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Teacher Grace

สรุป Grammar ที่ชอบออกข้อสอบเข้าม.4
9. If Clause
ชนิดที่ 1 If S______________
+ V1 (present
Simple tense)
, ______________
S + will + V.inf.
ใช้กบั _______________________________
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

ชนิดที่ 2 If ______________
S+ V2 (past simple) , ______________
S +would + V.inf. ใช้กบั _______________________________
( )
If Focus won the lottery, he would buy a new labtop or tablet.

**สำหรัIfบI ชนิ ดที่ 2 ถ้ำประโยค If ใช้ be ต้องใช้เป็ น _______

were you, I would marry her.
were เสมอ**

ชนิดที่ 3 If ______________ perfect), ______________ ใช้กบ

S + had + V.3 (Past S + would+ have + V.3
ั _______________________________
( )

If it hadn't rained yesterday , I would have been there in time. in time = on time =

Unless = if____________________________________________________________________
... not ( / Unless
) we hurry, we will be late for class.

จงเลือกคาตอบที่เติมเต็มประโยคได้ถูกต้อง หรือจงแก้ไขประโยคต่อไปนี้ให้ ถูกต้อง

1) If you come late, you _____________
S will + V.infi.
(1) met (2) do meet
will not come
(3) don't meet (4) won't meet
come came
2) If she ___________ , you would have seen her.
had + V.3 meet met met

(1) come (2) did come marry married married

see saw seen

(3) has come (4) had come become became become
adv. are/is am
3) I would definitely marry Richard if he ______________ a prince.
V.inf were /was been
pay paid paid
(1) are V.1 (2) becomes V.1 do did done
(3) were v.2 (4) would be
V.inf. read read
give gave given

4) If your sister ____________ my girlfriend, I would take good care of her everlastingly.won
win won

(1) is (2) was buy bought bought

take took taken

(3) were (4) becomes
send sent sent
understand understood understood
have /has had had

feel felt felt

talk talked talked

Teacher Grace

5) A: ___________ enough time to go back home this weekend, what would you do next?
B: I would call my parents and ask them to send me some more money.
(1) Unless you have (2) Unless you don't have time
(3) Unless you hadn't have (4) Unless you had
6) If he had paid more attention to your studies, you ____________ the final exams.
(1) would not fail (2) won't be failed
(3) would not have failed (4) had not failed
7) I do not understand the point of taking a French course _________ you never expect to go
visiting the country.
(1) unless (2) if
(3) which (4) in order that
8) If you didn't always complain about his work, he __________
would + V.inf. more comfortable around

(1) feel (2) feels
(3) will feel (4) would feel
9) Unless (1) you don't do (2) your daily homework, your teacher (3) may give you
you do

(4) a bad grade. given V.3

10) If (1) Chutikarn (2) had gave me her special report, I (3) would have read (4) it
S had V.3

before the meeting.

11) Unless you (1) don't come to (2) my wedding tomorrow, we (3) will not talk with you
(4) anymore.
12) If I (1) had win the lottery (2) the other day, I (3) would have bought a (4) beautiful,
modern house for my parents.
Teacher Grace

สรุป Grammar Voice
ที่ชอบออกข้ อสอบเข้าม.4
8. Passive Voice คือ ____________________________
มีโครงสร้าง ___________________________________
S + be+ V3

Active Passive

PRESENT SIMPLE = ____________

S + V1+... be + V3 = ______________
S + is/are + V3

Focus eats rice. Rice is eaten by Focus.


S +V. to be + Ving be + V3 = ______________
S+ is/are+ being + V3

Focus is eating rice. Rice is being eaten by Focus.

PAST SIMPLE = S____________

+V.2 be + V3 = ______________
S + was/were + V3

Focus ate rice. Rice was eaten by Focus.

PRESENT PERFECT = ____________

S+has/have +V3 be + V3 = ______________
S+has/have + been +V3

Focus has eaten rice. Rice has been eaten by Focus.

FUTURE SIMPLE = S____________

+will + Vinffi be + V3 = ______________
S + will +be +V.3

Focus will eat rice. Rice will be eaten by Focus.

modal verb :can must should ... Focus can eat rice. Rice can be eaten by Focus.
จงเปลี่ยนประโยคเหล่านี้ให้ เป็ น Passive Voice
1. She can speak English. = ____________________________
English can be spoken by her.

2. I kicked this dog yesterday. = __________________________

This dog was kicked yesterday by me.

3. We had done the report. = ___________________________

The report had been done by us.

จงเลือกคาตอบที่เติมเต็มประโยคได้ถูกต้อง หรือจงแก้ไขประโยคต่อไปนี้ให้ ถูกต้อง

1) Our house looks dirty. It must definitely _____________
Passive this summer.
(1) painted (2) be painted
(3) being painted (4) been painted
2) "This university is among the oldest in our country."
"Yes, I know it ___________ in the early 19th century."
(1) founded (2) was founded
(3) had founded (4) has been founded
Active Passive

Future perfect S+ will have +V.3 S+will +have + been

by +Time (Future)

3) This business report __________ typing by next Friday.

