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The role of nutrition in successful wound

Alexandra Bishop, Sarah Witts, Tanya Martin
carbOhydrates (NHS, 2015a). Nurses
should be aware of the cOmpOnents
Healthy eating is a topic covered widely in the media, and is particularly relevant to healthcare, with diet and nutrition vi
Of different fOOd types if they are tO
Nutrition should form part of holistic wound assessment, with any malnourished prOvidepatient beingnutritional
apprOpriate referred advice
to a dietician. It
malnourished and the use of a robust assessment tool will assist nurses in deciding which
tO patients. patients require onward referr

WOund healing can becOme

delayed in patients who experience
periods Of starvation, Or who are
undernOurished (TOdOrOvic, 2002;
Wild et al, 2010). Malnutrition can
be defined as an imbalance between
nutritional requirements and intake,
causing the bOdy tO experience
measurable adverse effects (British
AssOciation Of Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN), 2017).
Malnutrition was Outlined as a
significant prOblem in hospitals by
EdingtOn et al (2000) and chrOnic
illnesses, such as chrOnic Obstructive
pulmOnary disOrder (COPD) and
rheumatOid arthritis, which are often
present in patients with chrOnic
wOunds, can lead tO prOtein
energy malnutrition.

utrition is a basic the NHS released practical healthy
requirement Of the eating campaigns aimed at patients,
human bOdy, enabling it such as Live Well; Healthy Eating NORMAL WOUND HEALING
tO function effectively. PrOviding (NHS, 2015a), and Change4Life
Optimal nutrition has becOme a (NHS, 2015b). WOund healing is a prOcess that
majOr cOncern in health and sOcial relies On the cOOrdination and
care over the last twO decades, with Nutritional factOrs can affect internal regulation Of various
sOme areas, particularly Obesity and many health cOnditions such as activities in such a way that healing
sugar intake, becOming a fOcus Of diabetes and heart failure, and prOgresses
national pOlicies. FOr example, the Optimal nutrition aids the in a timely manner and 100%
Department Of Health (DH) released maintenance epithelialisation Occurs. WOund
a pOlicy On Obesity (DH, 2015), and Of Overall health. Despite this, healing usually takes place in three
the British Nutrition FOundation healthcare prOfessionals dO nOt Overlapping phases; inflammation
(2015) and British Heart FOundation always appreciate the link between (with initial haemOstasis),
(BHF) (2015) released healthy nutrition and wOund healing and the prOliferation, and epithelialisation
eating guidance. At the same time, patient’s diet is Often nOt cOnsidered and remOdelling (Clark, 1996).
until their wOund becOmes infected
Or fails tO heal in a timely manner. Inflammation
FOllOwing initial injury, haemOstasis
Guidance suggests that a results in vasOcOnstriction and
nutritious diet aimed at prOmOting the fOrmation Of a fibrin clOt.
wOund healing should ideally Once homeostasis is established,
Alexandra Bishop, senior clinical nurse, DDRC encOmpass hydration; nutrients vasOdilation Occurs and the
Wound Care, Plymouth; Sarah Witts, tissue including prOteins and aminO increased blOOd flOw leads tO
viability nurse specialist, DDRC Wound Care, migration Of neutrOphils,
Plymouth; Tanya Martin, dietician, Plymouth acids; vitamin A, vitamin B
Hospitals NHS Trust cOmplex, vitamin C and vitamin macrOphages and enzymes tO the
E; irOn, wOund site. This is knOwn as the
zinc and cOpper; and fats and inflammatOry phase,

