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2 Design Procedure
The design procedure according to IS 801 is based on an allowable stress method. In essence, the
principle is to determine the maximum allowable design stress for a given section profile. The
section properties that are used to calculate the allowable stress are based on the gross section
properties or the "effective" section properties, based on the load being applied and the check
being considered.

The design procedure varies slightly from profile to profile, based on the characteristics of the
elements that form the profile shape. IS 801 classifies the elements (flat plates) that form the
section profile into the following element types:

 stiffened element – an element that is supported along two opposite edges either by
another element or a stiffening element such as a lip
 unstiffened element – an element that is supported by another element only along one
 multiple stiffened element – an element that is supported in between web(s) or stiffened
element(s) by intermediate stiffeners that are parallel to the direction of stress

The various checks for a section profile and the design methods adopted depend on the type of
the elements that form the profile. The following clauses from IS 801 are implemented and are
used as appropriate:

 Cl 5.2.1
o Cl.
 Cl.5.2.3
 Cl.5.2.4
 Cl.6.1
o Cl.
 Cl.6.2
 Cl.6.3
 Cl.6.4
o Cl.6.4.1
o Cl.6.4.2
o Cl.6.4.3
 Cl.6.6
o Cl.
o Cl.
o Cl.
 Cl.6.7
o Cl.6.7.1
o Cl.6.7.2
o Cl.6.7.3
 Cl.6.8
Note: Deflection checks based on the effective section properties are not performed.

D8.D.2.1 Maximum allowable section segment dimensions

Checks will be done to verify the maximum allowable flat width ratios for the flange segments
forming section profile as per Cl.5.2.3 and for the web segments as per Cl.5.2.4. Note that
Cl.5.2.3(d) will not be considered as this can vary based on the amount of curling.

D8.D.2.2 Maximum member slenderness

Member slenderness checks will be performed for members subject to compression. The
maximum allowable slenderness for a compression member will be limited to 200 as per

Slenderness for a member about both the z & y local axes will be calculated. If any of these
exceeds the limiting value of 200, the program will consider that as a failure criterion. Note that
members subject to tension will not have any slenderness checks performed.

D8.D.2.3 Members subject to tension

The following check will be performed for all members in tension:

Tensile stress ratio = Factual / F

the applied stress on the member.
Factual =
= Applied Tension / A
A = the net cross section area of the profile
Note: If the parameter list includes the NSF parameter, the net area will be calculated as A ×
NSF, where A is the gross area of the section. If NSF has not been specified, a default value of
1.0 will be used.

The maximum allowable design stress for members in tension will be calculated as:

F = 0.6 × Fy
Fy = the minimum yield strength of the section.

If the increase in steel strength due to cold work forming is to be considered (ref. CWY param),
then the design stress will be calculated as:

F = 0.6 × Fya
Fya = the average yield point of the full section and will be calculated as:
Fya = C × Fyc + (1 -C) Fyt.

( refer to Cl.6.6.1.a for the description of the terms used.)

Note: The FY and FU values are expected to be user inputs. The default value of FY will be
taken as 3600 kg/cm2(Table 2 of IS:801) and FU will be taken as 4588 kg/cm2.

D8.D.2.4 Members subject to compression

The following check will be performed for all members in compression:

Compression check ratio = Factual / Fcap

Factual = the applied axial stress on the member
Fcap = the allowable compressive stress for the member

The compression capacity will be calculated as follows:

 For profile shapes with stiffened elements alone and not susceptible to Flexural torsional
buckling (Tube):

The maximum allowable design stress will be calculated as:

F = 0.6 × Fy


Fy = the minimum yield strength of the section.

Note: Allowance will be made for cold forming strength as required.

Note that if the effect of cold work forming is to be considered, then the enhanced
strength Fya will have to be determined based on the value of the factor Q. Hence to
determine the factor Q, the program would use the design stress (= 0.6×Fy ). This factor Q
will then be used to determine the enhanced strength Fya, which will then be used for the
design checks.

