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Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups

in the Boston Region: Factors

Differentiating High-Growth
John H. Friar
Ventures from Micro-Ventures Marc H. Meyer

ABSTRACT. The use of entrepreneurship to stimulate Introduction

economic growth in lagging regions of the world has grown
over the last decade. The type of business needed for job Entrepreneurship has been shown to be a signifi-
creation is a new venture rather than a micro-business. The cant engine of job creation and economic growth.
experience of a major program in the U.S., empowerment In the U.S., studies have shown that 90% of
zones, has failed to produce many jobs, mostly because the
program has stimulated micro-businesses rather than growth
new jobs come from small firms (Allen, 1999).
ventures. This paper analyzed the factors differentiating Cross-country studies of economic growth have
between the formation of high-growth ventures and micro shown that much of the difference in the growth
businesses, and discussed how these factors may best influ- rates is due to entrepreneurial activity (Global
ence the activities of organizations that either nurture ventures Entrepreneurship Monitor, 1999). Because of
or create government policies for regional development. The
data consisted of ninety business plans submitted to a business
such findings entrepreneurship has emerged as
plan competition in Boston. The results showed that founders a key policy tool for regional development,
of high-growth ventures have work experience or advanced economic growth, and job creation (Laukkanen,
training in their technologies, and teams rather than individ- 2000; Rosa et al., 1996). This has led to a
uals created the plans. The results suggest that a combination change in regional policy: from a redistributive
of exogenous and endogenous approaches may be needed to
stimulate a lagging region’s economic growth.
exogenous approach to one of endogenous devel-
opment of regional capabilities. In other words,
the primary aim has shifted to promoting genera-
tive rather than competitive growth (Maillat,
1998). This shift has changed the focus to local
economies, as a country’s economic growth is
considered to be the sum of the local economies’
growths rather than the local economy being
Final version accepted on August 15, 2001
totally dependent on the national, exogenous
John H. Friar growth. Over the past decade, therefore, there has
Executive Professor been a strong emphasis on the analysis of local
Center for Technological Entrepreneurship economic development and the improvement of
Northeastern University the local milieu for entrepreneurship (Ritsila,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
U.S.A. 1999).
E-mail: Three activities have been identified as policies
to improve a local milieu for economic develop-
Marc H. Meyer ment (Maillat, 1998):
Sarmanian Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies
Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts 02115 1. Stimulate the generation of entrepreneurs
U.S.A. 2. Stimulate the creation of networks
E-mail: 3. Perform R&D to stimulate new technology

Small Business Economics 21: 145–152, 2003.

 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
146 John H. Friar and Marc H. Meyer

An example of the first activity’s use in micro-businesses are being created, they have
regional policy in the United States is the devel- provided minimal increased employment. A
opment of empowerment zones in 1994 by the typical example of a new empowerment zone
Clinton Administration. A major goal of empow- startup is the “Bubble Laundromat” (Stringer,
erment zones is to make the local populace of an 1998). Started by two entrepreneurs, the laun-
economically lagging part of the country more dromat consists of 20 self-operating washers
entrepreneurial. These zones, typically in urban and dryers. The entrepreneurs and their family
settings, are defined as areas that suffer from members, who are not residents of the empower-
chronic unemployment and lack investment by the ment zone, work at the store. Instead of vital
private sector. Incentives to start businesses in services, less capital-intensive micro-businesses
these areas include tax breaks, guaranteed loans, are being formed, such as franchised fast food
and worker training. The hope is that increased restaurants. It is questionable how many subma-
entrepreneurial activity will stimulate economic rine sandwich shops Detroit’s empowerment zone
growth by providing both increased employment can support. In any event, these fast food restau-
and needed goods and services. The programs rants will provide only a limited number of low
were initially instituted in six areas in the U.S. paying, non-skilled jobs, which runs counter to the
with great fanfare and optimism. Although no aims of the empowerment zone.
study has been done on the Boston empowerment
zone, the administrators of the program feel that
their experience has been similar to the other
zones. Reports on the programs in other zones, This paper explores the factors differentiating
however, have begun to question their effective- between the formation of high-growth ventures
ness, especially in being able to start new busi- and low growth micro-businesses, and discusses
nesses. how these factors may best influence the activities
A review of the program in Los Angeles after of organizations that either nurture ventures or
4 years found that the program continues to fall create government policies for regional develop-
short on its core mandate to create jobs because ment. To do this, we examined those ventures that
the recipients of the program benefits were not have been developed within a particular entrepre-
creating jobs (Romney, 1999). The program has neurship center at a major urban university in one
financed businesses that could not receive other of the world’s leading entrepreneurial environ-
sources of funding. Not only have these businesses ments: Boston, Massachusetts.
failed to create jobs, they have a default rate of At issue for the authors is what type of busi-
32% on the loans. nesses one would like to see started to substan-
In Cleveland, $26.2 million in loans and grants tively fuel new economic development. We, and
have led to the creation of 322 jobs in the empow- others, categorize startups roughly into two types:
erment zone (Ford, 1999). The creation of 300 the micro-business and the high-growth venture
jobs is considered to be negligible and the pace (Allen, 1999).
of progress is being questioned, especially during
a time of unprecedented regional prosperity. In • A micro-business is independently owned and
Detroit, the program was supposed to have operated, does not dominate either its local or
launched 100 businesses by creating a “One Stop national field, and tends not to engage in
Capital Shop” (Dixon, 2000). Instead, the program innovative practices (Hunger and Wheelen,
is bankrupt, having spent $1.2 million with no 1998). A micro-business is generally started to
companies started within the zone and six started generate an income for the owner or the family.
outside of the zone. It tends to remain relatively small, with fewer
Further details on the Detroit empowerment than 25 employees.
zone can shed some light on the mixed results • A high-growth venture, on the other hand, has
from these programs. Needed service companies, the primary goals of profitability and growth.
such as supermarkets and drug stores, are not Its management uses innovative strategic prac-
moving into the zone (Dixon, 2000). While some tices. The entrepreneurial venture creates value
Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups in the Boston Region 147

