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Infernal Might

Common Lore

by Travis Legge

Credits Special Thanks To:

Author: Travis Legge Willem Dafoe, Christopher Walken, and Viggo
Art: Storytellers Vault Art Packs Mortensen, my favorite angels.

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Infernal Might

Infernal Might
Common Lore

Table of Contents
Chapter One: An Alternate Take 6
Chapter Two: Common Lore 9

Chapter One:
An Alternate
“Trick you? To love and care for a woman, to have a family?
This is a trick? Why are you trying to save the world? Aren’t your
own sins enough for you? What arrogance to think you can save
the world. The world doesn’t have to be saved: save yourself.
Find love.”
— The Cobra/Satan, The Last Temptation of Christ

Lore Revisited
Infernal Might: Common Lore revises and
Using Lores
Each time the character invokes one of the powers
alters the basic system for Lore use and is intended to of a Lore, the demon’s player must spend a point of
present a streamlined option for Demon: the Fallen Faith, unless otherwise noted in the power’s description.
20th Anniversary Edition. The purpose behind these The player must then make a Willpower roll against a
revisions is twofold. First, these new systems make difficulty equal to the power’s level +3. The number of
an effort to clean up references to Abilities to bring successes detail the degree of effectiveness, as detailed
Demon: The Fallen in line with the Ability spread in the power’s description. Failure on this roll indicates
seen in the 20th Anniversary Edition line of products. that the Lore fails. A botch causes some kind of loss or
Where necessary, Ability references have been modified catastrophic backfire, such as losing a Willpower point,
to reflect the core Abilities presented in those official spontaneous combustion, or accidentally letting a horde
sources published via Onyx Path. Secondly, an effort of zombies run rampant. The fundamental power of the
is made to re-imagine a demon’s Lore as a fundamental universe is not to be toyed with or used haphazardly.
portion of their being that connects them directly to Primary Lore
the universe as a whole. As such, the basic system by When using a power from their primary Lore, a
which each Lore functions is replaced with the following demon may spend a Willpower point to activate the
new system. power instead of a Faith point.
Innate Powers

Innate Powers
All demons possess the following innate powers,
lethal damage is healed at the rate of one health level
per point spent. Separate Faith points must be used to
recover from bashing and lethal damage. Aggravated
regardless of their House. These capabilities are damage cannot be healed in this fashion.
unaffected by Torment, and they are always active as
long as a character has at least one point remaining in her Invocations
Faith pool. If a character has exhausted her Faith pool, The power of a demon’s name is such that invoking
she may still take advantage of these innate powers by it, even in conversation, is enough to draw that spirit’s
drawing Faith from her mortal thralls (see the Systems attention, no matter how far away he may be. What’s
chapter of Demon: The Fallen for details). A demon more, the subject can attempt to ascertain who is
who has no points in her Faith pool may also spend speaking about him, where that being is and even
a Willpower point and roll Willpower (Difficulty 7). what is said.
If successful, the demon may gain the benefit of one Demons take notice whenever their Celestial
innate power for one turn. or True Names are spoken. The feeling manifests
differently for each. Some experience a chill that races
Immunity to Mind-Control across their skin or down their spine, while others feel
Demons are immune to any form of mind-control an invisible pull that tugs at their mind. If a character
and to supernaturally induced fear. concentrates, she can attempt to determine who is using
her name and why. Make a Perception + Awareness roll
Immunity to Possession (difficulty 7 if the Celestial Name is invoked, difficulty 6
For obvious reasons, the fallen cannot be possessed, if the True Name is used). The amount of detail gained
but if an attempt at possession occurs while the character depends on the number of successes rolled.
is devoid of Faith, it is possible to force the demon from One success: The character receives a mental
its mortal host. In this case, the player is able to resist picture of the person who invokes her name.
the attempt with a resisted Willpower roll. If the roll Two successes: The character receives a mental
fails, the demon is forced out of its host body and must picture of the speaker and his immediate surroundings,
find another anchor immediately or be drawn back into including the individual(s) he addresses.
the Abyss (see the Systems chapter of Demon: The Three or more successes: The character can hear
Fallen for details). what the speaker is saying for the duration of a single
turn. If she wishes, the character may continue to
Resistance to Illusion eavesdrop on the conversation, though she hears only
Demons are especially adept at discerning the real the voice of the individual who invokes her name.
from the illusory, and they may attempt to penetrate Eavesdropping on the conversation requires a successful
illusions or supernatural forms of concealment regardless Willpower roll (difficulty 8) in each successive turn. If
of the source. When confronted by an illusion or in the roll fails, contact is lost.
the presence of a person or thing that is supernaturally There is no distance limitation on this ability, not
concealed, the character can see past the artifice with even between the physical and spirit realms.
a successful Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 7). The capacity to establish a connection between
If the source of the illusion or concealment is individuals by invoking names of power also allows
another demon, the difficulty of the roll is equal to the demons to communicate with one another and their
opposing demon’s Faith or Torment score, whichever thralls no matter how far apart they are. To communicate
is greater. with another demon, the character needs either the
Resistance to Lethal recipient’s Celestial or True Name, and must have at
least one point of temporary Faith available. Make a
Damage Faith roll (difficulty 7 if using a Celestial Name, 6 if using
When in their apocalyptic forms, demons can use a True Name), and if successful, whatever the character
their Stamina to soak lethal damage. says is heard by the recipient. Once this connection has
been made, the recipient can reply if she has at least
Healing Physical Damage one point of Faith available in her Faith pool. Note
Demon characters may use Faith to heal bashing that the recipient doesn’t have to know the speaker’s
or lethal damage. You can spend one Faith point to name to reply. Once the link has been established, it can
heal all of your character’s bashing damage, while be used by both parties. Contact lasts for the duration