This design stress, F, will be used to calculate the effective area of the section. The
procedure to calculate the effective area involves calculating the effective width of each
element that forms the profile. The effective width of each element will be calculated as
described below:

o For elements without intermediate stiffeners:

The effective width of such elements will be calculated as per the equations in
Cl. (for closed square and rectangular tubes). The value of ‘f” used will be
the maximum allowable design stress F as in section 3.2.1 above.

Note: The current implementation does not allow for sections to have multiple
stiffened elements as per Cl. Hence Cl. is not be considered for
calculating the effective width of elements.

The maximum allowable compression stress for the member, Fc, will then be
determined based on the equations as per Cl. Note that the factor Q will be
based on the effective area determined using the design stress F as mentioned

o For profile shapes with stiffened elements alone (Pipe sections):

The maximum allowable compressive stress for pipes will be determined as per

For sections with D/t < 232000 / Fy, F = 0.6 × Fy

For section with 232000 / Fy < D/t < 914000 / Fy, F = 46540 / (D/t) + 0.399 Fy

Section with D/t > 914000 / Fy will not be designed.

A check will also be done to make sure that the compressive stress < Fa1 as
determined by for a value of Q=1.

 For profile shapes with un-stiffened elements alone (Angle sections):

The maximum allowable design stress Fc will be calculated as per the equations in Cl.6.2
(a), 6.2(b), 6.2(c) or 6.2 (d) as appropriate, based on the plate width-to-thickness ratio of
each element.

This design stress, Fc, will be used to calculate the factor Q when checking for
flexural/flexural torsional buckling failure modes. Note that since this section is subject
to torsional buckling, the factor Q, to be used to calculate the allowable compressive
stress Fa1 as per Cl., will be calculated as the ratio between the Fc for the
element with the largest w/t ratio to the basic design stress as per Cl.6.1 & 6.2.

 For profile shapes with both stiffened and unstiffened elements and /or susceptible to
Flexural torsional buckling (Channel, Zee, Hat, Channels with Lips, Zee with Lips, Angle
with lip sections sections):

These sections are subject to torsional-flexural buckling. The factor Q will be determined
as per Cl. (3) as:
Q = Qs × Qa

Qs will be calculated as the ratio between the Fc for the element with the largest w/t ratio
to the basic design stress as per Cl.6.1 & 6.2.

Qa will be calculated for the stiffened elements as per Cl. (1) but with Fa taken as
the stress used to calculate Qs.

If Q =1.0, the allowable stress Fa2 will be calculated as per Cl. If however the
factor Q < 1.0, the allowable stress Fa2 will be calculated as per Cl., but with the
term Q being replaced with Q.Fy.

D.2.5 Members subject to bending

The following check will be performed for all members in bending:

Bending check ratio = Mactual / Mcap

Mactual = the applied bending stress on the member
Mcap = the allowable bending stress of the member

This check will be done separately for bending about both the Z & Y axes.

The bending capacity of the section will be based on the maximum allowable bending stress, Fb.
The maximum allowable stress in a member subject to bending shall not exceed the following:

1. The maximum allowable stress for the extreme tension fiber as given in Cl.6.1

Fbt_allowable = F = 0.6 × Fy

2. where

Fy = the minimum yield strength of the section

3. The maximum allowable stress in the extreme compression fiber as given in Cl.6.2

This will be calculated based on the w/t ratio of the compression element as per Cl.6.2(a),
Cl.6.2(b), Cl.6.2(c), or Cl.6.2(d) as applicable. Note that these clauses will be applicable
only for unstiffened elements in compression. For stiffened elements Fb will be taken as
given in Cl.6.1

4. The maximum allowable lateral buckling stress as given in C.l6.3 (a) or Cl.6.3 (b) as
appropriate for the section profile.
This clause will only be applicable for sections that are subject to bending about their
major axis. For sections subject to minor axis bending this check will be ignored.

