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CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (d) 50. (a)
51. (a) 52. (d) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (d) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (a) 65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (b)
71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (b) 74. (b) 75. (b) 76. (d) 77. (c) 78. (b) 79. (b) 80. (d)
81. (a) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (d) 85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (c) 88. (c) 89. (d). 90. (b)
91. (d) 92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (d) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (d)
101. (b) 102. (b) 103. (c) 104. (d) 105. (d) 106. (c) 107. (b) 108. (a) 109. (c) 110. (c)
111. (d) 112. (a) 113. (d) 114. (a) 115. (c) 116. (b) 117. (d) 118. (c) 119. (d) 120. (a)
121. (c) 122. (d) 123. (a) 124. (c) 125. (b) 126. (d) 127. (c) 128. (d) 129. (b) 130. (c)
131. (c) 132. (d) 133. (a) 134. (d) 135. (b) 136. (d) 137. (a) 138. (b) 139. (c) 140. (c)
141. (b) 142. (d) 143. (b) 144. (c) 145. (a) 146. (b) 147. (c) 148. (c) 149. (d) 150. (d)
Explanatory Answers
1. (b) The contention of the governor: Paragraph 2
Lines ―China‘s central bank governor said the country is ―doing well‖,‖
Statement 1 when used in the context of the passage shall strengthen the contention made by the Governor in
the passage. The 13% increase in tax shows that the demand for consumer durables and luxury goods have
boosted. If true, this would prove as a bulwark to the Governor‘s contention.
Statement 2 if true, would not strengthen the contention of the governor. This statement in fact weakens the
contention of the author.
Statement 3 if true would strengthen the Governor‘s contention. If there is a rise in the export this would give
a boost to the economy.
Statement 4 will not strengthen the contention of the paragraph. This statement does not give any factual
element to support the claim.
2. (b) Option B clearly, is analogous with the passage. The passage brings forth the issue of the Chinese
economy and explains that it is in a difficult state. The economy has taken a downturn.
This statement also shows the same trend.
Initially, marine life is declining just as the state of the economy of China.
Hence, this is the correct answer.
Option C is ruled out as there is no competition of China mentioned in the passage.
Option D is ruled out as the passage does not talk about inflation. The option moreover does not state that
there is a halt in any sector.
3. (d) Statement 1 can be correctly inferred from the passage as it was due to the lack of support by the Chinese
government to the real state sector that has now become a major factor for the downfall of the Evergrande.
Statement 2 cannot be inferred from the passage as lack of resource commitment at the time of pandemic has
not been discussed in the passage.
Statement 3 cannot be inferred from the passage as the passage is concerned with China and its economy and
not about the other countries.
Statement 4 can be correctly inferred from the passage as the passage discusses the input contributed by the
real estate sector to the GDP. It is safe to assume that other sectors, too, contribute to the growth of the
GDP in the same manner.
Hence, option D is the correct answer

