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Credits Special Thanks:

I want to first thanks Travis Legge, who gave me the opportunity

Written by: Rachel Judd
to run this chronicle in the first place.

My deepest thanks as well to Panda, Aly, Moon, Ben, and Charlie:

my players for this chronicle. I loved running for all of you!

And, of course, to the audience who tuned in for the livestream

or have watched the archived show at The Onyx Path Twitch.

I also want to shout out the real Mr. Boyd, my fifth grade teacher.
One of the most supportive and inspiring teachers I ever had in
elementary school, he’d read to the class every day after lunch.
I still remember all the wonderful adventures he took us on - to
Prydain and Middle Earth and other fantastic places, all within
our humble classroom.

And, lastly, to everyone who loves this amazing, beautiful game.

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2 Changeling: The Dreaming

Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Gifted and Talented 5
How to Use This Book 7
Opening the Chronicle 8
The Plot 10
Act I: The Program’s In Danger 10
Act II: Formulate A Plan 12
Act III: Save Gifted & Talented 15
Epilogue 15
Story Characters 17
Places 24

Gifted & TaLented 3

The roots of education are bitter, but the
fruits are sweet.

— Aristotle

Gifted and Talented ancient faeries, awoken into the bodies of mortals, doing
their best to survive in a world that has largely given up
Thank you for picking up this copy of Gifted and on belief, inspiration, and the value of seeing the world
Talented. Originally a two-episode chronicle run on the through the eyes of a child.
Onyx Path Twitch, this book is meant to enable you to
The life of a changeling is about balance. On the one
run your own version of the story.
hand are the mortal ties of friends, family, loved ones, co-
Included are five fully-fleshed out character sheets, workers, and neighbors who keep the changeling grounded
complete with reference sheets to support newcomers to in the real world. Many may care deeply about her, and
Changeling: the Dreaming in diving right into the game. Of wish nothing more than to see her happy and successful.
course, feel free to create your own characters, if that suits But they cannot hope to comprehend the changeling’s
your troupe best! inner life. They cannot see the changeling for all of who
she is, nor understand why she has to behave a certain way.
What is Changeling: the For her part, the Kithain may very well love her mortal
Dreaming? kin. But to give in to their way of life would mean a very
Originally published in 1995 and meant to tap into real soul-death for her. Her faerie soul requires constant
the growing collectible card game market, Changeling: the nourishment in the form of Glamour: the energy of pas-
Dreaming has gone through several distinct revisions before sion and creativity and inspiration. Without this, her faerie
settling on the current 20th Anniversary Edition. soul will wither and die, and she will forget ever having
At its core, Changeling is a game about hope, wonder, once been special.
and the power to push back the darkness. Changelings are

About This Chronicle
The core intent behind Gifted and Talented is to create a short,
Storyteller’s Note: Timing open-ended chronicle that introduces new players to this beautiful
I had roughly four hours to run this chronicle, world. The story revolves around high school students, attempting to
in two two-hour sessions. Though the main plotline save the one place where they feel accepted- their tiny campus freehold.
wrapped up by the end, the motley found themselves In keeping with the wide-open, anything-is-possible aesthetic of
with several dangling plot threads. Should you run this Changeling: the Dreaming, this chronicle is presented sandbox style.
for your own troupe, I recommend planning for at least Find in here a listing important characters, meaningful locations,
six hours, at least. and various obstacles to be overcome., which characters can interact
The exact, specific solution for this core problem with in any order. Keeping everyone focused is the motley’s main
is not given, though several possible suggestions are pre- goal: saving their beloved Gifted & Talented program from budget
sented. Each troupe will no doubt come up with their cuts (and perhaps dealing with their mentor’s betrayal, should that
own ideas and goals. Don’t be afraid to let your players’ come to light).
imaginations run wild. Changeling: the Dreaming is, after One note on the character sheets: points have been distributed
all, a game about what might be possible. with high school stakes in mind. Lady Yseult, for instance, has four
dots in Politics. This doesn’t mean she’s ready to run for elected
office. Rather, it means she’s adept at navigating the treacherous
Fortunately, changelings are not alone in the world. They collect waters of adolescence. Yseult can’t write a decent white paper about
into large communities called freeholds, with smaller motleys becom- the value of federalism or global investment policy to save her life,
ing a type of found family. Here, a changeling may truly be herself, but she’s nevertheless in the running for Prom Queen and knows
among others who profoundly understand her. These communities how to spread gossip, make friends, and get smart people to help her
are not without conflict, of course. But they are a literal lifesaver for with her homework.
the changelings who belong to them. Similarly, Resources are meant to be relative to a high schooler’s
Changeling: the Dreaming is an exploration of living in two worlds allowance, and Allies contributing as much as any extra-curricular
at once; of having access to an existence of limitless wonder while also club friend can.
needing to stay grounded in objective reality.

6 Changeling: The Dreaming

How to Use This Book
Packaged with this core guide are five character sheets, each
with their own reference guide. Within this guide, find writeups of
Changelings and Therapy
the people, places, and things the characters can interact with as they If you’re familiar with Changeling: the Dreaming,
pursue their various goals. At least the Storyteller should have a copy you’re well-acquainted with the idea that the Kithain
of Changeling: the Dreaming, 20th Anniversary Edition. Though reference are suspicious and fearful of therapy and mental health
sheets have been provided, they don’t cover everything and the main professionals. This isn’t because those roles are inherently
rule book is necessary to play Gifted & Talented. bad – therapists help millions of people across the world,
and psych meds have been a life-changing boon for many.
The Storytellers should read this adventure in its entirety before
beginning, the better to serve as the story’s guide and adjudicator. The fear of psychologists isn’t because they’re wrong,
And adding whatever embellishments they see fit. per se, it’s because they’re wrong for changelings. Well-
meaning therapists often do more harm than good to a
changeling, simply because, thanks to the Mists, they have
no way to comprehend the unique mental health needs
Why So Isolated? of the Kithain. Mental health support for changelings,
Within the setting of Changeling: the Dreaming, teen-
therefore, usually comes from within the community.
age Kithain are quite common and accepted. After all,
in the original fiction trilogy, Immortal Eyes, the Sidhe
character, Morgan, is an eight-year old girl given all the
deference due a ruler of the Kithain. The idea of an iso-
lated freehold comprised of nothing except high school Alexei Kairos
students and their advisor is strange, to say the least. The jock of the motley, Alexei is a track and field star. He’s
The meta explanation is that keeping the stakes nar- extremely attractive, and half the school has a crush on him. Alexei,
row and focused helps new players more easily navigate the a Satyr, soaks up this attention like a sponge. But his confident de-
game. The in-universe explanation is that the children’s meanor belies a crushing insecurity – Alexei isn’t half as experienced
Boggan advisor, Ms Darling, has been manipulating and as people think he is. Like the rest of his friends, Alexei is trying to
deceiving her charges for the sake of power – she enjoys figure out what being Satyr even means to him.
ruling her own freehold, no matter how tiny. Whether Teadora ‘Tea’ Ruiz
her betrayal comes to light during the course of events
The motley’s Nocker, Teadora is who you go to when you’ve
is entirely up to each individual Storyteller.
got a question about cars and how they work. She can make or break
any machine you can dream of, and half a dozen ones you can’t. Tea
struggles to make her family proud, unsure of what path she ought
to chart for herself into the future.
The five pre-generated characters are:
Billy Osborne
Lady Yseult ap Gwydion, called Amber Arlington The deck is rather stacked against this bad boy. Coming from
Yseult, named Amber by her mortal family, occupies the popular a military family, one might assume he’d have been delighted to
girl role. She is beautiful and very good at the social game, though she awaken into his role as a Troll. But Billy carries a weight he doesn’t
struggles with the weight of expectation upon her, and the reversal of know how to deal with – he’s constantly having flashbacks to the Ac-
fortune recently suffered by her mortal parents. cordance War. His one solace is Alexei, but Billy doesn’t know how
The Sidhe wants only to come into her role as leader of a freehold, to articulate his feelings.
though her mortal circumstances complicate the situation. Yseult is
an Autumn Sidhe – one of the few who remained behind during the
Interregnum and now reincarnates as commoner changelings do. What’s An Accordance War?
Whether this was a deliberate choice on her part, or the bad luck of Once upon a time, many Sidhe fled material reality
being left behind, is up to the player to decide. and its crushing Banality. They only came back when a
Princess Jones singular event united billions in wonder: the 1969 Moon
Landing. After returning, they asserted their right to rule.
The daughter of hippie parents, Princess is the goth artist of the
motley. She likes the creepy and weird – fitting for her nature as a The commoners, rather understandably, balked.
Sluagh. Princess is new to the world of the Kithain, still exploring its The ensuing conflict was called the Accordance War and
wonders. But this has come at the expense of her grades, and Princess roughly paralleled the Vietnam conflict. Billy is both a
is working hard to make sure her parents don’t send her to therapy. veteran and a casualty of that war, and remembers not
only fighting in the front lines, but his own death.

Gifted & TaLented 7

For the Storyteller: Running a San- Improv is Key
dbox Style Chronicle Leading into that last point, however, I can’t emphasize enough
how improv skills can contribute to your game. There’s a saying in
While the scenes in this book have been organized in a roughly
improv that you should never say no, you should always say ‘yes, and…’
linear fashion, this is meant to be a sandbox game. The world is full
I’m personally a fan of adapting this rule to roleplay, with limitations.
of interesting places and people for the characters to interact with,
After all, saying ‘yes’ to everything quickly leads to a game of role-
which they can do in any order which suits them. They are prevented
playing Calvinball. Players always want the I Win button, but giving
from going wholly off the rails by virtue of a time limit: they must
it to them too early leads to an unsatisfying game.
solve this problem within thirty days.
So, if you feel like you need to shoot an idea down, always follow
When you run a sandbox game, keep a few things in mind.
it up with an alternative. “No, you can’t have a chimerical dragon,
Be Aware of the Spotlight but you can summon a few dragonets to blow chimerical fire enough
Charismatic and outgoing players have a knack for seizing the to frizz Francesca’s hair.”
spotlight. And while good players know how to share it, if you’re run-
ning for newer players, they may not have picked up this awareness
or skill yet. Try to spread your time and attention as a Storyteller out
Opening the Chronicle
At the game start, distribute the characters to the players. How
evenly. You don’t necessarily need to time yourself, but stay aware of you do this is of course up to you: have your players choose randomly,
how long it’s been since your quieter players last got to be the center or negotiate who takes up which role. If your troupe is larger than five
of a scene. players, some players should make up their own characters.
Go Off Script Once the sheets have been distributed, have the players fill in
When I ran this on Twitch, my players decided to go in an en- the second page of their character sheet file. They should flesh out
tirely unanticipated direction. Yseult made an alliance with Francesca, their identity, equipment, and their ties to each other.
whereupon they went on a madcap caper to steal Paul Grant’s phone Ask everyone to elaborate on their relationship to each other.
and give it to a local newspaper reporter. With his shady deals exposed, How did they meet? What classes do they have together? Each character
the school board turned against him. I thought about including this should talk a little bit about his or her mortal family, and what they
twist in the chronicle outlined here, but ultimately decided against it. think of the adult Story Characters like Ms. Darling or Mr. Boyd.
That story was unique to my players and my game, and I don’t want As a final step to make each character more personal, have each
to impose it on yours. player go through their sheets and, for each Attribute or Ability they
Which is to say: don’t be afraid to go off script. That’s the key have 4 or more dots in, pick a specialty. Ex: Alexei has four dots in
to any sandbox game. Performance, which his player can allocate to Rap Battles, Freestyle
Dance, Beat Boxing, or whatever she thinks a character like Alexei
would be really good at.
When you’re ready, let the chronicle begin!

8 Changeling: The Dreaming

Place illustration here
(recomended full color)
The Plot
It’s never too late to be what you might
have been.

— George Eliot

Scene 1: The Reveal

Once Upon A Time
The core story of Gifted & Talented is simple: save the
Ms Darling waits for the changelings. Perceptive and
empathic characters may notice she’s been crying. At first
program! However, complications abound. The following she doesn’t want to worry the characters, but a little bit
is a suggested act progression. Storytellers should mix and of wheedling convinces her to share the e-mail she’s just
match scenes as necessary. received (see Appendix 1 for a printable handout).
It’s the minutes of last night’s school board meeting,
Act I: The Program’s In distributed to school employees. The school board needs
to vote on next year’s budget, and member Paul Grant
Danger has proposed a budget that makes sweeping cuts to many
The story opens with the changeling students gather- extracurricular programs. The Gifted & Talented program
ing in their workshop at lunch. isn’t specifically on the block, but Ms. Darling knows that
Invite each player into their character’s mindset by more popular clubs and sports programs will snap up what
asking them describe personal details about their charac- little money remains.
ter. How are they dressed? What are they eating for lunch Even if that weren’t bad enough, another budget pro-
today? Did they bring it from home, or buy something posal by Anthony Morris calls for selling the strip of land
from the cafeteria? on which the workshop sits. A local real estate development
These sorts of questions can help players get into the company wants to build a fancy live/work complex, and
right headspace, especially as they are using pre-generated having the extra land means they can include a courtyard
characters. water feature. This would give the school enough money
to keep most of their programs, and fund some desperately-needed
The transcript reveals that while a few board members are reluctant
to cut all the programs, most of them are amenable to selling the land.
As far as they know, the workshop hasn’t been used to teach classes
for a very long time, and the sale makes good financial sense to them.
The minutes end with a reminder that, per school board bylaws,
the budget proposal will have a month for open commenting by the
public before the board takes a final vote.
The characters should have a chance to discuss what this all
means. They won’t have a safe place on campus to be themselves,
and it’s quite possible that the other arty clubs, such as Art Club or
Drama Club, may also suffer budget eradication. Ms. Darling’s only
suggestion is to petition the school board members directly, but she
is not hopeful about their chances.
At some point, the lunch bell rings and the characters must
disperse to their classes.
Establish Stakes
While running this scene, Storyteller, take care to establish one
crucial piece of information. Ms Darling has taught the characters
that, after they graduate and turn eighteen, they will be eligible to
join a real freehold. Until then, they must remain in her care and
leadership, under the auspices of the Gifted & Talented program.