The moment of inertia terms, Iyc and the section modulus term Zxc in the equations will
be based on the entire section. The value of the moment factor Cb, will be based on the
end moments of the analytical member being designed. If the member is subject to axial
loads along with the bending moment, the value of Cb will be taken as 1.0

5. The maximum allowable bending stress in the webs of a given section (I, C, Hat, Tube ,
Z), Fbw shall be calculated as per Cl6.4.2 of the code.

For pipe sections:

The maximum allowable compressive stress for pipes will be determined as per cl.6.8:

 For sections with D/t < 232000 / Fy, F = 0.6 × Fy

 For sections with 232000 / Fy < D/t < 914000 / Fy, F = 46540 / (D/t) + 0.399 Fy
 Sections with D/t > 914000 / Fy will not be designed.

D.2.6 Members subject to shear

The applied shear stress will be calculated based on the calculated shear area of the given section
profile. The shear area for the various shapes will be taken as follows:

 Angle with Lips

o For shear along the Y axis: (D-t)×t + 2.0×(Lip Length-t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: (B-t)×t
 Angle
o For shear along the Y axis: (D-t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: (B-t)×t
 Channel with Lips
o For shear along the Y axis: (D-2t)×t + 2.0×(Lip Length-t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: 2.0×B×t
 Channel or Eave Strut
o For shear along the Y axis: (D-2t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: 2.0×B×t
 Zee or Zee Purlin
o For shear along the Y axis: (D-2t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: 2.0×B×t
 Zee with Lips
o For shear along the Y axis: (D-2t)×t + 2.0×(Lip Length-t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: 2.0×B×t
 Hat
o For shear along the Y axis: 2.0 × (D-t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: B×t + 2.0×(Lip Length-t)×t
 Tube
o For shear along the Y axis: 2.0×(D-2t)×t
o For shear along the X axis: 2.0×(B-2t)×t
 Pipe
o For shear along the Y axis: 0.5 ×2×π×r×t
o For shear along the X axis: 0.5 ×2×π×r×t

For shear checks along the local Y-axis, the maximum allowable shear stress, Fv, in the web of a
section (I, C, Hat, Tube, Z) will be calculated as per Cl.6.4.1 based on the h/t ratio of the web

The code does not explicitly mention about shear checks along the horizontal (Z-axis). Hence,
the program takes the maximum allowable shear stress along Z as 0.4×Fy.

D.2.7 Members subject to combined axial, bending, and

 Checks for members subject to combined axial compression and bending:

The combined stress checks will be based on whether the member is susceptible to
torsional buckling mode or not. The implementation will consider all loads as being
applied through the shear center.

o Members not susceptible to torsional buckling

For members that are not susceptible to torsional buckling, both the interaction
equations as per Cl.6.7.1 will be checked as below:

fa/ Fa1 + (Cmx × fbx) / [(1- fa /F’ex)×Fbx] + (Cmy × fby) / [(1- fa /F’ey)×Fby] ≤
fa/ Fa0 + fbx/ Fb1x + fby/ Fb1y ≤ 1.0


P/ A
fa =
with A = the full cross section area
maximum applied bending stress about the x -axis.
Note that fb for a section with stiffened compression
fbx =
element will be based on the effective width and the
corresponding effective section modulus.
maximum applied bending stress about the y -axis.
Note that fb for a section with stiffened compression
fby =
element will be based on the effective width and the
corresponding effective section modulus.
a moment factor based on the ratio of the end
moments and defined as 0.6- 0.4×M1/M2 ≥ 0.4. M1
Cm =
& M2 are the smaller & larger end moments
respectively, about the relevant axis.
Fa1 = allowable compressive stress as per Cl.
12 × π2 × E / [23 × (KL/r)2]
F’e =
Note that F’e will be calculated for the respective
is the allowable compressive stress from Cl.
Fa0 =
using L = 0.
maximum bending stress without any lateral buckling
Fb1 =
as per Cl.6.1 and Cl.6.2 as appropriate)

o Members susceptible to torsional buckling:

