Ss QP Annual Word

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Subject: Social & Environmental Thinking
Date: 1/April/2023
General Instructions

 Attempt all questions

 Section A Contains 5 Questions (Eminently Short Answer
Type) SS
 Section B Contain 15 Questions (Short answer type)
 Section C Contains 10 Questions (Long answer type)
 Section D Contains 6 Questions (Paragraph or Article writing)
 Total 36 Questions
 Section A and B Contain
 Section A= 5x1 Marks = 5 Marks + Section B = 15x2=30
 Section C and D Contains
 Section C= 10x4 = 40 Marks +Section D = 6x5= 30 Marks
 Total Marks = 100
 Which is the 50% of your report card total

I – Write Eminently Short Answer Questions
1. What was found in Mohenjo-Daro with the silver vase ?
2. Which person was the court poet of Harsha Vardhana? List 2
3. List the Famous ruler of Chalukya and Pallava
4. What is the garbhagriha?
5. In which year did the women suffrage to vote was over? During
which period?


II – Write in short answers

6.Write a short description about rotation and revolution
7. Write all the parallels of latitude
8. Differentiate between monarch and democratic government
9.What is Ashvamedha?
10.What can the government do for supporting the environment
and animals list different ways ?
11. What are the major works of a patwari?
12. Tehsildar has to hear disputes and conflicts. What does the
tehsildar do for clearing disputes and conflicts?
13. What is coral island?
14. What is biosphere?
15. What is hydrosphere?
16. What was Ashoka’s Dhamma?
17. What were the different taxes in mahajanapadas?
18. Write the differences between
i) Stereotypes and Discrimination
ii) Stereotype and Prejudice
19. What do you mean by universal adult franchise?
20.Write a description about secretary?

III – Write elongated answers
21. What was the strict rules of Mahavira?

22. If India has a coral island describe the coral in India
23. Define the following terms
Large Scale
Small Scale
24.What do you mean by Janapadas and Mahaganapadas
25. Write a long description about the following things
 Sillapadikaram
 Manimeghalai
These two were known as puranas which means old so write a
paragraph about them?

26. What were the items got from other lands?

27. Why do we need government ?
28. What is municipal corporation? List the work of a municipal
29. What were the means adopted by the Ashoka?
30. Can you briefly explain who the life of a Ruler and Farmer was


IV – Write in a paragraph or article

31. Write an article based on the following
 Population of royal Bengal Tiger is reducing

 Over grazing of animals
 Hunting & gathering in olden times
 Government and its problems
Choose any of the option to write the article
32.Maps work
a) Locate the latitudinal extends of the India
b) List the major physical division of India
33. Write a composition about Indian Government
34. What were the new arrangements in Gupta dynasty
35. Write at least 4 to 8 sentence or a paragraph on the people of
South Africa in olden times? Differentiate with new administration
of South Africa? What was the language spoken by the people of
South Africa? Both black and white people? Who was the one that
who told don’t ever look people upon what they look?
36. Write an article about the genealogies in the Guptan dynasties.
Also write about the people in the Gupta Dynasty


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