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2 Word Pro blem Solving with calculator is allo

For Pap er 2, it is exp ect ed to solv wed
e the wo rd pro ble m by
I) form ing an alg ebr aic equ atio n,
2) re-a rran gin g the alg ebr aic equ
atio n with left-hand side equals to
3) usi ng GD C to gra ph the new zero,
alg ebr aic equ atio n and use Analyse
the root. ➔ Zero to find

Engage 2.2
Pa per 2
A cyc list is cyc ling from his hom
e to his sch ool 8 km away. The spe
wh ich is con stan t thro ugh out , is x ed of the cyclist,
(a) Wr ite dow n an exp ress ion, in
term s of x, for the tim e taken by the
his sch ool from his hom e, in hours. cyclist to reach

On the retu rne d trip , the cyc list is

cycling from his school to his hom
spe ed, wh ich is con stan t thro ugh out e. As he is tired, his
, is now (x - I 0) km/h.
(b) Wr ite dow n an expression, in
terms of x, for the tim e taken by the
his hom e from his school, in hours. cyclist, to rea ch
(c) The cyc list 's returned trip is
slower by 15 minutes as compared
hom e to school. Wr ite dow n an equ to his trip from
ation in terms ofx .
(d) Sol ve the abo ve equ atio n and
find the speed of the cyclist for his
returned trip.
Solution C> :: .:L
(a) Time tak en by the cyc list to rea
ch his school from his hom e= B hours
(b) Tim e tak en by the cyclist, to rea
ch his home from his school = hf}C hours
(c) For min g the equation: ,-/0

~ ... \O
_j__ ~
~ _ J;l f "k-_
1,,\0 - - ¼-~

• ~2-t;t,JL1- ~ro/
'K "' 'I-~ -=-
']2x. - i2,:, -J2o+x -f(}1,
3i-i. - -x, r11.-t-.. io

lo1. -; ~.,, - ~10

~ to-x,-110 =- • o
"L -
Spe ed of the cyclist for his returne
d trip =
Pra ctice Qu esti ons .. \\5 1 11 ,c;1
Tie r I : Rev iew Set 9A Qn 9.
Tie r 2: Review 9B Qn 9.
FaaJ1ydtJali1et I ates Qu adr atic Functions & Equations
(C) Sdo oci1 he~ ~ ~ I 13 ~

'd.1:>':Sl "¥..'ii\/ h ,. (0 I'- - IQ1 57 /ff l 'h

/t-'MI '' - ·
F @ c n oNS
Ecr10N 3: GRAf.-,,as o f . b] which can be . .
. vana es wnt te n m the
S . ·s a relations hip between two d are the vari ab les, d b
.c fun ction ' w
- ax 2+ bx + c here x an y an a, ,
A quadrat 1_ a.l- +bx +
form f(x) - tants a~ c or Y - .
d c are cons 0. . ns are parabolas. To e para bo la is on e of the come
an , drari c funclJO
Tne grap hs of all qua
sec tions .

442 'Opening Problem ' ·

Read textbook P· f Q
uadratic Graph
3.1 Features o a

T b c p p to f• ~. function r =a.z2 + bz + c,
0 is caJcd I parabo 11
a; la.
graph 'tumS' is called die
Tbc poilt wbele the ve rtn .
If Ille graph opens upwa rebate of the
vertex is die mlalm■ m or rds. the s,-coo
milllimam turning po
the graph is caacaw ■p lllt and
If cbc gnpb opens dawn
w.-ds. the ~ of
vertex is the •r •m am or th e
muimum turning po
the graph is caacaw do int and
The YerticaJ line that p8
8IC8 through the va
the ui s of symmetry. ta is called
Every parabola is sym
about its axil of symme metrical
The poiJr where the
graph croues the ~
u-iltertept is the
The points (if Ibey e:w
t) wh
tothe roots of the cqnlrion ere die graph crosses the z-am are ailled the ~ er u p a
11 0. = . They caaespood
(Modified from textbo
ok pages 446)
Investigation 1: Graph
s of the form y = x 2
Using your GDC, grap
h the fo llo w in g fu nc
same set of axes. tio ns on th e

