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Character Classes of ansalon

When the gods gave life to the stars—the sparks from Reorx’s mariners have the combat prowess of warriors.
forge—they established destinies for their new folk. Some
were born to be warriors like the war-god Kiri-Jolith. Others Wizards
were destined to be wizards, following the paths of Solinari,
Nuitari, and Lunitari. Still others would become priests in the Wizards practice the arts of magic. They avoid physical com-
line of Majere or rogues in the style of Branchala. Descrip- bat, relying on spells for defensive and offensive measures.
tions of these character classes follow.
Wizards of High Sorcery: These wiz-
Overview of Character Classes ards submit themselves to the three or-
ders of magic on Krynn. Wizards of the
The following text quickly reviews the character classes of White Robe use good magic, those of the
Krynn. Following this summary is a list of class and race com- Red Robe use neutral magic, and those
binations and a description of each major character class. of the Black Robe use evil magic. These
Orders of High Sorcery cooperate to
Warriors control all magic on Krynn.
Warriors study and master the arts of corn bat. Some do battle
Mages (Renegades): Wizards who
for sake of honor, some for gods, and some for money.
refuse to submit to the Orders of High
Sorcery are called mages by common
folk, but renegades by wizards of High
Sorcery. Renegades are hunted down by
wizards of High Sorcery and command-
ed to join an order or die. Renegades
may be specialist wizards.

Fighters: These warriors specialize in the use of armor and
weaponry. They commonly serve as sell-swords (merce- Priests devote their lives to worshipping and serving gods,
naries). whether Good, Neutral, or Evil and whether false or true.
Paladins: Paladins are holy warriors who promote the
cause of good. They serve a Good god, righting wrongs and Holy Orders of the Stars: Priests who
punishing the perpetrators of evil. worship a true god of Krynn—Good,
Neutral, or Evil-belong to that god’s Ho-
ly Order of the Stars. The god bestows
spells, blessings, and granted powers
from his or her sphere of influence. Each
of the three ethoses has six gods (exclud-
ing the gods of magic), resulting in 18
gods and 18 holy orders.

Rangers: Rangers master wilderness survival and travel Heathen Priests: A heathen priest wor-
They guard those who dwell outside of cities and travel the ships a false god or one that does not ex-
length and breadth of Ansalon. Most human rangers come ist on Krynn. Druids from other worlds
from Nordmaar and the plains around Tarsis and Abanasinia. are also heathens because they know
Elven rangers roam Silvanesti and Qualinesti. nothing of Krynn’s gods of nature—
Knights of Solamnia: Solamnic Knights champion the Chislev and Habbakuk. Heathen priests
cause of justice and honor. They follow a strict code of honor are wandering sages with no divine
called the Oath and the Measure, which they enforce with power.
their very lives. Three distinct orders form the Solamnic
Knights: Knights of the Crown, Knights of the Sword, and Rogues
Knights of the Rose.
Rogues live on the fringe of society. They make their liveli-
hoods in ways that are either illegal or frowned upon. Most
rogues are jacks-of-all-trade, but masters of none.

Thieves: Thieves steals from any

tempting target, though they are usually
loyal to friends. Though some worlds
recognize thieves as a fact of life, most
Barbarians: These savages live close to nature. Formidable Ansalonian societies condemn and se-
warriors, barbarians in Ansalon come from the northern verely punish thievery. If any thieves’
reaches of Ergoth and the badlands of Khur. guilds exist on Ansalon, they are strictly
Cavaliers: These chivalrous warriors loyally serve one illegal and pursued by dogged officials.
ruler. They excel in honorable combat and horsemanship.
Cavaliers may be candidates for the Knights of Solamnia. Bards: Bards are wandering minstrels with minor thieving
Mariners: Mariners are sailors and pirates of the high seas. abilities. They tell and collect stories and songs, many of
In addition to nautical proficiencies and some rogue abilities, which center on the War of the Lance.

Racial Croup Char. Class Class Subgroup level limit
Handlers: Handlers are kender Dwarf, Hill Warrior Fighter —
rogues. They thieve not because of greed Barbarian —
but because of insatiable curiosity. Han- Ranger 8
dlers always choose pretty and interest- Priest Holy Orders 10
ing items over those that are costly or Rogue Thief 13
Dwarf, Mountain Warrior Fighter —
practical. They sometimes leave some-
Cavalier 15
thing behind in exchange for purloined
Priest Holy Orders 10
items. Rogue Thief 9
Con Artists/Prestidigitators: These rogues are sleight-of- Dwarf, Gully Warrior Fighter 6
hand experts, proficient in many scams. Barbarian 7
Priest Holy Orders 5
Normal folk Rogue Thief 8
Elf: Dimernesti Warrior Fighter 16'
Normal folk are people who do not fit into the four estab- Cavalier 10’
lished character classes. Wizard High Sorcerer 10’
Priest Holy Orders —
Elf: Kagonesti Warrior Fighter 12
Tinkers: Tinkers are gnomes who love
Barbarian 12
to design and construct machines. Each Ranger 15
tinker belongs to a guild that specializes Priest Holy Orders 12
in a particular branch of technology. Rogue Thief 12
These technologies are incomprehensi- Bard 7
ble to most intelligent, non-gnomish folk. Elf: Qualinesti Warrior Fighter 14
Often, tinkers’ industry far exceeds their Ranger —
Wizard High Sorcerer —
skill, producing complex and worthless
Mage (Renegade) 11
machines. —
Priest Holy Orders
Rogue Thief 12
Commoners: The bulk of Ansalon’s Bard —
population avoids the dangerous life of Elf: Silvanesti Warrior Fighter 12
adventuring. Still, some commoners get Paladin 12
embroiled in adventures or even wars. Ranger —
Commoners are generally farmers or Wizard High Sorcerer —
Priest Holy Orders —
skilled tradesmen such as blacksmiths,
Rogue Bard —
innkeepers, and herbalists.
Gnome Warrior Fighter 11
Wizard Illusionist 15
Class/Race Combinations Priest Holy Orders 9
Rogue Thief 13
Some races are predisposed to certain tasks: gnomes love to —
Normal Tinker
tinker and kender love to handle. Conversely, some races
Half-Elf Warrior Fighter 14
have no interest or talent for certain tasks: gnomes do not Knight of Solamnia 10
handle and kender do not tinker. The table in the next Mariner 10
column lists the character classes available to specific races Ranger 16
and the ceiling experience level in that class. If a class is not Wizard High Sorcerer 10
listed beneath a race, the class is not available. These restric- Mage (Renegade) 12
tions update the classes for the 2nd Edition AD&D® game. Priest Holy Orders 14
Druid (heathen) 9
Priest (heathen) 14
Non-player Character Classes Rogue Thief 12
Bard —
Dungeon Masters should feel free to create NPC race and —
lrda (High Ogre) Warrior Fighter
class combinations that mesh with the general society. Com- —
mon sense is critical, though. If the players run into a kender Mariner —
Knight of Solamnia, there had better be an explanation. Paladin —

Class descriptions Wizard High Sorcerer —

Priest Holy Orders —
Rogue Thief —
The following section details the major character classes of Kender Warrior Fighter 9
Krynn that appear in the previous overview. Barbarian 10

Warrior Group Classes

Ranger 9
Priest Druid (heathen) 8
Priest (heathen) 8
Characters on Ansalon play the typical AD&D® game warrior Rogue Thief 15
classes of fighter, ranger, and paladin. The unique warrior Bard 6
classes on Ansalon are outlined following. Handler —
Minotaur Warrior Fighter —
knights of Solamnia Barbarian —
Mariner —
Before the Cataclysm, the Knights of Solamnia were the great- Wizard High Sorcerer 14
est order of chivalry ‘in Ansalon. Between the Cataclysm and Priest Holy Orders 10
the War of the Lance, the knights became reviled and scorn- The number before the slash is the maximum allowable level while on land; the
Dimernesti are unlimited in the sea. When Dimernesti above the listed level go on
ed by the people for their inability or unwillingness to combat land, their hit points, saving throws, attack rolls, and levels fall to the maximum
allowable. The reduction ends once the Dimernesti return to the water.

the Cataclysm. After the War of the Lance, the Solamnic
Knights regained their status. They sought to revive their code
of honor and apply it to the new Ansalon.

Origin and history

The Knights of Solamnia arose in the Age of Light, about three

millenia before the War of the Lance. The order of knight-
hood emerged from the ruin of the decadent Ergothian Em-
Rebellion Begins: The commander of the Ergothian Palace
Guard, Vinas Solamnus, rode from the capital city of Dalti-
goth to quell a rebellion in the northeast. Arriving at the trou-
bled spot, Vinas saw that the rebellion was justified: the
people toiled beneath the Empire’s oppressive tributes and
tyrannical laws.
Solamnus assembled his legion. In an impassioned speech
now lost to history, he detailed the imperial atrocities and an-
nounced plans to champion the people’s cause. In addition,
he promised any soldier loyal to Ergoth safe passage back to
the capital. But the warriors were moved by the people’s
plight and, risking exile or even death, most chose to stay.
In the midst of a fierce winter, Solamnus mustered his
knights and the local frontier nobles. He then launched a se-
ries of daring campaigns, which came to be called the War of
ice Tears. The rebel army doggedly pushed the imperial le-
gions back to the very gates of Daltigoth. Vinas laid siege to
the city, executing many covert raids inside the city walls.
In two months, the city fell—a revolt among the citizens of
Daltigoth forced the Emperor to sue for peace. Thus, it was
not armies but common folk who brought independence to
northeast Ergoth. The people from Hylo to the Khalkist
Mountains chose Solamnus as King, naming the country So-
lamnia in his honor. Though the nation did not become a
great power during the Age, the name Solamnia became syn-
onymous with honesty, integrity, and determination.
Quest of Honor: In 2225 PC, the Lords of the Northern
Reaches besought Solamnus for help. They, too, had thrown
off the Ergothian tyranny and wished to unite with Solamnia.
Though Vinas wanted to comply, he saw the task as impos-
sible: the ideals and customs of the nations differed markedly
or even conflicted. King Solamnus therefore launched his
Quest of Honor to find an answer to this problem. He left his
most trusted lieutenants in charge and journeyed into the wil-
Various apocryphal stories tell how Takhisis, the Dark
Queen, initiated several covert plots to topple Solamnia in
the absence of her king. Fortunately, Vinas’s lieutenants had
learned well from their king and commander and foiled each
Meanwhile, after many weeks of wilderness travel and
hardship, Solamnus sailed to Sancrist Isle. Arriving bruised
and wind-torn, he forged into the wilderness. In time, he
found a glade where a stone of black granite lay. There he
prayed and fasted to the gods of Good. After several days, the
gods Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk came to him. They
instructed Vinas to create a knighthood that would last for
generations to come. Three separate orders would be cre-
ated, each upholding a high ideal from one of the three gods.
These knights would unite the northern lands with Solamnia
and carry on Solamnus’s vision of honor and goodness.
According to some legends, Vinas then saw a vision of the fu-
ture downfall of the knights. According to others, Paladine reas-
sured Solamnus that the knights would rise as often as they were
truly needed. Some legends even report that each of the three
gods told Solamnus a great secret of wisdom, and wrote these
secrets on three tablets of black granite. The wisdom tablets are
purportedly lost, scattered about the continent.

