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Strategic Planning for 2028

College Strategic Plan Template

Strategic planning for 2028 will start at the college and division/unit levels (hereafter, “unit”)
with each college and unit developing a strategic plan. Next, the University Strategic Planning
Committee will develop the UAH Strategic Plan 2028 by reviewing these strategic plans and
incorporating as appropriate the ideas included in the objectives and actions into the UAH
Strategic Plan 2028. Finally, the University Strategic Planning Committee will develop metrics
for each of the goals as Key Performance Indicators.
All strategic plans – the colleges’, units’ and University’s – will include all Outcomes-based
Funding parameters that are known at the time of their development. The UAH Strategic Plan
2028 will also incorporate any additional Outcomes-based Funding parameters as they are
developed and implemented by the State of Alabama.
Below are definitions, instructions, and a template for your college’s strategic plan. The topics
of Goals 1, 2 and 3 and the required objectives are set, although your college may change the
wording of these goals and objectives as long as the meaning and intent remain the same as those
written here.
The schedule for the strategic planning process is for the units and colleges to complete and
submit their strategic planning documents by May 15, 2020. The submitted strategic plans will
then be distributed to the University Strategic Planning Committee. The Strategic Planning
Committee will start its work in June.
• January 6, 2020: Initiate strategic planning process.
• May 15, 2020: All strategic plans are due to the Office of Academic Affairs.
• May 16 to June 1, 2020: Strategic planning materials from the units and colleges are
distributed to the University Strategic Planning Committee.
• June 2020: University Strategic Planning Committee begins its deliberations.
• September 2020: University Strategic Planning Committee completes a draft of the UAH
Strategic Plan 2028 for distribution back to the colleges and units.
• October 2020: The UAH Strategic Plan 2028 is sent to the colleges and units for review.
• November 2020: Colleges and units submit comments to the University Strategic
Planning Committee regarding the UAH Strategic Plan 2028.
• January 2021: The UAH Strategic Plan 2028 is complete and submitted to University of
Alabama System Office for approval at the Board of Trustees April meeting.


• January 2021: Colleges and units finalize their strategic plans in concert with the UAH
Strategic Plan.
• March 2021: Colleges and units submit their strategic plans to the Office of Academic
Affairs for final review by the University’s Strategic Planning Committee and posting on
the University’s website
• April 2021: Present Mission of the UAH Strategic Plan 2028 to the Board of Trustees.
• April 2023, 2025, 2027: University Strategic Planning Committee reviews, updates, and
monitors the progress on key performance indicators of the UAH Strategic Plan 2028.
• Mission: The purpose of the University, College or Unit.
• Vision: The desired end-state at some point in the future, for the plan 2028.
• Core Values: Ideals or standards that guide the University’s, College’s, or Unit’s
• Value Proposition: The thing or things that the University, College, or Unit promises to
deliver. The proposition should explain why we matter to constituents and customers.
• Goals: Those steps that must be accomplished in order to reach our vision and mission.
• Objectives: Measurable targets necessary for the fulfillment of Goals.
• Actions: Practices required to meet objectives; actions are doable and measurable.

Guiding Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Value Proposition Statements for Strategic Plan

Instructions: Please note that the statements below are modified slightly from the current
strategic plan. The University Strategic Planning Committee will develop the University’s
vision, mission, core values, and value proposition for the UAH Strategic Plan 2028 after the
colleges and units have developed and submitted their draft strategic plans. It is anticipated that
the vision, mission, core values, and value proposition for the UAH Strategic Plan 2028 will be
similar to the current ones. Please use the current vision, mission, core values, and value
proposition as listed below as starting points for your college’s vision, mission, core values, and
value proposition for your college’s Strategic Plan 2028.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville will be a leading comprehensive technological
research-intensive university known for inspiring and instilling the spirit of discovery, the ability
to solve complex problems, and a passion for improving the human condition—a university of
choice where technology and human understanding converge.


The University of Alabama in Huntsville is a research-intensive, internationally recognized
technological university serving Alabama and beyond. Our mission is to explore, discover,
create, and communicate knowledge, while educating individuals in leadership, innovation,
critical thinking, and civic responsibility and inspiring a passion for learning.

