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Submission 1 Dates: 10th Aug 2023 (X Batch) (1 to 7)

Marks: file-5, viva-5

7th Aug 2023 (Y Batch) (1 to 7)
Marks: file-5, viva-5
Submission 2 Dates: 21st Sept 2023 (X Batch) (8 to 12 (A&B))
Marks: file-5, viva-5
18th Sept 2023 (Y Batch) (8 to 12
Marks: file-5, viva-5
Submission 3 Dates: 19th Oct 2023 (X Batch) (Final file
submission of MS Teams in folder Practical
along with your name like AzaharKhan_FS1)
Marks: file-5, viva-5
16th Oct 2023 (Y Batch) (Final file submission of
MS Teams in folder Practical along with your
name like AzaharKhan_FS1)
Marks: file-5, viva-5
Lab Performance-15 Dates: 26th Oct 2023 (X Batch)
23rd Oct 2023 (Y Batch)
1. Same Index should be attached with all the submission dates.
2. Come prepared with viva related to practical each
submission file.
3. First two practicals are to be handwritten on A4 size sheets.
4. From 3 to 12 all practical are written as given in the format
5. For Final submission (i.e. submission), all the practical is in
pdf file according to the index sequence along with front
sheet and index and uploaded on MS Teams in folder
6. No late submission will be accepted.
7. All the formats are given in this document in end.
Category of Assignment

Date of Allotment of

Date of Evaluation
Practical No.S.No

Name of Experiment
1. Introduction to Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm, UML
2. Design of SRS
Requirements identification is the first step of any software development
project. Until the requirements of a client have been clearly identified, and
verified, no other task (design, coding, testing) could begin. Usually
business analysts having domain knowledge on the subject matter discuss
with clients and decide what features are to be implemented.
In this practical we will learn how to identify functional and non-
functional requirements from a given problem statement. Functional and
non-functional requirements are the primary components of a Software
Requirements Specification.
The SE Institute has been recently setup to provide state-of-the-art
research facilities in the field of Software Engineering. Apart from
research scholars (students) and professors, it also includes quite many
employees who work on different projects undertaken by the institution.
As the size and capacity of the institute is increasing with the time, it has
been proposed to develop a Library Information System (LIS) for the
benefit of students and employees of the institute. LIS will enable the
members to borrow a book (or return it) with ease while sitting at his
desk/chamber. The system also enables a member to extend the date of his
borrowing if no other booking for that book has been made. For the library
staff, this system aids them to easily handle day-to-day book transactions.
The librarian, who has administrative privileges and complete control over
the system, can enter a new record into the system when a new book has
been purchased, or remove a record in case any book is taken off the shelf.
Any non-member is free to use this system to browse/search books online.
However, issuing or returning books is restricted to valid users (members)
of LIS only.
The final deliverable would a web application (using the recent HTML 5),
which should run only within the institute LAN. Although this reduces
security risk of the software to a large extent, care should be taken no
confidential information (e.g., passwords) is stored in plain text.
The following documents are required to be prepared: -
Problem statement
Requirement Specification
Context Diagram
Data Flow diagram
ER diagram
SRS as per IEEE std.
3. UML Use Case Diagram
An automated teller machine (ATM) or the automatic banking machine
Mandatory Experiment

(ABM) is a banking subsystem (subject) that provides bank customers

with access to financial transactions in a public space without the need for
a cashier, clerk, or bank teller.
Customer (actor) uses bank ATM to Check Balances of his/her bank
accounts, Deposit Funds, Withdraw Cash and/or Transfer Funds (use
cases). ATM Technician provides Maintenance and Repairs. All these use
cases also involve Bank actor whether it is related to customer transactions
or to the ATM servicing.
4. To design a Class Diagram
Online Shopping
UML Class Diagram Example
Here we provide an example of UML class diagram which shows a
domain model for online shopping. The purpose of the diagram is to
introduce some common terms, "dictionary" for online shopping -
Customer, Web User, Account, Shopping Cart, Product, Order, Payment,
etc. and relationships between. It could be used as a common ground
between business analysts and software developers.
Each customer has unique id and is linked to exactly one account.
Account owns shopping cart and orders. Customer could register as a web
user to be able to buy items online. Customer is not required to be a web
user because purchases could also be made by phone or by ordering from
catalogues. Web user has login name which also serves as unique id. Web
user could be in several states - new, active, temporary blocked, or
banned, and be linked to a shopping cart. Shopping cart belongs to
account. Account owns customer orders. Customer may have no orders.
Customer orders are sorted and unique. Each order could refer to
several payments, possibly none. Every payment has unique id and is
related to exactly one account.
Each order has current order status. Both order and shopping cart
have line items linked to a specific product. Each line item is related to
exactly one product. A product could be associated to many line items or
no item at all.