Infernal Might

of a single turn. If the speaker (or the recipient of the roll (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, your character
invocation) wishes to continue the conversation, you detects the momentary distortion caused by these
must make a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6) energies. Additional successes provide further detail.
in each successive turn of communication. If the roll One success: The demon knows that something has
fails, contact is lost. occurred (or is occurring) in the vicinity and a general
This ability is not limited to one-on-one idea of how powerful the effect was or is.
communication. A demon can direct her message to Two successes: The demon gains a rough idea as
multiple recipients in different locations up to a number to the direction from which the distortion emanates.
equal to her Faith rating. The player need make only Three successes: The demon knows without a
one Faith roll to send a message, and the difficulty doubt the direction from which the distortion emanates,
is 7 regardless of the names used for the invocation. and he has a rough idea of the distance.
Otherwise, group communications use the same rules Four or more successes: The demon knows
already described. precisely how far away the disturbance is, and in what
In the case of thralls, communication is automatic. direction. If she knows the area well, she can work
The bond that already exists between mortal and demon out exactly where the event took place or now occurs.
provides the needed link, allowing a demon to contact While demons can gain a sense of where an event
her thralls without requiring a Faith roll. Additionally, occurs, it’s impossible to tell from a distance exactly
a demon may address multiple thralls at once equal to what kind of power or evocation is used. If they want
her Faith score. Unless a thrall is specifically gifted more details they must investigate in person or send
with the ability to perform an invocation, though, she their agents to learn what they can.
cannot initiate contact with the demon. In most cases,
While a demon’s supernatural awareness usually
thralls speak only when spoken to.
functions only when the character actively searches for
Though there is no known way for an outside party signs of distortion, the Storyteller can, at her discretion,
to “tap into” this form of supernatural communication, make a reflexive roll on the character’s behalf in the
nearby demons can detect its use as they would any event of an exceptionally large flare of power in the
other use of supernatural power. Likewise, since the vicinity.
participants must physically say what they want to
convey, even as a whisper, it’s possible for sharp ears
to overhear at least a part of what is said.

