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Elektro-Mechanik GmbH
Industriestr. 1
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Manual IDC32-TOOLS
June 26, 2004

D - 57482 Wenden

Phone: ++49 27 62 - 6 12-0



1.1 Programme download 5

1.2 Parameter upload 6

1.3 Parameter download 6

1.4 Online dialog 8

1.5 Settings 11

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Manual IDC32-TOOLS
June 26, 2004


ATTENTION: For applications with controls involving safety requirements, please observe
the applicable instructions.

For safety reasons and in order to preserve the documented system data,
only the manufacturer may repair components.

Generally the instructions of the component manufacturer concerned must

be observed.

Data, illustrations, modifications

Data and illustrations are without commitment. They are subject to modifications that reflect
technical progress.

Should you have suggestions for improvements or modifications, or if you discover errors
in this document, please inform ST-E.

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Manual IDC32-TOOLS
June 26, 2004

1 IDC32_Tools_ENG
"IDC32_Tools_ENG “ is an application to provide the following functionalities:

- Programme download
- Parameter upload and download
- Displaying measured values
- Displaying / modifying parameters
- Displaying / controlling operating modes
- Setting communication parameters

For easy retrieval of project files processed using IDC32_Tools_ENG, the user variable
LC32_PRJ_ROOT should be defined in the system properties. All projects should be
filed in the directory which is defined here. This directory is automatically accepted in the
"project path" field with each file selection within IDC32_Tools_ENG. If the user variable
LC32_PRJ_ROOT has not been defined, a corresponding indication will be displayed.

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June 26, 2004

1.1 Programme download

Using the menu item "Programme -> Download", an Intel-Hex file (identification H86)
which has previously been generated for IDC32 is loaded into the target system. After
selecting this function, the following screen is displayed:

In the field "Project path", the directory selected using LC32_PRJ_ROOT is entered. In
the field "Project name", the name of the current project must be entered with no path or

If the current project name is not known, the H86 file to be loaded can be selected using
the "browse" button. The generated H86 files are filed in the following directory:

For IDC32:


pname stands for the current project name.

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June 26, 2004

The root directory of logiCAD / 32 projects stands for the user variable
LC32_PRJ_ROOT. The remainder of the path is defined.

The H86 file itself has the name " IDC32.H86" (same name for all projects).

Under Windows NT the DIL switch S3.2 of IDC32 must be set to ON before download-
ing itself is initiated by depressing the "OK" button in the "Select project" window.

Under Windows 2000 the S3.2 button may only be depressed after it has been reques-
ted (by a message box). After activation of the DIL switch, the request must be acknow-

The 2 different procedures are due to the different behaviour of the serial interface under
Windows 2000 as compared with Windows NT.

Progress of downloading is displayed in the status bar at the lower edge of the window.
If errors occur during this process, a message box is displayed and download is

1.2 Parameter upload

The menu item "Parameter -> Upload" serves to read parameters from IDC32 and to
save them in a file. To start this process, enter the project as in the case of a programme
download or select the respective H86 file. The read parameters are filed together with
the additional information as ASCII in the file "IDC32.PRM". The path to go to this file is
identical with the path to the H86 file of the project.

When an incorrect target system is detected during an uploading attempt, or if the selec-
ted project name is not in line with the project name of the target system, parameter up-
load is rejected and an error message is displayed.

1.3 Parameter download

Parameters read from IDC32 can be written into the target system using the menu item
"Parameter -> Download". After selecting the menu item, an alarm message concerning
modification of parameters and operating modes is displayed first. After acknowledging
this alarm, the project must be entered (as in the case of programme download) or, in
this case, the related PRM file must be selected (when starting the tool from logiCAD /
32 the current programme is automatically accepted).
If an incorrect target system is detected during downloading, the parameter download is
rejected and an error message is displayed.
If the selected project name is not in line with the project name of the target system, an
alarm message is displayed, and the system asks whether parameter download should
nevertheless be started.
If the project status in the parameter file is not in compliance with the project status in
the target system, an alarm message is displayed asking whether parameter download
should nevertheless be started.
If the number of parameters in the parameter file is not in line with the number of para-
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Manual IDC32-TOOLS
June 26, 2004

meters in the target system, or if a parameter of the parameter file is not within the pro-
jected limits (filed in the target system), or if a syntax error of a parameter contained in
the parameter file is detected, download is rejected and an error message is displayed.

The parameter file must not be edited as the parameters must be saved in the file
in a special format. If the form and position of parameters in the file was incor-
rectly edited, incorrect or meaningless parameters might be transferred to the tar-
get system.

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June 26, 2004

1.4 Online dialog

Using this menu item, various measuring values and parameters can be displayed, and
parameters can be modified. Furthermore, the current operating mode is displayed and
can also be modified. After selecting the menu item, a warning concerning the modifica-
tion of parameters and operating modes is displayed first. After this warning has been
acknowledged, the following dialog opens up:

In the header of the dialog box, the name and the date when the target system (IDC32)
of the existing project was created are displayed.

