The Breakthrough Starshot System Model

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The Breakthrough Starshot System Model

Preprint · April 2018


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1 author:

Kevin Parkin
Parkin Research LLC


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The Breakthrough Starshot System Model

Kevin L. G. Parkin∗
Parkin Research LLC, 2261 Market Street #221, San Francisco, USA

Breakthrough Starshot is an initiative to prove ultra-fast light-driven nanocrafts, and lay the foundations for a first
launch to Alpha Centauri within the next generation. Along the way, the project could generate important supplementary
arXiv:1805.01306v1 [astro-ph.IM] 24 Apr 2018

benefits to solar system exploration. A number of hard engineering challenges remain to be solved before these missions
can become a reality.
A system model has been formulated as part of the Starshot systems engineering work. This paper presents the
model and describes how it computes cost-optimal point designs. Using the model, three scenarios are examined: A
0.2 c mission to Alpha Centauri, a 0.01 c solar system precursor mission, and a ground-based test facility based on a
vacuum tunnel. All assume that the photon pressure from a 1.06 µm wavelength beam accelerates a circular dielectric
sail. The 0.2 c point design assumes $0.01/W lasers, $500/m2 optics, and $50/kWh energy storage to achieve $8.3B
capital cost for the ground-based beam director. In contrast, the energy needed to accelerate each sail costs $7M. Beam
director capital cost is minimized by a 4.2 m diameter sail that is accelerated for 10 min. The 0.01 c point design assumes
$1/W lasers, $10k/m2 optics, and $100/kWh energy storage to achieve $517M capital cost for the beam director and
$8k energy cost to accelerate each 19 cm diameter sail. The ground-based test facility assumes $100/W lasers, $1M/m2
optics, $500/kWh energy storage, and $10k/m vacuum tunnel. To reach 20 km s−1 , fast enough to escape the solar
system from Earth, takes 0.3 km of vacuum tunnel, 16 kW of lasers, and a 0.9 m diameter telescope, all of which costs
The system model predicts that, ultimately, Starshot scales to cruise velocities of greater than 0.9 c.
Keywords: Breakthrough Starshot, beam-driven sail, beamed energy propulsion, model-based systems engineering

1. Objectives 2. Context

Breakthrough Starshot. Send 1 gram of scientific instru- The first operational laser was built by Maiman of
mentation to the Centauri System to study it. Image its Hughes Research Labs in 1960 [1]. Only two years later,
planets, look for life and transmit the results to Earth. Do Robert Forward, also of Hughes Research Labs, proposed
so by using a beam emitted from the Earth to accelerate to use the photon pressure from lasers to accelerate sails
a sail carrying the instrumentation to 0.2 c. The capital to speeds that bridge interstellar distances [2]. In his 1984
cost of the equipment shall be less than $10B. paper [3], Forward suggests coherently combining many
lasers into a phased array to reach high enough power and
Systems Engineering Work. Ensure that Starshot engi- large enough primary optic sizes. He correctly identifies
neering activities amount to a mission that fulfills the the key figure of merit as the sail acceleration produced
Breakthrough Starshot objectives. per unit laser power. This figure of merit favors a sail
material that is thin, light, reflective, and has low beam
System Model. Replace physical experiments with simu- absorptance. However, Forward considers only metallic
lations in cases where it saves time and money to do so. sails, which are absorption-limited to fluxes of less than
Verify Breakthrough Starshot feasibility and estimate per- 10 kW m−2 . The resulting 3.6 km diameter, 1 t sail accel-
formance. Design, optimize, trade-off, and analyze alter- erates to 0.11 c over a period of three years using a 65 GW
natives. Generate and quantify requirements. Model the laser whose primary optic is 1000 km in diameter.
impact of changes. In his 1986 paper [4], Forward makes key conceptual
progress by suggesting that sails be made from multilayer
dielectrics instead of metals. Dielectrics have more than

∗ SystemsDirector, Breakthrough Starshot

Email address: (Kevin L. G.

Preprint submitted to arXiv May 4, 2018

five orders of magnitude lower absorption than metals be- and beamer2 ? How much smaller/cheaper can the beamer
cause their electrons are bound electrons that cannot ab- be if the sailcraft continues to accelerate until the beam be-
sorb photons except at discrete wavelengths. In compari- comes too weak? How cheap must the lasers/microwaves
son, metals absorb energy from an incident beam via the be for the beamer to cost less than $10B?
mechanism of Joule heating. The metal’s softening tem-
perature limits the irradiance on the sail, in turn limiting
3. Formulation
its acceleration. Switching from metals to dielectrics pro-
foundly increases the irradiance and acceleration of the The system model is formulated around the propaga-
sail, which in turn decreases the timescale, beam size, tion of a beam from a ground-level beamer to a sailcraft
and cost. Using eight quarter-wave thick layers of dia- in space above it, as shown in fig. 1. The sailcraft begins
mond, Forward’s 6.4 cm diameter, 4.5 mg sail accelerates at a given initial displacement above the beamer. This
to 0.015 c over a period of 2.6 s using a 1 GW laser whose displacement, in combination with the beamer diameter,
primary optic is 100 m in diameter. is used by a beam propagation model to determine the
The dielectric sail concept was improved in 1989 when fraction of transmitted power that reaches the sailcraft. A
Landis pointed out that a single quarter-wave thick dielec- material/optical model calculates how much of the power
tric film accelerates faster than a multilayer film despite that is incident on the sailcraft is reflected or absorbed. A
having lower reflectance [5]. In unpublished work, Landis relativistic equation of motion then translates this power
went on to find that because of the way that reflectance into an acceleration. The equation of motion is numeri-
scales with thickness, the true optimum sail thickness is cally integrated forward in time until the sailcraft reaches
somewhat less than a quarter wavelength. His result is its desired cruise velocity. The last photons arriving at
confirmed later in this paper. the sailcraft are traced back in space and time to deter-
In work leading directly to the formation of Break- mine when beam cutoff occurs at the beamer. Several
through Starshot in early 2016, a Harvard team led by system parameters are optimized to ensure that the sail-
Loeb [6] used a simple spreadsheet model to verify the craft actually reaches cruise velocity and does so using a
feasibility and performance of a beam-driven sail and to minimum-cost beamer. This cost optimization reduces the
produce point designs. A UCSB team led by Lubin [7] de- dimensionality of the model.
veloped a comprehensive analytical model that sought to
describe the leading order system behavior. To use closed- 3.1. Goubau Beam
form equations and avoid numerical trajectory integration,
Unlike Gaussian beams and top-hat beams, Goubau
both the Harvard and UCSB models used simplifying ap-
beams [8, 9] describe near-optimal energy transfer between
proximations including top-hat beams. To the extent that
finite optics [10]. For this reason, Goubau beams are
cost was minimized, it was minimized by manual experi-
used in the context of wireless power transfer [11]. When
mentation with the model’s input values.
high transfer efficiency is needed, the beam profile resem-
The present system model was formulated in March
bles a Gaussian, and when low transfer efficiency can be
2016 and set out to verify the assumptions and results of
tolerated, the profile resembles a top-hat. At intermedi-
the earlier models. Key questions at this stage were: Are
ate efficiencies, the beam resembles a truncated Gaussian.
the earlier models correct? What diameter is the sailcraft1