through innovation, through bringing new jobs in the growth of the economy and jobs in the
to the economy that do not merely draw from Massachusetts area.
other businesses currently existing, and through The Center has four main functions: to provide
finding unserved niches in the market (Allen, entrepreneurship education at the undergraduate,
1999). graduate, and community levels; to provide con-
sulting help to entrepreneurs; to provide seed
While micro-businesses are important, the money for startups; and to create networks for
implicit assumption for regional policy is that entrepreneurs to find money, professional services,
innovation is required to generate economic personnel, and business/technical contacts. The
growth (See for example Maillat, 1998 and Center runs a business plan competition each year.
Landabaso, 1997). The type of businesses that Students are trained in entrepreneurship courses
one seeks for job creation and economic growth, on how to write a business plan, raise money, put
therefore, are high-growth ventures. Part of together a team, and run a startup business. From
the difficulty with the empowerment zone these courses, approximately 200 business plans
experience is that it has resulted in the develop- are generated a year. Through several screening
ment of some micro-businesses or the moving of processes, the plans are whittled to the best 20 to
existing jobs. It has not resulted in the creation enter the competition each year. An outside panel
of high-growth ventures needed to stimulate of venture capitalists and successful entrepreneurs
economic growth. As a Boston empowerment zone evaluates the plans and awards the money. Plans
administrator observed while wishing to remain that are attempting to create new high-growth
anonymous, “We have received many plans ventures rather than micro-businesses are pre-
for starting beauty salons but no real business ferred by the judges, just as the judges would
plans.” seek in investing their own funds. Guidelines for
The results of the empowerment zone experi- judging a new venture are: how large is the
ment are not too dissimilar from the experiences company likely to become, how many people will
of the Northeastern University Entrepreneurship it employ, and how likely is the company to go
Center Business Plan Competition. Our general through multiple rounds of financing and a
feeling has been that we have helped generate possible initial public offering. Winners of the
a number of sustainable micro-businesses but few competition split an award package of $60,000
high-growth ventures. We analyzed the results of plus the in-kind services of several professional
the first four years of the competition, therefore, organizations such as legal and accounting firms.
to find key differentiating factors between high- All semi-finalists are exposed to a dozen investors
growth ventures and the more micro-businesses. who are connected with the competition in order
to generate deal flow.
Within an already rich milieu of entrepreneur-
The Entrepreneurship Center
ship, therefore, the Business Plan Competition
The purpose of the Entrepreneurship Center is is attempting to facilitate the creation of even
to facilitate the creation of new businesses by more new high-growth ventures rather than micro-
members of the university community – students, businesses. The Center is providing training, fos-
faculty, staff, and alumni. Northeastern University tering an environment of entrepreneurship, and is
already has a rich innovative milieu because of the making available a significant amount of resources
research productivity of its engineering and for entrepreneurs through its own resources and
biotechnology faculty. Associated with that is the through its network. The activities of the Center,
entrepreneurial productivity of the Northeastern therefore, mirror the recommendations of Maillat
University community – NU is second in the in the policies that should be created for economic
Boston area only to MIT in the number of com- development. The results of the first four years of
panies started by alumni, and NU alumni have our activities offer some insights into issues
started three of the five leading companies related to entrepreneurship and economic devel-
in Massachusetts (Roberts, 1991; Wiseman, opment.
1999). Northeastern is playing an important part
148 John H. Friar and Marc H. Meyer

