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Innovating learning for English teachers

This proposal confirms the importance of motivation for the successful development of
English language classes. This is due to a pedagogical need, and its objective is to suggest
ways to motivate English teachers to improve in education, so that they in turn use this
motivation as an indispensable tool to develop stimulating activities based on the realities
of their students. It is proposed to carry out a motivational workshop, which will help to
increase interest in new developments in the teaching field and help to recover
professional self-esteem. The authors intend to propose a positive alternative to the
problems that arise within the application, and thus optimize the teacher's positive
attitude in the classroom, and with it the student's attitude towards language.


A few years ago, English was one of the most compulsory subjects in public and private
educational institutions and universities in our country. According to the curriculum, it is
taught from the first year of primary school to the fifth year of high school, with three to
four teaching hours per week. English as a Foreign Language (EFL1) is taught. The
difference between EFL and ESL2 is based on the communication context in which
students find themselves outside the English classroom (Brown, 2001). There is very little
information and knowledge about English language teaching in public and private schools.
Not knowing how effective the teaching methods and strategies are, how well students
learn English, and how appropriate and effective the assessment process is. This is
because what happens in the English classroom is not taught. The fact is that there is no
research, analysis, systematization of experience, discussion on this topic. No standardized
tests are administered to public and private school students to assess the development of
English communication skills. As such, there are no data or scores to indicate skill level or
provide guidance on this training. There is no systematic supervision, support, monitoring,
or evaluation of an English teacher's work. The English curriculum, as a didactic aid to
guide English language learning. The answer to this question seems obvious, because in
some cases it is intuitively known that public and private school students definitely do not
learn English, or learn it very poorly. There are at least five important factors in the
process of teaching English: teacher, student, method, curriculum, and educational
context. These factors under favorable conditions can bring students to a higher level of
learning, but under unfavorable conditions they can hinder and significantly affect the
results. Therefore, it is important to determine whether these factors affect the benefit or
disadvantage of public and private organizations. This may explain or at least justify the
failure of students completing the fifth year of secondary school to reach communicative
proficiency levels in English. Public and private organizations should start an
internalization process, an English recognition campaign from grade 1 or if possible from
elementary school, in addition to training English teachers in their own teaching process
and language methods. Make them see English as an investment in human capital. On the
other hand, English teachers should promote contextualized learning experiences that are
adapted to the interests and needs of their students. As for the environment, we can
consider factors pertaining to two different situations. On the one hand, we have the
learner's personality factors related to the area where he/she lives and studies, as well as
his/her family and his/her attitude towards a foreign language and culture. On the other
hand, we have the center where he/she learns, or rather, the group to which he/she
belongs. That is to say, both the resources available to the center and those of the
classmates. From the teacher's point of view, both the method he/she uses and his/her
relationship with the students are extremely important.


Teaching a new language requires, among others, strategies and resources such as the
educational process to learn the language and represent it as a useful and necessary tool
for life. Combined with this. It is important that teachers feel true passion for their
profession and fully believe that their work is fundamental for the educational and
personal growth of each student. At this point, we see reasons to conduct this research, as
the reality of our teachers is to some extent different from what it should be. The high
rate of students who fail English in subject tests is worrisome, especially since this number
increases every semester. This presentation shows little or no interest in both the
students in learning the language and the local teachers in teaching that language. There
may be many reasons and they are different, but we will focus on the aspect of the person
responsible for teaching the language. The motivation of the English teacher is of
fundamental importance in the teaching and learning process, since he/she is the one
who is called upon to promote the English language as a guarantee of intellectual and
professional development. Therefore, it is essential for teachers to have a broad and
dynamic vision of teaching, the same method they use, to be open to the changes of
today's world and the increasing demands placed on the quality of education by today's
students, and, above all, to learn how not to learn. When there are active teachers, we
have interested and motivated students, when the teacher knows the real needs of the
students, he/she will plan better and thus teach with high quality. All this will lead to
short-term changes in children's attitudes towards English, in the medium term to higher
grades and performance in the subject, and in the long term to students who will have a
solid level of proficiency in the language by the end of high school. Of course, in any
subject taught in a school, if students want to learn, they will do better than they should.
While there are many factors that govern both classroom development and student
learning, motivation is one of the key factors. In language teaching, motivation is essential,
since it is a matter of using a language that is not their own and that they do not master,
and at the same time learning about it. Therefore, the teacher's first task is to make
students want to learn. This task is not easy, since each student has a different
personality, environment, learning level, etc. and the programming will have to be
adapted to each person. For one reason or another, it is difficult to believe that there is
one way of learning or one method that works and can be applied to all teaching and
learning situations. In fact, it can be said that even with or based on recommendations on
how to implement any English language sentence or pedagogy, the way one or the other
performs or works will always be different and unique in all cases.
Motivate teachers to optimize and update strategies and resources in the English
language teaching and learning process, based on the needs of the students.

Detect the needs, concerns or possible problems that teachers have regarding the English
teaching and learning process.
Propose strategies to teachers, which are very helpful, so that they have a good basis and
are very useful in the planning of classes.
Motivate teachers in the selection of new strategies and resources for teaching English.


English is the most spoken and sought after foreign language in Venezuela and is used by
many professionals, academics and members of the middle and upper classes. In
education, English is taught as a compulsory language for 5 years at the secondary and
tertiary levels. According to the curriculum, during the first three years, English serves as a
means of communication with English speakers (meaning that a functional approach to
learning it is preferred) and direct access to sources of scientific and humanistic
knowledge. technical. In high school, more emphasis was placed on the structuralist and
propositional approach to the English language, which was further developed as a tool for
direct access to the aforementioned resources through the construction, construction and
translation of written texts in that language. However, and despite what is shown in the
syllabus of the subject, very few people can learn to speak English based solely on the
knowledge acquired in school. Previously, in the field of education, it was thought that
only the teacher was the one who imparted knowledge in the classroom, so students were
not active; their training revolves around teachers. In this regard, Suárez (1991) points out
that education is seen as a process of imparting knowledge and values, in which the
teacher is the subject of learning and the student the object. From this point of view, the
teaching-learning process is unidirectional, in which the only active actor is the educator
and the student is a passive subject, who is not allowed to take an active part in his or her
own learning.

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