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

4. (c) The question asks a case of possibility. Hence the answer should contain acts that are unforeseen but may
in some cases be possible.
Statement 1 is a possibility as the fall of one sector may cause a dominos effect on the economy and trigger
a fall of the entire economy.
Statement 2 is vague in nature as the state of cement, whether export or import, has not been discussed
anywhere in the passage. Therefore, this statement can be ruled out.
Statement 3 is a possibility as individual sectors are collectively responsible for the entire GDP. A fall in one
may directly cause the other to fall.
Statement 4 is a possibility as it is stated in the passage that the Asian economies saw slow down because
of the fall in the Chinese economy.
5. (a) The passage talks about the state of affairs of China today. The first paragraph talks about recent
developments in the state of affairs.
Option A is the correct answer.
This clearly eliminates options B, C and D.
6. (a) The book does not simply state that the world is simple, but it implies simplifying things as much as
Refer to the lines from the 3rd paragraph, ― Occam‘s razor, he writes in one of the few, brief forays into the
thickets of its meaning, ―contrary to many of its detractors, does not insist that the world is simple, only that
in reasoning about it we should not multiply entities beyond necessity. If the existing entities cannot do the
job, then you have free rein to add as many entities as needed, so long as they are not ‗beyond necessity.‘‖
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
Statement B can be ruled out as the passage mentions this in the opening sentence, but it does not explain it
Statement C can be ruled out as the passage does not state that the big questions of life can be answered
through the book. It states to keep things simple.
Statement D can be ruled out as the statement is out of context. The passage does not discuss that an enigma
can be answered through the use of science. The passage only discusses that things can be kept simple.
7. (c) Statement 1 can be ruled out as this is the opposite of what has been written in the passage. The right
statement would have been ―McFadden ardently followed William‖.
Statement 2 can be inferred from the passage. Since McFadden was an ardent follower of William, he
tried to justify his theory more aggressively. This can be simply inferred from the lines, ―McFadden though,
earnestly believe in William for not his acts but confluence with lack of sophistication.‖
This prejudice of McFadden makes him gets biased towards William‘s work.
To answer whether he justifies his theory completely, refer to the lines ―If Occam‘s razor emphatically does
not insist that the universe is simple, McFadden, it turns out, emphatically does. He believes it really is innately
―parsimonious,‖ or even ―lazy,‖ taking the most direct route to achieving life and a viable universe. He calls
this ―strong Occam,‖ in contrast to the ―weak Occam‖ William himself had in mind.‖
This justification makes the belief of McFadden in William clear.
Statement 3 can be inferred from the passage. The last line of the passage mentions that life is
enthralling. Refer to the lines to understand that the passage, ―brief forays into the thickets of its meaning,
―contrary to many of its detractors, does not insist that the world is simple, only that in reasoning about it we
should not multiply entities beyond necessity. If the existing entities cannot do the job, then you have free rein
to add as many entities as needed, so long as they are not ‗beyond necessity.‘‖
Statement 4 cannot be inferred from the passage. The passage states that the shape of a snowflake cannot be
8. (b) Option B is the correct answer to the question. It gives a valid justification for keeping the title of the
book. The statement explains that life has abundant choices and that these choices can be simplified by the
application of simplicity.
Hence, option B is correct.
CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Option A can be ruled out as this does not justify the title. Weak Occam cannot define the title of the book as
McFadden has given this title.
Option C can be ruled out as this is an incorrect statement. The book can be related to science, but the
passage specifically states that it cannot be related to social science. Refer to lines, ―When McFadden speaks of
―life,‖ he means fundamental physics and biology. Gelman is interested in social life and politics. Does Occam
work for one but not the other?‖
Statement D can be ruled out. This statement is vague in itself and does not provide a valid justification for the
9. (d) Refer to lines
―Andrew Gelman is working in social science—hates Occam, finding it useless for practical inquiry.‖
These lines state that he hates Occam since it does not explain anything about simplification in the context of
social science.
Hence, it is safe to choose statement 1 as the correct answer.
Statement 2 can be ruled out as proper the passage does not talk about steps anywhere in the passage.
Statement 3 can be ruled out as the option says that the book does not answer various scenarios. The passage
does not talk about such aspects of the book. Hence, it is safe to eliminate this option.
Statement 4 can be inferred from the passage. This statement talks about the same issue discussed in
statement 1. It raises the question of conflict of interest shown in the making of the theory of simplicity as it
suits Physics and Biology and does not suit social science.
Hence, Option D, i.e., statements 1 and 4, can be inferred from the passage.
10. (b) Option B is the correct answer. The 7th paragraph starts with a point followed by an example that
supports the contention made in the opening point. Statement ‗b‘ is analogous with the same as the topic
introduced in this statement is diseases caused by water and is further supported by an example of water-
borne diseases.
Hence, option B can be justified as the appropriate answer.
Option A is ruled out as this option shows a cause-and-effect relationship, whereas the 7th paragraph shows a
point and an example relation.
Option C is ruled out as this option also shows a cause-and-effect relation and not a point example relation.
Option D is ruled out as this option does not state the same relation as shown in the 7th paragraph. This
statement shows the consequence of an action.
11. (b) Refer to paragraph 3 lines‘ ―People harboured feelings…… they priorities users safety.‖
These lines explain that haters have always been a part, but with the advent of social media, it has become
easy to spread hate due to anonymity.
Hence, B is the correct answer.
Option A, shares a point that has later been refuted by the author.
Option C is not mentioned in the passage, and hence, it is ruled out.
Option D cannot be inferred. As the infuriation has logic backed by it and hence it cannot be termed as bias.
12. (c) Statement 1 can be inferred from the core of the passage. If the websites themselves had been able to stop
such hatred, there would not have been a need for the government to create a law. Hence, statement 1 is
Statement 2 can be inferred from the 3rd paragraph. It is the factor of anonymity that has given an edge to the
culprits to spread hate.
Statement 3 can be inferred from para 4th. The lines ―harmful but legal‖ even though stand vague, yet the
profound safety offered by the new law is greater than the vagueness it has. The safety of the citizens can be
kept everything else.
Statement 4 cannot be inferred from the passage. Hence, it is ruled out.
13. (d) The paragraph begins with a point, i.e., to hold social media websites accountable.
This is followed by a reason mentioned in the 2nd and the 3rd lines. Refer to lines starting with ―That‘s why…‖
The last line of the paragraph states an example of the ride-share companies.
Option D, hence, is the correct answer.