All legends agree, though, that the gods then transformed had known of the disaster and chose not to avert it.
the stone where Solamnus prayed into a pillar of white crys- Soth’s unimpeachable honor first began to crumble when
tal. The crystal blessed and sanctified the glade, sealing the he fell in love with an elf lass, a disciple of the Kingpriest.
gods’ pact to watch over the orders of knighthood. The gods Breaking his knightly vows and his wedding vows, Soth se-
were bound to the pact unless the knights strayed from the duced the elf and brought her, pregnant, back to his keep.
narrow path of honor. Solamnus returned and established the Then he slew his barren human wife and claimed she died of
three orders of the Knights of Solamnia: the Orders of the natural causes. Soth took the elven woman as his lawful wife
Crown, the Sword, and the Rose. and the half-elven child he sired became his legal heir.
Knights of Legend: Vinas himself became the most famous The elven woman, discovering Soth’s evil, prayed for a way
Solamnic Knight, though two of his contemporaries also be- he might redeem himself. In answer to her prayer, the gods
came legends: Bedal Brightblade and Huma Dragonbane. revealed to her the impending Cataclysm. It could be averted
Bedal Brightblade single-handedly held a pass into Solam- only if Lord Soth rode to lstar and sacrificed his own life to
nia against hordes of desert nomads. His sword Brightblade stop the Kingpriest. Soth, wanting to regain his honor, even if
was of dwarven make, never rusting or losing its edge despite it meant death, rode off with his loyal knights. On the road,
heavy use. The tomb of Bedal lies buried in the southern arm Soth was confronted by a troop of elven priestesses who
of the Khalkist Mountains, its location all but lost. Legend threatened to divulge his adulteries and murder. Further, they
states that Bedal will return to aid Solamnia in its darkest claimed his elven wife was unfaithful to him.
hour. Sturm Brightblade, a knight of great honor and fame, is Desperate to guard his secrets and enraged by his wife’s al-
a distant descendant of Bedal. leged infidelities, Soth turned back from his quest. The burn-
Only one Solamnic Knight ever exceeded Vinas in virtue: ing mountain fell. Soth reached Dargaard Keep in time to
Huma Dragonbane. He led a group of heroes to destroy the watch his wife and child perish in flames. He did not lift a
Evil dragons and drive them from Solamnia. Huma’s greatest finger to save them. Instead, he walked to his burning throne
ally was a silver dragon who, in her human form, had fallen and sat there. The throne became his pyre. The fire killed the
tragically in love with the knight. During their battle with innocent—the elven woman and her son—but only trans-
Takhisis, Huma sustained a mortal wound. Some accounts formed the guilty. Soth became a death knight; his retainers
say he died where he fell; others say his death was slow and burned away to skeletal warriors; and the elven priestesses
painful, causing the agonized gods to inflict thunderstorms became banshees, eternally circling his throne and keening
across Ansalon. To this day, many Solamnians claim that his sins.
thunderstorms mark the gods’ mourning for Huma. These foul deeds blighted the name of the knighthood in a
Huma was reverently buried in a tomb shaped like a silver time when knights were needed. Soon, the Oath and the
dragon. Many who aspired to knighthood pilgrimaged to the Measure were publicly jeered. Words escalated into vio-
spot. As the world darkened, the path to the tomb became lence. Knights were foully murdered; their castles and homes
rough and overgrown. Soon, folk even questioned whether were invaded and seized; their families were slaughtered or
Huma had truly lived, or was only a legend. The location of driven into exile.
Huma’s tomb fell from memory. Centuries of heroism fell to years of panicked hatred. The
During the War of the Lance, a band of heroes found Solamnic Knights faded from view. Some forsook the road of
Huma’s tomb. There they also discovered the special metal honor and took up the simple tools of laborers. Others
used to make Dragonlances. Wanting to finally establish the roamed the countryside under false names, continuing to
truth of the Huma legends, the heroes opened the tomb. It fight evil. Others still, who could not bear to work in secret,
was empty. Had the gods of Good taken Huma’s body up to left Solamnia and settled on Sancrist. To this day, a settlement
the heavens? Had the evil dragons or even Takhisis stolen the of knights thrives there.
body? The original legend, told by the elven bard Quevalen
Soth, was now too fragmented to offer any answers. The dis- the Organization of the knighthood
covery of Huma’s tomb had only deepened the mystery.
Cataclysm and Knighthood: The Kingpriest of Istar’s mono- The ancient organization of Solamnic Knights has withstood
maniacal quest to extinguish Evil was quickly eroding the great upheavals in its 2,500-year reign. The most profound
foundation of the world—the balance between Good, Neu- tribulations occurred after the Cataclysm, when many circles
trality, and Evil. Krynn was poised on destruction. Ironically, of knighthood dwindled or disappeared and the Great
the gods could halt the destruction only through an equally Circle—the oldest established body—moved from Vingaard
destructive force. They dropped a fiery mountain onto the Keep to Whitestone Glade on the Isle of Sancrist.
capital city of Istar. The resulting devastation changed the From 2225 PC to the Cataclysm, the Knights of Solamnia
face of Ansalon and sundered her great civilizations. were ruled by the Grand Master (i.e., the Lord of Knights) and
Solamnia, though spared the worst, was overrun by evil the three High Knights. Since the Cataclysm, however, the
creatures. Beasts boiled up from beneath the earth and rav- Grand Master position has remained vacant. To fill these posi-
aged the nation. Many knights died fighting these gruesome tions, the knighthood would need to order a Grand Circle of
horrors. After years of such attacks, the people’s faith in the Knights. A Grand Circle requires at least three quarters of the
Solamnic knights dwindled, then vanished. Rumors purport- established circles of knights to send two knight representa-
ed that the knights knew of the Cataclysm in advance and tives to vote. Sadly, only 63 knightly circles are known to
refused to avert it. There was a kernel of truth to these ru- remain—not enough for a quorum. Knights are, however,
mors. presently emerging across the continent’s face and slowly re-
filling the ranks. Perhaps a new ruling council can be elected
The position of Grand Master must be filled by a High
Knight—the High Warrior, High Clerist, or High Justice. Once
elected, the Lord of Knights serves for life unless found guilty
of a breach of honor by the unanimous decision of the High
Knights. The Lord of Knights commands the High Knights,
who in turn command their respective orders of knighthood.
Lord Soth: Lord Soth, Knight of the Rose in Dargaard Keep, All three High Knights and the Grand Master must be present

for a Knightly Council, which makes all the decisions for the the Measure of knights of the Sword
knighthood. The High Warrior rules the Order of the Crown,
the High Clerist rules the Order of the Sword, and the High Knights of the Sword act as war-
Justice rules the Order of the Rose. Each order chooses its riors for the gods of Good, up-
own leader by nomination and election, independent of the holding the purest ideals of
others. heroism and courage.
Each order contains numerous geographical circles of Heroism is self-sacrificial fight
knighthood. The troubles after the Cataclysm reduced many for the cause of Good. Heroic
circles to covert cells. These cells appear throughout Ansa- deeds include strengthening
Ion, in major cities and towns where knights are despised, the weak, enriching the poor,
distrusted, or even banned outright. Cities such as Nordmaar, freeing the enslaved, exonerat-
Tarsis, and any Dragonarmy-occupied town contain covert ing the falsely accused, champi-
cells. Most knights dislike having to work secretly, but they oning the defenseless, and
endure for sake of the Oath and the Measure. Some maintain aiding fellow knights in need.
communication with the Grand Circle in Sancrist, but many Courage is readiness to die honorably in the fight for Good.
are isolated. All such cells adhere to the Oath, slaying evil Courageous acts include facing evil fearlessly, defending the
and giving aid when needed. Every day, these cells receive honor of the knighthood, defending the honor of a fellow
the pledges of new Knights of Solamnia. And every day they knight, and protecting the defenseless and weak.
grow bolder. A Knight of the Sword must surrender all personal wealth to
In other cities, knights are welcome—for the citizens know the knightly coffers (save what is needed for upkeep), pay
of Solamnic heroics in the War of the Lance. Here circles ex- homage to Kiri-Jolith and the gods of Good each day, eagerly
ist openly and are easy to find. Sancrist and the cities of So- engage evil opponents in combat (not retreating regardless of
lamnia contain numerous open circles. the enemy’s strength), protect the weak and defenseless, and
forswear use of knightly powers for unrighteous reasons.
Motto and Laws

