CH - 7 Beg. L1 Exam

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한국어 시험 (제 7 과 약속)

Ques1. Answer the questions below:

1. 오늘은 몇 월 며칠이에요?
2. 어제 며칠이에요?
3. 다음 월 어느 예요?
4. 이십이일은 무슨 요일 이에요?
5. 네번째 토요일에 며칠 이에요?

Ques 2. Look at the picture given and answer the following question with sentence
ending (으)ㄹ 것이다:

내일 뭘 할 거예요?

1. ____________________________________

2. ______________________________________
3. _____________________________________

4. __________________________________

Ques 3. Write 2-3 lines answering the following questions, using ending (으) ㄹ

1. 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?

2. 오늘은 저녁에 뭐 먹을 거예요?

3. 언제 도서관에 가요?

Ques 4. Look at the pictures given and ask a friend to do that activity with you using
the (으)ㄹ까요 ending?

1. ___________________________________

2. _________________________________________
3. ____________________________________

4. _________________________________________

Ques 5. Write an email to an imaginary friend asking him/her to join you for a
movie, use appropriate greeting at beginning and end, using the following points:

1. First ask her if she has time on a certain date (eg.5th June)
2. Tell her you will go for a movie.
3. You want to go for the movie with her.
4. If she is free, you will meet her at the Anam Bank at 05:00 PM.

Ques 6. Make sentences with the following words:

1. 그런데 –
2. 도 –
3. 어때요? –

Ques 7. Rewrite the following sentences using sentence ending 고 싶다:

1. 한국어를 배우다
2. 김밥을 먹다
3. 물을 마시다
4. 춤을 추다
5. 사진을 찍다

Ques 8. Translate into Hangeul using the 고 싶다 ending:

1. I want to drink Coffee.

2. I want to speak Korean well.
3. I want to see a movie.
4. I want to go to Korea.

Ques 9. Write few lines about what you want to do after learning Hangeul.

Ques 10. “약속” also means “promise” make a sentence in which the meaning of
약속 is ‘promise’.

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