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

14. (b) Refer to paragraph 1: The ride-share given companies is an example to prove that just like ride-share
are responsible for the acts of the driver‘s social media websites should also be held responsible for the
actions of their users. Though the drivers are the cell points, the ride-share companies are also equally liable
for the same.
To share the burden of the driver‘s actions equally would make both equally careful regarding their individual
15. (c) The author mentions that anonymity is not banned, but the Home Secretary, Preeti Patel, argues for
banning it. The contrary argument by Katy tries to save anonymity on social websites, but the Home secretary
pushes that there is no use of such anonymity on social media platforms such as Twitter.
Option C presents the displeasure of the Home Secretary and her views to halt the same.
Option B is ruled out as the author does not come to equilibrium on the topic anywhere in the passage. The
passage presents views and counter-views related to the anonymity of the topic.
Option D can be eliminated as the statement is vague and does not clear the author‘s stand on the topic.
16. (c) The initial lines of the passage introduce the parable of the hedgehog and the fox. The author does this so
as to introduce two sides of debates and thoughts that are later discussed in the passage.
Option A is ruled out as there is no comparison made in the 1st paragraph of the passage.
Option B is ruled out as this statement is very shallow and does not properly explain the reason behind
writing the paragraph.
Option C is the correct answer as it completely illustrates the reason behind writing the 1st paragraph.
Option D is ruled out as there is no philosophy that has been explained.
17. (d) Statement 1 can be inferred from the passage. The complete passage talks about the approach that
polarises the problem resolving way that has been in practice and still dominates itself. This polarisation has
been mentioned to illustrate the theory of hedgehogs.
Statement 2 can be inferred from the passage. Look up to the last paragraph of the passage where the author
criticises the hedgehog approach and says that it is time for an approach that is ‗foxy‘. The passage talks about
the approach used by the foxes which are just the opposite of one size fits all. With reference to these lines,
one can simply state different approaches can be used to counter different problems.
Statement 3 cannot be inferred from the passage. The author states about economic liberalisation in the 2 nd
paragraph but counters it in the 3rd paragraph.
Statement 4 is again a line that supports the claim of the author. The author believes that resolving issues that
are complex in nature requires multiple ways. The last paragraph brings this point to light by writing against
polarisation and pushing for an approach that solves different problems with different techniques.
18. (a) The question over here asks an assumption that must be present in the theory of polarisation.
Statement 1 is an assumption expressed in the theory.
Refer to lines ―actors who interpret and evaluate the dynamics and consequences of globalisation through a
single lens. Take the narrative that dominated the debate about globalisation in the West from the collapse of
the Soviet Union until the global financial crisis in 2008. On this view, economic liberalisation promised to
grow the pie so that everyone – developed and developing countries, rich and poor – would be better off‖
These lines state that viewing through a single lens shall bring uniformity in the growth for everyone in the
Statement 2 cannot be inferred from the passage.
The question is about the assumption applied in the theory of polarisation. But this option talks about the
theory of applying many ways to solve a problem. Hence, this option is eliminated.
Option 3 cannot be inferred from the passage.
This option states that the base of all the problems is different and that a diversified measure may be taken.
This statement works contrary to the theory of polarisation.
Hence, statement 3 cannot be a valid assumption.
Option 4 talks about ‗measures that are big enough may mould the economy‘. The question over here asks an
assumption that would apply to the theory of polarisation.
Though this statement states that this might build the economy differently yet it is unclear whether that
difference would be good or bad. This makes the statement vague.

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Hence, this does not fit as the correct answer.