For over 15 centuries, the knights have lived by two codes: the Measure of knights of the Rose
the Oath and the Measure. The Oath is simply “Est Sularus
oth Mithas,” which means “My Honor is My Life.” The Order of the Rose em-
The Measure is a voluminous set of laws that defines the braces honor guided by justice
term honor. The full measure is detailed in the writings of and wisdom.
Vinas Solamnus and his successors—a library of 37 large vol- Honor is allegiance to one’s
umes. Oath to defend the cause of
Obedience to the spirit of these laws is the chief goal of Good. Honorable deeds in-
knighthood. During the War of the Lance, the Solamnic clude sacrificing oneself for the
Knights forgot the spirit of the Measure and clung to the un- sake of others, refusing to sur-
feeling letter of the law. In time and at great cost, the knights render to or ally with an evil
learned that honor lies in the heart of each knight, not in a set foe, defending the knighthood
of dusty books. This realization points to a brighter future for to the death, protecting the
the Knights of Solamnia. lives of fellow knights, and liv-
A summary of the Measure for each order follows. ing true to the Oath in all matters.
Justice is the heart of the Measure and the soul of a Rose
the Measure of knights of the Crown Knight: to render to everyone—creature, person, or god—his
or her due. Just acts include aiding those who are less fortu-
nate, donating all wealth to the knightly coffers (except what
Loyalty and obedience epito-
is needed for personal or parochial upkeep), worshipping
mize the Knights of the Crown.
and obeying Paladine and the gods of Good, fighting injustice
Loyalty is unquestioning
with courage and commitment, and seeing that no life is
faithfulness to the cause of a
wasted or sacrificed in vain.
higher power. Knights of the
Crown view loyalty as a tribute Wisdom is the prudent use of one’s abilities and resources
to uphold honor and render justice.
to be justly and voluntarily ren-
dered. The Order of the Crown
is loyal to the order’s founding Becoming a knight of Solamnia
god Habbakuk, to those who Becoming a Crown Knight: All who wish to become Solam-
suffer under evil’s weight, and nic Knights must first enter the knighthood as squires of the
to rulers who, by decree of the Knights of the Crown, regardless of which order the knight
Knightly Council, deserve the knights’ loyalty and protection. intends to eventually join.
Only rulers who follow the tenets of Good are deserving— Candidates for Solamnic Knighthood must be sponsored
politics does not sway this decision. The list of approved byan established knight (at least 5th level). The sponsor must
rulers is called the List of Loyalty. be in good standing with one of the three orders. After the
Obedience is the practical manifestation of loyalty. A candidates are presented to a Knightly Council, they vow al-
Knight of the Crown must unquestioningly obey those on the legiance to the honor and ideals of the knighthood, to the
List of Loyalty. causes of the Order of the Crown, and to the order itself.
The specific responsibilities of a Knight of the Crown in- If the attending knights unanimously agree and no one
clude tithing income, aiding any knight who requires help, questions the candidates’ honor, then all are accepted into
and service to the nations on the List of Loyalty. the knighthood as Squires of the Crown. Those whose honor
is questioned are interviewed separately after the other can-
didates are sworn in. If the question of honor is dismissed, the

candidate is sworn in normally. If not, the candidate is dis- courage and honor proved more crucial to the knighthood
missed until the question of honor is satisfied. than royal blood.
Because their order is the easiest to follow, Knights of the A candidate who passes these examinations is assigned a
Crown advance more quickly than other knights. They also quest to prove loyalty to the order and its cause. The quest
have fewer special powers, for power comes through disci- must include a 30-day and 500-mile journey, the restoration
pline. of something that was lost, defeat of an evil and more power-
Becoming a Sword Knight: Upon completing duties as a ful opponent, and one test of wisdom, three of generosity,
Squire of the Crown (gaining enough experience to be 3rd and three of compassion. The completion of these tasks must
level), a knight may continue in that order or apply to the be witnessed or evidenced. A candidate who returns and tells
Order of the Sword. Knights who wish to become Knights of of the quest is judged before a council of the Order of the
the Rose must first serve in the Order of the Sword. The appli- Rose. If the quest and candidate are found fitting, the person
cant must seek out an established Knight of the Sword (at becomes a Knight of the Rose.
least 7th level) to apply to the order.
In addition, each candidate for the Order of the Sword Game Information for knights of Solamnia
must complete a quest that promotes the cause of the order.
The quest must be a witnessed (or otherwise verifiable) deed Advancing to Another Order: A knight may advance to the
of heroism that exemplifies knightly honor and goodness. Order of the Sword as soon as he becomes a 3rd-level Crown
The quest must include a 30-day and 500-mile journey, the Knight, and may advance to the Order of the Rose as soon as
restoration of something that was lost, single combat with an he becomes a 4th-level Sword Knight. Note that a knight can
evil and equally matched (same level or HD) opponent, and apply for a higher order at any time after attaining the proper
three tests of wisdom, one of generosity, and one of compas- level. Thus, a Knight of the Crown may apply for the Order of
sion. the Sword as soon as he reaches 3rd level or may continue as
After the quest is completed, the knight appears before a a Crown Knight for many levels before applying.
Knightly Council, telling of the quest and presenting evi- When a knight advances to a higher order, his experience
dence. If the presiding High Clerist (level 11) finds the tale points drop to zero, though he retains all previous hit points.
and deed acceptable, the candidate takes the Oath. If the His THAC0 and saving throws are calculated from the lowest
High Clerist is not present, another high-ranking Sword level of the new order. He will not gain any new hit points
Knight (level 9 or above) can preside. Otherwise, the matter until his new level exceeds his level in the previous order.
is tabled until a lawful council can convene. This rule reflects the fact that even experienced knights are
Knights of the Sword honor the True Gods, learning clerical novices when they enter a new order. Thus, a knight who
disciplines. Through these disciplines, Knights of the Sword wishes to change orders should do so as soon as he is able.
receive from the gods magical healing abilities, limited fore- If an experienced warrior joins the knighthood, he be-
sight, and prophecy. Before the Cataclysm, these special abil- comes a 1st-level Crown Knight but retains his hit points,
ities made Sword Knights a welcome sight in ravaged cities. THAC0, level, and proficiencies as a warrior (a slight modifi-
Now, the knights’ powers are often considered sorcery and cation to the dual class rules). From that point on, however,
punished by death. he no longer advances in level as a warrior; he instead uses
Knights of the Sword gain clerical spells by spending a holy the experience table for Crown Knights. Further, no increase
day in fasting and prayer. When a knight joins the order, he occurs to the character’s hit points, THAC0, or proficiencies
selects a holy day, designating it for worship and meditation. until his level as a Solamnic Knight exceeds that of his last
During devotions on that day, the knight asks his god for that class. Then these statistics are recalculated according to the
week’s powers. Like normal clerics, the spells remain with new level. The character cannot switch back and forth.
the knight until used. Once used, the knight can regain the There is only one High Warrior, High Clerist, and High Jus-
spells only on the appointed holy day. tice in their respective orders. All other knights who reach
During the holy day, the knight cannot do battle, earn these levels or above retain the titles of Lord Warrior, Lord
profit, or speak harshly to anyone. The knight cannot travel Clerist, and Lord Justice respectively until elected to the
unless in silence, and must spend three hours in solitude and proper positions.
meditation. The books of the Measure claim that no beast will Statistics for the Knights of Solamnia: Knights of Solamnia
attack a Sword Knight on a holy day as long as the knight re- are part of the warrior group, and consequently use d10s for
mains true. Those who break their vows have twice the likeli- their Hit Dice. They derive proficiencies, saving throws, and
hood of evil encounters that day, unless the knight atones, THAC0s from the warrior group.
performing a service for the temple of his god. Knights who are not well known in an area suffer a -4 pen-
Becoming a Rose Knight: When a Sword Knight’s initial alty to NPC reactions.
training is complete (has enough experience to be 4th level), Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Lance (any) and Sword
he may choose to either remain a Sword Knight or apply to (any). Recommended: All other Lances and Swords, all
the Order of the Rose. An applicant must appear before a Horsemen’s Weapons, Dagger, Spear, Javelin.
Rose Knight Council at which a high-ranking Knight of the Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Land-Based Riding. Rec-
Rose (at least 9th level) presides. ommended: Animal Handling, Heraldry, Healing, Reading/
To join the order, a supplicant must appear in council be- Writing, Blind-Fighting, Endurance.
fore the presiding High Justice. There, the Knight must tell the Equipment: A Knight of Solamnia must spend his initial
tale of his family and lineage, as well as his deeds of honor. steel pieces on at least two weapons-one lance and one
Afterward, the Council meets in private and determines sword.
whether to accept or reject the petition.
Before the Cataclysm, only Sword Knights of royal blood Crown Knights Minimum Scores
could become Rose Knights. Scholars say this restriction Strength 10
arose long after Vinas Solamnus’s time. Now in post- Dexterity 8
Cataclysmic times, the bloodline stipulation has fallen to dis- Constitution 10
use, for a number of reasons: the Cataclysm destroyed Intelligence 7
records and muddled bloodlines, marriages and dalliances Wisdom 10
between noble and common folk confused lineages, and