Scenes 2-6: Interludes

Each character gets to enjoy the spotlight in turn, focusing on
their after-school programs. Skip the interlude for any character who
isn’t present. The scenes have been ordered in such a way as to present
the necessary information in a dramatically escalating manner, but
change it up if that better suits your chronicle.
Scene 2: Yseult, called Amber: Drama Club
The Drama Club is supposed to be rehearsing in preparation
of the imminent auditions for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but
everyone is far too cut up by word of the proposed budget. If the cuts
go through, then this year’s production will be their last.
Francesca Giovanni is here, and can’t help but get in a few
sideways slings at Yseult. She calls the Gifted & Talented building
an eyesore, and says the entire school will benefit from getting rid
of it. Quite accurately, she points out peeling paint on the walls,
the air conditioner that hasn’t worked for years, and says the school
desperately needs money
Scene 3: Billy: Outdoor Adventures
As Outdoor Adventures is a separate organization, the budget
cuts doesn’t threaten this group very much. There is some concern
over losing a valuable partnership, but this club will survive. Cur-
rently, they’re planning their Spring Break – a weeklong camping
trip in the wilderness.
Unfortunately, one of the campers has gotten benched: Bianca
O’Doul. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but the organizers are re-
luctant to bring along a teenage girl who’d be eight months pregnant
when the camping trip occurs. Until Bianca delivers her baby, she’s
staying in civilization.
And she’s furious about it. Billy comes across her arguing with
the lead organizer. Bianca insists that the women in her family are

Gifted & TaLented 11

tough, and she’s not even afraid of the prospect of giving birth in the pursuits. Not only that, they know that their father is also the driving
wilderness. But there’s nothing she, nor Billy, can do. It’s a liability force behind selling off the land the workshop sits on.
and insurance issue. Rian proposes the idea that the clubs should all band together.
Once it’s clear that Bianca isn’t going to win this one, she com- Everyone should collaborate on a killer presentation to present before
plains to Billy. She knows that Billy is part of the Gifted & Talented the school board. Something interdisciplinary, that would show off
program, and assumes (presumably correctly) that he wants to save how Drama, Art, Athletics, Robotics, and Gifted & Talented are all
it. Bianca offers to help – in exchange, all she wants is to be able to important to a well-rounded education.
eat lunch with him and his friends. She’s tired of all the slut-shaming Tea should realize there’s some serious potential here to infuse the
going on at school. presentation with Glamour and cantrips. Though fae magic doesn’t
Scene 4: Princess: Art Club last very long, it doesn’t really need to linger in this case. Just enough
Art Club is in an uproar. They’ve been under-budgeted for years, for the board to cast their votes.
and this is just the final straw of the club being de-prioritized. No one As this scene wraps up, send Tea a private note. Her Ritalin
is getting any art done this afternoon. stash is dangerously low, and she should get with her contact soon
Willow St. John makes an appearance, dressed like the sort of to buy more.
adult who fits in just fine in a high school art club. She does her best
to give an inspiring speech. If it were up to her, she’d save all the pro- Scene 7: Strategy
grams, not just this one. It becomes clear, however, that as she speaks Once their after school activities let out, the characters should
she doesn’t really have much of a plan, beyond asking students to ask re-convene. Ms. Darling has kept the workshop open, but allow them
their parents to object to this budget during the open comment period. as Storyteller to meet wherever else they feel comfortable. Give the
This is also where Princess and Brandon McGinnis can interact. characters time to share information, and to devise a plan of action.
With all the chaos, no one will notice Princess whispering to ‘herself’. If they seem stuck, any of the relevant Story Characters might
Brandon himself cannot offer any direct help, but death, it turns still be on campus and can swing by the workshop to give advice and
out, bores him. He’ll accept whatever tasks Princess gives him, just guidance.
for something to do.
Scene 5: Alexei: Athletics Act II: Formulate A Plan
Rather than hold practices this afternoon, the Athletics Depart- Now that the characters know the problem and the stakes, they
ment is having an all-hands meeting for coaches and students. Head can work together to formulate an effective strategy. By now, it should
track coach and director of the athletics program, Coach Phil, explains be clearly established that they have two major problems to solve:
the budget situation in greater detail. getting the school board to vote against the budget cuts, and getting
them to vote against selling off the land.
The football program was retired several years ago, out of con-
cern for players’ health and the risk of Traumatic Brain Injury. With Since this is a sandbox-style chronicle, there’s no single pre-defined
the money saved by ending this cost-intensive program, the school solution. However, the following are presented as possible solutions,
was able to diversify into sports like track & field, swimming, and along with a few relevant challenges.
softball. Coach Phil appreciates this diversity – he likes that more
students are able to be active and play sports. But there’s pressure to Personal Persuasion
restore the football program, which would be at the expense of the The characters can track down and persuade (or ‘persuade’) each
other athletic programs. school board member to vote for keeping the Gifted & Talented pro-
The long and short of it is that while the athletic program will gram. They must secure 3 out of 5 votes. Each school board member
certainly survive in some fashion, it may not be in the same configura- wants something different, and so the characters must tailor their
tion as it is presently. attempts towards each individual. Some, such as Jason Chang or
Anthony Morris, are slightly more easy to persuade. Characters might
Listening next to Alexei is Cara Selkirk, a Selkie on the swim
have to play dirty and resort to blackmail or compulsion magic to get
team. Cara agrees that the whole situation is a bummer. She doesn’t
Paul Grant or Karen Jessop on board.
want to see the swim program ended, any more than Alexei likely
wants to see track & field go away. And she knows how important If the characters opt for this route, refer to the School Board
the Gifted & Talented program is to the other changelings at Ivywild. Member section of the cast list, and tailor individual scenes where
Cara offers some of her pod’s resources; mostly Dross, if Alexei and characters confront their targets.
his friends want to try and do anything. Challenges
Scene 6: Tea: Robotics Club Charisma + Persuasion to use a glib tongue.
Tea encounters Rian Morris as they’re tinkering half-heartedly Manipulation + Intimidation to use subtle threats of force.
with a circuit board. Rian’s very disappointed in their father, and a Intelligence + Politics OR Perception + Empathy to gain insight
little guilty because they know Robotics Club will be safe from the into how the various school board members interact with each other,
budget cuts. Rian’s quite honest that their father wants to put all and what each one might want.
the remaining budget money into Robotics Club and other STEM

12 Changeling: The Dreaming

Give a Great Presentation Name Starting Willpower
This idea is presented by Rian Morris. By working together, the Difficulty Pool
students can pull together a presentation that will sway Anthony
Anthony Morris 5 4
Morris and Jason Chang (along with Willow St. John, who’s already
in favor) to preserving the budget. Karen Jessop 4 5
The main obstacle here is resources: how will the students get the Jason Chang 6 2
money and materials together in time to develop their presentation?
If the characters opt for this route, allow each of them to take Paul Grant 3 6
the lead of their particular club. That character makes the necessary Difficulty by one (Willow St. John is not listed because she will always
roll to determine how well their part of the presentation does, using vote yes, unless this chronicle has gone very, very off the rails).
the following mechanics. Remember that Difficulty cannot be raised above 9 (though
Challenges exceptionally daring characters might engineer a situation in which
Intelligence + Crafts OR Computers OR Science to create school board members begin the meeting with less than their normal
something mechanical or artistic. amount of Willpower).
Charisma + Performance OR Expression to give a great per-
formance. Spoil the Deal
Charisma OR Manipulation + Leadership to lead each indi- If the characters want to take a circuitous route, they can figure
vidual club. out a way to sabotage the impeding land sale. This requires a bit more
Succesess are pooled together, then use the following chart to subtlety and subterfuge than the other two options.
determine success. Challenges
Each school board member will make a Willpower check to see Dexterity + Stealth to pickpocket devices such as phones or
if they are persuaded or not. A character who is not persuaded votes tablets from people like Paul Grant.
‘no’, so the changelings likely want them to fail this check. Intelligence + Computers to hack into email accounts. Paul
The Starting Difficulty given assumes no presentation is given. Grant speaks of his fellow school board members with contempt
Every success, or two points of Glamour spent, raises one character’s when corresponding with his business partners. Seeing how poorly
he thinks of them would certainly undermine his ability to sway the

Gifted & TaLented 13

vote. And, of course, there’s the evidence that he’s actively colluding The screaming starts, Gregory/Billy reaches for a massive war
with Blue Cat Construction. club strapped to his back. The last thing he remembers is how it felt
Perception + Investigation to study old meeting minutes, deeds when a sharp, cruel sword slid into his heart.
on file at City Hall, and other public records with an eye towards Ysuelt
demonstrating the deal is illegitimate. Perhaps the land is in a trust
Ysuelt gets an urgent text message from her mother. Mrs. Ar-
which prohibits selling it off piecemeal.
lington has a job interview in twenty minutes, and needs Amber to
Manipulation + Subterfuge to plant (or even have published) come watch her siblings at the hotel where they’re all currently living.
rumors of the above – or whatever other rumors the characters care Will Ysuelt abandon her friends in their time of need? If they offer to
to plant. Bianca would certainly help the characters paint Blue Cat in come over to her house, will she reveal her terrible secret?
a bad light and imply their project is bad for the environment. If the
developers are prevented from moving forward, they have no interest Princess
in acquiring more land. Princess’ parents are concerned with how much time she’s spend-
ing away from home and not at her desk, studying. Her parents sit her
Obstacles down for a meeting in which they express their concern that Princess’
grades have been slipping. They worry about her future, and want to
Of course, the characters are going to have to work for their goals.
know what’s going on in her life. If Princess can’t provide them with
And good drama means good conflict. Here are some obstacles you
satisfactory answers, they’re going to call a child therapist.
can throw in the characters’ path as they pursue their chosen method.
Money Tea gets a string of unpleasant text messages. Her father is in the
Whatever plan the characters devise likely requires the purchase ER after another cardiac event, and her mother wants Tea there for
of materials and supplies. Remember that the dots on the sheets are him. But her Ritalin is getting low, and Francesca is sending increas-
meant to indicate within the context of high school. Princess Jones ingly nasty texts. She threatens to cut Tea off if the Nocker doesn’t
has three dots of Resources, but that only means she’s got a bigger sabotage what her friends are working on.
allowance than Tea or Amber. They certainly don’t have credit cards Any
or checkbooks, and will have to devise some way to beg, borrow, or
If any of the characters are caught misbehaving, breaking curfew,
steal the necessary resources.
without their homework, or committing any other number of minor
teenage sins, they’re sent to the principal’s office. Normally a threat,
Sabotage this gives characters the chance to encounter Mr. Boyd.
Even if Francesca doesn’t know exactly what the characters are
As they speak to him, they see tufts of chimerical squirrel fur
planning, everyone knows where the Gifted & Talented workshop
flash behind his eyes. He stutters as he tries to speak a plain truth,
is. If the characters don’t take the proper precautions to protect their
and moves in the same quick-pause-quick rhythm of a wild squirrel.
work, Francesca will do her damned best to destroy whatever the
He’s a Grump, in the clutches of Forgetting and on the verge of be-
characters are working on. She may even force Tea to help her do this.
ing Undone.
Personal Plot A quick hit of Glamour will sustain him, but only for an hour or
so, before Banality reasserts itself over the assistant principal.
What follows is a list of individual obstacles, based on character.
No matter what route the characters are taking, this is how you as
the Storyteller can make the story personal for each changeling. Like Twist: Betrayal Revealed
the Interludes in Act I, give each character their own time to shine. No story of teenage ambition and heartbreak is complete without
a betrayal late in the second act. Once the characters seem about 75%
Alexei of the way to their goal, introduce this twist.
As they work together, Cara flirts strongly with Alexei. She drops
Cara Selkirk encounters one of the characters. Alexei makes the
heavy hints that she’d like him to ask her to prom. For maximum
most sense as written, but if she’s developed a bond with a particular
drama, this should occur where Billy can see it happening.
character, have that changeling present as well/instead.
Billy Her question is simple: will she see the characters at the upcom-
During a moment of high tension, Billy has a flashback. He’s no ing Saining of Dame Morgause of House Dougal?
longer himself, and he’s not even in Ivywild anymore. Should they ask more questions: Dame Morgause is a Sidhe who
He’s an adult, dressed in 1970s clothing, and his name is Gregory. experienced her Chrysalis just short of a year and a day ago. She’s due
He can see the Empire State building through the windows of the to be introduced to the freehold (the real one) for her formal Saining
hotel ballroom where he and many other Kithain wait for the Sidhe. this weekend. Of special interest to the characters is the reveal that
He has a sense that he’s there in hopes of peace. But then he hears a Dame Morgause is currently attending Ivywild Elementary – she’s
dramatic click as the ballroom doors lock, and Sidhe warriors come only ten years old.
streaming into the room. Cara understands such young fae to be normal among non-Selkies,
and expects the other characters to be present at the freehold for such
a momentous occasion. She’s mystified that they wouldn’t be, and

14 Changeling: The Dreaming

even more confused if they explain what Ms. Darling has been telling
them. During this conversation, Billy and other characters with high
Conflict 2: Land Issues
This conflict likely folds into the above conflict, and can be
Remembrance should experience snippets of their own past lives – of
adjudicated at the same time.
children being welcomed and accepted into mainstream freeholds.
However, if the characters decide to separate them, give this
By the end of this scene, it should be made obvious that minor
conflict its own resolution based on what the characters have decided
children are allowed to join freeholds, and that their beloved mentor
they want. Perhaps they traded this issue in exchange for wider support.
has been actively lying to them.
Perhaps they decided to abandon the program entirely.