19. (c) Statement 1 can be inferred from the passage. Refer to paragraph 3 and read the lines, ―In recent years,
this view has been challenged by a variety of narratives that stress that economic globalisation produces many
This simply states that the application of the hedgehog theory has proved to be unsuccessful.
Statement 2 can be inferred from the passage.
Refer to the last paragraph of the passage and read the lines ―It is time for a more foxy approach that counters
the one-size-fits all theory.‖
These lines clearly indicate that the theory of fox is the opposite of the theory of the hedgehog. The theory of
fox is that individual and novel solutions may be applied so as to get better results.
Statement 3 cannot be inferred from the passage. These lines go against the context of the passage and hence,
this statement is incorrect.
20. (a) Option A is the correct answer.
Option A correctly identifies the reason for the example stated by the author.
The author, by giving this example, wanted to prove that these examples do not yield the best result for the
The author wanted to prove that the animated Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign and BREXIT are a
result that would have not taken place if the free trade and immigration theory would have been in practice
because of economic liberalization.
Option B is an incorrect answer as this option does not clarify the reason behind mentioning the examples.
Option C is an incorrect statement as it states a fact that is opposite to the text of the passage.
Option D is an incorrect option as the passage does not talk about such fanatic growth.
21. (b) All the rest of the options have been inferred in the passage.
The passage states that the artists used to get less money but does not state that they crave for more work
and less money.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
22. (b) Refer to the lines, ―Most arts organisations had engaged for years in ponderous conversations about the
digital future; yet few were ready for the pandemic.‖
This makes it clear that option B is the correct answer.
23. (c) The main idea of the passage is facing and accepting the challenges that the digital industry brought in.
This has been clearly reflected in option C.
24. (c) The opening paragraph explains the side of the theatre owners and introduces their problems. The
paragraph ends with a question mark by pitching up a dilemma that is to be answered further in the passage.
25. (b) Option B captures all the essential elements of the passage. It talks about digital movement and also the
dilemma that is present in the passage. It even mentions the theatre industry as well.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
26. (d) The answer to all the questions except for D, can be found in the passage. Option A and b can be solved
with the help of the 1st paragraph. Option C can be solved with the help of the 3rd paragraph.
Option D cannot be answered as the passage does not talk about any kind of restrictions.
27. (b) The 3rd paragraph introduces the point targets and states that they are pushed because of Christmas. The
author further states the conclusion that targets that are difficult to achieve are pushed upon humans as if they
were some characters in a sci-fi movie.
28. (c) The author targets the merrymaking on Christmas and raises questions about the work pressure that is
built up before Christmas. He further argues and opines his belief in following deadlines in the passage.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
29. (b) The 4th paragraph has a sequence of questions in it. Now these questions are not there to be answered
but to emphasise on the points mentioned in those questions.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
30. (a) The only thing that the aspirant needs to do is either to successfully find one correct answer or to
eliminate the incorrect options.
The author states that Christmas should not be limited. The best word to fill the blank is confined.
CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

The 1st blank was the easiest to find, hence, option A is the correct answer.
The 2nd blank talks about using Christmas as a tool to get the work done. Hence, deployed is the correct
In the 3rd blank a word that means to spur the nation should be used. Hence, Galvanise fits best.
31. (a)
32. (b)
33. (c)
34. (d)
35. (c)
36. (b)
37. (d)
38. (c)
39. (a)
40. (d)
41. (a)
42. (d)
43. (b)
44. (d)
45. (d)
46. (a)
47. (b)
48. (b)
49. (d)
50. (a)
51. (a)
52. (d)
53. (c)
54. (d)
55. (d)
56. (b)
57. (d)
58. (c)
59. (d)
60. (c)
61. (d)
62. (b)
63. (c)
64. (a)
65. (a)
66. (c) We are here to deal with the compatibility of this classification with principles established in the passage.
Choice A is extraneous: historical disadvantage is not a factor of consideration in the passage. Same for choice
B: it asks for your own unnecessary opinion for the purposes of classification, which is usually undesirable in
most questions. Choice D takes it too far and misses the forest for the trees: all classifications are not
discriminatory in nature, and an overall read of the passage establishes the same clearly. Thus, C is the correct
67. (b) Simple specific recall question: Option C doesn‘t even find mention in the passage. Choice B is correct.
68. (c) This is not a new question: it has been asked many times using different phrases in earlier editions of
CLAT. It desires a basic ability to distinguish between place of birth and residence, with the latter taking into
consideration only the place where one resides, and it isn‘t necessary for the person to be born there also. A
is extraneous: the question only wants you to identify the application of the ―place of birth‖ provision in