(1) Y= x (2) y= x 2 + 2 (3)
ta y= x 2 -6
S te th e coordinates of the
ve rte x of ea ch fu nc
(1) tio n.
wnt· (3)
e down the equation
of th e ax is of sy m m
et ry .
V er te x is
al so ca lle d
What effect does the th e tu rn in g
valu e of k have on th e po po in t.
sit io n of the gr ap hs ?
Translated thro ugh (
) to give y = x' + k
FaaJty d M:J1re r ooc:s
©Sc:roc.4 of lre Ar1s. ~ g:::pc:re Q ua dr at ic Fu nc tio
ns & Eq ua tio ns I .
(?..-+ IC.) 'l. ➔ mP ~~ ko ri ~
m y = (x - h)2 • f"~' H vt. ~ -
Investigation 2: Graphs of the for • tx,t ,' ve, _. ,

ing functions on the

Using your GDC, graph the follow
same set of axes.

y =(x-2}2 (3)y=(x+4)2
,. 0,0 1 ,.
of each function.
State the coordinates of the vertex
(1) (2) (3)
axis of symmetry.
Write down the equation of the
(1) (2) (3)

have on the position of the graphs?

What effect does the value of h

• Tra nsl ate d thr oug h (: ) to giv

e y = ( x- h)'

form y = (x- h)2 +k

ln'VeStigation 3: Graphs of the
ss the
Without using the GD C first, gue
graph of
coordinates of the ver tex of the
y=(x-2}2 +3.

Write down the equation of the

axis of symmetry.

Now use a GD C to check you r ans

Repeat for the following functions.

y={x+2}2 +l (3) y=(x+3)2-s
(I) y=(x-1)2-6 (2)

ations I 15
Qu adr atic Functions & Equ
fcx d M.41 a, ai.:s
f the form y === ~ 2 a:;i!=O
estigatioD 4: G raph s o . funct10n's on th e sa m e se t o f ax es .
Jov h the followin g
Using yo ur G' DC , graP •
. 1.2 ~ o v
(I ) y == x- i
(2) y == 2x
I 2
(3) y == -x
I - ~ - - - - - r{o..,o ~, F .- - - - - -



(4) y= -X 2
(5) y= -2 X 2

(6) y = --1X 2
2 1 0, 0)



What effect does a

have on the po si tio n of
th e gr ap h?
I a < - l, a > 1, then y = 2
ax is ''thinner" th an
y = x2 •
What effect does a
ha ve on th e di re ct io n in
If a> 0, y = ax 2 open w hi ch th e gr ap h
s upward. op en s?
If a < 0. y = ax op
ens do w nw ar d.

Investigation 5: G
ra ph s of th e form
y = a(x -h ) 2 + k
(a) Without the us
e of GDC , sk et ch
co_ordinates of its
vertex. W ri te do w
th e gr ap h o f y =
n th e eq ua ti on o
2( x -1 )2 + 3 an d stat
e th e
f th e ax is o f sy m
m et ry an d find th e

• Ve1tcx is
• Equation of th e ax
of sy m m et ry is
• T he y- in te rc ep t is

FaoJlyof tvbtherrm 0
©SctoootlreArls,~ Q ua dr at ic Func
~ tions & Equations
I 16
(b) Wi tho ut the use of GDC, ske
tch the
graph of y =-3(.r +1)2 +2 and
state the
coordinates of its vertex. Write dow
y-intercept. n the equation of the axis of symmetry and find the

• Ver tcx is.