1 sail 2 beam director

including payload



SAILCRAFT, BEAM INITIALIZATION 𝐷𝑠 , 𝑧1 , 𝑡1 , 𝑃𝑏 , 𝜂, 𝜌𝑎, 𝑅, 𝑇, 𝐴


$/m2, $/Watt, $/kWh COST MODEL

Figure 1: System model

But which transfer efficiency minimizes the system cost? 3.2. Equation of Motion
Assumptions about the answer to this question are often The equation of motion relates the power that is inci-
wrong. dent upon the sailcraft to the sailcraft’s acceleration. It is
Referring to fig. 2, transfer efficiency is a function of deduced by requiring momentum to be conserved through
a single dimensionless parameter3 τ that depends on the the interaction of the sailcraft and beam photons. The
product of optic diameters Ds and Db , the distance be- derivation presented here extends the approach of Kulka-
tween them z, and the beam wavelength λ: rni [13] to include a dielectric sailcraft having finite ab-
λz 8λz sorptance A and non-unity reflectance R.
τ ≡ 2π √ = . (1) In the beamer (observer) frame, conservation of mo-
As Ab Ds Db
mentum can be expressed as
There is no closed-form solution for transfer efficiency η(τ );
however, it is closely approximated by [12]: dpp dps
+ = 0, (6)
 dt dt
η1 (a) if a > 1.21748051194181
η (a) = (2) where the relativistic sailcraft momentum ps is given by
η2 (a) otherwise
2 ps = γm0 cβ. (7)
1  4 p 8
η1 (a) = a + a − 4a4 b + 4b2 − 8b + 4 (3)
4b2 c is the speed of light, m0pis the sailcraft rest mass, and
 2 2 γ is the Lorentz factor 1/ 1 − β 2 . Newton’s second law
a a6 7a10
η2 (a) = − + , (4) shows the time rate of change of sailcraft momentum to
2 32 4608 be equal the apparent force Fs acting on the sailcraft as
q seen from the beamer frame. Thus, the force is found to
where a (τ ) ≡ 2πτ and b ≡ e . be
Fs = = γ 3 m0 cβ̇. (8)
1 dt
The time rate of change of photon momentum is related
0.8 to the rate at which photons are absorbed na and reflected
nr by

0.6 dpp
η (τ )

= −na pb − nr (pb − pr ) (9)


0.4 because each absorbed photon loses a momentum p0 and

each reflected photon loses a momentum p0 − pr . p0 is
the momentum of a photon that is transmitted by the
0.2 beamer as measured in the beamer frame. It is very simply
related to the beamer wavelength λ0 by p0 = λh0 , where h is
0 Planck’s constant. Thus, the ratio of incident to reflected
0 5 10 15 20 momentum is given by
p0 λr 1+β
Figure 2: Goubau beam power transmission efficiency calculated us- =− =− . (10)
ing eq. (2) pr λ0 1−β
The reflected wavelength λr is unequal to the incident
Equations (1) to (4) enable the rapid recalculation of
wavelength because reflected photons are Doppler shifted,
power reaching the sail on each time-step of the trajectory
in fact twice: First in going from the beamer to sail-
craft frame, and then after reflection, in going back from
Pb = ηP0 . (5) the sailcraft to the beamer frame. The photon is red-
shifted both times because the sailcraft is receding from
For consistent energy accounting throughout this paper,
the beamer and vice versa. Thus, the ratio of reflected to
P0 is defined to be the power that is transmitted by the
incident wavelengths equals the square of the relativistic
beamer and not subsequently lost to absorption or scatter-
Doppler factor.
ing. Pb is therefore the fraction of transmitted power that
Of the photons which are destined to strike the sailcraft
is destined to reach the sailcraft. It varies monotonically
(not all or even most of them), let us say that nb is the rate
with τ , a desirable feature when using numerical optimiza-
at which they are transmitted by the beamer. The sailcraft
is receding away from the beamer at speed β. Therefore,
the rate of photons that strike the sailcraft, ns , is given by
3 Defined here as Goubau defines it [8, 9]. Others define it differ-

ently [10, 11]. ns = nb (1 − β) . (11)

Consistent with the other rates, this rate is the number in fig. 3. The missing photons simply catch up with the
of photons per unit beamer time, as opposed to sailcraft sailcraft after the beam is turned off. Thus, if a sailcraft
time. The rate at which photons are absorbed is related accelerates from rest until it reaches the desired cruise ve-
to the absorptance A by locity at time ts and displacement Z, then the beam du-
ration tb is given by
na = Ans . (12)
The rate at which photons are reflected is related to the tb = ts − . (18)
reflectance R by
nr = Rns . (13) 𝑡
At last, combining eqs. (6) to (13) yields the equation of 𝑍
motion, 𝑍
Extra time Δ𝑡 =
Pb (1 − β)
Fs = A+ , (14)
c 1+β
where Pb = cp0 nb represents the beam power that is des-
tined to strike the sailcraft as measured in the beamer
frame. At any point in the trajectory, Pb is calculated
from eq. (5). Equating eq. (14) with eq. (8) yields an al- tb

ternate form of the equation of motion that is more readily
(1 − β) Pb
β̇ = A+ , (15)

γ 3 E0 1+β
where E0 = m0 c2 is the sailcraft rest energy.
Whereas eq. (14) is derived for a dielectric sail obeying
R+T +A = 1, Kulkarni’s equation of motion (equation 3 in O
[13]) implicitly assumes a metallic sail for which T = 0, so
that R + A = 1. This is evident by substituting A = 1 − R Figure 3: Spacetime diagram
into eq. (14), which reduces to Kulkarni’s expression.
Equation (14) implicitly assumes that the sailcraft has To estimate the sailcraft equilibrium temperature, beam
no recoil in its rest frame. The approach of Kipping [14] power Pb (power that is destined to strike the sailcraft) is
combines energy and momentum conservation equations converted from the beamer rest frame to the sailcraft rest
to produce an equation of motion that includes the effect frame. As already argued, the moving sailcraft receives a
of sailcraft recoil, reduced power of (1 − β) Pb . Next, the power is regarded
   as the time variation of an energy, dQ/dt. The energy is
2R 1 + r 1 − β 2 conserved, but there is time dilation to account for between
(1 − β) Pb 
Fs = A+ p  , (16) the beamer frame and the sailcraft frame. A short duration
c 1 + β + 2r 1 − β 2 dt measured by a clock on the beamer corresponds to a
duration dt0 measured by a clock on the sailcraft. The two
where r ≡ mp0b c and m0 is the rest mass of the sailcraft. durations are related by
For Starshot, the ratio r is on the order of 10−33 . Thus,
eq. (16) reduces to eq. (14). Furthermore, eq. (14) reduces dt0 = γdt. (19)
to the expected classical expression,
Thus, the power Ps0 that strikes the sailcraft as measured
Pb in the sailcraft frame is given by
Fs = (A + 2R) , (17)
Ps0 = γ (1 − β) Pb . (20)
as β → 0. Later in his paper, Kipping erroneously con-
cludes that sailcraft recoil contributes ∼ 10% to the termi- The absorbed power Pa0 is given by
nal velocity. As pointed out by Kulkarni [15], the source
of this error is that sailcraft acceleration time is assumed Pa0 = APs0 . (21)
to equal beamer pulse length. These two durations are not Finally, the sailcraft equilibrium temperature Ts is esti-
equal, as discussed next. mated by the Stefan-Boltzmann equation,
Given that the rate at which photons strike the sail- r
craft is slowed by the entirely classical factor of (1 − β), 4 Pa
one might wonder where the missing photons go. This sit- Ts = , (22)
uation is clarified by drawing a spacetime diagram, shown
where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and ε is the implements a complex characteristic matrix method as de-
total hemispherical emittance. scribed by Macleod [16] to calculate the reflectance, trans-
For a temperature-limited sailcraft, Ps0 is constant. By mittance and absorptance of an arbitrary but locally flat
substituting eq. (20) into eq. (14), neglecting absorptance, assembly of thin films.
and Taylor expanding around β = 0, the apparent force In fig. 4, the model is used to plot the reflectance of
on the sailcraft is found to be approximated by a single layer of dielectric film having a relative refractive
2RPs0 index of 2 under illumination by free-space plane waves
Fs ' (1 − β). (23) oriented at normal incidence to the film. Thus, the in-
cident waves have half their free-space wavelength within
This expression is helpful in interpreting the results of tra- the film, and the maximum reflectance occurs when the
jectory integration, presented a little later. film is one quarter of this thickness, three quarters, five
quarters, and so on. As already shown, system perfor-
3.3. Stratified Layer Optical Model mance is maximized by choosing the thickness at which
Which is better, a 1000 nm thick sail with 99.9% re- R/δ is maximum. Equation (13) shows this to occur at
flectance, or a 100 nm thick sail of the same mass density, about λ/7, with the subsequent maximum having more
but with 25% reflectance? To define ‘better’, a figure of than three times worse performance. For illumination at
merit is needed. For simple design purposes, the appro- a free-space wavelength of 1.06 µm, this corresponds to an
priate figure of merit is not the sail reflectance or the sail optimum sail thickness of 76 nm.
thickness, but the sail acceleration per unit beam power.
Recalling eq. (17), the simple classical equation of motion,
assuming that absorptance is negligible in comparison to 4. Key Trade
reflectance, and combining it with the non-relativistic ver-
It is always possible to vary beam diameter, power,
sion of Newton’s second law (Fs = m0 cβ̇) yields,
and duration such that a sailcraft reaches its desired cruise
β̇ R velocity. Thus, the key trade lies in reaching the desired
∝ , (24) cruise velocity at minimum cost.
Pb ρδ
Benford [17] presents an analysis for cost-optimized
where ρ is sail mass density and δ is its thickness. Thus, beam driven sail missions in which the beamer’s primary
it can now be seen that the 100 nm thick sail is better and optic diameter is traded vs. power in order to minimize
accelerates 2.5 times faster than the alternative, all other capex4 : A smaller diameter saves money on optics but
things being equal. reduces transfer efficiency, so power is increased to com-
0.15 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 pensate. Conversely, lower power saves money on sources
0.35 but transfer efficiency has to be improved to compensate,
by enlarging the primary optic. Benford’s results affirm
a rule-of-thumb used by microwave system designers for
rough estimates of beamer cost: Minimum capital cost
R [-]