Experience Sword Knight Spells Table
Level Points Hit Dice Title
1 Knight level Clerical Spell level
0 2 Squire of Crown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2,500 3 Defender of Crown 6 1 - - - - - -
3 5,000 4 Knight of Crown 7 2 - - - - - -
4 10,000 5 Scepter Knight 8 2 1 - - - - -
5 18,500 6 Shield Knight 9 3 2 - - -
6 37,000 7 Shield of Crown 10 4 2 - - - - -
7 85,000 8 Lord of Shields
11 4 2 1 - - - -
8 140,000 9 Lord of Crown
12 5 3 1 1 - - -
9 220,000 10 Master Warrior
13 6 4 1 1 1 - -
10 300,000 10+2 Lord Warrior
11 14 7 5 2 1 1 1
600,000 10+4 High Warrior
15 8 6 3 2 1 1
12 900,000 10+6
13 1,200,000 10+8 16 9 7 3 2 2 1 1
14 17 9 8 4 3 3 2 1
1,500,000 10+10
15 18* 9 9 5 4 3 2 1
1,800,000 10+12
*Maximum allowable spell level.
16 2,100,000 10+14
17 2,400,000 10+16
Sword Knights do not gain bonus spells for Wisdom. In order
18 2,700,000 10+18
to regain a spell, a Sword Knight must spend one-half hour
19 3,000,000 10+20
per level of spell in prayer and meditation. A knight can never
20 3,300,000 10+22
meditate more than six hours per day.
21 3,700,000 10+23
Knights of the Sword use spells of Kiri-Jolith, though Pala-
22 4,100,000 10+24
dine is the god most revered by this order (see p. 176). This
23 4,500,000 10+25
arrangement results from the origins of the knighthood. Kiri-
24 5,000,000 10+26
Jolith, being the god of holy warfare, inspired the creation of
25 5,500,000 10+27
Knights of the Crown may use weapon specialization. They the Order of the Sword, and so he grants Sword Knights their
are in all other respects treated as members of the Warrior powers.
group, with commensurate THAC0, saves, and proficiencies.
Rose Knights Minimum Scores
Strength 15
Sword Knights Minimum Scores
Strength Dexterity 12
Dexterity Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Constitution 10
Wisdom 13
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 13
Level Points Hit Dice Title
4 0 5 Novice of Roses
Level Points Hit Dice Title
5 27,000 6 Knight of Tears
3 0 4 Novice of Swords
6 60,000 7 Knight of Mind
4 12,000 5 Knight of Swords
7 125,000 8 Knight of Heart
5 24,000 6 Blade Knight
8 200,000 9 Knight of Roses
6 45,000 7 Knight Clerist
95,000 9 425,000 10 Keeper of Roses
7 8 Abbot of Swords
10 800,000 10+2 Master of Roses
8 175,000 9 Elder of Swords
11 1,500,000 10+4 Archknight
9 350,000 10 Master of Swords
12 2,000,000 10+6 Lord of Roses
10 700,000 10+2 Lord of Swords
1,050,000 10+4 13 2,500,000 10+8 Master of Justice
11 Master Clerist
14 3,000,000 10+10 Lord of Justice
12 1,400,000 10+6 Lord Clerist
15 3,500,000 10+12 High Justice
13 1,750,000 10+8 High Clerist
16 4,000,000 10+14
14 2,100,000 10+10
17 4,500,000 10+16
15 2,450,000 10+12
18 5,000,000 10+18
16 2,800,000 10+14
19 5,500,000 10+20
17 3,150,000 10+16
20 6,000,000 10+22
18 3,500,000 10+18
21 6,500,000 10+23
19 3,900,000 10+20
22 7,000,000 10+24
20 4,300,000 10+22
23 7,500,000 10+25
21 4,700,000 10+24
24 8,000,000 10+26
22 5,100,000 10+26
25 9,000,000 10+27
23 5,500,000 10+27
24 6,000,000 10+28 Special Abilities: Knights of the Rose are completely immune
25 6,500,000 10+29 to fear spells.
Special Abilities: Sword Knights gain the abilities of the Pala-
din class at their current level. In addition, they gain priestly

Barbarians based attacks such as white dragon breath and cone of cold
Barbarians are warriors who live on the edge of civilization,
both geographically and culturally. Because they do not live Ice barbarians automatically gain the
the soft lives of town and city dwellers, they are, on the aver- Survival (arctic) nonweapon proficiency.
age, a tougher breed of fighter. The barbarian is a class within They begin with 1d4x10 stl. Though
the warrior group. Their THAC0s, experience point levels, characters cannot initially purchase ar-
saving throws, and other statistics are the same as for stand- mor, each PC has a bulky fur wrap that
ard fighters, unless otherwise noted. (See the People of Ansa- grants AC 5. Weapons common among
Ion chapter for a discussion of barbarians as a race.) ice barbarians are clubs, battle axes,
maces, and daggers.
Barbarian Minimum
Strength 10 Cavaliers
Dexterity 8
Constitution 12 Though no ruler sponsors the Solamnic Knights, other chival-
Wisdom 8 ric orders of Ansalon work for specific rulers. Knights of such
orders are called cavaliers.
Characters who fail to meet these minimums can still be from
Cavaliers belong to the warrior group, and unless stated
a barbarian tribe but cannot belong to the barbarian fighter
otherwise, share the characteristics of other warriors. Cava-
liers are mounted warriors, shining knights, the best of the
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Battle Axe, Bastard
best. These mighty heroes abide by a strict code of chivalry.
Sword. Recommended: Bow (any), Sling, Sword (any), War
Cavalier Minimum
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiency: Endurance.
Strength 15
Recommended: Animal Handling, Animal Training, Direc-
Dexterity 15
tion Sense, Fire-Building, Land-Based Riding, Weather Sense,
Constitution 15
Blind-Fighting, Hunting, Mountaineering, Running, Set
Intelligence 10
Snares, Survival, Tracking. DMs may rule that the Barbarian
Wisdom 10
character must select a proficiency to match the tribal subsis-
tence pattern, such as Agriculture, Fishing, or Hunting.
All cavaliers must be good aligned and of at least the Upper
Equipment: A barbarian character may not purchase ar-
Class social tier. Fighters and paladins may be cavaliers.
mor heavier than splint, banded, or bronze plate mail until
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Lance (any), Sword
after he ventures into the outside world. The only weapons
(any). Recommended: All other Lances and Swords, all
that may be purchased are those common to the barbarian’s
Horseman’s Weapons, Dagger, Spear, Javelin.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Land-
Special Benefits: Barbarians, due to their impressive
Based Riding, Etiquette, Recommended: Animal Handling,
strength and savage magnetism, gain a +3 reaction bonus in
Animal Training, Dancing, Heraldry, Musical Instrument,
certain situations. Whenever the barbarian character has a
Reading/Writing, Blind-Fighting, Endurance.
reaction roll of 8 or less, counting racial and Charisma bo-
Equipment: A cavalier starts his career with at least two
nuses, the +3 bonus is subtracted, making for an even
weapons, including one lance and one sword, and must buy
stronger good reaction.
the most expensive set of armor he can afford (unless his so-
Special Hindrance: On the other hand, these striking quali-
cial rank allows him armor—see the end of the chapter).
ties can work as a disadvantage, too. Whenever the barbari-
Cavaliers begin play with a free horse—a Light, Medium, or
an character gets a reaction roll of 14 or more, a -3 penalty is
Heavy Warhorse, subject to DM approval.
subtracted (the net result is added), making the reaction
Special Benefits: At 1st level, a cavalier gets a +1 bonus to
worse than it would have been.
hit when on horseback and using a lance with which he is
Wealth Options: Barbarians start with 3d4x10 stl, and
proficient. This bonus increases +1 for every six additional
must spend all but three stl or less.
experience levels.
At 3rd level, he gains a +1 to hit with any one type of
Plains Barbarians sword with which he is proficient. This bonus increases +1
with every six additional levels,
Most of Ansalon’s plains barbarians are At 5th level, he gains a +1 to hit with a pick, mace, or flail,
found in the land of Abanasinia, the all of the horseman variety. This bonus increases + 1 for every
homeland for a number of tribes. Plains six additional levels.
barbarians also appear in any plains area Cavaliers are immune to fear spells. Due to bravery, a cava-
that has a 50 mile radius with no cities or lier inspires confidence in others and bolsters their courage.
towns. Plains barbarians are common on They radiate an emotion spell of courage in a 10’ radius, (see
Ansalon, and thus receive no special the 4th-level wizard spell), and thereby negate fear. (Cava-
abilities or penalties over the typical bar- liers cannot evoke the berserker response that wizards can.)
barian class. (See “Barbarians” in the People of Ansalon Cavaliers also gain a +4 saving throw bonus vs. all magic
chapter.) that affects the mind, such spells as charm person, friends,
hypnotism, sleep, irritation, ray of enfeeblement, scare, geas,
Ice Barbarians command, charm person or mamma/, enthrall, cloak of brav-
ery, and symbol.
Ice Barbarians live in the regions of Icereach. These good- The cavalier receives a +3 reaction bonus from anyone of
aligned folk battle the Thanoi while remaining out of reach of his own culture, except evil persons and criminals, from
most civilized areas. whom he receives a -3 penalty.
Special Abilities: Besides the abilities listed in the barbarian Special Hindrances: Cavaliers cannot attack an opponent
class description, Ice Barbarians have immunity to cold- from a distance if he can instead charge ahead and attack in
melee or jousting combat. He therefore cannot shoot from

