness, aversion to any activity or exercise and pain at any movement is quite common at all ages, especially in advanced age. Such people are given Warfarin (what a name!), a deadly fluoride poison, rat poison & other blood thinners, along with various pain medication, which all become less effective with time. Even the use of capsaicin (hot red pepper) by natural healers is only temporary relief, since it wipes out the pain message but does nothing for the underlying condition. This is like shutting off your check engine light in your car instead of finding & fixing the engine problem. Its like blaming the fire siren for the fire. As Levy says (p37) many who die of infectious disease actually die of a bleeding complication common to scurvy, the acute & serious deficiency of vit.C: the immediate underlying reason for either subtle system wide bleeding or obvious massive hemorrhage. Small doses of vit.C can prevent death of this, but will leave the person suffering from many other various symptoms of illness. Taking enough C by mouth to maintain real health is impossible due to it going right thru you & out the other end as water. The human bowel was never meant to handle more than 1g or so of C at a time. Only IV or other injection can reach sufficient blood levels of C, but not even that gets into the cells themselves very much. Only the fatty form taken on an empty stomach can be absorbed via the portal vein system into the liver & then into the cells, mimicking the normal biological process most closely. Taking GLO should be possible, and it is probably abundant, along with C, in organ meats, especially liver & kidney. Administering the missing enzyme is sometimes effective in other genetic deficiencies, why not this one? It has been effective giving GLO to guinea pigs in the lab (Hadley & Soto, 1988) A century of research & 100,000 scientific articles show that C is totally nontoxic and that there is no disease or condition where use of vit.C would be inappropriate, that with optimal dosing & frequency, or even in small doses sometimes, C will bring beneficial results & even complete reversal of practically all disease conditions. My great grandmother Rachael Sessamen lived into her 90s. I remember her very well. I was 10 & was there when she passed on in her bed at home. I remember spending a great deal of time with her alone. She used to sit in her rocker in the living room & rock with her bible in her lap & sigh, Im just heartsick. I wondered what she meant. I have spent my life trying to understand these things. Now I know. My beloved aunt Emma & my mother gave me many things to wonder about & to search for answers to, tho they were not aware of it. The last time I saw my sister Julia, my diamond girl, at Mikes in Altoona, she was very swollen & said she didnt think she would be around much longer. Impossible, I thought. Most of my writing & researching has been driven by the hope of finding answers to the basic questions of life. James Sesame, ND. (814.237.2369),
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