Confrontation! Conflict 3: Changelings on Campus

Doubtless after this reveal, the characters will want to confront After the land and budget issues resolve, the larger question
Ms Darling. As long as she doesn’t know what the characters have remains: what’s the future of the Kithain at Ivywild High School?
uncovered, she remains easy to find. Otherwise, they may need to make More changelings are likely to go through their Chrysalis, and they
some Intelligence or Charisma rolls to track down her home address. will need a place that accepts and nurtures them.
Ms Darling is cagey to begin with. She tries to gaslight the char- And there’s the question of what will happen to Mr. Boyd and
acters, saying Selkies have a different way of doing things from other Ms Darling. When I ran this, the characters decided that having a
Kithain and can’t be relied upon. But as the characters press her, she smaller campus freehold was probably a good thing, but made Mr.
breaks down. Especially if Yseult pushes her – Ms Darling can’t quite Boyd and Ms Darling swear an oath that not only would they work
overcome her lifetime of conditioning to defer to Sidhe, even if they together on this (thus preventing Ms Darling’s ambition from getting
are decades younger than her. in the way), but that they’d be honest with any new changelings about
Tearfully, Ms Darling confesses. She only wanted what was best where the real freehold is.
for the children. Changeling politics can be brutal, and she only It should also be pointed out that there are many abandoned
wanted to protect them. For the most part, she’s being honest; but or unused rooms on campus. Any one of these can easily become
on a successful Perception + Empathy roll, characters also pick up the new meeting place for the changelings. It won’t have the Dross
that she just really liked being in charge. which the workshop did, but they might at least retain some small
What the characters do now is up to them. Will they figure out island of safety.
some way to keep Mr. Boyd alive, and insist he take charge of any Give the characters a final scene with each other, as they con-
changelings coming into Ivywild? Will they forgive her? Will they insist demn, forgive, or redeem.
on an introduction to the real freehold?
Or maybe they decide to abandon Ms Darling and Gifted &
Talented altogether.
Though Gifted & Talented is meant to be a contained chronicle,
there are enough hooks to keep a longer story going.
Act III: Save Gifted & Ta- ¶¶ Who’s going with who for prom? What will prom even
lented be like? Most importantly, will Isuelt or Francesca be
voted Prom Queen?
Or not, depending on how the characters feel about what they’ve
been through. However it plays out, the characters should now have ¶¶ If the characters decide to join the Freehold of Midnight
the opportunity to resolve the major and minor conflicts. Give them Merriment, Dame Hilarité no doubt has some tasks for
some space to resolve their personal issues, and follow up on any story them.
generated by the Interludes or Personal Plot. ¶¶ Will the characters manage to be honest with themselves,
their families, and each other?
Conflict 1: Budget Issues ¶¶ What happens when a new freshman emerges from their
Perhaps the characters want to keep the Gifted & Talented pro- own Chrysalis?
gram no matter what. Perhaps they’re ready to move on. Perhaps they ¶¶ What happens after graduation?
only want to save the other extracurricular programs out of personal Even if you don’t continue the story, wrap up by giving each
desire, or a sense of obligation to their Prodigal and mortal friends. character their own The Breakfast Club style send-off. How has this
However it turns out, the school board holds their meeting. adventure changed the character, and what happens next? What text
Presentations are given. Votes are cast. Without the intervention of appears next to them as they ride off into the sunset?
the characters, however, the budget measures are likely to pass.
Even if the characters decide not to attend the meeting, let
them know how it all falls out (most likely via the disappointed or
heartbroken texts of their comrades).
Give this scene all the gravitas it deserves. Build up the tension,
slowly narrating how each board member votes.

Gifted & TaLented 15

That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of

— Damian, Mean Girls

A Motley Cast
Find here a listing of the characters important to
Countess Hilarite
of House
The local freehold leader (the real one). The
the chronicle. Some are allies, some are antagonists,
characters should not start the chronicle aware of this
many are somewhere in between.
Sidhe, nor she them.
Rather than provide a full sheet for each Story
However, should Ms Darling’s duplicity be discov-
Character (which would be far more information than
ered, the characters can certainly seek out and gain an
necessary), the mechanics have been stripped down for
audience with the Countess. As with most members
the sake of efficiency. Each character has a listing for
of House Gwydion, Countess Hilarité is Seelie, and
how well they perform at Social, Mental, and Physical
she strives to uphold the values of that Court. She’s an
challenges in general; a few Abilities they’re especially
Arcadian Sidhe, and has been around since the Moon
good at, which should add 1-3 dice to their pools; and
Landing and Resurgence. She remembers Billy from
one or two powers they can access (if applicable). Story
his past life, and may or may not have been one of the
characters should be presumed to have at least 3 points
attacking Sidhe during the Night of Iron Knives. As a
of Willpower, unless otherwise noted.
fellow member of House Gwydion, she favors Yseult.
Some characters are meant to be crossovers from
When Hilarité hears about what Ms Darling has
other game lines. If you prefer to run a straight Change-
been up to, her inclination is to banish the Boggan
ling game, the supernatural nature of various Prodigals
completely – though the characters may be able to
can easily be stripped out.
persuade her otherwise, if so inclined. She’s aware of

Mr. Boyd’s current difficulties, as he used to attend the Freehold months pregnant after a particularly memorable Homecoming
of Midnight Merriment quite regularly before Banality exerted its with her boyfriend. This doesn’t bother her much; she just hates
unforgiving hold over him. In exchange for the characters pledging the rumor-mongering. She is a member of Outdoor Adventures,
fealty to her, she will grant him a period of time by the balefire . along with Billy.
Not everyone has to agree to this, but she will give him more time
the more characters who do swear.
Story Role
Bianca O’Doul is a member of the Fianna tribe of werewolves.
Story Role She is currently kinfolk, though within the window of time to ex-
The Countess shouldn’t appear until Act III, when the perience First Change. Thus, her attitude towards her pregnancy:
characters have played through the twist at the end of Act II. She she and her family are happy she can carry a baby to term at all.
represents the choice the characters have: to enter mainstream Due to her Fianna heritage, Bianca has a vague, theoretical
society now, or retreat to their small freehold until they feel more understanding of changelings. She doesn’t suspect the characters,
ready. No matter what, though, after the characters graduate high but will accept them if they reveal themselves to her.
school, and if they decide to stay in town, they’ll be expected to Whether or not the characters reveal themselves to her, Bianca
swear fealty to her. is another ally, especially for Billy.
Mechanics Mechanics
Physical: 4 Physical: 6 (Brawl +3, Athletics +1)
Social: 7 (Leadership +3, Empathy +2) Social: 5
Mental: 5 (Perception +1) Mental: 4 (Survival +2)
Powers: The Countess is much as one would expect of a noble Powers: Access to the Gnosis (Glamour) of her local caern;
Sidhe. She is adept at the Sovereign Art, among others, and knows characters will have to be sneaky about getting it.
the Fae and Scene Realms.
Francesca Giovanni
Bianca O’Doul Veteran players in the World of Darkness will immediately
Bianca, a classmate, can be cultivated as an ally after she know Francesca is bad news. She’s the over-privileged daughter of
asks if she can start eating lunch with the characters. She’s sick the local powerhouse family. No one knows exactly what business
of the whispers and gossip over her status: Bianca is currently six her family is in: some say her father runs a shipping company or

18 Changeling: The Dreaming

an import/export business. Darker whispers accuse her family of Mechanics
drug dealing on a massive scale. Physical: 5 (Athletics +2)
For her part, Francesca is firmly in the dark regarding the Social: 7 (Leadership +3)
true scope and impact of Clan Giovanni on the wider World of Mental: 4 (Occult +1)
Darkness. She only knows (and is rather proud of bragging) that
Powers: Shapechanger: Cara can, if she has access to her
she is going to college in Venice after graduation. Though her
coat, shapeshift into a seal. Art: Skycraft 3; Realms: Nature, Scene
extended family is quite powerful, Francesca is only the daughter
and Prop.
of a minor ghoul and certainly can’t access the greater resources
of the Clan which she may one day join.
Brandon McGinnis
Story Role Brandon had everything going for him, once upon a time.
Francesa is one of the the story’s clearest antagonists. Though An athletic star and homecoming king, his biggest problem was
the characters struggle against an unfeeling school board, Francesca which Tier 1 college to accept a scholarship from.
is a personal rival. She is also tied up in Tea’s secret – the Nocker But a rainy night and a blown tire brought an abrupt end
has a bad Ritalin habit, and Francesca is her supplier. to all of that. Now, Brandon haunts Ivywild School, wondering
Mechanics what could have been and trying hard not to give into envy. Most
people can’t see him, but Princess can.
Physical: 4
Social: 6 (Intimidation +3, Politics +2) Story Role
Mental: 5 (Occult +1) Brandon can serve as a useful spy and ally for Princess. He
Powers: Merit: Medium. Can perceive ghosts. Given enough absolutely refuses to spy on Francesca, or go anywhere near her
preparation, she can control a ghost she finds out about (such as house.
Brandon). There’s a picture of Brandon and some of his medals in a
trophy case in the main building; this serves as one of his Fetters
Cara Selkirk along with his grave and some baby teeth kept by his still-grieving
Also a faerie, Cara is on the swimming team and friends mother.
with Alexei. She’s a rare type of Selkie, as she was granted a coat Mechanics
while still an adolescent. She’s a member of the local Selkie pod- Physical: 0
freehold, but frequently visits the city’s official freehold. She will
Social: 5 (Intimidation +2)
be surprised if informed that the player characters believe they
Mental: 4 (Investigation +3)
can’t join that freehold until graduation.
Powers: Brandon is invisible and undetectable to anyone who
is not a Sluagh or possessing the Medium Merit. He cannot affect
Inland Selkies the physical world except in very small ways (causing a breeze to
Selkies need to live close by a body of water large blow papers off a desk, making the immediate area very chilly),
enough to be affected by the Moon: oceans, seas, and but he can observe and report back to Princess.
large lakes. If you’ve set this game somewhere inland,
presume Cara and her family all have Tidal Charms Rian Morris
(Kithbook: Selkie, page 49), a two-dot Merit which allows President of the Robotics Club and friends with Tea, Rian
Selkies to enchant other waters. Whether this is a pond, is nonbinary and goes by they/them. They have an almost intui-
river, or even a swimming pool, the Selkies protect this tive understanding of the way computers work, one can almost
water with their very lives. sense their Avatar yearning to awaken as a Virtual Adept, Child
of Ether, or perhaps even a Void Engineer. That’s a story for a
different chronicle, however.
Story Role
As outlined in Kithbook: Selkie (another Storyteller’s Vault
Story Role
project written by yours truly), by virtue of relying on the coast, Rian is here to support Tea. They have access to a wide variety
Selkies don’t participate in the freehold system as extensively as of equipment and tools, and will also suggest a collaborative effort.
other Kithain. They prefer to form their own coastal pods, but take Working together, Rian says, means they can demonstrate the value
care to maintain friendly ties with the local freeholds. of all extracurricular programs and not set each one against them.
Rian’s father is a member of the School Board, and serves as an
Thus, while Cara is aware that the other characters are also
avenue by which the characters can access that part of the chronicle.
changelings, she simply assumes they’re part of the inland freehold.
An offhand comment about her seeing them at an upcoming Mechanics
formal event which her pod plans to attend can be the catalyst for Physical: 4
the characters beginning their investigations into Ms. Darling’s Social: 5
deception. Mental: 7 (Academics +1, Science +2, Technology +3)

Gifted & TaLented 19

Powers: Rian is on the verge of Awakening, and will have access Social: 6 (Intimidation +1, Subterfuge +2, Politics +3)
to Data and Correspondence if they do so during this chronicle. Mental: 4
Otherwise, Rian is a brilliant roboticist, whose powers of innovation Powers: Paul has Resources 5. He’s ridiculously wealthy, and
and invention rival Tea’s. They serve as a rich source of Glamour. there’s nothing on the open market he can’t obtain.