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during which neutrOphils and websites (British Nutrition FOundation,

macrOphages are vital. They digest; British Heart F
bacteria and autOlyse devitalised Oundation,
tissue. WOunds will discharge exudate CarbOhydrates, prOteins, fruit,
during this prOcess and there may vegetables and dairy prOducts
be decreased function in the area should all fOrm part Of a healthy
affected, fOr example, restricted diet. HOwever, if nurses are tO guide
mOvement tO the area/limb due patients tOwards the fOOd grOups that
tO lOcalised swelling. If there is nO will encOurage wOund healing, they
infection present, Or any Other barrier must be aware of the rOle of
tO healing, such as ischaemia, the different nutrients thrOughout the
inflammatOry cell numbers reduce healing prOcess.
and the next phase of wOund healing
cOmmences (Schulz, 2000). NUTRIENTS REQUIRED DURING
PrOliferation is the secOnd stage of Inflammation
the wOund-healing trajectOry and Successful activation Of the clOtting
during this stage fibrOblast cell cascade and fOrmation Of the fibrin
numbers increase, helping tO repair clOt during haemOstasis requires
tissue calcium and vitamin K. Vitamin K
and build the fOundations tO create encOmpasses a grOup Of fat-sOluble
the base of the wOund with new vitamins Obtained frOm leafy green
granulation tissue (TimmOns, 2006). vegetables, avOcadO, meat and dairy
During this stage, the wOund starts prOducts. It is required fOr the
tO rebuild itself. New capillaries are mOdification Of sOme prOteins used
fOrmed and an extracellular matrix fOr cOagulation and bOne metabOlism
is prOduced. This stage should last (Nelsestuen et al, 2000).
arOund 5-24 days and is
characterised by the presence of Vitamin A is impOrtant during
macrOphages the early inflammatOry respOnse
and fibrOblasts. These stimulate and is required fOr the migration
angiogenesis (fOrmation Of new blOOd Of macrOphages, mOnOcytes and
vessels), which enables the tissues tO fibrOblasts (LansdOwn, 2004; BrOwn
receive oxygen and nutrients. and Phillips, 2010). Vitamin A is
fat sOluble and is Obtained frOm
Epithelialisation and carOtene in vegetables (BrOwn and
remodelling Phillips, 2010). HOwever, tOO much
When the wOund is filled with vitamin A is knOwn tO cause a
healthy granulation tissue, wOund variety Of metabOlic changes in the
cOntraction takes place and skin, such as rOughness and scaling,
epithelialisation can prOceed. as well as weakening the hair
Epithelialisation encOurages (LansdOwn, 2004).
restOration Of the skin’s
integrity. KeratinOcytes migrate Vitamin E is an antioxidant with
frOm the wOund edges until the anti-inflammatOry prOperties (GuO
wOund and DiPietrO, 2010), and is fOund in
is cOvered (BrOderick, 2009) and nuts, vegetable oil and seeds. Vitamin
prOteins, including cOllagen and E is essential fOr the stability Of cell
elastin, are synthesised tO fOrm walls and deficiency can expedite the
scar tissue. death of blOOd cells (TOdOrOvic, 2002).

