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Article: An

Overhaul – The
Key to South
Africa’s Success
By Mzukisi Isaac Mhlakaza
Date: 26 July 2023

In today's rapidly changing world, education is the cornerstone of progress and

prosperity for any nation. South Africa, like many other countries, faces the
challenge of redefining its education system to ensure a brighter future for its
citizens. In this article, we explore the need for an educational overhaul in South
Africa and present a visionary plan that promises to transform the nation's

The Pitfalls of Indoctrination:

Historically, some of the most corrupt states have been led by highly
indoctrinated individuals. This raises the question: Is formal education always a
guarantee of good leadership? Perhaps it's time to consider a different approach.

Leadership from Within:

Imagine a village man or woman leading their community. Their vested interest
in the village's success would drive them to prioritize the well-being of their
people above personal gains. Could this be the secret to true leadership? Let's
explore the potential of embracing a leadership style that puts the community

A Visionary Leader - Jacob Zuma:

Surprisingly, when comparing leaders like Cyril Ramaphosa and Jacob Zuma,
who came from different educational backgrounds, some argue that Zuma's
village upbringing made him a better leader. His sense of responsibility towards
the greater community may have contributed to his success. This challenges the
notion that formal education alone guarantees effective leadership.

Education with a Purpose:

We must recognize that education is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead of

celebrating degrees and certificates for their own sake, let's focus on an
education system that aligns with the unique needs, aspirations, and future
success of our nation.

The Path to a Purposeful Education System:

To create a robust education system that prepares students for success, we

propose a visionary plan with a focus on practical science and mathematics-
based training. Mathematics fosters critical thinking, while science and
engineering equip students to turn their ideas into reality. This prepares them to
not only excel in higher education but also to thrive in their future careers.

Reimagining the Schooling System:

The key to building a strong foundation lies in revamping the schooling system.
We advocate for a compulsory 6-month preparatory phase, emphasizing critical
subjects like math, science, history, and languages. Practical life skills like
computer literacy and native language proficiency should not determine a
student's success or failure.

A New Structure for Success:

Our proposed education structure will consist of three phases: Early

Childhood/Pre-schools, Primary, and Higher Primary. This reimagined system will
equip students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in either
Commercial/Commerce Colleges or Technical Colleges.

Colleges with Real-World Experience:

Colleges will adopt a semester-based system, providing students with practical

education relevant to their chosen fields. By incorporating in-service training,
students will graduate as experienced and qualified workers, ready to contribute
to their industries.

The Transformative University Experience:

At the university level, we envision a shift towards practical alignment with

sectors such as economics, medicine, agriculture, and more. Students will gain
hands-on experience, ensuring that 90% of their education is practical and only
10% theoretical.

A Bright Future for South Africa:

This transformative education system promises a bright future for South Africa.
By creating skilled and knowledgeable graduates at a younger age, we empower
our youth to become leaders and innovators in their respective fields.


Education is the key to unlocking South Africa's potential. By embracing a

purposeful education system that nurtures practical skills and critical thinking, we
can shape a generation of young leaders who will lead the country towards a
prosperous future. Let us unite in the pursuit of an educational overhaul and
work together to build a better tomorrow for all South Africans.

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