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Gary, Chun Zhao, PhD
May 9 th 2023
Final Exam Structure
Duration: 2 hours
Type: Closed Book Exam

Final Exam = Section A + Section B

Section A (40%): 20 MCQs (2% each)

For each question, select just ONE of the four possible answers, and write its letter (a), (b), (c) or
(d) on the answer booklet(s).

Section B (60%): 3 questions

Answer should be written on the same answer booklet(s) provided and submitted after the exam.

For international students:

Similar to on-site students, both Section A and B answers shall be written on the same answer
booklet(s) provided via Learning Mall and submitted via “Assignment” on Learning Mall.
Section A (40%)
Example 1
Section A (40%)
Example 2
Section A (40%)
Example 3
Section B (60%)
Example 1
Section B (60%)
Example 2
Key-points of the module
• Capacitance vs. gate voltage characteristic of a MOS capacitor with n-type and p-type silicon substrate
• Energy-bands through an MOS capacitor
• ID-VGS curve and ID-VDS curve of an nMOSFET
• Drain current of nMOSFET
• Energy band diagrams of silicon materials
• Miller indices and yields
• Fermi energy level and Fermi function
• Diffusion constant and mobility
• Generation and recombination
• Doping element, materials and counter doping
• Hole concentration and electron concentration
• IC Technology: deposition, photolithography, doping, CVD, PVD
Key-points of the module
• Lecture 3: Semiconductor Fundamentals II
• Intrinsic semiconductor: P21-25
• Doping: P27-57

• Lecture 6: MOS Capacitor

• Capacitor structure: P4-5
• Effects of applied bias: P23-50
• Biasing conditions for n-type Si: P51

• Lecture 10: nMOS logic IC design

• 5 examples calculation: P3-19
Extra Support
• Key-points of the module

• MCQ Example Part 1 and 2 on Learning Mall

• Extra Q&A Session (not Compulsory)

• May 22nd 2023 (Monday) Afternoon: 4-6 pm (Beijing Time)
• Please come to my office SC342

• I will be with you during your exam on-site and on-line to support you! 干巴爹!
International Students
• For Assignment activity, students should be allowed to either type or handwrite electronically on the standard
answer booklet with cover page (to be provided by Registry)

• The students should also be allowed to print out the standard answer booklet before they manually write on
them. Once completed, they can then either scan or take snapshots of the written answers but must convert
to one single Word/PDF file for submission.

• It is the students’ responsibility to ensure the submitted answers correctly correspond to the questions in the
single Word/PDF file

• Students should use the format “Module Code-Student ID.filetype” to name their files
before submitting to ICE. For example, “EEE112-18181881.doc” or “EEE112-19911919.pdf”

• The default maximum submission size per file is set up to 50MB

Please do not ask the academic questions via
WeChat……….Thank you all……
Thank you! 谢谢诸君! ….if you want ask the academic questions…please
come to my office hour…..

Gary, Chun Zhao, PhD

May 9 th 2023

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