RemOdelling occurs as the PrOtein cOntains nitrOgen, which

wOund clOses. SOmetimes called enables the prOvision Of aminO acids.
maturation, the tensile strength of PrOteins play a rOle in the immune
the wOund increases during this system and aid the grOwth and repair
phase, which can last fOr several Of tissue (COllins, 2001; Wild et al,
mOnths. It can take up tO twO years 2010). It is understOOd that arginine’s
tO return the tissue tO its pre-injured (an aminO acid) rOle during the
state (Scholl and Langkamp- inflammatOry phase of healing can
Henken, 2001). influence prOcesses in the phases that
fOllOw. While nOt
Nurses should advise patients t O
46JCN 2018, Vola32,
take balanced
No 4 diet thrOughout the
wOund-healing prOcess and
suppOrt this with leaflets and
essential in a healthy individual, the a variety Of prOtein- rich fOOds, Demling, 2009). Lipids and essential
metabOlic demand fOr arginine including beef, chicken, fish, dairy fatty acids can be sOurced frOm Oily
increases during surgery, trauma and in prOducts, eggs, celery fish, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
psycholOgically stressful circumstances, and wheat. Vegetarians and vegans
which often invOlve a wOund (Williams, can increase their prOtein intake by Zinc is a mineral invOlved
2002; GuO and DiPietrO, 2010). cOnsuming pulses and, while only in a number Of cOmplex
cOntaining arOund 3% prOtein, prOcesses in wOund healing.
Glutamine, the mOst abundant Brussel sprOuts, parsley and spinach During the
aminO acid in the blOOd, prOvides a are better sOurces than Other inflammatOry phase, it assists in the
sOurce of glucOse preferred as an vegetables. mOdulation Of the immune respOnse
energy sOurce by white blOOd cells and (Demling, 2009), and chrOnic zinc
is required fOr the glutathione Lipids and essential fatty acids deficiency increases inflammation
antioxidant used in healing (Sherman and alsO cOntribute tO inflammatOry (BOnaventura et al, 2015). FOllOwing
Barkley, 2011). While the bOdy can reactions (LansdOwn, 2004), injury, zinc levels in healthy tissue are
synthesise glutamine under nOrmal although pOlyunsaturated and redistributed tO the wOunded tissue,
circumstances, when demand is increased, mOnOsaturated fats are preferable cOntributing tO imprOved immune
as in wOund healing, additional as they prOvide a crucial energy function (Demling, 2009). Red
glutamine is sOught sOurce, by-prOducts prOtect the meat, liver, nuts, milk and cereals all
frOm the diet. Glutamine is crucial fOr cells and pOlyunsaturates have an prOvide zinc.
stimulating the inflammatOry respOnse anti-inflammatOry respOnse
(ArnOld and Barbul, 2006), and is fOund in (DObsOn and Williams, 2003; Diabetes can have a significant
effect On wOund healing, with pOOrly
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cOntrOlled diabetes being as it is nOt pOssible tO synthesis them (Demling,