is achieved when the cost is equally divided between an-

0.15 tenna gain and radiated power. Similar results have been
0.1 obtained in the field of beamed energy launch vehicles
0.05 [18, 12]. Hereafter, we refer to such analyses as “tradi-
0 tional beam-aperture tradeoffs”.
1.8 This paper incorporates the key realization that beam
1.6 duration is an independent variable that can be traded vs.
1.4 power and diameter to achieve lower costs. Somewhere
1.2 between a beamer that is very powerful with a tiny pri-
Rλ/δ [-]

1 mary and one that is very weak with a gigantic primary,

0.8 there exists a happy medium that minimizes cost. This
minimum is depicted on the “traditional beam-aperture
tradeoff” axis shown in fig. 5. Though this minimum cost
sits on the axis between lasers and optics, it is not a global
0.1 1 minimum once the storage axis is considered. Each of the
δ/λ [-] three costs shown in fig. 5 can be traded for increases in
the others: Dominant laser cost is mitigated by reducing
Figure 4: Figures of merit predicted by the stratified layer model power in favor of longer beam duration (increases losses)
and larger beamer diameter (decreases losses). Dominant
The question of optimum sail thickness and perfor-
mance is further complicated because dielectric layer re-
flectance varies with thickness. The Starshot system model 4 capital expenditure

optics cost is mitigated by reducing beamer diameter (in- Inputs 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏+, 𝑃0±, 𝐷𝑠±
Input values
creases loses) in favor of higher power. Dominant energy
storage cost is mitigated by improving the efficiency of en- 1
Vary 𝐷𝑠 such that 𝐶 :2 is minimized
ergy transfer from the beamer to the sailcraft via increased Given 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏+, 𝑃0±, 𝐷𝑠± (golden section search, GSS)
beamer diameter and decreased beam duration. 2 Vary 𝑃0 such that 𝐶 :1 is minimized
Given 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏+, 𝑃0±, 𝐷𝑠
(golden section search, GSS)
3a Vary 𝐷𝑏 such that 𝛽 = 𝛽 +
Given 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏+, 𝑃0 , 𝐷𝑠
Integrate sailcraft trajectory to minimum
Given 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏 , 𝑃0 , 𝐷𝑠 acceleration threshold (integration, RK45)

minimum Given 𝛽+, 𝐷𝑏±, 𝑃0 , 𝐷𝑠
Vary 𝐷𝑏 such that 𝐶 is minimized
(golden section search, GSS)
Integrate sailcraft trajectory to 𝛽 = 𝛽 +
Given 𝛽 +, 𝐷𝑏 , 𝑃0 , 𝐷𝑠 (integration, RK45)