cover with a bow or crossbow, nor hide behind a shield wall skills, with no more than 10 points awarded to one skill. Every
and use a polearm. In extreme situations, like saving the life level of advancement gives the Mariner an additional 10
of a defenseless innocent, a cavalier who cannot close to me- points, with not more than five points to be used on any one
lee range may use a bow. skill.
In any melee, the cavalier must attack the largest and most Special Hindrance: There are no specific hindrances,
powerful-looking enemy. If blocked by lesser troops, the cav- though successful pirate characters gain a reputation that
alier must disable them as quickly as possible, then get to the brings competing pirates, bounty hunters, and other unsa-
“real” opponent. vory individuals after them.
Cavaliers always own the best possible armor type, with the
goal of eventually owning a suit of full plate armor. Magical Wizard Group Classes
enchantment is less important than armor type: a cavalier
would turn down chain mail +5 to wear a suit of mundane Following a war to rid Krynn of all magic, wizards became
plate mail. highly organized and magic became jealously guarded. Wiz-
ards accustomed to the magical free-for-all on other worlds
All cavaliers follow a code of chivalry. The Code and Mea-
are in for a shock on Krynn.
sure of the Solamnic Knights is but one code, albeit the most
complex on Ansalon. Most other codes are similar, extolling
the virtues of honor, noble quests, fair play, protecting the in-
Wizards of high Sorcery
nocent, obedience to a lord, respect for peers, disdain for the Origins: In the Age of Dreams, before the stars were firmly
debase, glory in battle, death to evildoers, and death before fixed in the heavens, the gods of magic walked on Krynn. So-
dishonor. First to attack and last to withdraw is a common bat- linari, Lunitari, and Nuitari they were. They each held a love
tle philosophy for a cavalier. The DM and PC should work out for magic, for the new world of Krynn, and for the spirit-
a clearly understood code of chivalry before beginning play. beings called stars.
Should a cavalier violate this code, the first offense brings This third love was held by all the gods, which led to the
guilt. (The DM informs the PC as much.) The second offense All-Saints’ War. The three gods of magic did not join in the
strips all cavalier special abilities from the PC until he repents battles, choosing instead to orbit the planet. But their eyes
and performs a dangerous task, adhering to his code, but and hearts were ever attentive to the fate of the stars. During
without his powers. A third failing without repentance means the long war, each god took occasion to walk Ansalon in
the cavalier has abandoned the class completely. He suffers a search of one mortal follower. They each found such a crea-
permanent -3 reaction penalty from all members of his own ture and bestowed on it the keys to the Lost Citadel-an
culture (even the evil folk). His horse flees as soon as it can. It amazing place of magic beyond the circles of the universe.
would rather die than let the fallen cavalier ride it again. Taking their disciples to the Lost Citadel, the gods taught them
Wealth Options: The cavalier starts with the basic Warrior the three Foundations of Wizardry:
wealth of 564x10 stl. 1) All wizards are brothers in their order. All orders are
brothers in the power.
Mariners 2) The places of High Wizardry are held in common
among all the orders and no sorcery is to be used there in
This class of character is part anger against fellow wizards.
fighter, part sailor, and even 3) The world beyond the walls of the towers may bring
part thief. Call them pirates, pri- brother against brother and order against order, but such
vateers, or buccaneers, they is the way of the universe.
use their skills for everything Returning their apprentices to Krynn, the gods of magic es-
from stealing from other ships tablished the three Orders of High Sorcery. Solinari, god of
to defending those who are Good magic, founded the Order of the White Robes; Luni-
preyed upon by pirates. The tari, god of Neutral magic, founded the Order of the Red
skills are the same; only the mo- Robes; and Nuitari, god of Evil magic, founded the Order of
tivations are different. the Black Robes. Initially, the Orders of Sorcery were loosely
Some mariners are unremark- knit groups of wizards. As war with the dragons grew inevita-
able in their goals. They seek ble, the Masters of each order assembled at the Lost Citadel
only to make a living and Sail the seas unmolested. Others to proclaim the unity of the orders.
make that living by piracy against innocent ships as well as Since that time, all Wizards of High Sorcery vow first loyal-
raiding coastal communities. ty to magic and its continued existence on Ansalon. This loy-
alty lets magic flourish, despite attempts to eliminate it. After
Mariners Minimum this primary loyalty, wizards have loyalty to their orders. A
Strength 12 White Robe and a Black Robe wizard, fighting in opposing
Dexterity 11 armies, would do everything necessary to destroy each other.
If the wizards met on neutral ground, however, they would
Mariners may be of any alignment except lawful good. most likely compare notes and discuss magical matters. If an
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Cutlass, Belaying Pin, or outside force were threatening the destruction of magic, the
Gaff Hook. wizards would band together to stop it.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Rope Use,
Seamanship, Tumbling. Recommended: Direction Sense, Moons and Magic
Fishing, Swimming, Weather Sense, Appraising, Gaming,
Each of the three Orders of High Sorcery receives its powers
Tightrope Walking, Navigation.
from one of the three magic moons. Wizards of the White
Equipment: Mariners do not wear metal armor: it tangles in
the rigging and drowns those who fall overboard. Robes gain power from Solinari, Red Robes from Lunitari,
Special Benefits: Mariners gain the thieving abilities Climb and Black Robes from Nuitari.
The phase and alignment of a specific moon affects the
Walls, Detect Noise, Hide in Shadows, and Move Silently. In
power level of a given order. For example, Lunitari in low
addition to the base totals and race and Dexterity bonuses,
the 1st-level mariner has 30 points to distribute to the four sanction provides penalties to Red Robes, but does not affect

the other two orders. Wizards of 1st through 3rd level are towers of high Sorcery
never affected by the lunar phases: their spells are of low
enough power. In pre-Cataclysm days, five towers served as common ground
for the Orders of High Sorcery. These towers stood in the lo-
Moon Phase Effects Table cations eventually known as Palanthus, Wayreth, Istar, Dalti-
Moon Saving Additional Effective goth, and the Ruins.
Phase Throw Spells Level The general plan for the towers’ construction was decided
W axing Normal +1 Normal by a committee of members from all three orders. They de-
High Sanction +1 +2 +1 signed a central complex with a tower surrounded by a field
W aning Normal 0 Normal or garden. The actual construction, however, was overseen
Low Sanction -1 0 -1 by the wizards living in each area. Thus, despite the standard-
ized design, each tower reflects the tastes of the region.
Only wizards of 6th level or higher and with Intelligence of In addition to differing decorations, each tower has a
15 or greater receive high sanction bonuses. Others default to unique field. The Tower of Wayreth is surrounded by a trans-
the waxing bonuses. The additional spells can be of any level dimensional field, which allows it to appear anywhere within
that the wizard can cast. 500 miles of its original location in Wayreth Forest. The Tower
in Palanthus is surrounded by the Shoikan Grove, which em-
Moon Alignment Effects Table anates a powerful fear spell. These two towers are the most
Saving Additional Effective popular, most well-known of the five.
Alignment Throw Spells Level Details about the other three towers are sketchy, thanks in
Sol with Lun. +1 +1 +1 part to the Cataclysm. Apparently the garden around Dalti-
Nuit with Lun. +1 +1 +1 goth once caused sleep, that around lstar made characters
Sol with Nuit. +1 0 Normal forget, and that around the Ruins created intense feelings of
All Three Moons. +2 +2 +1 passion. In addition, a series of unique wards and obstacles
created a first line of defense for these towers.
Note that all alignment effects are cumulative with all All the towers are neutral zones. Fighting among wizards at
phase effects. Thus, when all three moons are aligned in high the towers is forbidden, punishable by immediate death.
sanction, a wizard would gain a +3 saving throw, +4 spells,
and +2 effective levels. This singular event is called the Night Organization
of the Eye-the three moons line up in front-to-back order
The Orders of High Sorcery are ruled by a representative
(Nuitari, Lunitari, and Solinari), resembling a huge white eye
council of 21 wizards called the Conclave of Wizards. Seven
with a black pupil and a red iris. It is a terrifying sight. Most
archmages (18th level or above) of each order serve as a dele-
nonspellcasting folk fear this night, for it sets all magic is at its
gation to the Conclave of Wizards. The Conclave convenes
in accordance with the moon cycles to discuss routine as well
Use the following chart to determine the moon cycles. The
as urgent issues.
outer ring represents the cycle of the largest and farthest
One of the seven delegates from each order serves as the
moon, Solinari, whose orbit is shown divided into 36 days.
The second ring represents the cycle of the second largest order’s Master. The means of selecting the Master differ from
order to order: white Robes hold an election; Red Robes
moon, Lunitari, whose orbit takes 28 days. The inner ring rep-
draw lots from the seven Conclave members; Black Robes
resents the cycle of the smallest and nearest moon, Nuitari,
hold contests to prove magical prowess and domination.
whose orbit takes only 8 days. To determine alignment, find
the moons’ relative positions and phases on a given day, then Once a Master is chosen, he or she serves for life unless con-
victed of a serious breach of loyalty by unanimous vote of
add (or subtract) an equal number of days on each track to
that order’s delegation.
determine the positions on another day.
The Master of the Conclave, the highest official in the Or-
der of High Sorcery, is elected from the twenty-one Conclave
delegates. This election takes place through a consensus
spell, which instantaneously gauges the collective will of
Krynn’s wizards on a specific topic.

Early Life of a Wizard and the test of high Sorcery

All who wish to join an Order of Wizardry begin their train-

ing as children, studying under an archmage (18th level or
higher), usually an archmage approved by the Conclave of
Wizards. Low-level wizards (1st through 3rd levels) can dab-
ble in magic without declaring an alignment or loyalty to the
Conclave. Such minor magics are not even affected by the
flux of the moons.
With greater power, however, comes greater responsibility.
Those who seek to progress beyond the fundamentals of
magic must travel to the Tower of Wayreth. There, the young
wizard declares an alignment and pledges loyalty to an Order
of High Sorcery. The applicant is apprenticed to a higher level
wizard, often the original mentor.
Once this is accomplished, the apprentice must take the
Test of High Sorcery. TheTest of High Sorcery measures a wiz-
ard’s magical abilities and tells how the applicant will use cur-
rent and future abilities. Each initiate’s test differs, designed
exclusively to measure strengths and weaknesses. In all tests,

failure means death. The wizards are less interested in the ap- Wizards of the Black Robes
plicant’s alignment than whether or not he will use the power
of magic in a responsible manner. Wizards of the Black Robes em-
In all versions of the Test, the applicant faces three trials of brace the cause of Evil. They do
magic knowledge and use. These trials include the casting of not, however, hurl random fire-
all spells the initiate knows. In addition, the Test includes balls at peasants’ cottages, for
three trials that cannot be solved by magic alone. One such such activities would abuse and
trial involves combat against an ally; another includes solo jeopardize their chief love-
combat against a far more powerful opponent (two levels magic. Black Robe Wizards
higher). The third trial is always a mystery. Those attempting may be cruel, but they are self-
the Test may bring companions along, but occasionally these ish and cunning also, avoiding
folk never return. open acts of violence if a more
A wizard may change Orders after taking the Test. In these subtle way can be found.
cases, however, the wizard loses two levels of experience
and remains for one month unaffected by the new Order’s
allowable Schools of Magic
The following schools of magic are open to Black Robe Wiz-
Wizards of the White Robes ards.
Abjuration Greater Divination
A White Robe Wizard acts to Alteration Invocation/Evocation
promote Good. Aside from his Conjuration/Summoning Necromancy
vow to support magic, the Enchantment/Charm
cause of Good is his central
concern. Acts that violate the Spells from “forbidden” Schools
precepts of Good lead to the
Schools of magic not listed as allowable are available only in
character’s ruin. White Robe
part. A Wizard of High Sorcery may never use a spell of 4th
Wizards who stray from the
path soon find they are unaf- level or above from a forbidden school. All spells of levels 1
through 3, however, are open to Wizards of High Sorcery
fected by Solinari.
with the following restriction: No more than half of a wizard’s
White Robe Wizards often as-
allowed spells may be from a forbidden school. Thus, a 5th-
sist Good-related quests and
level wizard, who can memorize four 1st, two 2nd, and one
causes, finding themselves allied with paladins, Good clerics,
3rd level spell, may memorize only two 1st-and one 2nd-
and Knights of Solamnia.
level “forbidden” school spell.