assOciated with increased 2009). They are alsO used tO build
susceptibility tO infection and Other Omega fatty acids.
necrOsis (LansdOwn, 2004).
TherefOre, mOnitOring Zinc is invOlved with cell
blOOd glucOse levels and glycated prOliferation and is therefOre necessary
haemOglObin (HbA1c) can help fOr prOliferation when the wOund is
ensure adequate diabetic cOntrOl. rebuilding itself (TOdOrOvic, 2002).
Educating patients On how their
sugar intake can adversely affect The rOle of irOn in preventing
this phase of healing is impOrtant. anaemia is well understOOd.
HOwever, irOn’s rOle in fOrming
Proliferation haemOglObin alsO means that it has
AminO acids are essential fOr a key rOle in Optimising tissue
successful prOgression Of this phase perfusion (Flanigan, 1997), which is
Of healing. Arginine aids mOdulation impOrtant thrOughout the healing
Of cOllagen depOsition (Singer, 2002), prOcess. It can alsO assist in cOllagen
enhances angiogenesis and has a synthesis and is sOurced frOm liver,
rOle in wOund cOntraction (Scholl red meat, fOrtified cereals, pulses and
and Langkamp-Henken, 2001). The green vegetables. IrOn deficiency can
aminO acids cysteine and prOline lead tO impaired cOllagen crOss-
adversely affect sOme prOcesses, such linking and reduced wOund strength
as neoangiogenesis (the fOrmation (TOdOrOvic, 2002).
Of new blOOd vessels in tumOurs)
and cOllagen synthesis (BrOwn Epithelialisation and
and Phillips, 2010). remodelling
COllagen remOdelling increases the
FibrOblasts have been Observed tensile strength of the wOund. The
tO have sOme sensitivity tO glucOse wOund alsO devascularises during
deficiency, affecting their grOwth and this phase. COllagen depOsition and
prOliferation (Han et al, 2004). remOdelling is thought tO be
adversely affected by prOtein and
Vitamin B cOmplex cOnsists Of vitamin C deficiency, increasing the
eight water sOluble vitamins that risk Of dehiscence in surgical wOunds
are fOund in a variety Of fOOd and wOund reopening in scurvy
types including meat, fish, dairy (Scholl and Langkamp-Henken,
prOducts and cereals. It suppOrts 2001; Sherman and Barkley, 2011).
metabOlic rate and assists in the Vitamin C (ascOrbic acid) is required
prOmOtion Of in the synthesis Of cOllagen and
cell prOliferation (BrOwn and stabilises the triple helix structure of
Phillips, 2010). Each B vitamin has its cOllagen (Wild et al, 2010). Vitamin C
Own reference nutrient intake (RNI), can be obtained in the diet frOm
fOr example fOlic acid is 200mcg and citrus fruits and green vegetables, as
B6 is 1.4mcg (COmmittee on well as pOtatOes.
Medical Aspects Of FOOd and
Nutrition POlicy [COMA], 1991). The aminO acids cysteine and
SOme dieticians have suggested prOline adversely affect sOme wOund-
prOviding 200% Of the healing prOcesses, such as cOllagen
recOmmended daily amOunt Of synthesis (BrOwn and Phillips,
vitamin B cOmplex fOr patients with 2010). COnversely, arginine, already
wOunds (Flanigan, 1997). mentioned as essential during
inflammation and prOliferation, can
Lipids and fatty acids prOvide aid the regulation Of cOllagen
energy thrOughout the wOund- depOsition (Singer, 2002; Wild et
healing prOcess and fOr prOliferation al, 2010). Glutamine supplements
and act as building blOcks fOr have been shown tO imprOve wOund
epidermal and dermal tissues strength and increase levels Of mature
(BrOwn and Phillips, 2010). Lipids cOllagen (da COsta et al, 2003).
and essential fatty acids are invOlved
in cell membrane synthesis and Vitamin E is used in many skin
assist in cOnstruction Of the mOisturiser prOducts and is believed
intracellular matrix (LansdOwn, tO have a rOle in reducing scar
2004). The essential fatty acids
linOleic and alpha-linOlenic must be
cOnsumed thrOugh the patient’s diet,
fOrmation with tOpical application (GuO OPTIMISING malnutrition may still be a factOr
and DiPietrO, 2010), although this is NUTRITIONAL STATUS and nurses
debated in the literature (KhoOsal and should nOt OverlOOk the impOrtance
GOldman, 2006). Overall, the effect Of various Of maintaining energy levels. Energy
nutrients on the different phases Of frOm fats and carbOhydrates are
The mineral zinc is a cOfactOr in wOund healing demOnstrates the used tO prOvide energy fOr cell
cOllagen synthesis and has a rOle in the impOrtance Of a well-balanced diet. metabOlism and caution must be
maturation Of cOllagen (Flanigan, 1997; Main meals should cOnsist Of 20% taken when assessing obese patients,
TOdOrOvic, 2002; Demling, 2009). prOtein, 40% as weight lOss plans are nOt usually
Deficiency can lead tO a decreased vegetables/salad/fruit and 40% apprOpriate when prOmOting
epithelialisation rate and reduced wOund carbOhydrate (DObsOn and wOund healing in this grOup
strength (TOdOrOvic, 2002). Williams, 2003). If such a diet is (Flanigan, 1997).
maintained, the bOdy should have
The impOrtance of water tO wOund all the nutrients it requires fOr It is a miscOnception that Only
healing is Often OverlOOked. Water timely wOund healing. HOwever, in underweight individuals can be
prOvides a structural cOmpOnent in the the presence malnOurished. The imbalance
cytOplasm Of skin cells as well as an Of sOme chrOnic diseases, such as between what is nutritionally
envirOnmental cOmpOnent, allOwing the diabetes and rheumatOid required and what is cOnsumed can
migration and maturation Of epidermal arthritis, fOllOwing majOr surgery, include people eating tOO much
cells (LansdOwn 2004). Or when a persOn is experiencing fOOd, particularly frOm certain fOOd
increased psycholOgical stress, grOups, such as fats and refined
PATIENT ASSESSMENT AND carbOhydrates, as well as tOO little.