• Equation C'f the
of syn nne uy is
• Th ey- imcrrept is

Sum ma ry of the investigation

y= a(x -h) 2+ k

Sha pe - "Sm iley face " ©
Sha pe - "Fr own ing face"' ®

Wh en x-h =O , x= h and y=k

Wh en x-h =O , x= h and y =k
Vertex (h, k) is the turning point.
Vertex (h, k) is the turn ing poi nt
Ax is of symmetry: x =h Axis of symmetry: x = h

Rea d Textbook page 447 Examp

les 4-7 .
Engage 3.1
Textbook p. 448 Exercise 21C.1
Ql( e), Ql( f), Q2(e), Q2(f), Q3(
5 , 5 , 5 , 5 i and 6 c), Q3(e), Q4(e). Q4(f).
shown below .
Q l(e)
Ql(f )

Faa Jlyd fv'alt e, I ICllb

©Scrod cite Ar ts. ~ Qu adr atic Functions & Equatio
ns I 17
0 :-1 11


Q4{e) QS(b)

y = ¼x 2 is ''wider" th
11 = _4 x2 is "thinner
y = x2 and the grap
UIII " opens upwards h
I 11 = x 2 .
and the
graph opens do
QS( f)

(In addition,
for Question
6, w rite down its
Note: The equa e q u a ti o n o f
tion o f the ax th e axis o f sy
is o f symmet m m e tr y .)
in exam/or w ry w il l b e give
riting things n in a fo rm
6 Match each
li ke "axis o f sy m
m et ry = 2 " or
o fx =.... Students ofte
graph: quadra tic func
tio n with its ju st th e valu n lose m ar ks
,· ·- - -·· ··- - e o fx .
- .....
·- •·•
·- ·- ·- -. ..
= J
• Y -( x + 2
b 11 = (x - 2
2) - 3
3) + 2
.- ,- --

c II = 2(x + 3)Z + 2 1 -.-

d II = -( x r -•
- 3)2 + 2 ' ..
e II = - ½(x I
+ 2)2 - 3 !
f II = (z + 3) 2 + 2
9 II "" - 2(
x + 3) 2 + 2

!:-~::_ - -- --- .. -· I~-~:~J-~==:

FaoJlyot ~
rts. ~
Q u a d ra ti c
F u n ct io n s
& E q u a ti o n
s I 18

t I
3.2 Graphs of Quadratic Funct
ions (Completed Square for
m or vertex form)
In this section, we will explor
e how a quadratic function in
the form of y = cn:2 +b x+ c
can be expressed in the form
y = a(x -h ) 2 + k. This ma
kes graphing easier as the vertex
read off from this form, where is
by the vertex is (h,k).
The axis of symmetry is x = h.
Whenx = h,
y = a(O) + k = k.
Me tho d 1: Ex pa nd an d Co
Example 3.1
Express y =x 2 + 2x + 5 in the
form y = (x -11)2 + k. Hence ske
tch y =x 2 + 2x + S, stating
the coordinates of the vertex.
Write down equation of the axi
s of symmetry.
x 2 + 2x + 5 =( x- h) 2 +k
=x 2 -2 hx +h 2 +k
Compare coefficient of x,
Compare constant,

Vertex is
Axis of symmetry is

[Question: What is the value of

When;\; = 0,
y-intercept is
2 . - .

G s

R:x:utyd M:lthel I alb

CS ch :d of l"e ~~ Qu adr atic Functions & Equ
ations I 19
Example 3.2 2
Express y = 2x 2 -12x + 23 in the fonn y = a(x-h) + k.

Hence sketch y = 2x 2 -12x + 23, stating the coordinates of the vertex. Write down its

axis of symmetry.

Compare coefficient of x Compare constant,


Vertex is
Axis of symmetry is
[Question: What is the value of they-intercept?]
Wbenx= O,y=
They-intercept is
$ 6 i
Method 2:
Example 3.3
-C - Self Tutor

. , ~ ,u-i+~l '. : ·, •.· • ··.,,)

·' . ~:>>{ '&:> / ~ ,, . '(', ..,.;,.'

f(]OJIY of tv'oll e, I iaoc:s Quadratic Functions & Equ,- -'t _' · " - ,,
a ions I 20
Example 3.4
Find the equation of each Quadratic functioo given its graph:
I y b