5. To design a State Diagram

Online Shopping - User Account
UML State Machine Diagram Example
Every company having customers maintains customer accounts and
supports a complete life cycle of the account from its creation until it is
closed. There are differences in what the stages (states) are in the
account's life cycle, and what are conditions or events causing account to
change its state.
Here we provide an example of user account life cycle in the context of
online shopping, shown as UML protocol state machine diagram.
For the user account to be created, it must meet some initial requirements.
For example, user id (used as a login name) must be unique, at least for
the existing accounts. After account was created, it might need to be
verified. Verification depends on the company and could include e-mail,
phone, and/or address verification. If account was not verified during
some predefined period of time, that account could be moved to the
suspended accounts.
New, active, or suspended accounts could be cancelled at any time by
client's request. Note, the precondition for this usually includes payment
of any outstanding balances and might require some separate account state
or substrate to handle this case.
User account might be suspended for security reasons, manually or
automatically. For example, website intrusion detection system locks user
account for predefined period, if there were several unsuccessful login
attempts using incorrect account password. After account lock times out,
account is activated back automatically.
Some user accounts could be inactive for a long period of time. Company
policy or business rules could require moving such dormant for a year or
two accounts to the suspended state.
Once we listed user account states and specified all possible transitions
from one state to another, we can review the diagram with other subject
matter experts to see if anything is missing or needs further clarifications.
6. To design an Object Diagram (online shopping)
Develop the Object Diagram from Class Diagram Question
7. To design an Activity Diagram
Ticket Vending Machine
UML Activity Diagram Example
This is an example of UML activity diagram describing behavior of
the Purchase Ticket use case.
Activity is started by Commuter actor who needs to buy a ticket. Ticket
vending machine will request trip information from Commuter. This
information will include number and type of tickets, e.g. whether it is a
monthly pass, one way or round ticket, route number, destination or zone
number, etc.
Based on the provided trip info ticket vending machine will calculate
payment due and request payment options. Those options include payment
by cash, or by credit or debit card. If payment by card was selected by
Commuter, another actor, Bank will participate in the activity by
authorizing the payment. After payment is complete, ticket is dispensed to
the Commuter. Cash payment might result in some change due, so the
change is dispensed to the Commuter in this case. Ticket vending machine
will show some "Thank You" screen at the end of the activity.
8. To design a Sequence Diagram
Facebook Web User Authentication
UML Sequence Diagram Example
An example of sequence diagram which shows how Facebook (FB) user
could be authenticated in a web application to allow access to his/her FB
resources. Facebook uses OAuth 2.0 protocol framework which enables
web application (called "client"), which is usually not the FB resource
owner but is acting on the FB user's behalf, to request access to resources
controlled by the FB user and hosted by the FB server. Instead of using
the FB user credentials to access protected resources, the web application
obtains an access token.
Web application should be registered by Facebook to have an application
ID (client_id) and secret (client_secret). When request to some protected
Facebook resources is received, web browser ("user agent") is redirected
to Facebook's authorization server with application ID and the URL the
user should be redirected back to after the authorization process.
User receives back Request for Permission form. If the user authorizes the
application to get his/her data, Facebook authorization server redirects
back to the URI that was specified before together with authorization code
("verification string"). The authorization code can be exchanged by web
application for an OAuth access token. If web application obtains the
access token for a FB user, it can perform authorized requests on behalf of
that FB user by including the access token in the Facebook Graph API
requests. If the user did not authorize web application, Facebook issues
redirect request to the URI specified before, and adds the error reason
parameter to notify the web application that authorization request was

9. To design a Collaboration Diagram or Communication Diagram

Online Shopping
UML Communication Diagram Example
An example of communication diagram for Online Bookshop. Web
customer (depicted as actor) can search, view and buy books.
Communication starts with 1 *: find_books() - iterative message which
could be repeated some unspecified number of times. Client searches
inventory of books, and if he/she is interested in some book he/she can
view description of the book (1.2 [interested]: view_book()). If client
decides to buy, he/she can add book to the shopping cart - 1.3 [decided to
buy]: add_to_cart().
Checkout includes getting list of books from shopping cart, creating order,
and updating inventory, if order was completed.
10. To design a Component Diagram
Online Shopping
UML Component Diagram Example
The diagram shows "white-box" view of the internal structure of three
related subsystems - WebStore, Warehouses, and Accounting. In
UML «Subsystem» is a standard component stereotype for
larger components, usually containing some smaller components.
WebStore subsystem contains three components related to online
shopping - Search Engine, Shopping Cart, and Authentication. Search
Engine component allows to search or browse items by exposing provided
interface Product Search and uses required interface Search
Inventory provided by Inventory component. Shopping Cart component
uses Manage Orders interface provided by Orders component during
checkout. Authentication component allows customers to create account,
login, or logout and binds customer to some account.
Accounting subsystem provides two interfaces - Manage
Orders and Manage Customers. Delegation connectors link these external
contracts of the subsystem to the realization of the contracts
by Orders and Customers components.
Warehouses subsystem provides two interfaces Search
Inventory and Manage Inventory used by other subsystems and wired
through dependencies.