In addition tO the risk Of people with infOrmation abOut the patient’s

Practice points

who are obese lacking essential anatOmical make up in terms Of bOne,
nutrients thrOugh cOnsuming fOOds muscle, water and fat (BDA, 2012).
that prOvide little nutritional value A nutritious diet should include proteins and amino
fOr wOund healing, Other prOblems Patients identified with, Or at Calcium, vitamins K, A and E, proteins and amino
include wOund dehiscence, infections significant risk Of, malnutrition acids, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, a
and cOmprOmised circulation due tO should be seen by a dietician, who Proteins and amino acids, glucose, vitamin B, lipid
the lOw density Of blOOd vessels in Epithelialisation and remodelling require proteins a
can Offer mOre detailed advice
fat tissue, which can result in Water is also important during this phase.
abOut nutritional intake. BlOOd
decreased blOOd flOw tO the wOund Weight loss plans may not be appropriate during w
results are alsO beneficial. Patients
(Perkins, 1992; GuO and DiPietrO, Holistic wound assessment should include nutrition
are often cOnsidered at high risk Of
2010). There is alsO evidence that a A validated nutritional screening tool, such as MU
malnutrition when albumin levels Patients with, or at significant risk of malnutrition s
relationship exists between increased fall belOw 35g/l. HOwever, lOw levels
weight and the severity Of venOus be indicated.
Of albumin may indicate the presence
disease (Barber et al, 2017). Of inflammation Or infection and,
therefOre, this reading alOne should
Optimal holistic wOund nOt be used tO determine nutritional
assessment should include nutritional status (BDA, 2012).
assessment. Establishing the phase of
wOund healing and identifying any Supplements
abnOrmalities in the prOcess, such as Supplements may be indicated in
prOlOnged inflammation Or failure sOme circumstances, although Langer
tO epithelialise, can help the nurse and Fink (2014), and Haughey and
tO identify the nutrients invOlved, Or Barbul (2017) advised that there was
missing. The nurse can then advise nO clear evidence of any benefit Of
patients tO fOcus On specific areas nutritional interventions in patients
Of their diet. Barber et al (2017) with pressure ulcers. HOwever,
suggested a prOgramme of one randOmised cOntrOlled trial
Optimising nutritional status by fOund that the use of a high energy
cOrrecting deficiencies. PrOteins and supplement cOntaining arginine, zinc
aminO acids affect all the phases Of and antioxidants imprOved healing
wOund healing and are understOOd in malnOurished patients with
tO have the pressure ulcers (Cereda et al, 2015).
mOst impOrtant rOle of all nutrients Although nOt lOOking specifically at
thrOughout the healing prOcess patients with wOunds, CawOOd et al
(BrOwn and Phillips, 2010; Wild et al, (2011) fOund that the use of high
2010), although a number Of Others prOtein supplements led tO clinical
are alsO influential in all three phases, benefits in a meta-analysis Of 36
such as aminO acids and zinc. randOmised cOntrOlled trials.

The National Institute fOr Health strOng link between pOOr nutrition
Many clinical guidelines, fOr and factOrs including delayed
and Care Excellence (NICE, 2012) example, those fOr venOus leg ulcers,
recOmmends that nutritional wOund healing and the risk Of
cOnsider nutritional supplements but cOmplications such as infections.
screening should assess the dO nOt advise on the management
patient’s bOdy mass index (BMI) During healing, different stages Of
Of Obese patients (Barber et al, 2017). the wOund-healing prOcess prOgress
and percentage of unintentional General cOnsensus is that a review by
weight lOss, as well as cOnsidering at different rates and a pOOr
a dietician is vital fOr all nutritional status can cause delays.
the time Over which nutrient intake malnOurished patients and patient
has been reduced and/Or the Each stage of the wOund-healing
with wOunds trajectOry requires different nutrients
likelihoOd Of impaired nutritional tO assess the apprOpriateness Of
intake in the future. A number Of (TOdOrOvic, 2002), and research
vitamin and mineral supplements suggests that a well-balanced
validated tOOls are available, (DObsOn and Williams, 2003; GuO
however, BAPEN (2017) nutritious diet will prOmOte wOund
and DiPietrO, 2010). HOwever, healing, while supplements may be
recOmmend the Malnutrition further research is needed tO
Universal Screening TOOl (MUST) useful in malnOurished individuals.
establish which levels Of
. supplements prOduce the mOst
AnthrOpOmetric measurements All patients with wOunds
effective results and under which should be assessed fOr risk Of Or
can be used tO assess bOdy circumstances.
cOmpOsition and alsO assist in signs Of malnutrition. Advice must
diagnOsing nutritional insufficiency be given On dietary intake tO
CONCLUSION Optimise the healing prOcess.
(Flanigan, 1997; British Dietetics
AssOciation (BDA), 2012). When a Nurses need tO
WOund healing is a cOmplex prOcess be aware of the cOmpOnents Of a
number Of such measurements are that can be enhanced by Optimising
taken, this will prOvide the nurse balanced diet and which fOOds are
nutrition. There appears tO be a JCN 2018, Vol 32, No 449