𝐷𝑏:1 Q :1 𝐶 :1
Storage Optics
𝐷𝑏:2 𝑃0:2 Q :2 𝐶 :2
Figure 5: Key trade
Outputs 𝐷𝑏:3 𝑃0:3 𝐷𝑠:3 Q :3 𝐶 :3
A simple model for system cost (capex) C is given by
Figure 6: Solution procedure
C = ka + kl Pw + ke Qw . (25)
figure, iteration 1 returns the cost-optimal sailcraft diam-
Beamer diameter Db , peak ’wallplug’ power Pw , and pulse
eter Ds:3 together with the corresponding cost C :3 , now
duration tb are dependent variables of the system model,
optimal over three dimensions. Before these optimal val-
as explained in the next section. Stored energy Qw is the
ues are returned, all the internal optimizations must first
integral of the wallplug power drawn over the pulse dura-
run, and these draw on the optimizer-chosen value of Ds ,
tion, and this power draw is not constant, as shown later.
which is passed inwards to iteration 2.
Factors ka , kl , and ke are independent user-supplied values
Iteration 2 is a golden section search varying P0 be-
for cost per unit area, cost per unit power, and cost per
tween its chosen bounds P0± such that cost C :1 is mini-
unit energy stored. They are technology figures of merit.
mized. The ‘:1’ in the superscript means that it is already
By choosing a high laser cost factor of $1000/W, for exam-
optimized with respect to Db only. This iteration returns
ple, the cost-optimum solution moves toward longer beam
P0:2 . It also returns the corresponding cost C :2 to iteration
duration, reduced average power, and larger diameter, to
1, which uses its value to guide the optimizer in its choice
improve energy transfer efficiency at long range.
of Ds for the next iteration. The newly-defined value of
P0 is passed inwards to iterations 3a and 3b.
5. Solution Procedure Iteration 3a is a bisection solver varying Db between
zero and its upper bound of Db+ such that sailcraft velocity
A solution procedure for the system model is shown in at the end of trajectory integration, β, is only just equal
fig. 6. At its top levels, the system model performs nested to its desired value of β + . By setting Db− in this way, the
optimizations to ensure that the sailcraft reaches its cruise solution procedure assures that beam cutoff always occurs
velocity and that it does so with system elements whose as the sailcraft reaches exactly its desired velocity β + . It
specifications minimize overall cost. remains to minimize system cost.
Starting at the top of fig. 6, the desired cruise veloc- Iteration a4 is a trajectory integration (implemented
ity β + is specified along with upper and lower bounds using the RK45 algorithm) returning β the sailcraft veloc-
for the beamer power, P0± , and sailcraft diameter Ds± . ity at the point that its acceleration falls below a minimum
Only a maximum beamer diameter Db+ is specified. These threshold, which terminates integration.
values are brought into the outermost iteration (iteration Iteration 3b is a golden section search varying Db be-
1), a golden section search varying Ds between its chosen tween its chosen upper bound Db+ and its calculated lower
bounds Ds± such that cost C :2 is minimized. The ‘:2’ in bound Db− such that system cost C is minimized. As de-
the superscript means that C is already twice optimized scribed by cost eq. (25), C is an implicit function of the
(with respect to P0 and Db ). Shown at the bottom of the
sailcraft trajectory, so this trajectory must be recalculated
Table 1: System model inputs for 0.2 c mission
on each iteration. Iteration 3b returns Db:1 and its corre- 0.2 c target speed
sponding cost C :1 to iteration 2, which uses C :1 to guide 1.06 µm wavelength
the optimizer in its choice of P0 for the next iteration. 60 000 km initial sail displacement from laser source
Iteration b4 is a trajectory integration (implemented
using the RK45 algorithm) that returns the pulse energy 1 g payload
Q because it is needed in cost eq. (25) to compute energy 0.2 g m−2 areal density
storage cost. 10−8 spectral normal absorptance at 1.06 µm
Finally, the result of all these iterations are values for 70% spectral normal reflectance at 1.06 µm
three dimensions; Db:3 , P0:3 , and Ds:3 ; that produce a mini- 625 K maximum temperature
mal cost C :3 and cost-optimal values for Q:3 . All of these 0.01 total hemispherical emittance (2-sided, 625 K)
values are used in conjunction with auxiliary equations to
quantify point designs. $0.01/W laser cost
$500/m2 optics cost
Simplified method for constant payload fraction. If pay-
$50/kWh storage cost
load were a constant fraction of sail mass, the solution
50% wallplug to laser efficiency
procedure could be simplified by omitting the outer itera-
70% of beam power emerging from top of atmosphere
tion on Ds . Beamer intensity Ib would then be varied such
that C/Ab is minimized (instead of P0 varied such than C
is minimized). Also, τ would be optimized instead R of Db . areal density of 0.2 g m−2 , higher absorptance of 10−8 , and
Given cost-optimal values for C/Ab , I0 , and I0 dt, a a higher reflectance of 70%, consistent with a hot two-
separate optimization could then vary Ds to minimize C. dimensional nanohole photonic crystal that is somewhat
This optimization would iterate the Goubau and cost mod- tuned for high reflectance. Because the system model does
els without recalculating the computationally-expensive not yet incorporate a photonic crystal model, the strati-
trajectory. This amounts to a ‘traditional’ power vs. aper- fied layer optical model is turned off and absorptance and
ture tradeoff as shown in fig. 5. Thus, it is inferred that reflectance remain constant throughout trajectory integra-
storage is an axis of the tradespace only because payload tion.
mass is not a constant fraction of sail mass. Also, con- A maximum temperature of 625 K is placed on the sail
stant costs that do not scale with beamer area C/Ab in to prevent thermal runaway and to prevent damage to non-
cost eq. (25) would again unfold storage as an axis of the operating electronic or photonic components that are part
tradespace. of the sail or its payload. An assumed total hemispherical
emittance of 0.01 accounts for the energy that is radiated
6. Point Designs by the sail in both the forward and backward directions at
625 K. This emittance is much lower than that of typical
6.1. 0.2 c Mission materials because the sailcraft is so thin and because its
The 0.2 c point design embodies key elements of mid- absorptance is nearly zero at 1.06 µm. In comparison, a
21st century Starshot missions to nearby stars, including blackbody at 625 K emits most strongly at 4.6 µm. This
those to the Centauri System. means that to approach the radiative performance of a
blackbody, the sail must switch from virtually invisible to
6.1.1. Inputs strongly absorbing/emitting within as small a wavelength
The inputs to the mission point design are summa- range as possible.
rized in table 1. A 1.06 µm wavelength is consistent with Cost factors are chosen such that beamer capex is less
ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers. An initial sailcraft dis- than $10B. In particular, the laser cost is $0.01/W, four or-
placement of 60 000 km is consistent with a low-thrust non- ders of magnitude lower than the present cost, consistent
Keplarian orbit [19, 20] that keeps the sailcraft (and as- with nearly automated production and high yields. Au-
sociated spacecraft) stationary in the sky relative to the tomated production lines for microwave oven magnetrons
target star. long ago reached this cost. The optics cost is $500/m2 ,
A 1 g payload is bookkept separately from sail mass three orders of magnitude lower than the present cost for
and reserved for scientific instrumentation and associated diffraction-limited optics, again consistent with nearly au-
support systems. Sail mass is calculated by the system tomated production and high yields. This value is compa-
model using the value of Ds chosen by the optimizer com- rable with the retail cost of computer monitors. $50/kWh
bined with the input areal density. If the sail were an energy storage is greater than current materials costs for
optimal-thickness layer of silicon dioxide, for example, it some, but not all, energy storage technologies, and is more
would have an areal density closer to 0.3 g m−2 , a room optimistic than current experience curve projections of fu-
temperature absorptance of less than 10−10 [21], and a ture electrical energy storage costs [22].
normal reflectance of 12%. This point design uses a lower

6.1.2. Results array modules for the beamer will be very different from
Upon running the system model using the inputs in solar concentrator mirrors. When operating at maximum
table 1, the optimizers converge to the values given in ta- power, the radiant exitance of the beamer is 34 kW m−2 (a
ble 2. The sail diameter that minimizes system cost is spatial average obtained by diving the power output by the
found to be 4.2 m, corresponding to a sailcraft mass of effective area of the primary optic). This exitance is thirty
3.8 g. At 0.2 c, this mass has a relativistic kinetic energy times that of the solar concentrator operating at its peak,
of 2.0 GWh, whereas the beamer expends 67 GWh, corre- but three orders of magnitude lower than that of military
sponding to 2.9% system energy efficiency. This energy laser beam directors. In the plane of the sail, the beam
costs only $7M at a price of $0.1/kWh, making the en- converges to a much higher irradiance of 14.5 GW m−2 . By
ergy cost three orders of magnitude lower than the $8.3B limiting the power output of the beamer, the system model
beamer capex. reduces the irradiance at the sail to its temperature-limited
value of 8.7 GW m−2 , which is three orders of magnitude
lower than the flux of a 1 kW laser in a 10 µm fiber, and five
Table 2: System model outputs for 0.2 c mission
orders of magnitude lower than the non-thermal ablation
$8.3B capex comprised of:
threshold [23].
$2.0B lasers (200 GW max. transmitted power)
The 8.7 GW m−2 sail irradiance produces only 40 Pa
$2.9B optics (2.7 km primary effective diameter)
photon pressure, equivalent to a moderate breeze. But
$3.4B storage (67 GWh stored energy)
the sail is very thin and the breeze moves at the speed of
light, resulting in 15 200 g0 s initial acceleration. Such ac-
$7M energy cost per Starshot (67 GWh @$0.1/kWh)
celeration is experienced by bullets and artillery shells, but
2.9% system energy efficiency
for fractions of a second and not 10 min duration. The sail-
craft reaches 0.2 c even as it is still accelerating at 2300 g0 s.
4.2 m sail diameter
Such is the cost-optimum truncation point for the trajec-
3.8 g sailcraft mass (includes payload mass)
During the sailcraft acceleration, any satellite in low
9 min (520 s) beam transmit duration
Earth orbit that transits the beam would experience a flux
10 min (590 s) sailcraft acceleration duration
of little more than 34 kW m−2 for a fraction of second. The
high-flux beam waist only forms toward the focus, which is
40 Pa temperature-limited photon pressure
initially past geostationary orbit and only ever gets further
560 N temperature-limited force
away. The beam and the ultra-high-acceleration sailcraft,
15 200 g0 s temperature-limited acceleration
behaving as if a speck of dust in optical tweezers, may be
2300 g0 s final acceleration (0.15 au), 73 ls from source
able to dodge satellites in medium Earth orbits or super-
synchronous orbits. As is current practice, beam-satellite
34 kW m−2 beamer maximum beam radiant exitance
conjunction analyses would be used to find time slots at
14.5 GW m−2 sailcraft theoretical maximum irradiance
which lasing could occur. Also, there would be interlocks
8.7 GW m−2 sailcraft temperature-limited irradiance
to dim or douse the beam if needed to protect unexpected
aircraft or flocks of birds. If the interruption were short
The $8.3B beamer capex is comprised of three unequal enough, the trajectory could resume.
expenses with, surprisingly, laser cost being the smallest at The 1-D sailcraft trajectory and associated quantities
$2.0B. This is for a 200 GW maximum transmitted power, are plotted as a function of time in fig. 7. This trajec-
which is far below the petawatt-class lasers now in exis- tory corresponds to the cost-optimal point design that is
tence but many orders of magnitude greater in pulse en- summarized in table 2. Starting at the top left plot, the
ergy (and duration). The stored pulse energy of 67 GWh sailcraft begins its acceleration at a distance that would
contributes the most to the beamer capex at $3.4B, but is be just past the radius of geostationary orbit. If the des-
only one fortieth of the 2.5 TWh annual market for elec- tination star were in the plane of the solar system, then
trical energy storage that is projected for 2040 [22], with the sailcraft would pass the Moon’s orbit within the first
electric vehicles being the dominant source of demand. minute, and could be nearly halfway to Mars by the end of
Though it would be impractical to convene two million acceleration around the 10 min mark. Alpha Centauri is
electric vehicle owners and drain their batteries for each at −60◦ declination, so its trajectory would be downwards
starshot, it may be possible to use second-hand or donated out of the plane of the solar system.
battery packs that no longer perform well enough for elec- The sailcraft speed increases almost linearly for the
tric vehicles. first half of the acceleration time. Thereafter, the speed
The remainder of the beamer capex is incurred by the rises more gradually, until cutoff occurs precisely as 0.2 c
optics; a filled array of telescope elements that form a is reached.
2.7 km effective diameter. This effective diameter is the In the earlier portion of the trajectory, none of the
same as that of the Crescent Dunes solar energy concen- beam is spilled. At this stage, the beamer power is throt-
trator, located in the California desert. Of course, the tled back to prevent prevent the sail from melting. In the
100 1 10-1