The School Board Karen Jessop

If the characters decide to go the political route, they can A stay-at-home mom with six kids, her family runs a construc-
attempt to persuade, cajole, or even blackmail members of the tion company which stands to benefit quite a lot if the developer’s
school board. Currently, the local school board has five members plans come to fruition. She thus has a very pronounced motivation
and three will need to vote in favor of keeping the budget for the to vote for the budget cuts – her family’s prosperity. Karen has
Gifted & Talented program. another reason. She’s extremely conservative and religious. Like
Anthony, she does not believe extracurricular clubs are valuable;
Anthony Morris but more because she is suspicious that these clubs promote anti-
Anthony is Rian’s father, and the most autumnal of the Au- religious propaganda.
tumn People. A successful corporate attorney, Anthony doesn’t see Karen is a strange mix of Dreamer and Autumn Person. She
the value of any aspect of education that does not prepare students firmly believes every conspiracy theory posted on social media,
to enter the workforce. He wants students to learn primarily science everything from ‘anti-vaxx’ to believing every noteworthy disaster
and math, and would cut the budget for anything beyond basic is a false-flag attack of some kind. Her openness to possibility
literature and history if he could. He would, if he could, vote to leaves her sensitive to the Dreaming, but the way in which she
get rid of every other club except Robotics and certain academic goes about it is Banal enough to even her out.
clubs like Quiz Bowl, which would then be lavishly funded. Karen will be the hardest to coerce, persuade, or even blackmail.
Despite being utterly Banal and an Autumn Person, Anthony Characters will have to use cantrips or supernatural powers directly
isn’t a monster. He does care about his child, and is open to be- on her – if they’re willing to deprive someone else of their free will.
ing persuaded by them. He can also be swayed by any argument Mechanics
which uses scientific studies to demonstrate the benefits of a
Physical: 4
well-rounded education.
Social: 5 (Empathy +2)
Mechanics Mental: 3 (Enigmas +1, Alertness +3)
Physical: 4 Powers: Depending on how Karen is led in conversation, she
Social: 5 (Law +3) can be a source of either Glamour or Banality.
Mental: 6 (Academics +2, Technology +1)
Powers: Banality 7. Jason Chang
As an Autumn Person, Anthony unconsciously uses the This is Jason’s first term as a school board member. He was
Erasure stigma. Dross slowly drains of its inherent Glamour and inspired to run after reading a series of articles linking an effective
chimera wither and fade when in his presence. school board to successful communities. Having arrived here, he
If the characters touch Anthony (such as by a handshake), finds himself a bit at a loss. He has many hopes and desires for
they must make a contested roll of their permanent Glamour the school system, but feels constrained by budget realities. He
versus Anthony’s Banality. For every success Anthony rolls, one would very much love to keep the programs, but believes there is
temporary point of Glamour drains from the changeling. This no money to sustain them.
test must be repeated for every hour the changelings send in his Jason is also extremely suggestible. He isn’t sure what the right
presence (including school board meetings). thing to do is, and can easily be won over by one of his colleagues,
only to change his mind after talking to someone else. Characters
Paul Grant can easily persuade him to keep the Gifted and Talented program
Paul is a corporate realtor with ties to Francesca’s family. He’s open, only to hear the next day that he has changed his mind.
currently being bribed by the development consortium interested They’ll need to extract a definite promise from him, and find a
in buying the land the Gifted & Talented workshop sits on. He’s way to make it stick – or ensure they’re the last people to talk to
also the only school board member with no children in any district him before the vote.
school. He is the leading vote to cut the budget and sell the land,
and persuading him otherwise will be difficult. Mechanics
Evidence of his bribery can be discovered by hacking into his Physical: 4 (Athletics +2)
phone or tablet and reading his email, or eavesdropping him on
Social: 5 (Empathy +3, Expression +1)
the phone. Characters attempting to blackmail or expose him will
have to turn on the charm. Mental: 5
Powers: Low Willpower. Jason can easily be recruited by use
Mechanics of cantrips or magic.
Physical: 5

20 Changeling: The Dreaming

Willow St. John And ever since the late 1990s, she’s controlled the Gifted
& Talented program. Occupying a semi-abandoned workshop
A successful children’s book author and mother of two grade-
on campus, Ms Darling makes it her business to find and collect
school children, Willow is the person most on the characters’ side.
Kithain newly experiencing their Chrysalis. As much as the Gifted
She wants every program fully funded, and to expand the budget
& Talented program might be said to be a freehold, Ms Darling
even further. She’s a Dreamer, and her home is full of Glamour
is its leader.
and Dross. She will help the characters as much as she can, but
her influence on the board is minimal beyond her vote. What the Kithain don’t know is that Ms Darling has been
deceiving them. She teaches those under her care that once they
Mechanics graduate, they’ll be ready to join a ‘real’ freehold. This is a lie;
Physical: 3 freeholds across Concordia are quite accepting of minors. Ms
Social: 7 (Crafts +3) Darling’s motivations are twofold: she absolutely enjoys the power
Mental: 4 (Expression +2, Enigmas +1) that comes with being a freehold leader, even if she can never reveal
Powers: Willow is an easy source of Glamour if the characters her role or status to larger Kithain society.
find themselves running low. If they can manage to have her sit And secondly, Ms Darling really does believe she’s doing the
next to Anthony Morris during a school board meeting, she can best for her charges. She wants to ease them gently into the turbid
temporarily suppress his stigmas. waters of changeling politics. Conveniently, selfishness and altru-
ism lead her to the same place.
Faculty Story Role
The teachers who may or may not be able to help. Ms Darling is a one-dot Mentor for every player character. She
can answer questions, provide advice, and give stuck characters
Ms Darling direction or inspiration. Of course, depending on what secrets the
Ms Darling has been teaching at Ivywild High School for over characters uncover, she may pivot to an antagonist in later acts.
three decades. She’s a Boggan Grump, and has taught everything Mechanics
from home economics to math to biology. Currently, she enjoys
Physical: 4
teaching Language Arts for freshmen and sophomores.
Social: 4 (Leadership +2)

Gifted & TaLented 21

Mental: 6 (Academics +1, Crafts +3) Story Role
Powers: Ms Darling’s Crafts specialties focus on the classroom: The characters, of course, are capable of helping. What they
paper crafts, posters, room decoration, and the like. She has an choose to do is up to them. Ms Darling says the best way to stave
inherent understanding of social dynamics, and knows how each off Forgetting forever is to find something that truly inspires the
school board member interacts with the others. She knows the Leg- changeling. Mister Boyd finds sincere amateurs more inspiring than
erdemain and Naming Arts, along with Prop and Scene as Realms. trained professionals – he gets more Glamour from watching a
school play or a marching band performance than a Broadway stage
Mister Boyd production. The detritus of the workshop is more than enough
Evan Boyd went into education hoping to inspire the next to reinvigorate him, as he studies projects past. He will remain a
generation. He succeeded wildly as a teacher, which earned him Grump, but will be in far less danger of Forgetting himself, espe-
promotion into administration. That is when Banality began to cially if he figures out how to delegate the more Banal parts of his
wear this squirrel Pooka down, to the point where not only has job. Or if for some reason, someone needs to take over leadership
he become a Grump, but he also has long periods of Forgetting. of the Gifted & Talented program.
When the characters first meet him, he is in one of these extended As a Pooka aware of himself, Mister Boyd is one of the best
periods of forgetfulness. He appears as human, but out of the allies the characters can have. He knows each member of the
corner of their eyes, especially if they just recently spent Glamour school board very well, and can be instrumental in securing Jason
or used a cantrip, they might glimpse tufts of red hair behind his Chang’s vote. He can also provide them with any resources they
ears, or a black nose, or even a bushy tail. lack to finish their final presentation.
If asked: Ms Darling knows the truth, and says she has struggled Mechanics
to keep Mister Boyd ‘alive’. But the Banality of his job – endless
Physical: 6 (Athletics +2)
paperwork, disciplining students, wrangling budgets – wears him
down within weeks. She is sad for him but doesn’t know how she Social: 5
can help him long-term (of course, Ms Darling is secretly okay with Mental: 4 (Kenning +1, Stealth +3)
Mr. Boyd fading into himself – he represents the greatest threat Powers: If Mister Boyd remembers himself, he can transform
to her control of the school’s changelings). into a red squirrel. Like all Pooka, he cannot speak a direct truth
without paying Willpower. He also knows the Metamorphosis and
Soothsay Arts, with Fae, Actor, and Prop Realms.

22 Changeling: The Dreaming

Same difference.

— Veronica, Heathers

Interesting Spots
The various locations characters might visit over the
being decrepit. A falling population has impacted the
budget, and the school can’t afford to revitalize the crum-
bling old building even if they wanted to. It does, however,
course of the adventure. have most of the usual high school haunts: bathrooms, a
library, a cafeteria and quad for lunch, banks of lockers
Ivywild School and a teacher’s lounge.
The core of Ivywild was built in the 1970s, when
the surrounding area was experiencing rapid growth.
The Workshop
Obviously, the characters will spend quite a bit of
The population swelled, attracted by a proliferation of
time here. Once upon a time, this was where the various
inexpensive housing and robust industrial jobs. Several
shop classes were taught. Budget cuts, however, have made
additions were made to the school, including the current
shop a distant memory. Much of the equipment remains,
Gifted & Talented workshop built on the very edge of
including jigsaws, power drills, wrenches, sewing machines,
the land allotment. But after the dot-com bubble burst,
and a wide collection of tools. Some of it may need repair,
the town entered a downturn from which it has not yet
but it stands as an incredible resource for the characters.
recovered. Many moved away from the town, looking for
work in the big cities. Despite being called a freehold, the workshop has
no balefire. However, years of students making boxes and
As a result, the once-bustling school has small classes
blankets has suffused the place with Glamour. It sits firmly
nearly as a matter of course. Many classrooms are unused,
within the Dreaming. The various potholders, pillows,
and certain areas of campus are disused to the point of
wooden boxes, and other small shop crafts made and abandoned
over the years are full of Dross.
The Freehold of Midnight
The Field
The true freehold in the city, this freehold is a 24-hour coffee
An athletic field where Alexei and his team train and sometimes shop in downtown. A known hangout for artists, vagrants, and those
host other schools for track meets. The bleachers beneath this field are of strange character, the freehold has the curious tradition of meeting
a great place to have a clandestine meeting or two. Brandon especially at midnight. Thus, very young changelings (such as the characters) have
likes haunting this part of campus, as it’s where he had his happiest very little opportunity to visit – protective parents aren’t very likely to
school memories. want their offspring to visit such a sketchy place. Even changelings
Off to the side of the field is the gym. Like many other buildings have bedtimes, after all.
on campus, this gym is in desperate need of repair. In a barely-locked Once they are made aware of its existence, however, the change-
room, the characters will find the accumulated sports equipment of lings might certainly devise a plan to sneak away, or perhaps justify
teams long-ago defunded: baseball bats, half-deflated volleyballs, and a visit to their parents.
even some ice skates. Meetings happen on the second floor, where there aren’t many
chairs but are a great number of bean bags, cushions, and couches. The
Mr. Boyd’s Office store, run by another Boggan named Stephanus, serves any number
This office is barely controlled chaos even at the best of times. of carefully-crafted drinks including coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and
His desk is scattered with paperwork, photos of his family, old news- lemonade alongside delicious pastries and sandwiches. Low levels of
papers, and even some lost homework. Books are scattered about in Dross infuse the eclectic decorations, mostly art picked up at second-
loose piles and stacks. Despite the clutter, Mr. Boyd can always find hand stores or bought from local crafters.
exactly what he’s looking for, even if it takes him several minutes. The inhabitants of the freehold are universally pleased to en-
There’s always a dish of nuts out for visitors to snack on. counter the changelings, variously shocked to hear of Ms Darling’s
duplicity. So that’s why she never really came around much.

Gifted & TaLented 25

Thanks for
If you used this supplement in your own game, I’m always interested to hear about your
stories. Email me at with your own troupe’s shenanigans!
If you want to see more of what I’ve done with Changeling: the Dreaming, check out
Kithbook: Selkie. The enigmatic sealfolk have always been set apart from the rest of the
Kithain. This kithbook tackles the reasons why.
You can also find me Thursday evenings on the Onyx Path Twitch, where I run The Last
Faerie Tale, a Changeling: the Dreaming chronicle spanning the ages.
I’m also on Twitter, Instagram, and Ko-Fi.

And if you want to check out what else I have at the Storyteller’s Vault:

Rose City by Night

A detailed look at the Kindred and politics of Portland, Oregon, for
Vampire: the Masquerade.

Forgotten Corners of the Earth

A listing of lost caerns in the Werewolf: the Apocalypse setting, and a collection of
chronicle hooks for your troupe.

Committed to DarknesS
If Chronicles of Darkness is more your speed, enjoy this collection of antagonists spe-
cifically designed for Vampire: the Requiem.

A Cainite’s Guide to Travel

This one is just fun. How do the Sabbat get from city to city, after all? Part of 2019’s
Year of the Road.

26 Changeling: The Dreaming

Subj: School Board Minutes

Find enclosed a copy of the minutes of last night’s school board meeting.
Have a blessed day!

8:01 pm: President Anthony Morris calls meeting to order. Mrs. Karen Jes-
sop’s offer to perform an opening invocation declined, per usual. Mr. Jason
Chang welcomed to the board.
8:02: Previous meeting’s minutes read.
8:07: Old business. Waste management contract with Ardus Enterprises to
be upheld. Mr. Paul Grant thanked for facilitating Ardus contract. Dates of
spring science fair confirmed by Mr. Anthony Morris.
8:18: New business. Mrs. Willow St. John proposes expanding pre-school
services; to be investigated.
8:25: Budget discussion. Mr. Paul Grant proposes budget for next fiscal year.
Extracurricular program funding to be cut by 60%. President Anthony Mor-
ris proposes various renovations to school property. Blue Cat Construction
offering discounted work in exchange for sale of northwest parcel (currently
8:37: Per Mrs. Willow St. John’s request: her strenuous objections to pro-
posed budget are hereby entered into the record.
8:42: Roll call vote, budget in favor 3 to 2. Land sale unanimously in favor.
8:49: Proposed budget submitted for public comment. Next meeting to be
held in 30 days for confirmation vote.
8:56: President Anthony Morris calls meeting to close. Mrs. Karen Jessop’s
offer to perform a closing benediction declined, per usual.
Save the G & T Program!
Intended to be a short-run chronicle, this book includes everything a Storyteller needs to run a
compelling story about changelings in high school. Included with this purchase is:

- A Storyteller’s Guide, including personal plot, complications, and a dramatic betrayal!

- A wide collection of story characters: rivals, allies, and mentors who flesh out not only the
realm of Ivywild High, but the larger World of Darkness

- Five pre-generated characters, each with their own history, goals, and secrets.