particularly beneficial at certain wOund healing. Nurse Pract 34(10): 16–22 nOrmal human dermal fibrOblasts in vitro. J
stages Of healing, especially in Wound Care 13: 140–53
circumstances where the wOund is BrOwn KL, Phillips TJ (2010) Nutrition and
wOund healing. Clin Dermatol 28: 432–9 Haughey L, Barbul A (2017) Nutrition and
nOt prOgressing as it should. Patients
lOwer extremity ulcers: causality and/Or
who are malnOurished must be CawOOd AL, Elia M, StrattOn RJ (2011) treatment. Int J Low Extrem Wounds 16(4):
reviewed by a dietician, who can Systematic review and meta-analysis Of 238–43
prOvide mOre detailed assessment the effects Of high prOtein Oral
and intrOduce an apprOpriate nutritional supplements. Ageing Res Rev KhoOsal D, GOldman RD (2006) Vitamin E fOr
management plan. 11: 278–96 treating children’s scars. DOes it help reduce
scarring? Can Fam Phys 52(7): 855–6
Optimising nutritional intake will Cereda E, Klersy C, Serioli M, et al (2015) A
Langer G, Fink A (2014) Nutritional
aid timely wOund healing, which, nutritional fOrmula enriched with
interventions fOr preventing and treating
in turn, will reduce healthcare and arginine, zinc and antioxidants fOr the
pressure ulcers. Cochrane Data Syst Rev 6. Art
sOcial cOsts as well as imprOving healing of pressure ulcers: a randOmized
NO: CD003216
quality Of life fOr the persOn affected cOntrOlled trial. Ann Int Med 162(3): 167–
by the wOund and their family 74 LansdOwn ABG (2004) Nutrition 2: a vital
and/Or carers. Further research is cOnsideration in the management Of skin
Clark RAF (1996) WOund repair; Overview and
required tO assess how best tO wOunds. Br J Nurs 13(20): 1199–1210
general cOnsiderations. In: Clark RAF, ed.
Optimise patients’ nutrition.
The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Wound National Institute fOr Health and Care
HOwever, nurses should ensure that
Repair. 2nd ed. Plenum Press, LOndOn: 3–50 Excellence (2012) Nutrition Support in Adults.
nutritional status fOrms part Of
Quality Standard 24. NICE, LOndOn.
rOutine assessment Of wOunds and COllins N (2001) Nutrition Q and A, pr Otein
that advice on the management Of a and wOund healing. Adv Skin Wound Care Nelsestuen GL, Shah AM, Harvey SB (2000)
balanced diet, including all the key 14(6): 288–9 Vitamin K-dependent prOteins. Vitam Horm
nutrients, is prOvided as 58: 355–89
COmmittee on Medical Aspects Of FOOd and
a minimum. JCN NHS (2015a) Live Well; Healthy Eating.
Nutrition POlicy (1991) Dietary reference
values fOr fOOd energy and nutrients fOr Available online:
the United KingdOm. Report of the Panel on healthy-eating/Pages/Healthyeating.aspx
REFERENCE (accessed 13 April, 2018)
Dietary Reference Values of the Committee on
Medical Aspects of Food Policy 41: 1–210 NHS (2015b) Change4Life. Available online:
ArnOld M, Barbul A (2006) Nutrition
and wOund healing. Plast Reconstr da COsta MA, CampOs AC, COelho JC, et al
Surg 117(Suppl 7): 42S–58S (2003) Oral glutamine and the healing of life.aspx (accessed 13 April, 2018)
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