Unspilled fraction of beam, η [-]

Distance from Earth [au]

Mars Orbit

Angular extent [arcsec]

10-1 10-2
10-2 10-3
Lunar Orbit
10-3 10-4
Geostationary Orbit

10-4 0 10-5
0.2 1 105
0.15 104

Fresnel number [-]

Doppler shift [-]
Speed, β [c]

0.85 once
0.1 103

0.05 0.75 102

Laniakea supercluster
escape velocity (0.01c) 0.7 twice
0 0.65 101
16000 1012 40
14000 35

Photon pressure [Pa]

12000 30
Acceleration [g’s]

Power [W]

10000 25
8000 1011 20
6000 15
4000 10
2000 5
0 1010 0
10 650 600
Relativistic kinetic energy [TJ]

2 kt TNT
8 600 500
Temperature [K]

Force [N]

6 550
4 500
2 450 100

0 400 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time in Earth frame [minutes] Time in Earth frame [minutes] Time in Earth frame [minutes]

Figure 7: 0.2 c trajectory and related quantities

frame of the sail, this means that incident and absorbed is initially within the pointing stability of telescopes such
power is constant. However, the force, photon pressure, as the Hubble Space Telescope, but exceeds this pointing
and acceleration of the sailcraft vary in fig. 7 because these stability as the sail gets further away. Even at the speed
quantities are plotted in the beamer frame. The nearly of light, the round trip time between the beamer and sail
linear decrease in force is described by the 1 − β term in varies from 0.4 s at the beginning of the trajectory to 146 s
eq. (23). The photon pressure and acceleration vary simi- at the end. Given also the high sail accelerations, it is
larly. obvious that the beamer cannot actively point to follow
In the later portion of the trajectory, the beam begins the sail. Instead, the sailcraft must be beam riding, seek-
to spill around the sail as it moves further away. The ing the axis of the beam by active or preferably passive
beamer power gradually ramps up to compensate for in- stabilization schemes.
creasing losses. Evidently, it minimizes system cost to The Doppler shift shows that the 1.06 µm beam red-
oversize the beamer power. At some point, the beamer shifts as seen from the sailcraft frame, eventually reaching
can no longer compensate for the increasing beam spillage, 1.30 µm wavelength. The reflected light again redshifts,
and the sail cools. By the end of the trajectory, less than eventually reaching 1.60 µm wavelength. If the sailcraft
20% of the transmitted power reaches the sail. were to transmit at the 0.85 µm wavelength commonly
The angular extent of the sail as seen from the beamer used by VCSEL laser diodes, it would be received on Earth

1011 1 104


Relative acceleration [-]


Beam duration [sec]

to at
e ff sail
ag uto cra
or at c
Cost [$]

at ft
1010 st 103 be

109 0.1 102

1000 1012
System energy efficiency [-]


Stored energy [GWh]


Power [W]
10 1011
104 100 640
Beamer diameter [m]


Sailcraft mass [g]


Temperature [K]


ni 560
mu 10
m 540
r0 520 temperature power
c 500 limited limited
480 regime regime
103 1 460
105 1 1012
Mean radiant flux density [W/m²]

1011 max
. at
1010 raft
Acceleration [g’s]

104 um
xim 109
Range [au]

ff 108
at cuto
105 er
max. at beam
102 0.1 104
1 10 1 10 1 10
Sail diameter [m] Sail diameter [m] Sail diameter [m]

Figure 8: 0.2 c mission variation with sail diameter

at 1.04 µm. would be equivalent to nearly 2 kt of TNT. On average, one

The relativistic kinetic energy of the sailcraft reaches asteroid per year enters the Earth’s atmosphere with this
7.0 TJ (2.0 GWh). Per unit mass, this is 2 PJ kg−1 . In energy, though asteroids are orders of magnitude heavier
comparison, the heat produced by Pu-238 alpha decay is and orders of magnitude slower. The sailcraft would va-
three orders of magnitude lower at 2 TJ kg−1 . One way porize before it got nearly as low into the atmosphere as
to tap the kinetic energy of the sailcraft could be via the asteroids do.
interstellar medium: The Local Interstellar Cloud is pri-
marily composed of 0.3 atoms/cm3 of partially ionized hy- 6.1.3. Variation with respect to sail diameter
drogen [24]. From the perspective of the sailcraft traveling Sail diameter is a variable that the system model varies
at cruise velocity, this manifests as a monochromatic hy- in order to minimize system cost. As shown in fig. 6, it is
drogen beam that is incident from the direction of travel, varied by the GSS algorithm of the outermost iteration (it-
having a combined kinetic energy of 55 W m−2 , or 0.8 kW eration 1). By turning off this iteration, the design space
over the area of the sail if it is facing in the direction of as seen by the optimizer can be plotted. This is shown in
travel. fig. 8. Starting at the top left plot, the total cost (beamer
In the highly unlikely event that a sailcraft were to col- capex) is minimum at the expected sail diameter of 4.2 m.
lide with a planetary atmosphere, then the energy released On every plot, this diameter is marked by a vertical line.

