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Name: __Juan_Guerrero________________________________ Date: __7/27/2023________________

Working with Peer Feedback

Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
Based on your peer’s responses, what are three things you’ll change/revise? Why will you change each one?
1. I will certainly look into making sure that I fix my incorrect citations, as I certainly don’t want to get into trouble
because of that.

2. I will make sure to properly expand my analysis of my sources and explain better the connection between the two
of them.

3. I will make sure to make the transition between the sources in the paragraphs be as smooth as possible without
making it stop the flow of the paragraph.

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?
1. I will keep the way I introduce the topic sentence, it’s one of the few things that I thought I did well.

2. I think the amount of paragraphs that I had work well for now, maybe I will expand on them later, but for a first
draft, it’s more than fine.

3. I will keep the way I wrote the paragraphs, as aside of the low quality of them, I just need to add the actual sources
to them, I think the layout will be properly effective with the on.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. I must turn this peer review in.

2. I must make sure to finish the second draft of the essay.

3. I will received the feedback of the first draft of the essay.

4. I wil apply the feedback to the final essay.

5. I will make sure to improve the final essay

6. Proofread the final essay one last time.

7. Turn in the final essay

8. Work on the reflection essay.

9. Turn in the reflection essay.

10. I will be done with the project then.

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