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1. An oral mortgage is void against innocent obligation as one not entered into for the
third parties but valid between the parties purpose of fraud.
6. A CM w/out containing an affidavit of GF is
False Art. 1356. Contracts shall be obligatory, void for all intents and purposes.
in whatever form they may have been entered
False. The absence of the affidavit vitiates a
into, provided all the essential requisites for
mortgage as against creditors and subsequent
their validity are present. Unless otherwise
encumbrancers. It is unenforceable against
required to be in writing the mortgage is valid
third persons but valid between the parties.
and enforceable
7. Lessee may mortgage the thing leased but
2. An unregistered REM may still be the subject
only valid during the effectivity of the lease.
of foreclosure.
False. The lessee is not the absolute owner of
True. If the instrument is not recorded, the
the property. The mortgagor must be the
mortgage is nevertheless binding between the
absolute owner of the thing mortgaged
8. A mortgage made by a co-owner of a
3. A contract of antichresis that doesn’t specify
property w/o the consent of other co-owners
the interest in writing, although it expressly
produces no legal effect.
mentioned the principal amount is void and of
no effect at all. False. Art. 493. Each co-owner shall have the
full ownership of his part and of the fruits and
False. The obligation to pay interest is not the
benefits pertaining thereto, and he may
essence of antichresis. It is where the creditor
therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it, and
acquires the right to receive the fruits of an
even substitute
immovable with the obligation to apply them
another person in its enjoyment, except when
to the payment of interest.
personal rights are involved. But the effect of
4. A CM is a real contract because it requires the alienation or the mortgage, with respect to
constructive delivery by the registration of the the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion
contract in the CM registry. which may
be alloted to him in the division upon the
False. Under Article 2140 If the movable,
termination of the coownership.
instead of
being recorded, is delivered to the creditor 9. The nullity of a mortgage does not render
or a third person, the contract is a pledge and null and void the principal obligation it
not a chattel mortgage. guarantees
5. What must be contained in an affidavit of True. The mortgage is only accessory to the
good faith? principal obligation. What is lost is the right to
foreclose the mortgage as a special remedy for
A statement wherein the parties severally
satisfying or settling the indebtedness or the
swear that the mortgage is made for the
principal obligation.
purpose of securing the obligation specified in
the conditions thereof and for no other 10. A municipality may not mortgage a
purposes and that the same is just and valid patrimonial property being used as a public

True. It is well-settled that public plazas are 17. The mortgage extends to both natural and
properties for public use and therefore, belongs artificial accessions
to the public dominion. As such, it can be used
True. Art. 2127. The mortgage extends to the
by anybody and no one can exercise over it the
natural accessions, to the improvements,
rights of a private owner.
growing fruits, and the rents or income not yet
11. Growing fruits while they are attached to received when the obligation becomes due,
the land may not be proper objects of CM and to the amount of the indemnity granted or
owing to the proprietor from the insurers of
False. The Chattel mortgage law fully
the property mortgaged, or in virtue of
recognize that growing crops are personal
expropriation for public use, with the
declarations, amplifications and limitations
12. A machinery classified as RP under Art 415 established by law, whether the estate remains
NCC may be the object of a valid CM. in the possession of the mortgagor, or it passes
into the hands of a third person.
True. Parties to a chattel mortage contract may
treat as personal property that which under the 18. The parties must agree on the valuation of
law is a real property. the fruits for application to the interest and
principal of the debt
13. A mortgage may be gratuitous.
False. Art. 2133. The actual market value of the
True. The law does not require mortgages to be
fruits at the time of the application thereof to
for consideration.
the interest and principal shall be the measure
14. A mortgage follows the property whoever of such application.
the possessor may be provided there is formal
19. The parties may stipulate to the share of
assumption of mortgage by the transferee.
taxes and charges upon the estate during the
False. Formal assumption is not necessary. A period of antichresis
purchaser is necessarily bound to acknowledge
True. Art. 2135. The creditor, unless there is a
and respect the encumbrance to which is
stipulation to the contrary, is obliged to pay the
subjected the purchased thing.
taxes and charges upon the estate.
15. While the law does not specifically require
20. The expenses for preservation of the
the possession of the property to the antichretic
property in an antichresis shall be deducted
creditor, delivery has been held a standard
from the fruits of the same.
characteristic of the contract of antichresis
True. The creditor is bound to bear the
True. Further, once the creditor has taken
expenses necessary for its preservation and
possession of the immovable, the debtor
repair. The sums spent for the purposes stated
cannot reacquire the enjoyment of the same
in this article shall be deducted from the fruits
without first having totally paid what he owes
16. All immovable properties may be the object 21. Receive fruits
of a contract of antichresis.
22. Actual MV of the fruits at the the of
False. Only immovable properties of the application
23. Enjoyment of immovable to the owner, without prejudice to the
right of retention pertaining to the
usufructuary or his heirs for taxes and
extraordinary expenses which should be
24. Taxes reimbursed (Art. 612)
6. He who has executed work upon a
25. Charges upon estate
movable has a right to retain it by way
26. Apply fruits after receiving them of pledge until he is paid. (Art. 1731)

27. The chattel mortgage is deemed to cover 63-69. Rules for a valid extrajudicial foreclosure
only the property described therein and not of a thing pledged
like or substituted property thereafter acquired
1. File application before the executive
by the mortgagor notwithstanding a contrary
judge thru the clerk of court
2. Clerk will examine whether there was
True compliance with the posting of notice
and publication
28. Stocks in trade which are naturally
3. Raffling of application among sheriffs
revolving or floating and perishable goods that
4. Auction sale (may be had even if there is
are naturally expected to be replaced may be
only 1 participating bidder)
the proper objects of a CM, provided the deed
5. Clerk shall issue a certificate of payment
must be amended every time there is a
6. Certificate of sale must be approved by
replacement of the goods
the executive judge
True 7. Archival of records
70. For all intents and purposes, pledge is
extinguished when the thing pledged is in the
hands of the pledgor
False. There is only a disputable
57-62. Examples of Legal Pledge presumption.

1. Agent’s right of retention of objects of Art. 2110. If the thing pledged is returned by
an agency until the principal effects the pledgee to the pledgor or owner, the
reimbursement and indemnity (Art. pledge is extinguished. Any stipulation to the
1914) contrary shall be void.
2. Depositary may retain the thing
If subsequent to the perfection of the pledge,
deposited until full payment of what
the thing is in the possession of the pledgor or
may be due him by reason of the deposit
owner, there is a prima facie presumption that
(Art. 1994)
the same has been returned by the pledgee.
3. Hotel-keepers. (Art. 2004)
This same presumption exists if the thing
4. Useful expenses shall be refunded only
pledged is in the possession of a third person
to the possessor in good faith with the
who has received it from the pledgor or owner
same right of retention (Art. 546)
after the constitution of the pledge.
5. Upon the termination of the usufruct,
the thing in usufruct shall be delivered

71. The rules governing possession and Insures the right of a Custody and
preservation of a thing pledged by agreement part to property or to safekeeping of the
shall apply to legal pledge. recover in case of thing deposited
favorable judgment
May cover movable as Movables only
Art. 2121. Pledges created by operation of law,
well as immovable
such as those referred to in Articles 546, 1731,
and 1994, are governed by the foregoing
articles on the possession, care and sale of the Cause is always Cause is generally
thing as well as on the termination of the onerous. gratuitous.
pledge. However, after payment of the debt
and expenses, the remainder of the price of the As to time of return: Time of return is
sale shall be delivered to the obligor. Upon order of the upon demand of the
Court or when depositor.
72-74. Obligations of a pledgee litigation ended
1. Take care of the thing with the diligence Thing is held in behalf It is held in behalf of
of a good father of a family of a person who has a the depositor.
2. Liable in case of loss or deterioration by right to the thing
reason of fraud, negligence or delay, or
contravenes the tenor thereof.
3. Not to deposit the same with a third 88-92. Solidary Debtor vs. Solidary Guarantor
Solidary Debtor Solidary Guarantor
75-80. Characteristics and features of a
Conventional Deposit General Rule, he shall General Rule, Debtor
the one to pay the will pay the debt
1. Gratuitous debt
2. Involves only movable property
3. Voluntary or necessary Solidarily and Subsidarily liable to
4. Real primarily liable the debtor
5. Unilateral (If gratuitous) Not entitled to benefit Entitled to benefit of
6. Bilateral (If onerous) of excussion excussion
81-83. Obligation of a Depositary
He is the original His is only a collateral
1. Safekeeping promissor undertaking
2. Return the thing on demand
Bound to know every No need for notice of
3. Liable in case of loss if it was due to his
default default
fault or negligence
84-87. Judicial vs. Extra-Judicial Deposit
93. A quasi-contract will not arise if the act is
Judicial Deposit Extra-Judicial
not unilateral and voluntary and no unjust
enrichment exists: True
Will of the Court Will of the parties or
Basis: Quasi contracts are based on the
principle that no one shall be unjustly enriched
or benefited at the expense of another. (Civil Article 1161: Civil obligations arising from
Code, Art. 2142) criminal offenses shall be governed by the
penal laws, subject to the provisions of Article
94. A quasi-contract may be
nominate/innominate: True
Article 2177: Responsibility for fault or
95. The rights under a quasi-contract prescribe
negligence under the Article 2176 is entirely
in six years: True
separate and distince form the civil liability
Basis: Article 1145 arising from negligence under the RPC. But the
plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the
“The following actions must be commenced
same act or omission of the defendant.
within six years:
100. Breach of contract may arise from quasi-
a. upon an oral contract;
b. upon a quasi-contract”
True, such as in cases of negligence in breach
96. Negotiorum gestio arises when a person
of contract of carriage (???)
takes charge of an abandoned property of
another who does not oppose not withstanding 101 – 102: Define Proximate Cause
knowledge: False
That cause, which, in natural and continuous
Article 2144 provides that the juridical relation sequence, unbroken by any efficient
arising from negotiorum gestio will not arise if intervening cause, produces the injury, and
the manager has been tacitly authorized by the without which the result would not have
owner. So if the owner knows/authorizes the occurred. (Brucales vs People, Gr No. 181052)
manager, negotiorum gestio will not arise.
103 – 104: Define Contributory Negligence
97. Gestor who attempts to appropriate the
Article 2179. When the plaintiffs own
property is governed by rules on implied trust.
negligence was the immediate and proximate
False (can’t find the answer to this, sorry L) cause of his injury, he cannot recover damages.
But if his negligence was only contributory, the
98. Solutio indebiti ariseswhen payment is
immediate and proximate cause of the injury
made through mistake, liberality or some other
being the defendants lack of due care, the
plaintiff may recover damages, but the courts
False. shall mitigate the damages to be awarded.

Only when payment is made through mistake. 105 – 106. Define Doctrine of Discovered Peril
(Art. 2154)
The doctrine holding that where both parties
99. Where negligence is punishable under RPC, are negligent, but the negligent act of one is
the repsonsibility for QD is distinct from civil appreciably later in time than that of the other,
liability arising from the felony and may or when it is impossible to determine whose
therefore be pursued separately. fault or negligence should be attributed to the
incident, the one who had the last clear
opportunity to avoid the impending harm and
failed to do so is chargeable with the

consequences thereof. [Picart v. Smith, 37 111. Burden of proof is the same in action
Phil. 809]. ciulpa contractual and culpa acquillana.
107. Under the doctrine of supervening False
negligence, the antecedent negligence of a
Culpa aquiliana - rests on plaintiff
telephone company is not providing warning
signs on excavations would not make it liable if Culpa contractual – defendant to
P had a clear chance to avoid the accident. present proof of contract and non-
performance is sufficient
112 – 113. Res Ipsa Loquitor
An antecedent negligence of a person does not
preclude the recovery of damages for Res Ipsa Loquitor - The thing itself speaks. One
supervening negligence of, or bar a defense is presumed to be negligent if he had exclusive
against the liability sought by, another if the control of whatever caused the injury even
latter, who had the last fair chance, could have though there is no specific evidence of an act of
avoided the impending harm by the exercise of negligence, and without negligence the
due diligence. [Pantranco North Express, Inc. accident would not have happened.
v. Baesa, 179 SCRA 384].
114. PH law recognizes the strict liability in
(Doctrine of supervening negligence is the torts rule.
same as Doctrine of discovered peril.)
108. Volonti non fit injuria not apply if a
person, aware of possible danger, takes some (Examples: Vestil vs IAC;
risks in order to preserve life. Art. 2187,2193,1711,1712)
True. 115. Liability may be created even if there is no
(also called Doctrine of Assumption of Risk) - fault or negligence.
The precept that denotes that a person who True.
knows and comprehends the peril and
voluntarily exposes himself or herself to it, Go back to the sources of obligation. Liability
although not negligent in doing so, is regarded may arise from law, contract, etc. (Article 1157)
as engaging in an assumption of the risk and is 116. If driver and owner of a cargo truck which
precluded from a recovery for an injury figured in a road mishap were found liable for
ensuing therefrom. torts, their liability is solidary.
109 – 110: Doctrine of Imputed Negligence - TRUE if the owner was in the vehicle with the
(aka Doctrine of Vicarious Liability) driver and could have by the use of due
diligence prevented the misfortune but if he
A legal doctrine that assigns liability for an was not in the vehicle with the driver at the
injury to a person who did not cause the injury time of the mishap then it would be vicarious
but who has a particular legal relationship to liability. ART. 2184
the person who did act negligently. (Art. 2176)

117. A subsidiary writ of execution may be b. withdrawal
issued against employer of an accused even if
c. death of the gestor
the former did not participate in the criminal
proceedings. d. civil interdiction of the gestor
- TRUE. Art. 2180 shall apply. e. insanity of the gestor
f. insolvency of the gestor
118-123 Requirements of Negotorium Gestio g. loss of the property ( not sure though )
a. no meeting of the minds h. death, civil interdiction, insanity or
insolvency of the owner.
b. taking charge of another’s business or
c. property or business have been abandoned 140. if the payor was in doubt whether debt is
or neglected due, he may recover upon proof that it was not
d. must not have been authorized by the owner
- TRUE ART. 2156
e. done in good faith
f. the gestor must have voluntarily taken
charge 141. Negotorium Gestio and Solutio Indebiti
apply in 1 and the same situation
-FALSE. They are different, in SI there is
124-131 When is the Gestor liable for fortuitous
mistake while in NG there is voluntariness of
action. In SI it is received while in NG he is the
a. risky operations which the owner was not one who takes charge of the property ( I think)
b. preferred his own interest
142. Negotorium Gestio is the management of
c. failed to return the property on demand of affairs or property of another without the
owner latter’s consent whether implied or express and
for his benefit.
d. bad faith
- TRUE art 2144
e. he is unfit to carry on the management
f. intervened and prevented a more competent
person for the job 143. A person who receives in good faith a
payment made erroneously by the payor shall
g. delegated the work to another
only answer for the thing and its accessories to
h. it is stipulated the extent of his enrichment.
- TRUE ART 2160
132-139 extinguishment of Negotorium Gestio
a. Repudiation
144 – 147 requirements of solutio indebiti
a. delivery to the payee
b. receipt
c. wrong delivery was by reason of mistake
d. there was no right to demand it

1. A survivorship agreement that upon the death of one of the joint account 1
holders, the full amount of money in their account shall become the
property of the survivor is a valid aleatory contract.

2. Betting in a basketball game is valid because it is not a game of chance. FALSE. Not a game of chance but prohibited under PD 438.

3. A manufacturer or seller of a product cannot be held liable for any TRUE.

damage caused by the product in the absence of proof that product was

4. A single transaction whereby two or more persons contribute funds to FALSE. No partnership was created even for the aforementioned
buy certain estate for profit creates partnership only to that particular particular transaction.

5. The liability for a contract entered into on behalf of unincorporated TRUE.

association or ostensible corporation may be in a person who may not have
directly transacted on its behalf but reaped benefits from the contract. Clearly, under the law on estoppel, on behalf of a corporation and those
benefited by it, knowing it to be those acting on behalf of a corporation and
those benefited by it, knowing it to be without valid existence, are held liable as
general partners.

6. A stipulation in a contract of partnership that upon the death of a partner, TRUE.

the partnership shall continue to exist amongst the surviving partners and
the heir/s of the deceased partner is valid. The death of one of the partners does not ipso facto dissolve the partnership
when, by common agreement, the surviving partners and the heirs of the
deceased decide to continue, the said agreement being in such case considered
as a continuation of the original contract of partnership.

7. Where the title to real property is in the name of the partners, in TRUE. Article 1819 last paragraph
conveyance executed by all partners passes all their rights in such property.

8. If the cause is not justified or no cause was given, withdrawing managing FALSE. The withdrawing partner is liable for damages for unjustified
partner named in AOP may be compelled to remain in the firm until dissolution but in no case can he be compelled to remain in the
selection of replacement and amendment of AOP. partnership.

9. Acquisition of 62% of the partnership interest by new partners, coupled TRUE.

with retirement or withdrawal of partners who had original owned such
interest results to constitution of new partnership.

10. A partnership which does not fix its term is also referred to as TRUE.
partnership without a term.
It is also referred to as partnership at will.

11. An action brought by attorney in fact in his own name instead of the FALSE. An attorney in fact cannot file an action.
principal will not prosper unless name of principal is disclosed in the body
of complaint.

12. Liability arising from a partner’s negligence shall be solidary among the TRUE.
guilty partner, innocent partners and partnership.

13. Prescription of right to inquire on the business affairs of partnership or FALSE. Articles 1806, 1807, and 1809 show that the right to demand
demand an accounting starts to run from the dissolution of partnership. accounting exists as long as the partnership lasts. Prescription begins to
run only upon the dissolution of the partnership when the final
accounting is done.

14. The agent’s interest in his promised commission upon completion of his FALSE. It doesn’t make an agency one coupled with interest. An
obligation makes agency coupled with interest. agent’s interest in earning his agreed compensation is an ordinary
incident of agency. It is a usual byproduct of agency which does not
affect the essential nature of the relationship.

15. Principal cannot be held liable for actions of agents outside scope of their FALSE. Acts of agent exceeding scope of his authority cannot bind
authority even if principal received benefits from the same. principal unless the latter ratifies the contract. (Article 1898)
16. Broker may still claim for commission despite absence of authorization TRUE.
from principal.
Unlike agents, brokers do not represent a principal so he doesn’t need
authorization from such.

17. Power to foreclose given to mortgagee is governed by rules on ordinary FALSE. The power to foreclose is not an ordinary agency that
agency. contemplates exclusively the representation of the principal by the
agent but is primarily an authority conferred upon the mortgagee for
the latter’s own protection.

18. As between the parties to the agency, scope of agent’s authority is what FALSE. The agent may be liable for damages for not following the
appears in written terms of power of attorney regardless of different instructions of the principal. However, the instructions are binding
instructions from principal because third parties are not bound to inquire on only on the principal and agent and non-compliance by the agent
the written terms. cannot prejudice third persons.

19. There is an implied trust when property is sold and the legal estate is TRUE. Article 1448
granted to one party but the price paid by another for the purpose of having
the beneficial interest of the property.

20. If a person obtains legal title to property by fraud and concealment, FALSE. If a person obtains legal title to property by fraud or
courts of equity will impress upon the title is so called resulting trust in concealment, courts of equity will impress upon the title a so-called
favor of the defrauded party. CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST in favor of the defrauded party.

21. In an express trust, acceptance by the trustee is necessary for the creation FALSE. In the case of an express trust, acceptance of trust by a trustee
of the trust. is necessary to charge him with the office of the trustee and the
administration of the trust and to vest the legal title in him. However,
his acceptance of the trust is NOT NECESSARY TO ITS EXISTENCE
AND VALIDITY, since if he declines the trust, the courts will appoint a
trustee to fill the office that he declines.

22. A trustor may not have the capacity to transfer property. FALSE. Trustor must always have capacity to transfer property for he
transfers legal ownership of property to a person for the benefit of a
third party, who owns the equitable little.

23. Trusts over real property are enforceable in any form. FALSE. Article 1443 particularly provides for a form in order to enforce
express trust concerning immovable or any interest therein. It cannot
be proved by parol evidence.

24. Trustee can acquire trust property by adverse possession even without FALSE. The express trusts disable the trustee from acquiring for his
repudiation of trust. own benefit the property committed to his management or custody, at
least while he does not openly repudiate the trust and makes such
repudiation known to the beneficiary.

25. An express trust concerning an immovable or any interest may be FALSE. Article 1443. No express trusts concerning an immovable or
proved by parole evidence. any interest therein may be proved by parol evidence.

26. In an implied trust over a parcel of land, action to recover must be FALSE. An action for the reconveyance of land based on implied or
brought within five years from issuance of title to property. constructive trust prescribes within 10 years. And it is from the date of
the issuance of such title that the effective assertion of adverse title for
purposes of the statute of limitations is counted.

27. For an action for reconveyance based on fraud to prosper, petitioner FALSE. He must prove his title to the property as well as the
must prove by clear and convincing evidence only his title to the property. fraudulent act.

28. Prescription will lie IN FAVOR of persons who are not in possession of FALSE. The prescriptive rule applies only when the plaintiff or the
the disputed land provided they claim an interest thereon. person enforcing the trust is not in possession of the contested
property, since if a person claiming to be the owner thereof is in actual
possession of the property, the right to seek reconveyance, which, in
effect, seeks to quiet title to property does not prescribe for he may
wait until his possession is disturbed or his title is attacked before
taking steps to vindicate his right.
29. In our jurisdiction, it is an enshrined rule that even a registered owner of FALSE, according to Vice Dean. No reason given. But TRUE in most
property may be barred from recovering possession of property by virtue of samplex.

30. Refusal on part of borrower to execute an agreement to cover the after- TRUE
acquired obligation can constitute an act of default on the part of the
borrower and the foreclosure may cover debts incurred after the time of Acme Shoe Rubber & Plastic Corp. vs. Court of Appeals
constitution of chattel mortgage sought to be foreclosed.

31. The rules governing loans or forbearances may be applied by analogy to FALSE, according to Vice Dean. No reason given. But TRUE in most
discounts. samplex.

32. Where indebtedness actually owing to the holder of mortgage is less than FALSE. Mortgage cannot be enforced for more than the actual sum
sum named in the mortgage, mortgage may be enforced for more than the due.
actual sum due.

33. In a loan transaction, obligation to pay a sum certain in money may be FALSE. If the thing loaned is money, payment must be made in the
paid in money or by use of check if agreed upon. currency stipulated, if it is possible to deliver such currency; otherwise,
it is payable in the currency which is legal tender in the Philippines
(Art. 1249). check is not a legal tender and, therefore, cannot constitute
valid tender of payment.

34. Failure of entrustee to turn over proceeds of sale of goods, covered by FALSE. Entrustee is liable for estafa.
trust receipts to entruster or to return said goods when not disposed of in
accordance with the terms of trust receipt creates a civil obligation but not a
criminal case.

35. Legal rate for loan/forbearance of money may be applied to an FALSE, according to VD.
obligation arising from a piece of work.

36. If obligation consists in the payment of sum of money, and the debtor TRUE. (Art. 2209)
incurs in delay, indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the
contrary, shall be the payment of interest agreed upon, and in the absence of
stipulation, legal interest which is 6% per annum.

37. In simple loan with stipulation of usurious interest, prestation of debtor FALSE. Prestation of debtor to pay the principal debt is NOT illegal.
to pay the principal debt, which is the cause of contract becomes illegal. (Angel Jose Warehousing Co., Inc. vs. Chelda Enterprises)

38. In cases where no interest has been stipulated by the parties, as in case of FALSE. No accrued conventional interest could further earn interest
PH American Accident Insurance, accrued conventional interest could upon judicial demand.
further earn interest upon judicial demand.

39. A registered mortgage right over the property is inferior to an True

unrecorded sale.
State Investment House, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

40. Exemplary damages are awarded for wanton acts and granted by way of False, not by way of compensation.
compensation for damages suffered by plaintiff so as to ____ others as a sort
of deterrent.

41. Loss of earning capacity cannot be awarded in case of damages False, it may be awarded.
predicated on breach of contract.
It should be emphasized that the rule in crimes and quasi-delicts is the same as
the rule in breach of contracts and quasi-contracts where the breach was
accompanied by fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude on the part of the

42. Temperate damages are more than nominal damages and intended as a 1
reasonable compensation for injury sustained even in the documentary
43. Moral damages may not be recovered in cases of seduction if the victim False, the essential feature under Article 21 of the Civil Code is
was already an adult at the time she had an affair with the seducer. seduction, that in law is more than mere sexual intercourse, or a breach
of promise of marriage; it connotes essentially the idea of deceit,
enticement, superior power or abuse of confidence on the part of the
seducer to which the woman has yielded (U.S. v. Buenaventura)

44. The seller of a car which was repossessed for appraisal purposes can still 1
claim for the balance of the purchase price.

45. The owner of establishment are solidary liable with their driver for any True
accident resulting from latter's negligent operation of the vehicle provided
said owners were riding therein at the time of mishap. Art. 2184 last paragraph

46. Vendor of personal property sold on instalment basis is not precluded False, vendor of personal property shall have no further action
after foreclosing the chattel mortgage on the thing sold, from having againspt the purchaser to recover any unpaid balance of the price.
recourse against the additional security put up by a third party to guarantee
the purchaser's performance of his obligation because the rights emanate Art. 1484
from different contracts.

47. Whenever a piece of rural land not exceeding 1 hectare is alienated, law False, except when the grantee or buyer does not own any other rural
grants the adjoining owners a right of redemption even if grantee or buyer land.
does not own any other rural land.
Primary structures Corp vs. Sps. Valencia

48. When a 3rd person claims a legal right to the property leased, it is a False, it is a trespass in law and lessor is liable.
trespass in fact for which lessor shall not be liable unless stipulated.

49. The mere act of submitting a case to authorities for prosecution makes False, prosecution must be with malice and in bad faith.
one liable for malicious prosecution.

50. A private complainant can be held liable for malicious prosecution if False, there must be competent evidence to show that the complainant
accused is acquitted by RTC on reasonable doubt. acted in bad faith.

51. In case of GF, damages recoverable from breach of contract are those True
which are the natural and probable consequences of the breach of obligation,
WON the parties could have reasonably foreseen them or not.

52. In rape cases, the court may, in discretion, award moral damages to False, in rape cases moral damages are awarded without need of proof
victim without need for pleading or proof of the basis thereof. other than the fact of rape because it is assumed that the victim has
suffered moral injuries entitling her to such an award.

People vs. Sambrano

53. On issue of public humiliation, the courts consider the social standing False, social standing is relevant only in awarding moral damages.
and profession of a person in awarding him actual damages.
Simon vs. Martinez

54. The diligence required of banks is more than that of a good father of a True
BPI vs. CA

55. Payment of obligation in foreign currency is prohibited.

False, it is not prohibited.

56. A loan of use exists when a person receives a loan of money or any other False, it is simple loan or loan for consumption.
fungible thing and acquires ownership thereof.

57. Failure to pay instalment payments in a contract to sell is a breach that True
will justify rescission of contract.

58. Specially preferred credits must be satisfied first before ordinary credits True
under 2244 be paid according to their priority.
59. In precarium, bailor can demand the return of the thing at will from True

60. Execution of deed of assignment in lieu of surety bond will have same False, no debt was extinguished upon the execution of the deed of
effect as dation in payment. assignment, which was intended merely as another security for the
issuance of the surety bonds.

Citizen’s Surety and Insurance Co., vs. CA

61. Forged deed of sale may become root of valid title if certificate has True
already been transferred from the name of true owner to the name of forger.
A fraudulent or forged document of sale may become the root of a valid title if
the certificate of title has already been transferred from the name of the owner
to the name of the forger or the name indicated by the forger. (Duran vs. IAC)

62. Mortgagee may insure the mortgaged property for his benefit but not for False, mortgagee may insure for his sole benefit.
his sole benefit.

63. Doctrine of LCC means that even though a person’s own acts may have False, it means that even if the plaintiff was guilty of antecedent
placed him in a position of peril and an injury results, the injured person is negligence, the defendant is still liable because he had the last clear
not entitled to recovery and parties must suffer own damages. chance of avoiding injury.

64. In res ipsa loquitor, burden of proof remains on plaintiff to prove that False, it is regarded as a mode of proof, of a mere procedural
injury arose from defendant’s want of care. convenience since it furnishes a substitute for, and relieves a plaintiff
of, the burden of producing specific proof of negligence.

65. Recovery of actual damages, it is not necessary to prove actual amount of True
loss with reasonable degree of certainty.
As long as duly proved

66. Grant of attorney’s fees as part of damages is an exception rather than True
the rule and counsel’s fees are not awarded every time a party prevails in

67. Principal of an academic school is liable for tort committed by student. False, only when the student is in the custody of the school authorities
and within its premises.

68. Moral damages are generally recoverable in an action for breach of False, only if the defendant acted fraudulently or in bad faith.
contract because every person must comply with his contractual obligation
in good faith.

69. If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not the principal purpose of False, there is no deposit but some other contract.
the contract, rules on deposit should still govern.
Art. 1962, last sentence

70. A contract of sale is void and produces no effect whatsoever where price True
which appears therein as paid, has in fact never been paid by purchaser to

71. Generally, malice can be presumed from defamatory words but True
privileged character of a communication destroys the presumption of
malice. Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. Flores and Bas

72. An interest rate of 2% a month is iniquitous and stipulation of interest is False, stipulation of interest is still valid but the rate of interest shall be
void. reduced.

73. The court in Atlantic Gulf vs. CA did not exceed its jurisdiction when it False, “respondent appellate court exceeded its jurisdiction when it
modified the judgment of trial court by increasing the award of damages in modified the judgment of the trial court by increasing the award of
favour of the private respondents who, in the first place, did not impose an damages in favor of private respondents who, in the first place, did not
appeal therefrom. interpose an appeal therefrom.”

74. When the judgment awarding sum of money becomes FE, the monetary True
award shall earn interest at 6% per annum from the date of such finality
until its satisfaction, regardless of whether the case involves a loan or
forbearance of sum of money.
75. A claim for damages sustained on a shipment of goods is a solidary False, solidary obligation of the common carrier, arrastre operator and
obligation of shipper, common carrier and arrastre operator and custom customs broker.
Eastern Shipping Lines vs CA

76. All the claims under 2242 must be paid pro rata. False, only taxes enjoy absolute preference and all the 13 items in 2242
must be paid pro rata.

Magdalena vs. Villanueva

From Quiz 8
1. Future debts of unknown amount may not be guaranteed because FALSE. A guaranty may also be given as security for future debts.
there is no principal obligation yet.

2. Guaranty must be express but exceptionally it may be implied FALSE. A guaranty is not presumed. It must be express and cannot extend to
from acts of the guarantor as in guaranty by estoppel more than what is stipulated therein.

3. The guarantor can bind himself for more than what the debtor is FALSE. A guarantor can bind himself for less but NOT FOR MORE.
liable for but not for less.

4. If the parties avail of contractual provision for automatic TRUE. (Art. 2079)
extension, the guarantor will be released.

5. In case of a merger between the debtor and the guarantor, the TRUE
guaranty is extinguished but a sub-guarantor, if any, is released.

6. There is no excussion/exhaustion in judicial guaranty. TRUE

7. When the principal obligation is modified by agreement, the FALSE. The guarantor or surety will not be released by a change in the
guarantor is released if he didn’t agree to the modification even if the principal contract where such change does not have the effect of making its
modified obligation will be less onerous obligation more onerous. (Visayan Distributors, Inc. vs. Flores)

8. A remission in favor of 1 of 5 guarantors extinguishes the principal FALSE. Principal obligation extinguished only if remission is made without
obligation but only to the extent of 1/5 the consent of the other guarantors (Art. 2078).

9-14 Examples of Legal Pledge 9. Necessary and useful expenses

10. Termination of usufruct
11. Execution of work upon a movable
12. Agent’s right to retention of objects of an agency until
principal effects reimbursement and pays indemnity
13. Depositary
14. Hotel Keepers

15-21 Extrajudicial foreclosure of a thing pledged

15. File application before the executive judge thru the
clerk of court
16. Clerk will examine WON there was compliance with
posting of notice and publication
17. Raffling of application among sheriffs
18. Auction sale may be had even if there is only 1
participating bidder
19. Clerk shall issue a certificate of payment
20. Certificate of sale must be approved by the EJ
21. Archival of records

22. For all intents and purposes of pledge is extinguished when thing FALSE. There is only prima facie presumption that the same has been returned
pledged is in the possession of pledger. by the pledgee. (Art. 2110)

23. The rules governing possession and preservation of a thing 23. The rules governing possession and preservation of a thing pledged by
pledged by agreement shall apply to legal pledges. agreement shall apply to legal pledges.
24-26 Obligations of a pledgee 24. Take care w/ diligence of good father of family
25. Liable for loss or deteriorioration by reason of fraud,
26. negligence, delay or violation of contract

27-32 Conventional deposit 27. Gratuitous

28. Only movable property
29. Voluntary or necessary
30. Real
31. Unilateral if gratuitous
32. Bilateral if for compensation

33-35 Depositary 33. Safekeep

34. Return when required
35. Liable for loss through his fault or negligence

36-39 Judicial vs. Conventional Judicial Conventional

1. Court orders attachment 1. Necessary or voluntary
2. Movable or immovable 2. Only movable
3. Delivery is made by court 3. Delivery may be made by
order will of depositor
4. Attachment or seizure 4. Compliance with legal obligation

40-44 Solidary Guarantor vs. Solidary Debtor SG SD

1. Debtor shall pay 1. Debt shall be paid
2. Subsidiarily liable 2. Solidary and primarily liable
3. Entitled to excussion 3. Not entitled to excussion
4. Collateral undertaking 4. Original promisor
5. No need for notice 5. Bound to know every default


1. The warehouse receipts law applies to all warehouses, whether True
private or public, bonded or not.
Citizen’s State Bank of Vici vs. Galtig

2. Mere fact that the goods deposited are incorrectly described does True
not make ineffective the receipt when the identity of the goods is
fully established by evidence. American Foreign Banking Corporation

3-11. What should be included in a warehouse receipt 3. location of the warehouse

4. date of issue or receipt
5. consecutive number of receipt
6. person to whom gods are deliverable
7. rate of storage charges
8. description of goods or packages
9. signature of the warehouseman
10. warehouseman’s ownership or interest over the goods
11. statement of advances made or liabilities incurred

12. A warehouse receipt has 2-fold function of being a contract and a True
Contract, evidence of receipt and representation of goods. But the SC, in a number of
cases, limited the functions to 2 – contract and receipt.

13. A judgement creditor can levy by execution the goods covered by False, while in possession of such warehouseman, the goods cannot be
a negotiable receipt while in possession of the warehouseman even attached or levied upon under an execution unless: document be first
before surrendering the receipt. surrendered.

Sec. 25, WRL

14. Failure to make the receipt negotiable does not render it non- True
negotiable if it contains the words of negotiability.
Manufacturers Mercantile Co vs. Monarch Refrigerator
15. Where, by the terms of the negotiable receipt, the goods are True
deliverable to bearer or where negotiable receipt has been indorsed
in blank or to bearer, any holder may indorse the same to him or to Section 37, WRL
any other specified person, and in such case, the receipt shall
thereafter be negotiated only by indorsement of such indorsee.

16. Indorsement of a receipt shall make the indorser liable for failure False, shall not make the indorser liable.
on the part of the warehouseman or previous indorsers of receipt to
fulfil their respective obligations. Sec. 45, WRL: Indorser not a guarantor. — The indorsement of a receipt shall not
make the indorser liable for any failure on the part of the warehouseman or previous
indorsers of the receipt to fulfill their respective obligations.

17. A receipt in which it is stated that goods received will be False, it is non-negotiable.
delivered to the depositor or to any other specified person is a
negotiable receipt. Section 4, WRL

18. A negotiable receipt with insertion that it is non-negotiable shall False, the insertion is void.
render the receipt non-negotiable.
No provision shall be inserted in a negotiable receipt that it is non-negotiable. Such
provision, if inserted, shall be void. (sec. 5, WRL)

19. Alteration of receipt shall not excuse the warehouseman who True
issued it from any liability ___ it was made without fraudulent
intent. Sec. 13, WRL

20. ____ commingled with other goods of the same kind. True

As a rule, the depositary is permitted to commingle grain or other articles of the same
kind and quality. (Sec. 23, WRL)
F. 1. The delivery of something or anything in gf.
It must be licit and may be the prestation of a valid F. Civil obligation. 10. A natural obligation arises when debtor
within the commerce of obligation. Art. 1243. Payment made pays the creditor after a judicial order
men. to the creditor by the for debtor to retain the debt.
F. Contract 2. The source of obligation of a school for debtor after the latter
injuries suffered by a student who was has been judicially
mauled inside the campus by a stranger ordered to retain the
is quasi-delict. debt shall not be valid
F. Not liable to pay 3. A son-in-law who brings his mother-in- T 11. The obligation arising from a contract of
(under 2167, yung law to a hospital for treatment shall be loan is unilateral.
mother-in-law general liable under the law to pay for the T. 12. It is essential in bilateral reciprocal
rule) hospital bills. obligations that both arise from the
T same source.
4. An obligation based on quasi-delict may
F. Not cyclic
arise from the performance of a 13. An obligation arising from a contract of
contract. commodatum is an example of cyclic
F. Obliged is the general obligation.
5. The officious manager in negorotium
T. 14. A divisible obligation is susceptible of
rule under 2144. (EXC: gestio has no obligation to the owner if
This juridical relation partial performance.
he acts in good faith. F. Integrity of obligation. 15. Identity of obligation requires that the
does not arise in either
of these instances: performance must be complete.
(1) When the property or F. Specific lang. 16. In obligations to give specific/generic
business is not things, the obligor must perform in GF
neglected or the principal and all accessory
abandoned; obligations.
(2) If in fact the manager T 17. As a general rule, an obligation to do
has been tacitly may be performed by another at the
authorized by the debtor's expense.
owner.) T 18. There is no legal accessory obligation
T 6. A moral obligation is also referred to as in an obligation not to do.
an imperfect obligation because it has F. 19. An obligation not to do can be
no legal consequence. performed by a delegate.
F. Civil lang. Natural 7. Civil and moral obligations may become F. Action may be filed
obligation there is a natural obligations.
20. Any action for a breach of an obligation
based on the principle of is premature if there is no actual breach
juridical tie and may anticipatory breach as
legal effect if voluntarily upon the expiration of the prescribed
enunciated in the case period for performance.
fulfilled. Sa moral, wala. of Blossom and Co. vs
T 8. A civil obligation that lapsed by Manila Gas Corp.
extinctive prescription ipso facto F. Recovery of damages 21. Fraud in the performance of contractual
becomes a natural obligation. obligation may result to an annulment of
T 9. A civil obligation arises when a minor the contract.
who has entered into a contract w/o the F. Annulment of contract 22. Fraud in the performance of an
consent of parent/guardian voluntarily is only a remedy in dolo obligation and deceit in celebration of a
pays a sum of money in fulfillment of incidente (one contract are similar in the sense that an
the obligation and obligee has spent it committed in the action for annulment is a common
performance of an remedy.

QUIZ 1 1
obligation). rights.
F. Prohibition only refers 23. A cause of action based on fraud T 35. The debtor may recover what he pays
to future fraud. committed in the execution of an voluntarily before fulfillment of the
obligation cannot be waived. condition.
F. Only positive 24. There could be delay in the F. The obligation will be 36. In case of a positive suspensive
obligation. performance of a negative obligation. extinguished. condition, the obligation becomes
effective upon lapse of the time
T 25. There is no delay in the performance of indicated or when it becomes evident
alternative obligations. the event cannot occur.
F. 26. In an obligation not to do, there could T. 37. The loss of the thing due pending the
be specific performance. happening of a suspensive condition
will give the creditor the right to rescind
T 27. An unpaid seller may avail of w/ damages.
extrajudicial remedies for breach of F. Unless deterioration
buyer's obligations.
38. The detoriation of the thing due pending
is due to the fault of the the happening of a suspensive
T 28. Mechanical defects of a vehicle and tire debtor.
blowout are not fortuitous events. condition will give the creditor the right
to rescind w/ damages.
F. Carnapping per se 29. Carnapping per se is a fortuitous event.
does not foreclose the F. 39. A single breach is sufficient for the
rescission of an installment sale of a
possibility of negligence
on the part of the owner movable.
or possessor of the car T. 40. A single breach is not sufficient for the
(Sicam vs Jorge, 2007 rescission of the installment sale of an
case) immovable.
F. The obligation was 30. If debtor promised to deliver a big T. 41. Rescission under 1191 applies only to
generic. carabao to creditor/agent, the death of reciprocal obligations.
debtor's 1 and only big carabao in a T. 42. Rescission under 1191 may be refused
flood extinguished his obligation. by the court.
T F. A period is a day 43. A period may refer to a past unknown
31. The unreasonable suspension of a certain and must event because even if unknown, it
bank's operations by CB may be a necessarily come, already happened.
Government prohibition fortuitous event to excuse the bank
is a fortuitous event. although it may not
from performing its obligation to a know when. ( par 3, Art
depositor. 1193)
F. 32. An impossible condition shall not affect T. 44. The creditor may reject advance
the validity of an onerous or gratuitous payment in an obligation w/ a period.
It shall affect. obligation. T. 45. There is no retroactivity in an obligation
T. 33. The imposition of a potestative subject to a resolutory condition.
resolutory condition will not affect the F. Under Art 1200 The 46. If the debtor in an alternative obligation
validity of the obligation. right to choose belongs does not choose, the creditor may
F. Under Art 1188, the 34. Pending the happening of a suspensive to the debtor unless choose the prestation to be delivered.
creditor may, before the condition, the creditor could not avail of expressly granted to the
fulfillment of the any action against the debtor. creditor.
condition, may bring T. 47. In an alternative obligation, the election
appropriate actions for becomes operative only when
the preservation of his

QUIZ 1 2
communicated to the other party. F. 57. In order that demand may not be
F. The creditor may 48. If by the debtor's fault all alternative necessary, it is required that the
demand the value of any prestations were lost, the creditor may obligation or the law expressly states
object lost BUT not if the demand the value of any object lose the demand shall not be necessary.
first object was lost even if the first object was lost through F. Art. 1174 provides,
through fortuitous 58. 1174 exempts an obligor from liability
a fortuitous event. also, those though on account of fortuitious events or force
event. foreseen but are
F. Art. 1245 Dacion is majeure, refers only to unforseeable
49. The rules applicable to facultative inevitable. events.
governed by law on obligations are the same as the rules on
sales. (p. 246 Jurado F. Under Cuizon vs. CA, 59. A court can stipulate for the parties or
dation in payment. it is not in the province
Oblicon. amend the agreement where the same
In facultative, right of of the court to alter a contravents law, morals, good customs,
choice pertains to contract by construction public order or policy.
debtor. In dacion, or to make a new
consent of creditor is contract for the parties.
needed. Its duty is confined to
F. In facultative 50. The choice to substitute in a facultative the interpretation of the
obligations, the right of obligation may be given to the creditor. one which they have
choice pertains only to made for themselves
the debtor. It is in without regard to its
alternative obligations wisdom or folly as the
where the right of choice court cannot supply
may pertain to the material stipulations or
creditor or a third read into the contract
person. words which it does not
F. 51. In a solidary obligation, there is mutual contain. (p. 812 Jurado
agency among debtors.
T. T. 60. Robbery may be considered a fortuitous
52. An obligation is a juridical necessity to
do or not to do, to give or not to give. event.
F. In Tan Chiong case, 61. When the negligence of a person
T. 53. Obligations arising from valid, voidable when the negligence of concurs w/ the act of God in producing
and rescissible contracts have the force the carrier concurs with
of law between the contracting parties a losee, such person is exempt from
an act of God producing liability by showing that the immediate
and should be complied w/ in GF. loss, the carrier is not cause of damage was the act of God.
F. Art. 1423 54. Exceptionally, natural obligations can exempted from liability
be enforced by court action to prevent by showing the
unjust enrichment. immediate cause of the
F. Art. 1423. Natural 55. Civil obligations derive their binding damage was the act of
obligations are based on force from positive law, while natural God. When the loss is
equity and natural law from divine law. caused by the act of
F. God, if the negligence of
56. A driver of a car, who was not able to
the carrier mingles with
control the car due to negligent act of it as an active and
truck driver in encroaching upon his cooperative cause, he is
lane is liable for damages for injuries still liable (p. 89 Jurado
suffered by the passengers of a Oblicon). To constitute a
jeepney it hit.

