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Innocent Michael Idiong


The choice of parents to allow their children to embrace the catholic priesthood is dynamic.
While some parents would gladly and with joy let their children embark on this divine journey,
some parents would deny their children with passion. It is not out of place to state that among
those who permit their children to embrace catholic priesthood are those who do so because of
the title ‘Baba or Mama Fada. This caliber of parents cherish the title more than what priesthood
is all about (service to God and His people). Such parents throw away virtue which is the first
title that man can ever considered. Some parents especially mothers even try to convince their
children to embark on this sacred journey unknown to them they are confusing the career of such
candidates. In Nigerian Catholicism, the title "Mama Fada” is so common. This title is used by
the Catholic community to expresses gratitude and admiration for the mothers who have raised
and supported their sons' vocations to the priesthood. However, a critical question arises when
seminarians enter into the seminary to study for the priesthood with the motive of allowing their
mothers to be called "Mama Fada". Thus, it is fitting to ask, is this drive for the title ‘Mama
Fada a befitting title or a misplaced priority? This article seeks to point out the concept of Mama
Fada and the dangers of the choice of seminarians or aspirants to enter into the seminary with
such a mindset.

The concept of “Mama Fada”

As stated above, the term "Mama Father" or "Mama Fada" is a common way to address
the mother of a Catholic priest in Nigeria. It is a term of respect used by the Catholic community
to honor the mothers who have raised and supported their sons' vocations to the priesthood. In
this context, "Mama Fada" could be considered a befitting title. It acknowledges the significant
role that these mothers or parents play in nurturing and supporting their sons' religious calling. It
is a way for the community to express gratitude and appreciation for their sacrifices and
dedication. Ultimately, the significance of the title "Mama Fada" lies in the religious context of
Nigeria, particularly within the Catholic community. It is a term that carries deep meaning and
respect, making it a befitting title for the mothers of Catholic priests.

Vocation is God’s. As such, every candidate who desire to be priest must undergo
formation bearing in mind that vocation is a gift of God and should for the service to God and
His people. It is totally against God’s plan when seminarians enter the seminary with the motive
of allowing their mothers to be called "Mama Father"; in fact, it raises questions about the
authenticity of one's vocation and the underlying motives for pursuing priesthood. If seminarians
choose to become priests primarily for the sake of the title given to priests’ mothers, either they
do it because their parents sent them to the seminary to bear the title or feel their parents should
bear such a title and thus proceed for the priesthood, they have only listened to the call of their
parents or fulfilled the desire of their parents and not God’s. In this context, since he is in the
seminary from a wrong source of motivation, the term ‘Mama Fada’ which he is working for is a
misplaced priority.

It is pertinent to note that the Catholic Priesthood is a sacred calling that requires a deep personal
commitment and a genuine desire to serve God, the Church, and the community. It is a vocation
that demands selflessness, dedication, and a strong connection with one's faith. As such, the core
purpose of becoming a priest should be centered on one's relationship with God and the desire to
lead a life of service and spiritual guidance. Thus, the decision to enter the seminary and become
a priest should ideally stem from a genuine calling to serve God, the Church, and the community.
It should involve a deep personal commitment to live a life of faith, prayer, and service. While it
is natural for humans (seminarians) to desire recognition and honor their mothers, the primary
focus should be on the vocation itself rather than external titles or accolades and greetings for
their parents.

Dangers of ‘Mama Fada’ as a misplaced priority

When a candidate for the priesthood enters the seminary with such a misplaced priority,
he is prone to the dangers of that particular decision such as: superficial motivations which
places the desire for the human interest such as the title "Mama Fada" as the main motive for
entering the priesthood. Hence, lack of Personal discernment, inadequate Seminary Formation,
Strained Relationships and Expectations, Loss of Focus on the Priestly Mission amongst others
become inescapable throughout his formation process.


While the title " Mama Fada " is significant to honour the mother of our catholic priests, it is
also crucial to recognize the fact that entering the priesthood solely to allow mothers to be called
by this title may indicate misplaced priorities. Authentic vocations should emerge from a sincere
calling to serve God and others, guided by personal faith and spiritual discernment. While
honoring and appreciating mothers is important, it should not overshadow the true essence of the
priesthood. By focusing on the authentic motivations behind their vocation, the candidates for
priesthood undergoing formation should ensure that their calling is rooted in genuine faith, love,
and service to God and His people. It is essential therefore for seminarians or aspirants to desire
to approach the sacred priesthood to do so with sincerity, a genuine desire to serve others, and a
strong personal connection with one's faith. The title " Mama Fada " should be a byproduct of a
priest's dedication and commitment, rather than the sole motivation behind any seminarian
entering the priesthood.

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