In the lower part of the box, the minimum cycle reserve of the project is continuously dis-
played (updating time: approx. 100 ms). Furthermore, the status of the connection to the
target system (active / inactive) is displayed. When opening the dialog, the connection
with the target system is established and maintained until the dialog is closed. This is in-
dicated in the line "Connection with target system: active". If a transmission or connec-
tion error occurs, an error message is displayed, and the above line changes to "Con-
nection with target system: inactive". The error message quotes the activity when the er-
ror occurred. In this window, 2 buttons are available for acknowledgement: "Retry" and
"Cancel". When clicking "Retry", the system tries to establish communication with the
target system again, when clicking "cancel", the complete online dialog is closed.

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June 26, 2004

The middle section of the dialog box is divided into 3 groups: parameters, measured val-
ues, and operating modes. Here, parameters can be displayed and modified, measuring
values can be displayed and the current operating mode of the target system is automat-
ically displayed (provided that it has been projected). The mode can be controlled from
this box.

Displaying / modifying parameters

The number of parameters in the target system is displayed right below the group desig-
nation "Parameter".
After entering a parameter number and depressing the button "Display value", the cur-
rent parameter value of the target system (IDC32) is displayed with its name and its unit.
This value can be changed in the input window "Value" and written into IDC32 by de-
pressing the button "Set value". The written value is then automatically read back so that
correct transmission to the target system can be checked. This process is not automatic-
ally updated as is the case e.g. for measured values.

If an invalid parameter number or an invalid parameter value is entered, a corresponding

error message is displayed, and the values are not modified.
In the case of bit variables, the following syntax example should be used: "bit 1".
Integer values (16 bit) for which 1 or 2 decimal places have been projected must be
entered with decimal points at the respective positions.
The entered values are also checked for their projected lower and upper limits and
turned down in the case of an error. In such case, a corresponding message is dis-

Note concerning the "Display value" button:

This is the default button of the online dialog which is by default activated by depressing
the keys <Return> or <Enter>, unless the focus has been shifted by depressing the
"Start" button.

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June 26, 2004

Displaying measured values:

The number of parameters in the target system is displayed right below the group desig-
nation "Measured values".
Up to 2 measured values can be continuously displayed (updating time approx. 100ms,
depending on the utilisation of the PC resulting from other applications). After entering a
number of a measured value and leaving the input field for the number (e.g., by clicking
on the "Start" button), the selected measured value, its name and unit are constantly
read from the target system and displayed. Once the cursor is placed into the input field
for the number of the measured value, updating of the measured value is interrupted
and the displayed values are cleared. The second measured value (provided that a
second value has been selected) is still being updated, independently of such interrup-

If an invalid number of a measured value is entered, an error message is displayed, and

the display fields for the measured values are cleared.
In the case of a transmission or a connection error, an error message is displayed. In the
example below, a connection error occurred during reading measured value 6. The dis-
play of this measured value was therefore cleared, and the status of the connection with
the target system changed over to "inactive". After curing the connection error (pulling
the cable, target system with zero potential, …) and clicking on the "Retry" button, meas-
ured value 6 must be selected anew. In such a case, it is sufficient to place the cursor on
the input field for the number of the measured value and then to remove the cursor (e.g.,
by clicking on the "Start" button).

Example of a connection error:

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June 26, 2004

Note on the "Start" button:

This button does not serve to start the serial connection to the target system (unless
there is an error, this connection is always active in the online dialog), but rather as an
option to save a number of a measured value.

Displaying / controlling operating modes:

In the "Operating modes" group, the current mode of the target system is continuously
displayed with an updating time of approx. 100 ms (provided that the displays have been
projected accordingly). When a transmission or a connection error occurs (as in the case
of the update of the measured value), an error message is displayed, and the status
changes to "inactive". After curing the connection error and acknowledging the error
message by clicking on the "Retry" button, the connection to the target system is estab-
lished again.
If the I/O have been projected accordingly, the mode may be changed here (by clicking
the respective button) or the system may be set to the manual mode by clicking the but-
tons "Man L" or "Man R" and keeping them depressed.
Attention: Activation of the buttons "Man L" and "Man R" is transmitted to the tar-
get system with a delay of approx. 0.5 s (input delay).

1.5 Settings

Some parameters of the serial coupling can be reached using the menu item "Settings".

Using the keys "Settings -> Baud rate", a transmission rate of 9600, 19200, 38400, or
57600 bit / s can be selected. This setting only refers to programme download. Para-
meter upload / download as well as parameter modification is always made at a speed of
9600 bit / s.

"Setting -> COM-Port" serves to select the communication port. Ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 are
available. This setting applies to all communications with MCU16 or IDC32 (also to pro-
gramme download).

By selecting "Settings -> Current", the current settings can be displayed.

Note: When starting IDC32_Tools_ENG_ENG, the communication port is set to 1, and

the transmission speed to 57600 bit / s.

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