The data: Four years of high-growth ventures strong relationship between industry experience
and micro-businesses and team formation (p = 0.09). An inference from
this finding is that people who have experience
The data used for this analysis come from the 90
working in companies realize earlier that one
plans that have survived into the semifinal rounds
person alone cannot do everything required by
of the annual business plan competition over the
new venture. They therefore seek team members
past four years. External judges have evaluated
from the beginning.
these plans as to their potential to create new high-
As a further screen, we examined those plans
growth ventures if properly funded. These judges
that became “finalists” in our competition,
are venture capitalists and successful entrepre-
receiving financial and other types of rewards in
neurs primarily from the Boston area. Multiple
the annual competitions. These “winners” pos-
judges review each plan submitted to the compe-
sessed a strong balance between marketing and
tition. Part of the judges’ task is to assess each
technology, as well as reasonable business models.
business plan for the reasonable probability of
For example, one of the sample ventures has
eventually becoming a high-growth venture, for
created a financial services marketing “ASP” for
it is these firms that are most likely to receive
independent mortgage brokers. Its founding team
successive rounds of funding, to draw the best
included two successful mortgage brokers and a
local managerial talent, and to make the largest
highly experienced systems architect. Another
long-term impact in their respective industries.
venture distributes specialized accessories to
“Finalists” in the competition have tended to be
farriers in the United States, and comprised a
technology-intensive companies.
founding team of both international class horse-
There were 90 business plans in the sample. 52
back riders and marketers with strong industrial
of these were deemed by the judging panels as
sales experience. Yet a third venture is a Web
most likely to remain as micro-businesses. 38 were
based distribution portal for independent film pro-
deemed to have the reasonable potential to initiate
ducers. The founders of this venture included an
and prosper as high-growth ventures.
engineering manager from a leading film editing
We found two key factors: the founders of the systems manufacturer and a distribution manager
high-growth venture plans had significant work from an automotive supplies company.
experience and/or advanced training in their The strengths demonstrated by these and other
industries/technologies (p < 0.001). Second, successful founders were attributable to their
business plans for new high-growth ventures were tendency to work in teams and their industry expe-
submitted predominantly by teams of people versus rience. More specifically, the winners had cross-
individuals (p < 0.001). functional experience within the founding team.
Gender appeared to have no impact of these
Figure 1 shows both of these results in the form findings: female entrepreneurs have led five of the
of contingency tables and statistical tests. In the twelve “winning” teams over the past four years.
first test, the semi-finalists for all four years
were categorized as either high-growth venture
or micro-business, and then examined for the
presence of a founding team or a single individual Where have our students and alumni derived the
founder. The second was similar. The judges’ best high-growth venture ideas? Roberts (1991)
high-growth versus micro-business categorization and Allen (1999) suggest that entrepreneurs’
was compared to the specific industry experience personal experiences are the rock-bed for new
of the founders, gleaned from the plans by exam- ventures. Our data have been consistent with this
ining the resumes and other related material con- finding. For example, entrepreneurs who are
tained in the plans. Figure 1 shows the solid currently students tend to write plans for student-
statistical significance of both results. focused needs and issues – Web sites for night-
We also examined whether founders with clubs, for book exchanges, or, in the case of one
industry experience were also more likely to form of our more notorious Northeastern students,
teams. The third test shown in Figure 1 shows a swapping royalty-free MP3 music clips. Our best
Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups in the Boston Region 149

Figure 1. Analyses of factors associated with plan categorization four years of business plans.