allowable Schools of Magic

Game Information for Wizards of high Sorcery
The following schools of magic are open to White Robe Wiz-
Wizards of High Sorcery belong in the wizard character
class. They can be mages or specialists, with all the appropri-
Abjuration Enchantment/Charm
ate benefits and drawbacks outlined in the 2nd Edition Play-
Alteration Greater Divination
er’s Handbook.
Conjuration/Summoning Invocation/Evocation
Alignment: Though a wizard need make no alignment dec-
laration until 3rd level, a 1st level wizard may declare an in-
Wizards of the Red Robes clination toward law, neutrality, or chaos. Then, when
declaring the second half of his alignment (i.e., before taking
Wizards of the Red Robes tread the Test), the wizard’s alignment will be complete.
the delicate path of Neutrality. Minimum Requirements: Wizards require a minimum In-
Besides an ultimate loyalty to telligence of 9. An Intelligence of 15 or above earns the PC a
magic, a Red Robe Wizard 10% bonus to all earned experience points.
works to balance Good and
Evil. Wizards of the Red Robes Wizards of High Sorcery Advancement Table
often act as the moderating
voice of reason and peace. Level Experience Points Hit Dice (1d4)
While the forces of Good and 1 0 1
Evil battle for control of Krynn, 2 2,500 2
the forces of Neutrality seek on- 3 5.000 3
ly to maintain the world. Declare alignment, pledge loyalty, take Test
4 10,000 4
allowable Schools of Magic 5 20,000 5
6 40,000 6
The following Schools of Magic are open to Red Robe Wiz- 7 60,000 7
ards. 8 90,000 8
Abjuration Enchantment/Charm 9 135,000 9
Alteration Illusion/Phantasm 10 250,000 10
Conjuration/Summoning Invocation/Evocation 11 375,000 10+1
12 750,000 10+2
13 1,125,000 10+3
14 1,500,000 10+4
15 1,875,000 10+5

Level Experience Points Hit Dice (1d4) High Sorcery. Should the renegade refuse, or if the Red Robes
16 2,250,000 10+6 fail in their attempt to capture him, the Red Robes will hunt
17 2,625,000 10+7 down and destroy the renegade, citing him to be a threat to
18 3,000,000 10 + 8 Master * the balance.
19 3,375,000 10+9 Black Robe wizards will attempt to capture the renegade
20 3,750,000 10+10 and try to win him over directly to the Black Robe Order.
21 4,150,000 10+11 Should he refuse, the renegade is persuaded to remain rene-
22 4,550,000 10+12 gade or killed.
23 5,000,000 10+13
24 5,500,000 10+14 “Name” Spells
25 6,000,000 10+15
*Only one wizard of each order earns the title of Master. Spells found in the 2nd Edition Player’s Handbook and Tome
of Magic that include the proper name of a character outside
Wizard of High Sorcery Spell Progression of Ansalon are not available to Wizards of High Sorcery.
Spells with any of the following names are immediately dis-
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qualified: Bigby, Drawmij, Elminster, Evard, Leomund, Melf,
1 1 - - - - - - - -
Mordenkainen, Nystul, Otiluke, Otto, Rary, Tasha, Tenser.
2 2 - - - - - - - -
DMs may allow Wizards of High Sorcery to research the
3 2 1 - - - - - - -
banned spells. A successful research attempt means the wiz-
4 3 2 - - - - - - -
ard has created his own version of the spell and can name it
5 4 2 1 - - - - - -
after himself.
6 4 2 2 - - - - - -
7 4 3 2 1 - - - - - Priest Group Classes
8 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9 4 3 3 2 1 - - - - Astinus of Palanthas states that “every mortal act has an im-
10 4 4 3 2 2 - - - - mortal audience.” In a world with 21 true gods, this state-
11 4 4 4 3 3 - - - - ment can hardly be doubted. Some gods, such as Paladine
12 4 4 4 4 4 1 - - - and Kiri-Jolith, watch the drama of history with benevolent
13 5 5 5 4 4 2 - - - concern. Others, such as Takhisis and Morgion, hope to one
14 5 5 5 4 4 2 1 - - day dominate the land. Still others, such as Gilean and Reorx,
15 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 - - want only to preserve the balance of creation.
16 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 1 - These three groups of gods comprise the celestial families
17 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 - of Good, Evil, and Neutrality, respectively. Each of the three
18 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 1 families contains seven members, for a total of 21 gods. The
19 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 1 three families are in turn overseen by the High God. This
20 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 greatest of beings never trifles with the lives of mortal folk. If
21 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 other gods exist beyond the pantheon of 21, they do not act
22 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 on Krynn, nor do they empower priests to act for them.
23 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 Further information on the gods appears in the “Realms
24 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 Above” section of this book.
25 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4
holy Orders of the Stars
Renegade Wizards
The Holy Orders of the Stars are the faiths that worship the 21
true gods of Krynn—by whatever names they know them. Just
Wizards who live outside the as the pantheon consists of three celestial families, so too, the
strictures of the Towers of Sor- gods’ worshipers fall into three holy orders. Priests of a Good
cery, as well as wizards who god belong to the Order of Good, those of an Evil god belong
come from other worlds or to the Order of Evil, and those of a Neutral god belong to the
planes, are known as renegade Order of Neutrality.
A renegade wizard who has
Order of Good: Priests of the
come to the attention of the Or-
Good Order defend and pre-
ders is seen as a threat which
serve life, protect and promote
must be either absorbed, neu-
the welfare of all, and uphold a
tralized, or eliminated. Each code of conduct that embodies
Order has its own way of deal- the principles of Good. Good
ing with a renegade.
priests work to convince every-
White Robe wizards will capture the renegade using as lit-
one to renounce selfish striv-
tle violence as possible. The renegade is informed that he ings and devote themselves to
must go before the Conclave and join an Order of High Sor- performing just and merciful
cery. If the renegade refuses, he is magically cast out of
acts for others and for the gods.
Krynn. If the White Robes fail to capture the renegade, they
Though some think this strict
will keep tabs on his location, destroying him only if the rene- code of conduct fetters Good priests, the priests themselves
gade proves to be a menace to the ways of magic or to inno- feel liberated by it.
The Good Order is led by the Chosen Prophet, who has six
Red Robe wizards will attempt to capture the renegade
Prophets as assistants. The Chosen Prophet is a priest of Pala-
with as much force as deemed necessary, usually increasing dine and the six Prophets are the lead priests of the six other
in proportion with the renegade’s resistance. The renegade is Good gods. Only one Chosen Prophet exists on Krynn, and
brought before the Conclave and asked to join an Order of only one Prophet exists for each of the other gods of Good.

Other priests may equal or exceed these leaders in experi- priests from Acolyte to Chosen Prophet wear a Medallion of
ence (i.e., may rise past 18th level), but they do not bear the Faith. (DMs should encourage players to create a story detail-
title or duties unless selected to the office. ing how they earned the medallion.) Once an Acolyte, the
priest’s tutelage ends; service begins.
Order of Evil: Priests of the The gods of Krynn bless their priests with certain powers, but
Evil Order seek to dominate demand in return strict obedience. Even with the most chaotic
others, both those within their gods, disobedience results in loss of granted powers or spells.
order and those without. Evil Severe enough transgressions garner the god’s wrath.
priests have no interest in per-
sons whom they cannot domi- heathen Priests
nate or exploit. And anyone
who poses a threat to an Evil Priests who come from other worlds or those who worship
priest should watch his back. false gods are heathen priests. Neither have true supernatural
Because they are unrestrained power. Priest from other worlds lose their powers and spells
by ethics, priests of the Evil Or- when on Krynn. Likewise, false priests may be skilled at
der would as soon slit a man’s shams and fakery—so much so that they fool even themselves
throat as smell a rose if they had anything to gain from it. into believing their god is true. But to have real power, priests
But these priests are evil, not stupid. They do not go around must venerate the gods of Krynn.
destroying everything they see. Such actions lead to vigilan- Priests from other worlds lose one level when converting to
tism and lynchings. On the other hand, cunning schemes a religion of the same alignment and two levels when chang-
lead to power, riches, and the admiration of the gods of Evil. ing alignment. Priests of Krynn who worship false gods con-
The Evil Order is led by the Nightlord, who is assisted by six vert as first-level priests. Priests from the Holy Orders of the
Nightmasters. The Nightlord is a priest of Takhisis and the six Stars lose one level if converting to an order with the same
Nightmasters are the lead priests of the six other Evil gods. alignment and two if converting to a different alignment.
The Nightlord and Nightmasters are unique on Krynn, in the
manner of the hierarchy of the Good Order. Game Information for the holy orders
Order of Neutrality: Priests Note that the Holy Orders of the Stars contain no clerics as
of the Neutral Order attempt to defined in the 2nd Edition Player’s Handbook. All are priests
maintain a balance between because all serve a particular god.
Good and Evil. They consider Minimum Requirements: PC priests may come from any
priests of Good idealistic and race of Ansalon. Priests need a minimum Wisdom of 9, with a
impractical, and those of the Wisdom of 15 or higher giving the character a 10% bonus to
Evil destructive and treacher- all experience points earned. All priests of the Holy Orders of
ous. Neutral priests, however, the Stars use the spell tables from the 2nd Edition Player’s
will ally with either side when Handbook and Tome of Magic. See p. 176 for allowable
they must tilt the balance away schools for each god.
from the other. Even so, they
never fight for Good or Evil,
. per Priest Experience Hit Dice Title
se. In fact, they pledge to combat both sides when the free Level Points (1d8) (Neutral Title)1
will of Krynn’s folk is at stake. As well as fighting for the peo- 1 0 1 Acolyte (Aspirant)
ple of Krynn, Neutral priests fight for nature. Evil priests de- 2 2,000 2 Deacon (Ovate)
light in destroying the forests and Good priests delight in 3 4,000 3 Adept (Initiate)
turning them into theocratic cities. Neutral priests oppose 4 7,500 4 Priest (Disciple)
both of these plans. 5 15,250 5 Curate (Master of Earth)
The Neutral Order is led by the Starmaster, assisted by six 6 25,000 6 Prefect (Master of Fire)
Archmasters. The Starmaster is a priest of Gilean; the six 7 40,000 7 Canon (Master of Water)
Archmasters are the lead priests of the six other gods. The 8 90,000 8 Elder or Spiritor (Master of Winds)
Starmaster and the Archmasters are unique on Krynn, in the 9 160,000 9 Patriarch (Master of Mystery)
manner of the hierarchy of the Good Order. 10 250,000 9+1 High Priest (Master of Light)
Relations Between the Factions: Although the Orders of High 11 500,000 9+2 Ecclesion (Master of Time)
Sorcery work together for the cause of magic, the three Holy 12 750,000 9+3 Apostle (Master of Elements)
Orders have far more hostile relations. To priests, ethos means 13 1,000,000 9+4 Abbot (Master of the Book)
everything, so to work with the other orders is to deny one’s only 14 1,250,000 9+5 Bishop (Master of Dreams)
purpose in life. If any alliance occurs between the orders, it ex- 15 1,500,000 9+6 Prophet or Nightmaster (Archmaster)
ists because each thinks it can advance its own cause. 16 1,750,000 9+7
17 2,000,000 9+8
Becoming a Priest of the holy Order 18 2,250,000 9+9 Chosen Prophet or Nightlord (Star-
Those who wish to serve one of the true gods must first win 19 2,500,000 9+10
acceptance from the god. The supplicant must seek out a
20 2,800,000 9+11
priest in good standing of the god and tell his reasons for
21 3,100,000 9+12
wishing to become a priest. If the priest finds the character 22 3,400,000 9+13
sincere, he instructs him in the beliefs and practices of the 23 3,700,000 9+14
religion and arranges for various tests of faith. 24 9+15
Once the priest is satisfied that the character understands 25 9+16
and believes all the precepts of the faith and will live accord- 1
Where two names appear, the one outside parentheses applies to both
ing to them, he pronounces him an Acolyte of the god. The Good and Evil priests and that inside applies to Neutral priests. Where three
new priest receives the god’s medallion of faith. Because the names appear, the first is always Good, the second always Evil, and the paren-
thetical always Neutral.
medallion marks the priest as a servant of that specific god, all