QUIZ 1 3
fortuitous event that incumbent upon the
would exempt a person common carrier in case
from responsibility, it is of an act of the public
necessary: that xxx (4) enemy referred to in
the obligor (debtor) article 1734, No. 2.
must be free of Article 1741. If the
participation in, or shipper or owner merely
aggravation of the injury contributed to the loss,
to the creditor. destruction or
F. Dolo incidente refers 62. Dolo incidente or incidental fraud must deterioration of the
to deceptions not be serious and w/o which the other goods, the proximate
serious in character and party would still have entered the cause thereof being the
without which the other contract. negligence of the
party would still have common carrier, the
entered into the latter shall be liable in
contract. damages, which
T 63. One who negligently creates a however, shall be
equitably reduced.
dangerous condition cannot escape
liability for the natural and probable F. Art. 1176 provides 65. The receipt of the principal by the
consequences thereof, although the act “shall give rise to the creditor, w/o reservation w/ respect to
of a 3rd person, or an act of God for presumption”. Not the interest, shall give rise to a
which he is not responsible intervenes “conclusive conclusive presumption that said
to precipitate hte loss. presumption.” There interest has been paid.
only arises a disputable
F. Not liable for the 64. Where a natural disaster is hte only and
‘entire’ loss. Article presumption. (p. 102
proximate cause of a loss, the failure of Jurado Oblicon)
1739. In order that the a common carrier to exercise due
common carrier may be T 66. The person using violence or causing
diligence to minimize loss before fear to make another perform a criminal
exempted from during, and after the occurence of a
responsibility, the act, shall be primarily liable for the civil
natural disaster, shall make it liable for obligation arising therefrom.
natural disaster must the entire loss.
have been the proximate F. Art. 1166. Obligation 67. The obligation to give a determinate
and only cause of the to give a determinate thing includes that of delivering all the
loss. However, the thing includes that of accessions and accessories only if they
common carrier must delivering all its have been mentioned.
exercise due diligence accessions and
to prevent or minimize accessories, even
loss before, during and though they may not
after the occurrence of have been mentioned.
flood, storm or other F. Art. 1182. When the 68. When the fulfilment of the condition
natural disaster in order fulfilment of the depends on the sole will of debtor or
that the common carrier condition depends upon creditor, obligation shall be void.
may be exempted from the sole will of the
liability for the loss, debtor, the conditional
destruction, or obligation shall be void.
deterioration of the T. 69. Before the resolutory condition
goods. The same duty is happens, the party who has a right is

QUIZ 1 4
practically in the same position as one specific performance. construction within a reasonable period
who has an obligation subject to of time after signing of the contract
suspensive condition. even if no specific period was agreed
T 70. If the improvement was at the expense upon.
of the debtor, he shall have the same T. 75. If time is of the essence, the creditor
rights as a usufructuary. may rescind the obligation even if the
F. The student is in 71. For purposes of liability, the school debtor is ready to perform a day after
custody of the school exercises custody over a minor student the designated period.
authorities as long as he doing his assignment at Starbucks. T 76. A donation made to 3rd party a year
is under the control and before the obligation of debtor to
influence of the school creditor was established cannot be
and within its premises rescinded.
(Amadora vs. CA); They F. Fortuitous event is an 77. A collision of a barge w/ a bridge
are at attendance in the event which could not support of Ayala bridge along Pasig
school, including recess be foreseen or which river is a fortuitous event.
time. though foreseen, were
F. Art. 1163. Every 72. A travel agency must observe EO inevitable. It does not
person obliged to give diligence in performing its obligation to fall within the meaning
something is also process travel docs. of FC.
obliged to take care of it T 78. Throwing of stones by mischievous
with the proper diligence boys which broke the windshield of a
of a good father of a taxi causing it to turn turtle is a valid
family, unless the law or defense against liability of injuroes
the stipulation of the suffered by a passenger.
parties requires another T 79. The standard precautionary release of
standard of care.
Art. 1173 (2nd par) If the waters of a dam to avoid spillover is a
law or contract does not valid defense against flood damage
state the diligence which claims.
is to be observed in the Enumeration:
 Instances when a debtor is liable notwithstanding a fortuitous event
performance, that which
1. Expressly declared by law
is expected of a good 2. Obligor or debtor delays
father of a family shall 3. O/D promised to the same thing to 2 or more persons who do not have the
be required. same interest
4. Obligor is at fault
F. Art. 1169. Those 73. There is no delay when a lessee, who 5. Stipulation or agreement that the obligor will not be excused even if the cause
obliged to deliver or to is fortuitous event
failed to pay his monthly rent for 10 6. Assumption of risk
do something incur in mos, pays immediately upon demand. 7. Generic thing to be delivered
delay from the time the
 Requisites of mora solvendi.
obligee judicially or 1. Positive obligation
extrajudicially demands 2. Demandable and liquidated obligation
from them the fulfilment 3. Delay by obligor for reasons imputable to him
of their obligation. 4. Demand extra or judicial
F. Instances when consignation may be made without tender
74. A property owner may file an action for 
1. Creditor to whom tender of payment has been made refuses without just cause
specific performance against a to accept it
In obligation to do, no contractor who fails to commence

QUIZ 1 5
2. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does not appear at the place of
3. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the payment at the time it is due;
4. Creditor refuses to give a receipt, without just cause
5. 2 or more persons claim the same right to collect;
6. Title of the obligation has been lost.
 Requisites of payment by cession.
1. 2 or more debts
2. 2 or more creditors
3. 1 insolvent debtor
4. Abandonment by debtor of his properties in favor of creditors
5. Acceptance of creditors
 Instances when penalty can be equitably reduced (7)
o Partial performance or irregular performance
o Iniquitous or unconscionable penalty agreed upon
 Instances when law provides a direct action against the debtor's debtor (4)
(Requisites of subrogatory ba to?)
o Creditor has a right of credit against the debtor although not yet liquidated
o Due and demandable credit
o Failure of debtor to collect from 3rd persons or debtor of debtor
o Insufficient assets of debtor
o Rights and actions are not purely personal
 Distinction between rescission of contracts in fraud of creditor
and rescission/resolution under art 1191 (6)
Resolution 1191 Rescission 1380
Valid and existing contracts Same
1 party to the contract demands Party suffering lesion or 3rd party
prejudiced demand
Non performance is a ground Equity grounds
Court determines sufficiency o Sufficiency of reason does not affect
reason to justify extension of time to right to ask for rescission
perform obligation
Reciprocal obligations Unilateral or reciprocal
Principal remedy Subsidiary remedy
 Requisites of application of rule on fortuitous events (4)
1. Independent of the human will or at least of debtor’s will
2. Unforeseen or if foreseen, is inevitable
3. Impossible for debtor to comply w/ his obligation in a normal manner
4. Free from any participation in or aggravation or, the injury to the creditor or no
concurrent negligence on his part↓

QUIZ 1 6
F. 1. A joint obligation may be obligations such
Joint “indivisible” enforced only by proceeding share shall be
obligation. against all the debtors. borne by all his
T. 2. In a joint divisible obligation, codebtors, in
the delay of one debtor will proportion to the
not affect others. dent of each.
T. 3. Tortfeasors are solidarity F. 11. The source of solidarity is the
liable. nature of the thing or
T. 4. A mortgage of a property by Source of solidarity prestation.
coowners results to real which is the
solidarity. exception to GR of
T. 5. In a solidary obligation, presumed joint
remission by any creditor will obligation:
extinguish the entire obligation * obligation
even if creditor did not give his expressly states
consent. * law requires
F. 6. A solidary creditor can assign * nature requires
his rights W/o the consent of T. 12. There can be no partial
A SC cannot assign the others but he will be liable performance of an indivisible
his rights without to his cocreditors for the obligation.
the consent of adverse effect of his F. 13. Indivisibility depends on the
others. assignment. tie that binds the parties..
F 7. A partial remission of a It depends on the
solidary obligation may purpose of the
exclude a debtor from further obligation.
liability if the creditor so F. 14. An obligation not to do is
provides. presumed to be indivisible.
T. 8. The incapacity of 1 debtor in a No such
solidary obligation may be presumption. It
used as a defense by the shall be determined
codebtors but only as regards by the character of
the share of the incapacitated the prestation.
debtor. F 15. The nullity of a penal clause
T 9. In passive solidarity, loss of will not affect the principal
the thing due by the fault of 1 obligation but the nullity of the
debtor will make all debtors principal obligation will nullify
liable for the price of things the penal clause except if it is
plus damages. complementary in nature.
F. 10. If 1 solidary debtor is T 16. Proof of actual damages in
insolvent, his share in the debt not necessary in enforcing the
When 1 of SDs paid by another debtor shall penalty on an obligation with a
cannot, because of be borne equally by all penal clause..
insolvency, codebtors including the one T 17. Debtor cannot pay the penalty
reimburse his who paid.. to be excised to be excused
share to the debtor from the performance of the
paying the principal obligation.

QUIZ 2 1
F 18. In no case may a term or person who does not intend to
period be given retroactive It requires the be reimbursed by the debtor is
Retroactivity effect. consent. deemed a donation that
applies only to requires acceptance by he
suspension debtor
condition. F 28. The theory that a 3rd person
F. 19. If the obligation is subject to a may pay for the debtor applies
period in diem, it becomes Depends on as regards – sales of right to
Period in diem is a demandable only upon arrival whether the debtor repurchase
resolutory of a day certain. has knowledge of
condition which the payment made
makes it by the 3rd person
demandable af F 29. When the creditor promises to
once. accept or is estopped, he may
T 20. An agreement to extend The payment of be required to accept payment
indefinitely the period of debts in money by check although it is not
performance is valid. shall be made in legal tender. .
T 21. If by stipulation, a guarantor is the currency
solidary liable with the stipulated. If it is
principal debtor, guarantor’s not possible to
obligation is no longer deliver such
subsidiary. currency, then in
T 22. In case of fraud, penalty shall the currency which
not substitute the payment of is legal tender in
interest and damages. PH.
T. 23. Dario in solutim is a voluntary F 30. When the debt is partially
mode of extinguishing an liquidated, the creditor must
obligation. When the debt is in demand the liquidation of the
T 24. Payment in the strict sense part liquidated and entire debt before the partial
in part unliquidate, payment may be allowed.
required acceptance of
the creditor may
creditor, express/implied, and
demand and the
the creditor may reject it for a
debtor may effect
valid reason. .
the payment of the
F. 25. The creditor has the burden of
former without
proving payments, which must
waiting for the
One who pleads be convincing.
liquidation of the
payment has the
burden of proving
T 31. Imputation of payments is the
designation of the debt to
T 26. The receipt of latter
which should be applied a
installment of a debt without
payment made by a debtor
reservation as to prior
who owes several debts to the
payments shall give rise to a
same creditor.
prima facie presumption of
F 32. Dation in solutim is an act
whereby a property of the
F 27. Payment made by a 3rd

QUIZ 2 2
It must be a debtor or a 3rd person is simply because
property of the alienated to the creditor in they are such.
debtor and not a 3rd satisfaction of a debt in T 40. It is presumed that the
person. money. accessory obligation of pledge
F. 33. Payment by assignment vests has been remitted where the
title to the property in the thing pledged after its delivery
Creditors do not creditors. to the creditor is found in
acquire ownership possession of the debtor or a
but must sell the 3rd person who owes the thing
thing and apply the T. 41. Confusion or merger is
proceeds to the terminated by revocation of
debts. cause..
T 34. Tender alone whiteout F 42. Compensation is prohibited in
consignation is not as valid as obligation arising from deposit
payment. but 3llowed in obligation
T 35. When the written title to the arising from commodatum
obligation has been lost, T 43. If a person should have
consignation can be made against him several debts
without tender susceptible of compensation,
T 36. Impossibility of performance rules on application of
as a mode of extinguishment payment apply.
includes not only physical or T 44. Conventional compensation
legal impossibility but also requires that contracts
impracticabilty because of requiring debts compensated
extreme difficulty manifestly be valid and operative
beyond the contemplation of F 45. The requisites of legal
all parties. compensation under 1279
F. 37. In an obligation to deliver Requisites for also apply to conventional
determinate thing, the conventional compensation.
Without fault only. obligation shall be * Each party can
extinguished if it should be fully dispose of the
destroyed with or without fault credit
of debtor provided the * Agree to the
destruction happened before extinguishment of
he has incurred in delay. the mutual credits
F. 38. If the creditor is in mora F 46. Compensation may not be
before the loss, he shall be waived.
He shall be liable liabl for damages except in T. 47. In modificatory novarion, the
for any fortuitous case of a fortuitous event. obligation remains subject to
event until he has the modification established.
effected delivery.
F 48. Extension of the term of
F. 39. The theory of improvisability payment constitutes extinctive
will apply only upon showing if novation.
Not enough. Equity mere inconvenience,
T 49. Extension of the time coupled
cannot relieve from unexpected impediments or
bad bargains increased expense. with the payment of interest

QUIZ 2 3
on the amount due constitutes Before the creditor obligation in force even after
effective novation.. accepts the the creditor accepts the
F 50. Reduction of the period consignation consignation.
originally stipulated does not T 60. Condonation or remission is
One instance constitute novation the gratituous abandonment
where extinctive by a creditor of his right.
novation is T 61. A pure obligation is not
constituted. subject to a condition at a
T 51. Expromission releases the old period and is demandable at
debtor. once.
T 52. Insolvency of the new debtor T 62. A condition is a future and
in case of delegacion revives uncertain event upon the
the obligation of the debtor if happening of which the
the insolvency is anterior and demandability or
public or anterior and known extinguishment of an
to the old debtor. obligation.
T 53. When a creditor pays another T 63. If the impossible condition is a
creditor who is preferred, even condition not to do, the
without knowledge of the obligation is considered not
debtor, legal subrogation of conditional.
creditor is presumed. F 64. A suspensive condition,
T 54. Payment means not only the Potestative or Resolutory
delivery of money but also the Suepsnive – gives avoids the obligation.
performance, in any manner, rise to obligation
of an obligation. Potesative –
T 55. A stranger who pays on behalf depends on a will
of sa debtor with the latter’s of 3rd
consent can demand from the person/chance
debtor what he has actually Resolutory –
paid. extinguish
F. 56. Even if the creditor does not F 65. If debtor paid by mistake
ratify payment, proof of benefit before the fulfilment of the
Proof of benefit to to the creditor is not required He may recover, condition, he may recover
the creditor need for the validity of payment but not the fruits what during the same time he
not to be proved if made to a person not and interests. has paid by mistake as well as
the creditor ratifies authorized. fruits and interest.
the payment to the T 66. In case of voluntary
3rd person. prevention of the fulfilment of
F 57. Integrity of payment requires a condition by the obligor, the
that no partial payment to be condition is deemed fulfilled.
allowed unless creditor F 67. A day certain is understood to
agrees. be that which must
T 58. Legal payment by assignment One refers to necessarily come although it
is governed by insolvency law. obligation with a may not be known when or a
F 59. The debtor may withdraw the period while the past event unknown to the
thing deposited leaving the second part refers parties.

QUIZ 2 4
to conditional PH.
obligation. F. 76. Dation in payment requires 2
BONUS 68. in case of payment in or more creditors.
advance, if the obligor was It needs only 1
unaware of the period or creditor.
belives that the obligation is F. 77. Exceptionally, tender w/o
already due and demandable, consignation maybe valid as
the thing paid or delivered Tender alone will payment but shall not stop the
may be recovered with fruits not have the effect running of the agreed
and interests. of payment. interests.
T 69. When a Potestative condition T 78. Merger is when the same
is imposed not on the birth of person becomes the creditor
the obligation but on its and debtor in same obligation.
fulfilment, the validity of the F. 79. Remission/condonation,
obligation is not affected. express/implied, shall comply
T 70. The rule that detoriation Only express with the forms of donation to
during the pendency of the condonation shall be valid.
condition and without the fault comply w/ the
of the debtor shall be borne by forms of donation.
the creditor may apply in an T 80. The debtor shall be laible for
obligation with Resolutory damages in cases of
condition. accidental loss of the thing if
T 71. In a contract to sell RP on the promises to deliver the
instalments, the failure to pay same thing to 2 diffferent
in full the purchase price is person having the same
merely a failure of a positive interest.
suspensive condition but not a T 81. Rules of application of
breach of obligation that will payments shall aply to several
allow rescission under 1191. obligation susceptible of
F 72. A 3rd person who pays on compensation.
behalf of the debtor can F. 82. Confusion is the extinction in
demand subrogation in the the concurrent amount of the
creditor’s right. Compensation. obligations of those persons
T 73. As GR, in an obligation to give who are reciprocally debtors
payment by 1 who does not and creditors of each other.
have the free disposal of the F 83. Change in quantity is not
thing due and capacity to novation.
alienate is void. T 84. Change in price is extinctive
F. 74. Subrogation does not include novation.
reimbursement but only F 85. There is no novation unless
Subrogation exercise of other rights incompatibility is shown.
includes all rights. attached to the original T 86. Novation may be made even
obligation. w/o the knowledge or against
F 75. A stipulation for payment to be the will of debtor but not w/o
made in a foreign currency is consent of creditor.
valid even if the payment is in F. 87. Expromission requires

QUIZ 2 5
knowledge or consent of the Creditor must bound to accept.
It may be made old debtor in order to be valid. accept as the same
even w/o the would constitute
knowledge or unjust refusal.
against the will of T 97. There may be partial payment
the old debtor. when several guarantors
T 88. Insolvency of the new debtor, invoke the benefit of division.
before, or after novation, does F. 98. A stipulation recognizing an
not revive the old obligation in old obligation but requiring the
any case if the old debtor did No novation if debtor to give security by way
not agree to an expromission. unimportant of mortgage results in
F. 89. Only the consent of the new modifications are extinctive novation.
debtor is necessary but not made on the
Acceptance of that of the creditor in case of obligation.
creditor is required delegacion. T 99. As a rule, a creditor shall pay
in delegacion. the expenses of cosngiation.
T 90. In delegation, insolvency of F 100. A stipulation ot the effect that
the new debtor revives the the remaining deposit of the
obligation of old debtor if the lessee will be forfeited in the
insolvency was anterior or event the lessee will cause a
public or anterior and known ground for cancellation of the
to old debtor. contract is an example of a
T 91. There is legal subrogation penal clause.
when a 3rd person, not
interested in the obligation
pays w/ express/tacit approval Enumeration:
of debtor.  8 instances when debtor may be liable for damages despite accidental loss
F. 92. Compensaiton is allowed in o Law provides
commodatum and support. o Stipulation of parties
Only allowed in o Generic obligation
commodatum. o Delay
T 93. Confusion is the person of the o Promise to deliver same thing to 3 or more persons who do not have same
guarantor does not extinguish interest
the obligation. o Assumption of risk
F 94. Debtor may setup the o Obligor contributed to the loss
compensation of debts o BF and loss due to fortuitous event
maturing previous to cession  5 requisites for application of payment
but not of subsequent ones. o 1 creditor and 1 debtor
F. 95. In dation in payment, a o 2 or more debts
stipulation entitling the creditor o Same kind of debt
Pactum to appropriate automatically o Due
commisorium the thing given as security, in o Insufficient amount to cover all debt
case of debtor’s failure to pay  6 consignation w/o tender may be made
is valid. o Creditor is absent/unknown
F. 96. Junior creditor may make o C does not appear at the time of payment
payment but creditor is not o C is incapacitated

QUIZ 2 6
o C unjustly refuses to give receipt
o 2 or more persons claim the same right to collect
o Lost title
 Demandable even before arrival of period
o After the obligation has been contracted, he becomes insolvent
 UNL he gives a guaranty or security for the debt;
o Does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties or securities which he has
o By his own acts he has impaired said guaranties or securities after their
establishment, and when through a fortuitous event they disappear
 UNL he immediately gives new ones equally satisfactory;
o Debtor violates any undertaking, in consideration of which the creditor agreed
to the period;
o Debtor attempts to abscond.
 Penalty may be reduced
o Partial compliance
o Irregular compliance
o Iniquitous penalty
o Unconsciosable penalty

QUIZ 2 7
F. 1. A vendor who cannot eject squatters from the the law between parties
It should be the vendee property as agreed in the deed may rescind and the court cannot
who should make the the contract. interfere.
rescission. F. 14. Relativity of contracts means that contract
T 2. A lessor may file a collection case against a Mutuality of contracts. binds both contracting parties.
widow pursuant to an apartment lease T 15. Consent is manifested by the concurrence of
contract signed by the widow and her the other and acceptance upon the subject
deceased husband. matter and cause.
F. 3. The different stages of a contract are: T 16. In contracts of correspondence, consent
Consummation, instead preparation, perfection, and signing. exists as soon as offeror learns of the
of signing.. acceptance by offeree.
F. 4. A real contract, delivery of subject is required F. 17. If the offer is made through an agent, the offer
Delivery is required to to extinguish the obligation. Acceptance is is accepted from the time acceptance is
perfect contract. communicated to the communicated to the offeree.
F. 5. A contract is preparatory when it looks agent.
If it looks to the forward to other future transactions or past T 18. Business advertisements of things for sale
future/past transactions, transactions unknown to parties. are not definite offers, but mere invitations to
it is conditional. make an offer, unless contrary appears.
F. 6. In aleatory contracts, the benefit to each party F. 19. The advertiser is bound to accept the lowest
Not yet determined at is predetermined in advance. Not bound to accept, or highest bid.
the moment of except in case of
celebration of the judicial forclosure.
contract since it F. 20. An offer terminates upon the incapacity of the
depends upon the offerer even after the acceptance is
happening of uncertain Before acceptance is conveyed.
event. Thus charging conveyed.
the parties with the risk F. 21. Vices of consent that affects volition includes
of loss or gain. Incapacity is not incapacity, error and fraud.
T 7. 3 kinds of contracts by equivalence of included in vices of
prestations – gratuitous, onerous and consent.
remunatory T 22. Error or mistake is the inadvertent and
F. 8. The natural elements of a contract are those excusable disregard of a circumstance
Essential elements without which there is no contract. material to the contract.
F. 9. Formality prescribed by law/stipulation is an T 23. Fraud in the execution may give rise to an
Delivery and not essential element of a real contract. action for damages even if the fraud is only
formality is an essential incidental.
element of real contract. F. 24. In remunatory contracts, the cause is the
F 10. Since a partnership is consensual contract, in undertaking or promise of a thing by the other
Formalities under no case will non-compliance with formalities Onerous contract. party.
partnership must be invalidate the contract. F. 25. The statement of a false cause in contracts
followed shall render them void even if it can be
F. 11. Principle of liberty of contracts means that If it should not be proved that they were founded upon another
Consensuality of contracts are perfected by mere consent and proved. cause which is true and lawful.
contracts from that moment parties are bound. F. 26. In case of illegal causa, the innocent party
T. 12. Real contracts are not subject to the principle He may recover. may not recover what has given.
of consensuality of contracts. T 27. Reformation is the remedy wherein a written
F. 13. Generally, the court may relieve a party from instrument is made so as to express the real
Generally, contract is a contract.

QUIZ 3 1
intention of the parties when some error has party had an
been committed. opportunity to know the
T 28. The intention prevails as between parties in facts, are not in
case conflicts exists between the words and themselves fraudulent.
intention of parties. T 45. Nemo auditor propriam turpitudinem allegans.
F 29. Contract is rescissible when the guardian’s T 46. In case the court decrees annulment of the
More than ¼ ward sufers lesion by less than ¼ of the value contract and the same was already
of the things which are the object thereof. performed, there must be mutual restitution.
F 30. The prescriptive period of the action for T 47. Where the contract is entirely illegal and both
From the date the rescission is counted from the date of parties are equally guilty, there may be no
contract was entered discovery. action by 1 against the other.
into F 48. Rescission is possible even if plaintiff is not
31. Contracts void ab initio may be invoked only The plaintiff must be able to return what he received under the
F by the parties, principal or subsidiary or their able to return what he is contract.
May include 3rd persons. privies. obliged to restore by
T 32. Relative nullity may be cured by confirmation reason of contract.
or prescription. F 49. When there is vice of consent, the contract is
T 33. Only contracts having all the essential Voidable rescissible.
requisites may be ratified. T 50. An absolutely stimulated contract is ab initio
T 34. The effects of ratification retroact to the time void and inexistent.
that the contract was entered into. T 51. Intent of the parties to the contract is deduced
F 35. All agreements for leasing/sale of RP or of an from the language employed by the parties.
interst therein are governed by Statute of F. 52. Inadequacy for the cause upon the contract
Longer period than 1 Frauds. Inadequacy only invalidates the same.
year invalidates if there has
T 36. Statute of Frauds does not determine been fraud, mistake or
credibility or weight of evidence. undue influence.
T 37. When a contract is ratified by 1 of the parties,
contract becomes valid and enforceable. T 53. Conesensual contracts are perfected by mere
T 38. If the agreement is not illegal per se, but consent.
merely prohibited, an aggrived party may still T 54. A stipulation in a contract expressly conferring
recover damages from the other. upon 1 party the right to cancel the contract
F 39. A verbal promise to put in writing a contract violates ‘mutuality of contracts’.
that is covered by Statute of Frauds is F 55. Fixing a period in the offer prevents its
Not covered. enforceable. revocation before acceptance by
T 40. The interpretation of obscure words or Offer may be withdrawn communicating the notice of withdrawal
stipulations must not favour the party causing any time before except when the option is founded upon
the obscurity. acceptance. separate consideration, as something paid or
T 41. Malice is essential to hold a 3rd person who promised.
induces another to violate his contract liable. F. 56. There is simulation if the disagreement
F. 42. The contract bettween a minor and a lunatic between the true and apparent will, or intent
Unenforceable is void. Both parties must bind is not by agreement __________exists only in
F. 43. Minors cannot give consent in all contracts. themselves. 1 of them.
Not all contracts. F. 57. Relative simulation makes the apparent
F 44. Usual exaggerations in trade are not contract void as between parties, but the
Usual exaggerations in fraudulent unless aggrived party is illiterate. Parties are bound by hidden contract is ____ the necessary
trade, when the other their apparent act. requisites.

QUIZ 3 2
F. 58. Exceptionally, contracts may have as objects made by an expert ___ has relied due to the
No contract may be future things such as future inheritance. former’s special knowledge.
entered into upon future F 70. Vices of consent consist in circumstances
inheritance. affecting adversely the decision of a party to
T 59. Absence of causa renders the contract non- Voidable only. enter into a contract makes the contract void.
existent. T 71. A stipulation pour autrui must be accepted to
F. 60. Existence of a motive may supply want of be valid.
Motive may be regarded causa if the motive as purpose or end of the T 72. A stipulation pour autrui is an exception to the
as the cause of the contract is legitimate. rule on relativity of contracts.
contract if it is founded F 73. Exceptionally, strictly personal rights may be
upon a fraudulent They cannot. object of contracts.
purpose to prejudice a T 74. In a phone conversation, X agreed to buy
3rd person. house and lot of Y for 5M to be paid on or
F 61. The contract is void if the inadequacy of before __________ that the deed of sale will
Rescissible contract. cause is shown to consist in lesion by more be executed and signed on or before the
than ¼ entered into by guardians or same date. The agreement to ____
representatives in behalf of the unenforceable.
wards/absentees. F. 75. A contract between a minor and an insane is
Unenforceable void.
F 76. Restitution is not possible if the object of the
It is possible under contract is service.
F 62. Where both parties are guilty, there may be
no action by 1 against the other, except
Guilty party has no right where one of the parties to the contract is More questions 2/2/17
to bring action. incapable of giving consent.
• Fraud in execution gives rise to damages. → F. Annulment
F. 63. The party who has brought an action to
enforce the instrument may subsequently ask • Warranty in sale is an accidental element. → F. Natural element.
He cannot subsequently for its reformation in court. • In contracts of correspondence, consent exists as soon as
ask for its reformation. offeror learns of the acceptance by offeree. → F ? Check code of
T 64. A and B signed a contract of lease over a commerce not sure.
parcel of land although their agreement was o Commercial contracts are consensual.
one of the sale and ____ actually the i. EXC: Code of commerce requires specific forms
purchase price. In all instances, true intention → charter and loans on bottomry and
must prevail. respondentia
T 65. A contract of Antichresis is a solemn contract.
o Code of Commerce – follows manifestation theory
F. 66. A contract of loan stipulating an interest rate
o NCC – from the time it came to his knowledge
of 20% a month is void if not in writing.
Contract is valid but no • Deposit, pledge, commodatum are real contracts. → T
interest shall be due. • Causal fraud gives rise to action for damages while incidental
T 67. Essential requisites include delivery in real fraud annuls the contract. → F. The other way around.
contracts and required formality in solemn • Contract entered into by a lunatic has no effect. → F. May effect
contracts. padin ata. Not in all cases void.
T 68. Dolo causante gives rise to an action for
damages while dolo incidente may annul the
T 69. Fraud as a vice of consent consists of
misrepresentation or concealment of a fact

QUIZ 3 3
• 7 void contracts
a. Cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy;
• 9 badges of fraud (7 lang sa codal) b. Absolutely simulated or fictitious;
o Fictitious or inadequate consideration of conveyance c. Cause or object did not exist at the time of the transaction;
o Transfer made by debtor after suit has began and while it is d. Object is outside the commerce of men;
pending against him e. Contemplate an impossible service;
o Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor f. Intention of the parties relative to the principal object of the
o Evidence of large indebtedness or complete insolvency contract cannot be ascertained;
o Transfer of all/nearly of his property by debtor g. Expressly prohibited or declared void by law
o Transfer between father and son 2. 7 requisites of legal compensation
o Failure of vendee to take exclusive possession of all the a. Parties are principal creditors and debtors of each other
property b. Both debts consist in the sum of money or of consumable
• Badges of fraud (from the net) things of same kind and quality
o (1) The transfer was to an insider. c. Due and demandable
o (2) The debtor retained possession or control of the property d. Liquidated
transferred. e. No retention or controversy commenced by 3rd person
o (3) The transfer was disclosed or concealed. 3. 4 requisites of mora solvendi
o (4) Before the transfer was made, the debtor had been sued or a. Positive obligation
threatened with suit. b. Demandable and liquidated
o (5) The transfer was of substantially all the debtor's assets. c. Delays for reasons imputable to him
o (6) The debtor absconded. d. Demand (j/ej)
o (7) The debtor removed or concealed assets. 4. 6 instances when consignation may be made w/o tender
o (8) The value of the consideration received by the debtor was a. Absent or unknown
not reasonably equivalent to the value of the asset transferred. b. Incapacitated to receive payment
o (9) The debtor was insolvent or became insolvent shortly after c. Refuses w/o just cause
the transfer was made. d. 2 or more persons claim the same right
o (10) The transfer occurred shortly before or shortly after a e. Lost title
substantial debt was incurred. 5. 5 examples of rescissible contract
o (11) The debtor transferred the essential assets of the a. Entered into guardians – whenever the wards whom they
business to a lienholder who transferred the assets to an represent suffer lesion by more than ¼ of the value of the
insider of the debtor. things which are the object thereof
• 8 unenforceable contracts b. Represent absentees – if the latter suffer lesion
o Entered into a name of another by 1 without or acting in excess c. Fraud of creditors – latter cannot collect the claims due
of authority d. Litigation – entered into by defendant w/o knowledge and
o Not comply w/ SoF approval of litigants or of competent judicial authority
i. Agreement to be performed within a year after making e. Other contracts specially declared by law to be subject to
contract rescission
ii. Special promise to answer for debt, default or 6. 5 requisites of payment by cession
miscarriage of another a. 2 or more creditors
iii. Agreement made in consideration of promise to marry b. Insolvent debtor
iv. Agreement for sale of goods, chattels or things in c. Assignment
action at price not less than 500; exception: auction d. Involve all properties of debtor
when recorded sale in sales book e. Accepted by creditors
v. Agreement for lease of property for more than 1 year 7. Requisites of dolo causante
& sale of real property regardless of price a. Misrepresentation or concealment
vi. Representation as to credit of another b. Induced the consent of the other
o Both parties are incapable of giving consent c. Fact is not true

QUIZ 3 4
d. Aware of falsity • Instances when reformation is not available (MEMAID)
e. Relied on it w/o FN 1. Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition is imposed
f. Give consent because of it 2. Wills
g. Not committed by both – only 1 3. When the real agreement is void
8. Contracts to be written in public instrument for public convenience 4. When one of the parties brought an action to enforce the instrument
a. Donation of RP • Rescissible contracts
b. Contract of partnership 1. Those which are entered into by guardians whenever the wards
c. Creation, transmission, modification or extinguishment of real whom they represent suffer lesion by more than one-fourth of the
rights over RP; sales of RP or of an interest value of the things which are the object thereof
d. Cession, repudation or renunciation of hereditary rights or CPG 2. Those agreed upon in representation of absentees, if the latter
e. Power to administer property suffer the lesion stated in the preceding number
f. Cession of actions or rights proceeding from an act appearing 3. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when the latter cannot in any
in a public document manner collect the claims due them
9. Statute of frauds 4. Those which refer to things under litigation if they have been
a. By its terms is not to be performed w/in a year from the making entered into by the defendant without the knowledge and approval
thereof of the litigants or of competent judicial authority
b. Answer for debt, default, or miscarriage of another 5. All other contracts specially declared by law to be subject to
c. Consideration of marriage, other than mutual promise to marry rescission
d. Sale of goods, chattel, or things in action, at a price not les 6. 1098
than 500 (UNL buyer accept and receive) 7. 1189(4)
e. Leasing for a longer period than 1 year or for sale of RP or • Difference – dacion and cession
interest therein 1. Number of parties: 1 creditor – plurality of creditors
f. Representation as to credit of a 3rd p 2. Financial condition of parties: Debtor not necessarily in state of
10. Badges of frauds financial difficulty – debtor is partially or relatively insolvent
a. Fictitious or inadequate consideration of conveyance 3. Object: thing delivered is considered as equivalent of performance
b. Transfer made by debtor after suit has began and while it is – universality of property
pending against him 4. Effect: extinguishes obligation to the extent of value of thing
c. Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor delivered- releases debtor for net proceeds
d. Evidence of large indebtedness or complete insolvency 5. Extent of properties involved: not all properties of debtor – all his
e. Transfer of all/nearly of his property by debtor properties
f. Transfer between father and son 6. Effect to the creditors: creditor becomes owner – creditor does not
g. Failure of vendee to take exclusive possession of all the become owner
property • Solemn contracts
11. Unenforceable contracts 1. Donation of real property
a. Entered into a name of another by 1 without or acting in excess 2. Sale of real property
of authority 3. Real estate mortgage
b. Not comply w/ SoF 4. Lease of urban land
c. Both parties are incapable of giving 5. Lease of rural land
12. Void contracts 6. Antichresis
a. Cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good 7. An agreement that by its terms is not to be performed within a year
customs, public order or public policy; from the making thereof
b. Absolutely simulated or fictitious; 8. A special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of
c. Cause or object did not exist at the time of the transaction; another
d. Object is outside the commerce of men;
e. Contemplate an impossible service;
f. Intention of the parties relative to the principal object of the
contract cannot be ascertained;
g. Expressly prohibited or declared void by law.

QUIZ 3 5
Quiz 4 - SALES 10. In a lease w/ right of 1st refusal, the lessor cannot sell to a 3rd
party at the price of P 5300/sq m after an offer to sell at P 6000/ sq m
1. A contract of sale of a parcel of land is consensual, formal, was declined by the lessee TRUE
bilateral, onerous, nominate, principal and commutative FALSE. Not
formal 11. A perfected contract of sale cannot be challenged on the
ground of the seller’s non-ownership of the thing sold at the time of the
2. Even if time is of essence, a buyer who already paid 80& of the perfection of the contract TRUE
price and delayed in payment only for 1 month, must be given an
adiditional period to complete payment of purcahse price in 12. X leased to Y a roof deck of its bldg. w/ the agreement that any
cosideraiton of equity and justice. FALSE. Time is of permanent improvements made on the property by Y shall belong to X.
essence. (Refer to 1191.) Y installed glass jalousies purchased on credit from Z. Upon Y’s failure
to pay the outstanding balance of the 50%, a levy on the glass jalousies
3. Shocking gross inadequacy of the price in an execution sale is proper FALSE.
executed by a court sheriff may invalidate a sale. FALSE. Art. 1470
Gross inadequacy of price does not affect a contract of sale Sampaguita Pictures v Jalwindor: “The fact that Capitol
failed to pay Jalwindor the purchase price of the items levied
4. A vehicle sales proposal stipulating that the price of a model upon did not prevent the transfer of ownership to Capitol
2015 Toyota Vios car 20% of w/c will be paid as a downpayment in 3 and, later, to Sampaguita by virtue of the agreement in their
days and the balance in 36 monthly installments and w/ a specific date lease contract. Therefore, the complaint of Sampaguita to
for pick up is a perfected contract of sale is signed by the buyer. TRUE nullify the Sheriff's sale is well founded, and should
5. A written acknowledgment showing that a fishing vessel w/ a
price of 900k is now in the possession & responsibility of the buyer is a 13. There is symbolic delivery of a parcel of land upon the
perfected contract of sale if there is a firm commitment that documents execution of a deed of absolute sale even if the buyer had not acquired
pertaining to the sale & agreement of payment are to follow. actual possession thereof because it is occupied by a 3rd party w/ an
FALSE. No agreement as to the manner of payment. adverse claim of ownership FALSE. To be equivalent to
actual delivery, thing must be subject to the control of the
6. A sale is perfected upon acceptance of a unilateral promise to vendor. Addison vs Felix- “if the vendee x enjoy its
sell at a fixed price even if there is no option money paid to support the possession due to an opposition of a 3rd person who is in
promise FALSE. Bilateral promise to sell and buy actual possession..”

7. An option contract supported by a separate consideration is a 14. A few days before his death, X sold his land to Y, who in turn
non-binding offer that may be withdrawn at any time before sold it to Z. The heirs of X sold the same land to W, who in GF
acceptance by the buyer TRUE registered the sale. Z, who took actual possession of the land a day after
the sale by W, has a better right to the land TRUE
8. A lessee may not ask for the rescission of the sale of the leased
property where he is living, in violation of a stipulated right of 1st 15. In Art 1544, a 2nd buyer may still claim in GF even if the 1st
priority to buy, even if the right was not annotated on the TCT buyer was already in possession of the property at the time of the sale,
TRUE if the seller assured the 2nd buyer that the alleged buyer is merely a
lessee FALSE. “Art 1544 Par 2: Should there be no
9. To be binding, the right of first refusal stipulated in a lease inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who in
agreement must also be supported by an independent consideration GF was first in the possession..”
FALSE. No need (price/period)
QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 1
16. The rules on double sale will apply when the deed of absolute 27. Sale may be rescinded if the inadequacy of the price results in
sale in installments with a downpayment of 20% amounting to 200k lesion by more than ¼ of the valley of the thing sold by the owner
was executed after a contract to sell in favor of another buyer who paid FALSE
50% (500k) of the purchase price FALSE. Rules on double
sale do not apply if the first transaction is a contract/promise 28. By agreement, an option money may be considered part of the
to sell. purchase price should buyer execersie the option to buy TRUE

17. When the consideration is partly in money and partly in 29. A verbal sale of parcel of land by an agent is valid provided that
kind,the contract is one of sale if the parties intended it to be a sale his authority to sell is in writing. TRUE
even if the thing given as part of the consideration is greater in value
than the money given TRUE 30. A contract of sale is perfected where the acceptance was made
if different from the place of offer. FALSE. Meeting of minds
18. An accepted bilateral promise to buy and sell a car at a price
less than 500k but not more than 505k is binding as an executory 31. A deteriotiration of the thing sold at the time of perfection may
agreement of sale FALSE render the contract inoperative. TRUE

19. A unilateral promise to sell is binding as a contract of sale if a 32. If the loss of the thing sold at the time of perfection was by the
separate consideration independent of the price is given FALSE fault of the seller, sale shall still be valid. FALSE. Void

20. A conditional contract of sale may be an executed contract or 33. If the loss of the thing sold at the time of perfection was a
an executory contract TRUE fortuitous event, the risk is on the buyer if the sale is conditiona.
FALSE. Seller
21. Things under resolutory condition of destruction may be
objects of a valid sale. TRUE 34. The expenses of execution and registration of the sale are
borne by the seller. TRUE
22. The sale by Pedro to Juan of a losing lotto ticket for a past
draw date is necessarily void because the hope of winning is vain. 35. Before the fall of the hammer in an auction sale, a bidder may
TRUE retract his bid but the auctioneer could not withdraw the goods from
the sale. FALSE. Both may withdraw
23. Sale of inheritance before partition is void because the heir
could not predetermine what he will receive after partiion proceedings. 36. A legally separated husband may sell a car to his wife.
FALSE. Valid even without enumerating the things. TRUE

24. Subsequent acquisition of a title by vendor w/o title validates 37. Without qualification, a sale between persons in trust relations
the sale even if the acquisition depends on contingency TRUE is necessasrily void. TRUE. Only if no transfer of ownership

25. If a 3rd party tasked to give the price of the sale refuses to fix 38. Enumerate 3 obligations of seller Transfer, deliver,
the price, the court may fix the price FALSE warrant

26. If the price is simulated, the sale shall be considered a 39. Delivery by seller’s retention of the thing he is possessing by
donation. FALSE another right subordinate to the buyer is known as Traditio
constitutum possessorium

QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 2

40. When the seller is not the owner, the buyer who purchased the goods. FALSE. Unpaid seller has lien on the goods regardless
property in a fair has no better title than that of the seller. of whether or not goods are in his possession
FALSE .Public fairs/markets not affected s
50. Exceptionally, seller may exercise the right of stoppage in
41. A negotiable document itlte of goods indorsed in blank may be transit even if buyer already accepted delivery. FALSE. No longer
subsequently indorsed to a specified person but could not be indorsed in transit.
in balnk. FALSE. It may be negotiated in blank, to
bearer or specified person. 51. If carrier wrongfully withholds possession from the buyer,
seller can exercise the right of stoppage. FALSE. Wrongful refusal
42. Where a negotiable document of title was transferred for value by carrier to deliver will terminate the right of stoppage.
by mere delivery instead of the required indorsement, transferee mau
compel transferor to indorse the document TRUE 52. Right of stoppage in transit may be exercised by obtaining
actual possession of the goods from the carrier. TRUE
43. The validy of negotiation is not affected by the fact that the
owner of the document was deprived by theft even if the holder had 53. Unpaid seller may resell goods without notice to buyer if the
notice, prior to negotiation, of the unlawful deprivation. FALSE. latter has been in default of the payment of price for unreasonable
Transferee must be in GF and without notice of theft by the time. FALSE. Only if the goods are perishable or based on
time of negotiation. an agreement.

44. Transferee of a non-nego document of title to goods may hold Alternative: TRUE
the bailee liable for the possession of the goods provided that he
notifies the bailee before latter was notified by transferor of a 54. Unpaid seller may rescind the sale where buyer fails to pay the
subsequent sale of goods. TRUE price after a year from the delivery. FALSE. There must be
notice of intention to rescind contract that must be given to
45. In the absence of stipulation, the goods sold must be delivered the buyer
at any time. FALSE. Seller is bound to send then within
reasonable time. 55. Unpaid seller’s right of stoppage in transit is not affected by a
subsequent disposition of goods by the original buyer except where
46. If by agreement, seller is required to deliver the goods to the disposition was with consent of the seller. TRUE
buyer, delivery to the carrier is deemed delivery to the buyer if by the
BOL, the goods are deliverable to the order of the buyer whether or not 56. Buyer was in need of 1,000 sqm of land required by the
seller retains possession of BOL. TRUE franchsior required for the opening of a business. He purchased from
the seller at a price of 100,000 per sqm. He discovered that the total
47. A seller who was conditionally paid with the buyer’s personal area delivered to him was only 975. Buyer can opt to rescind hte sale.
check can habe the rights of an unpaid seller of goods if chek is TRUE
dishonoured. TRUE
57. If on the other hand (46) the land has an area of 1,100, the
48. An unpaid sller of goods has the right to retain goods even if buyer has no other option but to return the excess area. FALSE. He
the same were already delivered to the carrier. FALSE. Unpaid may also accept and pay for the same.
seller has right of stoppage
58. If If a parcel of land beleived to be 1,000 sqm was sold at a
49. An unpaid seller has a lien on the goods when the buyer lump sum of 1 million, buyer should pay more if the land turns out to
becomes insolvent, provided that the seller is still in possession of the
QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 3
be 1,025 to avoid just enrichment. FALSE. No increase or 1. Rescission
decrese of price.
2. Indemnity
59. As a rule, the buyer of goods is not bound to accept delivery by
70- 76. Requisites of warranty against redhibitory vices.
instalment TRUE
1. Serious or important defect
60. In a cash sale, seller is excused from making delivery if no
payment is tendered by the buyer unless a period for payment is fixed. 2. Hidden
3. Exist at time of sale
61. Rules on double sale will apply to a sale made by the principal 4. Notice to the defect was given within reasonable
and another sale by the agent to different buyers TRUE time
5. Action for rescission or reduciton of price must be
62. A previous buyer who was informed of a subequent sale in
broguth within proper period - 6 mos or 40 days from
favor of another buyer rushed to the register of deeds to register hte
sale in his name. Who has a better rgith to the land if subsequent buyer
was ain possesion of hte same First buyer 6. No waiver of warranty
7. Buyer would not have bought it has he known of the
63. Warranty against eviction may be validly waived by the buyer
with knowledge of risk. TRUE
77- 78. When may buyer suspend payment after delivery
64. In case of breach of warranty against eviction, buyer may also
demand ornamental expsnses even if the sale was made in GF.
FALSE. Sale must be done in BF. 1. Disturbance
2. Fear
65. The warranty against hidden encumbrances may still apply
even if encumbrance is recorded. FALSE. It will not apply if the 79- 82. Legal guarantees of seller for payment of price of buyer
encumbrance is recorded unless there is an express
warranty that it is free from all burdens and encumbrances 1. Possesorry lien
2. Right of stoppage in transit
66. If an animal sold was classified as condemned, there is no 3. Right to resale
warranty against hidden vices provided that the animal was examined
by an expert. FALSE. No warranty against hidden defects of 4. Right to rescind
animals sold at fairs or public auctions, or if livestock sold as
condemned. 83- 86. Extinguishment of sale

67. Disease is presumed covered by warranty if it casuses death 7 days 1. Payment or performance
from purchase. FALSE. 3 days 2. Loss

68- 69. 2 remedies of buyer in case of breach of warranty against 3. Condonation

hidden encumbrances 4. Merger or consolidation

QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 4

5. Compensaiton 1. Co-ownership
6. Novation 2. Alienation of shares.
3. Sale to a 3rd person or stranger
87. What is conventional redemption
4. Sale before partition
1. Vendor reserves right to repurchase the thing sold.
104. A valid assignment of credit transfers title to the assigned
2. with the obligation to comply with Arts.1601 and
credit to the assignee, even if debtor is unaware thereof. TRUE
105. Assignor in GF answers for solvency of the debtor, unless
88- 91. Nature of conventional redemption
insolvency of debtor was prior to the sale and of common knwoedlge.
FALSE. No wararnty for solvency of debtor, unless
1. Contractual stipulator or insolvency was prior to the sale and of common
2. Accidental knowledge.
3. Potestative 106-110. Legal redemption instances
4. Real right
1. Sale of coo to a stranger
92-95. Equitable mortgage 2. Credit/incorporeal right in litigation is sold
1. Unusually inadequate price of sale with right to 3. Sale of an heir of his hereditary rights to a stranger.
repurchase 4. Sale of adjacent rural lands not exceeding 1
2. Vendor remains in possession as lessee hectare.
3. Buyer retains a part of the purchase price 5. Sale of adjacent urban lunds bought merley for
4. Vendor binds himself to pay taxes
5. Other case - real intent is to secure payment of a 111- 112. 2 ways of negotiating document title to goods
debt/performance of obligation 1. Indorsement and delivery
96-98. Exercise right of redemption 2. Delivery

1. Co-owners 113- 120. Juan entered into a contract of lease with Juana over the
latter’s apartment unit at a monthly rental of P10,000.00 for a term of
2. Co-heirs 5 years. Can Juan sublet the property or assign his lease rights?
3. Judgment debtors Juan can sublet the property but he may not assign his lease
rights. Under A1650, when there is no express prohibition,
99. A vendee a retro has a right to be subrogated to the vendor's the lessee may sublet the thing leased, in whole or in part,
rights and action. TRUE without prejudice to his responsibility for the performance.
However under A1649, the lessee cannot assign the lease
100-103. Legal redemption by a co-owner without the consent of the lessor, unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary.

QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 5

Enumeration • if sale is rescinded, animals to be returned in same
 Requisites on warranty against eviction condition when they are acquired; buyer shall answer for
◦ Vendee is deprived, in whole or in part, of the thing injury / loss due to his fault
purchased • buyer may elect between withdrawing from sale or
◦ Deprivation is by virtue of a final judgment demanding proportionate reduction of price with damages
◦ Judgment is based on a right prior to the sale or an act in either case
imputable to the vendor
◦ Vendor was summoned in the suir for eviction at the  Persons disqualifed to buy
instance of the vendee: ◦ ABSOLUTE INCAPACITY
▪ To enable the seller to prove his claim ▪ Minors
▪ To avoid multiplicity of suits ▪ Insane or demented persons
▪ To satisfy due process ▪ Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
◦ No waiver of warranty by the vendee ◦ RELATIVE INCAPACITY
1. Sale between spouses – it is void except:
 Kinds of implied warranties a. The spouses executed a marriage settlement and in
◦ Warrranty that the seller has a right to sell the marriage settlement they agreed for a complete
◦ Warranty against eviction separation of property regime. Then they can sell to
◦ Warranty against non-apparent burden or servitudes each other.
◦ Warranty against hidden defects or unknown b. If no marriage settlement, they may have obtained
encumbrance judicial declaration of separation of property. After
◦ Warranty against redhibitory defects on animals that, they can sell to each other.
◦ Warranties as to fitness or merchantable quality 2. Those mentioned in Article 1491
◦ Warranties for consumer goods a. A guardian cannot buy the property of the ward. The
guardian is not actually prohibited from entering into
 Exceptions to warranty against animal vices any and all contracts. It is just that he cannot be the
[Warranty against Redhibitory Defect on Animals] buyer of a property of his ward.
◦ Knowdledge of B ;Expert B; Stipulations; Fairs and public b. An agent cannot buy without the consent of the
auctions; Livestock sold as condemed principal a property which he was supposed to sell or
a. sale of animals on teams ( 2 or more ) administer.
• when only one is defective, only one is redhibited & c. The executors and administrators of the estate
not the others cannot buy a property which is part of the estate.
• exception: when it appears that purchase of team d. Public officers, judges, their staff, clerk of court,
will not be done without the defective one stenographers and lawyers are prohibited from buying
• apply to sale of other things those properties which are the subject of litigation
b. sale of animals at fair or public auction during the pendency of the case.
• no warranty against hidden defects
c. sale of animals with contagious disease is void  Exceptions to right to suspend payment
d. sale of unit of animal ◦ If the vendor gives security for the return of the price
• void if use / service for which they are acquired has ◦ If it has been stipulated that notwithstanding such
been stated in the contract and they are found to be unfit contingency, the vendee is bound to make the payment
thereof ◦ If the vendor has caused the disturbance or danger to
• prescription of action: 40 days from date of delivery cease
to buyer ◦ If the disturbance is a mere act of trespass

QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 6

◦ If the vendee has fully paid the price

 Goods in transit
seller of goods on credit has to recall them or retake them
while they are in possession of a carrier or other
middleman who received them for delivery to the buyer ,
on discovery of the insolvency of the buyer.
▪ Seller must be unpaid
▪ Buyer must be insolvent
▪ Goods must be in transit
▪ Seller or his agent in that behalf must either:
 Actually take possession of the goods sold
 Give notice of his claim to the carrier or other
person in possession of the goods
▪ The carrier or other person in possession must
redeliver the goods to, or according to the directions
of, the seller
▪ The seller must bear the expenses of delivery of the
goods after the exercise of the right

o Two or more transactions must constitute valid sales
o They must pertain to exactly the same object or subject
o Tbey must be brought from the same or immediate
o Two or more buyers who are at odds the rightful
ownership of the subject matter must represent
conflictin interest

o A separate and distinct contract of lease wherein the
original lessee becomes a sublessor to a sublessee of
the thing, in whole or in part, without prejudice to his
responsibility for the performance of the contract
toward the lessor.

QUIZ 4 (2018 ver.) 7

1. A contract of sale of a F acceptance of a unilateral
parcel of land is promise to sell at a fixed
consensual, formal, Not formal price even if there is no
bilateral, onerous, option money paid to
nominate, principal and support the promise
commutative 7. An option contract T
2. Even if time is of essence, F supported by a separate
a buyer who already paid consideration is a non-
80& of the price and Time is of essence. binding offer that may be
delayed in payment only for Refer to 1191. withdrawn at any time
1 month, must be given an before acceptance by the
adiditional period to buyer
complete payment of 8. A lessee may not ask for T
purcahse price in the rescission of the sale of
cosideraiton of equity and the leased property where
justice. he is living, in violation of a
3. Shocking gross inadequacy F stipulated right of 1st priority
of the price in an execution to buy, even if the right was
sale executed by a court not annotated on the TCT
sheriff may invalidate a 9. To be binding, the right of F.
sale first refusal stipulated in a
4. A vehicle sales proposal T lease agreement must also No need (price/period)
stipulating that the price of be supported by an
a model 2015 Toyota Vios independent consideration
car 20% of w/c will be paid 10. In a lease w/ right of 1st T
as a downpayment in 3 refusal, the lessor cannot
days and the balance in 36 sell to a 3rd party at the
monthly installments and price of P 5300/sq m after
w/ a specific date for pick an offer to sell at P 6000/
up is a perfected contract sq m was declined by the
of sale is signed by the lessee
buyer. 11. A perfected contract of sale T
5. A written acknowledgment F cannot be challenged on
showing that a fishing the ground of the seller’s
vessel w/ a price of 900k is non-ownership of the thing
now in the possession & sold at the time of the
responsibility of the buyer perfection of the contract
is a perfected contract of 12. X leased to Y a roof deck F
sale if there is a firm of its bldg. w/ the
commitment that agreement that any Sampaguita Pictures v
documents pertaining to permanent improvements Jalwindor: “The fact that Capitol
the sale & agreement of made on the property by Y failed to pay Jalwindor the
payment are to follow shall belong to X. Y purchase price of the items
6. A sale is perfected upon F installed glass jalousies levied upon did not prevent the

purchased on credit from Z. transfer of ownership to Capitol of the purchase price
Upon Y’s failure to pay the and, later, to Sampaguita by 17. When the consideration is T
outstanding balance of the virtue of the agreement in their partly in money and partly
50%, a levy on the glass lease contract. Therefore, the in kind,the contract is one
jalousies is proper complaint of Sampaguita to of sale if the parties
nullify the Sheriff's sale is well intended it to be a sale
founded, and should prosper.” even if the thing given as
part of the consideration is
13. There is symbolic delivery F greater in value than the
of a parcel of land upon the money given
execution of a deed of To be equivalent to actual 18. An accepted bilateral F
absolute sale even if the delivery, thing must be subject to promise to buy and sell a
buyer had not acquired the control of the vendor. car at a price less than
actual possession thereof Addison vs Felix- “if the vendee 500k but not more than
because it is occupied by a x enjoy its possession due to an 505k is binding as an
3rd party w/ an adverse opposition of a 3rd person who is executory agreement of
claim of ownership in actual possession..” sale
14. A few days before his T 19. A unilateral promise to sell F
death, X sold his land to Y, is binding as a contract of
who in turn sold it to Z. The sale if a separate
heirs of X sold the same consideration independent
land to W, who in GF of the price is given
registered the sale. Z, who 20. A conditional contract of T
took actual possession of sale may be an executed
the land a day after the contract or an executory
sale by W, has a better contract
right to the land 21. Things under resolutory T
15. In Art 1544, a 2nd buyer F condition of destruction
may still claim in GF even if may be objects of a valid
the 1st buyer was already in “Art 1544 Par 2: Should there be sale.
possession of the property no inscription, the ownership 22. The sale by Pedro to Juan T
at the time of the sale, if shall pertain to the person who in of a losing lotto ticket for a
the seller assured the 2nd GF was first in the possession..” past draw date is
buyer that the alleged necessarily void because
buyer is merely a lessee the hope of winning is vain.
16. The rules on double sale F 23. Sale of inheritance before F
will apply when the deed of partition is void because
absolute sale in Rules on double sale do not the heir could not Valid even without enumerating
installments with a apply if the first transaction is a predetermine what he will the things.
downpayment of 20% contract/promise to sell. receive after partiion
amounting to 200k was proceedings.
executed after a contract to 24. Subsequent acquisition of T
sell in favor of another a title by vendor w/o title
buyer who paid 50% (500k) validates the sale even if

the acquisition depends on are borne by the seller.
contingency 35. Before the fall of the F
25. If a 3rd party tasked to give F hammer in an auction sale,
the price of the sale a bidder may retract his bid Both may withdraw
refuses to fix the price, the but the auctioneer could
court may fix the price not withdraw the goods
26. If the price is simulated, the F from the sale.
sale shall be considered a 36. A legally separated T
donation. husband may sell a car to
27. Sale may be rescinded if F his wife.
the inadequacy of the price 37. Without qualification, a sale T
results in lesion by more between persons in trust
than ¼ of the valley of the relations is necessasrily Only if no transfer of ownership
thing sold by the owner void.
28. By agreement, an option T 38. Enumerate 3 obligations of Transfer, deliver, warrant
money may be considered seller
part of the purchase price 39. Delivery by seller’s Traditio constitutum
should buyer execersie the retention of the thing he is possessorium
option to buy possessing by another right
29. A verbal sale of parcel of T subordinate to the buyer is
land by an agent is valid known as
provided that his authority 40. When the seller is not the F
to sell is in writing. owner, the buyer who
30. A contract of sale is F purchased the property in a Public fairs/markets not affected
perfected where the fair has no better title than s
acceptance was made if Meeting of minds that of the seller.
different from the place of
31. A deteriotiration of the thing T SAMPLEX
sold at the time of
perfection may render the 1. A contract of sale is F.
contract inoperative. consensual, bilateral,
32. If the loss of the thing sold F onerous, nominate, Not preparatory
at the time of perfection principal, preparatory and
was by the fault of the Void commutative.
seller, sale shall still be 2. When the consideration is F
valid. partly in money and partly It shall be considered a barter if
33. If the loss of the thing sold F in kind, the contract is one the value of the thing given as part
at the time of perfection of sale if the parties of the consideration exceeds the
was a fortuitous event, the Seller intended it to be a sale amount of money or its equivalent;
risk is on the buyer if the even if the thing given as otherwise, it is a sale.
sale is conditiona. part of the consideration is
34. The expenses of execution T greater in value than the
and registration of the sale money given.

3. A bilateral promise to sell is F. than ¼ of the value of the of price does not affect a contract
binding as an executory Only if it is a bilateral promise to thing sold by the owner. of sale, except as it may indicate a
agreement of sale. buy and sell. defect in the consent or the parties
4. A unilateral promise to sell F intended a donation or some other
is binding as a contract of act.
sale if a separate condition An accepted unilateral promise to 13. By agreement, an option T
independent of the price is buy or sell a determinate thing for money may be considered
given. ap rice certain is binding upon a part of the purchase price Alternative: F, element of a valid
promisor if the promise is should buyer exercise the option contract is a prestation, a
supported by a consideration option to buy. consideration separate and
distinct from the price. distcint from the purchase price
5. A conditional contract of T for the option given.
sale may be an executed 14. A verbal sale of a parcel of T
contract of an executory land by an agent is valid
contract provided that his authority
6. Things under resolutory to sell is in writing.
condition may be objects 15. A contract of sale is F
ofa vlaid sale perfected where the
7. Sale of a losing ticket for a T acceptance was made if Contract of sale is consensual.
past draw date is different from the place of
necessarily void because of offer
the hope of winning is vain 16. A detoriation of the thing T
8. Sale of inheritance before F sold at the time of
partition is void because perfection may render the
the heir could not pre- One who sells an inheritance w/o contract inoperative.
determine what he will enumerating the things composed, 17. If the loss of the thing sold F.
receive after partition shall be answerable as an heir. at the time of perfecting
proceeding was by the fault of the The contract is inexistent and void
9. Subsequent acquisition of T seller, sale shall still be because there is no object.
title by a vendor w/o title valid.
validates the sale even if Alternative: F, no need to validate. 18. If the loss of the thing sold F.
the acquisition depends on at the time of perfection
contingency. was by a fortuitous event, The risk is borne by the seller.
10. If a 3rd party tasked to give F the risk is on the buyer if
the price of the sale refuses the sale is conditional.
to fix the price, court may Courts can fix if the 3rd party acted 19. Expenses of execution and T
fix it. in BF or by mistake registration of the sale are
11. If the price is simulated, the F. borne by the seller.
sale shall be considered a 20. Before the fall of the F.
donation. Sale is void, but the act may be hammer in an auction sale,
shown to be a donation. a bidder may retract his bid A bidder may withdraw the goods
12. Sale may be rescinded if T but the auctioneer could not unless auction has been
the inadequacy of price withdraw the goods from announced to be w/o reserve.
results in lesion by more Alternative: F, gross inadequacy the sale.

21. In a sale of car, the vendor F. transferee mau compel
can cancel the sale if the transferor to indorse the
vendee fails to pay the 1st 2 or more. document
instalment. 33. The validy of negotiation is F.
22. A legally separated T not affected by the fact that
husband may sell a car to the owner of the document Transferee must be in GF and
his wife. was deprived by theft even without notice of theft by the time
23. A sale between persons in F. Only property involved in the if the holder had notice, of negotiation.
trust relations is necessarily trust relations. prior to negotiation, of the
void. unlawful deprivation.
Alternative: T. Void if there is no 34. Transferee of a non-nego T
complete transfer of ownership document of title to goods
but intention was merely to make may hold the bailee liable
grantee a depository of the thing for the possession of the
subject of contract. goods provided that he
24. x Obligations of a vendor: notifies the bailee before
25. x 1. Transfer ownership latter was notified by
26. x 2. Deliver the thing transferor of a subsequent
3. Make warranties sale of goods.
27. Delivery by seller’s Traditio constitutum 35. In the absence of F
retention of the thing he is possessorium stipulation, the goods sold
possessing by another right must be delivered at any Seller is bound to send then within
subordinate to the buyer is time. reasonable time.
known as 36. If by agreement, seller is T
28. When the seller is not the F. required to deliver the
owner, the buyer who goods to the buyer, delivery
purchased the property in a Purchases made in fairs shall not to the carrier is deemed
fair has no better title than be affected delivery to the buyer if by
that of the seller. the BOL, the goods are
29. x 2 ways to negotiate a negotiable deliverable to the order of
30. x document of title to goods the buyer whether or not
1. Indorsement and delivery seller retains possession of
2. Delivery BOL.
31. A negotiable document itlte F. 37. A seller who was T
of goods indorsed in blank It may be negotiated in blank, to conditionally paid with the
may be subsequently bearer or specified person. buyer’s personal check can
indorsed to a specified habe the rights of an
person but could not be unpaid seller of goods if
indorsed in balnk. chek is dishonoured.
32. Where a negotiable T 38. An unpaid sller of goods F
document of title was has the right to retain
transferred for value by goods even if the same
mere delivery instead of the were already delivered to
required indorsement, the carrier.

39. An unpaid seller has a lien F He discovered that the total
on the goods when the area delivered to him was
buyer becomes insolvent, only 975. Buyer can opt to
provided that the seller is rescind hte sale.
still in possession of the 47. If on the other hand (46) F
goods. the land has an area of
40. Exceptionally, seller may F 1,100, the buyer has no He may also accept and pay for
exercise the right of other option but to return the same.
stoppage in transit even if No longer in transit. the excess area.
buyer already accepted 48. If If a parcel of land F
delivery. beleived to be 1,000 sqm
41. If carrier wrongfully F. was sold at a lump sum of 1 No increase or decrese of price.
withholds possession from Wrongul refusal by carrier to million, buyer should pay
the buyer, seller can deliver will terminate the right of more if the land turns out to
exercise the right of stoppage. be 1,025 to avoid just
stoppage. enrichment.
42. Right of stoppage in transit T 49. As a rule, the buyer of T
may be exercised by goods is not bound to
obtaining actual possession accept delivery by
of the goods from the instalment
carrier. 50. In a cash sale, seller is T
43. Unpaid seller may resell F. excused from making
goods without notice to Only if the goods are perishable or delivery if no payment is
buyer if the latter has been based on an agreement. tendered by the buyer
in default of the payment of unless a period for payment
price for unreasonable Alternatieve: T is fixed.
time. 51. Rules on double sale will T
44. Unpaid seller may rescund F apply to a sale made by the
the sale where buyer fails principal and another sale
to pay the price after a year by the agent to different
from the delivery. buyers
45. Unpaid seller’s right of T 52. A previous buyer who was Frist buyer
stoppage in transit is not informed of a subequent
affected by a subsequent sale in favor of another
disposition of goods by the buyer rushed to the register
original buyer except where of deeds to register hte sale
disposition was with in his name. Who has a
consent of the seller. better rgith to the land if
46. Buyer was in need of 1,000 T subsequent buyer was ain
sqm of land required by the possesion of hte same
franchsior required for the 53. Warranty against eviction T
opening of a business. He may be validly waived by
purchased from the seller at the buyer with knowledge
a price of 100,000 per sqm. of risk.

54. In case of breach of F 72. x Extinguishment of sale
warranty against eviction, 73. x 1. Payment or performance
buyer may also demand Sale must be done in BF. 74. x 2. Loss
ornamental expsnses even 75. x 3. Condonation
if the sale was made in GF. 4. Merger or consolidation
55. X 2 remedies of buyer in case of 5. Compensaiton
56. X breach of warranty against hidden 6. Novation
encumbrances 76. x What is conventional redemption
1. Rescission 77. x 1. Vendor reserves right to
2. Indemnity repurchase the thing sold.
57. x Requisites of warranty against 2. Obligation to comply with 1616
58. x redhibitory vices. 78. x Nature of conventional redemption
59. x 1. Serious or important defect 79. x 1. Contractual
60. x 2. Hidden 80. x 2. Accidental
61. x 3. Exist at time of sale 81. x 3. Potestative
62. x 4. Notice to the defect was given 4. Real right
63. x within reasonable time 82. x Equitable mortgage
5. Action for rescission or 83. x 1. Unusually inadequate price of
reduciton of price must be broguth 84. x sale with right to repurchase
within proper period - 6 mos or 40 85. x 2. Vendor remains in possession
days from delivery as lessee
6. No waiver of warranty 3. Buyer retains a part of the
7. Buyer would not have bought it purchase price
has he known of the voice 4. Vendor binds himself to pay
64. If an animal sold was F taxes
classified as condemned, No warranty against hidden 5. Other case - real intent is to
there is no warranty against defects of animals sold at fairs or secure payment of a
hidden vices provided that public auctions, or if livestock debt/performance of obligation
the animal was examined sold as condemned. 86. x Exercise right of redemption
by an expert. 87. x 1. Co-owners
65. Disease is presumed 3 days 88. x 2. Co-heirs
covered by warranty if it 3. Judgment debtors
casuses death 7 days from 89. A vendee a retro has a right T
purchase. to be subrogated to the
66. x When may buyer suspend vendor's rights and action.
67. x payment after delivery 90. x Legal redemption by a co-owner
1. Disturbance 91. x 1. Co-ownership
2. Fear 92. x 2. Alienation of shares.
68. x Legal guarantees of seller for 93. x 3. Sale to a 3rd person or stranger
69. x payment of price of buyer 4. Sale before partition
70. x 1. Possesorry lien 94. A valid assignment of credit T
71. x 2. Right of stoppage in transit transfers title to the
3. Right to resale assigned credit to the
4. Right to rescind assignee, even if debtor is

unaware thereof.
95. Assignor in GF answers for F.
solvency of the debtor,
unless insolvency of debtor No wararnty for solvency of
was prior to the sale and of debtor, unless stipulator or
common knwoedlge. insolvency was prior to the sale
and of common knowledge.
96. x Legal redemption instances
97. x 1. Sale of coo to a stranger
98. x 2. Credit/incorporeal right in
99. x litigation is sold
100.x 3. Sale of an heir of his hereditary
rights to a stranger.
4. Sale of adjacent rural lands not
exceeding 1 hectare.
5. Sale of adjacent urban lunds
bought merley for spectulation
101.A contract of lease is F.
consensual, nominate,
bialteral, onerous, and It cannot be gratuitous.
commutative, although
exceptionally it could be

 Requisites on warranty vs eviction
 Kinds of implied warrantieas
 Exceptions to warranty vs animal vices
◦ Knowdledge of B
◦ Expert B
◦ Stipulations
◦ Fairs and public auctions
◦ Livestock sold as condemed
 Persons disqualifed to buy
 Exceptions to right to suspend payment
 Goods in transit

CORRECTED: are prohibited from entering 1646 – only disqualified to become
into the contract of lease of lessees of the things under 1491
1. Dean J and U may enter into T service
a singke sale, lease and 11. A right may also be the object T
mortgage of the same of a contract of lease and the
property in 1 and same compensation is referred to as
document without affecting royalty
their validity
12. The lessee is obliged to F
2. Caveat emptor and venditor F answer even for a mere act of
apply to voluntary sale, forced Both do not apply to lease of trespass which a 3rd party may Not obliged to answer
sale, and lease of things. things. cause on the use of the thing
3. In a sale of goods, there is a T leased but lessee shall have a
possibility thar vendor may be different action against
deeemed to have complied
with the prestation even if he 13. When lessor repairs the thing F
does not delivery the goods leased but the lessee is not 1658 – Lessee may suspend
satisfied, latter may suspend payment of rent in case lessors fail
4. Recto law applies to T payment of rent. to make necessary repairs or
assignment of credit and maintain lease in a peaceful and
incorporeal rights. adequate enjoyment of property
5. An informal settler can validly T leased
lease but nto sell the land and 14. If lessee fails to comply with F.
improvement occupied by him his obligations, lessor may file He may file an action for
6. A contract of lease is F an action for rescission and rescission w/ damages or
consensual, nominate, Principal, not remunatory. action for damages only. damages only.
bilateral, onerous, and 15. If lessor sells the leased F
remunatory. Rescissible only when in BF
property to a 3rd person in
7. Lease of professional services T violation of the right of 1st
may be implied because no refusal given to lessee,
specific form is required. contract is rescissible
regardless of GF of buyer.
8. Lease of work, lessee F
becomes the agent of the 1644 – relation of principal and 16. Lessor has subrogatory right F
lessor but only with respect to agent does not exist between against a sub-lessee for 1652 – The sub lessee is
the particular work performed. them. unpaid rent. subsidiarily liable to the lessor for
any rent due from the lessee.
9. Exceptionally, a portion of the T
town plaza which is property 17. A lease extendible by mutual T
for public use may be the agreement would simply
object of lase amount to a right of 1st refusal
10. Persons enumerated in 1491 F in favor of the lessee so that
even if a 3rd party would offer

a higher rent, lease in favor of lease that all improvements Stipulation not contrary to law, etc
1st lessee will not be extended introduced by lessee without is valid and binding.
unless he matches the offer reimbursement is not valid.
18. A contract for the lease of F. 27. Lease of determinate time T
vibrator is personal and thus ceases upon day fixed without
terminated by death of lessee. Not terminated by death of either. need of demand.
19. An implied new lease may F 28. X 3 modes to terminate lease:
result even if there is an No impled renewal of lease where  Purchaser of piece of land
express stipulation to the parties stipulated that there would
29. x
under an unrecorded sale
contrary be no renewal by implication. 30. x  Expiration of period
 Total destruction due to FE
20. An implied new lease is for F
 Dwelling/building intended
the same period as the Instead of the original period,
period of new lease will be accdg brings imminent and seriour
original lease but a guaranty
to the character of property and danger to life/health
executed by a 3rd person in
favor of the lessor shall cease mode of payment of rent.
with respect to the new lease
21. Failure to pay rentals makes F
possession unlawful Unless coupled with a refusal on
part of lessor to pay after lawful
22. Provision in contract of lease F
that improvements introduced
by lessee will accrue to lessor
upon termination of lease Rules on sales will not apply.
shall be governed by rules on
sale of property
23. Lessor may terminate lease T
when rentals are not paid
without need of court action
24. Contract of sale entered in T
violation of right of 1st refusal
is valid
25. Lessee in a lease of rural F
lands has a right to reduction Loss must be more than ½ of
of rental on account of sterility fruits.
of land and for loss of fruits
due to extraordinary and
unforeseen event.
26. A provision in a contract of F 1. A contract of lease is F

consensual, nominate, Principal, not remunatory. of the thing leased but lessee in peaceful and adequate
bilateral, onerous, and lessee shall have a enjoyment of property leased.
remunatory. different action against
2. Lease of professional T intruder.
services may be implied 16. When lessor repairs the F
because no specific form is thing leased but the lessee
required. is not satisfied, latter may 1658 – Lessee may suspend
3. Lease of work, lessee F suspend payment of rent. payment of rent in case lessors fail
becomes the agent of the 1644 – relation of principal and to make necessary repairs or
lessor but only with respect agent does not exist between them. maintain lease in a peaceful and
to the particular work adequate enjoyment of property
performed. leased
4. The term ‘price certain’ F 17. If lessee fails to comply F
must be in money or its A price certain exists when the with his obligations, lessor
equivalent. same can be ascertained accdg to may file an action for Rescission and damages
customs and usage of place. rescission and action for Damages only
5. Contract of lase for 99 F damages only.
years is void. More than 99 years is invalid 18. X Warranties in contract of lease
6. Exceptionally, a portion of F 19. X  Lessors right to lease thing
the town plaza which is  Lessee enjoy legal and
property for public use may ??? peaceful possession
be the object of lase  Fit for use
7. Period in a contract of F  Free from hidden
lease for services may be Indefinite period only apply to lease fault/defect
definite or indefinite of things. 20. If lessor sells the leased F
8. X 5 Persons who are disqualified to property to a 3rd person in
9. X become lessees violation of the right of 1st Rescissible only when in BF
10. X  Guardian refusal given to lessee,
11. X  Agents contract is rescissible
12. X  Executors/admin regardless of GF of buyer.
 PO/E 21. Lessor has subrogatory F
 Justices/judges right against a sub-lessee
13. Persons enumerated in F for unpaid rent. 1652 – The sub lessee is
1491 are prohibited from 1646 – only disqualified to become subsidiarily liable to the lessor for
entering into the contract of lessees of the things under 1491 any rent due from the lessee.
lease of service However, the sublessee shall not be
14. A right may also be the T responsible beyond the amount of
object of a contract of lease rent due from him, in accordance
and the compensation is ??? with the terms of the sublease, at
referred to as royalty the time of the extrajudicial demand
15. The lessee is obliged to F by the lessor.
answer even for a mere act Lessee may suspend the payment Payments of rent in advance by the
of trespass which a 3rd of rent in case lessor fails to make sublessee shall be deemed not to
party may cause on the use necessary repairs or to maintain have been made, so far as the

lessor's claim is concerned, unless lessee will not be extended
said payments were effected in unless he matches the offer
virtue of the custom of the place. 30. A contract for the lease of T
22. X Obligations of lessor vibrator is personal and
23. X (1) To deliver the thing which is the thus terminated by death of ??
24. X object of the contract in such a lessee.
condition as to render it fit for the 31. An implied new lease may F
use intended; result even if there is an
(2) To make on the same during the express stipulation to the No impled renewal of lease where
lease all the necessary repairs in contrary parties stipulated that there would
order to keep it suitable for the use be no renewal by implication.
to which it has been devoted, 32. An implied new lease is for F
unless there is a stipulation to the the same period as the
contrary; original lease but a Instead of the original period,
(3) To maintain the lessee in the guaranty executed by a 3rd period of new lease will be accdg to
peaceful and adequate enjoyment of person in favor of the the character of property and mode
the lease for the entire duration of lessor shall cease with of payment of rent.
the contract. respect to the new lease
25. X Obligatons of lessee 33. X Rights of lessee
26. X (1) To pay the price of the lease 34. X  Demand delivery of thing
27. X according to the terms stipulated; 35. X  Peaceful and adequate
28. X (2) To use the thing leased as a 36. X enjoyment for entire
diligent father of a family, devoting
it to the use stipulated; and in the
absence of stipulation, to that which  Sub-lease (UNL stipulation
may be inferred from the nature of to contrary)
the thing leased, according to the  Choose between
custom of the place; proportional reduction of
(3) To pay expenses for the deed of rent and rescission of lease
lease. if thing is partially
(4) to bring to the knowledge of the destroyed by FE.
proprietor, within the shortest  Terminate lease if in
possible time, every usurpation or condition that brings
untoward act which any third imminent/serious danger
person may have committed or may  Ask for proportional
be openly preparing to carry out reduction if urgent repairs
upon the thing leased last for more than 40 d
29. A lease extendible by T 37. X Grounds for ejectment
38. X (1) When the period agreed upon, or
mutual agreement would
39. X that which is fixed for the duration
simply amount to a right of
40. X of leases under Articles 1682 and
1st refusal in favor of the
1687, has expired;
lessee so that even if a 3rd
(2) Lack of payment of the price
party would offer a higher
rent, lease in favor of 1st
(3) Violation of any of the conditions

agreed upon in the contract; fortuitous events, save always when
(4) When the lessee devotes the there is a specific stipulation to the
thing leased to any use or service contrary.
not stipulated which causes the Extraordinary fortuitous events are
deterioration thereof; or if he does understood to be: fire, war,
not observe the requirement in No. pestilence, unusual flood, locusts,
2 of Article 1657, as regards the use earthquake, or others which are
thereof. uncommon, and which the
41. Destruction of thing by FE F contracting parties could not have
obligates lessor to rebuild 1655 – If the thing leased is totally reasonably foreseen.
the thing leased destroyed by a fortuitous event, the 47. A provision in a contract of F
lease is extinguished. If the lease that all improvements
destruction is partial, the lessee introduced by lessee Stipulation not contrary to law, etc
may choose between a proportional without reimbursement is is valid and binding.
reduction of the rent and a not valid.
rescission of the lease. 48. Lease of determinate time T
42. Failure to pay rentals F ceases upon day fixed
makes possession unlawful Unless coupled with a refusal on without need of demand.
part of lessor to pay after lawful 49. In an express trust, F
demand. acceptance by the trustee 1445 – No trust shall fail because
43. Provision in contract of F is necessary for creation of the trustee appointed declines the
lease that improvements trust. designation, unless the contrary
introduced by lessee will No need to apply the rules on sales should appear in the instrument
accrue to lessor upon of property. constituting the trust.
termination of lease shall 50. Acceptance by beneficiary F
be governed by rules on is not necessary for the 1446 – Acceptance by the
sale of property creation of express trust. beneficiary is necessary.
44. Lessor may terminate lease T Nevertheless, if the trust imposes
when rentals are not paid no onerous condition upon the
without need of court action beneficiary, his acceptance shall be
45. Contract of sale entered in T presumed, if there is no proof to the
violation of right of 1st contrary.
refusal is valid 51. A trustor may or may not F
46. Lessee in a lease of rural F have the capacity to Trustor must have the capacity.
lands has a right to transfer the property.
reduction of rental on 1680 – The lessee shall have no 52. An express trust is created F
account of sterility of land right to a reduction of the rent on by mere declaration of It is created by direct and positive
and for loss of fruits due to account of the sterility of the land trustee that he holds acts of parties.
extraordinary and leased, or by reason of the loss of property in trust.
unforeseen event. fruits due to ordinary fortuitous 53. Trusts over real property T
events; but he shall have such right are enforceable in any
in case of the loss of more than form.
one-half of the fruits through 54. Trustee can acquire trust F
extraordinary and unforeseen property by adverse

possession even w/o Trustee must perform unequivocal property is loaned or paid
repudiation of trust. acts of repudiation. by 1 person for benefit of
55. In order to bind 3rd persons F another and conveyance is
to a trust, same must be in made to lender or payor to
a public instrument. Personal property – proved by oral secure payment of debt.
evidence; Real property – public 63. Laches is a defense in T
instrument resulting trusts unless
56. Statute of limitations apply F beneficiary had no
to express trust. Express trusts do not prescribe as knowledge of facts.
long as they have not been 64. In express trusts, statute of T
repudiated. limitations does not apply
57. Constructive trust is F to subsisting and
imposed by law to carry out continuing trusts so long as
the actual or presumed Resulting there is no denial or
intent of the parties if repudiation thereof.
express trust is prejudicial 65. An oral trust is sufficient in T
to the interest of case of trust over
beneficiary. personalty.
58. Resulting trusts are F 66. In case of impossible trust, T
established by law, court may authorize
regardless of intention, in Constructive deviation in interest of trust.
order to prevent fraud, 67. No need for trustee to F
oppression or unjust render an account under Under ROC, he must render under
enrichment. oath. oath at least 1x a year until his trust
59. No express trust T is fulfilled, unless he is excused, a
concerning an immovable true account.
property or any interest 68. Trustor cannot prohibit T
may be proven by parole alienation for a period of
evidence. more than 25 years.
60. There is a resulting trust T 69. Merger is a mode of T
when a donation is made to extinguishment of implied
a person but appears or express trust.
thought the legal estate is 70. In an implied trust over a F
transmitted to donee, he parcel of land, action to
nevertheless is either to recover must be brought It prescribes in 10 years.
have no beneficial interest within 5 years from
or only a part thereof. issuance of title to property.
61. There is a constructive trust T
when land passes by
succession and causes the Enumerations for LEASE
legal title to be put in name
of another. Characeteristics of contract of lease
62. There is a constructive trust T  Consensual
if the price of sale of
 Bialteral

 Onerous  Liable for loss or deterioration caused by his household, guest,
 Commutative vistors.
 Temporary
Remedies in case of breach
Who needs SPA to register  Rescission + damages
 Husband – wife's paraphernal real estate  Damageso only
 Father/guardian – minor or ward  Rescission and judicial ejectment
 Manager/administratior  Unlawful detainer

Obligations of lessor Lessee shall have a right to reduction in case of loss of more than ½ of the
 Deliver the thing fruits
 Necessary repairs  Extraordinary and unforeseen FE
 Peaceful and adequate enjoyment of lessee  No stipulataiton
 Warrant – eviction, hidden defects  Not lost after they have been separated from stalk, root or trunk
 Not to alter the form to impair its use
 Permit outgoing lessee to do whatever may be necessary (lease of Obligations of sub-lessee
rural lands)  Bound to lessor for all acts on use and preservation
 Subsidiary liable to lessor for any rent due to lessee
Remedies in case of breach of Lessor's obligations
 Rescission + damages EXC to the rule that purchaser of piece of land may terminate the lease
 Damages only  Stipulation to contrary
 Purchaser knows of the existence of lease
Rights of lessee  Fictitious sale
 Demand delivery
 Peaceful and adequate enjoyment REQS: Implied newl ease
 Sub-lease  Expired terminated
 Choose (reduction of rent and rescssion)  No notice to vacate
 Suspend payment  Continued enjoyment for 15 days w/ acquisence of the lessor
 Terminate lease
 Ask for proportional reduction of rent Periods of lease
 Year to year
Obligatioms of lessee  Month to month
 Pay price  Week to week
 Pay expenses for deed  Day to day
 Use as a DGOAF
Courts may fix a longer terminated
 Notify lessor of every usurpation or untoward act of 3rd perso
 More than 1 year occupation
 Notify owner of need for urgent repairs
 Over 6 months possession, if weekly
 Tolerate works of lessor for urgent repairs
 Over 1 month stay, if daily
 Return tjing upon termination
 Liable for loss or deterioration due to his own F/N

Right to ejectment  Edifice falls w/in 15 years from completion
 Expiration of period  Defects in construction/use of inferior quality materials
 Lack of payment of price  EA supervised the construction
 Violation of conditions agreed upon  Filed w/in 10 years following collpase
 Devotion of the thing to any use/service not stipulated which causes
deterioration Remedies of contractor in case of increase in costs
 Withdraw from contracting
Lesssor's options in case of useful improvements  Demand an increase in price
 Pay lessee ½ of value of improvements
 Refuse to reimburse but allwo lessee to remove Requisites of demand in increase of price
 Change in plans/specifications
Obligations of contractor  Authorized by proprietor in writing
 Produce the work  Additional price to be paid has been determined in writing by both
 Deliver thing parties
 Warranty of title
 Warranty vs hidden defects Contract is rescinded w/o contractor's fault
 Pay the price to 3rd party seller  Death of contractor
 Execute work as to qualities agreed upon  Cannot finish work due to circumstances beyong his control
 Remove defect or execute another work
(de leon)
Contract is still liable in case of acceptance of defects
Kinds of lease
 Hidden defect + cannot expect ER to recognize
 Things
 ER reserves his rights against contractor for HD
 Works
EXC to the rule that contractor cannot claim compensation if work destroyed  Service
before delivery
 ER delays in receiving
 Result of poor quality of material

Equitable compensation
 Cannot complete on account of defect in material furnished by ER
 Orders from ER, w/o any fault on contractor

Engineer is liable
 Drew up plans and specifications
 Collapsed w/in 15 years from completion
 Defect in plans/specificaations/ground
 Filed w/in 10 years following collpase

Contractor and EA are solidarily liable

T - 2 5 15 18 20 22 23 25 26 29 31 39 42 43 47 48 51 52 55 61 62 64 68 71 72 74 75 77 trust.
91 92 96 98 100 102 104 105 106 110
13. A trustor may or may not have the F
BONUS 49 50 capacity to transfer the property. Trustor must have the capacity.
8 - smaller or first one to request if equal area
14. An express trust is created by mere F
3/21/17 SAMPLEX PARTNERSHIP AGENCY TRUST SALES LEASE declaration of trustee that he holds It is created by direct and
1. Insolvency, for the purposes of stoppage F. property in trust. positive acts of parties.
in transitu, must be declared by a court
of competent jurisdiction. Strict proof not required. 15. Beneficiary is the person for whose T
benefit the property is held by the
2. STI may be exercised even if the T trustee.
ownership in the goods may have
passed to the buyer. 16. Trusts over RP are enforceable in any F
3. Warranty against eviction applies to a tax F
sale. 17. Trustee can acquire trust property by F
adverse possession even w/o Trustee must perform
4. The sale of a 3-month old calf for F repudiation of trust. unequivocal acts of repudiation.
breeding purposes raises an IW of
witness for breeding. 18. In order to bind 3rd persons to a trust, T
same must be in a public instrument.
5. The sarisari store owner impliedly T
warrants fitness for human consumption 19. Statute of limitations apply to express F
of a bottle of Ginebra sold. trust. Express trusts do not prescribe
as long as they have not been
6. If a vendee will lease the thing sold with F repudiated.
pacto de recto to the seller, rules on
mutuum apply. Rules on commodatum. (char) 20. There is partnership when two or more T
persons bind themselves to contribute
7. A verbal assignment of credits followed F money, property, reputation or industry in
by tradition shall have efect on 3rd a common fund, with the intention of
persons because the ownership acquried It must be in a public instrument dividing the profits among themselves.
by the assignee is a real right. or recorded if real property/
21. A contract of partnership may be F.
8. Among 3 adjoining owners of 5,000 sqm Smaller area commenced in any form, except when a
agricultural lot sold to a stranger, who If equal, first requestor. parcel of land is contributed in which Public instrument and inventory
has the preferred right of redemption? case the contract must be in a private or are required.
9. The lessee of a room in a boading house F public instrument.
is entitled to the continuation of the same 22. Husband and wife may enter Into a T
if owner rebuilds. partnership for the exercise of a
10. In an action for rescission filed by lessor F
for non-performance by lessee of 23. The sharing of gross returns results to a T
obligations, court has the discretion to No such discretion (Luna v prima facie presumption of partnership.
grant lessee a longer period for Carandang).
performa.ce 24. A person who not being a partner in fact F
allows his name to be included in the firm Persons who, not being partners,
11. In an express trust, acceptance by the F name may subject himself to the include their names in the firm
trustee is necessary for creation of trust. liabilities of a limited partner. name do not acquire the rights of
Not necessary (trustee). a partner. Liable as general
12. Acceptance by beneficiary is not F
necessary for the creation of express Necessary (beneficiary)
25. Appraisal of goods contributed to the T attached to the public
partnership must be based on the value instrument.
at the time of the perfection of contract if
different from delivery. 34. Universal partnership of all present F
property includes title to all present and In a universal partnership of all
26. An industrial partner may engage himself T future property as well as future present property, the property
in any other business with the authority properties acquired by gratuitious title. which belong to each partners at
of other partners. the time of the constitution of the
partnership, becomes the
27. When there is no specification as to the F
common property of all the
management of the partnership, the All partners are considered
partners, as well as the profits
partner with the highest contribution agents, regardless of amoutn of
which they may acquire
becomes the manager. capital contributions.
28. The capitalist partners may exclude from F 35. A contract of partnership with a capital of F
the partnership an industrial partner who 3000 pesos must appear in a public It does not affect the juridical
engages himself in a business without instrument and recorded with the SEC to personality.
the required authority even if the be enforceable.
industrial partner also contributed a
parcel of land to the partnership. 36. Those prohibited from giving each other F
any donation or advantage is prohibited Prohibition only applies to
29. A limited partner is a partner in a T
from entering into any partnership. universal partnership
37. A stipulation excluding an industrial F
30. A limited partner who is also a general F partner from any share in the profits or Only applies in losses.
partner is liable to the creditors of the A person who is a general, and losses is valid.
partnership only up to his contribution also at the same time a limited
partner, shall have all the rights 38. An industrial partner is exempt from F
and powers and be subject to all payment of liabilities to his creditors. All partners, including industrial
the restrictions of a general ones, shall be liable pro rata with
partner; except that, in respect to all their property for the
his contribution, he shall have contracts which may be entered
the rights against the other into in the name and for account
members which he would have of the partnership.
had if he were not also a general
39. A transfer of a partner’s entire interest in T
the partnership to his only partner
31. Limited partnership is dissolved upon T dissolves the partnership.
retirement, death, insolvency, insanity or
civil interdiction of a general partner. 40. In voluntary transfer of a partner’s F
interest in the partnership, the assignee Their consent is needed for
32. A contract of agency to sell personal F becomes a partner _________ partners’ assignee to become a partner.
property is a real contract that would Only real contracts such as consent thereto.
require the delivery of the thing sold. deposit, pledge and Assuming: msising word is 'without'
commodatum require delivery.
41. A person admitted as partner in an F
already existing partnership is also liable His liability shall be satisfied only
33. A partnership is formed even if no F with his individual properties in all out of partnership property, i.e.
inventory and public instrument of real A contract of partnership is void obligations of the partnership arising out of his share.
properties contributed to the partnership whenever immovable property is before his admission unless there is a
was made. contributed thereto, if an contrary stipulation.
inventory of said property is not
made, signed by the parties, and 42. A commission agent cannot sell on credit T
goods or items without the express or
implied consent of the principal. unless the beneficiary had no knowledge
of the facts.
43. An agency ‘coupled with an interest’ T
survives the grantor’s death. 52. In express trusts, the statute of T
limitations does not apply in subsisting
44. In case there are two or more principals, F
and continuing trusts so long as there is
any one of them may revoke the agency Any one of them may revoke the
no denial or repudiation thereof.
provided the consent of the other is agency without need of the
sought. other’s consent. 53. The sharing of gross returns is sufficient F
to establish partnership. The sharing of gross returns
45. Constructive trusts are imposed by the F does not of itself establish a
law to carry out the actual or presumed Constructive trusts arise partnership.
intent of the parties if the express trust is contrary to intention of the
prejudicial to the interest of the parties 54. Special capacity to contract is required of F
beneficiary. the parties to a contract of partnership. The presence of the essential
elements and the legal capacity
46. Resulting trust is established by law F
of the parties to enter in a
regardless of the intention of the parties Resulting trust is one in which
contract is sufficient
in order to prevent fraud, oppression or the intention to create a trust is
unjust enrichment. implied or presumed in law. 55. When an unlawful partnership is T
Constructive trust is the one dissolved by a judicial decree, the profits
which is imposed by law and unlawful objects shall be confiscated
regardless of the intention of the in favor of the State.
parties to promote justice,
frustrate fraud and prevent 56. A partnership of all present property F
unjust enrichment. comprises all that the partners may Universal partnership of profits
acquire by the industry of work during the and not all present property.
47. No express trust concerning an T existence of the partnership.
immovable or any interest therein may
57. In case of doubt, the articles of universal F
be proved by parole evidence.
partnership shall constitute a partnership It shall be considered universal
48. There is resulting trust when a donation T of all present property since it involve partnership of all profits not
is made to a person but it appears that less transmission of rights. properties.
although legal estate is transmitted to the
donee, he nevertheless is either to have 58. When a partnership for a fixed term or F
no beneficial interest or only a part particular undertaking is continued after
thereof. the termination of such term or particular Not always, only if it is
undertaking without any express consistent with a partnership at
49. There is a constructive trust when land F agreement, the rights and duties of the will.
passes by succession to any person and partners remain the same as they were
he causes the legal title thereto to be put Resulting trust. at such termination for the same period
in the name of another. as initially fixed in the contract of
50. There is constructive trust if the price of F
the sale of property is loaned or paid by Constructive trust is created 59. Important alterations in the immovable F
one person for the benefit of another and when purchase of property leads property of partnership, if useful and
the conveyance is made to the borrower to its title being placed in the beneficial to the partnership, is by mere This is a strict act of dominion
but mortgaged to secure payment of the name of the person who loaned act of administration and may be made which requires the consent of all.
debt. the purchase price as a security upon the financial majority.
for payment of the debt and not
when conveyance was made to 60. Strangers are bound to inquire into the F
the borrower. existence of any restriction of authority Every partner is an agent of the
on the part of the partner. partnership. No need to inquire
51. Laches is a defense in resulting trusts T so long as the act of the partner
is apparently for the carrying on the same terms agreed upon with the
of business of the partnership in purchaser unless the principal consented
the usual way which he is a to the sale on credit.
member binds the partnership
67. If the third person does not know that the F
61. Misappropriation of one partner binds the T agent exceeded the scope of his If the agent contracts in the name
partnership when the partner in the authority, he may hold the agent liable as of the principal, exceeding the
course of business receives money or well as the principal, even if he has not scope of his authority, and the
property of a third person and the money inquired into the authority of the agent. principal does not ratify the
or property so received is misapplied contract, it shall be void if the
without the knowledge of the other party with whom the agent
partners. contracted is aware of the limits
of the powers granted by the
62. If a person specially informs another or T
principal. In this case, however,
states by public advertisement that he
the agent is liable if he undertook
has given a power of attorney to a third
to secure the principal’s
person, the holder thereby becomes a
duly authorized agent, in the former case
with respect to the person who received 68. Agency by ostensible authority consists T
the special information and in the latter in the conscious permission of acts
case with regard to any person even if beyond those powers granted.
the latter did not read the publication
when he transacted with the agent. 69. 59. If two or more principals have F
appointed an agent for a common
63. A special power of attorney is necessary F transaction or undertaking, they are Solidary liable
to make gifts for charity or to employees Article 1878 provides that a jointly liable unless solidarity is agreed
in the business managed by the agent. special power of attorney is upon
needed to make gifts, except
70. An agency is not revoked by the F
customary ones for charity or
principal’s death if it has been constituted Agency will survive only if the 3rd
those made to employees in the
in the interest of a third person without person accepts the stipulation in
business managed by the agent.
notice or knowledge of the interest. his favor.
64. A special power of attorney is necessary T
to loan or borrow money, unless the 71. An oral trust is sufficient in case of trust T
latter act be urgent and indispensable for over personalty.
the improvement or preservation of the 72. in case of an impossible trust the court T
things which are under administration. may authorize deviation in the interest of
the trust.
65. An agent may be relieved by agreement F
from the obligation to make an The agreement is void based on 73. There is no need for the trustee to render F
accounting. Article 1891. The agent has an an account under oath.
absolute duty to render an
accounting to his principal of all 74. The trustor cannot prohibit alienation for T
transactions and material facts a period more than 25 years.
that may have some relevance 75. Merger is a cause for the termination of T
with the agency. an implied or express trust.
66. If the commission agent receives F 76. In an implied trust, the action to recover F
guaranty commission in addition to General rule still apply even in must be brought within 5 years from the
ordinary commission, the agent shall consented credit. issuance of title to the property. 10 years
bear the risk of collection and shall pay
the principal the proceeds of the sale on 77. A partner may transfer his interest to T
another over the objection of other
partners partnership continuing the
78. A secret and silent partner is one who F
has no voice in the management of the He is not known to be a partner 87. Creditors of the old partnership are no F
partnership and is not known to the by outside parties nor held out longer considered as creditors of the In such case, the law makes the
partners as a partner by the other continued partnership. creditors of the dissolved
partners. partnership also creditors of the
persons or partnership
79. The partnership begins from the moment F
continuing the business.
it is recorded in the SEC. A partnership begins from the
moment of the execution of the 88. The individual property of a deceased F
contract. partner, whose name is being used by Exemption from liability to
the continuing partnership, shall be held creditors of a dissolved
80. The fruits to the property promised to be F liable for debts contracted after his partnership.
delivered should also be delivered death.
without exception. Subject to exceptions.
89. A limited partner may contribute services F
81. In case of imminent loss of the business F
to the partnership. He cannot contribute services.
of the partnership, an industrial partner The industrial partner is explicitly
shall be required to contribute additional excluded to render additional 90. A limited partner’s surname may appear F
service to the partnership. service. in the partnership name but he becomes
a general person with respect to the With respect to the partnership
82. An industrial partner can engage in other F partners and third parties. creditors.
business but must not compete with the An industrial partner cannot
partnership, unless otherwise stipulated. engage in business for himself, 91. A substituted partner is one admitted to T
unless the partnership expressly all the rights of a limited partner.
permits him to do so.
92. An assignee of a limited partner acquires T
83. A partner, as agent, cannot assign F the rights of the assignor.
partnership property in payment of
partnership debt. He can assign property. 93. An agent may be bound to render F.
service without compensation provided Agent is entitled to stipulated
84. Dissolution terminates the partnership. F there is a special power of attorney. compensaition.
The partnership, although
94. In all cases, a special power of attorney F
dissolved, continues to exist
is necessary to loan or borrow money. It is not necessary if it is urgent
until its termination, at which
and indispensable for the
time the winding up of its affairs
preservation of the things which
should have been completed and
are under administration.
the net partnership assets are
partitioned and distributed to the 95. A special power to compromise F
partners authorizes submission to arbitration. Separate SPAs required.