The line shows that the cost optimum does not exactly cor- ative to the baseline of table 2. In the first entry, the
respond to any other extrema; the cost minimum is a true laser cost per watt is increased by 10 times. The result-
tradeoff between storage, lasers and optics, as depicted in ing capex increases only by 2.3 times because the cost-
fig. 5. optimum power halves and the cost-optimum beamer in-
A striking feature in most of the plots in fig. 8 is that creases in diameter (increases in transmission efficiency)
the mission parameters vary in a qualitatively different to compensate. Similarly, increasing the optics cost per
way as sailcraft exceed 8 m diameter. This is because unit area by 10 times causes the capex to increase by only
smaller sailcraft operate in a temperature-limited regime, 2.4 times. In this case, the cost-optimum solution halves
whereas larger sailcraft operate in a beamer flux-limited the beamer diameter and increases the power to compen-
regime. On each trajectory integrator timestep, the sys- sate. Increasing the storage $/kWh by 10 times causes
tem model calculates the sail temperature resulting from the capex to nearly quadruple, the biggest increase so far
maximum beamer power. If this temperature exceeds the because storage is the dominant cost, as seen in the top
maximum, the maximum temperature becomes the bound- left plot of fig. 8. The cost-optimum point design has an
ary condition and the corresponding beamer power (less increased system energy efficiency, achieved by increasing
than its maximum) is calculated. the product of beamer and sail diameters, as described by
Intuitively, one might expect that, relative to the base- the Goubau beam propagation eqs. (1) and (2).
line point design in table 2, money is saved by using a In the happy event that a technology is even cheaper
larger sail that is slowly accelerated by low power coming than needed, the capex is reduced less than might be in-
from a larger beamer over a longer period of time. This tuitively expected. Reducing laser cost to a tenth of its
limit corresponds to the right-hand side of each plot in baseline has the least effect, reducing capex to 72% of its
fig. 8. For sails that exceed 8 m diameter, the optimum baseline. This is because, as seen in fig. 8, laser cost is
beamer diameter does indeed increase with sail diameter, subdominant and further reductions do not significantly
as does beam duration and range. Consistent with expec- affect the leading costs of storage and optics. For both
tations, acceleration decreases in this limit. However, the optics and storage, reducing their costs to a tenth of the
laser power that is needed increases instead of decreases in baseline has the effect of halving the capex.
the large sail diameter limit, and so capex also increases If the sail material absorbs 10 times more energy than
due to the laser cost and the increased cost of energy stor- expected5 , then the capex is more than quadruple that of
age. Thus, economics does not favor the slow acceleration the baseline, the largest increase of all. In comparison, a
school of thought. tenfold increase in payload mass does not quite triple the
6.1.4. Variation with respect to technology figures of merit In all, a tenfold increase in any figure of merit does not
The 0.2 c point design assumes particular cost perfor- increase the capex by nearly as much. Nor does a tenfold
mance figures of merit for the laser, optics and storage. decrease in a technology cost decrease the capex by nearly
These are referred to as kl , ka , and ke in the simple cost as much. This is because there are three constituent costs
model of eq. (25). But what happens if the cost perfor- that are of comparable magnitudes after cost minimiza-
mance of the lasers, for example, is lower than expected? tion. The cost minimization process actively trades away
Also, what happens if the material absorbs more, or less large increases in one cost for smaller increases in others or
than assumed, or the payload is heavier or lighter? all. Therefore, cost minimization dampens the solution’s
sensitivity to unexpected changes in technology figures of
Table 3: Relative impact of technology over/under performance
Capex Db P0 Ds 6.1.5. Variation with respect to cruise velocity
$0.1/W laser (10x) 2.3 1.5 0.46 0.82
Cruise velocity β is specified to be 0.2 c in the Break-
$5000/m2 optics (10x) 2.4 0.53 2.5 1.4
through Starshot objectives. Nevertheless, it is interesting
$500/kWh storage (10x) 3.6 1.7 0.81 0.77
to vary this velocity to see how the cost-optimal mission
10−7 absorp. (10x) 4.3 2.3 1.5 1.8
changes. The resulting plots are shown in fig. 9. Each
10 g payload (10x) 2.6 1.3 2.2 1.7
quantity is plotted from 0.001 c to 0.99 c. The beamer
$0.001/W laser (0.1x) 0.72 0.83 2.0 1.0
capex is shown as the total cost in the top left plot. Also
$50/m2 optics (0.1x) 0.48 2.0 0.44 0.74
shown are constituent costs of storage, optics, and lasers.
$5/kWh storage (0.1x) 0.55 0.79 1.0 1.2
10−9 absorp. (0.1x) 0.59 0.65 1.2 0.44
5 Though not evident from table 3, reducing the absorptance is a
0.1 g payload (0.1x) 0.64 0.90 0.70 0.57
good way to reduce the acceleration time given that the sailcraft is
temperature-limited for most of its acceleration, as seen in the trajec-
Table 3 summarizes point designs, each of which varies tory of fig. 7. Shorter acceleration times might be needed if the beam
a technology figure of merit relative to the baseline. The cannot be interrupted by passing satellites, for example. Reducing
the absorptance to 0.1x increases the temperature-limited irradiance
table lists the change in beamer capex, beamer diameter,
on the sailcraft by 10x, thus acceleration similarly increases and the
beamer maximum transmit power, and sail diameter, rel- acceleration time falls from 10 min to less than 3 min.

1014 10-1 105

System energy efficiency [-]


Beam duration [sec]

10-2 104
Cost [$]

1010 tot ers
las ft
10-3 103 il cra
108 sa er
cs at
opti eam
107 ge at b
106 10-4 102
106 1015
105 1014

Stored energy [GWh]

104 1013
Sail diameter [m]

Power [W]
103 1012
102 1011
101 1010 P0,max
100 109
1 10-1 108
106 100 650
105 550
Beamer diameter [m]

Temperature [K]
Sail mass [g]

104 450
10 400
103 al 350
cost optim β 300 power temperature
102 to at 250 limited limited
mini 200 regime regime
101 1 150
105 103 1012
Mean radiant flux density [W/m²]

104 102
um 1010
Acceleration [g’s]

103 xim 101 aft

ma 109 ilcr
Range [au]

.at sa
102 ff 100 108 max
at c 107
101 10-1
100 10-2 max. at beamer
10-1 10-3 104
10-3 10-2 10-1 10-3 10-2 10-1 10-3 10-2 10-1
Sail β at cutoff [c] Sail β at cutoff [c] Sail β at cutoff [c]

