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Topics Included : Differentiation Q.1) Find & for the following : a)y=x>+x3+10 b)yaxtvEtE c) y =ax? —bx-c d) y = logiox + logx e) y = 5x4 + 3x%/2 — 6x f) y = 3cosec*x + 2cotx g) y = sinx + cosx — tanx — cosecx h)y = WF + 5)" Learn with Shaan Mentored by:- Sayantan Chakraborty (Solve by Short Trick in one line as taught in the lecture as it is necessary for Physics) a) y = (2x 1.1)-3 b) y = sin2x + cos5x c) y = cos(ax? + bx) d) y = Vx? +1 e)y=e™ f) y = tan?(ax + b) 9) y = tan?x h) y = log(ax + b)? Q.3) If y = 4x?, Find Slope of y — x curve at point P (1,4). a) 4 b)1 c) Zero d)8 Q.4) A particle is moving with a uniform acceleration. Its displacement at any instant t is given by s = 10t + 5t?. Whatis (a) initial velocity (b) velocity at t = 3 second and (c) the uniform acceleration? Q.5) The displacement of a particle is s = (a + bt)®, where a and b are constants. Find the acceleration of the particle as a function of time a) 30b2(a + bt)* b) 30b2(a + bt) c) 6b (a + bt)® d) 30b2(a + bt)5 Chakraborty y =asin(wt + ®); where a, w and ® are constants. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle at any instant t. a)—w? sin(wt + &) b) —w? a sin(wt + &) c)w asin(wt + &) d) —w? a sin(wt + ©) Q.7) The relation between time t and distance x is t = ax? + bx where aand b are constants. The acceleration is a) -2av? b) 2bv? c) -2av? d) 2av? Q.8) A balloon is being filled by air so that it's volume V is gradually increasing. Find the rate of increase of volume with radius r when r = 2units. a) 161 b) 187 c) 307 d) 247 Sayantan Chakraborty Answers : 1) a) 5x4 4 3x? byt oe onl ©) 2ax —b 4) Gat D e) 20x3 + aed -6 f) —3cotx — 2cosec?x g) cosx — sinx — sec?x + cosecxcotx h)1- 3 2) a) -6(2x + 1)"* b) 2cos2x — Ssin5x c) —2axsin(ax? + b) dS e) 2xe** f) 2atan(ax + b) sec?(ax + b) Q) 3 tan*x sec?x h) aI 3)d 4) a) 10 m/s b) 40 m/s c) 10 ms~2 5)a 6)b Tc 8)a All the Best !!! If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small

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