11. To design a Deployment Diagram

Web Application
UML Deployment Diagram Example
An example of web application UML deployment diagram. Book club
web application artifact book_club_app.war is deployed on Catalina
Servlet 2.4 / JSP 2.0 Container which is part of Apache Tomcat 5.5 web
The book_club_app.war artifact manifests (embodies)
OnlineOrders component. The artifact contains three other artifacts, one of
which manifests UserServices component.
The Application Server «device» (computer server) has communication
path to Database Server «device» (another server).
12. (A) Railway Reservation Management System
(B) Personal Investment Management System





Department of Information Technology



Software Engineering

Faculty: Submitted by:

Ms. Ritu Punhani Student Name
Enrollment No

Sample writeup for file

Practical 1: Introduction to Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm, UML

1. UML theory (2 pages)
2. Rational Rose (2 pages)
3. Visual Paradigm (2 pages)
4. Relationship of Software Engineering, UML and tools (Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm)
(1 page)
Practical 2: Design of SRS
Based on IEEE std. format

Practical 4: To design a Class Diagram of Online Shopping

Here we provide an example of UML class diagram which shows a domain model for online
shopping. The purpose of the diagram is to introduce some common terms, "dictionary" for online
shopping - Customer, Web User, Account, Shopping Cart, Product, Order, Payment, etc. and
relationships between. It could be used as a common ground between business analysts and software
Each customer has unique id and is linked to exactly one account. Account owns shopping cart and
orders. Customer could register as a web user to be able to buy items online. Customer is not
required to be a web user because purchases could also be made by phone or by ordering from
catalogues. Web user has login name which also serves as unique id. Web user could be in several
states - new, active, temporary blocked, or banned, and be linked to a shopping cart. Shopping cart
belongs to account. Account owns customer orders. Customer may have no orders. Customer orders
are sorted and unique. Each order could refer to several payments, possibly none. Every payment has
unique id and is related to exactly one account.
Each order has current order status. Both order and shopping cart have line items linked to a specific
product. Each line item is related to exactly one product. A product could be associated to many line
items or no item at all.

A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram
that describes the structure of a system’s classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the
relationships among objects.
Purpose of Class Diagram:
1. Show static structure of classifiers in a system.
2. Provides a basic notation for other structure diagrams described by UML.
3. Helpful for developers and other team members too.
4. Business Analysts can use class diagrams to model systems from a business perspective.
A class diagram includes the following
1. A set of classes and
2. A set of relationships between classes.
3. Class Name – It appears in the first partition.
4. Class Attributes – It appears in the second partition.
5. Class Operations (Methods) - It appears in the third partition.
Class Relationships and its notations:
A class may be involved in one or more relationships with other classes. A relationship can be
one of the following types:
Relationship Type Graphical Representation
Inheritance (or Generalization):
 Represents an "is-a" relationship.
 An abstract class name is shown in italics.
 SubClass1 and SubClass2 are specializations of Super Class.
 A solid line with a hollow arrowhead that point from the child to
the parent class
Simple Association:
 A structural link between two peer classes.
 There is an association between Class1 and Class2
 A solid line connecting two classes
A special type of association. It represents a "part of" relationship.
 Class2 is part of Class1.
 Many instances (denoted by the *) of Class2 can be
associated with Class1.
 Objects of Class1 and Class2 have separate lifetimes.
 A solid line with an unfilled diamond at the association end
connected to the class of composite
A special type of aggregation where parts are destroyed when the
whole is destroyed.
 Objects of Class2 live and die with Class1.
 Class2 cannot stand by itself.
 A solid line with a filled diamond at the association
connected to the class of composite
 Exists between two classes if the changes to the definition of
one may cause changes to the other (but not the other way
 Class1 depends on Class2
 A dashed line with an open arrow
Print screen of visual paradigm or rational rose tool

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