plans, however, have come from people who have Roberts (1991) found that the probability of
experience working in an industry or from faculty success for new ventures was strongly associated
who are performing directed research for an with teams of 2 or 3 individuals, each of whom
industry and then come up with an idea for that represented different skill sets (engineering versus
industry. sales and business), and who collectively had sub-
Our team-related findings are also directly con- stantial work experience in the industries targeted
sistent with prior research. Utterback et al. (1988) by their respective startups. In addition to robust
studied sixty Swedish innovative startups. They technologies and value-added products, the “super
found that two-thirds of the fast growing firms successful” firms in Roberts sample had a clear
were formed by teams of founders (as opposed to market orientation, focusing their sales on
individuals), the majority of whom were in their growth markets and the development of strong
30’s and had substantial work experience prior to channels.
startup. It was found that “having little diversity Building experienced management teams with
of management skills, in this case meaning only expertise across the various functions required in
technical and design skills, almost guarantees that a venture continues to be a major emphasis of suc-
the firm will grow slowly” (p. 19). cessful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Our
150 John H. Friar and Marc H. Meyer

research would suggest, however, that even to for the development of high-growth ventures –
come up with a good plan the team must be in have directly influenced our own approach to nur-
place. turing entrepreneurs.
These findings pose a dilemma for those trying Clustering of related companies is common-
to use entrepreneurship as a vehicle for regional place. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, Boston had
growth. Providing resources and training to a a clustering of minicomputer companies. Today,
group of people will help them become more Boston prospers with its telecommunication and
entrepreneurial, but their efforts are likely best biotech startups. In another study we are doing,
applied to industries where they collectively we found that Providence, Rhode Island has a
already possess substantial work experience. If clustering of jewelry manufacturers (515 busi-
they have no industry experience, the entrepre- nesses) while an hour away in Boston there are
neurial team will tend to form business ideas from only 15 such businesses. Other researchers, such
what they have experienced as consumers. That as Porter (1998), have reported clusterings of busi-
is one reason why the empowerment zone nesses of the same type in a region.
programs have generated beauty salons, laundro- Clustering of companies also suggests greater
mats, and sandwich shops, but few new, high- opportunity to develop forums, associations, and
growth ventures. Likewise, if people need industry events of a local nature to encourage and
experience, then one might expect to see a clus- nurture networking between fellow entrepreneurs.
tering of new businesses within a region from the Within the Boston area, there are a number of
same industry. examples, such as several major universities
The other issue for regional development is that host annual business plan competitions as well as
most of the programs have been directed to indi- more frequent entrepreneurial forums. Industry
viduals; i.e., to train and help individuals start groups also sponsor networking activities. The
businesses. Our findings would suggest that more Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, the
effort go into helping teams of people become Massachusetts Software Council, and the Route
entrepreneurs, and that these teams contain indi- 128 Ventures Forum are but a few of the many
viduals with complementary skills. Most entre- organizations that host conferences and meetings
preneurship programs assume that the teams can for entrepreneurs and investors.
be formed as the business develops, but that may Building upon regional technology strengths is
have to be rethought to bringing a couple of people a key policy implication that we recommend. A
together from the very beginning. For example, good ex-ante indicator of what types of businesses
at the Northeastern center, we target students and will be generated by providing resources and
alumni who have specific industry experience, as training to potential entrepreneurs is the industrial
opposed simply to students with general entre- base that is already present in a region. A region
preneurial interest and desire. We also seek to that already has a technology base and an indus-
place faculty members performing directed trial base will generate more businesses of that
research for industry on entrepreneurial teams, type if entrepreneurial resources are provided. On
ideally coupled with individuals with sales and the other hand, an area with little industry skill
marketing experience in related industries. We base is not likely to generate many new high-
place our strongest emphases on understanding the growth ventures. This explains the experiences of
market place and forming diverse teams, and the empowerment zones. The locals have started
attack these issues right from the very beginning. small companies that have employed some family
Instead of looking for individuals to come up with members but have created few jobs. The compa-
good business plans, we are now suggesting that nies that have created some jobs have mostly
teams come up with the plans. Also, instead of moved in from outside of the region. But this
relying just on projections of market growth easily brings us back to an exogenous approach rather
procured on the Internet, we force students to talk than an endogenous growth approach.
to customers to learn specific needs and frustra- What may be required in areas that are lagging
tions. The findings reported here – the importance economically because of an underdeveloped indus-
of cross-functional teams and industry experience trial base is a combination of both exogenous
Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups in the Boston Region 151

and endogenous approaches. An example of a Massachusetts. Large computer companies, such