For members that are susceptible to torsional buckling, both the interaction
equations as per Cl.6.7.2 (a) will be checked as below:

1. Sections that have the factor Q = 1.0:

The following two checks will be performed for all section profiles:

faFa1+fb1×CmFb1(1−fa/F'e)≤1.0  and

P/ A
fa =
with A = the full cross section area
maximum applied bending stress about the relevant axis. Note that fb
fb1 = for a section with stiffened compression element will be based on the
effective width and the corresponding effective section modulus.
a moment factor based on the ratio of the end moments and defined
as 0.6- 0.4×M1/M2 ≥ 0.4. M1 & M2 are the smaller & larger end
Cm = moments respectively, about the relevant axis. Note that the end
moments used will be the ones at the ends of the analytical member
being designed.
Fa1 = allowable compressive stress as per Cl.
F’e = 12π2E23(KL/r)2

 

Note that F’e will be

calculated for the
respective axes.
the allowable compressive
Fa0 = stress from Cl. using L
= 0.
maximum bending stress
without any lateral buckling
Fb1 =
as per Cl.6.1 and Cl.6.2 as

2. Since the loads are being taken as being applied through the shear centre, the
checks as per Cl.6.7.2 (b), Cl.6.7.2 (c) & Cl.6.7.2 (d) will not be performed.
3. Sections that have the factor Q < 1.0:

For members with a Q factor less than 1.0, the interaction checks as per Cl.6.7.2
(a) will be performed, but with the term Fy being replaced with Q×Fy.

 Checks for members subject to combined shear and bending:

Only web elements of sections will be checked for the effects of combined bending & shear
forces. The checks will be done as per Cl.6.4.3. The following check will be performed:

fbw = the applied bending stress at junction of flange & web
Fbw = 36560000 /(h/t)2 kgf/cm2
fv = the applied shear stress
Fv = allowable shear stress as per Cl.6.4.1, but not limited to 0.4×Fy.

V. IS 801-Beam with axial and major axis

Verification example for a cold-formed beam subject to axial compression and bending moment
according to IS:801-1975.

Verifies the calculations for an IS 60CU40x4 (Channel without lips) beam that is 2 m long and
subject to axial compression and major axis bending moment. This example checks for
compression, shear, bending and compression and bending interaction as per IS 801.
Material properties:

 E = 2,074,000 kgf/cm2 = 203,400 MPa

 Fyi = 350.0 MPa = 3,569 kgf/cm2
 Fu = 450 MPa
 G = 795,000 kgf/cm2 = 77,963 MPa

Design forces:

 P = 0.5 kN
 Mz = 0.748 kN·m
 Vy = 1.874 kN

Section Dimension Checks

Check for flat width ratio:

w = b - (r + t) = r - (0.4 + 0.6) = 3 mm

w/t = 3 / 0.4 = 7.5 < 60

Hence, OK (ref. cl 5.2.3(a))

hw/t = (d - 2×tf - 2× root radius) / t = (6 - 2×0.4 - 2×0.6)/0.4 = 10 < 500

Hence, OK (ref. cl 5.2.3(b))

Check for web height to thickness ratio:

h/t = (6 - 2×0.4) / 0.4 = 13 < 150

Hence, OK (ref. cl 5.2.4(a))

Check for limiting slenderness

k L y r y = 1.0 200   m m 1.263   m m = 158.3   < 200

Hence, OK (ref. cl 6.3.3)

Calculation of Allowable Compressive Stress

For calculation of axially loaded member, " Q " is an important factor. The definition and
method of calculation for value of Q is provided in Clause no. (a). Channel section
without lips is a combination of stiffened & unstiffened elements.
As per clause no of IS801, the increase of steel strength happens due to cold work of