V(3, - 2)
2 lQuldr atic from Cr•ph.t pp i
1 Since the vertex is (3, - 2), the
quadratic bas the form b Since tho Wl1eX i1 (- 4, 2), the
ti= a(x - 3) 2 - 2 where a> O. quadratic bu the form
When z = 0, y = 16 11 = a(~ + 4) 2 + 2 wbcrc a < O.
When z = - 2, 11 = O
16 = a( - 3) 2 - 2
... 0=4(2}2+2
:. 16 = 9a - 2
: . 4.a= - 2
: . 18 = 9a
4• 2
:. a= -½
The quadratic hi
The quadratic is 11 = 2(:i: - aya - 2. 11 = - j(a: + 4)2 + 2.
Engage 3.2
Textbook . 450 Ex 21C.2
Q l (a)


Ql (e)


FaaJty of tv4athemJoc:s Quad ratic Funct ions & Equations

@Sctodof1he Arls.Srg:p)e I 21
Q2 (e)
-3x2-6x+2:::: -3(x- h)2 + k
2x 2 -8 x- 3 =2(x-h) 2
Co mp ari ng coefficien
t of Comparing coe ffi1c1· ent of
constant term:
co ns tan t ten n:

Y. Y.

3. 3 G ra ph s of Quadratic
In th is section, we wi Functions (Factorised
ll explore how a quad form)
be ex pr es se d in th e fo ratic function in the fo
rm y = a(x - p )(x - q). rm of y = ax 2 +b x+ c
th e x-intercepts. This makes graphing ca n
easier to find th e ro ot
s or
Re ad te xt bo ok p. 45
1, p. 452 Example 9 an
d 10, and p. 453 Exam
ple 11
Engage 3.3 Ex 21D p.4
6 Gr ap h ea ch 53 . . . .
qu ad rat ic function usm
g its axes mtercepts:
a y = x2 _ 4x + 4 b f( x) = (x -1 )(: r + 3)
< y = 2( x+ 2)2

d J( x) == -( x - 2)(x
+ 1)
e y = -3 (x + 1) 2 f 1/ = -3 (x - 4) (x - I)

. F nctions & Equa

Quadratic u tions I 22
- cJ
= c Jj t- e A rt s. ~
3.-1 Graph of Polynom
ial Form of Quadratic Func
tions , y = ax 2 + bx + c
Read textbook p. 45
5 Section E: Axis of
If this quadra symmetry
tic equation cannot be
find the axis of symm factorised
etry without usin g co algebraically , th ere is another method to
mpleting th e square m
We kn
ow that a func
line of symmetry is .r.tion in th e completed squru-e fonn y = a(.
= h. 1: - fi):2 + k has verte
x. (h, k) 1 so its
Expanding, y = n(x
- h)2 + k
= a(J·2 - 2/t:.r + h.2 ) + k
( = a.x2 - 2aJi,;r + [ah2 + k].
Comparing the coeffic
ient of x with thnt from y = a.r:1 + b:t: + c, we fi nd - 2ali = b

h = ::!?.

The equation of the ax

is of symmetry of y = ax 2
+ bx + c is x = - ba

Read p. 455 for Exam
ple 12 and p.456 Exam
ple 13
Engage 3.4 Ex 21E p.
Ql(a), (b), (e) and (f) 6

Find the equation of th

e axis of sv1nmetry of ea
2• y = (x - 2)(11: - 4) c h fiunction:
• 'II= -3(:r. + 4)2 f !I = 4(x + 6)(:r: - 9)

3 C /(: ,:) - 3.'l:2 + 4x - 1 d 11 = - :c2 - ~ + 5

" f( x ) = l OOx - 4x"
• ,. Find all x-intercep
ts of the quadratic func
1 cuts the x-axis
tion which:
at 1 and has axis of sy
mmotry x =2

5 Sketch the graph, in

cluding the axis of sym
1 x-intcrcepts -3 metry, of the parabola
and 3, and s,-interccpt. with:

