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James and Paul would agree that

GCF Bible Institute T
salvation comes through faith alone. T/F?
General Epistles
2. If Jesus' half-brother James is the author
of this book, it must have been written T
before AD 62. T/F?
Please answer theThe epistle ofsome
questions: James makes
are True extensive use are
or False, some T direct questions that needed to be answered
of the Synoptic Gospels. T/F?
4. According to the textbook, who wrote James, half-brother of Jesus, leader of Jerusalem
the book of James? church
5. Which two examples does James give of Faith and action work together
faith expressed in action in James 2?
6. If Letters to the Church is correct about Palestine
who wrote the Epistle of James, from
which region of the ancient world did he
most likely write?
7. Most scholars today believe that the so- T
called "James ossuary" is a forgery. T/F?
8. Someone employed as a scribe to put an Scribe
author's thoughts into writing was known
as a(n):
9. James rejects the Old Testament law in F
favor of a new ethical standard. T/F?
10. The book of James fits the genre of a T
diaspora letter. T/F?
11. The content and form of James is most T
similar to which Old Testament genre?
12. In James 2:1-13, which sin does James Favoritism
use as an example of breaking the "royal
13. For James, the proper foundation for Love for God and neighbour
ethical behavior is
14. Since the epistle of James uses several F
terms in common with the Gnostics, we
can assume that the author wrote after
the rise of Gnosticism. T/F?
15. Who are "diaspora" Jews in the context "Scattered" Jews who do not live in Palestine
of James' letter?
16. It is obvious that James is addressing a F
particular crisis in a local church T/F?
17. Because they use the same terms in Paul
different ways, Christian have had to
reconcile James' teaching with the
teaching of which apostle?
18. Which Reformer called the letter from
James a "right strawy epistle?" (in Latin
of course)? Martin Luther
19. In the epistle of James, the rich believers
are not tempted to boast about their
material possessions because they have
given them all away. T/F? FALSE
20. Since Paul and James agreed at the
Jerusalem Council (Acts 15), it's unlikely
that they disagreed over the
fundamentals of saving faith. T/F? TRUE
21. The __ Q (Quelle)______ document is a
hypothetical source that stands behind
the Gospels of Matthew and Luke and, in
an earlier version, may have been known
to James.
22. What is the "royal law" that James
mentions? Love God and Love Your
23. James is the only book of the New
Testament that does not teach the
continuing existence and return of Jesus
24. In James, Jesus shares the role of
lawgiver with God. T/F? True
25. James uses the word "Jesus" only twice.
How does he most often refer to Jesus
Christ? Lord
26. Scholars are right to assume that James
was written too early to have a high
Christology. False
27. James recognizes Jesus as God's Messiah,
with all of the authority and power
associated with that title and role. T/F?
28. James does not appear to draw on the
Synoptic Gospels. T/F? True
29. Which of Jesus' teachings does James
draw on most? Sermon on the Mount
30. The content of the earliest Christian
preaching, before it was written down, is
called: Kerygma
31. We can be sure that James possessed a
copy of the Q-document because he
quotes from it several times. T/F? True
32. Which title does James use for both God
and for Jesus Christ? A servant of God
and of the Lord Jesus Christ
33. The main focus of James' letter is? saving
34. James uses the term "Lord" to refer both
to God and to Jesus. T/F?True
35. The book of James mentions Jesus Christ
more than any other of the similarly
short epistles. Judge
36. What does shekinah mean in postbiblical
writings of Palestinian and Babylonian
Judaism? Manifestation of God's
37. James 1:1 says that James is a servant "of
God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." This
shows conclusively that James believed
Jesus was God. T/F? False
38. The Greek word kurios does not
necessarily imply divinity T/F? False
39. How is the Hebrew divine name, Yahweh,
usually translated in English? LORD
40. Jesus and James both envisioned a
society marked by equality rather than
hierarchy. T/F? True
According to Letters to the Church, what
is the unifying theme of James?
Explicating the Royal Law
41. Which of the following is NOT a way in
which Jesus transposes the Law of Sinai
into the Law of God's Kingdom?
Reaffirming the oral Torah as a proper
expression of the Law

42. The main point of eschatology in James is

to motivate right living in the present.
T/F? True
43. In his epistle, James is satisfied with how
the rich in the Christian congregation are
caring for the poor. The rich do not give
food to the one in desperate need, and
the rich withhold wages from the poor
44. The "Golden Rule"? the principle that
one should love one's neighbor as

