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BEGLA-137 Language through literature

Answer Keys
1. (a) Reading comprehension. (5x2=10M)
a) Character: the representation of a person/people in a story or play.
b) Physical, emotional, and psychological
c) Character goes through diff. experience – character development
d) Motivations, beliefs and values
e) Protagonist is the main character and Antagonist who opposes the protagonist
2. Add prefixes to make opposits (5x2=10M)
a) Un-comfortable
b) Un-necessary
c) Dis-like
d) In-valid
e) Dis-regard
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions. (5x1=5M)
a) because
b) so/thus
c) so
d) to
e) than
4. Define any two literary device (2x5=10M)
a) Synecdoche (statement in which only part of something is expressed to relate to the whole.)
b) Understatement (statement that is made less important than what is actually conveyed.)
c) Tension (the sense that something ominous is right around the corner.)
d) Paradox (statement that contradicts itself.)
5. Write short notes on any two (2x5=10M)
a) Allegory (a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning)
b) Hyperbole (an exaggeration to convey a more profound meaning)
c) Euphemism (a replacement of a phrase with less offensive meaning)
d) Onomotopoeia (words that resemble the sound they are describing)
6. Sentence correction (5x2=10M)
a) I and my friends went to the park to play soccer.
b) She doesn’t like pizza but she likes Pasta.
c) The book which is written by J. K. Rowling is my favourite.
d) I went to the store to buy some apples and oranges, but they were all sold out.
e) I and my friends are going to the Mall today.
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions. (10x1=10M)
a) under
b) on
c) at
d) on
e) on
f) at
g) in
h) with
i) inside
8. Make sentences (Phrasal verbs) (5x2=10M)
a) Break down (cry/weap)
b) Come across (to know)
c) Take off (undress)
d) Wear off (decrease slowly)
e) Get along (friendly relationship)
9. Identify figures of speech (5x2=10M)
a) Her eyes were stars shining in the night. - (Simile/Metaphor)
b) She sells sea-shells by the seashore. – (Alliteration)
c) He has a heart like stone. - (Simile/Metaphor)
d) Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country. – (Antithesis)
e) It was raining cats and dogs. – ()
10 (a). Add suffixes to make adjective (5x1=5M)
i. Hope-ful
ii. Care-ing/ful
iii. Green-ish
iv. Danger-ous
v. Milk-y
10 (b). Make sentences (5x2=10M)
i. Consumeable/consuming
ii. Dancing
iii. Defensive
iv. Harvesting
v. Crushed/Crushing

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