FooJtyd M:ltherrotb
@Sc ho dr J1 he A rt Q ua dr at ic Func tio
s, ~ ns & Equations I 23
Read textbook p. 457 Section F: Vertex
The vertex or turning point of the quadrat y ,-,vertex
ic function
y = ax2 + bx + c is the point at whi
ch the function
• a muimum value for a. < 0 . ( \
• or

• a minimum \·alue for a > 0 V

Since the- vertex lies on the axis of symmet -b
ry, its x.:COordinate is - .
The y-coordinate is found by substitttting
~bis x-c:ootdinate into the fynction;
' ,, . ' ..
,;_ ' ~ . ~

Read p. 457 for Example 14 and p.458

Example 15
Engage 3.5..Ex 21F p.458
For each quadratic function:
i Find the axes intercepts.
II Find the equation of the axis of sym
Ill Find the coordinates of the vertex. metry.
Iv Hence sketch the function.
Q2 i SI = x - 6:i: + 3
Q3 f y = 2(x + l)(x + 4}

4 Suppose /(x) - x 2 +b x+ c.
Find the values of ban d c if y = f(x) has vertex:
a {1.3 )
e (½,1)

FaaJly of MJlhet I iCJli:::s

Qua dra tic Functions & Equations
©S ch: dof 1he Al1 s.~ I 24
•■•,.. .•

-. I

Finding a Q
We can use informat1 uadratic .
. ·0 ho Fu nctio
eq_uatton of a quadra n a ut axes . n
tic function . interc
The form , h epts, the vertex, and oth
. · er .
v. e c oose to wnte the points on a graph to
function in is often deten establish the
• If . nin .
a quadratic has Ve ed by the rnfonnation
• If a quadratic has rtex (h k) available:
. • ' we use the fonn
• If a quadratic touch:r-mtercepts O and /3 w f (x) = a(x - h)2 + k.
es th . . the f1
' e use
ex-axis at o, we use the onn J(x) = a(x - o){x - /3).

form f(x ) = a(x - a)2
Ex amp le 3.5 .

find the equation ottbe


c ftmctioa w ith -- ,.:

• · Since the z-intcrce

pls me -1 and 3,
i= a{ % + l) (z - 3). b Tb c& llP ht ou dl
et tb e. _ at :i= 2,
The graph is concave
do so r =a (c - 2)2•
When % =0 . '1} =3 wn. so a< O. The 8flPh ii CODa1Ye
up. to a > 0.
••• S- = a( l)(--3) What z=O. t,= 8
:. a= - 1 :. 8 = 4(- 2)2
The quadratic function :. o= 2
11 = - (:z: + l)(ic - 3). The quadratic :ftmcdoo
11 =2 (:t -- f)ll,
A lte rn at iv e solutio
n (with GDC)
E xa m pl e 3.5(a)
M et ho d 1 U si ng Q
uadratic Regression
St ep 1: Id en tif y 3 po
ints on the curve (-1
St ep 2 : O pe n "L is t '. 0), (0 ,3) an_d (3,0~
and Spreadsheet, ke
y respectively. Rem y m the coordmates m
ember to label the co to 2 separate column
St ep 3: O pe n "C al cu lumn. x and
la to r'' Function, go th
uadratic re ession. e m en u and select 6. Statisti
c and open 6.
· • . -;J,- -
YY , One -Vas:tii
riable Stallslic
s- ·
2 Two- Va~able ~
3 Linear Rei,esslon
l s __ _ : 1+ ..... .. O
- -· ··•- -.·· -··- .. 4 u,ear R~ ••slon <a+b
,i • -- ---· 0 ' ___ __ 5 Median-Medan l ine ,O-
3 - · - - --- - ·····- ..•
7 CIA>k: Regression
8 Qull1IC Regression.
~ -- -- '-- -= -- -,, -,. ... 9 Power Regrnslan
.,. ..~ • A Exponrial Res,en

Fa aJ tyo f M::Jtrema
© S ct od ci 1r eA Q ua dr at ic Functio
lts ,~ ns & Equations I 25
Method 2 Using Simultaneous equation solver
Step 1: Identify 3 points on the curve (-1, 0), (0,3) and (3,0)
Ste 2: Substitutin these oints into the e uation:
O=a( -1) 2 +b( -1) +c
Sub (-1,0)
Sub (0,3) 3=c
Sub (3,0) 0=9a+3b+c
O= a - b + 3
Sub c = 3 into - - - eqn( 1)
0=9a+3b+3 ---eqn(2)
Step 3: Open "Calculator" Function, go the menu and select 3. Algebra and open
. .