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Article 15(1). The same logic applies to B as well. D is addressed in the explanation already, since the two
ideas are clearly not synonymous. Thus, the correct answer is C.
69. (b) Pursuant to the passage, the idea of reasonable classifications expects two things: an intelligible differentia
and a relation of that distinction to the legislative goal. This relationship is absent in A completely: no
discernible goal is provided and the distinction can also be deemed prohibited under Article 15(1). B,
however, makes a classification on the basis of a reasonable distinction between men and women and the
legislative goal functions in consonance with the classification. C is again a prohibited class legislation. Thus, the
answer is B.
70. (b) The second paragraph makes it amply clear that legislative classification is all fine, but class legislation is
where stuff gets problematic. This means that you can fragment the law‘s applicability across persons of
different identities, but you cannot create a law solely applicable for a certain community which advantages or
disadvantages them disproportionately. A, C and D make classifications: those between military persons and
civilians, those between medicines on the basis of their efficacy, and those between educational institutions
and others. B, however, constitutes a legislation dealing solely with a class identity. It criminalizes persons on
the basis of their birth and applies solely to the XYZ community it identifies. The legislation, therefore,
constitutes class legislation which is prohibited.
71. (a) The problem is very simple and the options very confusing. That will be the story of your lives till CLAT.
Don‘t think too much and stick to what is really asked. The question states that you must consider that the
ESA has been held to be constitutional and therefore that conversation ends there. B and D are out
immediately, D even more so because of its somewhat extraneous nature. C brings into consideration a rule
that is specifically excluded from the question, and therefore cannot be the answer. A is the only available
reasonable option, which is the correct answer.
72. (b) This question is crystal clear: 19(6) mandates that you can be deprived of your freedom to undertake a
profession if you do not possess requisite technical and professional qualifications. The Bangias here are clearly
not qualified to become heart surgeons and can therefore be deprived of the opportunity to undertake this
profession. Thus, B is the correct answer. A and D are entirely irrelevant, and C makes a wrong judgement on
what constitutes ―qualifications‖ under 19(6).
73. (b) Choices A and C are easily eliminable here, since they are completely unconvincing and extraneous to the
problem. D considers another section of 19(6) to be depriving them the freedom to undertake a business, one
that the question is silent on. Thus, B is the correct answer.
74. (b) A and C are somewhat similar and fall way ahead of what Article 19(6) wishes to ultimately achieve. By the
logic of A and C, the mere fact that someone from a marginalised community is unable to afford a particular
item will lead to the complete prohibition of that enterprise itself. Thus, B is the correct answer.
75. (b) A and C make unnecessary appeals to your conscience and must be disregarded. D is nowhere mentioned.
76. (d)
77. (c)
78. (b) The passage provides that the right to compensation has to be inferred in Article 300A.
79. (b) Article 32 can only be invoked for fundamental rights, and as stated in the passage the right to property is a
constitutional right only.
80. (d) It is clear from Barnett that the damage must be a result of the breach of duty. In Barnett, even though
there was a duty of care which was breached, the said breach did not result in the harm caused (death of Mr
Barnett). All options are synonyms and hence are correct.
81. (a) Both ―causes‖ would satisfy the but-for test.
82. (d) Classic use of the but-for test. It is impossible to pin the death on any one person. In criminal law and tort
law theory, this is considered one of the biggest drawbacks of the but-for test.
83. (d) Self-explanatory.
84. (d) Self-explanatory. Requires extraneous knowledge.
85. (b) According to the passage, the term legal tender is some currency that is backed by the Central
Government. The Bitcoin does not fulfil this criterion.
86. (b) Self-explanatory..

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

87. (c) As stated in the passage, contracts that meet the requirement of agreement between competent parties
made with free consent and lawful consideration and object are enforceable under Indian Contract Act. In the
given factual matrix, all those elements are met (since cryptocurrencies are ipso facto not illegal, they can be
considered to be lawful consideration).
88. (c) Section 12 of the Hindu Marriage Act talks about voidable marriages.
89. (d) Section 9 of the HMA and Section 22 of the SMA states that when either the wife or the husband, without
reasonable excuse decides to withdraw from the society of his/her spouse, he/she may apply by petition for
restitution of conjugal rights and if the court is satisfied that there is no legal ground on why the application
should not be granted it may pass a decree for the restitution of conjugal rights to such party.
90. (b) Section 10 of the HMA states that either party may file a petition granting judicial separation on certain
grounds of divorce specified in Section 13.
91. (d) Pranjal cannot do so because divorce on this ground can be filed by the wife only.
92. (c) As it is stated in the passage ‖ If the girl had married at the age of 15 years and renounced the marriage
before turning 18 years old, she can file for divorce. So, Pranvika can file for divorce in the above situation.
93. (b) For the presumption that a person who is not seen for seven years is dead.
94. (d) Coca Cola will not succeed because Adit got to know about the trade secret without using any unlawful
95. (d) Reason same as the question above.
96. (d) As it is stated in the passage ―if an employee acquires skills during the course of his or her employment and
is able to retain such information in his or her mind, then that information may not be protectable as a trade
secret and that employee cannot be sued for misappropriation‖. So, Sarthak is not liable in the above situation
97. (b) Ravi acquired certain skills that he then took to his new place of employment. As stated in the passage, this
is not misappropriation of information. Thus, Ravi cannot be held liable for misappropriation.
98. (d) Facts of the question does not talk about any revelation or misappropriation by Raghav. So option D is the
correct choice.
99. (a) Both (b) and (c) are incorrect.
100. (d) All of the above mentioned options are an example of a trade secret.
101. (b) Libel is the representation made in some permanent form. Written publication is form of permanent
unlike, oral defamation which is transient.
102. (b) Mere hasty expressions spoken in anger, or vulgar abuse to which no hearer would attribute any set
purpose to injure the character would not amount to defaming a person.
103. (c) Sending a defamatory letter to a person, written in Urdu knowing that such person do not know Urdu
forms a ground of defamation as the letter will very likely be read over by another person.
104. (d) The passage clearly states that the test to check if a particular statement is defamatory or not will depend
upon how the right thinking members of society are likely to take it.
105. (d) The statement refers to the plaintiff, and his reputation (as a person and as an academic) would be
106. (c) Refer to these lines from the passage:
―To assist with that, independent, nonprofit sources have sprung up in this state and others, and they have
proved themselves to be critical resources for people who really want to know what's going on in the world
around them. That's especially true when it comes to politics because as community newspapers die, many
politicians will increasingly be up to no good, funneling taxpayer dollars into their own interests and lying to
trusting constituents about it.‖
From the last few lines of the above excerpt, it is clear that the death of community newspapers results in
many politicians turning a blind eye towards the need of many and they start utilizing the taxpayer‘s money to
further their cause. The above sentiment is best captured in option C and hence, it is the right answer.
Option A can‘t be inferred from the passage. Even though the author has talked about the politicians getting
greedy and utilizing the taxpayer‘s money for personal gains, the use of the phrase ―all of the politicians‖
makes it an extreme answer option. Hence, it is incorrect.