Figure 9: Mission variation with cruise velocity

Choosing a mission that has half the cruise velocity, 0.1 c, 6.2. 0.01 c Precursor
decreases the beamer capex to a quarter of its baseline, 0.01 c precursor missions demonstrate the key enabling
whereas doubling it to 0.4 c quintuples it. Hence, it costs technologies needed by Breakthrough Starshot at smaller
an extra $35B to halve the trip time or it saves $6B to scale, lower speed, and lower cost than the 0.2 c missions.
double it. In the case of Alpha Centauri, this shortens the The precursor mission point design embodies key elements
4.37 ly trip time from 22 years to 11 years, or lengthens it of mid-21st century missions to probe the inner solar sys-
to 44 years. tem through to the Oort cloud. A 0.01 c cruise velocity
Figure 9 also shows that cost-optimal missions are lim- enables the sailcraft to reach Mars in a day, Saturn in a
ited by sail temperature if the cruise velocity is faster than week, the Kuiper belt in a month, or the minimum solar
0.03 c. This value of cruise velocity corresponds to mini- gravitational focus distance of 550 au in a year. A success-
mum sailcraft mass, sail diameter and beam duration. Sys- ful precursor mission proves that technologies, people and
tem energy efficiency is maximized at around 0.7 c. The processes are ready to scale up to the full 0.2 c mission.
minimum beamer diameter reaches 10 km at 0.6 c and 100
km at greater than 0.99 c. 6.2.1. Inputs
The inputs to the precursor mission point design are
summarized in table 4. The 1.06 µm wavelength is con-
sistent with ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers. An initial
Table 5: System model outputs for 0.01 c mission
sailcraft displacement of 300 km is consistent with a low $517M capex comprised of:
Earth orbit from which the sailcraft is entrained by a low- $285M lasers (285 MW max. transmitted power)
power beam. $224M optics (169 m primary effective diameter)
$8M storage (81 MWh stored energy)
Table 4: System model inputs for 0.01 c precursor mission
0.01 c target speed $8k energy cost per mission (81 MWh @$0.1/kWh)
1.06 µm wavelength 0.01% system energy efficiency
300 km initial sail displacement from laser source
19 cm sail diameter
1 mg payload 6.6 mg sailcraft mass (includes payload mass)
0.2 g m−2 areal density
10−8 spectral normal absorptance at 1.06 µm 6 min (359 s) beam transmit duration
40% spectral normal reflectance at 1.06 µm 6 min (362 s) sail acceleration duration
625 K maximum temperature
0.01 total hemispherical emittance (2-sided, 625 K) 23 Pa temperature-limited photon pressure
0.65 N temperature-limited force
$1/W laser cost 10 000 g0 s temperature-limited acceleration
$10k/m2 optics cost 6 g0 s final acceleration (0.007 au), 3.4 ls from source
$100/kWh storage cost
50% wallplug to laser efficiency 13 kW m−2 beamer maximum beam radiant exitance
70% of beam power emerging from top of atmosphere 10.2 GW m−2 sailcraft theoretical maximum irradiance
8.7 GW m−2 sailcraft temperature-limited irradiance
A 1 mg payload (non-sail mass) is reserved for one or
two sensors and associated support systems. Sail mass is
calculated by the system model based on the value of Ds of magnitude lower than the 0.2 c mission. However, this
chosen by the optimizer combined with the areal density energy costs only $8k at a price of $0.1/kWh, making the
given as an input. Similar to the 0.2 c point design, this de- energy five orders of magnitude cheaper than the beamer
sign assumes a photonic crystal sail material with the same capex of $517M.
thermal, mass and optical properties, except for a less am- At 169 m effective diameter, the 0.01 c beamer is 16
bitious reflectance of 40%. Again, the stratified layer op- times smaller than the 0.2 c beamer. Also, it has one
tical model is turned off, and absorptance and reflectance third the maximum radiant exitance at 13 kW m−2 vs.
remain constant throughout trajectory integration. 34 kW m−2 . The temperature-limited irradiance in the
Cost factors are chosen to lie between current values sailcraft frame is the same as that of the 0.2 c mission be-
and those of the 0.2 c point design. The laser cost is cause the absorptance, emittance, and temperature limit
$1/W, two orders of magnitude lower than the present of the sailcraft are the same. The initial sailcraft acceler-
cost, consistent with cost targets needed for laser-powered ation is two thirds that of the 0.2 c mission because of the
launch vehicles, yet two orders of magnitude greater than lower reflectance, but the cost-optimal trajectory ends at
microwave oven magnetrons. The optics cost is $10k/m2 , only 6 g0 s, squeezing almost everything it can from the di-
two orders of magnitude lower than the present cost for minishing beam. Even then, the energy storage costs only
diffraction-limited optics, consistent with significant pro- $8M because storage is cheap relative to lasers and optics,
duction line automation. This value is comparable with and because there is a limit to the extent that laser and
the cost of radio telescope aperture. $100/kWh energy optics costs can be reduced by increasing the pulse length.
storage is above current material cost floors for many en- The relativistic kinetic energy of the sailcraft reaches
ergy storage technologies and in line with experience curve 30 MJ (8 kWh). Per unit mass, this is 4 TJ kg−1 . In com-
projections for electric vehicle battery packs circa 2035 parison, the heat produced by Pu-238 alpha decay is half
[22]. as much at 2 TJ kg−1 . At 1 AU, the solar wind is pri-
marily composed of 9 protons/cm3 flowing radially away
6.2.2. Results from the Sun at 0.001 c [25]. From the perspective of a
sailcraft cruising away from the Sun, this manifests as a
Upon running the system model using the inputs in
0.009 c proton beam that is incident from the direction of
table 4, the optimizers converge to the values given in
table 5. The cost-optimum sail diameter is found to be travel, having a combined kinetic energy of 0.15 W m−2 ,
19 cm, corresponding to a mass of 6.6 mg. or only 4.2 mW over the area of the sail if it is facing in
At 0.01 c, the sailcraft has a relativistic kinetic energy the direction of travel.
of 8 kWh, whereas the beamer uses 81 MWh. This yields
0.01% overall system energy efficiency, which is two orders

109 1

System energy efficiency [-]


Beam duration [sec]

Cost [$]

lasers 0.01
nel tic
tun op
104 10-6 0.001

102 106

Stored energy [Wh]

Sail diameter [m]

101 105

Power [W]
104 P0,max
10-4 10-3 102
100 10-6 632
al 630
Beamer diameter [m]

10 s t

Temperature [K]
β 628
Sail mass [g]

a tta 626
to 10-7
1 um
nim 624
0.1 622
0.01 10-8 618
105 106 1012
maximum 1011
105 maximum at sail
Beam intensity [W/m²]

Pipeline length [m]
Acceleration [g’s]

at cutoff 104 109

102 106
max. at b
105 eamer
104 100 103
1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100
Sail speed at cutoff [km/s] Sail speed at cutoff [km/s] Sail speed at cutoff [km/s]

