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Dear Sir/Madam,
Here are some commentaries to the manuscript entitled “Relationship Between Knowledge of
Pregnant Women and Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Behavior During Antenatal Care at
Primary Health Care (PHC)”
First Reviewer
No Section Commentary Author Response

A Title and 1. The title format is wrong. Please

Affiliation write it in Sentence case format.

B Abstract 1. Please add one or two others

keyword in the abstract.

C Introduction 1. It will be better to combine the first

and second paragraph into one
paragraph which it explains the
emergence of the COVID-19

D Method 1. Please put a citation in this sentence

“The questionnaire used is a
questionnaire compiled by Yanti in
2020 in her research entitled An
Overview of Public Knowledge
About COVID-19 and Community
Behavior in the Time of the
COVID-19 Pandemic.”

E Result 1. None

F Discussion 1. The first paragraph is ineffective.

Please delete this part.
2. Please write the text with coherence
conjunction such as, in addition,
moreover, meanwhile, etc. Using
“The second factor is education” as
the first sentence in the paragraph

1 | Commentary for JCOEMPH

looks rigid.
3. Please explain the study limitation in
the text.

G Conclusions 1. None

H Table, figure 1. Please delete the Indonesia language

and abbreviation (SD, SMP, SMA) in
Reference the table.
2. Please delete the “Total” row in each
variable. It will be better to write
“Amount (N=82)”in the title row.
3. Please translate the primipara and
multipara into primigravid and
4. If possible, please add the DOI link
at each references.

I Others 1. There were numerous grammatical

errors in the text and some words
were still in untranslated Indonesia
language. Please considering the
grammatical writing.
2. Please write the “COVID-19”
abbreviation in the same format.
3. Please write the author contribution
4. Please complete the checklist
attached on the next page/ sent as a
different file.

2 | Commentary for JCOEMPH

Second Reviewer
No Section Commentary Author Response

A Title and 1. The title format is wrong. Please

Affiliation write it in Sentence case format.

B Abstract 1. Please add one or two others

keyword in the abstract.

C Introduction 1. There is no clearly phenomena of


D Method 1. Need to clarify the sampling

technique, instruments

E Result 1. Revise the writing of results

F Discussion 1. NA

G Conclusions 1. None

H Table, figure 1. Follow the guideline for references


I Others 1. NA

3 | Commentary for JCOEMPH

Third Reviewer
No Section Commentary Author Response

A Title and 1. -

B Abstract 1. -

C Introduction 1. This article is not discussing the

facts or phenomena in the target
population that are the basis for
implementing community
empowerment activities.

D Method 1. The researcher need to explain

about target population and the
regarding population size; and the
operational definition.

E Result 1. The author needs to explain the

meaning of the data presented by
adding the lowest and highest values
from the score standard

F Discussion 1. Please add a more in-depth

discussion of the challenges or
obstacles why social distancing and
washing hands has not been

G Conclusions 1. Need to reconsider the conclusion,

based on the behavioral data of the
implementation that has been carried
out only using masks and please
suggest more operational follow-up
efforts that need to be done based on
data findings.

H Table, figure 1. Please delete the Indonesia language

and abbreviation (SD, SMP, SMA) in

4 | Commentary for JCOEMPH

Reference the table.
2. Please delete the “Total” row in each
variable. It will be better to write
“Amount (N=82)”in the title row.
3. Please translate the primipara and
multipara into primigravid and
4. If possible, please add the DOI link
at each references.

I Others 1. This article is not in accordance with

the journal because it does not
explain empowerment activities.
2. This article is not in accordance with
the journal because it does not
explain empowerment activities.

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