Total corner area, Acorner = 2(45.2 mm2) = 91.2 mm2 = 0.912 cm2

Total area of flanges, Aflange = 2×b×t = 2(0.4)(0.4) = 3.2 cm2

C = Acorner / Aflange = 0.931 / 3.2 = 0.285

Effective depth, he = h = 4 cm

Therefore, effective area, Ae = A = 4.91 cm2

B e = 3.69 F u F y - 0.819 F u F y 2 - 1.79 = 1.6004

m = 0.192 F u F y - 0.068 = 0.1789

Tensile yield point of corner, F y c =   B e × F y r t m = 521.0   M P a

Tensile yield point of flat portions, Fyt = Fy = 350.0 MPa

Average yield point of cold-forming for tension/compression members, Fya(compression) = (C × Fyc) +

(1 - C)×Fyc = 381.8 MPa ( = 3,893 kgf/cm2)

Average yield point of cold-forming for flexural members, Fya(bending) = (C × Fyc) + (1 - C)×Fyc =
398.8 MPa

w = 3 cm

w / t = 7.5

As per cl. 6.2 of IS 801, compressive stress:

Fc = 0.6×Fya = 0.6 × 381.8 = 229.1 MPa

Q s = F c 0.6 F y a = 229.1 229.1 = 1

h = d - 2(r + t) = 4 cm

h t = 13 < 1435 F c = 29.69

Qa=Ae A=1

Q = Qs × Qa = 1

Allowable compression stress, Fa1 , for members braced against twisting (ref. cl

C e = 2 π E F y a = 102.5
C e Q = 102.5

Slenderness ratio KL/r = 158.3

F a 1 = 12 23 Q × F y a - 3 Q × F y a 23 π 2 E K L r 2 = 41.06   M P a

Maximum allowable compressive stress (Fa2) for flexural-torsional buckling (ref. cl of IS

r 0 = ( r x 2 ) + ( r y 2 ) + ( x 0 2 ) = 3.732   c m
σ x =   π 2 × E K x L x r x 2 = 274.8   M P a
β = 1 - x 0 r x 2 = 0.5071
σ t = 1 A × r o 2 × G × J + ( π 2 × E × C w ) K x × L x 2 = 324.2   M P a
σ T F 0 = 1 2 β σ e x + σ t -   σ e x + σ t 2 - 4 β × σ e x × σ t = 174.5   MPa

Fqy = Fy × Q = 381.8 MPa

Fa2 = 0.522 × σTF0 = 91.09 MPa

The allowable compressive stress, Fa is the minimum of Fa1 and Fa2 :

Fa = 41.06 MPa

Calculation of Allowable Bending Stress

As per clause number 6.1, maximum allowable stress on extreme fiber is:

F = 0.6 × Fya(compression) = 0.6 × 381.8 MPa = 229.1 MPa

As the section is channel without lips, the flanges are unstiffened. So, as per clause 6.2 we need
to check allowable compressive stress on the unstiffened element.

w t = 7 . 5 < 530 F y a = 530 3,893   k g f / c m 2 = 8.494

Also, the yield strength of steel, Fy > 2,230 kgf/cm2 ( = 227.5 MPa).

Fc = 0.6 × Fya(compression) = 229.1 MPa

For the major axis bending, the allowable compressive stress, Fbc , is the minimum of F and Fc

Fbc = 229.1 MPa

Similarly, for major axis bending, the allowable tensile stress, Fbt=0.6 × Fya(compression) = 229.1 MPa

Calculate the allowable bending stress for laterally unbraced beams:

Allowable bending stress for laterally unbraced beams has been calculated as per clause 6.3 (a).

Unsupported length, L = 2 m (the UNL parameter can be used for this).

Sxc = Zxx = 8.93 cm3

Cb = 1.0 for a member under compression and bending.