- Reference sheets detailing each character’s powers and abilities, designed with new players in

Originally run Fall 2019 on the Onyx Path Twitch, the story is now yours!.
Name: Alexei Kairos Court: Seelie Seeming: Wilder
Player: Legacies: Troubador/Riddler Kith: Satyr
Chronicle: Gifted & Talented House: Motley: Gifted & Talented
Physical Social Mental
Strength________________OOOOO Charisma_______________OOOOO Perception______________ OOOOO
Dexterity_______________OOOOO Manipulation____________OOOOO Intelligence_____________OOOOO
Stamina________________OOOOO Appearance_____________OOOOO Wits___________________ OOOOO

Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness________________OOOOO Animal Ken_____________OOOOO Academics______________ OOOOO
Athletics________________OOOOO Crafts__________________OOOOO Computer_______________OOOOO
OOOOO Drive__________________ OOOOO Enigmas_________________OOOOO
Empathy__________________OOOOO Etiquette________________OOOOO Gremayre_______________OOOOO
OOOOO Firearms________________OOOOO Investigation_____________OOOOO
Intimidation_____________OOOOO Larceny_________________OOOOO Law____________________OOOOO
Kenning_________________OOOOO Melee___________________ OOOOO Medicine________________OOOOO
OOOOO Performance_______________
OOOOO Politics_________________ OOOOO
OOOOO Stealth_________________ OOOOO Science_________________OOOOO
Subterfuge_______________OOOOO Survival________________OOOOO Technology______________OOOOO
OOOOO _________________________OOOOO _________________________ OOOOO

Backgrounds Arts Realms
Mentor: Ms Darling______ OOOOO _Wayfare__________ OOOOO Actor_____________ OOOOO
Ally: Cara Selkirk_______ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Fae_Kith Specialty_____ OOOOO
Allies: Track Team_____ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Nature____________ OOOOO
Treasure: Winged Sandals_ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Prop______________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Scene_____________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Time_____________ OOOOO

Birthright/Frailty Glamour Health

Gift of Pan: Convince ____ OOOOOOOOOO Real Chimerical

people to come celebrate __ Bruised ❏ ❏

with you. Roll WP, Diff 8,_ Hurt –1 ❏ ❏
or be drawn into the party._ Injured –1 ❏ ❏
Willpower Wounded –2
________________________ OOOOOOOOOO ❏ ❏
Pasison’s Curse: Resisting_ Mauled –2 ❏ ❏
passion risks Banality _____ Crippled –5 ❏ ❏
Incapacitated ❏ ❏
Antithesis ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ Ravaging/Musing Threshold
Indoor Voices Musing: Create Love.
Experience Banality
OOOOOOOOOO Ravaging: Expolit Dependence
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Character History Sheet
Mortal Name:__Alexei Kairos__________________ Chimera/Companions/Treasures:__________________
Faerie Name:__________________________________ _Treasure: Winged Sandals. ___________________
Mortal Age:_15______________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Profession (if any):_______________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
__Lithe, athletic, attractive_____________________ __Nubbins of goat horns just hidden under hair._____
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Quirks:__A flirt, but inexperienced._______________________________________________________________
Motivations & Goals:___Save the track program in particular. Find a date to prom. ______________________

Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Oathcircle Other Notes

________________________________________________Merits: Poetic Heart (2), Nature’s Child (2), Fake It (3)
_______________________________________________Flaws: Weak Willed (3), Bard’s Tonge (1),_________
_______________________________________________ Slipped Seeming (3)__________________________
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Alexei Kairos
You’ve been an outdoors kid practically since you could walk. While your peers have been happy to stay inside and
play video games all day, you’d rather be exploring the small patch of woods near your house or catching frogs or run-
ning with your dog or basically anything that doesn’t leave you stuck inside.
Your Chrysalis happened on one of these adventures, and it wasn’t until you started high school that you really
understood what had happened to you. The Gifted & Talented teacher, Ms Darling (a Boggan) invited you to join
the program, which was actually a cover for all the changeling kids to hang out. It’s been a godsend – Ms Darling
understands that you not wanting to stay in class all day isn’t just untreated ADHD. She encouraged you to try out
for track, and now you’re one of the school’s athletic stars! The sudden popularity has been a bit of a shock for such
an introverted kid, but your Satyr half loves the attention.

¶¶ The school board wants to shut down the Gifted and Talented program, and sell the land your workshop is on to a real
estate developer. Help your friends put together a killer presentation for the school board to convince them not to axe
the program!
¶¶ Part of the reason you have been able to excel at track and field is that the school reduced the football budget after one
too many kids came home with concussions. But now a couple dads want to reverse the program. Do what you can to
avoid that happening.
¶¶ Prom is coming up, and it might just be a good way to resolve your secret. Find someone you can take to the dance who
won’t blab to the whole school about your inexperience.

You’re a huge flirt, and everyone knows it. People constantly make jokes about your presumed prowess in bed. And
you’d be mortified if you ever had to contradict them. The truth is, you’re a virgin. You haven’t even kissed anyone
yet! You have no idea how you got the reputation as a sex god, but you’d certainly be the laughingstock of the whole
school if they found out you’re nothing but a sham.

Legacy & Court

You are Seelie: you believe in the tenets of Death Before Dishonor, Love Conquers All, Beauty is Life, and Never Forget a
Your Seelie Legacy is Troubador: you want to fully experience everything life has to offer, and share that with others.
Gain a dot of Willpower when you achieve a goal in the name of a higher purpose, such as love or friendship. You
must always strive to be upfront about your feelings.
Your Unseelie Legacy is Riddler: you delight in confounding or tricking others. You gain no mechanical bonus from
acting on this Legacy, but this tendency is still a part of you.

Seeming & Kith

You are a Satyr. This kith revels in their physical existence, and lives to both push themselves and to indulge in life’s
many pleasures. Though Satyrs have a reputation as avid lovers, they also enjoy good food, passionate dancing, and
friendly competition in riddles or wrestling. Anything that gets them moving and gets the blood pumping!
You are a Wilder. The initial flush of wonder at your Chrysalis made you a Childling. But you have been exposed to
Banality and practicality quite a lot since then. You are a balance between wide-eyed wonder and gruff practicality.
Your Birthright as a Satyr are faerie magics you can call on that are inherent to your kith. Your first Birthright is the
Alexei Kairos
Gift of Pan. Whenever you indulge in your passions, others are caught up in your energy. No one does anything they
didn’t want to do, but find their inhibitions removed. Those wishing to resist must make a roll of either Banality or
Willpower at Difficulty 8. You also have Physical Prowess - your Stamina has permanently increased by one dot.
Your Revelry is how every Satyr gains Glamour. You gain Glamour when sharing some kind of physical pleasure with
someone else, whether that’s a sexual encounter, sharing a good meal, or having a party after your team takes home
the gold medal.
Your Musing Threshold is Create Love. Regain Glamour whenever you set two people up or help someone repair a
broken friendship.
Your Ravaging Threshold is Exploit Dependence. Regain Glamour when you make someone need you, and then aban-
don them. Their distress at your leaving fuels your Glamour.
Your Frailty is an inherent weakness that all Satyrs have. Yours is Passion’s Curse. A Satyr’s indulgence can turn them
moody and angry from time to time. You may have to resist your passions from time to time, triggering a Banality
Your Banality Trigger is Indoor Voices. Risk Banality the longer you have to spend cooped up indoors, especially if you
have to sit still.

The mortal and magical resources you can draw on.

Mentor: Ms Darling. The Boggan who protects the freehold will help cover for you to your parents and otherwise
help you navigate both the world of Ivywild High and the faerie realms.
Allies: Track Team. You can draw on your clubmates for help, resources, and information.
Ally: Cara Selkirk. Cara is a faerie like you, but a bit different. She’s a Selkie, and they tend to collect in their own
freeholds, called pods. You’ve become friends with her through athletic pursuits, as Cara is a member of the swim-
ming team.
Treasure: Winged Sandals. Gain a +1 to any roll related to movement or speed.

You have five dots in Wayfare (p 228), the art of movement. Unleashing Wayfare is a desperate act usually used by
those who are lost. Your Bunks involve stretching or retying your shoes.
• Hopscotch: As defined by a Realm, cause people or places to jump. The height is determined by your number of
•• Quicksilver: Grant one subject, defined by your Realm, either one extra action a round or double movement
speed as defined your successes.
••• Portal Passage: Gain entry or egress whenever you want. Fae defines who can use the door and Nature
defines what materials the door can manifest in.
•••• Wind Runner: Grant the power of flight to a subject dictated by Realm.
••••• Flicker Flash: Use Realm to specify a subject, which you can then teleport. You must know, see, or
have a part of where you want the subject to go.

Your kith specialty is in Fae. You have three dots in Fae and four dots in Nature.

Changeling: The Dreaming

This Realm (p 233) affects Kithain and things of the Dreaming, and sometimes other magical creatures.
• Hearty Commoner: Affects commoners and non-titled Autumn Sidhe.
•• Lofty Noble: Affects any Kithain with a title.
••• Manifold Chimera: You can affect chimera, such as chimerical creatures or Nocker contraptions.

You can affect the raw power of Mother Nature (p 234).
• Base Element: You can affect something primarily made of the four classical elements: earth, air, water, and fire.
•• Raw Material: You can affect organic, unliving material, such as hemp rope or anything made out of wood.
••• Verdant Forest: You can affect small amounts of living plants (planters and small gardens yes; whole farms
•••• Feral Animal: You can affect mundane animals (but not magical ones).

Poetic Heart (2)
You live close to your faerie half. Once per game session, you can make a Willpower roll (difficulty equal to your
permanent Banality) to resist gaining more Banality.

Nature’s Child (2)

Gain a -2 to the difficulty of all rolls when dealing with animals or animalistic chimera.

Fake It (3)
You’re very good at convincing others of your abilities. If you make a successful Manipulation + Subterfuge roll to lie
about your abilities, the difficulty of doing what you’ve bragged about reduces by 2.

Weak Willed (3)
You’re highly susceptible to mind-altering magic. The difficulty to sway you though either mundane or magical means
reduces by 2.

Bard’s Tongue (1)

You have an uncanny relationship with the truth. Once per story, you say something awkward. You must make a Will-
power roll and take one level of Bashing health damage to avoid this becoming a prophecy.

Slipped Seeming (3)

You’re quite hairy for a human. Which is probably for the best, because your thick hair hides the tiny nubbins of goat
horns that anyone, even Banal mortals, can see.

Alexei Kairos
Name: Billy Osborne Court: Unseelie Seeming: Childling
Player: Legacies: Savage/Wayfarer Kith: Troll
Chronicle: Gifted & Talented House: Motley: Gifted & Talented
Physical Social Mental
Strength________________OOOOO Charisma_______________OOOOO Perception______________OOOOO
Dexterity_______________ OOOOO Manipulation____________OOOOO Intelligence_____________OOOOO
Stamina________________OOOOO Appearance_____________OOOOO Wits___________________OOOOO

Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness________________OOOOO Animal Ken_____________OOOOO Academics______________ OOOOO
Athletics________________ OOOOO Crafts__________________ OOOOO Computer_______________OOOOO
Brawl_____________________OOOOO Drive__________________ OOOOO Enigmas_________________OOOOO
Empathy__________________ OOOOO Etiquette________________OOOOO Gremayre_______________ OOOOO
Expression_________________ Firearms________________OOOOO Investigation_____________ OOOOO
Intimidation_____________OOOOO Larceny_________________OOOOO Law____________________OOOOO
Kenning_________________OOOOO Melee___________________OOOOO Medicine________________OOOOO
Leadership_________________ OOOOO
Performance_______________ Politics_________________ OOOOO
Streetwise________________OOOOO Stealth_________________ OOOOO Science_________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge_______________OOOOO Survival________________ OOOOO Technology______________ OOOOO
__________________________OOOOO _________________________OOOOO _________________________ OOOOO

Backgrounds Arts Realms
Mentor: Ms Darling______ OOOOO _Dragon’s Ire________ OOOOO Actor_____________ OOOOO
Allies: Outdor Adventures OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Fae_Kith Specialty____ OOOOO
Resources______________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Nature____________ OOOOO
Treasure: War Bat_______ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Prop______________ OOOOO
Remembrance________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Scene_____________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO Time______________ OOOOO

Birthright/Frailty Glamour Health

You’ve sworn to protect the freehold. OOOOOOOOOO Real Chimerical
Bruised ❏ ❏
Gain 1 extra Bruised Health Level. ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Cannot Botch Alertness or Athletics Hurt –1 ❏ ❏
Injured –1 ❏ ❏
Gain 2 dice on any attempt to sway. Willpower Wounded –2 ❏ ❏
If you break your oath, lose the bonus OOOOOOOOOO
until you make amends. If betrayed, Mauled –2 ❏ ❏
roll WP, Diff 8, or fly into a rage. Crippled –5 ❏ ❏
Incapacitated ❏ ❏
Antithesis ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ Ravaging/Musing Threshold
Because I Say So.
Musing: Help Those in Need
Experience Banality Ravaging: Create Anger
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Character History Sheet
Mortal Name:_Billy Osborne___________________ Chimera/Companions/Treasures:__________________
Faerie Name:__________________________________ _War Bat___________________________________
Mortal Age:____16___________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Profession (if any):_______________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
___Brawny, tough, enigmatic____________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Quirks:__Figuring out his sexuality_____________________________________________________________
Motivations & Goals:_Become a counselor for next years’ Outdoor Adventures. Ask Alexei out. Maybe come out
to your mortal family.___________________________________________________________________________

Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Oathcircle Other Notes

________________________________________________Merits: Increase Pain Threshold (2), Loyal Heart (3)
_______________________________________________Flaws: Flashbacks (3), Echoes (3)_______________
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Billy Osborne
You remember, as a small kid, thinking that you didn’t have a dad. Then one day your mom said your dad was
coming home. You didn’t really recognize the stranger who wheeled in through the door and expected hugs and
kisses. Your dad had been deployed, and sent home after losing his legs. Growing up with a disabled dad was
tough. You knew he enrolled you in sports and Outdoor Adventures to partly live vicariously through you. And
you wanted to make him proud, so you did your best.
You grew up knowing that every man in your family has gone into the military, and the same was expected of
you after graduation. This never seemed like a problem until your Chrysalis. At first you just had a series of bad
dreams. And then, on an Outdoor Adventure, your Chrysalis was something that can only be described as a
flashback – you vividly remembered fighting, and dying, in the Accordance War. Now, you’re not sure that war is
something you want to go back to.