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Options B and D are incorrect because both of them commit the mistake of extending the scope of the
passage, something which is of no use as far as the passage is concerned.
107. (b) Refer to these lines from the passage:
―TDP is a private business, not a charity - and when we receive money from an advertiser or reader, that
person can be assured of getting something of value in return. But TDP, like most other papers its size, also
relies on other entities to supplement our coverage, especially when it comes to enterprise and investigative
The above excerpt clearly rules out option C because the reliance of TDP on other entities is not stated in the
context of pointing out the differences between private businesses and a charity. Hence, option C is not the
right answer.
On the other hand, option D does not find its mention anywhere in the passage and hence, it is not the right
However, the trickiest part of the question is to figure out the correct answer option from options A and B.
Both of them are almost similar and it takes a fair bit of close inspection to come up with the correct answer.
If we look at the aforementioned excerpt carefully, we can conclude that the investor always gets something
valuable in return. Here, this surety makes all the difference, and hence, the answer should be the one that
expresses this sentiment. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
108. (a) Refer to the given text to get the gist of the question:
―If truth matters to you, then so do journalism, because that's how the truth is disseminated in a manner the
average American can absorb and understand. And if it matters, so should community newspapers, and the
independent investigative groups that we rely on to do the deep work we can't always get to.‖
From the aforementioned text, it is clear that for the betterment of our society, we need to disseminate the
truth in a language that is understandable to a wider section of society. And for that, we will require every bit
of help from the community newspapers to dig out the information that is not in our grasp, without being
biased towards a particularly influential group. Hence, option A is the right answer here.
Option B unnecessarily extends the scope of the passage by talking about the newspapers fighting to preserve
the right of the oppressed. Since no such thing is mentioned in the passage, it is not the right answer.Option C
is incorrect because it is nothing more than a twisted and vaguely directed version of what is stated in the
question. It merely states the importance of more people being aware of the truth without pointing out the
reason for the same. Hence, it is not the right answer.
109. (c) Statement I is true because it is clearly stated in the passage. In the 1 st paragraph, it has been stated that
while the bigger publications like the Times and the Washington Post have thrived during the pandemic, this
has not been the case with small newspapers. Hence, it is true as per the context of the passage.
Statement II is false because it distorts the facts of the passage. In the last few lines of the 3rd paragraph, it has
been mentioned that many newspapers have already shut up shop, while the option states that the
newspapers are on the brink of closing down. Hence, it is false.
Statement III is true because, in the 3rd paragraph, it has been mentioned that TDP‘s business has not been
affected thanks to a higher degree of literacy and attention to current affairs in Cherokee County. Hence,
option C is the right answer.
110. (c) In the passage, the author has primarily talked about the importance of having community newspapers in
our lives. And as the pandemic has made matters worse for the community newspapers, the author is trying
to urge his readers to come out in favor of these small newspapers, who help us by bringing truth to the fore.
The above ideas captures a large portion of the passage, with the 3rd paragraph being the only exception.
Hence, option C is the right answer.
Option A is rejected because the deplorable condition of journalism has not been the primary subject of the
passage. Option B is incorrect because it excludes the need to focus on the revival of community newspapers.
Option D is found nowhere in the passage and hence, it is not the right answer.
111. (d) The passage states The Bering Land Bridge, or Beringia, emerged…following a gradual drop in sea level
during the Quaternary period (the last 2 million years).The passage also states archaeologists believe that
the first humans to penetrate North America used this bridge, and the presence of fish and bird fossils points
to the possibility that Beringia could have supported human communities.