85. Insolvency of a partner is one of the F 96. There is an implied acceptance if the T
causes for voluntary dissolution of a principal delivers his power of attorney to
partnership. Involuntary. the agent and the latter receives it
without objectio
86. In case of an agreement between a F
partner, the partnership debtors and the A partner is discharged from any 97. An agent may be exempted from F
persons continuing the business, a existing liability upon the rendering an accounting Agent is bound to render an
partner may be discharged from dissolution of the partnership by account of his transactions and
liabilities. an agreement to that effect to deliver to the principal
between himself, the partnership whatever he may have received
creditor and the person or by virtue of the agency, even
though it may not be owing to sharr of any liability created by
the principal. the acting partner as if the
partnership had jot been
98. If the principal does not mention the T dissolved
power to substitute at all, the agent may
appoint one but he is responsible for the 109. Unless otherwise agreed, the partners F
acts of the substitute. who have not wrongfully dissolved the Not insolvent
partnership or the legal representative of
99. An agency is gratuitous unless F
the last surviving insolvent partner, has
compensation is agreed upon. Agency is presumed to be for a
the right to wind up the partnership
compensation, unless there is
affairs, provided, however, that any
proof to the contrary.
partner, his legal representative or his
100. The accomplishment of the object of the T assignee, upon cause shown, may
agency extinguishes an agency even obtain winding up by the court.
prior to the final accounting. 110. When partnership agreement is T
101. An agency at will is revoked even if the T rescinded on the ground of fraud or
revocation is not brought to the misrepresentation, partners who are not
knowledge of the agent. Alt: F di ko alam guilty shall have the right to subrogation
for any payments made by them of
102. When a partner by estoppel combines T partnership liabilities.
with another partner and on the strength
of representation, contracted with a third
person, both of them are liable pro rata.
103. A partner is a co-owner of the other F
partners with respect to the undistributed Refers only to specific
net profits of the partnership partnership property.
104. Winding up may be done by mere T
assignee in exceptional circumstances.
105. A decree of dissolution of a partnership T
may be granted upon application of the
purchaser of partnership interest in case
of termination of term or undertaking.
106. Except as necessary for winding up, T
dissolution terminates all authority of
partners to act for the partnership.
107. After dissolution, a partner can bind the F
partnership by any transaction which
would bind the partnership if dissolution
had not taken place, provided the other
party to the transaction had extended
credit to the partnership after dissolution.
108. Dissolution necessarily discharges a F
partner of liability for obligations incurred Where a person enters into a new
thereafter. contract with a third person after
dissolution, the new contract
generally will bind the partners.
Each of them is liable for his
1. The insolvency of the F debtor ratifies the payment
guarantor entitles the creditor Art 2057- If the guarantor should be 9-15 7 INSTANCES WHERE THE BENEFIT OF
to demand another guarantor convicted in first instance of a crime EXHAUSTION IS NOT AVAILABLE
even if the creditor involving dishonesty or should become
designated the guarantor insolvent, the creditor may demand 1. When the guarantor has
another who has all the qualifications constituted in favor of the
required in the preceding article. The creditor a pledge or mortgage as
case is excepted where the creditor has an addtl security
required and stipulated that a specified 2. Non compliance w/ Art 2060
person should be the guarantor 3. He has a judicial bondsman and
2. Future debts of unknown F sub-surety
amount may not be Art 2053 A guaranty may also be given as 4. G expressly renounces it
guaranteed because there is security for future debts, the amount of 5. Bound himself solidarily w/
no principal obligation yet which is not yet known; there can be no debtor
claim against the guarantor until the debt 6. Debtor’s insolvency
is liquidated. A conditional obligation 7. He has absconded, or cant be
may also be secured. sued w/in the Phils unless he
3. Guaranty must be express F has left a manager or
but exceptionally it may be Art 2055 A guaranty is not presumed; it representative
implied from acts of the must be express and cannot extend to 8. It may be presumed that an
guarantor as in guaranty by more than what is stipulated therein. execution on the property of the
estoppel principal debtor would not result
4. The guarantor can bind F in the satisfaction of the
himself for more than what Art 2054 A guarantor may bind himself obligation
the debtor is liable for but not for less, but not for more than the 16. If the parties avail of contractual T
for less principal debtor, both as regards the provision for automatic extension, the
amount and the onerous nature of the guarantor will be released
conditions. Should he have bound 17. in case of a merger between the F
himself for more, his obligations shall be debtor and the guarantor, the guaranty Guaranty is accessory and subsidiary
reduced to the limits of that of the debtor. is extinguished but a sub-guarantor, if
5. The debtor may interpose F any, is released
against the guarantor all Only if the G pays w/out notifying the 18. there is no excussion/exhaustion in T
defenses available against debtor judicial guaranty
the creditor 19. when the principal obligation is F
6. The benefit of exhaustion T modified by agreement, the guarantor Alteration should be onerous as to
available to the guarantor is is released if he didn’t agree to the impose a new obli or add burden to the
not available if the guaranty is modification even if the modified guarantor
in the form of pledge or obligation will be less onerous
mortgage on the guarantor’s 20. a remission in favor of 1 of 5 F
property guarantors extinguishes the principal Extinguished only if remission is made
7. Execution may be enforced F obligation but only to the extent of 1/5 w/out the consent of the other Gs
against the guarantor Art 2058 The guarantor cannot be 21. an oral mortgage is void against T
whenever a writ of execution compelled to pay the creditor unless the rd
is issued against a debtor latter has exhausted all the property of innocent 3 parties but valid bet. the
the debtor, and has resorted to all the parties themselves
legal remedies against the debtor 22. an unregistered RE mortgage may T
8. If the guarantor pays before T still be the subject of foreclosure
the due date, he cant proceed
against the debtor until that
date arrives except when the
23. a contract of antichresis that F 35. while the law does not specifically F
doesn’t specify the interest in writing, Obli to pay interest is not the essence of require the possession of the prop to Not standard but special req
although it expressly mentioned the antichresis the antichretic creditor, delivery has
principal amount is void and of no been held a standard characteristic of
effect at all the contract of antichresis
24. a chattel mortgage is a real F 36. all immovable properties may be T
contract because it requires Antichresis is an accessory, formal, the object of a contract of antichresis F- immovable of the creditor
constructive delivery by the registration unilateral contract. Indispensable req of 37. the mortgage extends to both T
of the contract in the CM registry registration is not equivalent to natural and artificial accessions
constructive delivery 38. the parties must agree on the F
25. what must be contained in an A statement wherein the parties severally valuation of the fruits for application to Art 2133- actual MV of fruits at the time of
affidavit of good faith swear that the mortgage is made for the the interest and principal of the debt application
purpose of securing the obli specified in 39. the parties may stipulate to the F
the conditions thereof and for no other share of taxes and charges upon the Art 2135
purposes and that the same is just and estate during the period of antichresis
valid obligation as one not entered into 40. the expenses for preservation of
for the purpose of fraud the prop in an antichresis shall be
26. a CM w/out containing an affidavit F. deducted from the fruits of the same
of GF is void for all intents and Affidavit only required for the purpose of 41-43 RIGHTS OF AN ANTICHRETIC CREDITOR
purposes transforming an already valid mortgage A. Right to receive the fruits of the
to a preferred one. Absence of such debtor’s immovable
rd B. Right to the actual MV of the
vitiates the mortgage only as against 3 fruits at the time of the
persons w/out notice application thereof to the
27. a lessee may mortgage the thing F interest and principal
leased but only valid during the Lessee not the absolute owner of the C. Right to enjoyment of an
effectivity of the lease prop immovable
28. a mortgage made by a co-owner of F 44-46 OBLIGATIONS OF AN ANTICHRETIC
a property w/out the consent of other Produces a legal effect *Art 493 C CREDITOR
co-owners produces no legal effect Unless stipulation to the contrary, to pay:
29. the nullity of a mortgage does not T a. Taxes
render null and void the principal obli it b. Charges upon the estate. If he
guarantees doesn’t pay: indemnity for
30. a municipality may not mortgage a F damages
patrimonial property being used as a Municipality is the absolute owner of the c. Apply the fruits after receiving
public market property them to the interest if owing and
31. growing fruits while they are T after, to the principal
attached to the land may not be proper 47. the chattel mortgage is deemed to T
objects of CM cover only the prop described therein
32. a machinery classified as RP under F and not like or substituted property
Art 415 NCC may be the object of a CM primarily for movables under Art 416- thereafter acquired by the mortgagor
valid CM 417 NCC notwithstanding a contrary stipulation
Exceptions: 48. stocks in trade which are naturally T
a. Bldg. under Art 415 (1) revolving or floating and perishable
b. Estoppel goods that are naturally expected to be
33. a mortgage may be gratuitous T replaced may be the proper objects of
34. a mortgage follows the property F (?) a CM, provided the deed must be
whoever the possessor may be Formal assumption not necessary amended every time there is a
provided there is formal assumption of replacement of the goods
mortgage by the transferee 49. a promise expressed in a CM to F
include debts to be contracted in the Marquez v Elisan Credit Corp c. Possession of thing mortgaged
future is a binding commitment that can remains w/debtor
be compelled upon the security itself d. Different procedure in sale in a
even if there is no amendment of the public auction
old agreement or the execution of a e. If the price of the sale in case of
new one foreclosure is less than the
50. a stipulation in a RE mortgage T amount of the principal obli,
prohibiting the mortgagor fr. Selling the creditor can recover deficiency
mortgaged property w/out the written PLEDGE
consent of the mortgagee is valid a. Real
because obligations arising from b. Reqt that it be in a public
contract have the force of law bet. the rd
contracting parties instrument is merely to bind 3
51. the absence of written consent of T persons
the mortgagee in a sale of a mortgaged c. Possession vested w/ creditor
rd d. Diff procedure in public auction
chattel to a 3 party doesn’t affect the sale
validity of the sale although the e. Creditor not entitled to recover
mortgagor could be criminally liable deficiency
52. stipulations in a contract of F 62-65 4 DISTINCTIONS: CM and RE
antichresis for the extrajudicial Parties may agree on the same, as in MORTGAGE
foreclosure of the security is void for mortgage and pledge
lack of legal basis CM
53. in a RE mortgage foreclosure T a. Constituted on movables
pursuant to Art 3135 doesn’t require b. Cant guarantee future oblis
personal notice to the mortgagor c. CM needs to be registered in CM
54. in RE mortgage and antichresis, T registry as a security for
deficiency or the excess is for the performance of an obli
acct/credit of the debtor unlike in the d. Registration essential for
case of pledge validity
55. after foreclosure of a CM or PP T RE Mortgage
paid on installment, the seller cant a. Constituted on immovable
recover the deficiency from the buyer b. May guarantee future
56. the loss of the property mortgaged F obligations
by a fortuitous event shall necessarily Mortgage is an accessory contract, loss c. Needs to be registered to bind
free the debtor-mortgagor from the prin of the thing mortgaged doesn’t affect the rd
obli principal contract
3 persons
d. Registration not essential for its
57. the commitment of a buyer at an F validity
auction resell the prop to the mortgagor Right of redemption may be exercised w/
66. a pledger who is not the debtor has F
beyond the period of redemption is not in 1 yr from the reg of the cert of sale;
the rights of a guarantor to seek Excussion is not included
binding unless supported by a separate w/out the reg of the prop, redemption is
reimbursement, subrogation, excussion
consideration still possible even when the commitment
and is not prejudiced by any waiver of
is not supported by a separate
defense by the debtor
67. the incorporeal right of lease over a F
condominium unit evidenced by a Lease contract is not a document of title
notarized contract of lease may be which accompanies an incorporeal right,
a. Consensual
validly pledged which may be pledged
b. Requirement of registration is
essential for validity
rd F 82. the pledgee cannot use the thing F
68. a pledge made by a 3 party who rd pledged without the express authority Art 2104 The creditor cannot use the
is not the owner is void because only A 3 party may pledge another’s of the pledger even if its preservation thing pledged, without the authority of
an owner w/out exception may pledge property w/ authority and consent of the requires the owner, and if he should do so, or
his property owner of such to secure the principal obli should misuse the thing in any other
69. a thing pledged may be alienated at F way, the owner may ask that it be
the instance of the creditor to satisfy It will amount to dacion en pago judicially or extrajudicially deposited.
the principal obligation When the preservation of the thing
70. an agreement to the effect that the F pledged requires its use, it must be used
thing pledged should be applied in There is no more pledge but a valid by the creditor but only for that purpose.
payment of the obligation by way of dacion en pago 83. all fruits produced by the thing T
dacion en pago is void because this will pledged are subject to legal
constitute pactum comissorium compensation even in the absence of a
71. est tota in tota et tota in qualibet There is whole in the whole and the stipulation to this effect
parte whole in every part 84. the thing in pledge couldn’t be F
72. if there are 3 debtors who are F subjected to a precautionary sale w/out Pledger has the right to alienate the thing
jointly liable, the creditor may enforce The creditor cant immediately enforce the consent of the pledger pledged provided the pledgee consents
the obligation of each against the the obligation of the joint debtors against to the sale
whole thing pledged the whole thing pledged because he may
do so only when the credit has not been
satisfied in due time 85-91 7 CONDITIONS AND RULES FOR VALID
73. a pledge is an accessory, real, F EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF A
unilateral and preparatory contract It is not preparatory THING PLEDGED
74. if a promissory note was used in T a. Filing of an application before
pledge and was subsequently sold at the executive judge thru the
auction to satisfy the principal clerk of court
obligation for a bid price higher than b. CoC will examine whether there
the amount secured by the pledge, the was compliance with the
debtor is not entitled to the surplus, required posting of notice and
should there be any publication
75. a verbal pledge is void F c. Application is raffled among the
Not required to be in writing; no express sheriffs
stipulation d. Auction sale may be had even if
76-81 INSTANCES OF LEGAL PLEDGE there is only 1 participating
a. Art 546 wrt necessary and bidder
useful expenses e. CoC shall issue a cert of
b. Art 612 wrt termination of payment indicating the amt of
usufruct indebtedness, the filing fees
c. Art 1731 wrt execution of work collected and the mortgages
upon a movable sought to be foreclosed, the
d. Art 1914 wrt agent’s right to description of the RE and their
retention of objects of an respective obligations
agency until principal effects f. Cert of sale must be approved
reimbursement and pays by the EJ
indemnity g. After the redemption period has
e. Art 1994 wrt depositary expired, CoC shall archive the
f. Art 2004 wrt hotel keepers records
92. the pledge of a pawn ticket must T
renew it if necessary pledged in case it wasn’t sold in
st nd
93. as a rule, a pledgee may deposit T the 1 and 2 auction
the thing pledged w/ a 3 party of 107. the rules governing the F
proven integrity possession and preservation of the Art 2121 in rel to Art 546 governs
94. unless stipulated otherwise, the T thing pledged by agreement also apply possession in legal pledge, while Art
return of the thing pledged to the owner to legal pledges 2098 governs that of pledge by
extinguishes the pledge agreement
95. for all intents and purposes, the F 108-110 3 OBLIS OF A PLEDGEE
pledge is extinguished when the thing It may be extinguished even if it is not in a. Take care of the thing with the
pledged is in the possession of the the hands of the pledger DGOAFOAF
pledger b. Apply the fruits of the thing for
96-100 5 RIGHTS OF A PLEDGOR payment of the interest to the
a. Right to claim back the security principal
pledged on repayment of the c. Be responsible for acts of the
debt w/ interest and other subordinate
b. Right to receive a reasonable
notice in case the pledgee
intends to sell the goods and in
case he doesn’t receive the
notice, he has the right to claim
c. In case of sale, he is entitled to
receive from the pledgee any
surplus that may remain w/ him
after the debt is completely paid
d. Right to claim any accruals to
the things pledged
e. If any loss is caused to the
goods due to the mishandling or
negligence of the pledgee, he
has the right to claim the same
101. the pledgor must pay the T
necessary and useful expenses
incurred by the pledgee on the thing
a. Return of the thing pledged by
the Pee to the Pr
b. Statement in writing by the Pee
that he renounces or abandons
the pledge
c. Payment of the debt
d. Sale of the thing pledged at an
e. Appropriation of the thing
1. An oral mortgage is void against F proper objects of CM.
innocent 3 parties but valid
12. A machinery classified as RP T
under Art 415 NCC may be the
between. the parties themselves
object of a valid CM.
2. An unregistered REM may still T
be the subject of foreclosure.
13. A mortgage may be gratuitous. T
14. A mortgage follows the property F
3. A contract of antichresis that F whoever the possessor may be
doesn’t specify the interest in provided there is formal Formal assumption not necessary.
writing, although it expressly Obligation to pay interest is not the essence assumption of mortgage by the
mentioned the principal amount of antichresis. transferee.
is void and of no effect at all. 15. While the law does not T
4. A CM is a real contract because F specifically require the
it requires constructive delivery possession of the prop to the
by the registration of the contract Antichresis is an accessory, formal, antichretic creditor, delivery has
in the CM registry. unilateral contract. been held a standard
characteristic of the contract of
5. What must be contained in an A statement wherein the parties severally
affidavit of good faith swear that the mortgage is made for the 16. All immovable properties may be F
purpose of securing the obli specified in the the object of a contract of
conditions thereof and for no other purposes antichresis. Only immovable of the creditor.
and that the same is just and valid 17. The mortgage extends to both T
obligation as one not entered into for the natural and artificial accessions
purpose of fraud.
18. The parties must agree on the F
6. A CM w/out containing an F. valuation of the fruits for Actual MV of fruits at the time of application
affidavit of GF is void for all Affidavit only required for the purpose of application to the interest and
intents and purposes. transforming an already valid mortgage to a principal of the debt
preferred one.
19. The parties may stipulate to the T.
7. Lessee may mortgage the thing F
share of taxes and charges upon
leased but only valid during the the estate during the period of
effectivity of the lease. Lessee is not the absolute owner of the
20. The expenses for preservation of T
8. A mortgage made by a co-owner F
the property in an antichresis
of a property w/o the consent of Produces a legal effect
shall be deducted from the fruits
other co-owners produces no
of the same.
legal effect.
9. The nullity of a mortgage does T
not render null and void the
principal obli it guarantees
10. A municipality may not mortgage T
a patrimonial property being 21. Receive fruits RIGHTS OF AN ANTICHRETIC CREDITOR
used as a public market. 22. Actual MV of the fruits at the the
of application
11. Growing fruits while they are F 23. Enjoyment of immovable
attached to the land may not be
24. Taxes OBLIGATIONS OF AN ANTICHRETIC for lack of legal basis
25. Charges upon estate CREDITOR
33. In REM, foreclosure pursuant to T
26. Apply fruits after receiving them Art 3135 doesn’t require
27. The chattel mortgage is deemed T personal notice to the mortgagor
to cover only the prop described
34. In REM and antichresis, T
therein and not like or substituted
deficiency or the excess is for
property thereafter acquired by
the acct/credit of the debtor
the mortgagor notwithstanding a
unlike in the case of pledge .
contrary stipulation
35. After foreclosure of a CM or PP T
28. Sstocks in trade which are F
paid on installment, the seller
naturally revolving or floating and
cannot recover the deficiency
perishable goods that are Stocks cannot be an object of CM.
from the buyer
naturally expected to be replaced
may be the proper objects of a 36. The loss of the property F
CM, provided the deed must be mortgaged by a fortuitous event Mortgage is an accessory contract, loss of
amended every time there is a shall necessarily free the debtor- the thing mortgaged doesn’t affect the
replacement of the goods mortgagor from the principal principal contract.
29. A promise expressed in a CM to F
include debts to be contracted in 37. The commitment of a buyer at an F
the future is a binding Marquez v Elisan Credit Corp auction resell the prop to the Right of redemption may be exercised w/ in
commitment that can be mortgagor beyond the period of 1 yr from the reg of the cert of sale; w/o the
compelled upon the security redemption is not binding unless reg of the prop, redemption is still possible
itself even if there is no supported by a separate even when the commitment is not supported
amendment of the old agreement consideration. by a separate consideration
or the execution of a new one
30. A stipulation in a REM prohibiting F
the mortgagor from selling the
mortgaged property w/out the Pactum commisorium DIFF: CM and PLEDGE CM PLEDGE
written consent of the mortgagee 38. X 1. Consensual 1. Real
is valid because obligations 39. X 2. Registration 2. Public instrument
arising from contract have the 40. X essential for validity to bind 3rd persons
force of law bet. the contracting 41. X 3. Possession 3. Possession with
parties remains with debtor creditor
4. Different 4. Different
31. The absence of written consent T procedure in public procedure in public
of the mortgagee in a sale of a auction sale auction sale
rd 5. If price of sale is 5. Credior not
mortgaged chattel to a 3 party less than the amount entitled to recover
doesn’t affect the validity of the of pincipal, creditor deficiency
sale although the mortgagor can recover
could be criminally liable deficiency.

32. Stipulations in a contract of F

antichresis for the extrajudicial Parties may agree on the same, as in
42. X 1. Movable 1. Immovable
foreclosure of the security is void mortgage and pledge
43. X 2. x guarantee future 2. Future obligations
44. X obligations may be guaranteed. sub-guarantor, if any, is released
45. X 3. Registration in CM 3. Registration to
registry as a security bind 3rd persons. 54. There is no T
for performance of an 4. Registration X excussion/exhaustion in judicial
obligation essential guaranty
4. Registration 55. When the principal obligation is F
essential for validity modified by agreement, the Alteration should be onerous as to impose a
46. A survivorship agreement that T guarantor is released if he didn’t new obli or add burden to the guarantor
upon death of 1 of the joint agree to the modification even if
accoutn holders the full amount the modified obligation will be
of money in their account shall less onerous
become the property of the 56. A remission in favor of 1 of 5 T
survivor is a valid aleatory guarantors extinguishes the
contract. principal obligation but only to
47. Betting in a basketball game is F the extent of 1/5
valid because it is not a game of 57. Necessary and useful expenses EXAMPLES OF LEGAL PLEDGE
chance. Prohibited. 58. Termination of usufruct
48. fThe insolvency of the guarantor F 59. Execution of work upon a
entitles the creditor to demand Art 2057- If the guarantor should be movable
another guarantor even if the convicted in first instance of a crime 60. Agent’s right to retention of
creditor designated the guarantor involving dishonesty or should become objects of an agency until
insolvent, the creditor may demand another principal effects reimbursement
who has all the qualifications required in the and pays indemnity
preceding article. The case is excepted 61. Depositary
where the creditor has required and 62. Hotel keepers
stipulated that a specified person should be
63. File application before the 7 CONDITIONS AND RULES FOR VALID
the guarantor
executive judge thru the clerk of EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF A
49. Future debts of unknown amount F court THING PLEDGED
may not be guaranteed because A guaranty may also be given as security for 64. Clerk will examine WON there  Debt must be due and
there is no principal obligation future debts. was compliance with posting of demandable
yet. notice and publication  Notify the owner
65. Raffling of application among  Intenvention of notary public
50. Guaranty must be express but F
A guaranty is not presumed; it must be
sheriffs  Sale in public auction
exceptionally it may be implied
express and cannot extend to more than
66. Auction sale may be had even if  Bids must be I ncash
from acts of the guarantor as in
there is only 1 participating
guaranty by estoppel what is stipulated therein.
51. The guarantor can bind himself F 67. Clerk shall issue a certificate of
for more than what the debtor is A guarantor may bind himself for less, but payment
liable for but not for less not for more than. 68. Certificate of sale must be
approved by the EJ
52. If the parties avail of contractual F
69. Archival of records
provision for automatic
extension, the guarantor will be
70. For all intents and purposes of F
53. In case of a merger between the T
pledge is extinguished when
debtor and the guarantor, the thing pledged is in the Only a disputable presumption.
guaranty is extinguished but a
possession of pledgor enrichment exists.
71. The rules governing possession T
and preservation of a thing 94. A quasi-contract may be T
pledged by agreement shall nominate/innominate.
apply to legal pledges.
95. The rights under quasi-contract T
72. Take care w/ diligence of good 3 OBLIGATIONS OF PLEDGEE prescribes in 6 years.
father of family
73. Liable for loss or deteriorioration 96. Negorotium gestio arises when a F
person takes charge of an
by reason of fraud, negligence,
abandoned property of another No knowlsegdge.
delay or violation of contract
who does not oppose
74. Not deposit with a 3rd person
notwithstanding knwoeldge.
97. Gestor who attempts to F
76. Only movable property
appropriate the property is
77. Voluntary or necessary governed by rules on implied Not govern
78. Real trust.
79. Unilateral if gratuitous
80. Bilateral if for compensation 98. Solutio indebiti arises when F
payment is made through
81. Safekeep OBLIGATION OF DEPOSITARY mistake, liberality or some other It arises when payment is unduly delivered
82. Return when required cause. through mistake only.
83. Liable for loss through his fault or
negligence 99. Where negligence is punishabel T
under RPC, the repsonsibility for
QD is distinct from civil liability
JUDICIAL VS CONVENTIONAL DEPOSIT Judicial EJ arising from the feliny and may
84. X 1. Court orders the 1. Necessary or therefore be pursued separately.
85. x attachment/seizure voluntary
86. x 2. Movable or 2. Only movable 100. Breach of contract may result T
87. x immovable 3. Delivery may be from QD.
3. Delivery is made made by will of 101. Define proximate cause Causw ehich in natural and continuous
by court order depositor sequence, unbroken by any efficient
102. x
4. Attachment or 4. Compliance with intervening cause, produces the injury and
seizure legal obligsation or w/o which the result would not have
calamity occurred.
SOLIDARY GUARANTOR VS SOLIDARY SD SG 103. Doctrine of contributory If P's negligence was only contributory, the
DEBTOR 1. Debt shall be paid 1. Debtor shall pay negligence immediate and proximate cause of injury
88. x 2. Solidary and 2. Subsidiarily liable
104. x being D's lack of due care, P can still
89. x primarily liable 3. Entitled to recover but the court shall mitigate the
90. x 3. Not entitled to excussio damages to be awarded.
91. x excussion 4. Collateral
92. x 4. Original promisor undertaking
5. Bound to know 5. No need for notice
every default

93. A quasi-contract will not arise if T 105. Doctrine of discovered peril Where both parties are negligent, but the
the act is not unilateral and 106. x negligent act of one is appreciably later in
voluntary and no unjust time than that of the other, or when it is
impossible to determine whose fault or proceedings.
negligence should be attributed to the
incident, the one who had the last clear 118. Voluntarily assumption or REQS OF NEGOROTIUM GESTIO
opportunity to avoid the impending harm management of business or
and failed to do so is liable. property
119. Abandoned or neglected.
107. Under the doctrine of T 120. Not authorized by owner.
supervening negligence, the 121. No contract
antecedent negligence of a 122. GF
telephone company is not 123. Unjust enrichment
providing warning signs on
excavations would not make it 124. Risky operations GESTOR LIABLE FOR FORTUITIOUS
liable if P had a clear chance to 125. Prefferd his own interested EVENT
avoid the accident. 126. Fail to return upon demand
127. BF
108. Volonti non fit injuria not apply if T
128. Unfit to carry on
a person, aware of possible
danger, takes some risks in order
129. Intervened and prevented more
competent person
to preserve life.
130. Delegate to another
109. Doctrine of imputed negligence Obligation under 2176 is demandable not 131. Stipulation
110. x only for one's acts or omissions but also for
those of persons for whom one is 132. Repudiation EXTINGUISHMENT OF NG
responsible. 133. Withdrawal
134. Death
111. Burden of proof is the same in F 135. Civil interdiction
action ciulpa contractual and Culpa aquiliana - rests on plaintiff 136. Insanity
culpa acquillana. Culpa contractual – defendant to present
137. Insolvency
proof of contract and non-performance is
138. Death, civil interdiciton of owner
139. Insanity, insolvency of owner
112. Res ipsa loquitor The thing itself speaks. One is presumed to
140. If payor was in doubt whether T
113. x be negligent if he had exclusive control of
whatever caused the injury even though debt is due, he may recover
there is no specific evidence of an act of upon prood that it was not due.
negligence, and without negligence the 141. NG and SI may apply in 1 and F
accident would not have happened. the same situtation Different
114. PH law recognizes the strict T 142. NG is the management of affairs T
liability in torts rule. or property of anotehr w/o latter's
115. Liability may be created even if T consent, whether implied or
there is no fault or negligence. express and for his benefit
143. A person who receives in GF a T
116. If driver and owner of cargo truck T
which figured in a road mishap payment made erroneously by
were found liable for torts, their the payor shall only answer for
liability is solidary. the thing and its accessories to
the extent of his enrichment
117. A subsidiary writ of execution T
may be issued against ER of an
144. Delivery to a payee REQS OF SOLUTIO INDEBITI
accused even if the formed did
not participate in the criminal 145. No right to demand what was
146. Mistake 160. Culpa contractual and culpa T
147. ???Receipt aquilliana both give rise to an
obligation to indemnify.
148. If a thing paid to payee in GF T
was thereafter alienated, payee 161. As a general rule, QD covers all T
may restore the price or assign negligent or culpable acts or
the action to collect it. ommissions whether punished
by law or not so long as they dod
149. Payee in BF must restore the F not constiute breach of contract.
capital w/ interest, or thing with
fruits which were received or 162. Factors affecting negligence are T
should have been received, if person, time, place and skills.
thing produces fruits plus
163. Person may be held responsible T
for the acts and negligence of
150. Payee in BF can demand F others under his control and
reimbursement for necessary supervision as in injury caused
and useful exepnses w/ right to He can demand for necessary expenses but by stray animals.
retention. no right of retention.
151. If thing paid belongs to 3rd F 165. Guardians ACTS OF OTHERS
person, payee who fines out the 166. School, administrators, teachers
true owner must notify the latter Claim the thing within 1 month. 167. Employers
to claim the thing w/in 60 days. 168. State
152. Liability of 2 or more payees in F 169. Head of families that live in T
SI is joint unless solidary is buildings or parts thereof shall be
stipulated. Solidary. liable for damages caused by
things thrown or falling frm the
153. A stranger who gives support T
same and no proof of negligence
has a right to claim from the one
is required to hold them liable.
legally bound unless he gave it
out of piety and w/o intent to be 170. Damages recoverable for QD T
paid. include damnum emergens and
154. When trhough an accident, a F
person was injured and treated 171. Fault must be the proximate and F
or helped by another while not in Unless service rendered out of pure need to be the only cause for
a condition to give consnet, he generosity. daamge in order to recover Negligence/Coontributory negligence/strict
shall be liable to pay for the indemnification. liability
services rendered him even if
they were rendered on pure 172. Actual damages are reparation T
generosity. of pecuniary losses.

155. Exceptionally, a crime of rape F 173. Moral damages are reparation T

may be considered QD. Quasi-delict for non-pecuniary losses.

156. Act or ommission REQS OF QD

157. Damage is caused 174. Liquidated damages must be F
158. Fault or negligence proveb ny claimant. No need for proof.
159. No pre-existing contractual 175. Exemplary damages are for T
relation between parties deterring future violations.
176. Fixing amount of indemnity may F 199. With reference to specific F
only be by law or courts. Agreement of parties as to liquidated movable property, claim of EE of
damages. the owner now enjoy preference Real preference only with respect to taxes.
over taxes.
178. Breach of contract 200. With respect to specific T
immovable property, only taxes
179. Pleading and proof of loss REQS FOR RECOVERY OF ACTUAL
enjoy absolute preference and
180. Proven with reasonable certainty LOSS other preferred credits must be
181. Fact of death, if deaath resulted divided pro rata..
182. Equitable mitigtion of damages
may be decreed if loss would T
have resulted in any even if there
was no breach by defendant
183. No interest may be recovered on T
unliqiudated claim of damages,
except when damend can be
established w/ reasonable
certainty at court's discretion.
184. Exemplary damages are WHEN ATTY FEES CAN BE
185. Malicious prosecution
186. Unfounded civil action or
187. Legal support
188. Malicious prosecution WHEN MORAL DAMAGES BE
189. Adultery or concubinage RECOVERED
190. Illegal search
191. Libel
192. Seduciton
193. Agreed upon by parties CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUIDATED
194. Equitably reduced if iniquitous or DAMAGES
195. When breach is not the one
stipulated, law will determine the
measure of damages.
196. LD are those damages agreed F
upon by parties and may not be May be reduced if iniquitous or
equitable reduced. unconscionable.

197. ED cannot be awarded alone. T

198. Preference under 2241 can only T
be applied if there is an
insolvency proceeding.
QUIZ 9 – 120 items
1. A survivor ship agreement that upon the death of 1 of F.
the joint account holders the full amount of money in
their account shall become the property of the survivor It is prohibited.
is a valid aleatory contract.
2. Betting in a basketball game is valid because it is not a F
game of chance. Not a game of chance, nut under PD438, it is prohibited.
3. A manufacturer or seller of a prodcut cannot be held T
liable for any damage casued by the product in
absence of proof that product was defective
4. A single transaction whereby 2 or more persons F
contribute funds to buy certain real estate for profit An isolated transaction whereby 2 or more persons contribute
creates partnership only to that particular transaction. funds to buy certail RP for profit in the abasnece of other
circumstances showing contrary intention cannot be considered
5. The liability for a contract entered into on behald of an T
unincorporated association or ostensible corporation
may be in a person who may not have directly
transacted on its behalf, but reaped benefits from the
6. A stipulation in a contract of partnership that upon the
death of a partner, the partnership shall continue to
exist amongs the surviving partners and the heir/s of
the deceased partner is valid.
7. Where the title to RP is in the name of the partners in
conveyance executed by all partners passes all their
rights in such property.
8. If the cause is not justified or no casue was given,
withdrawing managing partner named in AOP may be
compelled to remain in the firm until selection of
replacement and amendment of AOP.
9. Acquisiton of 62% of hte partnership interest by new T
partners, coupled with retirement or withdrawal of
partners who had originally owned such interest,
results to constitution of new partnership.
10. A partnership which does not fix its term is also F
referred as a Partnership w/o term. Partnership at will
11. An action broguth by atty in fact in his own name F
instead of hte pricnipal will not prosper unless name of Atty in fact cannot file an action.
principal is disclosed in the body of complaint.
12. Liability arising from a partner's negligence shall be T
solidary among the guilty partner, innocent partners,
and partnership.
13. Prescription of right to inqurie on the business affairs of T
partnership or demand an accounting starts to run from
the dissolution of partnerhsip.
14. The agent's interst in his promised commission upon F
completion of his obligation makes agency coupled w/ Not an agency coupled w/ interest.
15. Principal cannot be held liable for actions of agents F
outside scope of their auhtority even if principal Acts beyond authority do not binid unless ratified.
received benefits from the same.
16. Broker may still claim for commission depsite absence T
of authoritsation from principal.
17. Power to foreclosre given to mortgage is govered by F
rules on ordinary agency. Not an ordinary agency.
18. As between the parties to the agency, socpe of agent's T
authority is what appears in written terms of power of
atty regardless of different insturctions from principal
becuase 3rd parties are not bound to inquire on hte
written terms.
19. There is an implied trust when property is sold, and hte T
legal estate is granted to 1 party but the price paid by
another fro the purpose of having the beneficial
interest of the orperty.
20. If a person obtains legal title to property by fraud and T
concealment, courts of equity will impress upon hte
title is so called resulting trust in favor of the defrauded
21. In an express trust, acceptance by the trustee is T
necessary fro the creation of the trust.
22. A trustor may not have the capacity to transfer
23. Trusts over RP are enforceable in any form. F
24. Trustee can acquire trist property by adverse F
possession even w/o repudation of trust. One of the requisites of trustee to claim title by prescription is
performance of open and unequivocal acts of repudiation.
25. An express trust concerning an immovable or any F
interest may be proved by parole evidence. It may not be proven by parole evidence.
26. In an implied trust over a parcel of land, action to F
recover msut be brought w/in 5 years from issuance of 10 years
title to property.
27. For an aciton for reconveyance based on fraud to F
prosper, petititoner must prove by CCE only his title to Title and fact of fraud.
the property.
28. Prescription will lie in favor of persons who are not in F
possession of the disputed land provided they claim an
interest thereon.
29. In our jurisdiction, it is an enshrined rule that even a T
registered owner of proeprty may be barred from
recovering possesion of property by viurtue of laches.
30. Refusal on part of borrower to exxecute an agreeemtn T
to cover the after-acquired obligsation can constityte
an act of default on the part of the borrrower and the
foreclusre may cover debts incurred after the time of
constiution of CM sought to be foreclosed.
31. The rules governing loans or forbearances may be
appliued by analogy to discounts.
32. Where indebtedness actually owing to the holder of F
morotgage is less than sum named in the mortgage, Where indebtedness actuallu pwing to holder of mortaage is less
mortgage may be enforced fro more than the actual than sum named in mortgage, mortgage cannot benforced for
sum due. mo rethan the actual sum,
33. In a loan transaction, obligation to pay a sum certain in
money may be paid in money or by use of check if
agreed upon.
34. Failre of entrutee to turn over proceeds of sale of F
goods, covered by trust receipts to entruster or to Liable for estafa
return said goods when not disposed of in
accoradance with the terms of trust receipt creates a
civil obligation but not a criminal case.
35. Legal rate for loan/forbearance of money may be T
applied to an obligsation arising from a piece of work.
36. If obligation constits in the payment of sum of money, T
and the debtor incurs in delay, indemnity for damages,
there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the
payment of interest agreed upon, and in the absence
of stipulation, legal interest which is 6% per annum.
37. In simple loan with stipulation of usurious interest, F
prestation of debtor to pay the principal debt, which is Illegality lies only as to the presation to pay stipulated interest
the cause of contract becomes ilelgal.
38. In cases where no interest has been stipulated by the F
parties, as in case of PH American Accident Insurance, No interest was stipulated
accrued conventional interest could further earn
interest upon judicial demand.
39. A registered mortgage right over the property is inferior T
to an unrecroded sale.
40. Exemplary dmaages are awarded for wanton acts and
granted by way of compensation for damages suffered
by plaintiff so as to ____ others as a sort of deferrent.
41. Loss of earning capacty cannot be awarded in case of
damages predicated on breach of contract.
42. Temparate damages are more than nominal damages
and inteded as a reasonable compensation fro injury
sustained even in the documentary proof.
43. Moral damages may not be recovered in cases of
seduction if the victim was already an adult at the time
she had an affair with the _____
44. The seller of a car which was repossessed for
appraisal purposes can still claim fro the balance of the
purchase price
45. The owner of establishment are solidary liable with
their driver fro any accident resukting from latter's
negligent operation of the vehicle provided said owners
were riding therein at the time of mishap.
46. Vendor of personal property sold on isntallment basis
is not precluded after foreclosing the CM on the thing
sold, from having recourse against the additional
security put up by a 3rd party to guarantee the
purchaser's performance of his obligation because the
rifghts eminate from different contracts.
47. Whenever a price of rural land not exceeding 1 hectare
is alienated ,law grantes the adjoining owners a right of
redemption even if grantee or buyer does not own any
other rural land.
48. When a 3rd person claims a legal right to the property
leased, it is a tresspass in fact for which lessor shall
not be liable unless stipualted.
49. The mere act of submitting a case to auhtorities for F
prosecution makes 1 liable for malciious prosecution.
50. A private complainant can be held liable for malicious F
prosceution if accused is acquitted by RTC on
reasoanbale doubt.
51. In case of GF, damages recoverable from breach of T
contract are those which are the natural and probable
consequences of the berach of obligation, WON the
parties could have reasonably foreseen them or not.
52. In rape cases, the court may, in discretion, award F
moral damages to victim without need fro pleading or
proof of the basis thereof.
53. On issued of public humiliation, the courts conider the F
social standing and profession of a perosn in awarding
him actual damages.
54. The diligence required of banks is more than that of a T
good father of a fmily.
55. Payment of obligation in foreign currency is prohibited. F
56. A loan of use exists when a person receives a loan of
money or any other fundible thing and acquires
ownership tehreof.
57. Failure to pay installment payments in a contract to sell T
is a berach thatwill justify rescission of contract.
58. Specially preffered credits must be sastisfied first T
before ordinary credits under 2244 be paid according
to their priority.
59. In precarium, bailor can demand the return of the thing T
at will from bailee.
60. Execution of deed of assignment in liue of surety bond F
will have same effect as deation in payment.
61. Forged deed of sale may become root of vlaid title if F
certificate has already been trasnferred from the name
of true owner to the name of forger.
62. Mortgagee may insure the mortgaged property for his T
benefit but not for his sole benfit.
63. Doctrine of LCC means that even though a person/s F
own acts may have placed him in a position of peril,
and an injury results the injured person is not entitiled
to recovery and partiesm ust suffer own damages.
64. In res ipsa loquitor, burden or proof remains on plaintiff F
to prove that injury arose from defendant's want of
65. Recover actual daamges, it is not necessary to prove T
actual amount of loss with reasonable degree of
66. Grant of atty fees as part of damages is exception T
rather than the rule and counsel's fees are not
awarded every tiem a party prevails in suit.
67. Principal of an acadamic school is liable for tort F
committed by student.
68. Moral damages are generally recoverable in an action F
for berach of contract beccause every person msut
comply with his contractual obligation in GF.
69. If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not the F
principal purpose of the contract, rules on deposit
should still govern.
70. A contract of sale is void and produces no effect
whatsover where price which appears therein as paid,
has in fact never been paid by purchaser to vendor.
71. Generally, malice can be presumed from defamatory T
words but privileged character of a ocmmunication
destroys the persumption of malice.
72. An interest rate of 2% a month is iniquitous and F
stipulation of interest payment is void.
73. The court in Atlantic Gulf vs CA did not exceed its F
jurisdiction when it modified the judgment of trial court
by increasing the award of damages in favor of the
private respondents who, in the first place, did not
impose an appeal therefrom.
74. When the judgment aweading sum of money becomes T
FE, the monetary award shall earn interest at 6% per
annum from the date of such finality until its
satisfaction, regardless of whether the case involves a
loan or forbearance of sum of money.
75. A claim for damages sustained on a shipment of goods T
is a solidary oblgiation of shipper, common carrier and
arrastre operator, and customs brakers.
76. All the claims under 2242 must be paid pro rata.

FROM QUIZ 8 → 76-119

1. Future debts of unknown amount may not be F
guaranteed because there is no principal obligation A guaranty may also be given as security for future debts.
2. Guaranty must be express but exceptionally it may be F
implied from acts of the guarantor as in guaranty by A guaranty is not presumed; it must be express and cannot
estoppel extend to more than what is stipulated therein.
3. The guarantor can bind himself for more than what the F
debtor is liable for but not for less A guarantor may bind himself for less, but not for more than.
4. If the parties avail of contractual provision for T
automatic extension, the guarantor will be released
5. In case of a merger between the debtor and the F
guarantor, the guaranty is extinguished but a sub- Guaranty is accessory and subsidiary.
guarantor, if any, is released
6. There is no excussion/exhaustion in judicial guaranty T
7. When the principal obligation is modified by F
agreement, the guarantor is released if he didn’t agree Alteration should be onerous as to impose a new obli or add
to the modification even if the modified obligation will burden to the guarantor
be less onerous
8. A remission in favor of 1 of 5 guarantors extinguishes F
the principal obligation but only to the extent of 1/5 Extinguished only if remission is made w/out the consent of the
other Gs
9. Necessary and useful expenses EXAMPLES OF LEGAL PLEDGE
10. Termination of usufruct
11. Execution of work upon a movable
12. Agent’s right to retention of objects of an agency until
principal effects reimbursement and pays indemnity
13. Depositary
14. Hotel keepers
15. File application before the executive judge thru the 7 CONDITIONS AND RULES FOR VALID EXTRAJUDICIAL
16. Clerk will examine WON there was compliance with
posting of notice and publication
17. Raffling of application among sheriffs
18. Auction sale may be had even if there is only 1
participating bidder
19. Clerk shall issue a certificate of payment
20. Certificate of sale must be approved by the EJ
21. Archival of records

22. For all intents and purposes of pledge is extinguished F

when thing pledged is in the possession of pledgor
Only a disputable presumption.
23. The rules governing possession and preservation of a T
thing pledged by agreement shall apply to legal
24. Take care w/ diligence of good father of family 3 OBLIGATIONS OF PLEDGEE
25. Liable for loss or deteriorioration by reason of fraud,
negligence, delay or violation of contract
26. Not deposit with a 3rd person
28. Only movable property DEPOSIT
29. Voluntary or necessary
30. Real
31. Unilateral if gratuitous
32. Bilateral if for compensation
34. Return when required
35. Liable for loss through his fault or negligence


36. X 1. Court orders the 1. Necessary or voluntary
37. x attachment/seizure 2. Only movable
38. x 2. Movable or immovable 3. Delivery may be made by
39. x 3. Delivery is made by court will of depositor
order 4. Compliance with legal
4. Attachment or seizure obligsation or calamity
40. x 1. Debt shall be paid 1. Debtor shall pay
41. x 2. Solidary and primarily liable 2. Subsidiarily liable
42. x 3. Not entitled to excussion 3. Entitled to excussio
43. x 4. Original promisor 4. Collateral undertaking
44. x 5. Bound to know every default 5. No need for notice

1. The warehouse receitps law applies to all warehouses,
whether private or publuc, bonded or not.
2. Mere fact that the goods deposited are incorrectly
described does not make ineffective the receipt when
the identity of the goods is fully established by
4. x
5. x
6. x
7. x
8. x
9. x
10. x
11. x
12. A warehouse receipt has 2-fold function of being
contract and a receipt
13. A judgment creditor can levy by execution the goods
covered by a negotiable receipt while in possession of
the Wman even before surrendering the receipt.
14. Fialure to mark the receipt 'negotiable' does not render
it non-nego if it contains wordsof negotiability.
15. Where, by the terms of the negotiable receipt, the
goods are deliverable to bearer or where negotiable
receipt has been indorsed in blank or to bearer, any
holder may indorse the same to him or to any other
specified person, and in such case, the receipt shall
thereafter be negotiated only by indorsement of such
16. Indorsement of a receipt shall make the indorser liable
for failure of the part of wman or previous indorsers of
receipt to fuilfill heir respective oblgiaitons.
17. A receipt in which it is stated that goods received will
be delivered to the depositor or to any other specified
person is a negotiabel receipt.
18. A negotiable receipt with insertion that it is non-
negotiable shall render the receipt non-negotable.
19. Alteration of receipt shall not excuse the Wman who
issued it from any liability ______ it was made w/o
fraudulent intent.
20. __________ commingled with other goods of the same
Quiz 10 (2017-2018)

1. Motive is material in negligence F.

2. An insane person is exempt from
liability arising from delict.

3. Violation of a statutory duty does not F
constitute negligence.

4. Error of judgment on the part of the F
surgeon necessarily makes him liable
for damages.

5. 4 elements in medical negligence a. Duty to use at least the same level of
cases care that any reasonably prudent
6. x doctor would use to treat a condition
7. x under the same circumstances
8. x b. Breach of such professional duty or
improper performance thereof
c. Injury is caused to the patient,
constituting actionable malpractice
d. The doctor’s actions were the
Proximate Cause of the patient’s

9. Unlike in the case of fraud, a person F
may validly waive his right to recover
damages which may result from
negligence, provided it is not gross

10. Elements of abuse of right a. there is legal right or duty
11. x b. exercised in bad faith
12. x c. for the sole intent of prejudicing or
injuring another

Explain the Emergency Rule in Torts à A defense in Torts case where the
defendant may be free from liability if he
can prove that there is an unexpected
and sudden situation, that is an
emergency, which is not caused by him,
and during that unexpected and sudden
situation he acted reasonably

If he can prove that, he will be excused
from liability because a person who is in
an emergency is not expected to be so
alert so as to foreclose the possibility of
injuring others

13. In an express trust, the action to F.
compel the trustee to convey the
property to the beneficiary
prescribes in 10 years.