Supernatural Awareness
The fallen are inherently attuned to the fabric of
reality, and they are sensitive to energies and influences
beyond the awareness of mortals. Players can make
a Perception + Awareness rolls for demons to get a
“feel” of the supernatural qualities of a given area.
A hospital room might emanate a sense of pain and
loss, imprinted by the emotions of the patients and
doctors who’ve struggled and died within its walls. An
otherwise unassuming basement might reek of the foul
rituals performed there days before. Additionally, an
alert demon can sense the use of supernatural energies
within her general vicinity. The fabric of reality distorts
momentarily when powers are used, and the fallen can
feel the ripples caused by this brief disturbance. Highly
perceptive demons can draw extensive information from
these ripples, gaining a sense of where the supernatural
event took place.
Demons can sense supernatural energies at work
within an area equal to their Faith score in miles (so a
fallen with a Faith of 5 can sense energies within five
miles). If a character wishes to sense the energies at work
in her area, make a successful Perception + Awareness

Chapter Two:
Common Lore

“I’m here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I’ve nurtured every sensation
man’s been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I
never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I’m a fan of man! I’m a humanist. Maybe the last
— John Milton, The Devil’s Advocate

Gifts of Using Lores

While most lore is considered proprietary to the
Each time the character invokes one of the powers
of a Lore, the demon’s player must spend a point of
House that created it, two paths exist as tools that every Faith, unless otherwise noted in the power’s description.
angel (or demon) needed to further their work amid the The player must then make a Willpower roll against a
wonders of Paradise. The Lore of the Fundament was difficulty equal to the power’s level +3. The number of
the first, encompassing the basic building blocks of the successes detail the degree of effectiveness, as detailed
physical universe, in effect creating a set of principles in the power’s description. Failure on this roll indicates
that provided the foundation upon which the work of that the Lore fails. A botch causes some kind of loss or
all the Houses was based. The second set of common catastrophic backfire, such as losing a Willpower point,
lore evolved among the fallen during the Age of Wrath spontaneous combustion, or accidentally letting a horde
as a means of facilitating contact between humanity of zombies run rampant. The fundamental power of the
and the rebel host. universe is not to be toyed with or used haphazardly.
Infernal Might

Lore of the Fundament rolling a number of successes equal to or greater than the
projectile’s damage dice. For example, a thrown knife
• Manipulate Gravity inflicts Strength + 1 damage. If the person throwing
The demon can alter the way gravity affects her the knife has Strength 3, you must roll four or more
body, allowing her to leap enormous distances, hang successes for your character to catch the knife. Your
suspended in the air or plunge at her foes like a meteorite. demon has to be able to see the projectile to affect it.
System: This evocation does not require the Rocks, knives, even arrows are possible candidates,
expenditure of Faith to activate. The demon can leap but bullets aren’t. If your demon throws a projectile
(or climb) up to 20 yards per success on the activation at a target, each extra success achieved becomes an
roll, or fall a similar distance without suffering injury. automatic level of damage. The effects of this evocation
Completely canceling the effect of gravity requires a last for a single turn.
number of successes equal to the character’s Stamina. Torment: Items affected by a monstrous demon
Characters who defy gravity aren’t weightless, per se — become inherently unstable for a period of time, creating
they are still affected by outside forces as normal. The potential for disaster for the next person who tries to
effects of this evocation last for a single turn. use them. For a period of turns equal to the character’s
Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this Torment, any item that was the focus of this evocation
evocation leave a wash of turbulence in their wake, causes successes to be removed by any die rolling a 1,
randomly increasing or decreasing the effects of gravity 2 or 3 when used for any reason. If no successes are
on surrounding objects or people who pass within rolled and a 1, 2, or 3 appears on any of the dice the roll
a number of yards equal to the demon’s Torment botches, inflicting some horrible consequence (likely
score. The Storyteller is free to use her discretion damage) on the user.
when describing the chaotic effects that occur in the •••• Manipulate Acceleration
monster’s passing. The demon can affect the acceleration of her own
•• Manipulate Adhesion body, granting her supernatural speed and force.
The demon can affect her body’s adhesion to System: Each success on an activation roll allows
physical objects. She can run up walls, hang from a your demon to walk up to 10 yards per success per turn,
ceiling or cling to the side of a moving car like a spider. jog 20 yards per success or run 40 yards per success per
System: This evocation does not require the turn. If used in combat, treat these successes as automatic
expenditure of Faith to activate. The angle of the levels of damage for hand-to-hand, melee or ranged
surface relative to the earth determines the number of attacks using thrown weapons. These damage levels can
successes required on the activation roll. Running up a be split among multiple targets if desired. The effects
steep slope requires only a single success, while a vertical of this evocation last for a single turn
surface requires two. Moving along an inverted plane Torment: The accelerations of a monstrous demon
(like a ceiling) requires three successes. The character so disturbs the air around her that she is surrounded by
can move up to three yards along such a surface per an aura of blistering heat that radiates out a number of
success rolled. The effects of this evocation last for a yards equal to the character’s Torment score. Living
single turn. beings caught within the area of effect suffer one level
Torment: When a monstrous demon performs this of bashing damage.
evocation, the surfaces with which she interacts are ••••• Manipulate Cohesion
warped by her passing, causing them to radiate waves The demon can manipulate the state of any
of intense heat and leave patterns of the demon’s hands inanimate matter she touches. She can walk on water
and feet on the surface. Individuals coming into contact or air or break down solid objects into their component
with these surfaces in the same turn as the demon particles.
touched them suffer one level of lethal damage. System: The demon must be able to physically
••• Manipulate Inertia touch the matter she wishes to affect. The number of
The demon can affect the inertia of anything she successes required depends on the matter involved and
touches, stopping it dead or granting it irresistible force. the degree to which it is affected. Changing water to
She can snatch projectiles out of the air (providing she ice or steam requires only one success. Increasing the
can see them), or throw an object farther than any cohesion of water or air to the degree that it briefly
human could imagine. supports the demon’s weight demands two successes.
System: The demon can throw an object up to 30 Vaporizing wood, cloth or other low-density material
yards per success on an activation roll, regardless of her requires three successes, while doing he same to high-
Strength. Snatching a projectile out of the air requires density material such as metal or stone takes four