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

112. (a) The first paragraph provides information about The Bering Land Bridge, or Beringia, which emerged in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas following a gradual drop in sea level during the Quaternary period (the last 2 million
years). The author then describes a thesis by stating archaeologists believe that the first humans to
penetrate North America used this bridge, migrating from northeast Asia to northwestern Canada. The
author supports this claim by noting the presence of fish and bird fossils points to the possibility that
Beringia could have supported human communities.
113. (d) The first sentence of paragraph states Archaeologists believe that the first humans to penetrate North
America used this bridge, migrating from northeast Asia to northwestern Canada. If they were the first
humans to penetrate North America, it is proof that there were not others before, and the bridge did
not exist until after the Quaternary period.
114. (a) Iron piece could only be found if humans resided during that period, hence choice a clearly supports the
argument presented in the last line of the passage.
115. (c) Since it‘s mentioned that grasslands and vegetation existed in the second paragraph, clearly which isn‘t
possible if the land is glaciated.
116. (b) it is not mentioned anywhere in the passage directly. Assad may be Shia but we do not know for sure from
the passage and also the Sunni-Shia conflict is not the single major reason for civil war
117. (d) Nowhere is mentioned anything about U.S aid, so cannot be drawn
118. (c) We need to look at the following lines to come to the conclusion.
"Even global warming has been claimed to have played a role in sparking the 2011 uprising. A severe drought
plagued Syria from 2007-10, spurring as many as 1.5 million people to migrate from the countryside into cities,
which exacerbated poverty and social unrest."
Since Global warming is claimed to have played a role in sparking the uprising, we can't say with certainty that
global warming has played a role in the riots. It can also be the fact that global warming has not played any role
in the uprising. Hence, the given inference can't be verified from the data given and hence, option C is the
right answer.
119. (d) Other ways to instil peace rather than killing civilians is available
120. (a) Opening sentence of passage and general gist points to this.
121. (c) It is clearly said that whenever the passage of energy between yin and yang is choked, the body falls ill.
Conversely, when there is no blockage, the body is in perfect health. Hence C is the answer. In option A
there is mention of a significant problem like Cancer which will not be manifest as energy blockages. But this
cannot be assumed. Neither can we think that mental ailments or physical injury do not manifest in ch'i. C is
the answer.
122. (d) In the passage, it is given that when the path of yin and yang energy is choked, illness results which can be
set right by poking needles. But if a person becomes ok without resorting to any healing technique, it cannot
be said that i) yin/yang and meridian points exits or ii) yin/yang and meridian points do not exist. Also to say
that problems can only be solved by manipulating the acupuncture points is not right. It is one of the methods
of healing. Hence D is our answer.
123. (a) Blocks in the flow of yin and yang cause ailments and the Acupuncturist felt his patients pulse and found the
block. This means that by reading a person's pulse, one should be able to see the block in a body. Option A is
right. The story about the diagnostic report cannot be found in the statement, and hence B cannot be
inferred. It is given in the passage that the patient was healed, but it cannot be said that the cure was
immediate and hence C is out of the reckoning. The passage or the statement do not mention about trust.
Thus A is the answer.
124. (c) The ancient Chinese system is based on the concept of yin and yang and ch'I and meridian points. These
are subtle phenomena, and an instrument like an X-ray machine cannot detect either the meridian points or
the flow of energy. Instruments have to be very sensitive to identify these subtle realities. Hence Options I and
II are out. III tells us that the Chinese medicine is pure bull stuff. But based on the facts given this cannot be
concluded. We need to know how correct the diagnosis is, how effective the Chinese medicine is to conclude.
Hence C is our answer.