Figure 10: Tunnel characteristics vs. sail speed at cutoff

6.3. Vacuum Tunnel is held by the Helios-B probe, which achieved a heliocen-
Forward [4] recognized that sails can be levitated and tric speed of 70.22 km s−1 during its closest pass of the
tested using medium power lasers in the 1 g gravity field Sun in April 1976. It is expected that this record will be
of the Earth. Experimentally, this is a desirable configu- broken by the 200 km s−1 speeds of the upcoming Parker
ration because the instrumentation stares at a stationary Solar Probe. But is it practical for Breakthrough Starshot
sail within a vacuum chamber. After the sail beamrides at to attempt the speed milestone in a ground-based vacuum
1 g, the dynamics then needs to be tested and understood tunnel?
at ever-increasing accelerations. This can be accomplished
6.3.1. Inputs
horizontally in a vacuum tunnel. Gravity will try to pull
the sail from the axis of the beam, and the sail should The inputs to the vacuum tunnel system model are
counteract this and other perturbations. A key milestone detailed in table 6. Relative to the inputs for the 0.01 c
is when the acceleration achieved by the sail equals the mission, the vacuum tunnel has a much shorter initial sail
15 200 g0 s acceleration needed by the 0.2 c mission. After displacement of 1 m, consistent with a sail positioned close
that, the most visible milestone is reached when the sail to an optic at the start of the tunnel. Also, the payload
becomes the fastest human-made craft. The current record is reduced to a token 10 ng, the mass of a few cells, and
the reflectance is reduced to a near-term value of 35% per
the stratified layer reflectance predictions in fig. 4. Such a nel length; this acceleration is more than five times that
reflectance is consistent with commercially-available Si3 N4 of the 0.2 c mission. When payload mass is taken into ac-
membrane x-ray windows, for example. Again, the strati- count, the temperature-limited acceleration exceeds that
fied layer optical model is turned off, and the absorptance of the 0.2 c mission for tunnel lengths exceeding 10 m.
and reflectance remain constant throughout trajectory in- For a 20 km s−1 sail speed at cutoff, sufficient to escape
tegration. the solar system starting from Earth, the model infers:
A 0.3 km tunnel, 16 kW of lasers, and a 0.9 m diameter
telescope, costing a total of $6M.
Table 6: System model inputs for the vacuum tunnel
1.06 µm wavelength For a 200 km s−1 sail speed at cutoff, which equals or
1 m initial sail displacement from laser source exceeds the fastest human-made craft, the model infers:
A $400M tunnel, 730 kW of lasers, and a 9.1 m diameter
10 ng payload telescope, costing a total of $400M. The tunnel diameter is
0.25 g m−2 areal density not factored into the cost model. The diameter of 9.1 m is
10−9 spectral normal absorptance at 1.06 µm much larger than the 1 m LIGO tunnel diameter and would
35% spectral normal reflectance at 1.06 µm undoubtedly increase the cost by several more times.
625 K maximum temperature There is a small but noticeable bump toward the upper
0.01 total hemispherical emittance (2-sided, 625 K) right corner of the sail diameter and other plots in fig. 10,
near the 100 km s−1 mark. This bump is accompanied by
$100/W laser cost a subtle change in gradient of sail diameter vs. speed.
$1M/m2 optics cost Decreasing the integration step size and convergence tol-
$500/kWh storage cost erances does not remove the bump, nor does the model hit
$10k/m vacuum tunnel cost any kind of assumed limit on an internal variable. Also,
50% wallplug to laser efficiency plotting cost vs. sail diameter for the speed at which the
bump occurs shows that the minimum (found by iteration
1 of the solution procedure shown in fig. 6) is a global min-
To equal the acceleration of the 0.2 c mission, the sail
imum and that there are no competing local minima that
ideally has the same areal density, reflectance, absorp-
could cause the solution to jump from one value to another.
tance, and temperature limit as the 0.2 c sail. For the
It turns out that the source of this bump is the point in the
vacuum tunnel, point designs assume higher areal density
Goubau beam model where the two solutions described by
and lower reflectance to be consistent with the idea that
eq. (2) are spliced together. Though this splice preserves
for the time being, a sail is a ∼ 1 mm diameter high-purity
the continuity of the function, it introduces a discontinuity
film that is not a photonic crystal. Correspondingly, the
in its gradient. Smoothing this efficiency function in the
absorptance is assumed to be an order of magnitude lower
vicinity of the splice has the effect of removing the bump
than that of the 0.2 c sail. If the absorptance were not
in fig. 10.
lower, then the reflectance would need to be increased to
obtain sufficient acceleration.
The cost factors are chosen to be consistent with cur- 7. Conclusions
rent market values. In addition to laser, optics, and stor-
In this paper, a system model is formulated to describe
age costs, there is an additional vacuum tunnel cost of
a beam-driven sailcraft. It minimizes beamer capital cost
$10k/m. This tunnel cost factor is consistent with the
by trading off the relative expenses of lasers, optics, and
cost of the LIGO vacuum tunnels [26] and includes the
storage. The system model employs nested numerical op-
beam tunnel and its enclosure, as well as vacuum equip-
timizers and trajectory integration, whereas earlier models
ment. This tunnel cost factor does not include items that
were based on closed-form approximations. The outcome
do not scale with length such as R&D, detectors, project
is that the solution is cheaper and generates more accurate
management, laboratory construction and operations.
requirements, but it also exhibits more complex behaviors.
The system model is used to compute point designs for
6.3.2. Results
a 0.2 c Alpha Centauri mission and a 0.01 c solar system
Upon running the system model using the inputs in precursor mission. Also, a family of solutions is computed
table 6, the model converges to the values in fig. 10. This for a ground-based vacuum tunnel in which beam-riding
figure is comprised of a family of point designs spanning and other aspects of the sail can be tested. All assume
the range of 1-500 km s−1 sail speed at cutoff. In all cases, the case of a circular dielectric sail that is accelerated by
tunnel cost is of primary importance, laser cost is sec- photon pressure from a 1.06 µm wavelength beam. Earlier
ondary, and optics cost is tertiary. Storage cost turns out investigators were led astray by pursuing high reflectance
to be trivial, reaching a maximum of $264 for 500 km s−1 , alone, leading them to metallic sails and/or heavy mul-
so the cost plot is not scaled to show it. tilayer dielectric sails. This paper shows that reflectance
If the sail had no payload, it would have a temperature- divided by sailcraft areal density (or thickness, if the ma-
limited acceleration exceeding 80 000 g0 s regardless of tun- terial is held constant) is a figure of merit that leads to
substantially improved system performance relative to ear- small photonic crystal sailcraft, what functionality is theo-
lier sailcraft concepts. A stratified layer model shows that retically possible and what sail area will it take? The 0.2 c
the sail acceleration per unit power is maximized by a mission will be bombarded by dust and radiation over two
single layer dielectric that is λ/7 thick. An ideal technol- decades, so it may need many duplicates of each subsystem
ogy would improve reflectance by removing, as opposed to to reach its mission objective. Hence, the 0.01 c precursor
adding, mass. For this reason, two-dimensional nanohole sailcraft could be developed as a single unit cell of the 0.2 c
photonic crystals are of interest as a future sail material. sailcraft. If low mass and low energy cost translate into
The 0.2 c point design minimizes beam director capital low incremental costs, then it makes sense to use many
cost by accelerating a 4.2 m diameter sailcraft for 10 min. precursors to prove the sailcraft technologies. Precursors
In minimizing the cost, it is surprising that laser costs are needed to probe magnetic fields and dust particle fluxes
are secondary to optics and storage costs, because this ahead of the 0.2 c missions. Indeed, the whole heliosphere
implies that there is a limit to the amount that cheap is a testbed for sailcraft communication and sensor tech-
laser power can compensate for expensive optics or storage. nologies. At 0.01 c, the Kuiper belt is only a month away.
The point design assumes $0.01/W lasers and $500/m2 Unlike the 0.2 c sailcraft, the 0.01 c sailcraft has very little
optics to achieve $8.3B capital cost for the ground-based power: Its specific kinetic energy is comparable with the
beamer. In contrast, the energy needed to accelerate each specific heat of Pu-238 alpha decay. From the perspective
sailcraft is a thousand times cheaper, making the 2.9% of a sailcraft cruising at 0.01 c, the solar wind manifests as
system energy efficiency unimportant. With large fixed only a 4 mW proton beam incident from the direction of
costs and low incremental costs, why not use the beamer to travel. In comparison, the solar power available at Kuiper
propel sailcraft to every reachable star as often as possible? belt distances of 30 au is an order of magnitude higher.
Therefore, a rational outcome of Breakthrough Starshot With solar power only, inner solar system missions are of
might be to pave the way for multi-lightyear pipelines of course easier.
sailcraft that fly past each target star every few weeks ad The ground-based vacuum tunnel assumes present-day
infinitum. For the 0.2 c mission, it is clear that the sailcraft cost factors of $100/W lasers, $1M/m2 optics, and $10k/m
must be beam riding; the speed of light is too slow to allow vacuum tunnel for its family of point designs spanning
the beam to follow the sailcraft. If the beamer slews the the range of 1-500 km s−1 maximum sail speed. Primarily,
beam during acceleration, it will be to dodge satellites or a tunnel would exist to test sail beam-riding dynamics.
fine-tune the sailcraft’s destination. It is also clear that Secondarily, the tunnel could be used to demonstrate high
nuclear batteries are dead weight, having a thousand times sail velocities, and doing so would prove mastery of beam-
lower specific energy than the sailcraft’s kinetic energy. riding dynamics transverse to the optical axis and also
From the perspective of the sailcraft cruising at 0.2 c, the longitudinally as the beam focus accelerates.
interstellar medium manifests as a 0.8 kW monoenergetic A key thesis of Starshot is that the cost of lasers and
hydrogen beam that is incident from the direction of travel. optics can and will fall. The laser cost per unit power
A key question for future research is, what fraction of this and optics cost per unit area are chosen such that the
power can be harvested? 0.2 c beamer costs less than $10B. Consequently, $0.01/W
For an extra $35B, the cruise velocity can be doubled laser cost and $500/m2 optics cost should be regarded as
to 0.4 c, which halves the cruise time to Alpha Centauri to goals to be achieved through technology development and
11 years. Following a successful 0.2 c mission, there would production line automation. Nearer-term precursor mis-
be high confidence in incrementally upgrading the beamer sions assume less favorable values, and the beam tunnel
to support 0.4 c missions. Hence, it is not unreasonable to calculations assume present-day values. Based in part on
expect that private and government investments over sev- requirements derived from the system model, the array
eral years could amount to $35B or more. However, with elements that comprise the beamer will become better de-
increasing cruise velocity comes increasing beamer diame- fined in future. Once designs are available for the beamer
ter. There is a practical and desired limit to beamer diam- array elements, it makes sense to update the cost inputs
eter, but how large is it? Cities are perhaps the best guide for the 0.2 c mission based on calculated laser and optics
because they are human-engineered surfaces of the largest material cost floors combined with an an analysis of the
diameter. Greater London has a city area of 1572 km2 . If array element production chain.
it were circular, it would have a diameter of 45 km. Fig- The results presented here are based on uncertain input
ure 9 predicts that a beamer the size of London would be values, and table 3 shows that the cost-optimal solutions
capable of propelling a sailcraft to greater than 0.9 c. are surprisingly resilient to them. Of the inputs, laser and
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sign in that it assumes nearer-term cost factors of $1/W nitude uncertainty can be reduced by studies of materials
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