¶¶ The school board wants to shut down the Gifted and Talented program, and sell the land your workshop is on to a real
estate developer. Help your friends put together a killer presentation for the school board to convince them not to axe
the program!
¶¶ You have another reason for wanting the program to survive – Outdoor Adventures hires a couple graduates each year
to be the next year’s guides and counselors. If you got that, you could justify not enlisting right away, and at least give
yourself a year or two of breathing room while you figured everything else out.
¶¶ Get a date for prom.

You’re not sure what you are. You know you’re not straight. You know this because you’re really into Alexei.
You’ve found girls attractive before, but there’s just something about the way Alexei’s smile lights up a room that
makes your heart flutter. He could have anyone he wanted, though, and if the rumors are true, he has. You don’t
want to be just a fling for him. You’re scared of getting your heart broken, and more scared of what your parents
might say if you told them you wanted to take another boy to prom.

Legacy & Court

You are of the Unseelie court: you believe in the tenets of Change is Good, Glamour is Free, Honor is a Lie, and
Passion Before Duty. Unseelie Trolls are rare, and you likely changed Courts as a result of the Accordance War.
Your Unseelie Legacy is Savage. You believe the only honesty is in the struggle to survive, and are suspicious of
more civilized manners as just fancy ways to lie. Regain a Willpower point whenever you overcome a foe who
believes their ‘civility’ is superior to your wildness. You must avoid civilized folly.
Your Seelie Legacy is Wayfarer – you like relying on your wits to survive dangerous situations. You do not gain any
mechanical benefit from acting on your Seelie Legacy, but it is still a part of you.

Seeming & Kith

You are a Troll. These are a warrior kith. Trolls are deliberative and slow to act, but always act with purpose. They
are stubborn, and can become violent when pushed far enough. Trolls have a tendency to protect, and are willing
to get violent to solve threats to their loved ones.
You are a Childling, and view the world with wonder and see the eternal possibilities of everything. This gives a
little extra Glamour, but at the cost of being extra vulnerable to Banality.
Your Birthright as a Troll are faerie magics you can call on that are inherent to your kith.
Your first Birthright is Titan’s Power. You have sworn an oath to Ms Darling to protect the freehold, and as a
result you gain one extra dot of Strength and Bruised Health Level. If you swear an oath to someone else, you will

Billy Osborne
gain two more dots of Strength and two more Bruised Health Levels.
Your second Birthright is Strong of Will and Body. You gain two extra dice against attempts to seduce, persuade,
or even magically command you away from your sworn duty. You cannot botch Athletics or Alertness rolls.
Your Revelry is how every Troll gains Glamour. Regain Glamour when you successfully use your physical skills or
strength to protect someone you care about.
Your Musing Threshold is Help Those In Need. Whether you’re giving a dollar to a beggar or helping someone
with their homework, regain Glamour.
Your Ravaging Threshold is Create Anger. When you drive someone into a rage, their anger feeds you as Glamour.
Your Frailty is an inherent weakness that all Trolls have. Yours is Bond of Duty. If you break your oath to Ms.
Darling, you lose the benefits of Titan’s Power and will slowly weaken until you find some way to make up for
what you have done. And if you are betrayed, you must make a Willpower roll, Difficulty 8, to avoid falling into a
rage and attacking the perceived source of the betrayal.
Your Banality Trigger is Because I Say So. You risk Banality when someone tries to impose an arbitrary rule on
you, or twists current rules in stupid ways.

The mortal and magical resources you can draw on.

Backgrounds (p 168)
Mentor: Ms Darling. The Boggan who protects the freehold will help cover for you to your parents and otherwise
help you navigate both the world of Ivywild High and the faerie realms.
Allies: Outdoor Adventures. This is a scouting and camping club which regularly organizes wilderness excursions.
You can draw on your clubmates for help, resources, and information. Your contact for this is your classmate,
Bianca O’Doul.
Resources: You have a small allowance you can spend on minor incidentals.
Treasure: War Bat. The bat you wielded in the Accordance War has somehow found its way back to you. Though
it appears to be a dingy baseball bat, in the Dreaming it’s a mighty oaken war club.
Remembrances: You have a strong connection to the collective unconscious of the Dreaming, and vividly remem-
ber your most recent past life. You can roll Intelligence + Remembrance to try and remember an important fact
about your past.

You have three dots in Dragon’s Ire (p 205), the martial Art. Unleashing Dragon’s Ire invokes the ideas of Drag-
ons, usually in destructive and terrifying ways. Your Bunks involve channeling stories of knights going into battle:
you may issue a challenge, tend to your weapon, or otherwise psych yourself up for a fight.

Dragon’s Ire
• Burning Thew: The Realm decides what is empowered. You raise the subject’s strength in efficacy and dura-
tion as determined by the number of successes you rolled.
•• Confounding Coils: Gain a defensive blessing to something defined by your Realm. The difficulty of all
attacks increase by 2, to a maximum of 9. This lasts for a number of rounds per successes rolled. Cold Iron attacks
ignore this defense.
••• Dragonscales: Enchant something determined by Realm. All attacks increase their Difficulty by 2, to a
maximum of 9.

Changeling: The Dreaming

Your kith specialty is in Fae. You have two dots in Fae, three dots in Prop, and three dots in Actor.

This Realm (p 233) affects Kithain and things of the Dreaming, and sometimes other magical creatures.
• Hearty Commoner: Affects commoners and non-titled Autumn Sidhe.
•• Lofty Noble: Affects any Kithain with a title.

Actor (p 233) affects anyone who is not a Changeling. You will need to use Fae to affect a Kithain with a cantrip.
• True Friend: Use this on someone you know well and have spent time around.
•• Personal Contact: Use this on someone you interact with regularly but not often.
••• Familiar Face: Use this on someone with whom you have crossed paths and can recognize. You do not
need to know their name for this – ‘the mail carrier who delivers to my house’ is enough.

Prop (p 235) is the Realm of mundane objects.
• Ornate Garb: You may affect anything commonly worn, such as clothes or jewelry.
•• Crafted Tool: You may affect any object with no moving parts or power source, such as furniture, books, or
••• Mechanical Device: You can affect things with moving parts, such as a gun, skateboard, or lock.

Merits (p 176)
Increased Pain Threshold (2)
You feel pain, but it doesn’t hinder you the way it might others. Reduce the penalty for wounds by one.

Loyal Heart (3)

Reduce the difficulty of all actions to fulfill the oaths you’ve taken by 3. You may not spend Willpower on any ac-
tion that would contravene your oath.

Flashbacks (3)
You frequently remember fighting in the Accordance War. You must play out experiencing a Flashback when one
triggers (usually in stressful or violent situations), or suppress it with a Willpower point.

Echoes (3)
Your faerie soul is quite powerful, but this has its drawbacks. If someone throws salt or bread over their shoulder,
you cannot affect them with cantrips for a day and a night. Someone invoking your full name can compel three
tasks out of you. You may not enter a home without an invitation (does not have to be the owner), or without
performing some small service (such as fixing a broken doorbell). Cold iron, such as a horseshoe nailed above the
door, will prevent you from entering completely.

Billy Osborne
Name: Princess Jones Court: Unseelie Seeming: Childling
Player: Legacies: Grotesque/Crafter Kith: Sluagh
Chronicle: Gifted & Talented House: Motley: Gifted & Talented
Physical Social Mental
Strength________________OOOOO Charisma_______________OOOOO Perception______________OOOOO
Dexterity_______________ OOOOO Manipulation____________OOOOO Intelligence_____________OOOOO
Stamina________________OOOOO Appearance_____________OOOOO Wits___________________OOOOO

Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness________________OOOOO Animal Ken_____________OOOOO Academics______________ OOOOO
Athletics________________ OOOOO Crafts__________________ OOOOO Computer_______________OOOOO
Brawl_____________________OOOOO Drive__________________ OOOOO Enigmas_________________OOOOO
Empathy__________________ OOOOO Etiquette________________OOOOO Gremayre_______________ OOOOO
Expression_________________ Firearms________________OOOOO Investigation_____________ OOOOO
Intimidation_____________OOOOO Larceny_________________OOOOO Law____________________OOOOO
Kenning_________________OOOOO Melee___________________OOOOO Medicine________________OOOOO
Leadership_________________ OOOOO
Performance_______________ Politics_________________ OOOOO
Streetwise________________OOOOO Stealth_________________ OOOOO Science_________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge_______________OOOOO Survival________________ OOOOO Technology______________ OOOOO
__________________________OOOOO _________________________OOOOO _________________________ OOOOO

Backgrounds Arts Realms
Mentor: Ms Darling______ OOOOO _Soothsay___________ OOOOO Actor______________ OOOOO
Allies: Art Club_________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Fae_______________ OOOOO
Ally: Brandon__________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Nature_____________ OOOOO
Resources______________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Prop_Kith_Specialty_____ OOOOO
Chimera: Spider Skeleton__ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Scene______________ OOOOO
Remembrance________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Time______________ OOOOO

Birthright/Frailty Glamour Health

Can wiggle out of any non- cold iron OOOOOOOOOO Real Chimerical
Bruised ❏ ❏
restraint with Dex + Athletics roll. ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Reduce Perception Diff by 1. 1 WP to Hurt –1 ❏ ❏
see illusions (Perception + Alertness). Injured –1 ❏ ❏
Willpower Wounded –2
1 Glamour to interact w/ Underworld. OOOOOOOOOO ❏ ❏
Cannot speak above a whisper. All Mauled –2 ❏ ❏
Social rolls are +2 Difficulty. Crippled –5 ❏ ❏
Incapacitated ❏ ❏
Antithesis ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ Ravaging/Musing Threshold
That’s Not Very Pretty.
Musing: Create Calm.
Experience Banality
Ravaging: Destroy Love.
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Character History Sheet
Mortal Name:_Princess Jones__________________ Chimera/Companions/Treasures:__________________
Faerie Name:__________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Age:__14_____________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Profession (if any):_______________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
__Frail, ethereal, insightful____________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Quirks:___Scared of failure.___________________________________________________________________
Motivations & Goals:_Save Art Club. Raise your grades. Stay out of therapy. Collect secrets.______________

Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Oathcircle Other Notes

________________________________________________Merits: Medium (2), Murderous Mien (2), Night
________________________________________________Sight (2), Common Sense (1)____________________
________________________________________________Flaws: Asthma (1), Curiosity (2) Shrinking Violet (2)
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Princess Jones
You had a very comfortable upbringing, with hippie parents (probably one reason you choose to dress like a goth).
You were always a quiet child, and liked spending time in the basement or attic. You could spend hours just
watching a spider build a web. Though this disturbed your parents at first, you realized you could allay their fears
somewhat if you had a drawing pad and pencil. You weren’t sure why this helped, but it did.
Chrysalis came to you on Halloween. You dressed up as a drowned Victorian bride, attending your school’s hall-
way Trick-or-Treat. As you wandered, you and your costume merged, to the point where you couldn’t tell where
you started or ended. Fortunately, Ms Darling was there. You didn’t understand at first that she was not actually in
costume. She explained who and what you were. A few days later, you joined the Gifted and Talented program.
Unfortunately, you’re not exactly living up to the reputation of such a student – you aren’t doing well in your

¶¶ The school board wants to shut down the Gifted and Talented program, and sell the land your workshop is on to a real
estate developer. Help your friends put together a killer presentation for the school board to convince them not to axe the
program! You’re also a member of the Art Club, and their budget is also up for consideration. Do what you can to help that
club survive, as well.
¶¶ Find some way to raise your failing grades. You don’t care how, just as long as you don’t have to bring home another report
card full of Ds.
¶¶ You feel like you’ll get a better hang of this whole changeling thing if you live up to your kith. Collect and trade secrets about

You’re still working through your very recent Chrysalis. This has had an impact on your schoolwork, and your
grades have slowly slid downward. This concerns your parents, who have begun discussing having you evaluated
for a learning disability or put into therapy. You’ve heard what happens to changelings who go to therapy, and it
terrifies you. You can’t let anyone know how scared you are – you’re supposed to be the scary one!

Legacy & Court

You are of the Unseelie court: you believe in the tenets of Change is Good, Glamour is Free, Honor is a Lie, and
Passion Before Duty.
Your Unseelie Legacy is Grotesque: You like pushing people’s buttons and drawing attention to yourself by doing
something shocking or insulting. Gain a point of Willpower whenever you throw someone off their game based on
something you’ve done. But you must never willingly conform to polite society.
Your Seelie Legacy is Crafter: you enjoy building things that will endure, and can’t pass up the opportunity to
‘improve’ something with your personal touch. You gain no mechanical benefit for acting on this Legacy, but it is
still a part of you.