Common Lore

successes. Each success also allows the demon to affect

one cubic foot of matter. The effects of this evocation
last for a single turn, after which the materials affected
return to normal or remain in their current state if
it’s natural for the material in question. Living beings
targeted with this effect suffer a level of lethal damage
for each success gained on the roll.
Torment: Matter affected by a monstrous demon
remains inherently unstable for a number of turns
equal to the character’s Torment, changing states at
random. The Storyteller is free to use her discretion
when describing the chaotic effects that occur in the
wake of the demon’s manipulation.

Lore of Humanity
• Translate
The demon can understand (and be understood
by) mortals, regardless of what language they speak.
System: This evocation does not require the
expenditure of Faith to activate. The evocation
affects a number of people equal to the successes on an
activation roll. The demon can understand the speech
of each affected individual and be understood in turn,
even if all of the individuals involved speak completely
different languages. The effects of this evocation last for
the duration of the scene. People who speak different
languages do not understand each other when this
power is used on them.
Torment: Monstrous demons must overcome the
obstacle of their own Torment, or the words they hear
are filtered through their own anger and obsessions.
After the evocation is used successfully, a Willpower
roll is made with a difficulty equal to your character’s
Torment. If successful, your character understands the
words of those around her as they are intended. If the
roll fails, your demon’s understanding of what is said
is skewed by her own hatred and despair. A greeting
is misunderstood as a threat, or an honest answer
sounds evasive or outright deceptive. The Storyteller
is encouraged to make this Willpower roll on behalf of
the character and keep the results secret, tailoring the
information the player hears accordingly.
•• Insinuate
This evocation causes mortals to instinctively
regard the demon as a potential friend, allaying any
initial feelings of distrust or suspicion and engaging
their interest in her. Unless gifted with a demon’s
resistance to mind-control, thralls can be affected by
this evocation as well.
System: This evocation does not require an
expenditure of Faith to activate. The evocation affects
a number of individuals equal to the successes achieved
on an activation roll. Each person resists the evocation