Holy Orders Spell Progression Handlers will attract only handler followers-usually young
kender with intense curiosity.
Priest Level Spell level




4 5



Con artists/Prestidigitators
2 2 — — — — — —
3 2 1 — — — — — These thieves employ scams
4 3 2 — — — — — and sleight-of-hand rather than
5 3 3 1 — — — — robbery. They often travel with
6 3 3 2 — — — — troupes of entertainers, per-
7 3 3 2 1 — — — forming cheap tricks and swin-
8 3 3 2 — — — dling themselves a fortune,
9 4 4 3 2 1 — — copper by copper. Mages de-
10 4 4 3 3 2 — — spise them for their magic fak-
11 5 4 4 3 2 1 — ery; priests resent them for their
12 6 5 5 3 2 2 — worthless salves; fighters dis-
13 6 6 6 4 2 2 — trust them because they are un-
14 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 derhanded; and thieves hate
15 6 6 6 6 4 2 1 them because they steal “dishonestly.”
16 7 7 7 6 4 3 1
17 7 7 7 7 5 3 2 Game Information for Con artists/Prestidigitators
18 8 8 8 8 6 4 2
A con artist may be from any PC race of Krynn. A minimum
19 9 9 8 8 6 4 2
Charisma of 12 is necessary for this class. To pull off scams
20 9 9 8 8 7 5 2
and con games, the con artist sharpens the Pick Pockets,
21 9 9 8 8 7 5 3
Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Read Languages abili-
22 9 9 9 8 7 5 3
ties. Thus, a con artist PC cannot spend more than ten of his
23 9 9 9 8 7 6 3
initial percentage points on each of the remaining thieving
24 10 9 9 9 8 6 3
skills. When a con artist increases in level, he cannot spend
25 10 9 9 9 8 6 3
more than five points on these other thieving skills.
*Usable only by priests with Wisdom of 17 or greater.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any normal thief weapon.
**Usable only by priests with Wisdom of 18 or greater.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required: Gaming. Recom-
Rogue Group mended: Appraising, Artistic Ability, Dancing, Disguise, Eti-
quette, Forgery, Local History, Singing, Ventriloquism.

Normal Group
Every world has its rogues-those who operate on the fringes
of society. In addition to the common bards and thieves,
Krynn supports two other unique types of rogue.
This catch-all group includes non-combatant folk such as tin-
handlers kers and commoners of all ilks.

Game Information for Normals

Handlers-like artists of any
stripe-are born, not bred. Level Experience Points Hit Dice (d6)
Handling is a state of mind-a 1 0 1
kender state of mind. (All han- 2 1,250 2
dlers are kender, though not all 3 2,500 3
kender are handlers.) Though 4 5,000 4
handlers live by purloining ob- 5 10,000 5
jects, they do not purloin ob- 6 20,000 6
jects to live. 7 40,000 7
Unlike thieves (handlers are 8 60,000 8
not thieves), handlers act not 9 100,000 9
out of greed but out of distract- 10 140,000 10
ed curiosity. It is curiosity that makes them pick a lock, eaves- 11 270,000 10+1
drop on a conversation, and slip their hands into someone’s 12 450,000 10+2
pocket. The more forbidden and protected an item is, the 13 600,000 10+3
more curious the handler will be. Once the object is obtained 14 800,000 10+4
and examined, however, it often loses interest to the handler, 15 1,000,000 10+5
who will absent-mindedly lose it thereafter. Furthermore, a 16 1,500,000 10+6
worthless but interesting object (e.g., a brass-coated statue), 17 2,000,000 10+7
holds a handler’s attention far longer than a priceless but un- 18 3,000,000 10+8
interesting one (e.g., a platinum bar). 19 4,500,000 10+9
20 6,000,000 10+10
Game Information for handlers 21 7,500,000 10+11
22 9,500,000 10+12
Handlers receive experience-point levels, saving throws, 23 12,000,000 10+13
THAC0s, and so forth as per rogues. In terms of game play, 24 15,000,000 10+14
handlers differ from thieves in the following. 25 17,000,000 10+15
Handlers receive no backstabbing bonus; handlers are driven
by curiosity, not bloodlust.
Handlers receive no experience bonus for money found.

Normal Character Saving Throws petual “improvement.”
Staff Petrif. Breath Game Information for tinkers
Level Paralyz Wand Poly Weapon Spell
1-3 15 17 16 18 18 Tinkers must have Intelligence of at least 10 and Dexterity of
4-6 13 15 14 16 16 at least 12. A tinker’s Wisdom cannot exceed 12. Tinkers be-
7-9 11 13 12 14 14 gin with five nonweapon proficiency slots and one weapon
10-12 9 11 10 12 12 proficiency slot. They gain one more nonweapon proficiency
13-16 7 9 8 10 11 with every two levels of advancement, and one weapon pro-
17+ 5 7 6 8 9 ficiency with every ten levels.
Starting steel pieces for a normal character is 2d4x10. Due to their innate absent-mindedness, tinkers suffer a -2
to checks against any nonweapon proficiency that involves
tinkers designing or building something complex. If the roll fails,
they design something, but it either does not function at all or
Also called engineers and tech-
Tinkers have a beginning THAC0 of 20 and improve one
nicians, tinkers conceive of
point for every four levels thereafter.
themselves as masters of tech-
nology. Others conceive of Commoners
them as deranged lunatics. Tin-
kering is far more a mind-set
than an occupation and, there- Commoners are the world-
fore, only gnomes can be tin- builders and maintainers.
kers. Through their mundane labors,
Every project of these engi- they create the world—each
neering gnomes is twice horseshoe, hay bale, beer bar-
doomed. First of all, mechani- rel, shirt and coat and cap.
cal technology is far more costly, unreliable, and inefficient These folk are innkeepers, ser-
than magic on the world of Krynn. Secondly, gnomes have vants, blacksmiths, farmers,
little grasp of the physical sciences. and fishermen. They are every-
The combination of these factors means that tinkers spend day people. But in times of
their lives creating many worthless inventions. The have in- trouble, everyday people beat
ventions for all sorts of tasks: seed planters, clothes cleaners, their plowshares into swords
black-dragon-left-rear foot ticklers, and red-haired kender- and march out to become heroes.
handler detectors, to name a few. Few of these work as they A commoner’s motivation for leaving the comfort and
should, though most are not lethal. safety of the hearth to risk life and limb on an adventure may
But tinkers do far more than simply create new inventions. vary. Perhaps a weaponsmith wishes to “field-test” her latest
They also “improve” old ones. This penchant for compro- long sword. Or perhaps a baker may follow the trail of those
mising the efficiency of existent inventions is clearly demon- who kidnapped his son.
strated in common gnomish sayings:
“If it ain’t broke, there’s gotta be something wrong with Game Information for Commoners
Commoners are defined in terms of their occupation:
“Maybe the design flaw can be fixed with accessories.”
butcher, baker, and candlestick-maker. Thus, the first task in
“If simplicity were a virtue, Krynn’d be a featureless ball.”
“There’s always room for improvement.” creating a commoner character is to choose an occupation
from the list below. Once this is done, roll up the six abilities
“The back-up blew! Better back up the back-up.”
normally but subtract 2 from each roll. Now check the profi-
“All geniuses have cluttered minds.”
“Improvements require complications; complications re- ciencies after the occupation you chose. Each proficiency has
quire improvements.” a relevant ability listed in parentheses. For each relevant abili-
‘Every magical and mundane activity can be done better ty, raise the base score by 4. (Thus, after subtracting 2 from
by a machine.” the number you originally rolled, you add 4 for a net gain of
2.) Relevant abilities listed more than once receive only one
“Improvement is the incestuous cousin to invention,”
4-point bonus.
Each Tinker belongs to a guild, which emphasizes a branch
of technology. Some guilds follow: Now, record the proficiencies your character starts with.