14. Action based on an implied F
constructive trust prescribes in 10
years from the time of repudiation.

15. The fact that pacto de retro sale is F
not the true value of the property
justifies the conclusion that the
contract is one of equitable

16. A co-owner has the pre-emptive right F.
to buy the shares of his co-owners.
The right of a co-owner is limited to the
redemption of a share that was sold to a

17. What must the lessee do if lessor After tender, there is unjust refusal..
refuses to accept rentals? Consignation

18. ? F.

19. Extraordinary obligation of carrier F.
ceases when goods are placed in
warehouse, rules on deposit shall

20. Instances where the partners’ a. Wrongful acts by the partners in the
liability is solidary with the use of partnership property causing
partnership damage to another person (2
21. X instances):
22. X b. While doing an act that is in accord
with the purposes of the partnership
c. If with the consent of the other
d. Misapplication/Misappropriation of
funds received by the partner for the
e. Misapplication of funds received by
the partnership but in the custody of
the partner

Enumerate the specific obligations of the a. he must perform the agency within
agent in performing the agency with the scope of his authority
exactness b. he must do anything, even if not
expressly provided, conducive to the
performance or accomplishment of
the objectives/purposes of the agency
c. Even if granted, agent should not do
anything unlawful

23. Liability of an industrial partner for F
outstanding partnership obligation is
solidary. The liability of an industrial partner is
not solidary (1860)

24. Requisites of agency by necessity a. Real existence of an emergency
25. X b. Inability of the agent to communicate
26. X with the principal
27. X c. Exercise of the add’l authority
28. X d. for the principal’s own protection
e. Adoption of fairly reasonable means,
premises duly considered

Note: Actually, agency can never be
created by necessity, what is created is

add’l authority in an agent appointed
and authorized before the emergency

5 distinctions on rescission of contracts
under 1380 and 1191

29. Extraordinary expenses on the F.
occasion of the actual use by the
bailee without fault shall be borne by They should equally the burden
the bailor.

30. ? F.

Since the original party was not released,
there is no novation

31. – 40.
X borrowed money from Y. As surety,
Z executed a REM in favor of Y. X
failed to comply, Y foreclosed REM. Z
– to nullify on the ground that Y
should have resorted first to the
properties of X. Is Z’s action correct?

41. – 50.
“O,” owner of a copying machine, “O’s” suit is legally untenable. Art. 1485
leased it to “L” at a rental of P4,000 a NCC provides that the Recto Law
month for a period of 1 year with (Art.1484) applies to contracts
option on the part of “L” to buy the purporting to be leases of personal
copying machine at the end of the property with option to buy, when the
year for P80,000, to be paid by lessor has deprives the lessee of the
applying the rentals, so that “L” possession of enjoyment of the thing.
needs only to pay P32,000. “L” failed Under 1484, the seller has 3 options in
to pay rentals for the 4th, 5th, and 6th case of non-payment of the installment,
months so that “O” terminated the that is,
lease and repossessed for copying (1) specific performance
machine, then sued “L” for the unpaid (2) rescission, or
rental of 3 months, or P12,000. Is (3) foreclosure.
“O’s” sut legally tenable? Explain.
In this case, “O”, in effect, availed of the
remedy of rescission involves mutual
restitution and no action can be
maintained for the enforcement of the

(Aquino, p.577)

1. The source of obligation of a school for injuries suffered by a
student mauled inside the campus by
a trespasser is delict. F
2. A son-in-law who brings his mother-in-law to a hospital for
treatment is obliged to pay for the
hospital bills because of a quasi-contract. F
3. An obligation based on quasi-delict may arise from the performance
of a contract T
4. The officious manager in gestio has no obligation to the property
owner. F
5. A moral obligation has no legal consequence and cannot be enforced
by a court action. T
6. The delivery of anything for a certain consideration may not be the
prestation ofa valid obligation. T (correction)
Civil obligations may become moral obligations. F
8. A civil obligation extinguished by extinctive prescription becomes a
natural obligation. T
9. A civil obligation arises when a minor, who has entered into a
contract without the consent of the
parent or guardian, voluntarily pays a sum of money in fulfillment of
the obligation and the obligee has I
spent it in good faith. T
10. A natural obligation arises when the debtor pays the creditor after
a judicial order for the debtor to
retain the debt. F
11. A contract of loan gives rise to reciprocal obligations between the
bailee and the bailor. F
12. It is essential in bilateral reciprocal obligations that both arise
from the same source. T
13. An obligation arising from a contract of sale is an example of a
cyclic obligation. F
14. A divisible obligation is susceptible of partial performance even
if there is a contrary stipulation. F
15. Integrity of obligation requires that the performance thereof must
be complete. T

16. In obligations to give specific or generic things, the obligor must

perform in good faith the principal
as well as all accessory obligations. F
17. As a general rule, an obligation to do may be performed by another
at the debtors expense. T
18. There is no legal accessory obligation in an obligation not to do.
19. An obligation not to do cannot be performed by a delegate. T
20. Any action fora breach of an obligation is premature if there is no
actual breach within the prescribed period for performance. F
21. Fraud in the performance of a contractual obligation is not aground
for annulment of the contract. T
22. Actions for annulment and damages are common remedies in case of
fraud in the performance of an obligation and deceit in celebration of
a contract. F.
23. A cause of action based on fraud committed by X in the execution of
a contractual obligation may be waived. T
24. There could be delay in the performance of a negative obligation. F
25. There is no delay in the performance of alternative obligations. T
26. There could be an action for specific performance in an obligation
not to do. F
27. An unpaid seller may avail of extra-judicial remedies for breach of
the buyer’s obligations. T
28. Mechanical defects of a vehicle and tire blowout are not fortuitous
events. T
29. Carnapping per se is a fortuitous event. F
30. If the debtor promised to deliver a big carabao to the creditor or
his agent, the death of the debtors one and only big carabao in a flood
extinguished his obligation. F
31. The unreasonable suspension of a bank's operations by the Central
Bank may be a fortuitous event to excuse the bank from performing its
obligation to a depositor. T
32. An impossible condition shall not affect the validity of an onerous
or gratuitous obligation. F
33. The imposition of a condition will not affect the validity of the
obligation. T
34. Pending the happening of a suspensive condition, the creditor could
not avail of any action against the debtor. F
35. The debtor may recover what he pays voluntarily before fulfillment
of the condition. F
36. In case of a positive suspensive condition, the obligation is
extinguished upon lapse of the time indicated or when it becomes
evident the event cannot occur. T
37. The loss of the thing due pending the happening of a suspensive
condition will extinguish the obligation. T
38. The deterioration of the thing due pending the happening of a
suspensive condition may give the creditor the right to rescind the
obligation plus damages even if there was no fault on the part of the
debtor F
39. A single breach is sufficient for the rescission of an installment
sale of a movable. F
40. A single breach is not sufficient for the rescission of the
installment sale of an immovable. F
41. The rescission under Article 1191 applies only to reciprocal
obligations. T
42. A rescission under Article 1191 may be refused by the court even if
the plaintiff proves the contractual breach. T
43. A period may refer to a past unknown event because even if unknown,
it already happened. F
44. As a general rule, the creditor may not reject advance payment in
an obligation with a period. F
45. There is no retroactivity in an obligation subject to a resolutory
condition. T
46. If the debtor in an alternative obligation does not choose, the
creditor can choose the prestation to
be delivered. F
47. In an alternative obligation, the election becomes operative only
when communicated to the other party or a third party by agreement. T
48. If by the debtor’s fault all alternative were lost, the creditor
may demand the value of any object lost even if the first object was
lost through a fortuitous event. F
49. The rules applicable to facultative obligations are different from
the rules on dation in payment T
50. The choice to substitute in a facultative obligation may be given
to the creditor. F
51. In a solidary obligation, there is mutual agency among debtors. F

52. An obligation is a juridical necessity to do or not to do, to give

or not to give. T
53. Obligations arising from valid, voidable and rescissible contracts
have the force of law between the contracting parties and should be
complied with in good faith. T
54. Exceptionally, natural obligations can be enforced by court action
to prevent unjust enrichment. F
55. Civil obligations derive their binding force from positive law,
while natural obligations derive their binding force from divine law. F
56. In no case may a driver of a car, who was not able to control the
car due to the negligent act of a truck driver in encroaching upon its
lane, will be liable for damages for the injuries suffered by the
passengers of a jeepnev it hit under the rules on fortuitous events. F

57. In order that demand may not be necessary, it is required that the
obligation or the law expressly states that demand shall not be
necessary- F
58. Article 1174 which exempts an obligor from liability on account of
fortuitous events orforce majeure, refers only to events that are
unforeseeable or inevitable. T
59. A court can stipulate for the parties or amend their agreement
where the same contravenes law, morals, good customs, public order or
public policy. F
60. Exceptionally, robbery may be considered a fortuitous event. T
61. When the negligence of a person concurs with an act of God in
producing a loss, such person is exempt from liability by showing that
the immediate cause of the damage was the act of God. F

62. or incidental fraud in the execution of a contract must be serious

in character and
without which the other party would still have entered into the
contract. F
63. One who negligently creates a dangerous condition cannot escape
liability for the natural and
probable consequences thereof, although the act of a third person, or
an act of God for which he is not
responsible, intervenes to precipitate the loss. T
64. Where a natural disaster is the only and proximate cause of a loss,
the failure of a common carrier
to exercise due diligence to minimize loss before, during and after the
occurTence of the natural disaster,
shall make it liable for the entire loss. F
65. The receipt of the principal by the creditor, without reservation
with respect to the interest, shall give
rise to a conclusive presumption that said interest has been paid. F
66. The person using violence or causing fearto make another perform a
criminal act, shall be primarily
liable for the civil obligation arising therefrom. T
67. The obligation to give a determinate thing includes that of
delivering all its accessions and
accessories only if they have been mentioned. F
68. When the fulfillment of the condition depends upon the sole will
ofa debtororacreditor, the obligation
shall be void. F
69. Before the resolutory condition happens, the party who has a right
is practically in the same position
as one who has an obligation subject to a suspensive condition. T
If the improvement on the object of the obligation was at the expense
of the debtor, he shall have
the same rights as a usufructuary. T
71. For purposes of liability, the school exercises custody over a
minor student doing his assignment at
Starbucks Café. F
72. A travel agency must observe extraordinary diligence in performing
its obligation to process travel
documents. F
73. There is no delay when a lessee, who failed to pay his monthly rent
for 10 months, pays immediately
upon demand. T
74. A creditor can only wait for the debtor to perform his obligation
if no specific period was agreed upon.
75. If time is of the essence, the creditor may rescind the obligation
even if the debtor is ready to perform
a day after the designated period. T
76. A donation made to a third party a year before the obligation of
the debtor to the creditor was
established cannot be rescinded at the instance of the latter. T
77. A collision of a barge with the bridge support of Ayala bridge
along the Pasig river is
78. The throwing of stones by mischievous boys which broke the
windshield of a taxi causing it to tum
turtle is a valid defense against liability for injuries suffered by a
passenger. T
79. The standard precautionary release of the waters of a dam to avoid
spillover is a valid defense against
flood damage claims. T
80. A joint indivisible obligation may be enforced only by proceeding
against all debtors. T

81. In a joint divisible obligation, the delay of one debtor will not
affect the others. F
82. Tortfeasors are liable. T
83. A mortgage of a property by co-owners results to real solidarity. T
84. In a solidary obligation, remission by any creditor will extinguish
the entire obligation even if one
creditor did not give his consent. T
85. A solidary creditor can assign his bights without the consent of
the others but he will be liable to his
Q1,2&3 - MARCH 16, 2021 LECTURE

221. A representation that a product being sold is the best in the world even if it is not, is fraudulent. F
222. In case the court decrees annulment of the contract and the same was already performed, there
must be mutual restitution. T
223. Where the contract is entirely illegal and both parties are equally guilty, there may be no action by
one against the other. T
224. Exceptionally, rescission may be possible even if plaintiff is not able to return what he received under
the contract. T
225. When there is vice of consent, the contract is rescissible. F
226. An absolutely simulated contract is void ab initio and inexistent. T
227. Intent of the parties to the contract is deduced from the language employed by the parties. T
228. Inadequacy of cause upon the contract invalidates the same when there is mistake. T
229. Consensual contracts are perfected by mere consent. T
230. Contracts of loan, deposit, and partnership are real contracts. F
231. A stipulation in a contract expressly conferring upon one party the right to cancel the contract is
violative of the principle of “mutuality of contract”. F
232. Fixing a period in the offer does not prevent its revocation before acceptance by communicating the
notice of withdrawal, except in options founded upon a separate consideration, as something paid or
promised. T
233. There is simulation if the disagreement between the true and apparent will, or intent, is not by
agreement of all the parties but exists only in one of them. F
234. A relative simulation makes the apparent contract void as between parties, but the hidden contract is
valid if it is lawful and has the necessary requisites. T
235. Exceptionally, contracts may have as objects future things such as future inheritance. T
236. Absence of causa renders the contract non-existent. T
237. Existence of a motive may supply want of causa if the motive as purpose or end of the contract is
legal. F
238. The contract is void if the inadequacy of cause is shown to consist in lesion by more than one-fourth
of the value in contracts entered into by guardians or representatives in behalf of the wards or absentees.
239. Where both parties are guilty in entering into an illegal contract, the party who is incapable of giving
consent may still file an action to recover what he has given. T
240. The party who has brought an action to enforce the instrument may subsequently ask for its
reformation upon approval of the court. F
241. A and B signed a contract of lease over a parcel of land although their agreement was one of sale
and the amount paid was actually the purchase price. In all instances, the true intention must prevail. F
242. A verbal contract of loan stipulating an interest rate of 20% a month is void. F
243. Essential requisites include delivery in real contracts and the required formality in solemn contracts.
244. Dolo causante gives rise to an action for damages while dolo incidente may annul the contract. F
245. Fraud as a vice of consent may consist of a misrepresentation or concealment of a fact or opinion
made by an expert upon whom the other party has relied due to the former’s special knowledge. T
246. Vices of consent consist in circumstances affecting adversely the decision of a party to enter into a
contract, thus rendering the contract void. F
247. A stipulation pour autrui must be accepted by the beneficiary to be valid. T
248. A stipulation pour autrui is an exception to the rule on relativity of contracts. T
249. Exceptionally, personal rights may be the object of contracts. T
250. In a phone conversation X agreed to buy the house and lot of Y for P5,000,000 to be paid on or
before February 5, 2017 and that the deed of sale will be executed and signed on or before the same
date. The agreement to reduce the deed in writing is enforceable. F
Q1,2&3 - MARCH 16, 2021 LECTURE

251. A contract between a minor and an insane is void. F

252. The inadequacy of consideration may be a vice of fraud. T
253. Proof of large indebtedness is not a vice of fraud. F
254. Transfer of property between relatives is necessarily a vice of fraud. F
255. The failure of a vendee to take exclusive possession of the object of sale may indicate that the sale
was fraudulent. T
256. Solidary creditors cannot assign their rights without the consent of the debtors. F
257. A solidary creditor cannot condone the entire obligation without the consent of the other creditors. F
258. A, B, and C are creditors of X and Y. By stipulation, it is possible for A and B to be solidary creditors
while C is a joint creditor. T
259. Payment of a natural obligation by a solidary debtor gives him the right against his co-debtors for
their respective shares. F
260. Because A had been helping X cross the street every day, X decided to condone the solidary
obligation of A and B in the amount of P500. A can collect P250 from B. F
261. Conventional compensation may cover debts not yet due. T
262. If the thing to be restituted as a result of annulment of the contract was lost through the debtor's
fault, he must still return the fruits and the value of the thing lost at the time the contract was executed. F
263. Upon annulment of the contract, a minor has no obligation to make restitution of what he had
received without proof that he was benefited thereby. T
264. Ratification by the aggrieved party of a voidable contract must be with the consent of the other
contracting party to be effective. F
265. The power to administer property must be in a public document to be enforceable. F
266. A deed of donation of a real property valued at P4,900 must be in a public document to be valid. T
267. If both parties breached their reciprocal obligations, each shall bear his own damages. F
268. The debtor still has the burden to prove his lack of fault if the car due was lost while in his
possession due to a fire that gutted his garage. F
269. Agency, partnership, and deposit are principal and preparatory contracts. F
270. Intimidation as a vice of consent may be employed by the ghost of the creditors relative. F
271. A threat to file a disbarment case against a lawyer if he will not issue a promissory note for the return
of attorney's fees collected will constitute vitiation of consent. F
272. A void contract may be ratified. F
273. An option money is the consideration in an option contract. T
274. An offer becomes ineffective upon the qualified acceptance by the offeree. T
275. The statement of willingness to buy a determinate car is a valid offer. F
CIVREV2-DD-SBCA-SOL-2020-2021 Q4 - MARCH 23, 2021 LECTURE

1.A contract of sale of a parcel of land is consensual, bilateral, onerous, nominate, principal, and
commutative. T
2. Even if time is of the essence, a buyer, who already paid 89% of the purchase price and was
delayed in payment only for one month, must be given an additional period within which to
complete payment of the purchase price in consideration of equity and justice. F
3. As in ordinary sale, a shocking gross inadequacy of the price in an execution sale executed
by a court sheriff may invalidate the sale. F
4.A written acknowledgment stating that a fishing vessel with a price of P900,000 is now in the
possession and responsibility of the buyer is a perfected contract of sale if there is a firm
commitment that documents pertaining to the sale and agreement of payments are to follow. F
5.A sale is perfected upon acceptance of a unilateral promise to sell at a fixed price even if there
is no option money paid to support the promise. T
6. An option contract unsupported by a separate consideration is a non-binding offer that may
be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by the buyer. T
7.A lessee may ask for the rescission of the sale of the leased property where he is living, in
violation of a stipulated right of first priority to buy, even if the right was not annotated on the
8.To be binding, the right of first refusal stipulated in a lease agreement must also be supported
by an independent consideration. F
9.In a lease with right of first refusal, the lessor can already sell to a third party at a price of
P5,300 per square meter after an offer to sell at P6,000 per square meter was declined by the
lessee. F
10. A perfected contract of sale cannot be challenged on the ground of the seller’s
non-ownership of the thing sold at the time of the perfection of the contract. T
11. There is symbolic delivery of a parcel of land upon the execution of a deed of absolute sale
even if the buyer had not acquired actual possession thereof because it is occupied by a third
party with an adverse claim of ownership. F
12. A few days before his death, X sold his land to Y, who, in turn, sold it to Z a year later. A
month after the sale to Z, the heirs of X sold the same land to W, who in good faith registered
the sale. Z, who took actual possession of the land a day after the registration of the sale by W,
has a better right over the land. T
13. In Article 1544, a second buyer may still claim good faith even if the first buyer was already
in possession of the property at the time of the sale, if the seller assured the second buyer that
the alleged first buyer was merely a lessee. F
14. The rules on double sale will apply when a deed of absolute sale in installments with a down
payment of 20% amounting to P200,000 was executed after a contract to sell in favor of another
buyer who paid 50% (P500,000) of the purchase price. F
15. When the consideration is partly in money and partly in kind, the contract is one of sale if the
parties intended it to be a sale even if the thing given as part of the consideration is greater in
value than the money given. T
16. An accepted bilateral promise to buy and sell a car at a price not less than P500,000 but not
more than P550,000 is binding as an executory agreement of sale. F
17. A unilateral promise to sell is binding as a contract of sale if a separate consideration
independent of the price is given. F
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18. A conditional contract of sale may be an executed contract or an executory contract. T

19. Things under resolutory condition of destruction may be objects of a valid sale. T
20. The sale by Pedro to Juan of a losing lotto ticket for a past draw date is necessarily void
because the hope of winning is vain. F
21. Sale of inheritance before partition is void because the heir could not pre-determine what he
will receive after the partition proceedings. F
22. If a third party tasked to give the price of the sale refuses to fix the price, the court may fix
the price. F
23. If the price is simulated, the sale shall be considered a donation. F
24. The sale may be rescinded if the inadequacy of the price results in lesion by more than 1/4
of the value of the thing sold by the owner. F
25. If an earnest money is already paid, a contract of sale is already perfected. T
26. A verbal sale of a parcel of land by an agent is valid provided that his authority to sell is in
writing. T
27. Insolvency must be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction for purposes of stoppage in
transit. F
28. If the carrier wrongfully withholds possession from the buyer, the seller can still exercise the
right of stoppage. F
29. The right of stoppage in transit may be exercised by obtaining actual possession of the
goods from the carrier. T
30. The unpaid seller may resell the goods without notice to the buyer if the latter has been in
default in the payment of the price for an unreasonable time. F
31. The buyer was in need of a 1000 square meter of land required by a franchisor for the
opening of a business. He purchased a 1,000 square meter property from the seller at a price of
P 100,000 per square meter. Thereafter, he discovered that the total area of the land delivered
to him was only 975 square meters. The buyer can opt to rescind the sale. T
32. If a parcel of land believed to be 1,000 square meters turns out to be 1,100 square meters,
the buyer has no other option but to return the excess area. F
33. If a parcel of land believed to be 1,000 square meters was sold at a limp sum of P1,000,000,
the buyer should pay more if the land turns out to be 1,025 square meters to avoid unjust
enrichment. F
34. As a rule the buyer of goods is not bound to accept delivery by instalment. T
35. The rules on double sale will apply to a sale made by the principal and another sale made
by the agent to different buyers. T
36. A previous buyer who was informed of a subsequent sale in favor of another buyer rushed
to the Register of Deeds to register the sale in his name. The registration was in bad faith. F
37. The warranty against eviction may be validly waived by the buyer with knowledge of the risk.
38. If an animal sold was classified as condemned, there is no warranty against hidden vices
provided that the animal was examined by an expert. F
39. The disease is presumed covered by the warranty if it causes death after 7 days from
purchase. F
40. Knowledge of a third party of an unregistered right to repurchase is equivalent to registration
negating good faith on his part. T
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41. A contract entered into by an agent exceeding his authority is unenforceable. T

42. The lack of a license to sell in violation of a mandatory provision of PD 957 results to the
invalidation of the contract to sell entered into by a subdivision developer with a buyer. F
43. Article 1544 of the Civil Code on double sale will also apply to sales involving unregistered
land. F
44. In a contract to sell, the buyer may file an action for specific performance if the seller refuses
to accept the full purchase price tendered by the former. F
45. In a potential sale transaction, the prior payment of earnest money even before the property
owner can agree to sell his property can be used to bind the owner to the obligations of a seller
under an otherwise perfected contract of sale. F
46. A duly registered levy on attachment could not prevail over a prior sale even if unregistered
because of the rule of first in time better in right. F
47. The death of a debtor in an obligation to do extinguishes the obligation. T
48. The loss of the thing used to secure an obligation due to the fault of the creditor terminates
the principal obligation. F
49. There will be delay if the debtor refuses to choose an alternative prestation within the period
agreed upon for the choice to be done. F
50. A debtor may compel his creditor to accept as legal tender the commemorative Php50,000
bill issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. F
51. There can be delay on the part of the creditor in an obligation not to do if he fails to stop the
prohibited act within a reasonable period of time. F
52. Warranty in sales is an essential element of the contract. F
53. Vices of consent that affects cognition includes incapacity, error and fraud. T
54. Gross negligence in the performance of an obligation will have the same consequences as
fraud. T
55. A stipulation for an incentive of plus 1 in the final grade in Civil Law Review 1 for students
who watched the Red Lions win the NCAA championship is valid. F
56. Dacion en pago may also apply to an obligation to give a determinate thing. F
57. The fulfillment of a joint obligation to deliver a carabao requires the concurrence of all
debtors. T
58. The warranty against eviction applies to a tax sale. F
59. The sale of a 3-month calf for breeding purposes raises an implied warranty of fitness for
breeding. F
60. A sari-sari store owner warrants fitness for consumption of a bottle of Ginebra sold. T
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8. Specific or generic
9. Cyclic or instantaneous

10. Conjunctive or disjunctive

Requisites of Obligations - JAPO
Modes of breaching the obligation
1. Juridical tie or vinculum juris – binding
force established by the various sources 1. Fraud or dolo
of obligations
2. Negligence or culpa
2. Active subject – obligee
3. Delay or mora
3. Passive subject – obligor
4. Contravention of the tenor of the
4. Object – the prestation or conduct obligation
required (to give, to do or not to do)
Kinds of Delay or Mora
Sources of Obligations (Art. 1157)
1. Mora solvendi – delay on the part of the
1. Law obligor or debtor

2. Contracts 2. Mora accipiendi or creditoris – delay on

the part of the creditor or oblige
3. Quasi-contracts - e.g. negotiorum
gestio, solutio indebiti 3. Compensatio morae – both parties are
in delay
4. Delict – acts or omissions punished by
law Requirements before debtor may be
considered in delay
5. Quasi-delicts
1. Obligation is positive
Classifications of Obligations (Primary)
2. The obligation is demandable and
1. Pure or conditional liquidated

2. Obligations with a period 3. Obligor delays for reasons imputable to

3. Facultative or alternative
4. There must be demand whether judicial
4. Joint or solidary or extrajudicial
5. Divisible or indivisible When demand is not necessary in order to
incur delay
6. Obligations with a penal cause
1. Obligation expressly declares
Classifications of Obligations (Secondary)
2. Law expressly declares
1. Unilateral or bilateral
3. W h e n f r o m t h e n a t u r e a n d t h e
2. Principal or primary circumstances of the obligation it
appears that the designation of the time
3. Real or personal when the thing is to be rendered was a
controlling motive for the establishment
4. Positive or negative of the contract
5. Legal, conventional or penal 4. When demand would be useless
6. Individual or collective 5. In reciprocal obligations, neither party
incurs in delay if the other does not
7. Nominate or innominate

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comply or is not ready to comply in a Remedies of the creditor (principal)

proper manner with what is incumbent
upon him. Delay begins from the 1. S u b r o g a t o r y a c t i o n o r a c c i o n
moment one of the parties fulfills his subrogatoria (Art. 1170)
2. Rescissory Action or accion pauliana
Kinds of negligence (Arts. 1177 and 1381[3])

1. Culpa aquiliana – negligence itself is the Requisites of Accion Subrogatoria

independent source of obligation
1. Creditor has right of credit against the
2. Culpa contractual – there is negligence debtor
in the performance of the contractual
obligation 2. Credit must be due and demandable

3. Criminal negligence – negligence that 3. Failure of debtor to collect from third

constitutes criminal liability persons (debtor of debtor)

Requisites of Fortuitous Event 4. Assets in the hands of the debtor are

1. Cause is independent of the human will
Requisites of Accion Pauliana
2. Impossible to foresee or if can be
foreseen, impossible to avoid 1. Plaintiff asking for rescission, has a
credit prior to the alienation, although
3. Renders it impossible for the debtor to demandable later
fulfill his obligation in a normal manner
2. Debtor has made a subsequent contract
4. O b l i g o r m u s t b e f r e e f r o m a n y conveying a patrimonial benefit to a third
participation in the aggravation of the person
injury resulting to the creditor
3. That the creditor has no other legal
remedy to satisfy his claim but would
benefit by rescission of the conveyance
Instances when a debtor is liable of the 3rd person
notwithstanding a fortuitous event
4. That the act being impugned is
1. Expressly declared by law fraudulent
2. Obligor or debtor delays
3. Obligor promised to the same thing to 2 5. That the 3rd person who received the
or more persons who do not have the property conveyed, if by onerous title,
same interest has been an accomplice in the fraud
4. Obligor is at fault
5. Stipulation or agreement that the obligor Non-transmissible rights
will not be excused even if the cause is
fortuitous event 1. When there is a stipulation that the right
6. Assumption of risk cannot be transferred
7. Generic thing is to be delivered
2. When the law or contract requires prior
consent before transfer and no such
Remedies of the creditor (principal) consent was acquired

1. Specific performance (Arts. 1165 and 3. When the law expressly prohibits
1167) transfer

2. Substitute performance (Art. 1165) 4. When the right is purely personal

3. Equivalent performance (Arts. 1168 and Kinds of conditions

1. Suspensive or resolutory

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2. Potestative or casual or mixed 1. Obligation to give

3. Possible or impossible 2. Period is for the benefit of the creditor

and debtor
4. Positive or negative
3. Obligor delivered before the period
5. Divisible or indivisible
4. Obligor is not aware of the period or he
6. Conjunctive or alternative believes that the obligation has become
due and demandable
7. Express or implied
When is Art. 1195 inapplicable
Requisites for constructive fulfillment of
suspensive condition 1. Obligations to do and not to do

1. Intent of the obligor to prevent the 2. Reciprocal obligations and both parties
fulfillment of the condition prematurely performed their respective
2. Actual prevention of fulfillment
3. Period is for the benefit of the creditor
Requisites of mora solvendi. alone
1. Positive obligation 4. When the debtor voluntarily and
2. Demandable and liquidated obligation knowingly delivered the thing knowing
3. Delay by obligor for reasons imputable that the obligation is not yet due
to him
4. Demand extra or judicial Alternative vs facultative obligations

Period vs condition 1. A: two or more prestations are due; F:

only one is due
1. P: future and certain time or event; C:
future and uncertain event 2. A: debtore can choose any of the
alternatives; F: debtor has only one
2. P : i s s u s p e n s i v e , a f f e c t s o n l y choice but with a right to substitute
demandability; C: if suspensive, affects
the birth or perfection 3. A: debtor in certain cases may be liable
if the choice and loss of any alternative
3. P: generally, no retroactive effect; C: is due to his fault; F: loss of the
with retroactive effect substitute due to the debtor’s fault will
not make the debtor liable
4. P: obligation still exists if the period
depends upon the will of the obligor; C: 4. A: choice is generally with the debtor but
obligation is void if condition depends it can be given to the creditor and a third
upon the will of the obligor person; F: option to substitute is always
with the debtor

Kinds of solidary obligations

1. Conventional or natural or legal

Kinds of period:
2. Passive or active
1. Suspensive (ex die) or resolutory (in
diem) 3. Uniform or non-uniform

2. Legal or conventional or judicial

3. Definite or indefinite

Requisites for applicability of Art. 1195 Solidary vs indivisible

(Delivery by mistake)

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1. S: 2 or more creditors and/or 2 or more 4. Confusion or merger of the rights of

debtors; I: there may only be on creditor creditor and debtor
and only one debtor
5. Compensation
2. S: prestation remains the same even in
case of non-performance; I: converted 6. Novation
into one for damages in case of non-
performance 7. Annulment

3. S: debtor is liable for the breach of the 8. Rescission

other debtors; I: debtor is not liable for
the breach of others 9. Fulfillment of a resolutory condition

4. S: collective performance is required; I: 10. Prescription

performance may be done by one.
11. Death (in cases of personal obligations)
Purpose of penal clauses
12. Expiration of a resolutory period
1. I n d u c e m e n t – i n s u r a n c e i n t h e
performance of an obligation 13. Impossibility of performance

2. P u n i t i v e – p u n i s h m e n t f o r n o n - 14. Fortuitous event

Characteristics of payment
3. Deterrence and retribution
1. Integrity – complete and faithful
4. To fix in advance the damage that may performance
be awarded to do away with proof
2. Identity – debtor must give or do what
thereof later
was stipulated upon or what should be
Nature of penal clauses given or done, exception: facultative
obligations and dacion en pago
1. Penalty is not an alternative obligation
3. Indivisibility – creditor entitled to full
2. Generally not complementary compliance and may not be compelled
to accept partial performance
3. Proof of actual damages not necessary
To whom should payment be made
4. Nullity of principal obligation nullifies
accessory obligation but not vice versa 1. Creditor

When penalty can be reduced 2. Successors-in-interest of the creditor

1. When there was partial compliance 3. Any person authorized to receive the
2. When there was compliance but it was
irregularly done Requisites of dacion en pago

3. Iniquitous 1. Instead of the original prestation,

another prestation is performed
4. Unconscionable
2. Original prestation that is due and the
one performed are different

Grounds for (or causes of) extinguishment 3. Parties agreed that the performance of
the different prestation extinguishes the
1. Payment of performance obligation

2. Loss of the thing due Exceptions to indivisibility (i.e. partial

performance can be made)
3. Condonation or remission of the debt

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1. When debt is liquidated in part and 3. 1 insolvent debtor

unliquidated in part 4. A b a n d o n m e n t b y d e b t o r o f h i s
properties in favor of creditors
2. Parties agreed on partial compliance 5. Acceptance of creditors

3. Nature of the obligation is that it cannot Distinction between rescission of contracts

be done in one instance in fraud of creditor and rescission/resolution
under art 1191 (6)
4. Solidary obligations where the debtors
are bound by different terms and
conditions Resolution 1191 Rescission 1380
Valid and existing Same
5. Joint debtors who are bound to deliver contracts
their respective shares only
1 p a r t y t o t h e Party suffering
When may delivery of commercial paper or contract demands lesion or 3rd party
mercantile document produce the effect of p r e j u d i c e d
payment demand
1. When it is encashed Non performance is Equity grounds
a ground
2. When it is impaired due to the fault of
the creditor Court determines Sufficiency of
sufficiency o reason reason does not
to justify extension affect right to ask
of time to perform for rescission
Requisites of application of payments obligation
1. 2 or more debts R e c i p r o c a l Unilateral or
obligations reciprocal
2. Debtor and creditor in such obligations
are the same Principal remedy Subsidiary remedy

3. Obligations must be of the same kind

4. Obligations are all due and demandable Dacion en pago vs assignment

5. Payment is not sufficient to pay all 1. D: ownership of the thing delivered is
obligations transferred; A: ownership not acquired
but must sell the thing and apply the
Instances when consignation may be made proceeds to the debts
without tender
2. D: debt is extinguished; A: extinguished
1. Creditor to whom tender of payment has only up to the extent covered by the
been made refuses without just cause to proceeds of the sale
accept it
2. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does 3. D: only one creditor; A: two or more
not appear at the place of payment; creditors
3. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the
payment at the time it is due; 4. D: insolvency of debtor not required
4. Creditor refuses to give a receipt, before application; A: insolvency
without just cause required
5. 2 or more persons claim the same right
to collect; Requisites of valid tender of payment
6. Title of the obligation has been lost.
7. 1. Made to the creditor
Requisites of payment by cession.
2. Complete, regular and identical
1. 2 or more debts
2. 2 or more creditors

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3. Must not only be complete but must also 3. Compliance with formalities
include accessory obligations, if any
Formalities for condonation
4. Obligation must be due
1. Express remission - must comply with
5. Tender must be unconditional formalities of donation

Requisites of valid consignation 2. Remission in a will that takes effect

upon death of creditor – formalities of a
1. Debt must be due will

2. Creditor refused to accept payment 3. Implied remission – no formalities

without just cause required

3. Previous notice of consignation had Kinds of remission

been given to the person interested in
the performance of the obligation 1. Express or implied

4. Amount due was placed at the disposal 2. Partial or total

of the court
3. Inter vivos or mortis causa
5. Person interested must be notified after
consignation had been made Elements of confusion or merger

When is a determinate thing lost 1. Must take place between principal

creditor and principal debtor
1. When it perishes
2. Must be complete and definite
2. Goes out of commerce
Elements of compensation
3. Disappears in such a way that its
existence is unknown or it cannot be 1. Each one of the obligors be bound
recovered principally and that be at the same time
a principal creditor of the other
Exceptions to extinguishment of obligation
by virtue of loss or impossibility 2. Both debts consist in a sum of money, or
if the things due are consumable, they
1. Law so provides be of the same kind, and also of the
same quality if the latter has been stated
2. Agreed upon or stipulated upon
3. 2 debts must be due
3. Nature of obligation requires the
assumption of risk 4. Must be liquidated and demandable

4. Thing to be delivered is a generic thing 5. That over neither party there be any
retention or controversy, commenced by
5. Debtor is guilty of delay third persons and communicated in due
time to the debtor
6. Debtor promised to deliver the same
thing to 2 or more persons

7. Obligation arises from a criminal act Instances when compensation cannot take
8. Debtor’s negligence concurs with the
fortuitous event 1. One of the debts arises from a deposit
or from the obligations of a depositary
Elements of condonation
2. One of the debts arises from the
1. Acceptance by the obligor obligations of a bailee in commodatum
2. Consideration is pure liberality

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3. One involves a claim for support by 2. Does not furnish to the creditor the
gratuitous title guaranties or securities which he has
4. One of the debts arises because of civil 3. By his own acts he has impaired said
liability arising from criminal liability guaranties or securities after their
establishment, and when through a
Requisites of novation fortuitous event they disappear; unless
he immediately gives new ones equally
1. There must be a previous valid satisfactory;
obligation 4. Debtor violates any undertaking, in
consideration of which the creditor
2. There must be an agreement of the agreed to the period;
parties concerned to a new contract 5. Debtor attempts to abscond.
7 requisites of legal compensation
3. There must be extinguishment of the old
contract 1. Parties are principal creditors and
debtors of each other
4. There must be a new valid contract 2. Both debts consist in the sum of money
or of consumable things of same kind
Kinds of novations
and quality
1. Total or partial 3. Due and demandable
4. Liquidated
2. Express or implied 5. No retention or controversy commenced
by 3rd person
3. Subjective/personal or objective/real or
mixed Requisites of dolo causante

4. Extinctive or modificatory 1. Misrepresentation or concealment

Kinds of subjective novation 2. Induced the consent of the other

1. Expromission or delegacion 3. Fact is not true

2. Conventional or legal 4. Aware of falsity

Expromission vs delegacion 5. Relied on it w/o FN

1. E: Initiative does not come from debtor; 6. Give consent because of it

D: comes from debtor
7. Not committed by both – only 1
2. E: Consent not present and not
necessary; D: Consent of debtor, CONTRACTS
creditor and 3rd person needed

3. E: Debtor is released; D: Debtor is

released Elements of a contract:

4. E: Insolvenct of new debtor does not 1. Consent

revive the obligation of the old debtor; D:
insolvency revives the obligation if 2. Object or subject matter
existing at the time of novation (anterior)
3. Cause or consideration
and is of public knowledge or known to
debtor. Classification of contracts:
Demandable even before arrival of period According to their relation to other contracts
1. After the obligation has been contracted, 1. Preparatory
he becomes insolvent unless he gives a
guaranty or security for the debt; 2. Principal

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3. Accessory 1. Things

According to risk involved: 2. Services

1. Commutative Stages of Contracts:

2. Aleatory 1. Generation

2. Perfection

According to their perfection: 3. Consummation

1. Consensual Characteristics of Contracts:

2. Real 1. Mutuality

According to their purpose 2. Autonomy

1. Transfer of ownership 3. Relativity

2. Conveyance of use 4. Consensuality

3. Rendition of service 5. Obligatory force of contracts

According to the nature or vinculum which they Requisites of an OFFER:

1. Definite
1. Unilateral
2. Intentional
2. Bilateral
3. Complete
According to their names or norms regulating
them: 4. Directed to a person or persons

1. Nominate Requisites of Acceptance:

2. Innominate 1. Absolute

Kinds of Innominate Contracts: 2. Directed to the offeror

Do ut des- I give that you give 3. Made with intention to be bound

Do ut facias- I give that you do 4. Made within the proper time

Facio ut des- I do that you give 5. Communicated to the offeror and

learned by him unless the offeror knows
Facio ut faqcias-I do that you do of the acceptance

According to their form: Theories that determine the exact moment of

perfection when acceptance is made by letter
1. Common or informal or telegram:

2. Special or formal 1. Manifestation Theory

According to cause: 2. Expedition Theory

1. Onerous 3. Reception Theory

2. Gratuitous 4. Cognition Theory

According to their subject matter: Requisites of an Option Contract

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1. S u p p o r t e d b y a n i n d e p e n d e n t 1. C o n c u r r e n c e o f t h e o f f e r a n d
consideration acceptance

2. Exclusive 2. Legal capacity

Persons INCAPACITATED to give consent: 3. Intelligent, free, spontaneous

1. Minors 4. Real

Exceptions: Requisites of Mistake:

a. When the contract is entered 1. The error must be substantial

into by a minor who actively
misrepresents his age not 2. The error must be excusable
merely constructive
representation 3. The error must be a mistake of fact and
not of law
b. When it involves the sale and
delivery of necessaries to Two general kinds of Mistake
Mistake of Fact Mistake of Law
c. When it involves a natural
obligation and such obligation is As to Existence
fulfilled voluntarily by the minor
One or both One or both parties
d. Contracts by guardians or legal contracting parties arrive at an erroneous
representatives believe that a fact conclusion regarding
exists when in reality the interpretation of a
e. When upon reaching the age of it does not or vice question of law or
majority, they ratify the same versa l e g a l e ff e c t s o f a
certain act or
f. When a minor opens a savings transaction
account without the assistance
of his parents, provided that the As to Vitiation of Consent
minor is atleast 7 years old and
Vitiates consent Does not vitiate
can read and write
consent except when
2. Insane or demented persons it involves mutual
error as to the effect of
3. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to an agreement when
write the real purpose is
Vices of consent

1. Vices of the will Requisites of vitiation of consent due to
mutual error (Mistake of law):
a. Violence
1. Mistake must be of a past or present
b. Intimidation fact
c. Mistake 2. Must be with respect to the legal effect
of an agreement
d. Fraud
3. Must be mutual
e. Undue influence
4. Parties’ real purpose must have been
2. Vices of declaration frustrated
Requisites of consent: Requisites of Violence:

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1. Must be serious or irresistible 5. The person alleged to be unduly

influenced was suffering from mental
2. Must be the determining cause for the weakness, or was ignorant or in
party upon whom it is employed in financial distress
entering into the contract
Kinds of fraud
3. It is not justified
1. Fraud in the perfection of the contract
4. It is sufficient
2. Fraud in the performance of an
Requisites of intimidation: obligation

1. One party is compelled to give his Requisites of Fraud under Article 1338:
consent by a reasonable and well-
grounded fear of an evil 1. It must be in bad faith that is with
knowledge of its falsity
2. The evil must be imminent and grave
2. One party must have employed fraud or
3. The evil must be upon his person pr insidious words or machinations
property, spouse, descendants pr
ascendants 3. Damage or injury resulted to the other
4. It is the reason why he enters the
contract 4. It must have been serious

5. The evil must be unjust 5. It induced the other party to enter into a
Violence vs. Intimidation
6. It must have been employed by both
Violence Intimidation contracting parties or by third persons

Refers to physical R e f e r s t o m o r a l Dolo Causante vs. Dolo Incidente

compulsion compulsion
Dolo Causante Dolo Incidente
External or prevents Internal or induces the
the will to manifest performance of an act As to extent of misrepresentation
Refers to those Refers to those
deceptions or deceptions or
midrepresentations of misrepresentations
a serious character which are not serious
Requisites of undue influence
employed by one in character and
1. Improper advantage party and without without which the
which the other party other party would
2. Power over the will of another would not have have still entered the
entered into the contract
3. Deprivation of the latter’s will of a contract
reasonable freedom of choice
As to Extent of Fraud
Circumstances considered in determining Serious in character Not serious in
whether the influence exerted is character
As to Cause
1. Confidential relations
It is the cause which It is not the cause that
2. Family relations induces the party to induced the party to
enter into a contract enter into a contract
3. Spiritual relations
As to Effect
4. Other relations between the parties

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Renders the contract Renders the party c. Services contrary to laws,

voidable liable for damages morals, good customs, public
order or public policy

d. Impossible things or services

Simulation of contracts e. Things outside the commerce of
1. A deliberate declaration contrary to the
will of the parties f. Objects not possible of
determination as to their kind
2. Agreement of the parties to the
apparently valid act Essential requisites of cause:
3. The purpose is to deceive or to hide 1. Existing at the time of the celebration of
from third persons although it is not the contract
necessary that the purpose be illicit or
for purposes of fraud 2. Licit or lawful

Kinds of simulation of contract: 3. True

1. Absolute Cause vs. Object

2. Relative
Cause Object
Two juridical acts in relatively simulated In remuneratory contracts
The service or benefit The thing which is
1. Ostensible act which is remunerated given in remuneration
2. Hidden act In gratuitous contracts

Requisites of the OBJECT of the contract: The liberality of the The thing which is
donor or benefactor given or donated
1. Must be within the commerce of man
As t the thing
2. Should be real or possible
Prestation or promise The thing or service
3. Should be licit of a thing or service itself
by the other
4. Should be determinate. or atleast As to contracting parties
possible of determination
Different with respect May be the same for
Things which cannot be the object of to each party both the parties

General rule: All things or services may be the

object of contracts. This includes future things or
rights which do not belong to the obligor when Effects of lack, illegality, falsity, or
the contract was made inadequacy of cause

Exceptions: 1. Total lack or absence of cause

a. Future inheritance, except in 2. Illegal or unlawful cause

cases expressly authorized by
law 3. False cause

b. Intransmissible rights 4. Inadequacy of cause or lesion

Contracts which must appear in writing

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1. Donation of personal property whose 2. Their true intention is not expressed in

value exceeds Php500 the instrument

2. Stipulation limiting the common carrier’s 3. Failure to express true intention is due
duty of extraordinary diligence to mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or
3. Antichresis
4. The facts upon which relief by way of
4. Sale of a piece of land or any interest reformation of instrument is sought are
therein through an agent put in issue by the pleadings

5. Agreements regarding payment of 5. Clear and convincing proof of mistake,

interest in contracts of loan accident, relative simulation, fraud, or
inequitable conduct
Contracts which must appear in a public
document: Reformation vs. Annulment