Core Values:
Core Values Definition
Integrity and Respect We are guided by principles of ethics, treat others with deferential
regard, and are civil in our interactions.
Diligence and Excellence We work hard and are tireless in the pursuit of our goals and
achieving outcomes of the highest quality.
Inclusiveness and Diversity We honor the individual. We celebrate differences and use them to
create unity.

Value Proposition:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville offers an accessible, affordable, high quality education,
relevant to an evolving technological, knowledge-driven world, in a research- intensive

College Strategic Plan 2028

Instructions: The format for the College Strategic Plans 2028 is given below. Please follow
this format so that the University Strategic Planning Committee can readily review and
incorporate the ideas of the colleges into the University Strategic Plan. As stated above, please
use the slightly modified current vision, mission, core values, and value proposition as starting
points for your college’s vision, mission, core values, and value proposition in your college
Strategic Plan 2028.
The goals for Strategic Plan 2028 are given below. Each college may change the wording of the
goals; however, the general topic and intent of the goal must remain the same as stated below.
The goals for each college’s Strategic Plan 2028 are
• Goal 1: Excellence in Education: Student-centered education focused on student
• Goal 2. Leadership in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement
• Goal 3: Community Engagement and Outreach
• Goal 4. College Goal—Each College may select its own goal that is appropriate to the
mission and vision of the college.


Goals 1, 2, and 3 have required objective topics, which are based on anticipated requirements of
Outcomes-based Funding required by the State of Alabama. The required objective topics are
listed below under the goals and are shaded in gray. The language of the required objectives is
general guidance that describes the topic. Each college may select wording for required
objective topics that is most appropriate for its mission. In addition, each college should prepare
up to three action items for the required objective topic.
In addition to the required objective topics, for each goal each college may have up to three
objectives with up to three actions for each objective. If a college exceeds the prescribed
number of objectives and actions, then the University Strategic Planning Committee will
consider only the first three college objectives for a given goal and the first three accompanying
Please remember that objectives guide fulfillment of Goals and the results need to be
measurable. Moreover, actions are required to be doable, measurable, and meet the objective.
Please note that proposed University’s Goal 4 is “Enhance Institutional Effectiveness” with one
required objective “4.1 Meet or exceed outcomes-based funding metrics to ensure UAH receives
highest level of state funding.”

Template for College Strategic Plan

Core Values
Value Proposition

Goal 1. Excellence in Education: Student-centered teaching and learning focused on student


Required Objectives for Goal 1: incorporate outcomes–based funding student metrics:

1.1 Recruit and enroll a diverse student body and ensure degree progression and
degree completion of undergraduate and graduate students.

Actions for Objective 1.1. (Up to three actions should follow this objective.)

1.2 Develop and teach quality online programs and courses to meet demand, increase
enrollment, provide scheduling flexibility, etc.

Actions for Objective 1.2 (Up to three actions should follow this objective.)
College Objectives for Goal 1. (Provide up to three college objectives; up to three actions
may follow each objective.)


Goal 2. Leadership in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement

Required Objectives for Goal 2: incorporate outcomes – based funding research metrics:

2.1 Increase and drive research, scholarship, and creative achievement across the

Actions for Objective 2.1. (Up to three actions should follow this objective.)
College Objectives for Goal 2. (Provide up to three college objectives for this goal; up to
three actions may follow each objective)

Goal 3. Community Engagement and Outreach

Required Objective for Goal 3: incorporates outcomes-based funding

3.1 Engage with the community and encourage those who are underrepresented
including minority, adult, rural, students with disabilities, veterans, first
generation, economically disadvantaged students and other groups
underrepresented at UAH to attend UAH

Actions for Objective 3.1 (Up to three actions may follow this objective.)
College Objectives for Goal 3. (Up to three actions may follow each objective.)

Goal 4. College Goal (Please limit this goal to having three objectives and three actions for each

Institutional Effectiveness: Colleges provide up to three recommendations on the University

Strategic Goal regarding institutional effectiveness.

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