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Activity 1; Article Analysis Report

Have you ever wondered why people resemble their parents? The answer to this and other
questions about heredity lies in a specialize branch of biology called genetics. Geneticist found
that most aspects of life have a hereditary basis and that many traits can appear in more than
one form. Heredity determines what an organism may become, not what it will become. What
an organism becomes depends on both its heredity and environment.
Yes, the article that I’ve read agrees that heredity, environment and individual’s choice are
the factors that contribute to what a person may become. It is because with the influence of
our family heredity have high possibility to affect or contribute to what we may become. Each
individual has a different pattern of behaviors and personality. This difference is seen due to the
influence of the heredity and environment. Truly speaking heredity and environment play an
important role in the development of the personality and other qualities in the individual.
No person can be born without heredity and genes cannot develop without proper
environment. An individual’s heredity is present since the moment of conception, and some
environmental conditions also start influencing from this very stage. Each trait and response of
an individual depends on his hereditary and environment. Therefore, in order to know about
the individual, it is necessary to understand the person’s heredity and environment.
From the word permanently or permanent is same thing to stability or stable. And yes, I am
convinced that we are what we are based in our first experience because for example; as a child
you fell down from the middle of the tree unto the ground and it broke your left leg, do you
think you are able to walk normally again? The answer is no, yes you still can walk or able to run
after you heal but there’s a big difference from how you normally walk before. This will
continue until you become stable.
The impact of heredity and environment is indeed undeniable and the two are significantly
intertwined. The development of the emotional characteristics depends on the influence of the
environment. The child carries with himself several physiological and psychological peculiarities
that are present in the parents. The knowledge of heredity and environment has a great
influence on human development.

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