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Writing Part 1:Essay

The common belief is that teenagers should not pursue careers
at a young age. However, I believe that teenagers can be
independent and fulfil job requirements.
It's crucial to take the time to evaluate your future goals
before selecting a career path. While personal preferences are
often a factor, ensuring that your qualifications align with
your aspirations is significant. With careful consideration
and dedication, you can work towards achieving your goals and
building a successful career.
There is an abundance of career paths to choose from,
nonetheless, certain fields are experiencing a shortage of
skilled workers. While many individuals feel compelled to
pursue in-demand professions like medicine, engineering,
business, or law, this often results in a lack of qualified
professionals in other essential roles.

In my opinion as a teenager, engaging in the workforce is

advantageous since it empowers individuals to accomplish their
tasks independently. Furthermore, there are situations where
additional income is required for personal expenses, and
depending on parents for financial support may not always be a
viable option.

To sum up, choosing a career trajectory and actively pursuing

it is of utmost importance for young individuals. It is
essential to take the time to reflect on one's interests,
skills, and values to make an informed decision. Additionally,
it is critical to seek out resources and guidance from experts
in the field to gain a deeper understanding of the industry
and its requirements. By doing so, young people can set
themselves up for success in their chosen career paths and
achieve their long-term goals.

Writing Part 1:Essay Writing 1

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