combined approach is the experience of Ireland. as Apple, Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems,
On a recent trip to Ireland, we saw a burgeoning and Digital Equipment Corporation, served as
high-tech industry formed within the context of an applied learning environments for technical grad-
economy traditionally beset with underdevelop- uates. Significant numbers of these then left their
ment, joblessness, and other economic and social corporate employers, only to build products and
woes. Those familiar with the Irish situation will provide services to sell directly back into their
point to two key factors underpinning growth former employers. The same factors are also at
(Industrial Policy Review Group, 1992): play in new centers of entrepreneurship in
the United States, such as Austin, where the
• National economic tax policy to lure large
University of Texas, large corporations such as
technology-intensive multinationals to build
Compaq, Dell, and IBM (RISC6000), and venture
manufacturing centers for the European market
firms have all combined to help educate, fund, and
in Ireland.
buy products from technological entrepreneurs.
• An aggressive government-supported educa-
tional initiative at the university level to
produce substantial numbers of highly trained
engineers to work in these manufacturing plants References
and design enhancements for products and
systems necessary for the European market. Allen, K. R., 1999, Launching New Ventures: An
Entrepreneurial Approach, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Within Dublin alone, one can find excellent Dixon, J., 2000, ‘Residents in Detroit’s Empowerment
technical programs at Trinity, University Zone See No Progress in 5 Years’, Detroit Free Press,
College Dublin, and Dublin City University. January 17.
Ford, T., 1999, ‘Empowerment Zone Yields Benefits in Early
With the stage set as such, it was perhaps Life: Some Say Slide in Economy May Change Picture’,
inevitable that Irish entrepreneurs would start Crain’s Cleveland Business, April 12, 3.
companies to supply software, design services, and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 1999, Analysis of
other forms of support to the locally situated Ten Countries Quantifies Economic Impact of
multinationals. Many of these entrepreneurs have Gray, M. J., 1999, ‘Blimpie Hunts for Franchisees That Can
first worked for the multinational, learned its Make Tasty Subs: Urban Initiative Waives an $18,000
products, services, and management, and are Franchise Fee’, The Detroit News, April 11, S3.
thereafter well suited to make the former employer Hunger, J. D. and T. L. Wheelen, 1998, Strategic
an industrial customer. With this first wave of Management, Menlo Park: Addison Wesley.
Industrial Policy Review Group, 1992, A Time for Change:
sales in hand, the Irish venture could then look to Industrial Policy for the 1990s, Dublin: Ministry for
other markets beyond the local multinational oper- Industry and Commerce.
ation, including high-tech customers on the con- Landabaso, M., 1997, ‘The Promotion of Innovation in
tinent and increasingly, in the United States. Regional Policy: Proposals for Regional Innovation
Once the high-tech entrepreneur achieves initial Strategy’, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 9,
success, it is equally inevitable in this day and age Laukkanen, M., 2000, ‘Exploring Alternative Approaches
that venture money will soon find that entrepre- in High-level Entrepreneurship Education: Creating
neur and seek a partnership to first expand, and Micro-mechanisms for Endogenous Regional Growth’,
then, create wealth through stock offerings or Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 12, 25–47.
acquisition. Maillat, D., 1998, ‘Innovative Milieux and New Generations
of Regional Policies’, Entrepreneurship and Regional
However, a process such as the one described Development 10, 1–16.
above takes time. People often forget that in the Porter, M., 1998, Competitive Advantage of Nations, New
United States, the development of the high-tech York: Simon & Schuster.
entrepreneurial phenomenon really took hold Ritsila, J. J., 1999, ‘Regional Differences in Environments for
during the 1970s, and was still arguably in its Enterprises’, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
11, 187–202.
formative stages during the first part of the Roberts, E., 1991, Entrepreneurs in High-Technology: Lessons
1980s. The educational infrastructure for science from MIT and Beyond, New York: Oxford University
and engineering was strong in California and Press.
152 John H. Friar and Marc H. Meyer

Romney, L., 1999, ‘HUD Criticizes L.A. Over Community Utterback, J., M. Meyer, E. Roberts and G. Reitberger, 1988,
Bank’, Los Angeles Times, November 5, C1. ‘Technology and Industrial Innovation in Sweden: A Study
Rosa, P., M. G. Scott and H. Klandt (eds.), 1996, Educating of Technology-based Firms Formed between 1965 and
Entrepreneurs in Modernising Economies, Ipswich: 1980’, Research Policy 17, 15–26.
Avebury. Wiseman, F. and P. Bolster, 1999 ‘Annual Survey of
Stringer, K., 1998, ‘Two Friends Hope to Clean Up in Detroit Massachusetts Companies’, Boston Herald.
Empowerment Zone’, The Detroit News, December 1,

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