Aerodynamics Communication Kinetics

Armorer: Fire-building (Wis), Armorer (Int)*
Appliances Hydraulics Thermodynamics
Blacksmith: Blacksmithing (Str)*, Fire-building (Wis)
Architecture Hydrodynamics Transportation
Bowyer/Fletcher: Bowyer/Fletcher (Dex)*, Carpentry (Str)
Chemistry Farmer: Agriculture (Int)*, Animal Handling (Wis), Weather
Sense (Wis), Herbalism (Int)
These guilds do not compete with each other; all are united
Fisher: Fishing (Wis)*, Swimming (Str)
in the task of advancing technology. Each guild has numerous Forester: Direction Sense (Wis), Herbalism (Int), Animal Lore
committees that oversee inventors’ accomplishments and in- (Wis)
vestigate system failures. Though the latter topic gets the
Gambler: Appraising (Int), Gaming (Cha)*
most attention, few real improvements arise from such inves-
Groom: Animal Handling (Wis)*, Animal Lore (Int), Animal
tigations. Training (Wis), Land-Based Riding (Wis)
Each tinker, under the auspices of his guild, chooses a life- Hunter: Direction Sense (Wis), Set Snares (Dex), Tracking
(Wis), Hunting (Wis)*
quest to accomplish: the creation of some ultimate machine
to simplify life, save labor, and benefit all of gnomekind. Life-
Innkeeper/Serving Person: Brewing (Int), Cooking (Int)*
quests are rarely realized because most devices undergo per- Jeweler: Appraising (Int), Gem Cutting (Dex)*

Leather Worker: Leatherworking (Int)*, Seamstress/Tailor
Mason: Stonemasonry (Str)*
Miner: Mining (Wis)*, Stonemasonry (Str)
Navigator: Direction Sense (Wis), Astrology (Int), Navigation
Scribe: Reading/Writing (Int)*, Ancient Languages (Int), Local
History (Cha)
Shipwright: Carpentry (Str)*, Seamanship (Dex)
Tailor/Weaver: Seamstress/Tailor (Dex)*
Teamster/Freighter: Animal Handling (Wis)*, Land-Based
Riding (Wis), Charioteering (Dex)
Trader/Merchant: Appraising (Int)*, Reading/Writing (Int)
Trapper/Furrier: Hunting (Wis)*, Set Snares (Dex), Tracking
Weaponsmith: Blacksmithing (Str), Weaponsmithing (Int)*
Woodworker/Carpenter: Carpentry (Str)*
* Asterisked proficiencies are the main ones for the occupa-
tion. The relevant ability must therefore be 10 or more for the
character to hold the occupation. Also, any negative check
modifiers indicated in the Player’s Handbook become zero
for asterisked proficiencies. Finally, a relevant ability of 16 or
more grants a 10% bonus to earned experience when the
proficiency is used.
In addition to the listed proficiencies, the commoner be-
gins with one weapon proficiency. Thereafter, the commoner
gains one new nonweapon proficiency slot for every two
levels of advancement, and one new weapon proficiency slot
for every eight levels of advancement. When purchasing new
proficiencies from any but the General group, the cost is one
extra proficiency slot per purchase.
Commoners begin with a THAC0 of 20, which improves
one point for every level of advancement.

Optional Rule: Status

Those characters in the commoner character class (black-
The warrior son of a king is far different from the peasant hero smiths, leatherworking, etc.) must belong to the trades status.
who leads her people to freedom. Though both are fighters, Race and Status: Characters of any race can hold any social
they are separated by social status. Characters of Krynn may status among their own people: gully dwarves have kings and
hold any social status, ranging from the opulent and soft life Silvanesti have servants. However, when a character ven-
of nobility to the harsh and rigorous life of slavery. tures into human society, the human penchant for prejudice,
oppression, and exploitation asserts itself. Therefore, until
determining Social Status the humans of Krynn learn to transcend their own short-
sightedness, certain other races suffer social-status penalties
To determine social status, roll percentile dice and consult among them. When determining the social status of one of
the following chart. Alternately, DMs may allow characters to the following races in human society, apply the listed penalty
choose status depending on the character class and race (see to the die roll:
below). Dark elf –15
Elf –10
01-09: Slave Gnome –7
10-25: Peasant Gully dwarf –25
26-50: Trades Half-elf –15
51-65: Martial lrda –5
66-75: Middle Kender –15
76-85: Upper Minotaur –25
86-95: Created nobility Conversely, humans who live among these races suffer the
96-98: Inherited nobility listed penalty to their social status.
99: Displaced royalty
00: Royalty Social Status descriptions

Character Class and Status: In Krynn, one will never en- Royalty: The character is directly related to a national or city-
counter a king-thief or a slave-cavalier. To avoid such strange state monarch.
combinations, some character classes have status minimums Advantages: The character starts out with triple starting
or maximums. money, plus a choice of armor, shield, helmet, and two
Barbarian Warrior: Maximum is created nobility. weapons. The PC also receives two extra initial proficiency
Bard: Maximum is created nobility. slots. He lives in opulence. Fame and honor follow him wher-
Cavalier: Minimum is tradesman. ever he goes.
Knight of Solamnia: Minimum is peasant. Disadvantages: The character is plagued by fame and hon-
Thief: Maximum is created nobility. or. He cannot walk down the street without being recognized

and all his actions are mercilessly scrutinized. Martial Status: The character is, or is directly related to, a
The PC must reduce Con and Str by one point each to re- person who makes a living through military work. Such folk
flect the soft and opulent life to which he is accustomed. After are typically mercenaries or fighters in a nation’s army or na-
the character has attained fifth level, Con and Str return to vy.
their original values. Advantages: The PC starts with one extra weapon profi-
The character’s parents forbid him from certain adventures ciency, a free weapon, and an extra point of Con to represent
because of their danger or distance from the home nation the ruggedness of this lot.
(any over 100 miles). Disobedience may cause the character Disadvantages: Those of the martial class are notorious for
to become displaced royalty. Generally, the more the player being boisterous, brutish, and disruptive. Because they be-
relies on his royal blood, the more demands and restrictions lieve that most anything can be settled with a fight, others shy
the DM should place on him. In extreme situations, the char- away from them. Also, those who belong to the martial status
acter may even be tracked by assassins from rival nations. are continually relocating to the most dangerous sections of
the world.
Displaced Royalty: The character is directly related to some-
one who once was a ruler but no longer holds power. This Trades Status: This character is, or is related to, a person who
category also includes royalty characters who have been dis- makes a living by the sweat of his labor-be it blacksmithing,
owned or were illegitimate. leatherworking, sailing, fishing, trapping, or a multitude of
Advantages: Character starts with double starting money other tasks.
and one free weapon. Cavaliers, paladins, and people of no- Advantages: The PC receives one free nonweapon profi-
ble rank recognize the character. The living conditions vary ciency from the General category. Also, the character is
greatly with the circumstances of the displacement. spared from performing the mind-numbing tasks reserved for
Disadvantages: The character and his family really have no peasants and slaves.
power anywhere. Those responsible for the displacement Disadvantages: The PC must work very hard to maintain
may seek to kill or imprison the character. Many of those who his social position so as not to descend into the peasant sta-
recognize the character may fault him for his family’s loss of tus.
Peasant: This unskilled individual works hard and lives at
Inherited Nobility: The character is, or is directly related to, subsistence level. Tenant farmers, shepherds, bandits, brig-
someone who holds a title and a land grant given by the na- ands, nomads, and pirates are considered to come from peas-
tion’s rulers. Tribal chiefs and city rulers fall into this category. ant stock.
Advantages: The PC starts with double starting money, the Advantages: These people are the least tied down of any
choice of one weapon, and a horse. He also lives on an im- social status. Because they have nothing, they have nothing
pressive estate. to lose. Furthermore, they share their lot with most of the folk
Disadvantages: The character is expected to defer to those on Krynn. Many a great hero has arisen from peasant stock.
of higher station. He may have responsibilities that tie him to Disadvantages: Character starts with no more than half the
a particular geographical area. normal starting money and often is very destitute. This condi-
tion inspires many to leave their farms to seek fortune and
Created Nobility: The character is, or is related to, someone glory.
who has worked from upper status to achieve nobility. They
do so by becoming so rich and influential that rulers must ac- Slaves: These PCs had been captured and sold by raiders or
knowledge them. These folk typically run merchant dynas- forced to work in servitude to repay debts. As roleplaying be-
ties. gins, the character has either escaped captivity or earned his
Advantages: Character starts with choice of a weapon and freedom.
a horse, half again the typical starting money, and the Advantages: The PC receives one free nonweapon profi-
Reading/Writing proficiency. He lives in a roomy manor ciency from the General category (to reflect the tasks he per-
house. formed) and a dagger.
Disadvantages: Those of inherited nobility may snub the Disadvantages: The character starts with no money. If the
created nobility. Those of lower status may resent the created character is an escaped slave, he is being hunted.
nobility and try to topple them.

Upper Status: This character has wealth but no title or special

land grant. Most are successful, well-established merchants
or folk from an ancient family line with ancestral land.
Advantages: The character starts with full allowable start-
ing money plus the choice of a weapon. He also has a com-
fortable house and the Reading/Writing proficiency.
Disadvantages: The character and his extended family may
be subject to intrigue by similarly ranked families vying for
favor or created nobility status.

Middle Status: This character comes from a comfortable fam-

ily. They cannot afford extravagance, but neither do they
starve. Most normal merchants fall into this category.
Advantages: The character starts with a free weapon, a
clean house, and the Reading/Writing proficiency.
Disadvantages: Middle status folk occupy a slippery posi-
tion. If business improves, they may ascend to upper status; if
business declines, they may descend to poverty.


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