1. Essential for validity

Reformation Annulment
a. D o n a t i o n o f i m m o v a b l e As to validity of contract
Presupposes that The contract was not
b. Partnership where immovable there is a valid validly entered into as
property or rela rights are contract but the when their minds did
contributed to the common fund document or not meet or if the
instrument executed consent was vitiated
2. For efficacy and convenience does not express their
true intention
a. Acts and contracts which have
for their object creation, As to effect
transmission, modification or
extinguishment of real rights G i v e s l i f e t o t h e Involves a complete
over immovable property contract by making nullification of the
t h e i n s t r u m e n t contract
b. The cession, repudiation, or conform to the true
renunciation of hereditary rights intention of the parties
or those of the conjugal
partnership of gains

c. The power to administer Causes or grounds for reformation:

property, or any other power
which has for its object an act 1. Mutual mistake of parties
appearing or which should
appear in a public document, or Requisites:
should prejudice a third person
a. Mistake must be mutual
d. The cession of actions or rights
proceeding from an act b. Mistake must be of a
appearing in a public document fact

Contracts which must be registered: c. Mistake must not cause

the failure of the
1. Chattel mortgages instrument to express
their true intention
2. Sale or transfer of large cattle
d. There must be clear
Requisites of reformation of instruments: and convincing proof of
the mutual mistake
1. Meeting of the minds of the parties

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2. Unilateral Requisites of rescission:

3. Mistake by third person 1. Action must be brought within 4 years;

2. Things which is the object of the
4. In case of ignorance, lack of skill,
contract must not have passed legally to
negligence, or bad faith on the part of
the person drafting the instrument of the the possession of a third person acting
clerk or typist in good faith;
3. Party asking for rescission must have no
5. Others speficied by law other legal means to obtain reparation
for the damages caused suffered by
Instances where there can be no him;
reformation: 4. Contract must be rescissible;
5. Person demanding rescission must be
1. Simple donations inter vivos wherein no
able to return whatever he may be
condition is imposed
obliged to restore if rescission id granted
2. Wills
Characteristics of rescissible contracts
3. When the real agreement is void
1. The defect consists in injury or damage
4. When one of the parties has brought an either to one of the contacting parties or
action to enforce the instrument, no
to third persons
subsequent reformation can be asked.
2. Before rescission, they are valid and
Who may ask for reformation: therefore, legally effective
3. They can be attacked directly and not
1. Either party or his successors in collaterally;
interest, if the mistake was mutual 4. They can be attacked only by a
contracting party or a third person who
2. Upon petition of the injured party, or his is injured or defrauded;
heirs and assigns 5. They are susceptible of convalidation
Rescissible contracts only by prescription and not ratification

Badges of fraud
1. Those which are entered into by
guardians whenever the wards whom
they represent suffer lesion by more 1. The fact of inadequate or fictitious cause
than one-fourth of the value of the things or consideration of the conveyance
which are the object thereof; 2. Transfer by a debtor after suit has been
2. Those agreed upon in representation of begun and while it is pending against
absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion him
stated in the preceding number; 3. Sale on credit by an insolvent debtor;
3. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors 4. Evidence of large indebtedness or
when the latter cannot in any other complete insolvency;
manner collect the claims due them; 5. Transfer of all or nearly all of debtor’s
4. Those which refer to things under property by him, especially when
litigation if they have been entered into insolvent or greatly embarrassed
by the defendant without the knowledge financially;
and approval of the litigants or of 6. Transfer between father and son, where
competent judicial authority; others of the above circumstances are
5. All other contracts specially declared by present;
law to be subject to rescission. 7. Failure of the vendee to take exclusive
possession of all the property
8. Gross disparity between the price and
the value

Voidable contracts

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(a) An agreement that by its terms is not to

1. Those where one of the parties is be performed within a year from the
incapable of giving consent to a making thereof;
contract; (b) A special promise to answer for the
2. Those where the consent is vitiated by debt, default, or miscarriage of another;
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue (c) An agreement made in consideration of
influence or fraud. marriage, other than a mutual promise
to marry;
These contracts are binding, unless they are (d) An agreement for the sale of goods,
annulled by a proper action in court. They are chattels or things in action, at a price not
susceptible of ratification. (n) less than five hundred pesos, unless the
buyer accept and receive part of such
Modes to extinguish an action for annulment goods and chattels, or the evidences, or
some of them, of such things in action or
pay at the time some part of the
1. Prescription
purchase money; but when a sale is
2. Ratification
made by auction and entry is made by
3. Loss of the thing which is the object of
the auctioneer in his sales book, at the
the contract through fraud or fault of the
time of the sale, of the amount and kind
person who is entitled to institute the
of property sold, terms of sale, price,
action names of the purchasers and person on
whose account the sale is made, it is a
REQUISITES OF RATIFICATION sufficient memorandum;
(e) An agreement of the leasing for a longer
1. C o n t r a c t i s t a i n t e d w i t h a v i c e period than one year, or for the sale of
susceptible of being cured; real property or of an interest therein;
2. Confirmation is effected by the person (f) A representation as to the credit of a
who is entitled to do so under the law; third person.
3. It is effected with knowledge of the vice
or defect of the contract; 3. Those where both parties are incapable
4. Cause of the nullity or defect have of giving consent to a contract.
already disappeared
Characteristics of unenforceable contracts
they are ratified: 1. They cannot be enforced by a proper
action in court
1. Those entered into in the name of 2. They are susceptible of ratification
another person by one who has been 3. They cannot be assailed by third
given no authority or legal persons
representation, or who has acted
beyond his powers; Inexistent and void contracts from the
2. Those that do not comply with the beginning:
Statute of Frauds as set forth in this
number. In the following cases an
1. Those whose cause, object or purpose
agreement hereafter made shall be
is contrary to law, morals, good
unenforceable by action, unless the
customs, public order or public policy;
same, or some note or memorandum,
2. Those which are absolutely simulated or
thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by
the party charged, or by his agent;
3. Those whose cause or object did not
evidence, therefore, of the agreement
exist at the time of the transaction;
cannot be received without the writing,
4. Those whose object is outside the
or a secondary evidence of its contents:
commerce of men;
5. Those which contemplate an impossible

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6. Those where the intention of the parties 4. Estoppel by laches

relative to the principal object of the
contract cannot be ascertained;
7. Those expressly prohibited or declared
void by law.
These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can Essential Requisites
the right to set up the defense of illegality be
waived. 1. Consent
2. Object
3. Cause
Characteristics of void contracts
Characteristics of Contract of Sale
1. They do not produce any legal effect;
2. They are not susceptible of ratification; 1. Consensual
3. The right to set up the defense of 2. Bilateral and reciprocal
inexistence or absolute nullity is 3. Principal
imprescriptible; 4. Onerous
4. The inexistence or absolute nullity of a 5. Commutative
contract cannot be invoked by a person 6. Nominate
whose interests are not directly affected;
Difference between Contract of Sale and
5. The defense of illegality of a contract is Contract to Sell
not available to third persons whose
interest are not directly affected 1. In contract of sale, title passes to the
vendee upon delivery of the thing sold
Natural obligations while in contract to sell, ownership is
reserved in the vendor and is not to
1. That there be a juridical tie between two pass until full payment of the price.
persons 2. In contract of sale, nonpayment is a
2. That this is not given effect by law. negative resolutory condition while
contract to sell, full payment is a positive
suspensive condition.
Examples of natural obligation 3. In contract of sale, the vendor has lost
and cannot recover ownership until and
1. Performance after the civil obligation unless the contract is resolved or
has prescribed; rescinded while in contract to sell, title
2. Reimbursement of a third person for a remains in the vendor, and when seeks
debt that has prescribed; to eject the vendee because of
3. Performance after action to enforce civil noncompliance by such vendee with the
obligation has failed; suspensive condition stipulated, he is
4. Payment by heir of debt exceeding enforcing the contract and not resolving
the same.
value of property inherited

Kinds of estoppel
Difference between emptio res speratae and
1. Estoppel in pais or by conduct; emptio spei
2. Technical Estoppels:
a. Estoppel by deed- a party to a emptio res speratae emptio spei
deed is precluded from
asserting as against the other refers to the sale of a the sale of mere hope
p a r t y, a n y m a t e r i a l f a c t s t h i n g h a v i n g a or expectancy
asserted therein; potential existence
b. Estoppel by record- a party is
precluded from denying the truth
of matters set forth in a record
3. Estoppel by Judgment

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the uncertainty is with the uncertainty with

regard the quantity regard the existence 1. The guardian, the property of the person
and quality but not of the thing or person who may be under his
with regard to the guardianship;
existence of the thing 2. A g e n t s , t h e p r o p e r t y w h o s e
administration or sale may have been
the contract deals contract deals with intrusted to them, unless the consent of
with a future thing the present thing – the principal has been given;
the hope or 3. Executors and administrators, the
expectancy property of the estate under
that the thing should the sale poduces 4. Public officers and employees, the
exist, so that if it does effects even though property of the State or of any
not, there is no the thing itself does subdivision thereof, or of any
contract for lack of an not come into government owned or controlled
essential requisite existence since the corporation, or institution, the
subject matter is the administration of which has been
hope itself intrusted to them;
5. Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys,
In a contract of sale of personal property, the clerk of superior and inferior courts, and
price of which is payable in installments, the other officers and employees connected
vendor may exercise any of the following with the administration of justice, the
remedies: property and rights in litigation or levied
upon on execution before the court
1. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should within whose jurisdiction or territory they
the vendee fail to pay; exercise their respective functions.
2. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s 6. Any others specially disqualified by law.
failure to pay cover two or more
installments; Exceptions where the vendee acquires no
3. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the better title to the object than the vendor had:
thing sold, if one has been constituted,
should the vendee’s failure to pay cover 1. Where the true owner is estopped or
two or more installments. precluded by his conduct from denying
the vendor’s authority to sell;
Two step process convering the cancellation 2. Where the sale is made by the
of a contract under Section 4 of R.A. 6552: registered or apparent owner in
accordance with recording or
1. The seller should extend the buyer a registration laws;
grace period of at least 60 days from the 3. Where the sale is made pursuant to a
due date of the installment; statutory power of sale or under the
2. At the end of the grace period, the seller order of a court of competent
shall furnish the buyer with a notice of jurisdiction;
cancellation or demand rescission 4. Where the purchase is made in a
through a notarial act, effective 30 days merchant’s store or in fairs, or markets,
from the buyer’s receipt. in accordance with the Code of
Exceptions where the husband and the wife
can sell property to each other during the
1. When a separation of property was
agreed upon in the marriage Negotiable documents of title
2. When there has been a judicial A negotiable document of title may be
separation of property under Article 191. negotiated by delivery:
1. Where the terms of the document the
Persons who cannot acquire by purchase, carrier warehouseman or other bailee
even at public or judicial auction, either in issuing the same undertakes to deliver
person or through the mediation of another: the goods to the bearer;

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2. Where by the terms of the document the merchantable or fit for a particular
carrier, warehousemen or other bailee purpose, whenever such warranties
issuing the same undertakes to deliver would have been implied if the contract
the goods to the order of specified of the parties had been to transfer
person, and such person or a without a document of title the goods
subsequent indorsee of the document represented thereby.
has indorsed it in blank or to the bearer.
When seller deemed to be an unpaid seller:
Who may negotiate a negotiable document of
title? 1. When the whole of the price has not
been paid or tendered;
1. By the owner thereof; or 2. When a bill of exchange or other
2. By any person to whom the possession negotiable instrument has been
or custody of the document has been received as conditional payment, and
entrusted by the owner, if, by the terms the condition on which it was received
of the document the bailee issuing the has been broken by reason of the
document undertakes to deliver the dishonor of the instrument, the
goods to the order of the person to insolvency of the buyer, or otherwise.
whom the possession or custody of the
document has been entrusted, or if at Remedies of an Unpaid Seller:
the time of such entrusting the 1. A lien on the goods or right to retain
document in such form that it may be them for the price while he is in
negotiated by delivery. possession of them;
2. In case of the insolvency of the buyer, a
Rights acquired by a person whom a right of stopping the goods in transit
negotiable document of title has been duly after he has parted with the possession
negotiated: of them;
3. A right of resale;
1. Such title to the goods as the person 4. A right to rescind the sale.
negotiating the document to him had or
had ability to convey to a purchaser in Instances where the unpaid seller of the
good faith for value and also such title to goods who is in possession of the goods is
the goods as the person to whose order entitled to retain possession of them until
the goods were to be delivered by the the payment or tender of the price:
terms of the document had or had ability
to convey to a purchaser in good faith 1. Where the goods have been sold
for value. without any stipulation as to credit;
2. The direct obligation of the bailee 2. Where the goods have been sold on
issuing the document to hold credit, but the term of credit has expired;
possession of the goods for him and
according to the terms of the document 3. Where the buyer becomes insolvent.
as fully as if such bailer had contracted
directly with him.
Instances where the unpaid seller loses his
right of lien or retention:

Implied warranties of the person who 1. When he delivers the goods to a carrier
negotiated a document of title by or other bailee for the purpose of
indorsement or delivery: transmission to the buyer without
reserving the ownership in the goods or
1. That the document is genuine; the right to the possession thereof;
2. That he has a legal right to negotiate or 2. When the buyer or his agent lawfully
transfer it; obtains possession of the goods;
3. That he has knowledge of no fact which 3. By waiver thereof.
would impair the validity or worth of the
document; Instances where the right of resale is
4. That he has the right to transfer the title available to the unpaid seller:
to the goods and that the goods are

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1. Where the goods are of perishable 1. The return of the value which the thing
nature; sold had at the time of the eviction be it
2. Where the seller has expressly reserved greater or less than the price of the sale;
the right of resale in case the buyer 2. The income or fruits, if he has been
should make a default; ordered to deliver them to the party who
3. Where the buyer has been in default in won the suit against him;
the payment of the price for an 3. The cost of the suit which caused the
unreasonable time. eviction and, in a proper case, those of
the suit brought against the vendor for
Instances where the right of rescission is the warranty;
available to the unpaid seller: 4. The expenses of the contract, if the
vendee has paid them;
1. Where the expressly reserved the right 5. The damages and interests, and
to do so in case the buyer should make ornamental expenses, if the sale was
default; made in bad faith.
2. Where the buyer has been in default in
the payment of the price for an Instances where the vendee is liable for
unreasonable time. interest on the price:

Rules of Preference in double sales: 1. Should it have been so stipulated;

2. Should the thing sold and delivered
1. The first registrant in good faith produce fruits or income; and
2. Should there be no entry, the first 3. Should he be in default, from the time of
person in possession in good faith judicial or extrajudicial demand for the
3. In the absence thereof, the buyer who payment of the price.
presents the oldest title in good faith.
Instances where the vendee may suspend
Implied warranties in contract of sale: the payment of the price:
1. An implied warranty on the part of the
seller that he has a right to sell the thing 1. S h o u l d h e b e d i s t u r b e d i n t h e
at the time when the ownership is to possession or ownership of the thing
pass, and that the buyer shall from that sold;
time have and enjoy the legal and 2. Should he have reasonable grounds to
peaceful possession of the thing. fear such disturbance by a vindicatory
2. An implied warranty that the thing shall action or by a foreclosure of mortgage;
be free from any hidden faults or
defects, or any charge or encumbrance
not declared or known to the buyer.

Instances where the right does not exist:

Requisites of warranties against eviction: 1. Should there be a stipulation to that

1. Deprivation of the vendee of the whole 2. Should the vendor give security for the
or part of the thing purchased; return of the price;
2. The deprivation must be by virtue of a 3. Should the vendor have caused the
final judgment; disturbance or danger to cease;
3. The deprivation must be based on a 4. Should the disturbance consist only of a
right prior to the sale or an act imputable mere act of trespass.
to the vendor;
4. The vendor must be summoned in the Badges of equitable mortgage:
suit for eviction at the instance of the
vendee. 1. When the price of a sale with right to
repurchase is unusually inadequate;
Rights of the vendee in case there is no 2. When the vendor remains in possession as
agreement with regard to warranty in case of lessee or otherwise;
3. When upon or after the expiration of the
right to repurchase another instrument

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extending the period of redemption or 4. Redemption by mortgagor within 1 year

granting a new period is executed; should his mortgaged property be
4. When the purchaser retains for himself a foreclosed and subsequently sold
part of the purchase price;
5. When the vendor binds himself to pay the Redemption vs pre-emption
taxes on the thing sold;
6. In any other case where it may be fairly
inferred that the real intention of the parties Redemption Pre-emption
is that the transaction shall secure the Sale to 3rd person has Sale to 3rd person
payment of a debt or the performance of already b e e n has not yet been
any other obligation; perfected perfected
7. When there is doubt as to whether the
contract is a contract of sale with right to Right of redemption Exercised only where
repurchase or an equitable mortgage has a much broader there is a prospective
scope than the right of resale of a small
pre-emption piece of urban land
Obligations of the vendor a retro when he originally bought by
exercises his right of repurchase: the prospective
vendor merely for
1. To return to the vendee the price of the sale speculation
2. To pay the expenses of the contract and
other legitimate payments made by reason Directed against the Directed against the
3rd person who bought prospective vendor
of the sale
the property who is about to resell
3. To pay all necessary and useful expenses the property
made on the thing sold
Effect of redemption is To prevent the birth
Different instances of legal redemption: t o e x t i n g u i s h a or perfection of a
c o n t r a c t t h a t h a s contract
already been
Under the New Civil Code

1. Sale of a co-‐owner of his share to a

stranger (Art. 1620)
2. When a credit or other incorporeal right
in litigation is sold (Art. 1634)
3. Sale of an heir of his hereditary rights to
a stranger (Art. 1088)
4. Sale of adjacent rural lands not
exceeding 1 hectare (Art. 1621) Lease of things vs lease of services
5. Sale of adjacent small urban lands
bought merely for speculation (Art.
1622) Lease of things Lease of
Under other laws: As to object Thing Work or
1. Redemption by the applicant, his widow,
and legal heirs within 5 years should a As to Deliver the thing Perform
obligation leased to the some work or
piece of land under a homestead or free
of lessor lessee service for
patent be alienated to a third person the lessee
2. Redemption by a judgment debtor within
1 year should real property belonging to As to Specific Only remedy
him be sold on execution remedies in Performance or as a general
3. Redemption by owner should property case of for damages rule: action
belonging to him be sold for delinquent breach for damages
realty taxes

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Obligations of lessor:
Different limitations imposed upon the lessor
1. To deliver the thing which is the object of in order to protect the lessee (rent control
the contract in such a condition as to act):
render it fit for the use intended
2. To make on the same thing during the 1. Rent of any residential unit covered by
lease the necessary repairs in order to this Act shall not be increased by more
keep it suitable for the use to which it than ten percent (10%) annually as long
has been devoted, unless there is a as the unit is occupied by the same
stipulation to the contrary lessee. When the residential unit
3. To maintain the lessee in the peaceful becomes vacant, the lessor may set the
and adequate enjoyment of the lease for initial rent for the next lessee.
the entire duration of the contract 2. Lessor cannot demand more than one
(1) month advance rent. Neither can he
Obligations of lessee: demand more than two (2) months
deposit which shall be kept in a bank
1. To pay the price of the lease according under the lessor's account name during
to the terms stipulated the entire duration of the lease
2. To use the thing leased as a diligent agreement. Any and all interest that
father of a family, devoting it to the use shall accrue therein shall be returned to
stipulated; and in the absence of the lessee at the expiration of the lease
stipulation, to that which may be inferred contract.
from the nature of the thing leased, 3. No lessor or his successor-in-interest
according to the custom of the place shall be entitled to eject the lessee upon
3. To pay the expenses for the deed of the ground that the leased premises
lease have been sold or mortgaged to a third
person regardless of whether the lease
Requisites of an implied new lease: or mortgage is registered or not.

1. Contract of Lease should have ended

2. Lessee should have continued enjoying
the thing leased for 15 days
3. Continued enjoyment should be with the Grounds for judicial ejectment under ra no.
acquiescence of the lessor 9341:
4. Notice to the contrary by either party
should not have been previously given 1. Assignment of lease or subleasing of
5. No express contract entered into by the residential units in whole or in part,
lessor and lessee after the old contract including the acceptance of boarders or
had ended bedspacers, without the written consent
of the owner/lessor;
Grounds for which the lessor may judicially 2. Arrears in payment of rent for a total of
eject the lessee: three (3) months: Provided, That in the
case of refusal by the lessor to accept
1. When the period agreed upon or that payment of the rent agreed upon, the
which is fixed for the duration of the lessee may either deposit, by way of
leases under Articles 1682 and 1687, consignation, the amount in court, or
has expired with the city or municipal treasurer, as
2. Lack of payment of the price stipulated the case may be, or in a bank in the
3. When the lessee devotes the thing name of and with notice to the lessor,
leased to any use or service not within one month after the refusal of the
stipulated which causes the lessor to accept payment.
deterioration thereof or if he does not
observe the requirement in no. 2 of
Article 1657, as regards the use thereof

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The lessee shall thereafter deposit the 1. Where the lease is recorded in the
rent within ten (10) days of every current Registry of Property
month. Failure to deposit the rent for 2. Where there is a stipulation in the
three (3) months shall constitute a contract of sale that the purchaser shall
ground for ejectment. respect the lease
3. Where the purchaser knows of the
The lessor, upon authority of the court in existence of the lease
4. Where the sale is fictitious
case of consignation or upon joint
5. Where the sale is made with right of
affidavit by him and the lessee to be
submitted to the city or municipal
treasurer and to the bank where deposit Common carriers
was made, shall be allowed to withdraw
the deposits; Requisites in order an agreement between
the common carrier and the shipper or owner
3. Legitimate need of the owner/lessor to limiting the liability of the former for the loss,
repossess his or her property for his or
destruction, or deterioration of the goods to
her own use or for the use of any
a degree less than extraordinary diligence
immediate member of his or her family
as a residential unit: Provided, however, shall be valid:
That the lease for a definite period has
expired: Provided, further, that the 1. It must be in writing, signed by the
lessor has given the lessee the formal shipper or owner;
notice three (3) months in advance of 2. It must be supported by a valuable
the lessor's intention to repossess the consideration other than the service
property and: Provided, finally, that the rendered by the common carrier; and
owner/lessor is prohibited from leasing 3. It must be reasonable, just and not
the residential unit or allowing its use by contrary to public policy.
a third party for a period of at least (1)
year from the time of repossession. Any of the following or similar stipulations
4. Need of the lessor to make necessary shall be considered unreasonable, unjust
repairs of the leased premises which is and contrary to public policy:
the subject of an existing order of
condemnation by appropriate authorities 1. That the goods are transported at the
concerned in order to make the said risk of the owner or shipper;
premises safe and habitable: Provided, 2. That the common carrier will not be
That after said repair, the lessee ejected liable for any loss, destruction, or
shalI have the first preference to lease deterioration of the goods;
the same premises: Provided, however, 3. That the common carrier need not
That the new rent shall be reasonably observe any diligence in the custody of
commensurate with the expenses the goods;
incurred for the repair of the said 4. That the common carrier shall exercise
residential unit and: Provided, finally, a degree of diligence less than that of a
That if the residential unit is condemned good father of a family, or of a man of
or completely demolished, the lease of ordinary prudence in the vigilance over
the new building will no longer be the movables transported;
subject to the aforementioned first 5. That the common carrier shall not be
preference rule in this subsection; and responsible for the acts or omission of
5. Expiration of the period of the lease his or its employees;
contract. 6. That the common carrier's liability for
acts committed by thieves, or of robbers
Instances where the purchaser cannot who do not act with grave or irresistible
terminate an existing lease: threat, violence or force, is dispensed
with or diminished;

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7. That the common carrier is not Rights of an assignee (article 1813)

responsible for the loss, destruction, or
deterioration of goods on account of the a. In case of fraud, avail of the usual
defective condition of the car, vehicle, remedies
ship, airplane or other equipment used b. In case of dissolution, has the right to
in the contract of carriage. receive the assignor’s interest
c. Right to account from the date only of
the last account agreed to by all the

Assignee has no right to: (article 1813)

Right to formal account as to partnership
affairs (article 1809)
a. Interfere in the management or
administration of the partnership
a. If partner is wrongfully excluded from
business or affairs
the partnership business or possession
b. Inquire any information or account of
of its property by his co-partners
partnership transactions
b. If the right exists under the terms of any
c. Inspect the partnership books
c. As provided by Article 1807
Dissolution (article 1830)
d. Whenever other circumstances render it
just and reasonable
a. Without violation of the agreement
i. Termination of the term of
Property rights of a partner (article 1810)
ii. Express will of any partner when
a. His rights in a specific property
no particular term or
b. Interest in the partnership
undertaking is specified
c. Right to participate in the management
iii. Express will of any partner who
have not assigned their interests
Incident of co-ownership of specific
iv. Expulsion of any partner from
partnership property (article 1811)
the business
b. In contravention of any agreement of the
a. Equal right to possess specific property
b. Right is not assignable EXCEPT in
c. Any event which makes it unlawful
when ALL of the partners assign their
d. When a specific thing, which a partner
rights in the same property
had promised to contribute to the
c. Not subject to attachment or execution
partnership, perishes before delivery
EXCEPT on a claim against partnership
e. Death of a partner
d. Not subject to legal support under Article
f. Insolvency of any of the partners or the
g. Civil interdiction of any partner
Except when authorized by the other
h. By decree of court
partners or unless they have abandoned the
business, one or more but less than all of the
Limitations of the power of a general partner
partners have no authority to (restriction on
(Article 1850):
authority under article 1818):
a. Do any act in contravention of the
a. Assign the partnership property
b. Dispose of the goodwill of the business
c. Do any other act which would make it b. Do any act which would make it
impossible to carry on the business of a impossible to carry on the ordinary
partnership business of the partnership;
d. Confess a judgment
e. Enter into a compromise concerning c. Confess a judgment against the
partnership claim or liability partnership;
f. Submit a partnership claim or liability to
arbitration d. Possess partnership property, or assign
g. Renounce a claim of the partnership their rights in specific partnership

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property, for other than a partnership When limited partner may have the
purpose; partnership dissolved and its affairs wound
e. Admit a person as a general partner;
a. H e r i g h t f u l l y b u t u n s u c c e s s f u l l y
f. Admit a person as a limited partner, demands the return of his contribution,
unless the right so to do is given in the or
b. The other liabilities of the partnership
g. Continue the business with partnership have not been paid, or the partnership
property on the death, retirement, property is insufficient for their payment
insanity, civil interdiction or insolvency of as required by the first paragraph, No. 1,
a general partner, unless the right so to and the limited partner would otherwise
do is given in the certificate. be entitled to the return of his
Rights of a limited partner (article 1851)
Liability of a limited partner to the
a. Have the partnership books kept at the partnership:
principal place of business of the
partnership, and at a reasonable hour to a. F o r t h e d i ff e r e n c e b e t w e e n h i s
inspect and copy any of them; contribution as actually made and that
stated in the certificate as having been
b. H a v e o n d e m a n d t r u e a n d f u l l made; and
information of all things affecting the
partnership, and a formal account of b. For any unpaid contribution which he
partnership affairs whenever agreed in the certificate to make in the
circumstances render it just and future at the time and on the conditions
reasonable; and stated in the certificate.

c. Have dissolution and winding up by c. Holds as trustee for the partnership

decree of court. specific property as was contributed by
d. Right to receive profits or other
compensation by way of income d. Holds as trustee for the partnership
money or other property wrongfully paid
e. Loan money to and transact any other or conveyed to him on account of his
business with the partnership (Article contribution
Order of payment of the liabilities of the
f. Receive on an account of resulting partnership
claims against the partnership a pro rata
share of the assets UNLESS he is a a. Those to creditors, in the order of
also a general partner (Article 1854) priority as provided by law, except those
to limited partners on account of their
When limited partner may demand return of contributions, and to general partners;
his contribution (article 1857)
b. Those to limited partners in respect to
a. On the dissolution of a partnership; or their share of the profits and other
compensation by way of income on their
b. When the date specified in the contributions;
certificate for its return has arrived, or
c. Those to limited partners in respect to
c. After he has six months' notice in writing the capital of their contributions;
to all other members, if no time is
specified in the certificate, either for the d. Those to general partners other than for
return of the contribution or for the capital and profits;
dissolution of the partnership.
e. Those to general partners in respect to

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f. Those to general partners in respect to for the preservation of the things which
capital. are under administration;

AGENCY h. To lease any real property to another

person for more than one year;

i. To bind the principal to render some

When the acceptance of the agency can be service without compensation;
implied from the silence of the agent
j. To bind the principal in a contract of
a. When the principal transmits his power partnership;
of attorney to the agent, who receives it
without any objection; k. To obligate the principal as a guarantor
or surety;
b. When the principal entrusts to him by
letter or telegram a power of attorney l. To create or convey real rights over
with respect to the business in which he immovable property;
is habitually engaged as an agent, and
he did not reply to the letter or m. To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
telegram. n. To ratify or recognize obligations
contracted before the agency;
Instances where special power of attorney is
o. Any other act of strict dominion.
a. To make such payments as are not
usually considered as acts of Obligations of the agent
administration; a. Carry out the agency
b. To effect novations which put an end to b. Finish the business already begun on
obligations already in existence at the the death of the principal should the
time the agency was constituted; delay entail any danger

c. To compromise, to submit questions to c. If he declines, bound to observe

arbitration, to renounce the right to DOAGFAF
appeal from a judgment, to waive d. A d v a n c e n e c e s s a r y e x p e n s e s i f
objections to the venue of an action or stipulated
to abandon a prescription already
acquired; e. Carry out agency as per instructions of
the principal
d. To waive any obligation gratuitously;
How does the agent observe care and
e. To enter into any contract by which the diligence in the execution of the agency?
ownership of an immovable is
a. The agent is bound by his acceptance to
transmitted or acquired either carry out the agency, and is liable for the
gratuitously or for a valuable damage which, through his non-
consideration; performance, the principal may suffer.
(Art. 1884)
f. To make gifts, except customary ones b. In case a person declines an agency, he
for charity or those made to employees is bound to observe the diligence of a
in the business managed by the agent; good father of a family in the custody
and preservation of the goods forwarded
g. To loan or borrow money, unless the to him by the owner until the latter
should appoint an agent or take charge
latter act be urgent and indispensable
of the goods. (Art. 1885)

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c. Should there be a stipulation that the a. Safekeeping

agent shall advance the necessary b. Return when required
funds, he shall be bound to do so except c. Liable for loss through his fault or
when the principal is insolvent. (Art. negligence
d. In the execution of the agency, the agent When depositary is liable for loss through
shall act in accordance with the fortuitous event
instructions of the principal. (Art. 1887)
e. An agent shall not carry out an agency if a. Stipulated
its execution would manifestly result in b. Uses the thing without depositor’s
loss or damage to the principal. (Art. consent
1888) c. Delays its return
d. Allows others to use it
Modes of extinguishment of agency
Obligations of depositor
a. Revocation, express or implied, by the
principal a. Reimbursement for preservation of thing
b. Withdrawal of the agent b. Reimbursement for any loss arising from
c. Death, civil interdiction, insanity, or the character of the thing deposited
insolvency of the principal or agent c. Right to retain the thing until full
d. Dissolution of firm or corporation which payment
entrusted or accepted the agency
e. Accomplishment of object or purpose of Judicial Deposit Conventional
the agency Deposit
f. Expiration of the period which agency
was 1. Court orders the 1. Necessary or
g. constituted attachment/seizure voluntary
2. Movable or 2. Only movable
Requisites for valid revocation of agency immovable 3. Delivery may be
3. Delivery is made by made by will of
a. Return of the document evidencing court order depositor
agency if the authority of the agent is in 4. Attachment or 4. Compliance with
writing(Art. 1920) seizure legal obligation or
b. Actual notice if agency has been calamity
entrusted for the purpose of contracting
with specified persons under Article
1921 Necessary deposit
c. Notice by publication is sufficient as to
other persons (Article 1922) a. In compliance with a legal obligation
d. Notice of revocation to the agent(Article b. Takes place on the occasion of any
1923) calamity
c. Hotels or inns
When is the agency not revoked by
theprincipal's death? Characteristics of judicial deposit

a. If a bilateral contract depends on it a. Seizure or sequestration of property is

b. If agency is the means of fulfilling an ordered by court
obligation already contracted b. Movables and immovable
c. Agency coupled w/ interest c. Depositary cannot be relieved of his
responsibility until the controversy has
come to an end
d. Diligence of a good father of a family

DEPOSIT Features of conventional deposit

Obligations of depositary a. Gratuitous

b. Only movable property
c. Real

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d. Unilateral d. Release of the debtor

e. Principally for safekeeping of the thing e. Payment
delivered f. Loss
f. Delivery is made by the will of the g. Remission
depositor h. Merger

Extinguishment of deposit Solidary Guarantor Solidary Debtor

a. Loss or destruction 1. Debt shall be paid 1. Debtor shall pay
b. Death 2. Solidary and 2. Subsidiarity liable
primarily liable 3. Entitled to
GUARANTY 3. Not entitled to excussion
excussion 4. Collateral
4. Original promisor undertaking
Characteristics 5. Bound to know 5. No need for notice
every default
a. Gratuitous
b. Accessory
c. Subsidiary
e. Unilateral
f. Express
g. Covered by Statute of Frauds Requisites

Rights of guarantor before making payment a. Secure fulfillment of a principal

a. Proceed against principal debtor b. Absolute owner
b. Obtain release from guaranty c. Free disposal
c. Demand security
d. Notify debtor before payment Characteristics

Instances where the benefit of exhaustion is a. Constituted on immovable property

not available b. May guarantee future obligations
c. Needs to be registered to bind third
a. When the guarantor has constituted in persons
favor of the creditor a pledge or d. Registration not essential for its validity
mortgage as an additional security
b. Non compliance w/ Art 2060 CHATTEL MORTGAGE
c. He has a judicial bondsman and sub-
d. Guarantor expressly renounces it Requisites
e. Bound himself solidarily w/ debtor
f. Debtor’s insolvency d. Secure fulfillment of a principal
g. He has absconded, or can’t be sued w/ obligation
in the Philippines unless he has left a e. Absolute owner
manager or representative f. Free disposal
h. It may be presumed that an execution
on the property of the principal debtor Characteristics
would not result in the satisfaction of the
obligation a. Constituted on movables
b. Can’t guarantee future obligations
c. Chattel mortgage needs to be registered
Modes of extinguishing guaranty d. Registration is essential for its validity

a. Creditor Voluntary accepts immovable Chattel Mortgage Pledge

property or other in payment of debt
b. Creditor releases one of the guarantors
c. Extension granted to debtor

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1. Consensual 1. Real Rights of pledgee

2. Registration 2. Public instrument to
essential for validity bind 3rd persons a. Retention
3. Possession 3. Possession with b. Reimbursement
remains with debtor creditor c. Compensate earnings of pledge with
4. Different procedure 4. Different procedure debt
in public in public d. Bring actions to recover/defend the thing
auction sale auction sale pledged vs 3rd persons
5. If price of sale is 5. Creditor not entitled e. Demand substitute or immediate
less than the amount to recover deficiency payment
of principal, creditor f. Cause sale of appropriate thing pledged
can recover
deficiency. Obligations of a pledgee

a. Take care of the thing with the

Chattel Mortgage Real Estate DGOAFOAF
Mortgage b. b. Apply the fruits of the thing for
payment of the interest to the principal
1. Movable 1. Immovable c. Be responsible for acts of the
2. Cannot guarantee 2. Can guarantee subordinate
future obligations future obligations d. Cannot use the thing pledged
3. Registration in CM 3. Registration to bind e. Liability for loss
registry as a security 3rd persons. f. Account for profits derived
for performance of an 4. Registration is not
obligation essential Instances of legal pledge
4. Registration
essential for validity a. necessary and useful expenses
b. termination of usufruct
c. execution of work upon a movable
PLEDGE d. agent’s right to retention of objects of an
agency until principal effects
reimbursement and pays indemnity
Requisites e. depositary
f. hotel keepers
a. Secure fulfillment of a principal
obligation Grounds for extinguishment of pledge
b. Absolute owner
c. Free disposal a. Return of the thing pledged by the
Pledgee to the Pledgor
Characteristics b. Statement in writing by the Pledgee that
he renounces or abandons the pledge
a. Real c. Payment of the debt
b. Requirement that it be in a public d. Sale of the thing pledged at a public
instrument is merely to bind 3rd persons auction
c. Possession vested w/ creditor e. Appropriation of the thing
d. Diff procedure in public auction sale
e. Creditor not entitled to recover Conditions and rules for valid extrajudicial
deficiency foreclosure of a thing pledged
Rights of a pledgor a. Filing of an application before the
executive judge thru the clerk of court
a. Alienate b. Clerk of court will examine whether
b. Demand return of the thing pledged there was compliance with the required
c. Ask for the deposit of the thing posting of notice and publication
d. Substitute the thing pledged c. Application is raffled among the sheriffs
e. Bid at a public auction d. Auction sale may be had even if there is
only 1 participating bidder\

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e. Clerk of court shall issue a cert of a. Risky operations

payment indicating the amount of b. Preferred his own interested
indebtedness, the filing fees collected c. Fail to return upon demand
and the mortgages sought to be d. Unfit to carry on
foreclosed, the description of the RE e. Intervened and prevented more
and their respective obligations competent person
f. Cert of sale must be approved by the EJ f. Delegate to another
g. After the redemption period has expired, g. Stipulation
Clerk of court shall archive the records
Extinguishment of negotorium gestio
ANTICHRESIS a. Repudiation
b. Withdrawal
Rights of an antichretic creditor c. Death of either
d. Civil interdiction of either
a. Right to receive the fruits of the debtor’s e. Insanity of either
immovable f. Loss of the thing subject of NG
b. Right to the actual MV of the fruits at the g. Owner appointed a substitute
time of the application thereof to the h. Payment/reimbursement
interest and principal
c. Right to enjoyment of an Immovable
Obligations of an antichretic creditor
Unless stipulation to the contrary, to pay:
a. Delivery
a. Taxes b. Made to a payee
b. Charges upon the estate. c. No right to demand what was delivered
d. Payment was made thru mistake
If he doesn’t pay:
a. indemnity for damages
b. Apply the fruits after receiving them to
the interest if owing and after, to the a. Art. 2164. When, without the knowledge
principal of the person obliged to give support, it
is given by a stranger, the latter shall
have a right to claim the same from the
former, unless it appears that he gave it
Requisites out of piety and without intention of
being repaid.
a. Voluntarily assumption or management
of business or property of another b. Art. 2165. When funeral expenses are
b. No power from the latter borne by a third person, without the
c. Abandoned or neglected. knowledge of those relatives who were
d. Not authorized by owner. obliged to give support to the deceased,
e. GF said relatives shall reimburse the third
f. As a consequence of w/c, OM is obliged person, should the latter claim
to continue the same until the reimbursement.
termination of the affair and its incidents
or to require a person concerned to c. Art. 2166. When the person obliged to
substitute him, if the owner is in the support an orphan, or an insane or other
position to do so indigent person unjustly refuses to give
support to the latter, any third person
may furnish support to the needy
individual, with right of reimbursement
from the person obliged to give support.
Gestor liable for fortuitous event The provisions of this article apply when
the father or mother of a child under

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eighteen years of age unjustly refuses to l. Art. 2175. Any person who is
support him. constrained to pay the taxes of another
shall be entitled to reimbursement from
d. Art. 2167. When through an accident or the latter.
other cause a person is injured or
becomes seriously ill, and he is treated
or helped while he is not in a condition
to give consent to a contract, he shall be QUASI-DELICT
liable to pay for the services of the
physician or other person aiding him,
unless the service has been rendered
out of pure generosity. Requisites

e. Art. 2168. When during a fire, flood, a. Act or omission constituting fault or
storm, or other calamity, property is negligence
saved from destruction by another b. Damage is caused
person without the knowledge of the c. No pre-existing contractual relation
owner, the latter is bound to pay the between parties
former just compensation. d. Causal relation bet the act/omission and
the damage
f. Art. 2169. When the government, upon
the failure of any person to comply with Persons liable for the acts of others
health or safety regulations concerning
p r o p e r t y, u n d e r t a k e s t o d o t h e a. Parents/head of family
necessary work, even over his b. Guardians
objection, he shall be liable to pay the c. School, Administrators, teachers, etc
expenses. engaged in child care; teachers or
heads of establishments of arts and
g. Art. 2170. When by accident or other trade
fortuitous event, movables separately d. Employers
pertaining to two or more persons are e. The state
commingled or confused, the rules on
co-ownership shall be applicable. Kinds of damages

h. Art. 2171. The rights and obligations of a. Actual or Compensatory

the finder of lost personal property shall b. Moral
be governed by Articles 719 and 720. c. Nominal
d. Temperate or moderate
i. Art. 2172. The right of every possessor e. Liquidated
in good faith to reimbursement for f. Exemplary or Corrective
necessary and useful expenses is
governed by Article 546. Actual damages
j. Art. 2173. When a third person, without a. Proof of loss
the knowledge of the debtor, pays the b. Receipts
debt, the rights of the former are c. Fact of death, if death resulted
governed by Articles 1236 and 1237.
Compensatory damages
k. Art. 2174. When in a small community a
nationality of the inhabitants of age a. Crimes and quasi-delicts
decide upon a measure for protection b. Damages in breach of contract
against lawlessness, fire, flood, storm or
other calamity, any one who objects to Attorney’s fees
the plan and refuses to contribute to the
expenses but is benefited by the project a. Exemplary damages are awarded
as executed shall be liable to pay his b. Malicious prosecution
share of said expenses. c. Unfounded civil action or proceedings
d. Legal support

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Moral damages d. should the principal obligation be void,

the stipulation on liquidated damages
a. A criminal offense resulting in physical shall also be void
e. purpose is to prevent breach of
b. Quasi-delicts causing physical injuries;
obligations between the contracting
c. Seduction, abduction, rape, or other parties
lascivious acts;
f. can be reduced if they are inequitably
d. Adultery or concubinage; iniquitous or unconscionable

e. Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest; When the courts may mitigate the damages
f. Illegal search;
a. That the plaintiff himself has
g. Libel, slander or any other form of contravened the terms of the contract;
b. That the plaintiff has derived some
h. Malicious prosecution; benefit as a result of the contract;
i. Acts mentioned in Article 309; c. In cases where exemplary damages are
to be awarded, that the defendant acted
j. Acts and actions referred to in Articles upon the advice of counsel;
21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, and 35.
d. That the loss would have resulted in any
Extent of liquidated damages
e. That since the filing of the action, the
a. Art. 2226: Those agreed upon by the defendant has done his best to lessen
parties in a contract, to be paid in case the plaintiff's loss or injury.
of breach thereof.
RES IPSA LOQUITUR is a rule of necessity and
b. Art. 2227: Liquidated damages, whether it applies where evidence is absent or not readily
intended as an indemnity or a penalty,
shall equitably reduced if they are available, provided the following requisites are
iniquitous or unconscionable. present:

c. Art. 2228. When the breach of the

contract committed by the defendant is
not the one contemplated by the parties 1. the accident was of a kind which does
in agreeing upon the liquidated not ordinarily occur unless someone is
damages, the law shall determine the negligent
measure of damages, and not the 2. the instrumentality or agency which
stipulation. caused the injury was under the
exclusive control of the person charged
Liquidated damages
with negligence; and
a. agreed upon by the parties in a contract 3. the injury suffered must not have been
due to any voluntary action or
b. its essence is a genuine covenanted contribution on the part of the person
pre-estimate of damages injured. x x x. (D. M. CONSUNJI, INC.
vs. CA)
c. the injured party need not prove his
damages in order that the sum PROXIMATE CAUSE - The cause, which, in
stipulated may be demanded natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by
any efficient intervening cause, produces the

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injury, and without which the result would not and of the same kind and grade giving
have occurred. rise to ownership over co-mingled mass
e. To i n s u r e t h e g o o d s i n p r o p e r
f. To mark a non-negotiable warehouse
the part of the injured party, contributing as a g. To mark such duplicate of a negotiable
legal cause to the harm he has suffered, which warehouse receipt
falls below the standard, which he is required to h. To give proper notice in case of sale of
conform for his own protection. Thus there is the goods as provided in the WRL
contributory negligence when the party's act
i. To cancel WR when delivered
showed lack of ordinary care and foresight that
such act could cause him harm or put his life in Required information in a warehouse
a. Location of warehouse
b. Date of Issue of Receipt
IMPUTED NEGLIGENCE - Negligence is c. Consecutive number of Receipt
imputed if the actor is different from the person d. Person to whom goods are deliverable
who is being made liable. Examples of imputed e. Rate of Storage charge
negligence: f. Description of package or goods
g. Signature of warehouseman
1. Employers who are made liable for h. Warehouseman’s interest to the goods
the negligent acts of their agents or or ownership
employees and i. Statement of advances made and
liabilities incurred.
2. Parents who are made liable for the
negligent acts of their children. Warehouseman’s lien’s when:

DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERED PERIL - The a. All lawful charges for storage and
doctrine [holding] that where both parties are
preservation of the goods;
negligent, but the negligent act of one is
b. All lawful claims for money advanced,
appreciably later in time than that of the other, or interest, insurance, transportation, labor,
when it is impossible to determine whose fault or
weighing, coopering, and other charges
negligence should be attributed to the incident, and expenses in relation to such goods;
the one who had the last clear opportunity to
avoid the impending harm and failed to do so is
c. All reasonable charges and expenses
chargeable with the consequences thereof. for notice and advertisements of sale,
and for the sale of the goods where
WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS LAW default had been made in satisfying the
warehouseman’s lien.