L 2 × S x c d × I y c = 14,140   > 1.8 π 2 E C b F y a ( c o m p r e s s i o n ) = 9,464

F b = 0.6 π 2 E × C b d × I y c L 2 × S x c = 85.18   M P a

Allowable bending stress in the web:

F b w 1 = 36,560,000 h t 2 = 216,330 k g f c m 2 = 21,215   M P a

Per cl. 6.4.2, Fbw is the minimum of Fbw1 and 0.6 × Fya(bending) = 239.2 MPa

Fbw = 239.2 MPa

Calculation of Allowable Shear Stress

Per cl. 6.4:

Clear distance between flanges = h = d - 2t = 52 mm

F v 1   = 1275 × F y   h t   = 577.1042   M P a (cl. 6.4.1(a) )

F v 2   = 585000 ( h t ) 2   = 3,395   M P a (cl. 6.4.1(b) )
h t = 13 < 4,590 F y = 76.8

Allowable shear stress, Fv is the minimum of Fv1 or 0.4 × Fy = 140.1 MPa

Fv = 140.1 MPa

Allowable combined bending and shear stress:

As h t   <   4590 F y , Fvc = Fvc1 = 577.1 MPa

Actual Stresses


fa = P/A = 0.5 kN / 4.91 mm2 = 1.018 MPa


fb = M / Zxx = 0.748 kN·m / 8.93 cm3 = 83.76 MPa

Bending in Web

 Actual bending stress in the web is calculated by interpolation of bending stress diagram:

f b w = f b × 1 - t 0.5 × d   = 72.59   M P a


f v = V y N w t ( d - 2 t ) = 1.874 ( 10 ) 3 ( 1 ) 4 ( 60   -   2 × 4 ) = 9.01   M P a

Stress Ratio


fa / Fa = 1.018 / 41.06 = 0.024


 for bending compression: fb / Fbc = 83.76 / 229.1 = 0.366

 for bending tension: fb / Fbt = 83.76 / 229.1 = 0.366
 for unbraced bending: fb / Fb = 83.76 / 85.18 = 0.983
 for web bending: fbw / Fbw = 72.59 / 239.2 = 0.303


fv / Fv = 9.01 / 140.1 = 0.064

Combined bending and shear (ref. cl 6.4.3 of IS 801):

f bw F bw1 2 + f vy F vy1 2 = 75.59 21,215 2 + 9.01 577.1 2 = 0.016

Interaction ratio for axial and bending

As Q = 1.0, Fa0 can be calculated using cl. with L = 0:

F a 0 =   12 23 Q × F y a - 3 Q × F y a 2 23 π 2 E K * L r 2   = 182.6   M P a
f a F a 0 + f b 1 F b 1 =   1.018 182.6 + 83.76 229.1 = 0.371 (6.7.2(a) - 2nd eq)

Table 1. Comparison of results
Result Type Reference STAAD.Pro Difference Comments
Compression stress ratio 0.024 0.024 none  
Table 1. Comparison of results
Result Type Reference STAAD.Pro Difference Comments
Bending Z (compressive) stress ratio 0.366 0.365 negligible  
Bending Z (tensile) stress ratio 0.366 0.365 negligible  
Bending unbraced 0.983 0.983 none  
Bending at web/flange junction stress ratio 0.303 0.303 none  
Shear Y stress ratio 0.064 0.064 none  
Compression + Bending interaction 0.371 0.371 none  
Bending + Shear interaction 0.016 0.016 none  

V. IS 801-Column with axial and major axis

Verification example for a cold-formed column subject to axial compression and bending
moment according to IS:801-1975.

Verifies the calculations for an IS 60CS40x4 (channel with lips) column that is 2 m long and
subject to axial compression and major axis bending moment. This example checks for
compression, shear, bending, and compression and bending interaction as per IS 801.

Material properties:

 E = 2,074,000 kgf/cm2 = 203,400 MPa

 Fy = 3,569 kgf/cm2 = 353.0 MPa
 Fu = 4,588 kgf/cm2 = 450 MPa
 G = 795,000 kgf/cm2 = 77,963 MPa

Design forces:

 P = 10 kN
 Mz = 4.0 kN·m
 Vy = 2 kN

Section Dimension Checks

Flanges (ref. cl 5.2.3):

w = 4 - 2× 0.4 - 2× 0.6 = 2

w/t = 2 / 0.4 = 5 < 60, Hence OK

Web (ref. cl 5.2.4):