45. James relies on eschatology primarily to

explain the exact sequence of future
events. T/F? True
46. James is the first writer known to have
used the word dipsychos, or "double-
minded." T/F? True
47. James used the word "faith" primarily to
talk about the means for justification.
48. Jesus' teachings formed the basis of the
Christian wisdom tradition. T/F? True
49. According to Letters to the Church, the
differences between Paul and James
regarding faith and works are best
explained by the fact that: Paul and
James wrote independently of one
50. For second-temple Jewish authors, how is
wisdom learned and expressed? By
observing Torah
51. Jesus proclaimed himself to be the way
to life's highest good. T/F? True
52. James teaches that it is impossible to be
wealthy and to be a Christian. FALSE
53. The Greek of Jude's letter is not very
good, which is how we know he wrote in
Hebrew. T/F? FALSE
54. According to Letters to the Church, Jude
considers the primary sin of Sodom and
Gomorrah to be Sexual Immorality
55. Jude urges his readers to follow the
leading of their heart, knowing that it will
always bring them back to the truth. T/F?
56. The Gospels do not tell us the names of
Jesus' siblings. T/F?FALSE
57. The term "brothers" in reference to Jesus
is usually taken by Protestants to mean
other children of Joseph and Mary. T/F?
58. Jude teaches that the best way to get rid
of false teaching is to ignore the teachers
and mind your own business - it will die
out on its own, since it is not the truth.
59. According to Letters to the Church, who
likely wrote the epistle of Jude (Judas)?
Jude half brother of Jesus
60. Letters to the Church proposes a date for
Jude's letter no later than AD 80. What is
the significance of that date? Approach
middle life stand younger borther of
61. How many men named Judas (or Jude)
are mentioned in the New Testament?
62. According to Letters to the Church, Jude
attacks the mistaken Christology of
Gnosticism. FALSE
63. Jude teaches that no new revelation will
supplant that which was handed down
from Jesus to his apostles. T/F? TRUE
64. The major purpose of Jude's letter was To
warn against false Christians
65. In Judaism, when an author interpreted
an obscure ancient text as directly
fulfilled in the contemporary community,
this was known as fisher
66. When Jude quotes the Old Testament, he
translates the Hebrew Old Testament
into Greek. T/F? TRUE
67. The Greek of 1 Peter shows syntactical
evidence of being the author's second
language. t/f? TRUE
68. 1 Peter celebrates the truth that because
Christ suffered, believers can avoid
suffering. T/F? FALSE
69. During Peter's lifetime, he had very little
to do with Gentiles. T/F?FALSE
70. What term is used to describe the Roman
practice of building a Roman city in a
conquered area and populating it with
retiring soldiers? Colonization
71. Based on early Christian writings, the
reception of 1 Peter into the canon does
not seem to have been disputed. T/F?
72. The persecution faced by Peter's
addressees was most likely that of the
Roman emperor Nero. T/F?TRUE
73. Letters to the Church proposes that
Peter's addressees, the Christians in
northern Asia Minor, may have been
expelled or sent from which city? Rome
74. Which of the Gospels is associated with
Peter? MARK
75. According to Letters to the Church, the
Peter who authored this letter is not the
same Peter as Jesus' disciple. T/F? TRUE
76. According to church tradition, how was
Peter the Apostle martyred? Crucified
up side down

77. Peter calls his readers "foreigners" to

highlight the way their faith sets them
apart from unbelieving society. T/F?
78. According to Letters to the Church, our
chief difficulty in understanding 1 Peter
derives from the fact that our modern
Western situation differs radically from
the first-century Roman empire. T/F?
79. Scholars doubt that Simon Peter wrote 1
Peter for various reasons. Which of the
following is NOT a reason some doubt?
His biology does not correspond to Peter
other letter of Peter.
80. How does Peter describe his readers in 1
Peter 1:1? As foreigners
81. The book of 1 Enoch may help us
understand 1 Peter because it describes
the depravity of rebellious spirits as that
which provoked Noah's generation to sin
that led to the flood. T/F? TRUE
82. Peter taught that slavery was
incompatible with Christian theology.
83. We know that Peter is writing to Jews
because he addresses his audience using
Israel's OT titles such as "kingdom of
priests" and "holy nation." T/F? FALSE
84. According to Letters to the Church, which
member of society does Peter use as a
paradigm for all Christians? SLAVE
85. Judging from archeological evidence,
which Old Testament figure was
apparently well-known even in pagan
Asia Minor? NOAH
86. The book of 1 Peter does not make a
distinctive contribution to NT theology in
comparison with other NT epistles. T/F?
87. The phrase "the obedience and sprinkling
of the blood of Jesus Christ" is covenant
language that alludes to the Sinai
covenant. T/F? TRUE
88. When Letters to the Church says that for
Peter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ
was a hermeneutical event, it means that
the resurrection gave Peter important
ethical directions. T/F?TRUE
89. Peter believed that the message of the
OT prophets was intended for Christians
living after the Messiah had come. T/F?
90. Which title does Peter give to the agent
who inspired the prophets (1 Peter 1:11)
The Spirit of Christ
91. 1 Peter is unique because it is the only NT
book to think of Jesus as the sacrificial
lamb T/F? FALSE
92. Which image does Peter use to describe
the Christian's place in the church?
Stones in the temple
93. Peter expects unbelievers to see the
truth about Christ through a Christian's
visible good deeds T/F? TRUE
94. Which term does Peter use to describe
the Christian's position in the world?
Resident alien
95. According to Peter, Christians should not
be surprised when they are persecuted
96. Which image does Peter use to describe
when a person comes to faith in Jesus
Christ? New birth
97. According to Peter, which of the
following should be done "for the Lord's
sake" and not merely out of civil
obligation? Submit to the emperor
98. What is the unique name used in 2 Peter
for the underworld prison to which the
Greek Titans were cast? Tartarus
100.The use of the term Tartarus in 2 Peter
indicates that this letter was written to
people who were familiar with committed
them to pits of darkness, to be reserved for
judgment .

101. The style, vocabulary, and syntax of 2

Peter are very different from 1 Peter. T/F?

102. John Calvin acknowledged the difference

in vocabulary between 1 Peter and 2 Peter
but still affirmed that Peter authorized the
writing of both letters. T/F? TRUE

103. Which significant word does 2 Peter 3:16

use to describe Paul's letters. Scriptures

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