Seeming & Kith

You are a Sluagh. These are faeries of secrets, the gross, and even that which has died. You prefer to move around
in the shadows, and have an affinity for things like bugs and spiders that disturb others. Sluagh like collecting
things like broken tea cups, snake skins, and best of all, secrets.
You are a Childling, and view the world with wonder and see the eternal possibilities of everything. This gives a
little extra Glamour, but at the cost of being extra vulnerable to Banality.
Your Birthright as a Sluagh are faerie magics you can call on that are inherent to your kith.
Your first Birthright is Squirm. Keeping a Sluagh contained is almost impossible. You can wiggle out of ropes,

Princess Jones
handcuffs, or any other restraining device that is not cold iron. Roll Dexterity + Athletics to slip free.
You also have Sharpened Senses. The Difficulty for all Perception rolls is reduced by one for you. You may spend
a Willpower and make a Perception + Alertness roll point to see through any illusory magic. Your sharp senses
extend into the Underworld. Make a Perception + Kenning roll, Difficulty 7, to see the world of the dead.
Your Revelry is how every Sluagh gains Glamour. Earn Glamour when you learn secrets that would hurt other
people if revealed. Also earn Glamour when you scare someone badly (badly. Jump scares don’t count!).
Your Musing Threshold is Create Calm. Regain Glamour when you convince someone in distress to keep a cool
Your Ravaging Threshold is Destroy Love. When you cause a breakup or for two people to turn on each other,
their newfound hatred of each other is Glamour for you.
Your Frailty is an inherent weakness that all Sluagh have. Sluagh are very socially awkward. They cannot speak
above a whisper, and the difficulty of all Social rolls when interacting with anyone not a Slugah or a ghost is
increased by 2.
Your Banality Trigger is That’s Not Very Pretty. You enjoy your goth aesthetic. Risk Banality whenever anyone
suggests you might be prettier in pink, or worse, tries to make you wear it. Or tries anything similar.

The mortal and magical resources you can draw on.

Backgrounds (p 168)
Mentor: Ms Darling. The Boggan who protects the freehold will help cover for you to your parents and otherwise
help you navigate both the world of Ivywild High and the faerie realms.
Allies: Art Club Club. You can draw on your clubmates for help, resources, and information.
Ally: Brandon McGinnis. The ghost of a teen who died in a car accident seven years ago, Brandon likes you be-
cause you’re one of the few people who can see him, and he does small favors for you from time to time.
Resources: You have a healthy allowance you can spend on minor incidentals.
Chimera: Spider Skeleton. You have a small spider made out of bones. The spider can spy on people for you, and
let you eavesdrop on conversations.
Remembrance: You have a mild connection to the collective unconscious of the Dreaming, and sometimes
remember your most recent past life. Roll Intelligence + Remembrance to try and remember an important fact
about your past.

You have five dots in Soothsay (p 221), the Art of divination and fortune-telling. Unleashing Soothsay is always
risky, for it reveals the future. Soothsay Bunks usually involve common ideas of fortune telling.

• Omen: The Realm decides what the Omen is about. The more successes rolled, the more information you
know about the subject. Multiple castings with a day cost +1 Glamour for each successive casting.
•• Seer’s Wisp: Conjure a chimerical wisp which leads you to what you seek, as defined by Realm.
••• Tattletale: Define a focus by Realm. You may see what is going on with your subject for one day per suc-
cess rolled.
•••• Augury: Receive one clue or hint as to a pathway forward per success rolled.
••••• Fate Fire: Affect Fate as it pertains to a subject determined by your Realm. You may bless or curse
Changeling: The Dreaming
your subject, either adding your successes to theirs or taking away successes equal to yours.

Your kith specialty is Prop. You have three dots in Prop, two dots in Actor, and one dot in Fae.

Prop (p 235) is the Realm of mundane objects.
• Ornate Garb: You may affect anything commonly worn, such as clothes or jewelry.
•• Crafted Tool: You may affect any object with no moving parts or power source, such as furniture, books, or
••• Mechanical Device: You can affect things with moving parts, such as a gun, skateboard, or lock.
Actor (p 233) affects anyone who is not a Changeling. You will need to use Fae to affect a Kithain with a cantrip.
• True Friend: Use this on someone you know well and have spent time around.
•• Personal Contact: Use this on someone you interact with regularly but not often.
This Realm (p 233) affects Kithain and things of the Dreaming, and sometimes other magical creatures.
• Hearty Commoner: Affects commoners and non-titled Autumn Sidhe.

Merits (p 176)
Medium (2)
You can sense the presence of the dead, and hear their whispers. The Difficulty of any roll involving ghosts re-
duces by 2.

Murderous Mien (2)

Something about your mien is extremely off-putting. Any rolls to threaten or coerce changelings or faetouched
have their Difficulty reduced by 3. You are +1 Difficulty at any attempt to be charming, even to mortals.

Night Sight (2)

You can see in the dark, even pitch black.

Common Sense (1)

You possess practical wisdom. When your motley is devising a plan, you can check with the Storyteller to see if it’s
a good idea or get an idea of potential consequences.

Asthma (1)
Any time you exert yourself, make a Stamina roll or be unable to take action next round as you catch your breath.

Curiosity (2)
You cannot resist the chance to uncover a secret. Resist this impulse with a Willpower roll.

Shrinking Violet (2)

You are extremely shy around others. The Difficulty of social rolls when interacting with anyone not your mortal
family, other Sluagh, or your motley, increases by 2.

Princess Jones
Name: Teadora “Tea” Ruiz Court: Seelie Seeming: Childling
Player: Legacies: Paladin/Fatalist Kith: Nocker
Chronicle: Gifted & Talented House: Motley: Gifted & Talented
Physical Social Mental
Strength________________OOOOO Charisma_______________OOOOO Perception______________OOOOO
Dexterity_______________ OOOOO Manipulation____________OOOOO Intelligence_____________OOOOO
Stamina________________OOOOO Appearance_____________OOOOO Wits___________________OOOOO

Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness________________OOOOO Animal Ken_____________OOOOO Academics______________ OOOOO
Athletics________________ OOOOO Crafts__________________ OOOOO Computer_______________OOOOO
Brawl_____________________OOOOO Drive__________________ OOOOO Enigmas_________________OOOOO
Empathy__________________ OOOOO Etiquette________________OOOOO Gremayre_______________ OOOOO
Expression_________________ Firearms________________OOOOO Investigation_____________ OOOOO
Intimidation_____________OOOOO Larceny_________________OOOOO Law____________________OOOOO
Kenning_________________OOOOO Melee___________________OOOOO Medicine________________OOOOO
Leadership_________________ OOOOO
Performance_______________ Politics_________________ OOOOO
Streetwise________________OOOOO Stealth_________________ OOOOO Science_________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge_______________OOOOO Survival________________ OOOOO Technology______________ OOOOO
__________________________OOOOO _________________________OOOOO _________________________ OOOOO

Backgrounds Arts Realms
Mentor: Ms Darling______ OOOOO _Naming______________ OOOOO Actor__________________ OOOOO
Allies: Robotics Club_____ OOOOO _Legerdemain_________ OOOOO Fae_________________ OOOOO
Resources______________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Nature_____________ OOOOO
Remembrance________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Prop_Kith Specialty_____ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Scene______________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO __________________ OOOOO Time_______________OOOOO

Birthright/Frailty Glamour Health

Improvise a temp. chimerical item, roll OOOOOOOOOO Real Chimerical
Bruised ❏ ❏
Int + Crafts, spend 1-3 Glamour. Can ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Hurt –1 ❏ ❏
fix nearly anything on Int + Crafts.
Injured –1 ❏ ❏
________________________ Willpower Wounded –2 ❏ ❏
Whenever a device you made is used in OOOOOOOOOO
Mauled –2 ❏ ❏
a stressful situation, roll 1d10. On a 1, ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Crippled –5 ❏ ❏
it breaks.
Incapacitated ❏ ❏
Antithesis ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ Ravaging/Musing Threshold
That Can’t Possibly Work.
Musing: Inspire Creativity
Experience Banality Ravaging: Destroy Illusion
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Character History Sheet
Mortal Name:__Teodora “Tea” Ruiz_____________ Chimera/Companions/Treasures:__________________
Faerie Name:__________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Age:___15____________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Profession (if any):_______________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
__Quick, creative, talkative____________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Quirks:___Ritalin addict, rival supplier.__________________________________________________________
Motivations & Goals:___Decide what your life looks like after high school. Keep your addiction & supplier a___
_secret from your friends._____________________________________________________________________

Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Oathcircle Other Notes

________________________________________________Merits: Acute Sense: Sight (1), Language: Spanish (1),
_______________________________________________Wheelman(1), Mechanical Aptitude (1), Specific
_______________________________________________ Interest: Cars (1)___________________________
_______________________________________________Flaws: Short (1), Impatient (1), Addiction (3)___
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Teodora “Tea” Ruiz
You grew up in a relatively well-off home. Your father operated a successful business restoring classic cars, and you
spent many happy days helping him in the shop, learning the ins and outs of engines and fan belts. When you
weren’t in the shop, you built gizmos out of spare parts.
Your Chrysalis happened as you tried building an ornithopter. Reaching for that last bit of inspiration needed,
you grabbed ahold of the Dreaming. You had no idea what was happening, but you made that ornithopter work!
Chimerically, at least.
A few days later, Ms Darling, invited you to join the program. You’d never thought of yourself as one of the ‘smart
kids’, so that was surprising. You weren’t sure whether to be more or less surprised when Ms Darling revealed
herself as a Boggan and the program itself an excuse for the campus changelings to hang out together. The former
workshop is a perfect freehold, and you almost don’t want to have to leave this one when you graduate.

¶¶ The school board wants to shut down the Gifted and Talented program, and sell the land your workshop is on to a real estate
developer. Help your friends put together a killer presentation for the school board to convince them not to axe the program!
¶¶ You know that the Robotics Club, of which you are also a member, is on the chopping block as well. You’re a little worried,
but are pretty sure that club will survive. Everyone likes STEM these days, after all. Even still, pitch in to help your friends.
¶¶ You’re always looking for a new dose of Ritalin.
¶¶ The plan was always for you to take after your dad’s car business after graduation. But you’ve begun to entertain the possibility
of going to college. But your dad’s health is failing. If you don’t take over soon, he might have to sell the business to a stranger.

What keeps you going is more than just coffee. Shortly after Chrysalis, you started buying Ritalin on the down low
from one of your classmates, Francesca Giovanni. She’s a bitch but she’s got the pills you need. You know your
Kithain friends hate her, and would think less of you if they knew about your habit.

Legacy & Court

You are Seelie: you believe in the tenets of Death Before Dishonor, Love Conquers All, Beauty is Life, and Never
Forget a Debt.
Your Seelie Legacy is Paladin. You live for the thrill of the challenge. Regain one Willpower when you overcome
a meaningful obstacle. But you must never refuse a fair challenge.
Your Unseelie Legacy is Fatalist: you believe the worst will always come to pass. You gain no mechanical benefit
from acting on this, but it is still a part of you.

Seeming & Kith

You are a Nocker. This kith is one of tinkerers and engineers in constant search of perfection. Because half your
mind is always on your next design, your kith has a reputation for being eccentric. And because nothing a Nocker
makes ever turns out quite right, your kith also has a reputation for being grumpy and foul-mouthed.
You are a Childling, and view the world with wonder and see the eternal possibilities of everything. This gives a
little extra Glamour, but at the cost of being extra vulnerable to Banality.
Your Birthright as a Nocker are faerie magics you can call on that are inherent to your kith.
Your first Birthright is called Make It Work. You can MacGuyver any chimerical item into existence. These
items last only a scene. Make an Intelligence + Crafts roll and spend between one and three Glamour.
Your second Birthright is Fix-It. Your skill with building things extends to fixing them as well. You must make a
successful Intelligence + Crafts or Manipulation + Intimidation roll. The difficulty varies based on what you are
Tea Ruiz
trying to accomplish.
Your Revelry is how every Nocker gains Glamour. For you, working on a non-chimerical device that does not
belong to you, or collaborating with others on a new device, earns you Glamour.
Your Musing Threshold is Inspire Creativity. Regain Glamour when you inspire other people to work together to
create something new.
Your Ravaging Threshold is Destroy Illusion. Regain Glamour when you mock someone for believing in some-
thing untrue. Convince a small child that Santa Claus isn’t real, or build someone up thinking they could be prom
queen – then yank that away.
Your Frailty is an inherent weakness that all Nockers have. Nockers strive ever for the perfection of a lost Arca-
dia. But Arcadia is gone. Whenever something you have made is used in a stressful situation, the Storyteller may
ask you to roll 1d10. On a 1, the item’s flaws cause it to break.
Your Banality Trigger is That Can’t Possibly Work. Risk gaining Banality when someone explains to you why a
good idea won’t work. The Difficulty increases with the detail of their explanation.

The mortal and magical resources you can draw on.

Backgrounds (p 168)
Mentor: Ms Darling. The Boggan who protects the freehold will help cover for you to your parents and otherwise
help you navigate both the world of Ivywild High and the faerie realms.
Allies: Robotics Club. You can draw on your clubmates for help, resources, and information.
Resources: You have a small allowance you can spend on minor incidentals.
Remembrance: You have the chance to remember your past lives, or to draw on the power of the Dreaming.

You have two dots of Arts in Naming (p 211), the “mastery of the fundamental essence of things,” and three dots
in Legerdemain; (p 207), the sleight of hand Art.