W/t = (6 - 2×0.4 - 2× 0.6) / 0.4 = 10 < 500 and

h/t = (6 - 2× 0.4) / 0.4 = 13 < 150, Hence OK

Check for limiting slenderness (ref. cl 6.3.3):

K×Ly/ry = 1.0× 200 mm / 1.453 mm = 137.6 < 200

Hence, OK

Allowable Compression Strength

Maximum allowable compressive stress for flexural buckling Y (ref. cl of IS 801)

Design stress, F = 0.6× fy = 2,160 kgf/cm2 = 211.8 MPa

Effective width of flange, Beff

W = 4 - 2×0.4 - 2× 0.6 = 2 cm

w t = 5 < 1,435 F = 30.87

Beff = w = 2 cm

Effective width of web, Beff

W/t < 30.87

Beff = w = 10 cm

Aeff = 5.8 cm2

Factor, Q = Aeff / A = 1.0=

C e = 2 π 2 E F y = 106.6
Slenderness limit = C e Q = 106.6 < 137.6

F a 1 = 10,680,000 k L / r 2 = 564.1   k g f / c m 2

Maximum allowable compressive stress for flexural torsional buckling (ref. cl of IS 801)

Polar radius of gyration, r 0 = r x 2 + r y 2 + x 0 2 = 5.181   c m

β = 1   -   x 0 / r 0 2 = 0.259

σt = 2,036 kgf/cm2

σex = 2,480 kgf/cm2

σ T F 0 = 1 2 β σ e x + σ t -   σ e x + σ t 2 - 4 β × σ e x × σ t = 1,201   kgf cm 2 = 117.8   MPa

1,201 kgf/cm2 < 0.5×F = 1,800 kgf/cm2

Fa2 = 0.522×σTF0 = 626.9 kgf/cm2

The allowable compressive stress, Fa is the minimum of Fa1 and Fa1 .

Fa = 546.1 kgf/cm2 = 55.32 MPa

Allowable Bending Strength

C = 1.0 for member under combined axial and bending.

F b = 2 3 F y - F y 2 54 π 2 E ∙ C b L 2 S x c d × I y c = 1,412   k g f / c (ref. cl
m 2 = 138.5   M P a 6.3)

Maximum allowable compressive stress:

Fb1 = 0.6× Fy = 2,160 kgf/cm2 = 211.8 MPa

Allowable Shear Strength

h t = 13   < 4,590 F y = 76.5

F v 1 = 1,275 F y h / t = 5,884   k g f / c m 2
F v 2 = 0.4 F y = 1,440   k g f / c m 2

The allowable shear stress, Fv is the minimum of Fv1 and Fv2 :

Fv = 1,440 kgf/cm2 = 141.3 MPa

Axial and Bending Interaction

fa = P / A = 10 kN / 5.8 cm2 = 1,019.7 kgf / 5.8 cm2 = 175.8 kgf/cm2

fb1 = M / Z = 4.0 kN·m / 9.4 cm3 = 40,789 kgf·cm / 9.4 cm3 = 4,339 kgf/cm2

Cmx = 0.6

F'e = 1,294 kgf/cm2

f a F a 1 + f b 1 C m F b 1 1 - f a F ' e = 175.8 564.1 + 4,339 ( 0.6 ) 2,160 1 - 175.8 1,294 = 0.312

+ 1.395 = 1.705

Hence, not OK

Fa0 = 1,879 kgf/cm3

f a F a 0 + f b 1 F b 1 = 175.8 1,879 + 4339 2,160 = 0.094 + 2.009 = 2.103

Table 1. Comparison of results
Result Type Reference STAAD.Pro Difference Comments
Allowable compressive stress (MPa) 55.32 55.371 negligible  
Allowable bending stress (MPa) 211.8 211.854 negligible  
Allowable unbraced bending stress (MPa) 138.5 138.583 negligible  
Allowable shear stress along Y (MPa) 141.3 141.236 negligible  
Axial and Bending interaction 2.103 2.102 negligible  

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