(1) will finish (2) has been finished
(3) will have been finished (4) will be finishing
4) We're staying with some friends because our house ____________ at the moment.
(1) is repainting (2) will be repainted
(3) is being repainted (4) has been repainted
5) Everybody studying in Dr. Tony's class ___________ by noon.
1) asks to submit his homework
2) are asked to submit their homework
3) is asked to submit his or her homework
4) is asking to send their homework
6) A: Could anybody tell me why Peter is so upset right now?
B: I'm not so sure, but I overheard that he __________ the company.
(1) forces to leave (2) is forcing to leave
(3) is forced to leave (4) has forced to leave
7) Jim told us that his shabby house needed ______________ before the big celebration on
Christmas Day.
(1) to repaint (2) to be repainted
(3) to be repainting (4) repaint
8) A gang of hooligans _______________ at the national football match in Yala yesterday.
(1) are arresting (2) had been arresting
(3) would have been arrested (4) was arrested
9) (1) Typically, more trade fairs are (2) hold in Paris during March (3) than during any
(4) other months.
10) (1) Neither you nor (2) I am going to (3) be inviting to (4) Joe's birthday party.

V.1 V.2 V.3

make made made
Make sentences in the passive in the given tense ! speak spoke spoken
build built built
1. BMW’s – make – in Germany (PRESENT SIMPLE) repair repaired repaired
BMW's is made in Germany. cut down cut down cut down
is/am/are was/were been
2. English – speak – in this shop (PRESENT SIMPLE) paint painted painted
English is spoken in this shop. fix fixed fixed
find found found
3. The oldest house – build – in 1575 (PAST SIMPLE)
serve served served
The oldest house was built in 1575. call called called
4. The bridge – repair – at the moment (PRESENT CONTINUOUS) hold held held
write wrote written
The bridge is being repaired at the moment.
close closed closed
5. The trees – cut down – last winter (PAST SIMPLE) take took taken
The trees were cut down last winter. use used used
stop stopped stopped
6. The picture – paint – tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)
The picture will be painted tomorrow.

7. When I came in – the TV – fix (PAST CONTINUOUS)

When I came in, the TV was being fixed.
8. The cupboard – repair – recently (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)
The cupboard has been repaired recently.
9. The car – find – in the garage (PAST SIMPLE)
The car was found in garage.
10. Breakfast – serve – between 7 and 9 (PRESENT SIMPLE)
Breakfast is served between 7 and 9.
11. The dog – call- Rover (PRESENT SIMPLE)
The dog is called Rover.
12. The meeting – hold – in my office (PAST CONTINUOUS)
The meeting was being held in my office.
13. The street – close – because of snow (PRESENT PERFECT)
The street has been closed because of snow.
14. The banks – close – in two days (FUTURE – SIMPLE)
The banks will be closed in two days.
15. Hundreds of books – write – every year (PRESENT SIMPLE)
Hundreds of books are written everyyear.
16. After the accident – Joe – take – to the hospital (PAST SIMPLE)
After the accident, Joe was taken to hospital.
17. The cap – find – in the corner (PAST SIMPLE)
The cap was found in the corner.
18. The robber – not find – by the police – yet (PRESENT PERFECT)
The robber has not been found by the police yet.
19. The search – stop – this evening (FUTURE SIMPLE)
The search will be stopped this evening.
20. Different types of cameras – use (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
Different types of cameras are being used.
Pronoun: He She It You We They
V : V to be: is am are, was, were
Modal verb: can, could , shall, should, will, would, must, may, might.
Teacher Grace

สรุ ป Grammar ที่ชอบออกข้Tags
อสอบเข้ าม.4
10. Question Tags คือ ____________________________________________ " "?

โครงสร้าง __________________________________________
..........., V + Pronoun?

มีกฎคือ ____________________________________________
tag You can swim, can't you?

tag You can't swim, can you?

Tips : ข้ อยกเว้นที่ชอบออกข้ อสอบ!

ประโยคที่ไม่มี V.ช่วย _________________________________________________________
V. to do (do/does/did) She loves you, doesn't she?

ประโยคที่เป็ น I am ___________________________________________________________
tag aren't I I am handsome, aren't I?

ประโยคที่เป็ น Let’s ___________________________________________________________

tag Shall we? Let's have lunch, shall we?

ประโยคคาสัง่ ________________________________________________________________
tag Will you?/Would you?/Won't you? Let it go, will you?

ประโยคที่ข้ ึนต้นด้วย There _____________________________________________________

tag there There are some apples, aren't there?

จงเลือกคาตอบที่เติมเต็มประโยคได้ ถูกต้อง หรือจงแก้ ไขประโยคต่อไปนี้ให้ ถูกต้อง

1) You told them that they had done well, _____________?
(l) had they (2) hadn't they
(3) did you (4) didn't you
2) Let's go shopping ____________?
(l) will we (2) shall we
(3) will you (4) won't you
3) There was no serious accident in today's protest, _____________?
(1) wasn't it (2) was it
(3) wasn't there (4) was there
4) "Thanks for your help, Tom!"
"Don't mention it. After all I'm your best friend, ____________?”
(1) am I (2) amn't I
(3) aren't I (4) don't I
Every.../Some.../Any.../No... >>>> they

Teacher Grace

5) Nobody has received any updated news from the principal, __________ ?
(1) has he (2) have they
(3) haven't they (4) hasn't he
6) You'd better not tell them the truth, ____________?
(1) wouldn't you (2) hadn't you
(3) had you (4) couldn't you

7) Let all the kids play in the backyard, ___________?

(1) shall we (2) should we
(3) will you (4) don't they

8) Everybody (1) needs to confirm (2) the registrations (3) at the counter by noon,
(4) do they?

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