! f{o-a-b+ 3 { }}
'"\' 0•9·~+3·b+l ' a,b .,

Example 3.6
r -

d .·

·111e• ' ·,._;:

i ·:"~ - - .· - . . ,

·.\,-: the.,..,,, elk

. . ·---~•+2)
BuJwtm ~•0. t,•lfS
.,;. 18 == 4(2)(-4)

FaaJty of tv'atrem:Jlb; Quadratic Functions & Equations I 26

©Sdroof1he Ar1s. Srg::pae
Example 3. 7
Pm the equation o! the quadmic whoso a,-.,h C\ltt tbe Hxi1 at 4 111d -a, IDd wldcb p11111
through the point (2. -20). Give your answu in tbo bm fl =err + bz + c.

Smee the z-intm:epts are 4 and -3. lhc quadratic bas lbe form 11 = ci(z - 4)(z + 3) where
When z =2. ,= -20
:. -20 = a(2 - 4)(2 + 3)
:. -20 = a(-2)(5)
:. Q - 2
The quadratic is • = 2(:r - 4)(:t + 3)
= 2(z2 - s - 12)
=2r- ~-24
Read p. 459 for Examp le 16 and p.460 Example 17

Engage 3.6_Ex 21G p.459


2 .
Find the quadrati c function with the given • your answers in the form Y1= a(x-h) +k.
graph. Give 11
a b : 11 C
y :
V(-2,3) ! V(-l,-2 )j

l Find, in the fonn f(x) = a ( x - h} 2 + k ' the quadratic function which has:
a vertex ( - 2, -5) and which passes through (1, 13)

6 Find the quadratic function which has x-intercepts:

a -2 and 2, and which passes through (O, B)

foo.Alyc l tv4afl e, ales Quadr atic Functions & Equations

CSd' odclr eM.~
I 27
3.6 Problem Solving
Read textbook page 461 Example IS.
Engage 3. 7_Ex 21H p.461
Ql, Q2, Q6, Q7

I -
8 Dennis throws a stone from a bridge 6 m above the
water. The peak of its flight occurs after travelling
9 m horizontally, and it lands in the water after
' I

travelling 27 m horizontally.
We choose a set of axes with the origin where the
bridge meets the water, as shown.
a Write down:
i the y-intercept

ii the of symmetry.
b Find both x-intercepts.
c Write a function for the height of the stone above the water in the form Y = a(x- a )(x - /3).
d Find the maximum height reached by the stone.

FaaJtyd N'alhenaics Quadratic Functions & Equations I 29

@Sc:h:x:lld1heAr1s.Si gcpae
Summarv·. Graohs of different quadra tic forms

General form
Complete the square
Factorised form y =ax2 +bx+c
or Vertex form y = a(x - b )(x - c)
y a(x-h) 2 +k
Graph (for a> 0) Graph (for a > 0) Graph (for a > 0)

Graph (for a < 0) Graph (for a < 0) Graph (for a < 0)

Vertex Vertex Vertex

Axis of symmetry Axis of symmetry Axis of symmetry

Roots Roots Roots

y-intercept y-intercept y-interc ept

Supplementary Questions (solve without GDC and check with GDC)

Tier 1: Review Set 21A QI, 2, 3. Review Set 20B Qns l , 2.
Tier 2: Review Set 20A QI I, 12. Review Set 20B 13, 14.

FaoJfyof tv'ofher I afb Quadra tic Functions & Equations I 30

©SctodctteM;.S g::pae

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