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

125. (b) Chinese medicine talks about yin and yang and ch‘I and meridian points. When two different experts in
Chinese medicine diagnose the same way (problem with lung meridian) it can be concluded that feeling the
pulse is not a subjective endeavor. And after diagnosis, the doctors can cure, and it adds weight to the
126. (d) Moral rights are personal legal rights belonging to the creator of copyright works and not be transferred,
assigned or sold.
127. (c) Moral rights are personal legal rights belonging to the creator of copyright works and not be transferred,
assigned or sold. The author of a work has the right to claim authorship of the work.
128. (d) Moral rights rest with the author and not the publisher or the acquirer of the copyright.
129. (b) Moral rights rest with the author and not the publisher or the acquirer of the copyright.
130. (c) Moral rights of the author contain paternity rights, integrity rights and a general right to not be falsely
attributed with a work either.
131. (c) Only options II & III can be correctly inferred about 'visitors' from the passage. The reasons are as follows:
I: The passage describes the photos as "a mnemonic device‖ which means that the photos are just an archive
of their visit to the museum, nothing else.
II: Visitors are described as ―decidedly heterogeneous‖, which indicates that the visitors were most certainly
not of the same kind, instead a mixture of people.
III: ―...though discouraged to touch the art, some invariably want to feel its texture.‖ This tells us that there is
always someone who doesn't care about the 'no-touch' policy and will try to touch the art.
Hence, the correct answer is C.
132. (d) All the given viewpoints can be correctly inferred from the second paragraph. The reasons are as follows:
I: The author describes museums as ―a vibrant space‖ when it is occupied by visitors. The visitors are also said
to assist the museum to reach its objective.
II: The author states that ―There are a variety of ways of seeing and responding to art…‖ but only elaborates
on instances that use photography as a medium. Clearly, the author has a preference of medium i.e.,
photography as a medium.
III: The author describes the visitors taking photographs with the art as a 'performance', which is an art. Thus,
the process of interaction becomes an art.
Hence, the correct answer D.
133. (a) The sentence before the quote says, "...if you look long enough, /eventually/ you will be able to see me.‖
This sets up the idea that a photograph provides an image of the subject to be looked at. Since, the subject of
the photo is frozen in time, we can study them for as long as we want. This allows us to have an outsider's
point of view as the photo remains the same, while we grow and change. Hence, the correct answer is A.
134. (d) The paragraph gives us details on how the visitors engage with the art. Nowhere does it mention that art
is incomplete, without the visitors. The first line ―All art objects at a museum await the participation of its
visitors‖ hints at art needing its visitors. Whether their absence can be used to label the art as incomplete is
not specified. The given inference is probably false. Hence, the correct answer is D.
135. (b) The sentence says that the individuals use their own creativity to consume art. The methods are so vast
and myriad in nature that not even the creator could comprehend them. This is the complete opposite of
what sentence B states. Hence, the correct answer is B.

Solutions for Questions 136 to 140:

Total number of employees =
Number of male employees =
Number of female employees =
No. of male employees in sales department =
No of females in HR department =
No of males in HR department =

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

No of males in IT department =
Number of males in Marketing department = ( )
No of females in IT department =
No of females in sales department =
No of females in Marketing department = ( ) .
136. (d)
Total number of employees in marketing department =
137. (a)
Required ratio =
138. (b)
Required percentage =
139. (c)
Number of employees in Sales =
Number of employees in IT =
Required difference =
140. (c)
Required percentage =

Solutions for Questions 141 to 145:

Total number of students =
Number of boys =
Number of girls =
Number of boys enrolled in Painting =
Number of students enrolled in Athletics =
Number of girls enrolled in Athletics =
Number of boys enrolled in Athletics =
Number of boys enrolled in Debating =
Number of girls enrolled in Dancing =
Number of students enrolled in Painting =
Number of girls enrolled in painting =
Number of boys enrolled in Singing and Dancing together = ( )
Number of boys enrolled in singing =
Number of girls enrolled in singing =
Number of boys enrolled in dancing =
Number of girls enrolled in debating = ( )

141. (b)
Difference in the number of boys and girls who are enrolled in Dancing = ( )
So, reqd. percentage =
142. (d)

CLAT 03 (2022 – 23) Solutions

Required percentage =
143. (b)
Required ratio = .
144. (c)
Required percentage =
145. (a)
Required ratio =

Solutions for Questions 146 to 150:

Let % people eat Malai Kofta
( ) people eat Tadka Daal
( )
Given .

146. (b)
% of people ordering Tadka Daal =
% of people ordering Malai Kofta =
 Difference =
147. (c)
Number of people Monkey Bells =
148. (c)
Number of people ordering P.B.M in Paprika is given by

149. (d)
Number of people eating C.B.M =
Number of people eating Monkey bells and ordering Malai Kofta =
Required ratio =
150. (d)
Number of people ordering P.B.M in peprika is given by

 Total Revenue =


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