When you Unleash Naming, secrets become uncovered and reality itself is rewritten according to your whims.
Naming Bunks usually involve writing of some kind.
• Between the Lines: Use your Realm to dictate source. This allows you to read a foreign language or under-
stand a cipher. If your successes are high enough, you can see through lies. Your Bunk for this is a pair of wire-
frame spectacles you wipe off before putting them on.
•• Nickname: Realm defines what you may name. You may assign it a nickname, for a length of one scene to
one year, depending on successes. The nickname can shape how a thing exists in the world.

When you Unleash Legerdemain, small objects swirl around you in a chimerical storm. Your Bunks are akin to
small mundane magic tricks, such as pulling a quarter or playing card out of thin air.
• Ensnare: Define your target by Realm. You may cause the speed of something to be cut in half, and impose a
+3 Difficulty to all physical actions for the scene.
•• Mooch: You may acquire small objects of interest, something small enough to go in a pocket or medium
sized purse.

Changeling: The Dreaming

••• Effigy: You can create small copies of something. They last up to a scene.

Your kith specialty is in Prop. You have five dots in Prop and two dots in Scene.
Prop (p 235) is the Realm of mundane objects.
• Ornate Garb: You may affect anything commonly worn, such as clothes or jewelry.
•• Crafted Tool: You may affect any object with no moving parts or power source, such as furniture, books, or
••• Mechanical Device: You can affect things with moving parts, such as a gun, skateboard, or lock.
•••• Complex Machine: You can affect things that have a power source, such as light bulbs, cars, or appli-
ances. You cannot affect complicated or computerized machines (though you can affect their power source).
Scene (p 235) is a modifier Realm that defines space.
• The Chamber: You can affect all things within a small, enclosed room, such as a shed or bedroom.
•• The Cottage: You can affect small buildings or wings of buildings.

Merits (p 176)
Acute Sense: Sight (1)
The difficulty for any tasks involving sight are reduced by two.

Additional Language: Spanish (1)

You can speak, read, write, and understand Spanish.
Wheelman (1)
The difficulty of all rolls involving driving are reduced by two.
Mechanical Aptitude (1)
The difficulty to understand, repair, operate, or break a mechanical device are reduced by two.
Specific Interest: Cars (1)
The difficulty of any roll regarding cars (driving, fixing, sabotaging) is reduced by two.

Short (1)
You’re very small for your age. Suffer -2 to all pursuit rolls. This may sometimes be helpful, however, especially if
you’re trying to hide.
Impatient (1)
You hate waiting. Once per story, if you feel things aren’t moving quickly enough for your liking, make a Will-
power roll (Difficulty 5).
Addiction (3)
You are addicted to Ritalin. You must have some every day or go into withdrawals (while this would normally be
worth 2 points, the increased value is due to the consequences if your Addiction is discovered).

Tea Ruiz
Name: Yseult, called Amber Court: Seelie Seeming: Wilder
Player: Legacies: Dandy/Peacock Kith: Sidhe (Autumn)
Chronicle: Gifted & Talented House: Gwydion Motley: Gifted & Talented
Physical Social Mental
Strength________________OOOOO Charisma_______________OOOOO Perception______________OOOOO
Dexterity_______________ OOOOO Manipulation____________OOOOO Intelligence_____________OOOOO
Stamina________________OOOOO Appearance_____________OOOOO Wits___________________OOOOO

Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness________________OOOOO Animal Ken_____________OOOOO Academics______________ OOOOO
Athletics________________ OOOOO Crafts__________________OOOOO Computer_______________OOOOO
Brawl_____________________OOOOO Drive__________________OOOOO Enigmas_________________OOOOO
Empathy__________________ OOOOO Etiquette________________OOOOO Gremayre_______________ OOOOO
Expression_________________ Firearms________________OOOOO Investigation_____________ OOOOO
Intimidation_____________OOOOO Larceny_________________OOOOO Law____________________OOOOO
Kenning_________________OOOOO Melee___________________ OOOOO Medicine________________OOOOO
Leadership_________________ OOOOO
Performance_______________ Politics_________________ OOOOO
Streetwise________________OOOOO Stealth_________________OOOOO Science_________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge_______________OOOOO Survival________________OOOOO Technology______________ OOOOO
__________________________OOOOO _________________________OOOOO _________________________ OOOOO

Backgrounds Arts Realms
Mentor: Ms Darling______ OOOOO _Sovereign__________ OOOOO Actor__________________ OOOOO
Allies: Drama Club______ OOOOO __________________OOOOO Fae_________________ OOOOO
Title______________ OOOOO __________________OOOOO Nature_________________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO __________________OOOOO Prop_________________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO __________________OOOOO Scene______________ OOOOO
_________________ OOOOO __________________OOOOO Time_Kith Specialty_____ OOOOO

Birthright/Frailty Glamour Health

Whenever you Unleash, all must make OOOOOOOOOO Real Chimerical
Bruised ❏ ❏
a WP test (Diff 8) or stand in awe for ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Hurt –1 ❏ ❏
rounds equal to Appearance. Can never
Injured –1 ❏ ❏
botch Etiquette or Politics. All cantrips Willpower Wounded –2 ❏ ❏
meant to embarass auto-fail. OOOOOOOOOO
Mauled –2 ❏ ❏
________________________ ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Crippled –5 ❏ ❏
Banality penalties double.
Incapacitated ❏ ❏
Antithesis ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏❏ Ravaging/Musing Threshold
Alone in a Crowd
Musing: Create Hope
Experience Banality Ravaging: Exhaust Creativity
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Character History Sheet
Mortal Name:_Amber Arlington_______________ Chimera/Companions/Treasures:__________________
Faerie Name:_Lady Yseult ni Gwydion___________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Age:__17____________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal Profession (if any):_______________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
__Beautiful, gregarious, savvy__________________ _Cunning, shrewd, gorgeous___________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Quirks:__Impoverished family._________________________________________________________________
Motivations & Goals:_Be a good leader. Thwart Francesca. Make it to prom, become Prom Queen._________

Mortal:_____________________________________ Changeling:__­­________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Oathcircle Other Notes

________________________________________________Merits: Iron Will (3), Higher Purpose (1), Voice of
________________________________________________a Songbird (2)________________________________
________________________________________________Flaws: Enemy (3), Cleared Mists (3)____________
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Yseult ni Gwydion, called Amber Arlington
You remember living in a big house as a little girl. You had a huge doll collection, and you remember playing
pretend with them so much that it seemed real. You were Lady Yseult ni Gwydion, a noble of the Sidhe court. At
first, when you told your parents stories about your adventures in Arcadia, they smiled and indulged you.
But as you grew older, the smiles faded into expressions of concern. Eventually, you found yourself in a therapist’s
office, as a very kind gentleman tried very hard to convince you that Yseult wasn’t real. It was hell. You almost
The only thing that saved you was the doom of your family. Your parents had gone bankrupt. The big, beautiful
house was sold, as your family downgraded year after year. You hated what your family was going through, but at
least no one cared about Yseult anymore, and you learned to hide that part of yourself. It rankles, though. You’re
supposed to be a noble, able to solve problems like this with a wave of your hands! Now your one refuge, the
Gifted and Talented program, is at risk. You know that leaders are supposed to be able to solve problems like this,
but Amber Arlington is still just a kid.

¶¶ The school board wants to shut down the Gifted and Talented program, and sell the land your workshop is on to a real estate
developer. Help your friends put together a killer presentation for the school board to convince them not to axe the program!
¶¶ Your role in changeling society is as a leader. You know if you don’t rise to the occasion now, you’ll be the laughingstock of
Kithain society for generations.
¶¶ Your rival is the malicious Queen Bee, Francesca Giovanni. She’s hated you ever since freshman year. Now she wants to
convince the school board to pull funding from the Gifted and Talented program and give all to Drama Club. As a member
of Drama Club, you wouldn’t say no to more funding – but not at the expense of your freehold! Thwart Francesca.
¶¶ Prom is coming up, and you want just one night to feel like a real Sidhe. But no one has asked you out yet. You’re pretty sure
Francesca is behind that. Even if you did get a date, how would you pay for the dress and all the extras?

Nobles are supposed to live in grand palaces. Not bug-ridden motel rooms. If anyone at school, especially your
rival, finds out where your family has landed, your social life is over.

Legacy & Court

You are Seelie: you believe in the tenets of Death Before Dishonor, Love Conquers All, Beauty is Life, and Never
Forget a Debt.
Your Seelie Legacy is Dandy: you enjoy manipulating and ascending the social hierarchy. When you defend or
improve your social standing, gain a Willpower point. You can never pass up the chance to impress a superior.
Your Unseelie Legacy is Peacock: you are socially competitive and demand the spotlight at all times. Though you
do not gain any mechanical benefit from acting on this Legacy, it is still a part of you.

Seeming & Kith

You are a Sidhe (pronounced ‘shee’). Like the faerie tales of old, Sidhe are beautiful, elegant, and born to rule.
Your kith is caught up in courtly romances, and enjoy acting out dramas as if you were a character out of Chaucer
or Spenser. The Sidhe maintain that the Arcadians charged them with the right and responsibility of ruling over
all the other Kithain.
You are a Wilder. The initial flush of wonder at your Chrysalis made you a Childling. But you have been exposed
to Banality and practicality quite a lot since then. You are a balance between wide-eyed wonder and gruff practi-
Your Birthright as a Sidhe are faerie magics you can call on that are inherent to your kith.

Yseult, Called Amber

Your first Birthright is Unearthly Beauty. You gain two dots of Appearance. Whenever you Unleash, those in
your presence must make a Willpower roll at Difficulty 8. Those who fail are awestruck by you and can do nothing
but adore you for a number of rounds equal to your Appearance score.
Your second Birthright is Noble Bearing. You can never botch an Etiquette or Politics roll, and cantrips meant to
humiliate you always fail.
Your Revelry is how every Sidhe gains Glamour. You gain Glamour whenever anyone openly admires you.
Your Musing Threshold is Create Hope. Gain Glamour when you successfully inspire people to overcome obsta-
cles. They don’t have to succeed; they just have to try.
Your Ravaging Threshold is Exhaust Creativity. When you convince someone to pour their whole self into a proj-
ect, to the extent of neglecting their other obligations, and then cause them to hate that work, gain Glamour.
Your Frailty is an inherent weakness that all Sidhe have. Your kind is weaker to Banality than most. When you
take a single point of Banality, take another one as well.
Your Banality Trigger is Alone in a Crowd. Risk Banality when you are in a room full of people not paying atten-
tion to you – even if they’re just studying, watching a movie, or taking a test.

The mortal and magical resources you can draw on.

Backgrounds (p 168)
Mentor: Ms Darling. The Boggan who protects the freehold will help cover for you to your parents and otherwise
help you navigate both the world of Ivywild High and the faerie realms.
Allies: Drama Club. You can draw on your clubmates for help, resources, and information.
Title: You are a Lady of the Kithain. You are due social and political deference, and may one day rule a freehold.

You have four dots in Sovereign (p 223). Unleashing Sovereign makes you appear beautiful and terrible. Sover-
eign Bunks usually require attracting attention in some way.

• Protocol: Use this to enforce good behavior. Anyone who misbehaves during a scene in which you have en-
forced Protocol suffers a penalty to their dice pools equal to your successes. Characters of higher rank than you can
spend 1 Willpower to ignore your use of Protocol.
•• Grandeur: Those affected by Grandeur seek your approval for a scene, unless someone publicly humiliates
or defeats you. Those of higher rank can spend 1 Willpower to ignore your use of Grandeur.
••• Guest List: Define an object through use of Realm. No one may interact with the person or thing with-
out your permission.
•••• Dictum: Choose a target based on your Realm. Issue a command that must be obeyed.

Your kith specialty is the Time Realm. You have one dot in Time, one dot in Fae, one dot in Nature, two dots in
Scene, and three dots in Actor.

Using Time extend or manipulate the duration of a cantrip. This always increases the difficulty by 1.

Changeling: The Dreaming

• Three-fold: Triple the duration.

Scene (p 235) is a modifier Realm that defines space.
• The Chamber: You can affect all things within a small, enclosed room, such as a shed or bedroom.
•• The Cottage: You can affect small buildings or wings of buildings.

Actor (p 233) affects anyone who is not a Changeling. You will need to use Fae to affect a Kithain with a cantrip.
• True Friend: Use this on someone you know well and have spent time around.
•• Personal Contact: Use this on someone you interact with regularly but not often.
••• Familiar Face: Use this on someone with whom you have crossed paths and can recognize. You do not
need to know their name for this – ‘the mail carrier who delivers to my house’ is enough.

This Realm (p 233) affects Kithain and things of the Dreaming, and sometimes other magical creatures
• Hearty Commoner: Affects commoners and non-titled Autumn Sidhe.

You can affect the raw power of Mother Nature (p 234).
• Base Element: You can affect something primarily made of the four classical elements: earth, air, water, and

Merits (p 176)
Iron Will (3)
You are resolute in your purpose. Any attempt to alter your mind via magic increases in difficulty by 3, to a maxi-
mum of 9.

Higher Purpose (1)

You feel an obligation to lead and protect your motley and your freehold. Any rolls made following through on
this purpose is reduced by two.

Voice of Songbird (2)

You are a talented singer and your voice has a pleasing quality to it. The difficulty of all rolls pertaining to you
speaking are reduced by 2.

Enemy: Francesca Giovanni (3)
You and Francesca Giovanni are bitter rivals. You know she is trying to see you fail, and you have to thwart what-
ever scheme she’s working on.

Cleared Mists (3)

While the Mists normally prevent mortals from understanding chimerical reality, this does not apply to you. Mor-
tals can clearly perceive the effects of your cantrips.

Yseult, Called Amber

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