Obligation of a warehouseman Rights of a warehouseman

a. Issue a in the required form for goods a. Refuse delivery of goods under
received instances provided for by law and until
b. To take care of the goods deposited with he has reasonable time to check the
ordinary and reasonable diligence validity of the claims
c. To deliver the goods to the person b. Right to enforce his lien
lawfully entitled c. Right to file an action for interpleader
d. Not to co-mingle the goods deposited and allow the claimants to prove their
UNLESS goods deposited are fungible claim or in case an action is filed against

Civil Law Review 2 – ENUMERATIONS

Compiled by: Amores-Arienza-Encinas-Lucero-Pascua-Pisec
P a g e | 32

him, set up the defense that there are 2

or more claimants

Civil Law Review 2 – ENUMERATIONS

Compiled by: Amores-Arienza-Encinas-Lucero-Pascua-Pisec
1. The delivery of something or anything False.
may be the prestation of a valid One of the requisites of a prestation is
that it must be determinate or at least
determinable according to pre-
established elements or criteria.
The delivery of something or anything
is not determinate or at least
2. The source of obligation of a school for False.
injuries suffered by a student who was The source of obligation of the school is
mauled inside the campus by a stranger contract. Art. 2180 of the NCC is not
is quasi-delict.
applicable when the assailant is an
outsider. An implied contract may be
held to be established between a school
and the students, which results in
obligations for both parties, e.g., the
school must ensure adequate steps are
taken to maintain peace and order
within the campus premises and to
prevent breakdown thereof.
(p. 995, Rabuya)
3. A son-in-law who brings his mother-in- False.
law to a hospital for treatment shall be The son-in-law is not liable to pay.
liable under the law to pay for the ARTICLE 2167 of NCC: When through
hospital bills.
an accident or other cause a person is
injured or becomes seriously ill, and he
is treated or helped while he is not in a
condition to give consent to a contract,
he shall be liable to pay for the services
of the physician or other person aiding
him, unless the service has been
rendered out of pure generosity.
4. An obligation based on quasi-delict may True.
arise from the performance of a contract.
A liability for tort may arise even under
a contract, where tort is that which
breaches the contract.
(p. 945, Rabuya)
5. The officious manager in negorotium False. Obliged is the general rule under
gestio has no obligation to the owner if 2144. (EXC: This juridical relation does
he acts in good faith. not arise in either of these instances:
(1) When the property or business is
not neglected or abandoned;
(2) If in fact the manager has been
tacitly authorized by the owner.)
6. A moral obligation is also referred to as True.
an imperfect obligation because it has no
legal consequence.
7. Civil and moral obligations may become False.
natural obligations.
Only civil obligations may become
moral obligations. Natural obligations,
not being based on positive law but on
equity and natural law, do not grant a
right of action to enforce their
performance, but after voluntary
fulfillment by the obligor, they
authorize the retention of what has
been delivered or rendered by reason

8. A civil obligation that lapsed by True.

extinctive prescription ipso facto becomes
a natural obligation.
9. A civil obligation arises when a minor True.
who has entered into a contract without
the consent of parent/guardian
voluntarily pays a sum of money in
fulfillment of the obligation and obligee
has spent it in good faith.
10. A natural obligation arises when debtor False.
pays the creditor after a judicial order Civil obligation arises not a natural
for debtor to retain the debt.
11. The obligation arising from a contract of True.
loan is unilateral.
12. It is essential in bilateral reciprocal True.
obligations that both arise from the same
13. An obligation arising from a contract of False.
commodatum is an example of cyclic Commodatum is not a cyclic obligation.
A cyclic obligation is one which can be
performed repeatedly.
14. A divisible obligation is susceptible of True.
partial performance.
15. Identity of obligation requires that the False.
performance must be complete.
It should be integrity of obligation.
Identity of obligation requires that only
the prestation agreed upon and no
other must be complied with.
(p. 283 of Mem Aid or p. 346 of
16. In obligations to give specific/generic False.
things, the obligor must perform in good Only in obligations to give specific
faith the principal and all accessory things and not of generic things. There
is no accessory obligations in
obligations to give generic things.
17. As a general rule, an obligation to do True.
may be performed by another at the
debtor's expense.
18. There is no legal accessory obligation in True.
an obligation not to do.
19. An obligation not to do can be False.
performed by a delegate.
In obligations not to do, the
performance thereof cannot be
delegated of performed by an agent.
(p. 253 of Mem Aid)
20. Any action for a breach of an obligation False.
is premature if there is no actual breach Action may be filed based on the
upon the expiration of the prescribed principle of anticipatory breach as
period for performance. enunciated in the case of Blossom and
Co. vs Manila Gas Corp.
21. Fraud in the performance of contractual False.
obligation may result to an annulment of Fraud in the performance of an
the contract.
obligation gives rise to a right of the
creditor to recover damages from the
22. Fraud in the performance of an False.
obligation and deceit in celebration of a An action for annulment of contract is
contract are similar in the sense that an not a common remedy.
action for annulment is a common
23. A cause of action based on fraud False.
committed in the execution of an The law prohibits the renunciation of
obligation cannot be waived.
action for damages on the ground of
future fraud but it does not prohibit
fraud already committed. In other
words, the prohibition only refers to
future fraud.
(p. 254 of Mem Aid)
24. There could be delay in the performance False.
of a negative obligation.
In negative obligations, delay or mora
is not possible unlike in positive
obligations. One cannot be late in not
doing or giving
(p. 253 and 257 of Mem Aid)
25. There is no delay in the performance of True.
alternative obligations.
26. In an obligation not to do, there could be False.
specific performance.
The remedy of specific performance is
not available in an obligation not to do.
The remedies of the creditor/obligee in
an obligation not to do are as follows:
a. If the debtor did what he was
obliged not to do- it can be undone
at his expense.
b. If the debtor did what he was
obliged not to do but it is
impossible to undo- the debtor
shall be liable for damages.

27. Obligations arising from valid, True.

voidable and rescissible contracts
have the force of law between the
contracting parties and should be
complied w/ in GF.

28. Exceptionally, natural obligations False. Art. 1423 provides that natural
can be enforced by court action to obligations do not grant a right of
prevent unjust enrichment. action to enforce their performance.

29. Civil obligations derive their binding False. Art. 1423. Natural obligations
force from positive law, while are based on equity and natural law.
natural from divine law.

30. A driver of a car, who was not able to False. Doctrine of State of Emergency
control the car due to negligent act of will absolve the car driver from
truck driver in encroaching upon his liability from damages arising in
lane is liable for damages for injuries avoiding an injury to himself in which
suffered by the passengers of a he is not negligent.
jeepney it hit.

31. In order that demand may not be True. It is an indispensable that the
necessary, it is required that the obligation or the law should expressly
obligation or the law expressly states add that the obligor shall incur delay if
the demand shall not be necessary. he fails to fulfil the obligation upon the
arrival shall not be necessary. (Bayola
vs. Silang Traffic Co)

32. 1174 exempts an obligor from False. Art. 1174 also includes events
liability on account of fortuitious which although foreseen, are
events or force majeure, refers only inevitable.
to unforseeable events.

33. A court can stipulate for the parties False.

or amend the agreement where the
same contravenes law, morals, good Under Cuizon vs. CA, it is not in the
customs, public order or policy. province of the court to alter a contract
by construction or to make a new
contract for the parties. Its duty is
confined to the interpretation of the
one which they have made for
themselves without regard to its
wisdom or folly as the court cannot
supply material stipulations or read
into the contract words which it does
not contain. (p. 812 Jurado Reviewer)

34. Robbery may be considered a True.

fortuitous event.

35. When the negligence of a person False. In Tan Chiong case, when the
concurs w/ the act of God in negligence of the carrier concurs with
producing a loss, such person is an act of God producing loss, the
exempt from liability by showing carrier is not exempted from liability
that the immediate cause of damage by showing the immediate cause of the
was the act of God. damage was the act of God. When the
loss is caused by the act of God, if the
negligence of the carrier mingles with
it as an active and cooperative cause,
he is still liable (p. 89 Jurado)

36. Dolo incidente or incidental fraud False. Dolo incidente refers to

must be serious and w/o which the deceptions not serious in character and
other party would still have entered without which the other party would
the contract. still have entered into the contract.

37. One who negligently creates a True.

dangerous condition cannot escape
liability for the natural and probable
consequences thereof, although the
act of a 3rd person, or an act of God
for which he is not responsible
intervenes to precipitate the loss.

38. Where a natural disaster is the only False. Not liable for the ‘entire’ loss.
and proximate cause of a loss, the Article 1739. In order that the common
failure of a common carrier to carrier may be exempted from
exercise due diligence to minimize responsibility, the natural disaster
loss before during, and after the must have been the proximate and
occurrence of a natural disaster, shall only cause of the loss. However, the
make it liable for the entire loss. common carrier must exercise due
diligence to prevent or minimize loss
before, during and after the occurrence
of flood, storm or other natural
disaster in order that the common
carrier may be exempted from liability
for the loss, destruction, or
deterioration of the goods. The same
duty is incumbent upon the common
carrier in case of an act of the public
enemy referred to in article 1734, No. 2.
Article 1741. If the shipper or owner
merely contributed to the loss,
destruction or deterioration of the
goods, the proximate cause thereof
being the negligence of the common
carrier, the latter shall be liable in
damages, which however, shall be
equitably reduced.
39. The receipt of the principal by the False. Art. 1176 provides “shall give
creditor, w/o reservation w/ respect rise to the presumption”. Not
to the interest, shall give rise to a “conclusive presumption.” There only
conclusive presumption that said arises a disputable presumption. (p.
interest has been paid. 102 Jurado)

40. The person using violence or causing True.

fear to make another perform a
criminal act, shall be primarily liable
for the civil obligation arising

41. The obligation to give a determinate False. Art. 1166. Obligation to give a
thing includes that of delivering all determinate thing includes that of
the accessions and accessories only ifdelivering all its accessions and
they have been mentioned. accessories, even though they may not
have been mentioned.
42. When the fulfilment of the condition False. Art. 1182. When the fulfilment of
depends on the sole will of debtor or the condition depends upon the sole
creditor, obligation shall be void. will of the debtor, the conditional
obligation shall be void.
43. Before the resolutory condition True.
happens, the party who has a right is
practically in the same position as
one who has an obligation subject to
suspensive condition.

44. If the improvement was at the True.

expense of the debtor, he shall have
the same rights as a usufructuary.
45. For purposes of liability, the school False. The student is in custody of the
exercises custody over a minor school authorities only as long as he is
student doing his assignment at under the control and influence of the
Starbucks. school and within its premises
(Amadora vs. CA)
46. A travel agency must observe EO False. Art. 1163. Every person obliged
diligence in performing its obligation to give something is also obliged to
to process travel docs. take care of it with the proper diligence
of a good father of a family, unless the
law or the stipulation of the parties
requires another standard of care.

A travel agency is not a common


47. There is no delay when a lessee, whoFalse. Art. 1169. Those obliged to
failed to pay his monthly rent for 10
deliver or to do something incur in
mos, pays immediately upondelay from the time the obligee
demand. judicially or extrajudicially demands
from them the fulfilment of their
48. A property owner may file an action False.
for specific performance against a In obligation to do, there can be no
contractor who fails to commence specific performance.
construction within a reasonable
period of time after signing of the
contract even if no specific period
was agreed upon.

49. If time is of the essence, the creditor True.

may rescind the obligation even if
the debtor is ready to perform a day
after the designated period.

50. A donation made to 3rd party a year True.

before the obligation of debtor to
creditor was established cannot be

51. A collision of a barge w/ a bridge False. Fortuitous event is an event

support of Ayala bridge along Pasig which could not be foreseen or which
river is a fortuitous event. though foreseen, were inevitable. The
collision could have been avoided.
52. Throwing of stones by mischievous True.
boys which broke the windshield of a
taxi causing it to turn turtle is a valid
defense against liability of injuries
suffered by a passenger.

53. The standard precautionary release True.

of waters of a dam to avoid spillover
is a valid defense against flood
damage claims.


• Instances when a debtor is liable notwithstanding a fortuitous event

1. Expressly declared by law
2. Obligor or debtor delays
3. Obligor or debtor promised to the same thing to 2 or more persons
who do not have the same interest
4. Obligor is at fault
5. Stipulation or agreement that the obligor will not be excused even if
the cause is fortuitous event
6. Assumption of risk
7. Generic thing to be delivered

• Requisites of mora solvendi

1. Positive obligation
2. Demandable and liquidated obligation
3. Delay by obligor for reasons imputable to him
4. Demand extra or judicial

• Instances when consignation may be made without tender

1. Creditor to whom tender of payment has been made refuses without
just cause to accept it
2. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does not appear at the place of
3. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the payment at the time it is due;
4. Creditor refuses to give a receipt, without just cause
5. 2 or more persons claim the same right to collect;
6. Title of the obligation has been lost.
• Requisites of payment by cession
1. 2 or more debts
2. 2 or more creditors
3. 1 insolvent debtor
4. Abandonment by debtor of his properties in favor of creditors
5. Acceptance of creditors

• Instances when law provides a direct action against the debtor's debtor
1. Creditor has a right of credit against the debtor although not yet
2. Due and demandable credit
3. Failure of debtor to collect from 3rd persons or debtor of debtor
4. Insufficient assets of debtor
5. Rights and actions are not purely personal

• Distinction between rescission of contracts in fraud of creditor and

rescission/resolution under Art 1191

Resolution 1191 Rescission 1380

Valid and existing contracts Valid and existing contracts
1 party to the contract demands Party suffering lesion or 3rd party
prejudiced demands
Non performance is a ground Equity grounds
Court determines sufficiency of Sufficiency of reason does not affect
reason to justify extension of time to right to ask for rescission
perform obligation
Reciprocal obligations Unilateral or reciprocal
Principal remedy Subsidiary remedy

• Requisites of application of rule on fortuitous events (4)

1. Independent of the human will or at least of debtor’s will
2. Unforeseen or if foreseen, is inevitable
3. Impossible for debtor to comply w/ his obligation in a normal manner
4. Free from any participation in or aggravation or, the injury to the creditor
or no concurrent negligence on his part
F. 1. A vendor who be error to hold that the claim
It should be the vendee who cannot eject against her as well as the claim
should make the rescission. squatters from the against her husband should be
property as agreed made in the decedent's estate.
Art. 1191 – The Power to rescind in the deed may (Agcaoili vs. Vda. de Agcaoili, 90
obligation is implied in reciprocal rescind the Phil. 97)
obligations, in case one of the contract. F. 3. The different stages
obligors should not comply with Consummation, instead of of a contract are:
what is incumbent upon him. signing. preparation,
perfection, and
The injured party may choose Stages of Contracts: signing.
between FULFILLMENT and 1. Generation/Preparation –
RESCISSION of the obligation, comprehends the
with the payment of damages in preliminary or preparation
either case. or conception. It is the
period of negotiation and
Should he choose fulfillment and bargaining.
the same should become 2. Perfection – the moment
impossible, the injured party may when the parties come to
still seek for rescission. agree on the terms of the
T 2. A lessor may file a contract
collection case 3. Consummation – it is the
Under the law and well settled against a widow fulfillment or performance
jurisprudence, when the pursuant to an of the terms agreed upon in
obligation is a solidary one, the apartment lease the contract.
creditor may bring his action in contract signed by F. 4. A real contract,
toto against any of the debtors the widow and her Real Contracts (i.e. deposit, delivery of subject
obligated in solidum. Thus, if deceased husband. pledge, and commodatum) are is required to
husband and wife bound PERFECTED (not extinguished) extinguish the
themselves jointly and severally, by the delivery of the object of the obligation.
in case of his death, her liability is obligation (Art. 1316)
independent of and separate from
her husband's; she may be sued
for the whole debt and it would

QUIZ 3 1
F. 5. A contract is gain.
If it looks to the future/past preparatory when
transactions, it is it looks forward to T 7. 3 kinds of contracts
CONDITIONAL. other future by equivalence of
transactions or past Cause in Onerous Contracts: The prestations –
CONDITIONAL CONTRACT – transactions prestation or promise of a thing or gratuitous, onerous
if its efficacy should depend upon unknown to service by the other. and remunatory
the future existence of the thing. parties. Cause in Remuneratory
Contracts: Past service or benefit
A PREPARATORY CONTRACT which by itself is a recoverable
is one in which one party grants debt.
to the other, for a fixed period and Cause in Gratuitous Contracts:
under specified conditions, to Mere liberality of the benefactor.
decide whether or not to enter F. 8. The natural
into a principal contract. Essential elements – those elements of a
without which there can be no contract are those
It binds the party who had given contract (A1318). without which
the option not to enter into the there is no contract.
principal contract with any other Natural elements – those which
person during the period are derived from the nature of the
designated, and within that contract and ordinarily
period, to enter into such contract accompany the same; they are
to whom the option was granted presumed by law, although they
if the latter should decide to use can be excluded by the
the option. contracting parties if they so
F. 6. In aleatory F. 9. Formality
In aleatory contracts, the benefit contracts, the Delivery and not formality is an prescribed by
to each party is not yet benefit to each essential element of real contract. law/stipulation is
determined at the moment of party is (Art. 1316) an essential
celebration of the contract since it predetermined in element of a real
depends upon the happening of advance. contract.
an uncertain event. Thus charging
the parties with the risk of loss or

QUIZ 3 2
F 10. Since a partnership force upon both of the contracting
Formalities under partnership is consensual parties.
must be followed, i.e. Art. 1773, contract, in no case
Art. 1771 will non- This principle is explicitly
compliance with recognized in Arts. 1159, 1308,
formalities 1315, and 1356.
invalidate the F. 14. Relativity of
contract. Mutuality of Contracts (Art. contracts means
F. 11. Principle of liberty 1308) that contract binds
Consensuality of Contracts (Art. of contracts means The contract must bind both both contracting
1315) that contracts are parties. The validity or fulfilment parties.
General Rule: Contracts are perfected by mere of a contract cannot be left to the
perfected by mere consent and consent and from will of one of the contracting
from that moment, the parties are that moment parties.
bound to the fulfillment of what parties are bound.
has been expressly stipulated and Relativity (Art. 1311)
to all consequences which, Contracts take effect only between
according to their nature may be parties, their assigns and heirs.
in keeping with good faith, usage T 15. Consent is
and law. Art 1319. Consent is manifested manifested by the
Exception: by the meeting of the offer and the concurrence of the
Real contracts (e.g., deposit, acceptance upon the thing and the other and
pledge and commodatum) are not cause which are to constitute the acceptance upon
perfected until the delivery of the contract. the subject matter
object of the obligation. and cause.
T. A1315 12. Real contracts are T 16. In contracts of
not subject to the In contracts by correspondence, as correspondence,
principle of soon as the will of the offeree consent exists as
consensuality of finds itself in the presence of the soon as offeror
contracts. express and existing will of the learns of the
F. 13. Generally, the offeror, and adheres to it in a acceptance by
Obligatory Force of Contracts court may relieve a manner equally express, the offeree.
It is a rule that once the contract is party from a consent of the two parties is
perfected, it shall be of obligatory contract. realized and their wills take

QUIZ 3 3
reciprocal possession of one a. Violence includes incapacity,
another. b. Intimidation error and fraud.
F. 17. If the offer is made c. Mistake
An offer made through an agent through an agent, d. Fraud
is accepted from the time the offer is e. Undue influence
acceptance is communicated to accepted from the
him (Article 1322). time acceptance is Incapacity is not included in
communicated to vices of consent.
the offeree. T 22. Error or mistake is
T 18. Business the inadvertent and
Business Advertisements (Art. advertisements of Mistake or error must be excusable
1325) things for sale are excusable and must be a mistake disregard of a
They are mere invitations to make not definite offers, of fact, and not of law. circumstance
an offer, and NOT definite offers, but mere material to the
unless it appears otherwise. invitations to make There is no mistake if the party contract.
an offer, unless alleging it knew the doubt,
contrary appears. contingency or risk affecting the
F. 19. The advertiser is object of the contract (Art. 1333)
Advertisement for Bidders (Art. bound to accept the T 23. Fraud in the
1326) lowest or highest execution may give
It is simply an invitation to make bid. Fraud rise to an action for
proposals. The advertiser is not When, through insidious words damages even if
bound to accept the highest or or machinations of one party, the the fraud is only
lowest bidder, unless it appears other is induced to enter into a incidental.
otherwise. contract which, without them, he
F. 20. An offer terminates would not have agreed to (Art.
upon the incapacity 1338).
An offer becomes ineffective upon of the offerer even
the death, civil interdiction, after the acceptance Dolo Incidente (Art. 1344)
insanity or insolvency of either is conveyed. Incidental fraud obliges the
party BEFORE acceptance is person employing it to pay
conveyed (Art. 1323). damages.
F. 21. Vices of consent
Vices of Consent (Art. 1330) that affects volition

QUIZ 3 4
F. 24. In remunatory T 27. Reformation is the
contracts, the cause Reformation of Instruments remedy wherein a
Cause in Onerous Contracts: The is the undertaking Remedy through which a written written instrument
prestation or promise of a thing or or promise of a instrument is made or construed is made so as to
service by the other. thing by the other so as to express or conform to the express the real
party. real intention of the parties when intention of the
Cause in Remuneratory some error or mistake has been parties when some
Contracts: Past service or benefit committed. (Art. 1359) error has been
which by itself is a recoverable committed.
debt. T. Art. 1359 28. The intention
F. 25. The statement of a prevails as between
false cause in parties in case
Art. 1353. The statement of a false contracts shall conflicts exist
cause in contracts shall render render them void between the words
them void, if it should not be even if it can be and intention of
proved that they were founded proved that they parties.
upon another cause which is true were founded upon F 29. Contract is
and lawful. another cause More than ¼. rescissible when
which is true and the guardian’s
lawful. Art. 1381. The following contracts ward sufers lesion
F. 26. In case of illegal are rescissible: by less than ¼ of
He may recover. cause, the innocent (1) Those which are entered the value of the
party may not into by guardians things which are
Art. 1412 (2) When only one of the recover what has whenever the wards whom the object thereof.
contracting parties is at fault, he given. they represent suffer lesion
cannot recover what he has given by more than ¼ of the
by reason of the contract, or ask value of the things which
for the fulfilment of what has been are the object thereof; xxx
promised him. The other, who is F 30. The prescriptive
not at fault, may demand the From the date the contract was period of the action
return of what he has given entered into for rescission is
without any obligation to comply counted from the
with his promise. date of discovery.

QUIZ 3 5
31. Contracts void ab enforceable.
F initio may be T 38. If the agreement is
May include 3rd persons. invoked only by not illegal per se,
the parties, but merely
principal or prohibited, an
subsidiary or their aggrived party may
privies. still recover
T 32. Relative nullity damages from the
may be cured by other.
confirmation or F 39. A verbal promise
prescription. to put in writing a
T 33. Only contracts Not covered. contract that is
having all the covered by Statute
essential requisites of Frauds is
may be ratified. enforceable.
T 34. The effects of T 40. The interpretation
ratification retroact of obscure words
to the time that the or stipulations
contract was must not favour the
entered into. party causing the
F 35. All agreements for obscurity.
leasing/sale of RP T 41. Malice is essential
Longer period than 1 year or of an interst to hold a 3rd person
therein are who induces
governed by another to violate
Statute of Frauds. his contract liable.
T 36. Statute of Frauds F. 42. The contract
does not determine Unenforceable bettween a minor
credibility or and a lunatic is
weight of evidence. void.
T 37. When a contract is F. 43. Minors cannot give
ratified by 1 of the Not all contracts. consent in all
parties, contract contracts.
becomes valid and

QUIZ 3 6
F 44. Usual T 50. An absolutely
Usual exaggerations in trade, exaggerations in stimulated contract
when the other party had an trade are not is ab initio void
opportunity to know the facts, fraudulent unless and inexistent.
are not in themselves fraudulent. aggrived party is T 51. Intent of the parties
illiterate. to the contract is
T 45. Nemo auditor deduced from the
propriam language employed
turpitudinem by the parties.
allegans. F. 52. Inadequacy for the
T 46. In case the court Inadequacy only invalidates if cause upon the
decrees annulment there has been fraud, mistake or contract invalidates
of the contract and undue influence. the same.
the same was
already performed, T 53. Conesensual
there must be contracts are
mutual restitution. perfected by mere
T 47. Where the contract consent.
is entirely illegal T 54. A stipulation in a
and both parties contract expressly
are equally guilty, conferring upon 1
there may be no party the right to
action by 1 against cancel the contract
the other. violates ‘mutuality
F 48. Rescission is of contracts’.
The plaintiff must be able to possible even if F 55. Fixing a period in
return what he is obliged to plaintiff is not able the offer prevents
restore by reason of contract. to return what he Offer may be withdrawn any its revocation
received under the time before acceptance. before acceptance
contract. by communicating
F 49. When there is vice the notice of
Voidable of consent, the withdrawal except
contract is when the option is
rescissible. founded upon

QUIZ 3 7
separate when it predetermines the want of causa if the
consideration, as purpose of contract. If the motive motive as purpose
something paid or is illegal, it shall render the or end of the
promised. contract void. Rabuya. (89.4.2) contract is
F. 56. There is simulation legitimate.
if the disagreement F 61. The contract is void
Both parties must bind between the true False. if the inadequacy of
themselves. and apparent will, Article 1381 cause is shown to
or intent is not by consist in lesion by
The following are rescissible
agreement more than ¼
__________exists entered into by
only in 1 of them. (1) Those which are entered into guardians or
F. 57. Relative simulation by guardians whenever the representatives in
makes the apparent wards whom they represent behalf of the
Parties are bound by their contract void as suffer lesion by more than one- wards/absentees.
apparent act. between parties, fourth of the value of the things
but the hidden which are the object thereof;
contract is ____ the
(2) Those agreed upon in
representation of absentees, if
the latter suffer the lesion stated
F. 58. Exceptionally, in the preceding number;
No contract may be entered into contracts may have
upon future inheritance. as objects future (3) Those undertaken in fraud of
things such as creditors when the latter cannot in
future inheritance. any other manner collect the
T 59. Absence of causa claims due them;
Article 1352. Contracts without renders the (4) Those which refer to things
cause, or with unlawful cause, contract non- under litigation if they have been
produce no effect whatever. The existent. entered into by the defendant
cause is unlawful if it is contrary without the knowledge and
to law, morals, good customs, approval of the litigants or of
public order or public policy. competent judicial authority;
F. 60. Existence of a
Motive may be regarded as causa motive may supply (5) All other contracts specially

QUIZ 3 8
declared by law to be subject to parties to a contract, their true
rescission. intention is not expressed in the
instrument purporting to embody
True. 62. Where both parties the agreement, by reason of
Article 1415. Where one of the are guilty, there mistake, fraud, inequitable
parties to an illegal contract is may be no action conduct or accident, one of the
incapable of giving consent, the by 1 against the parties may ask for the
courts may, if the interest of other, except where reformation of the instrument to
justice so demands allow recovery one of the parties to the end that such true intention
of money or property delivered the contract is may be expressed.
by the incapacitated person. incapable of giving If mistake, fraud, inequitable
consent. conduct, or accident has
F. 63. The party who has prevented a meeting of the minds
brought an action of the parties, the proper remedy
Article 1367. When one of the to enforce the is not reformation of the
parties has brought an action to instrument may instrument but annulment of the
enforce the instrument, he cannot subsequently ask contract.
subsequently ask for its for its reformation
reformation. in court. Article 1367. When one of the
F. 64. A and B signed a parties has brought an action to
contract of lease enforce the instrument, he cannot
The following articles are over a parcel of subsequently ask for its
exceptions to the rule that land although their reformation.
intention of parties shall prevail. agreement was one F 65. A contract of
of the sale and ____ A contract of Antichresis is a Antichresis is a
Article 1366. There shall be no actually the consensual contract. The law does solemn contract.
reformation in the following purchase price. In not require that it must be in
cases: all instances, true writing. Instead, what is required
(1) Simple donations inter vivos intention must to be specified in writing is only
wherein no condition is imposed; prevail. the amount of principal and
(2) Wills interest, if owing. Hence, if such
specification has already been
Article 1359. When, there having made in the principal contract of
been a meeting of the minds of the loan, then the Contract of

QUIZ 3 9
Antichresis itself need not be in fraud referred to is causal fraud
writing. or dolo causante.
F. 66. A contract of loan T 69. Fraud as a vice of
stipulating an Article 1341. A mere expression of consent consists of
Notwithstanding the suspension interest rate of 20% an opinion does not signify fraud, misrepresentation
of Usury Law, if the stipulated a month is void if unless made by an expert and the or concealment of a
interest is excessive, iniquitous, not in writing. other party has relied on the fact made by an
unconscionable and exorbitant, former's special knowledge expert ___ has
such excessive interest is void. relied due to the
However, the principal obligation former’s special
subsists despite the nullity of knowledge.
stipulated interest. F 70. Vices of consent
T 67. Essential requisites consist in
Article 1316. Real contracts, such include delivery in Article 1390. The following circumstances
as deposit, pledge and real contracts and contracts are voidable or affecting adversely
commodatum, are not perfected required formality annullable, even though there the decision of a
until the delivery of the object of in solemn may have been no damage to the party to enter into a
the obligation. contracts. contracting parties: contract makes the
(1) Those where one of the parties contract void.
Article 749. In order that the is incapable of giving consent to a
donation of an immovable may be contract;
valid, it must be made in a public (2) Those where the consent is
document, specifying therein the vitiated by mistake, violence,
property donated and the value of intimidation, undue influence or
the charges which the donee must fraud.
satisfy. (solemn contracts)
F 68. Dolo causante These contracts are binding,
The kind of fraud that will vitiate gives rise to an unless they are annulled by a
a contract refers to those insidious action for damages proper action in court. They are
words or machinations resorted to while dolo susceptible of ratification
by one of the contracting parties incidente may F 71. A stipulation pour
to induce others to enter into a annul the contract. It is valid but subject to revocation autrui must be
contract which without them he until accepted and communicated. accepted to be
would not have agreed to. The valid.

QUIZ 3 10
Article 1311. Contracts take 74. In a phone
effect only between the parties, conversation, X
their assigns and heirs, except agreed to buy
in case where the rights and house and lot of Y
obligations arising from the for 5M to be paid
contract are not transmissible on or before
by their nature, or by __________ that the
stipulation or by provision of deed of sale will be
law. The heir is not liable executed and
beyond the value of the signed on or before
property he received from the the same date. The
decedent. agreement to ____
If a contract should contain some F. 75. A contract between
stipulation in favor of a third Article 1403. The following a minor and an
person, he may demand its contracts are unenforceable, insane is void.
fulfillment provided he unless they are ratified:
communicated his acceptance to
the obligor before its revocation. (1) Those entered into in the name
A mere incidental benefit or of another person by one who has
interest of a person is not been given no authority or legal
sufficient. The contracting parties representation, or who has acted
must have clearly and deliberately beyond his powers;
conferred a favor upon a third (2) Those that do not comply with
person. the Statute of Frauds as set forth
T 72. A stipulation pour in this number. In the following
(refer to preceding answer) autrui is an cases an agreement hereafter
exception to the made shall be unenforceable by
rule on relativity of action, unless the same, or some
contracts. note or memorandum, thereof, be
F 73. Exceptionally, in writing, and subscribed by the
There are no exceptions. strictly personal party charged, or by his agent;
rights may be evidence, therefore, of the
object of contracts. agreement cannot be received
without the writing, or a
QUIZ 3 11
secondary evidence of its of an interest therein;
(a) An agreement that by its terms ( f ) A representation as to the
is not to be performed within a credit of a third person.
year from the making thereof; (3) Those where both parties are
incapable of giving consent to a
(b) A special promise to answer
for the debt, default, or
F 76. Restitution is not
miscarriage of another;
It is possible under 1398. possible if the
(c) An agreement made in object of the
consideration of marriage, other Article 1398. An obligation having contract is service.
than a mutual promise to marry; been annulled, the contracting
parties shall restore to each other
(d) An agreement for the sale of
the things which have been the
goods, chattels or things in action,
subject matter of the contract,
at a price not less than five
with their fruits, and the price
hundred pesos, unless the buyer
with its interest, except in cases
accept and receive part of such
provided by law. In obligations
goods and chattels, or the
to render service, the value
evidences, or some of them, of
thereof shall be the basis for
such things in action or pay at the
time some part of the purchase
money; but when a sale is made
by auction and entry is made by
the auctioneer in his sales book, at • 9 badges of fraud (7 lang sa codal)
the time of the sale, of the amount o Fictitious or inadequate consideration of
and kind of property sold, terms conveyance
of sale, price, names of the o Transfer made by debtor after suit has began
purchasers and person on whose and while it is pending against him
account the sale is made, it is a o Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor
sufficient memorandum; o Evidence of large indebtedness or complete
(e) An agreement for the leasing o Transfer of all/nearly of his property by debtor
for a longer period than one year, o Transfer between father and son
or for the sale of real property or

QUIZ 3 12
o Failure of vendee to take exclusive possession iv. Agreement for sale of goods, chattels or
of all the property things in action at price not less than
• Badges of fraud (from the net) 500; exception: auction when recorded
o (1) The transfer was to an insider. sale in sales book
o (2) The debtor retained possession or control of v. Agreement for lease of property for
the property transferred. more than 1 year & sale of real property
o (3) The transfer was disclosed or concealed. regardless of price
o (4) Before the transfer was made, the debtor vi. Representation as to credit of another
had been sued or threatened with suit. o Both parties are incapable of giving consent
o (5) The transfer was of substantially all the • 7 void contracts
debtor's assets. a. Cause, object or purpose is contrary to law,
o (6) The debtor absconded. morals, good customs, public order or public
o (7) The debtor removed or concealed assets. policy;
o (8) The value of the consideration received by b. Absolutely simulated or fictitious;
the debtor was not reasonably equivalent to the c. Cause or object did not exist at the time of the
value of the asset transferred. transaction;
o (9) The debtor was insolvent or became d. Object is outside the commerce of men;
insolvent shortly after the transfer was made. e. Contemplate an impossible service;
o (10) The transfer occurred shortly before or f. Intention of the parties relative to the principal
shortly after a substantial debt was incurred. object of the contract cannot be ascertained;
o (11) The debtor transferred the essential assets g. Expressly prohibited or declared void by law
of the business to a lienholder who transferred
the assets to an insider of the debtor.
• 8 unenforceable contracts
o Entered into a name of another by 1 without or
acting in excess of authority
o Not comply w/ SoF
i. Agreement to be performed within a
year after making contract
ii. Special promise to answer for debt,
default or miscarriage of another
iii. Agreement made in consideration of
promise to marry

QUIZ 3 13
5. 5 examples of rescissible contract
a. Entered into guardians – whenever the wards
whom they represent suffer lesion by more
than ¼ of the value of the things which are the
object thereof
b. Represent absentees – if the latter suffer lesion
c. Fraud of creditors – latter cannot collect the
claims due
d. Litigation – entered into by defendant w/o
knowledge and approval of litigants or of
competent judicial authority
e. Other contracts specially declared by law to be
Enumeration subject to rescission
2. 7 requisites of legal compensation 6. 5 requisites of payment by cession
a. Parties are principal creditors and debtors of a. 2 or more creditors
each other b. Insolvent debtor
b. Both debts consist in the sum of money or of c. Assignment
consumable things of same kind and quality d. Involve all properties of debtor
c. Due and demandable e. Accepted by creditors
d. Liquidated 7. Requisites of dolo causante
e. No retention or controversy commenced by 3rd a. Misrepresentation or concealment
person b. Induced the consent of the other
3. 4 requisites of mora solvendi c. Fact is not true
a. Positive obligation d. Aware of falsity
b. Demandable and liquidated e. Relied on it w/o FN
c. Delays for reasons imputable to him f. Give consent because of it
d. Demand (j/ej) g. Not committed by both – only 1
4. 6 instances when consignation may be made w/o 8. Contracts to be written in public instrument for public
tender convenience
a. Absent or unknown a. Donation of RP
b. Incapacitated to receive payment b. Contract of partnership
c. Refuses w/o just cause c. Creation, transmission, modification or
d. 2 or more persons claim the same right extinguishment of real rights over RP; sales of
e. Lost title RP or of an interest

QUIZ 3 14
d. Cession, repudation or renunciation of c. Both parties are incapable of giving
hereditary rights or CPG 12. Void contracts
e. Power to administer property a. Cause, object or purpose is contrary to law,
f. Cession of actions or rights proceeding from an morals, good customs, public order or public
act appearing in a public document policy;
9. Statute of frauds b. Absolutely simulated or fictitious;
a. By its terms is not to be performed w/in a year c. Cause or object did not exist at the time of the
from the making thereof transaction;
b. Answer for debt, default, or miscarriage of d. Object is outside the commerce of men;
another e. Contemplate an impossible service;
c. Consideration of marriage, other than mutual f. Intention of the parties relative to the principal
promise to marry object of the contract cannot be ascertained;
d. Sale of goods, chattel, or things in action, at a g. Expressly prohibited or declared void by law.
price not les than 500 (UNL buyer accept and
e. Leasing for a longer period than 1 year or for
sale of RP or interest therein
f. Representation as to credit of a 3rd p
10. Badges of frauds
a. Fictitious or inadequate consideration of
b. Transfer made by debtor after suit has began
and while it is pending against him
c. Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor More questions 2/2/17
d. Evidence of large indebtedness or complete • Fraud in execution gives rise to damages. → F.
insolvency Annulment
e. Transfer of all/nearly of his property by debtor • Warranty in sale is an accidental element. → F.
f. Transfer between father and son Natural element.
g. Failure of vendee to take exclusive possession • In contracts of correspondence, consent exists as soon
of all the property as offeror learns of the acceptance by offeree. → F ?
11. Unenforceable contracts Check code of commerce not sure.
a. Entered into a name of another by 1 without or o Commercial contracts are consensual.
acting in excess of authority
b. Not comply w/ SoF

QUIZ 3 15
i. EXC: Code of commerce requires
specific forms → charter and loans on
bottomry and respondentia
o Code of Commerce – follows manifestation
o NCC – from the time it came to his knowledge
• Deposit, pledge, commodatum are real contracts. → T
• Causal fraud gives rise to action for damages while
incidental fraud annuls the contract. → F. The other
way around.
• Contract entered into by a lunatic has no effect. → F.
May effect padin ata. Not in all cases void.

• 4 instances when reformation is not available
• 7 rescissible contracts
• 5 difference – dacion and cession
• 8 solemn contracts

QUIZ 3 16

1. A contract of sale of a F the owner of the property or

parcel of land is the party interested in it has
consensual, formal, Not formal been for any other reason
bilateral, onerous, misled or surprised, then the
nominate, principal sale will be regarded
and commutative as fraudulent and void, and
2. Even if time is of F the party injured will be
essence, a buyer who permitted to redeem the
already paid 80& of Time is of essence. property sold
the price and delayed Refer to 1191.
in payment only for 1 4. A vehicle sales F.
month, must be given proposal stipulating
an adiditional period that the price of a Payment of the monthly
to complete payment model 2015 Toyota installments shall indicate
of purcahse price in Vios car 20% of w/c the amount.
cosideraiton of equity will be paid as a
and justice. downpayment in 3
3. Shocking gross T days and the balance
inadequacy of the in 36 monthly
price in an execution A judicial sale of real estate installments and w/ a
sale executed by a will not be set aside for specific date for pick
court sheriff may inadequacy of price, unless up is a perfected
invalidate a sale the inadequacy be so great as contract of sale is
to shock the conscience, or signed by the buyer.
unless there be additional
circumstances against its
fairness. If the inadequacy of
price paid for the purchase of
real estate at a sale on
an execution be so gross as to
shock the conscience, or if in
addition to gross inadequacy
the purchaser has been guilty
of unfairness or has taken
any undue advantage, or if

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   1

5. A written F 8. A lessee may not ask False.

acknowledgment for the rescission of Lessee cannot ask for
showing that a fishing the sale of the leased rescission if it was
vessel w/ a price of property where he is transferred to another in
900k is now in the living, in violation of a good faith, all he may
possession & stipulated right of 1st recover is damages.
responsibility of the priority to buy, even if
buyer is a perfected the right was not
contract of sale if there annotated on the TCT
is a firm commitment 9. To be binding, the F.
that documents right of first refusal
pertaining to the sale stipulated in a lease No need for independent
& agreement of agreement must also consideration.
payment are to follow be supported by an
6. A sale is perfected False. independent
upon acceptance of a Art. 1479. An accepted consideration
unilateral promise to unilateral promise to buy or 10. In a lease w/ right of T.
sell at a fixed price to sell a determinate thing 1st refusal, the lessor It cannot be offered at a
even if there is no for a price certain is binding cannot sell to a 3rd different amount to the third
option money paid to upon the promissor if the party at the price of P person.
support the promise promise is supported by a 5300/sq m after an
consideration distinct from offer to sell at P 6000/
the price. sq m was declined by
the lessee
Option contract is NOT the 11. A perfected contract True.
contract of sale itself. of sale cannot be 1459.
7. An option contract T challenged on the The thing must be licit and
supported by a ground of the seller’s the vendor must have a
separate consideration non-ownership of the right to transfer the
is a non-binding offer thing sold at the time ownership thereof AT THE
that may be of the perfection of the TIME IT IS DELIVERED.
withdrawn at any contract
time before
acceptance by the

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   2

12. X leased to Y a roof F W, who in GF

deck of its bldg. w/ registered the sale. Z,
the agreement that Sampaguita Pictures v who took actual
any permanent Jalwindor: “The fact that possession of the land
improvements made Capitol failed to pay a day after the sale by
on the property by Y Jalwindor the purchase W, has a better right
shall belong to X. Y price of the items levied to the land
installed glass upon did not prevent the 15. In Art 1544, a 2nd F
jalousies purchased transfer of ownership to buyer may still claim
on credit from Z. Capitol and, later, to in GF even if the 1st “Art 1544 Par 2: Should
Upon Y’s failure to Sampaguita by virtue of the buyer was already in there be no inscription, the
pay the outstanding agreement in their lease possession of the ownership shall pertain to
balance of the 50%, a contract. Therefore, the property at the time of the person who in GF was
levy on the glass complaint of Sampaguita to the sale, if the seller first in the possession..”
jalousies is proper nullify the Sheriff's sale is assured the 2nd buyer
well founded, and should that the alleged buyer
prosper.” is merely a lessee
16. The rules on double F
13. There is symbolic F sale will apply when
delivery of a parcel of the deed of absolute Rules on double sale do not
land upon the To be equivalent to actual sale in installments apply if the first transaction
execution of a deed of delivery, thing must be with a downpayment is a contract/promise to sell.
absolute sale even if subject to the control of the of 20% amounting to
the buyer had not vendor. Addison vs Felix- 200k was executed
acquired actual “if the vendee x enjoy its after a contract to sell
possession thereof possession due to an in favor of another
because it is occupied opposition of a 3rd person buyer who paid 50%
by a 3rd party w/ an who is in actual (500k) of the purchase
adverse claim of possession..” price
14. A few days before his T
death, X sold his land
to Y, who in turn sold
it to Z. The heirs of X
sold the same land to

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   3

17. When the T ticket for a past draw

consideration is partly date is necessarily
in money and partly void because the hope
in kind,the contract is of winning is vain.
one of sale if the 23. Sale of inheritance F
parties intended it to before partition is
be a sale even if the void because the heir Valid even without
thing given as part of could not enumerating the things.
the consideration is predetermine what he
greater in value than will receive after
the money given partition proceedings.
18. An accepted bilateral F 24. Subsequent T
promise to buy and Price should be certain. acquisition of a title
sell a car at a price less by vendor w/o title
than 500k but not validates the sale even
more than 505k is if the acquisition
binding as an depends on
executory agreement contingency
of sale 25. If a 3rd party tasked to F
19. A unilateral promise F give the price of the Art. 1469…Should such
to sell is binding as a sale refuses to fix the person or persons be unable
contract of sale if a price, the court may or unwilling to fix, the
separate consideration fix the price contract shall be
independent of the inefficacious, unless the
price is given parties subsequently agree
20. A conditional contract T upon the price.
of sale may be an F the third person acted in
executed contract or bad faith or by mistake, the
an executory contract courts may fix the price…
21. Things under T
resolutory condition
of destruction may be
objects of a valid sale.
22. The sale by Pedro to T
Juan of a losing lotto

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   4

26. If the price is F 31. A deterioration of the T

simulated, the sale Art. 1471. If the price is thing sold at the time
shall be considered a simulated, the sale is void, of perfection may
donation. but the act may be shown to render the contract
have been in reality a inoperative.
donation or some other act 32. If the loss of the thing F
or contract. sold at the time of
27. Sale may be rescinded F perfection was by the Void
if the inadequacy of 1471. Gross inadequacy of a fault of the seller, sale
the price results in price does not affect a shall still be valid.
lesion by more than ¼ contract of sale, except as it 33. If the loss of the thing F
of the valley of the may indicate a defect in the sold at the time of
thing sold by the consent or that the parties perfection was a Seller
owner really intended a donation fortuitous event, the
or some other act or risk is on the buyer if
contract. the sale is conditional.
28. By agreement, an T 34. The expenses of T
option money may be execution and
considered part of the registration of the sale
purchase price should are borne by the seller.
buyer execersie the 35. Before the fall of the F
option to buy hammer in an auction 1476. (2) A sale by auction is
29. A verbal sale of parcel T sale, a bidder may perfected when the
of land by an agent is retract his bid but the auctioneer announces its
valid provided that auctioneer could not perfection by the fall of the
his authority to sell is withdraw the goods hammer, or in other
in writing. from the sale. customary manner. Until
30. A contract of sale is F such announcement is
perfected where the 1475. A contract of sale is made, any bidder may
acceptance was made perfected by mere consent, retract his bid; and the
if different from the that is, at the moment there auctioneer may withdraw
place of offer. is meeting of minds upon the goods from the sale
the thing which is the object unless the auction has been
of the contract and upon the announced to be without
price. reserve.

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   5

36. A legally separated T 2. When the F

husband may sell a consideration is partly It shall be considered a barter
car to his wife. in money and partly if the value of the thing
37. Without qualification, T in kind, the contract is given as part of the
a sale between one of sale if the consideration exceeds the
persons in trust Only if no transfer of parties intended it to amount of money or its
relations is ownership be a sale even if the equivalent; otherwise, it is a
necessasrily void. thing given as part of sale.
38. Enumerate 3 Transfer ownership of th the consideration is
obligations of seller thing which is the object of greater in value than
the sale; the money given.
To deliver it; and 3. A bilateral promise to F.
To warrant the same sell is binding as an Only if it is a bilateral
39. Delivery by seller’s Traditio constitutum executory agreement promise to buy and sell.
retention of the thing possessorium of sale.
he is possessing by 4. A unilateral promise F
another right to sell is binding as a
subordinate to the contract of sale if a An accepted unilateral
buyer is known as separate condition promise to buy or sell a
40. When the seller is not F independent of the determinate thing for ap rice
the owner, the buyer price is given. certain is binding upon
who purchased the Public fairs/markets not promisor if the promise is
property in a fair has affected supported by a consideration
no better title than S distinct from the price.
that of the seller. 5. A conditional contract T
of sale may be an
executed contract of
SAMPLEX an executory contract
6. Things under
1. A contract of sale is F. resolutory condition
consensual, bilateral, may be objects ofa
onerous, nominate, Not preparatory vlaid sale
principal, preparatory
and commutative.

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   6

7. Sale of a losing ticket T or some other act.

for a past draw date is 13. By agreement, an T
necessarily void option money may be
because of the hope of considered a part of Alternative: F, element of a
winning is vain the purchase price valid option contract is a
8. Sale of inheritance F should buyer exercise prestation, a consideration
before partition is void the option to buy. separate and distcint from
because the heir could One who sells an inheritance the purchase price for the
not pre-determine w/o enumerating the things option given.
what he will receive composed, shall be 14. A verbal sale of a T
after partition answerable as an heir. parcel of land by an
proceeding agent is valid
9. Subsequent T provided that his
acquisition of title by a authority to sell is in
vendor w/o title Alternative: F, no need to writing.
validates the sale even validate. 15. A contract of sale is F
if the acquisition perfected where the
depends on acceptance was made Contract of sale is
contingency. if different from the consensual.
10. If a 3rd party tasked to F place of offer
give the price of the 16. A detoriation of the T
sale refuses to fix the Courts can fix if the 3rd party thing sold at the time
price, court may fix it. acted in BF or by mistake of perfection may
11. If the price is F. render the contract
simulated, the sale inoperative.
shall be considered a Sale is void, but the act may 17. If the loss of the thing F.
donation. be shown to be a donation. sold at the time of
12. Sale may be rescinded T perfecting was by the The contract is inexistent and
if the inadequacy of fault of the seller, sale void because there is no
price results in lesion Alternative: F, gross shall still be valid. object.
by more than ¼ of the inadequacy of price does not 18. If the loss of the thing F.
value of the thing sold affect a contract of sale, sold at the time of
by the owner. except as it may indicate a perfection was by a The risk is borne by the
defect in the consent or the fortuitous event, the seller.
parties intended a donation

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   7

risk is on the buyer if 27. Delivery by seller’s Traditio constitutum

the sale is conditional. retention of the thing possessorium
19. Expenses of execution T he is possessing by
and registration of the another right
sale are borne by the subordinate to the
seller. buyer is known as
20. Before the fall of the F. 28. When the seller is not F.
hammer in an auction the owner, the buyer
sale, a bidder may A bidder may withdraw the who purchased the Purchases made in fairs shall
retract his bid but the goods unless auction has property in a fair has not be affected
auctioneer could not been announced to be w/o no better title than that
withdraw the goods reserve. of the seller.
from the sale. 29. x 2 ways to negotiate a
21. In a sale of car, the F. 30. x negotiable document of title
vendor can cancel the to goods
sale if the vendee fails 2 or more. 1. Indorsement and delivery
to pay the 1st 2. Delivery
instalment. 31. A negotiable F.
22. A legally separated T document itlte of It may be negotiated in
husband may sell a car goods indorsed in blank, to bearer or specified
to his wife. blank may be person.
23. A sale between F. Only property involved in subsequently indorsed
persons in trust the trust relations. to a specified person
relations is necessarily but could not be
void. Alternative: T. Void if there indorsed in balnk.
is no complete transfer of 32. Where a negotiable T
ownership but intention was document of title was
merely to make grantee a transferred for value
depository of the thing by mere delivery
subject of contract. instead of the required
24. x Obligations of a vendor: indorsement,
25. x 1. Transfer ownership transferee mau compel
26. x 2. Deliver the thing transferor to indorse
3. Make warranties the document
33. The validy of F.

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   8

negotiation is not BOL.

affected by the fact Transferee must be in GF 37. A seller who was T
that the owner of the and without notice of theft conditionally paid
document was by the time of negotiation. with the buyer’s
deprived by theft even personal check can
if the holder had have the rights of an
notice, prior to unpaid seller of goods
negotiation, of the if check is
unlawful deprivation. dishonoured.
34. Transferee of a non- T 38. An unpaid seller of F
nego document of title goods has the right to Art 1527. xx the unpaid seller
to goods may hold the retain goods even if of goods who is in
bailee liable for the the same were already possession of them is entitled
possession of the delivered to the to retain possession of them
goods provided that carrier. until payment or tender of
he notifies the bailee the price xxx
before latter was 39. An unpaid seller has a F
notified by transferor lien on the goods T
of a subsequent sale of when the buyer Art 1527. Subject to the
goods. becomes insolvent, provisions of this title, the
35. In the absence of F provided that the unpaid seller of goods who is
stipulation, the goods seller is still in in possession of them is
sold must be delivered Seller is bound to send then possession of the entitled to retain them until
at any time. within reasonable time. goods. payment or tender of the
36. If by agreement, seller T price in the following cases,
is required to deliver namely:
the goods to the xxx
buyer, delivery to the (3) where the buyer becomes
carrier is deemed insolvent. xxx
delivery to the buyer if
by the BOL, the goods
are deliverable to the
order of the buyer
whether or not seller
retains possession of

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   9

40. Exceptionally, seller F disposition was with

may exercise the right consent of the seller.
of stoppage in transit No longer in transit. 46. Buyer was in need of T
even if buyer already 1,000 sqm of land
accepted delivery. required by the
41. If carrier wrongfully F. franchsior required for
withholds possession Wrongful refusal by carrier the opening of a
from the buyer, seller to deliver will terminate the business. He
can exercise the right right of stoppage. purchased from the
of stoppage. seller at a price of
42. Right of stoppage in T 100,000 per sqm. He
transit may be discovered that the
exercised by obtaining total area delivered to
actual possession of him was only 975.
the goods from the Buyer can opt to
carrier. rescind hte sale.
43. Unpaid seller may F. 47. If on the other hand F
resell goods without Only if the goods are (46) the land has an
notice to buyer if the perishable or based on an area of 1,100, the He may also accept and pay
latter has been in agreement. buyer has no other for the same.
default of the payment option but to return
of price for Alternative: T the excess area.
unreasonable time. 48. If a parcel of land F
44. Unpaid seller may F believed to be 1,000
rescind the sale where The unpaid seller must have sqm. was sold at a Art1542. In the sale of real
buyer fails to pay the exercised the right of lump sum of 1 million, estate, made for lump sum
price after a year from retention or stoppage in buyer should pay xxx there shall be no increase
the delivery. transit. more if the land turns or decrease of price, although
45. Unpaid seller’s right T out to be 1,025 to there be a greater or lesser
of stoppage in transit avoid just enrichment. areas or number than that
is not affected by a stated in the contract
subsequent 49. As a rule, the buyer of T
disposition of goods goods is not bound to
by the original buyer accept delivery by
except where instalment

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   1

50. In a cash sale, seller is T 55. X 2 remedies of buyer in case

excused from making 56. X of breach of warranty against
delivery if no payment hidden encumbrances
is tendered by the 1. Rescission
buyer unless a period 2. Indemnity
for payment is fixed. 57. x Requisites of warranty
51. Rules on double sale T 58. x against redhibitory vices.
will apply to a sale 59. x 1. Serious or important defect
made by the principal 60. x 2. Hidden
and another sale by 61. x 3. Existed at time of sale
the agent to different 62. x 4. Notice to the defect was
buyers 63. x given within reasonable time
52. A previous buyer who First buyer. 5. Action for rescission or
was informed of a Knowledge gained by the reduction of price must be
subsequent sale in first buyer of the second sale brought within proper period
favor of another buyer cannot defeat the first - 6 mos or 40 days from
rushed to the register buyer’s rights except when delivery
of deeds to register the the second buyer registers in 6. No waiver of warranty
sale in his name. Who good faith the second sale 7. Buyer would not have
has a better right to ahead of the first. bought it has he known of
the land if subsequent the voice
buyer was in 64. If an animal sold was F
possession of the same classified as Art 1574. There is no
53. Warranty against T condemned, there is warranty against hidden
eviction may be no warranty against defects of animals sold at
validly waived by the hidden vices provided fairs or public auctions, or if
buyer with knowledge that the animal was livestock sold as condemned.
of risk. examined by an
54. In case of breach of F expert.
warranty against 65. Disease is presumed F
eviction, buyer may Sale must be done in BF. covered by warranty if Art 1578. If the animal should
also demand it causes death 7 days die within 3 days after its
ornamental expenses from purchase. purchase, the vendor shall be
even if the sale was liable if the disease which
made in GF. cause the death existed at the

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   1

time of the contract. 81. x 2. Accidental

66. x When may buyer suspend 3. Potestative
67. x payment after delivery 4. Real right
(Art. 1590) 82. x Equitable mortgage
1. Should the vendee be 83. x 1. Unusually inadequate
disturbed in the possession 84. x price of sale with right to
or ownership of the thing 85. x repurchase
acquired; or 2. Vendor remains in
2. Should he have reasonable possession as lessee
grounds to fear such 3. Buyer retains a part of the
disturbance, by a vindicatory purchase price
action or a foreclosure or 4. Vendor binds himself to
mortgage. pay taxes
68. x Legal guarantees of seller for 5. Other case - real intent is to
69. x payment of price of buyer secure payment of a
70. x 1. Possesorry lien debt/performance of
71. x 2. Right of stoppage in transit obligation
3. Right to resale 86. x Exercise right of redemption
4. Right to rescind 87. x 1. Co-owners
72. x Extinguishment of sale 88. x 2. Co-heirs
73. x 1. Payment or performance 3. Judgment debtors
74. x 2. Loss 89. A vendee a retro has a True.
75. x 3. Condonation right to be subrogated
4. Merger or consolidation to the vendor's rights A sale with pacto de
5. Compensaiton and action. retro transfer the legal title to
6. Novation the vendee (Alderete vs.
76. x What is conventional Amandoron, 46 Phil., 488),
77. x redemption and the vendee is subrogated
1. Vendor reserves right to to all the right and actions of
repurchase the thing sold. the vendors (art. 1511, Civil
2. Obligation to comply with Code), and therefore the
1616 vendee is the owner of the
78. x Nature of conventional estate in fee simplesubject to
79. x redemption the vendor's right off
80. x 1. Contractual redemption.

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   1

90. x Legal redemption by a co- onerous, and

91. x owner commutative,
92. x 1. Co-ownership although exceptionally
93. x 2. Alienation of shares. it could be
3. Sale to a 3rd person or gratitutoous.
4. Sale before partition
94. A valid assignment of T Enumeration
credit transfers title to • Requisites on warranty vs eviction
the assigned credit to • Kinds of implied warrantieas
the assignee, even if • Exceptions to warranty vs animal vices
debtor is unaware ◦ Knowdledge of B
thereof. ◦ Expert B
95. Assignor in GF F. ◦ Stipulations
answers for solvency ◦ Fairs and public auctions
of the debtor, unless No wararnty for solvency of ◦ Livestock sold as condemed
insolvency of debtor debtor, unless stipulator or • Persons disqualifed to buy
was prior to the sale insolvency was prior to the • Exceptions to right to suspend payment
and of common sale and of common
• Goods in transit
knwoedlge. knowledge.
96. x Legal redemption instances
97. x 1. Sale of coo to a stranger
98. x 2. Credit/incorporeal right in
99. x litigation is sold
100. x 3. Sale of an heir of his
hereditary rights to a
4. Sale of adjacent rural lands
not exceeding 1 hectare.
5. Sale of adjacent urban
lunds bought merley for
101. A contract of F.
lease is consensual,
nominate, bialteral, It cannot be gratuitous.

QUIZ  4  –  FINALS   1
Part 1:
7. Lease of professional services may be implied
1. Dean Jara and Ulan may enter into a single because no specific form is required. – True, lease
sale, lease and mortgage of the same property in of service is not a formal contract which requires
one and same document without affecting their formalities for their validity.
validity. – True
8. Lease of work, lessee becomes the agent of the
2. Caveat emptor and venditor apply to voluntary lessor but only with respect to the particular work
sale, forced sale, and lease of things. – False, Both performed. – False, 1644 – In the lease of work or
do not apply to lease of things. service, one of the parties binds himself to
execute a piece of work or to render to the other
3. In a sale of goods, there is a possibility that some service for a price certain, but the relation of
vendor may be deemed to have complied with principal and agent does not exist between them
the prestation even if he does not deliver the
goods. – True, Art. 1477: The ownership of the 9. Exceptionally, a portion of the town plaza
thing sold shall be transferred to the vendee upon which is property for public use may be the object
the actual or constructive delivery thereof of lease. – T/F, The essence or essential purpose
of the lease of things is the transmission of the
4. Recto law applies to assignment of credit and temporary enjoyment or use by the lessee of a
incorporeal rights. – True, seller may validly thing for a certain period in consideration of the
assign his credit in favor of another. When the undertaking to pay rent therefor. Hence, the
vendor assigns his credit to another person, the object of the lease must be within the commerce
latter is likewise bound by the same law. of man (Art. 1374.); otherwise, it is void. Thus, a
Accordingly, when the assignee forecloses on the lease of property belonging to the public do-
mortgage, there can be no further recovery of the main such as a road or a public plaza is void ab
deficiency and the seller-mortgagee is deemed to initio (p. 562, De Leon).
have renounced any right thereto. Article 1484(3),
however, does not bar one to whom the seller- Note: Samplex answer was True, not sure if lease
mortgagee has assigned on a with-recourse basis of “portion” of public plaza makes a difference.
his credit against the buyer from recovering from
the seller the assigned credit in full al- though the 10. Persons enumerated in 1491 are prohibited
seller may have no right of recovery against the from entering into the contract of lease of service.
buyer for the deficiency (p. 127-128, De Leon) – False, The persons disqualified to buy referred
to in Articles 1490 and 1491 are also disqualified
5. An informal settler can validly lease but not to to become lessees of the things mentioned
sell the land and improvement occupied by him. thereon. (Art. 1646.) (p. 149, De Leon)
– True, to sell is an act of strict dominion which
only the owner of a thing may validly do. An 11. A right may also be the object of a contract of
informal settler has no title and merely has lease and the compensation is referred to as
possession. The lessor need not be the owner of royalty. – True
the thing leased as long as he can transmit its
enjoyment or use to the lessee since ownership is 12. The lessee is obliged to answer even for a
not being transferred (p. 563, De Leon) mere act of trespass which a 3rd party may cause
on the use of the thing leased but lessee shall
6. A contract of lease is consensual, nominate, have a different action against intruder. – False,
bilateral, onerous, and remunatory. – False, Not obliged to answer. Where the disturbance in
Principal, Nominate, Bilateral, Onerous, the lessee’s possession is caused by a mere
Commutative, and Consensual, not intruder who acted without any color of title or
Remuneratory. right, the disturbance is a mere act of trespass for
which the lessor is not liable. The lessee has a deemed not to have been made, so far as the
direct action against the trespasser (p. 612, De lessor's claim is concerned., unless said payments
Leon) were effected by virtue of custom of the place.
17. A lease extendible by mutual agreement
13. When lessor repairs the thing leased but the would simply amount to right first refusal in
lessee is not satisfied, latter may suspend favor of the lessee so that even if a third party
payment of rent. – False, 1658 – Lessee may would offer a higher rent, lease in favor of first
suspend payment of rent in case lessors fail to lessee will not be extended unless he matches the
make necessary repairs or maintain lease in a offer. – True
peaceful and adequate enjoyment of property
leased. It is sufficient that the repairs were made, 18. A contract for the lease of vibrator is personal
without regard of the lessee’s preference. and thus terminated by death of lessee. – False, a
lease contract is not essentially personal in
14. If lessee fails to comply with his obligations, character, thus it is not terminated by death of
lessor may file an action for rescission and action either except if the contract states otherwise.
for damages only. – False, ART. 1659 provides: if
the lessor or the lessee should not comply with 19. An implied new lease may result even if there
the obligations set forth in Articles 1654 and 1657, is an express stipulation to the contrary. – False,
the aggrieved party may ask for the rescission of No implied renewal of lease where parties
the contract and indemnification for damages, or stipulated that there would be no renewal by
only the latter, allowing the contract to remain in implication. In Agalo-os vs IAC, it was held that
force. no implied new lease when there is contrary
15. If lessor sells the leased property to a 3rd
person in violation of the right of 1st refusal given 20. An implied new lease is for the same period as
to lessee, contract is rescissible regardless of GF of the original lease but a guaranty executed by a
buyer. – False, rescissible only when in Bad faith. third person in favor of the lessor shall cease with
The Court held that a lease with a proviso respect to the new lease. – False:
granting the lessee the right of first priority ‘all a. PERIOD of the new lease is not that stated in
things and conditions being equal’ meant that the original contract but the time established in
there should be identity of the terms and Article 1682 and 1687—according to the character
conditions to be offered to the lessee and all other of property and mode of payment of rent.
prospective buyers, with the lessee to enjoy the b. GUARANTY – Article 1672. Accessory
right of first priority. A deed of sale executed in obligations contracted by third person are
favor of a third party who cannot be deemed a extinguished.
purchaser in good faith, and which is in violation
of a right of first refusal granted to the lessee is 21. Failure to pay rent makes possession
not voidable under the Statute of Frauds but unlawful. – False, For possession to be unlawful,
rescissible under Articles 1380 to 1381(3) of the the lessee must have failed or refused to pay after
New Civil Code Riviera Filipina, Inc. vs. Court of lawful demand.
Appeals, 380 SCRA 245 [2002] (p. 97, De Leon).
22. Provision in contract of lease that
16. Lessor has subrogatory right against sub- improvements introduced by lessee will accrue to
lessee for unpaid rent. – False, Article 1652. Sub- lessor upon termination of lease shall be
lessee is subsidiarily liable to the lessor for any governed by rules on sale of property. – False, No
rent due from the lessee. However, sublessee need to apply rules on sales of property.
should not be responsible beyond the amount of
rent due from him. Furthermore, advance 23. Lessor may terminate lease when rentals are
payments made by the sub-lessee shall be not paid without need of court action. – True
24. Contract of sale entered in violation of right of TRUE. A contract of lease is not required to be in
first refusal is valid. – True, The lessor is under any form in order to be valid. (Rabuya, p. 492)
legal duty to the lessee not to sell to anybody at
any price until after he has made an offer to sell 3. In a lease of work, lessee becomes the agent of
to the latter at a certain price and the lessee failed the lessor but only with respect to the particular
to accept it. However, the sale in violation of such work performed.
right is valid. It may be rescinded, or may be the
subject of an action for specific performance. ARTICLE 1644 In the lease of work or service, one
of the parties binds himself to execute a piece of
25. Lessee in a lease of rural lands has a right to work or to render to the other some service for a
reduction of rental on account of sterility of land price certain, but the relation of principal and
and for loss of fruits due to extraordinary and agent does not exist between them.
unforeseen event. – False, Article 1680. Only
entitled to right of reduction when loss be more 4. The term ‘price certain’ must be in money or its
than one-half of fruits. equivalent.

26. A provision in a contract of lease that all The price is considered certain if:
improvements introduced by lessee without (1) it is a fixed amount;
reimbursement is not valid. – False, Stipulation is (2) it is certain with reference to another thing
not contrary to law thus it is valid and binding. certain; or
(3) that the determination thereof is left to the
27. Lease of determinate time ceases upon day judgment of a special person or persons.
fixed without need of demand. – True, Article (Aquino, p. 546)
1669. If there is determinate time or period fixed,
the lease will be for said period and ends on the 5. Contract of lease for 99 years is void.
day fixed without need of demand.
TRUE. With respect to lease of things, the law
Modes to terminate lease: states that it may be definite or indefinite.
28. purchaser of piece of land under an However, no lease for more that 99 years shall be
unrecorded sale valid. (Aquino, p. 590)
29. expiration of period
30. total destruction due to fortuitous event 6. Exceptionally, a portion of the town plaza
31. dwelling/ building intended brings imminent which is property for public use may be subject of
and serious danger to life/health. lease.

Part 2: The object of the contract must be within the

commerce of men. Hence, the properties of public
1. A contract of lease is consensual, nominate, dominion cannot be validly made the subject
bilateral, onerous, and remunatory. matter of a contract of lease, such as public streets
or a public plaza.
FALSE. A contract of lease is consensual,
bilateral, onerous, and commutative contract by With respect to properties of public dominion
which the owner temporarily grants the use of his owned by the State, the law, in certain instances,
property to another who undertakes to pay the expressly allows lease of properties ordinarily
rent. (Aquino. p. 590) part of the public domain, as in the case of tidal
swamps, mangroves, marshes, foreshore lands,
2. Lease of professional services may be implied and ponds suitable for fishery operations.
because no specific form is required. (Rabuya, p. 490)
act of acquiring by assignment and shall apply to
7. Period in a contract of lease for services may be lawyers, with respect to the property and rights
definite or indefinite which may be the object of any litigation in which
they may take part by virtue of their profession;
ARTICLE 1643. In the lease of things, one of the (6) Any others specially disqualified by law.
parties binds himself to give to another the (1459a)
enjoyment or use of a thing for a price certain,
and for a period which may be definite or 13. Persons enumerated in 1491 are prohibited
indefinite. However, no lease for more than from entering into the contract of lease of service.
ninety-nine years shall be valid.
FALSE – prohibition is with respect to things and
8-12. Persons who are disqualified to become not to service.
In lease of urban or rural lands, the person
The persons disqualified to buy referred to in Art. disqualified to buy referred to in Articles 1490
1490-91 are also disqualified to become lessees of and 1491 of the CC are also disqualified to
the things mentioned therein. (Aquino, p. 593) become lessees of the things mentioned therein.
(Rabuya, p. 491)
ARTICLE 1490. The husband and the wife cannot
sell property to each other, except: The persons disqualified to buy referred to in Art.
(1) When a separation of property was agreed 1490-91 are also disqualified to become lessees of
upon in the marriage settlements; or the things mentioned therein. (Aquino, p. 593)
(2) When there has been a judicial separation of
property under article 191. (1458a) 14. A right may also be the object of a contract of
ARTICLE 1491. The following persons cannot lease and the compensation is referred to as
acquire by purchase, even at a public or judicial royalty.
auction, either in person or through the
mediation of another: Object or subject-matter: Either real or personal
(1) The guardian, the property of the person or property. The object may either be real or
persons who may be under his guardianship; personal property. As to personal property,
(2) Agents, the property whose administration or consumable goods cannot be the subject matter of
sale may have been intrusted to them, unless the a contract except – when they are merely to be
consent of the principal has been given; exhibited; or when they are accessory to an
(3) Executors and administrators, the property of industrial establishment. (Rabuya, pp. 489-490)
the estate under administration;
(4) Public officers and employees, the property of Royalty - A payment reserved by the grantor of a
the State or of any subdivision thereof, or of any patent, lease of a mine, or similar right, and
government-owned or controlled corporation, or payable proportionately to the use made of the
institution, the administration of which has been right by the grantee. (Black’s Dictionary)
intrusted to them; this provision shall apply to
judges and government experts who, in any 15. The lessee is obliged to answer even for a
manner whatsoever, take part in the sale; cdasia mere act of trespass which a 3rd party may cause
(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks on the use of the thing leased but lessee shall
of superior and inferior courts, and other officers have a different action against intruder.
and employees connected with the administration
of justice, the property and rights in litigation or FALSE. The lessor is not answerable for mere acts
levied upon an execution before the court within of trespass (no right); the lessee has a direct action
whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise their against the trespasser. (Aquino, 592)
respective functions; this prohibition includes the
16. When lessor repairs the thing leased but the the use to which it has been devoted, unless there
lessee is not satisfied, latter may suspend is a stipulation to the contrary;
payment of rent. (3) To maintain the lessee in the peaceful and
ARTICLE 1658. The lessee may suspend the adequate enjoyment of the lease for the entire
payment of the rent in case the lessor fails to duration of the contract;
make the necessary repairs or to maintain the (4) To be responsible for warranty against
lessee in peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the eviction;
property leased. (5) To be responsible for warranty against hidden
17. If lessee fails to comply with his obligations, (6) Not to alter the form of the things in such a
lessor may file an action for rescission and action way as to impair the use to which the thing is
for damages only. devoted under the terms of the lease;
ARTICLE 1659. If the lessor or the lessee should (7) In lease of rural lands, the outgoing lessee
not comply with the obligations set forth in shall allow the incoming lessee or the lessor the
articles 1654 and 1657, the aggrieved party may use of the premises and other means necessary
ask for the rescission of the contract and for the preparatory labor for the following year;
indemnification for damages, or only the latter, and, reciprocally, the incoming lessee or the
allowing the contract to remain in force. lessor is under obligation to permit the outgoing
lessee to do whatever may be necessary for the
18-19. Warranties in contract of lease gathering or harvesting and utilization of the
(1) Lessor’s right to lease the thing fruits, all in accordance with the custom of the
(2) Lessee enjoys legal and peaceful possession place.
(3) Thing is fit for use (Aquino, pp. 591-592)
(4) Thing is free from hidden defects/fault
25-28. Obligations of lessee
20. If lessor sells the leased property to a 3rd (1) To pay the price of the lease according to the
person in violation of the right of 1st refusal given terms stipulated;
to lessee, contract is rescissible regardless of GF of (2) To use the thing leased as a diligent father of a
buyer. family, devoting it to the use stipulated; and in
Rescissible only when in BF. the absence of stipulation, to that which may be
inferred from the nature of the thing leased,
21.Lessor has subrogatory right against a sub- according to the custom of the place;
lessee for unpaid rent. (3) To pay expenses for the deed of lease;
In case of sublease, the lessee’s obligation to the (4) To notify the owner of the need for urgent
lessor remains without prejudice to his repairs;
responsibility for the performance of the contract (5) To tolerate the works of the lessor for urgent
toward the lessor. repairs;
The sub-lessee is subsidiariily liable to the lessor (6) To notify the lessee every usurpation or
for any rent due from the lessee. However, the untoward act of third persons;
sub-lessee shall not be responsible beyond the (7) To return the thing leased at the termination
amount fo rent due from him... of the lease just as he received it except for
(Aquino, p. 597) ordinary wear and tear;
(8) To be liable for loss or deterioration due to his
22-24. Obligations of lessor own fault or negligence;
(1) To deliver the thing which is the object of the (9) To be liable for any deterioration caused by
contract in such a condition as to render it fit for the members of his household and by guests and
the use intended; visitors.
(2) To make on the same during the lease all the (Aquino, pp. 594-595)
necessary repairs in order to keep it suitable for
29. A lease extendible by mutual agreement (2) To be in peaceful and adequate enjoyment of
would simply amount to a right of 1st refusal in the lease for the entire duration of the contract;
favor of the lessee so that even if a 3rd party (3) To sublease the property unless there is a
would offer a higher rent, lease in favor of 1st stipulation to the contrary;
lessee will not be extended unless he matches the (4) To choose between proportional reduction of
offer. rent and rescission of the lease if the thing is
partially destroyed by fortuitous event;
30. A contract for the lease of vibrator is personal (5) To suspend the payment of the rent in case the
and thus terminated by death of lessee. lessor fails to make the necessary repairs or to
FALSE? Death is not a ground? maintain the lessee in peaceful and adequate
enjoyment of the property leased;
The lease may terminate: (6) To terminate the lease if the leased dwelling
(1) By the expiration of the period; place or building intended for habitation is in
(2) By the total loss of the thing; such a condition that its use brings imminent and
(3) By resolution of the right of the lessor; serious danger to his life or health or
(4) By will of the purchaser or transferee of the uninhabitable;
thing; and (7) To ask for proportional reduction of the rent if
(5) By rescission due to non-performance of the urgent repairs being made by the lessor will
obligation of one of the parties. last for more than 40 days.
(Rabuya, pp. 507-508) (Aquino, pp. 593-594)

31. An implied new lease may result even if there 37-40

is an express stipulation to the contrary.
If the lease was made for a determinate time, it Grounds for ejectment
ceases upon the day fixed, without the need of a (1) When the period agreed upon, or that which is
demand. fixed for the duration of leases under Articles
An implied new lease is created when it is shown 1682 and 1687, has expired;
that: (a) the term of the original contract of lease (2) Lack of payment of the price stipulated;
has expired; (b) the lessor has not given the lessee (3) Violation of any of the conditions
a notice to vacate; and (c) the lessee continued agreed upon in the contract;
enjoying the thing leased for 15 days with the (4) When the lessee devotes the thing leased to
acquiescence of the lessor. (Rabuya 508) any use or service not stipulated which causes the
If the lessee continued enjoying the thing after the deterioration thereof; or if he does not observe the
expiration of the contract when there is no requirement in No. 2 of Article 1657, as regards
implied new lease because the lessor objected to the use thereof.
the continued enjoyment by the lessee, the latter
shall be subject to the responsibilities of a 41. Destruction of thing by FE obligates lessor to
possessor in bad faith. (Rabuya, p. 511) rebuild the thing leased.

32. An implied new lease is for the same period as False. 1655 – If the thing leased is totally
the original lease but a guaranty executed by a destroyed by a fortuitous event, the lease is
3rd person in favor of the lessor shall cease with extinguished. If the destruction is partial, the
respect to the new lease. lessee may choose between a proportional
In case of an implied new lease, the other terms of reduction of the rent and a rescission of the lease.
the original contract, aside from the period, shall
be revived. (Rabuya, p. 510) 42. Failure to pay rentals makes possession
33-36. Rights of lessee.
(1) To demand delivery of the thing leased;
False. Unless coupled with a refusal on part of 48. Lease of determinate time ceases upon day
lessor to pay after lawful demand. fixed without need of demand.

43. Provision in contract of lease that
improvements introduced by lessee will accrue to 49. In an express trust, acceptance by the trustee
lessor upon termination of lease shall be is necessary for creation of trust.
governed by rules on sale of property
False. It is acceptance by beneficiary which is
False. No need to apply the rules on sales of needed.1445 – No trust shall fail because the
property. trustee appointed declines the designation, unless
the contrary should appear in the instrument
44. Lessor may terminate lease when rentals are constituting the trust.
not paid without need of court action.
50. Acceptance by beneficiary is not necessary for
True. the creation of express trust.

45. Contract of sale entered in violation of right of 1446 – Acceptance by the beneficiary is necessary.
1st refusal is valid. Nevertheless, if the trust imposes no onerous
condition upon the beneficiary, his acceptance
True. shall be presumed, if there is no proof to the
46. Lessee in a lease of rural lands has a right to
reduction of rental on account of sterility of land 51. A trustor may or may not have the capacity to
and for loss of fruits due to extraordinary and transfer the property.
unforeseen event.
False. He mut have capacity.
False. 1680 – The lessee shall have no right to a
reduction of the rent on account of the sterility of 52. An express trust is created by mere
the land leased, or by reason of the loss of fruits declaration of trustee that he holds property in
due to ordinary fortuitous events; but he shall trust.
have such right in case of the loss of more than
one-half of the fruits through extraordinary and False. It is created by direct and positive acts of
unforeseenfortuitous events, save always when the parties.
there is a specific stipulation to the contrary.
Extraordinary fortuitous events are understood to 53. Trusts over real property are enforceable in
be: fire, war, pestilence, unusual flood, locusts, any form.
earthquake, or others which are uncommon, and
which the contracting parties could not have False. In express trust, a formality is required.
reasonably foreseen.
54. Trustee can acquire trust property by adverse
47. A provision in a contract of lease that all possession even w/o repudiation of trust.
improvements introduced by lessee without
reimbursement is not valid. False. There must be repudiation in case of
express trusts.
Stipulation not contrary to law, etc is valid and 55. In order to bind 3rd persons to a trust, same
binding. must be in a public instrument.
False. Trusts over personal property may be
proved orally. True.

56. Statute of limitations apply to express trust. 64. In express trusts, statute of limitations does
not apply to subsisting and continuing trusts so
False. It is impresciptible. long as there is no denial or repudiation thereof.

57. Constructive trust is imposed by law to carry True.

out the actual or presumed intent of the parties if
express trust is prejudicial to the 65. An oral trust is sufficient in case of trust over
False. It must be Resulting Trusts.
58. Resulting trusts are established by law,
regardless of intention, in order to prevent fraud, 66. In case of impossible trust, court may
oppression or unjust enrichment. authorize deviation in interest of trust.

False. It must be constructive trusts.


59. No express trust concerning an immovable 67. No need for trustee to render an account
property or any interest may be proven by parole under oath.
False. Under ROC, he must render under oath at
True. least 1x a year until his trust is fulfilled, unless he
is excused, a true account.
60. There is a resulting trust when a donation is
made to a person but appears thought the legal 68. Trustor cannot prohibit alienation for a period
estate is transmitted to donee, he nevertheless is of more than 25 years.
either to have no beneficial interest or only a part
thereof. True.
69. Merger is a mode of extinguishment of
True. implied or express trust.

61. There is a constructive trust when land passes True.

by succession and causes the legal title to be put
in name of another. 70. In an implied trust over a parcel of land,
action to recover must be brought within 5 years
True. from issuance of title to property.

62. There is a constructive trust if the price of sale False. 10 years.

of property is loaned or paid by 1 person for
benefit of another and conveyance is made to
lender or payor to secure payment of debt.


63. Laches is a defense in resulting trusts unless

beneficiary had no knowledge of facts.


1. The insolvency of theguarantor entitles the creditorto demand another

guarantoreven if the creditordesignated the guarantor.

FALSE. Under Article 2057, if the guarantor should beconvicted in first instance
of a crimeinvolving dishonesty or should becomeinsolvent, the creditor may
demandanother who has all the qualificationsrequired in the preceding article.
Thecase is excepted where the creditor hasrequired and stipulated that a
specifiedperson should be the guarantor.

2. Future debts of unknownamount may not beguaranteed because there isno

principal obligation yet.

FALSE. Under Article 2053,a guaranty may also be given assecurity for future
debts, the amount ofwhich is not yet known; there can be noclaim against the
guarantor until the debtis liquidated. A conditional obligationmay also be secured.

3. Guaranty must be expressbut exceptionally it may beimplied from acts of

theguarantor as in guaranty byestoppel.

FALSE. Under Article 2055,aguaranty is not presumed; itmust be express and

cannot extend tomore than what is stipulated therein.

4. The guarantor can bindhimself for more than whatthe debtor is liable for but
notfor less.

FALSE. Under Article 2054,a guarantor may bind himselffor less, but not for
more than theprincipal debtor, both as regards theamount and the onerous
nature of theconditions. Should he have boundhimself for more, his obligations
shall bereduced to the limits of that of the debtor.

5. The debtor may interposeagainst the guarantor alldefenses available againstthe


FALSE. Under Article 2068, if the guarantee pays without notifying thedebtor, the
latter may enforce against him all the defenses which he could have set up
against the creditor at the time the payment was made.

6. The benefit of exhaustionavailable to the guarantor isnot available if the guaranty

isin the form of pledge ormortgage on the guarantor’sproperty.


7. Execution may be enforcedagainst the guarantorwhenever a writ of executionis

issued against a debtor.


FALSE. Under Article 2058,the guarantor cannot becompelled to pay the creditor
unless thelatter has exhausted all the property ofthe debtor, and has resorted to
all thelegal remedies against the debtor.

8. If the guarantor pays beforethe due date, he cannot proceedagainst the debtor
until thatdate arrives except when thedebtor ratifies the payment.


9-15. Seven instances where the benefits of exhaustion is not available.

a. When the guarantor has constituted in favor of thecreditor a pledge or
mortgage asan additional security
b. Non-compliance w/ Art 2060 (set up the benefit of excussion with the creditor,
and point out to the creditor the available property of the debtor)
c. He has a judicial bondsman andsub-surety
d. Guarantor expressly renounces it
e. Bound himself solidarilywith the debtor
f. Debtor’s insolvency
g. He has absconded, or cannot be sued w/in the Philippines unless hehas left a
manager orrepresentative
h. It may be presumed that anexecution on the property of theprincipal debtor
would not resultin the satisfaction of theobligation

16. If the parties avail of contractualprovision for automatic extension, theguarantor

will be released.


17. In case of a merger between thedebtor and the guarantor, the guarantyis
extinguished but a sub-guarantor, ifany, is released.

FALSE. Guaranty is accessory and subsidiary contract; therefore, the

extinguishment of its principal contract will likewise extinguish the sub-
guarantor’s obligation.

18. There is no excussion/exhaustion injudicial guaranty.

TRUE. Under Article 2084, a judicial bondsman cannot demand the exhaustion
of the property of the principal debtor.

19. When the principal obligation ismodified by agreement, the guarantoris released
if he didn’t agree to themodification even if the modifiedobligation will be less


FALSE. A material alteration should be onerous as toimpose a new obligation or

add burden to theguarantorin order to release guarantor.

20. A remission in favor of 1 of 5guarantors extinguishes the principalobligation but

only to the extent of 1/5.

TRUE. Under Article 2078, a release made by the creditor in favor of one of the
guarantors, without the consent of the others, benefits all to the extent of the
share of the guarantor to whom it has been granted.

FALSE. The guaranty is extinguished only if remission is madewithout the
consent of the other guarantors, under Article 2078.

21. An oral mortgage is void againstinnocent 3rdparties but valid between theparties


22. An unregistered REM may still be the subject of foreclosure.

TRUE. The purpose of registration is to bind third persons, but not the validity of
the contract.

23. A contract of antichresis that doesn’t specify the interest in writing,although it

expressly mentioned theprincipal amount is void and of noeffect at all.

FALSE. Obligation to pay interest is not the essence ofantichresis, but the
obligation to apply all the fruits, after receiving them, to the payment of interest, if
owing, and thereafter the principal in accordance with the provision of Article
2133 or 2138 of the Civil Code.

24. A chattel mortgage is a realcontract because it requiresconstructive delivery by

the registrationof the contract in the CM registry.

FALSE. Chattel mortgage is a consensual contract, as delivery is not required for

its validity.Registration of chattel mortgage, although required by law, is not
equivalent toconstructive delivery.

25. What must be contained in anaffidavit of good faith?

Under Section 5 of Act No 1508, the affidavit of good faith must contain a
statement wherein the parties severallyswear that the mortgage is made for
thepurpose of securing the obligation specified inthe conditions thereof and for
no otherpurposes and that the same is just andvalid obligation as one not
entered intofor the purpose of fraud.


26. A CM without containing an affidavitof good faith is void for all intents

FALSE.Affidavit only required for the purpose oftransforming an already valid

mortgageto a preferred one. Absence of suchaffidavit vitiates the mortgage only
as against 3rdpersons without notice, like creditors and subsequent

27. A lessee may mortgage the thingleased but only valid during theeffectivity of the

FALSE. Lessee not the absolute owner of theproperty, and therefore not in
compliance with the second essential requisite under Article 2085, that the
mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing mortgaged.

28. A mortgage made by a co-owner ofa property without the consent of otherco-
owners produces no legal effect.

FALSE. Under Article 493, such mortgage made by a co-owner produces a legal
effect, which is it burdens only that portion which may be allotted to the co-owner
in the division upon the termination of the co-ownership.

29. The nullity of a mortgage does notrender null and void the principal obligation

TRUE.The extinguishment of a contract of mortgage does not affect the principal

obligation since it is merely an accessory contract.

30. A municipality may not mortgage apatrimonial property being used as apublic

TRUE. Since the property is being used for public use as a public market, it is
therefore considered as part of public dominion – which is inalienable or

31. Growing fruits while they areattached to the land may not be properobjects of
chattel mortgage.

FALSE. Pursuant to Section 2 of Act 1508, parties may treat as personal

property that which by its nature would be real propertyby virtue of estoppel. This
is as long as the parties to the contract so agree, and no innocent 3rd party will be
prejudiced thereby. (Makati Leasing and Financial Corp v Wearever Textile Mills,



TRUE. Generally, chattel mortgage can cover only personal or movable property
under Article 2140.

32. A machinery classified as real property underArt 415 NCC may be the object of
avalid chattel mortgage.

TRUE. This is by virtue of estoppel; or in case of buildings under Article 415(1)

FALSE. Chattel mortgage is primarily for movables under Art 416-417 NCC.

33. A mortgage may be gratuitous.


34. A mortgage follows the propertywhoever the possessor may beprovided there is
formal assumption ofmortgage by the transferee.

FALSE.Formal assumption of mortgage is not necessary for it to follow the


35. While the law does not specificallyrequire the possession of the property tothe
antichretic creditor, delivery hasbeen held a standard characteristic ofthe contract
of antichresis.

FALSE. Delivery is not a standard but special requisite.

36. All immovable properties may bethe object of a contract of antichresis.

FALSE. Onlythe immovable of the debtor, under Article 2132.

37. The mortgage extends to bothnatural and artificial accessions.

TRUE. Under Article 2127, mortgage extends to the natural accessions, to the
improvements, growing fruits, and the rents or income not yet received when the
obligation becomes due, etc.

38. the parties must agree on the valuation of the fruits for application to the interest and
principal of the debt

F Art 2133- actual MV of fruits at the time of application

39. the parties may stipulate to the share of taxes and charges upon the estate during
the period of antichresis

F Art 2135


40. the expenses for preservation of the prop in an antichresis shall be deducted from
the fruits of the same

T Art 2135 (3)



A. Right to receive the fruits of the debtor’s immovable

B. Right to the actual MV of the fruits at the time of the application thereof to
the interest and principal

C. Right to enjoyment of an immovable



contrary, to pay:


Charges upon the estate. If he doesn’t pay: indemnity for damages

Apply the fruits after receiving them to the interest if owing and after, to the

47. the chattel mortgage is deemed to cover only the prop described therein and not like
or substituted property thereafter acquired by the mortgagor notwithstanding a contrary
Sec. 7, Chattel Mortgage Law. Rule applies regardless of any stipulation contrary.

48. stocks in trade which are naturally revolving or floating and perishable goods that
are naturally expected to be replaced may be the proper objects of a CM, provided the
deed must be amended every time there is a replacement of the goods

49. A promise expressed in a CM to include debts to be contracted in the future is a

binding commitment that can be compelled upon the security itself even if there is no
amendment of the old agreement or the execution of a new one

F. Marquez v Elisan Credit Corp

50. A stipulation in a RE mortgage prohibiting the mortgagor fr. Selling the mortgaged


property w/out the written consent of the mortgagee is valid because obligations arising
from contract have the force of law bet. thecontracting parties

T. Autonomy of Contracts

51. the absence of written consent of the mortgagee in a sale of a mortgaged chattel to
a 3rd party doesn’t affect the validity of the sale although the mortgagor could be
criminally liable

T. Consent of the mortgagee in sale of mortgaged property not a requirement under CM


52. stipulations in a contract of antichresis for the extrajudicial foreclosure of the security
is void for lack of legal basis

F Parties may agree on the same, as in mortgage and pledge

53. in a RE mortgage foreclosure pursuant to Art 3135 doesn’t require personal notice
to the mortgagor

T. Not a requirement under Act 3135

54. in RE mortgage and antichresis, deficiency or the excess is for the acct/credit of the
debtor unlike in the case of pledge

T. Act 3135 is silent as to right to recover deficiency, but under the Mortgage Law
which is still in force, mortgagee has the right to claim for deficiency

55. After foreclosure of a CM or PP paid on installment, the seller cant recover the
deficiency from the buyer

T. Under the Mortgage Law which is still in force, mortgagee has the right to
claim for deficiency.

56. the loss of the property mortgaged by a fortuitous event shall necessarily free the
debtor-mortgagor from the prin obli

F Mortgage is an accessory contract, loss of the thing mortgaged doesn’t affect

the principal contract

57. the commitment of a buyer at an auction resell the prop to the mortgagor beyond the
period of redemption is not binding unless supported by a separate consideration

F. Right of redemption may be exercised w/ in 1 yr from the reg of the cert of sale;
w/out the reg of the prop, redemption is still possible even when the commitment
is not supported by a separate consideration




a. Consensual

b. Requirement of registration is essential for validity

c. Possession of thing mortgaged remains w/debtor

d. Different procedure in sale in a public auction

e. If the price of the sale in case of foreclosure is less than the amount of the
principal obli, creditor can recover deficiency


a. Real

b. Reqt that it be in a public rd instrument is merely to bind 3 persons

c. Possession vested w/ creditor

d.Diff procedure in public auction sale

e. Creditor not entitled to recover deficiency




a. Constituted on movables

b. Cant guarantee future oblis

c. CM needs to be registered in CM registry as a security for performance of
an obli

d. Registration essential for validity

RE Mortgage

b.Constituted on immovable

c. May guarantee future obligations

d. Needs to be registered to bind rd 3 persons


e. Registration not essential for its validity

66. a pledger who is not the debtor has the rights of a guarantor to seek reimbursement,
subrogation, excussion and is not prejudiced by any waiver of defense by the debtor

F Excussion is not included

67. the incorporeal right of lease over a condominium unit evidenced by a notarized
contract of lease may be validly pledged

F Lease contract is not a document of title which accompanies an incorporeal

right, which may be pledged

68. a pledge made by a 3rd is not the owner is void because only an owner w/out
exception may pledge his property

A 3rd party may pledge another’s property w/ authority and consent of the owner
of such to secure the principal obli

69. a thing pledged may be alienated at the instance of the creditor to satisfy the
principal obligation

F It will amount to dacion en pago

70. an agreement to the effect that the thing pledged should be applied in payment of
the obligation by way of dacion en pago is void because this will constitute pactum

F There is no more pledge but a valid dacion en pago

71. est tota in tota et tota in qualibet parte

There is whole in the whole and the whole in every part

72. if there are 3 debtors who are jointly liable, the creditor may enforce the obligation of
each against the whole thing pledged

F The creditor cant immediately enforce the obligation of the joint debtors against
the whole thing pledged because he may do so only when the credit has not been
satisfied in due time

73. a pledge is an accessory, real, unilateral and preparatory contract

F It is not preparatory

74. if a promissory note was used in pledge and was subsequently sold at auction to


satisfy the principal obligation for a bid price higher than the amount secured by the
pledge, the debtor is not entitled to the surplus, should there be any

T. Art 2115, debtor not entitled to excess.

75. A verbal pledge is void
False. There is no such requirement that it must be in writing. But article 2092
states that a promise to constitute pledge gives rise only a personal action.
76-81 Instances of legal pledge
a.Art 546 wrt necessary and useful expenses
b. Art 612 wrt termination ofusufruct
c. Art 1731 wrt execution of workupon a movable
d. Art 1914 wrt agent’s right to retention of objects of an agency until
principal effects reimbursement and pays indemnity
e. Art 1994 wrt depositary
f .Art 2004 wrt hotel keepers
82. The pledgee cannot use the thing pledged without the express authority of the
pledgor even its preservation requires.
False. Article 2104 the creditor cannot use the thing pledged, without the
authority of the owner, and if he shiuld do so, or should misuse the thing in any
other way , the owner may ask that it be judicially or extrajuducially deposited.
When the preservation of the thing pleged requires its use, it must be used by the
creditor but only for its purpose.
83. All fruits produced by the thing pledged are subject to legal compensation even in
the absence of a stipulation to this effect.
TRUE. Aricle 2102 if the pledge earns or produces fruits, income, dividends, or
interest, the creditor shall compensate what he receives with those which are
owing him.
84. The thing in pledge couldn’t be subjected to a precautionary sale without the
consent of the pledgor.
FALSE. Article 2108 if without the fault of the pledge, there is danger of
destruction , impairment or diminution in value of the thing pledged, he may
cause the same be sold at a public sale.
85-91 Conditions and rules for a valid extrajudicial foreclosure of a thing pleged.



92. The pledge of a pawn ticket must renew it if necessary.
93. As a rule, a pledgee may deposit the thing pleged with a 3rd party of proven integrity.
FALSE. Ariticle 2100 the pledge cannot deposit the thing pledged with a third
person, unless there is a stipulation authorizing him to do so.
94. Unless stipulated otherwise, the return of the thing pledged to the owener
extinguishes the pledge.
TRUE. Article 2110 if the thing pledged is returned by the peldgee to the pledgor
or owner, the pledge is extinguished. Any stipulation to the contrary shall be
95. For all intents and purposes, the pledge is extinguished when the thing pledged is
the possession of the pledgor.
FALSE. Article 2107 if there is reasonable ground of destruction, without the fault
of the pledge, the pledgor may demand the return of the thing pledge. And
substitute it with another thing.
96-100 Rights of a pledgor
1. To demand return in case of reasonable grounds to fear destruction or
impairment of the thing without the pledgee’s fault.
2. To bid and be preferred at the public auction.
3. To alienate the thing pledged provided the pledgee consents to the sale.
4. To ask the thing pledged to be deposited.
101. The pledgor must pay the necessary expenses incurred by the pledgee on the
thing pledged.
TRUE. Article 2099, the creditor has the right to reimbursement of the expenses
made for its preservation.


102-106 Extinguishment of the pledge

1.The same as causes of all obligations
2. The return of the thing pledged
3. Statement in writing that the pledgee renounces or abandons the pledge.
4.Payment Of debt
5. Sale of the thing pledged at public auction
6. Appropiration.
107. The rules governing the possession and preservation of the thing pledged by
agreement also apply to legal pledges.
FALSE. Article 2121 in realtion to article 546 governs possession in legal pledge,
while article 2098 governs that of pledge by agreement.
108-110 Obligations of pledgee.
1. To take care of the thing with the dilidgence of a good a father
2. Not to use the thing pledged, unless authorized by the owner or for its
3. Not to deposit the thing with a third person unless stipulated
4. Responsiobiluty for acts of his agents and employees
5. To advise pledgor of danger to the thing
6. To return the thing upon payment,


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