Infernal Might

with a Willpower roll at a Difficulty equal to the demon’s •••• Confess

Charisma + Subterfuge. If the Willpower roll fails, Mortals engaged in conversation with the demon
affected individuals trust the demon within reason and respond to his questions with complete candor. Unless
talk freely and openly with her, lowering the difficulty made aware of it later with direct questions about
of any of the demon’s subsequent Manipulation rolls by events, the mortal affected by this evocation does not
one. The effects of this evocation last for the duration remember the details of the conversation. Unless gifted
of the scene. with a demon’s resistance to mind-control, thralls can
Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this be affected by this evocation as well.
evocation have the opposite effect on the mortals System: The target resists with a Willpower roll
they encounter. Affected individuals use the demon’s (difficulty 7). If your activation roll gains more successes,
Torment as the difficulty for their Willpower rolls. the demon can ask the mortal any questions she wishes,
If a roll fails, the person is overcome with feelings and the mortal answers with complete honesty. The
of revulsion and anger, and treats the demon with effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal
intense apprehension and fear. The difficulties of all to your character’s Faith score
Intimidation rolls directed at these individuals decrease
Torment: Monstrous demons are able to draw
by two.
out only a mortal’s dark nature, learning her secret
••• Fade animosities, lusts and ambitions.
Demons using this evocation literally fade into the ••••• Alter Memory
background. Mortal eyes simply pass over them unless
The demon is able to manipulate a mortal’s memory,
the demons choose to call attention to themselves.
changing or removing any recollection of his dealings,
Demons (and thralls who have been gifted with the
or planting memories where none were before. Unless
demon’s resistance to illusion) are immune to the
gifted with a demon’s resistance to mind-control, thralls
effects of this evocation.
can be affected by this evocation.
System: This evocation does not require an
System: The number of successes required on the
expenditure of Faith to activate. If the activation roll is
activation roll when using this power is determined
successful, the demon goes unnoticed by mortals unless
by the degree you wish to alter the target’s memory. A
she does something to call attention to herself such as
resisted Willpower roll is made for the target (difficulty
make physical contact or speak to them directly. These
7). If your character attempts to alter or remove an
effects persist for the remainder of the scene or until
existing memory, one success is required beyond the
the demon wills them to cease.
target’s successes. Planting a completely false memory
Mortals the demon encounters may attempt to requires two successes beyond the target’s initial
overcome this effect when the demon first enters their successes. If you receive three or more successes beyond
vicinity (a range or place where someone might normally the target’s successes, you may rewrite entire periods
notice the demon without direct engagement) with a of the target’s life experiences. Altered or fabricated
Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If the mortal achieves memories are permanent.
more successes on this roll than the demon achieved
Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this
on their activation roll, the mortal may notice the
evocation also cause bouts of sleeplessness, anxiety and
demon as normal.
despair that take days or weeks to subside. Nightmares
Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this persist for a number of nights equal to the character’s
evocation fade from the sight of ordinary mortals, but Torment score. Each night, make a Willpower roll
stand out like beacons for those consumed by anger or for the victim with a difficulty equal to the demon’s
a lust for violence. Torment. If the roll fails, the victim loses a temporary
Willpower point. If the victim runs out of Willpower
points, she gains a temporary derangement.

Name: Nature: house:
Player: DemeaNor: FaCtioN:
ChroNiCle: CoNCePt: Visage:
PhysiCal soCial meNtal
Strength ●❍❍❍❍ Charisma ●❍❍❍❍ Perception ●❍❍❍❍
Dexterity ●❍❍❍❍ Manipulation ●❍❍❍❍ Intelligence ●❍❍❍❍
Stamina ●❍❍❍❍ Appearance ●❍❍❍❍ Wits ●❍❍❍❍

taleNts skills kNowleDges
Alertness ❍❍❍❍❍ Animal Ken ❍❍❍❍❍ Academics ❍❍❍❍❍
Athletics ❍❍❍❍❍ Crafts ❍❍❍❍❍ Computer ❍❍❍❍❍
Awareness ❍❍❍❍❍ Drive ❍❍❍❍❍ Finance ❍❍❍❍❍
Brawl ❍❍❍❍❍ Etiquette ❍❍❍❍❍ Investigation ❍❍❍❍❍
Empathy ❍❍❍❍❍ Firearms ❍❍❍❍❍ Law ❍❍❍❍❍
Expression ❍❍❍❍❍ Larceny ❍❍❍❍❍ Medicine ❍❍❍❍❍
Intimidation ❍❍❍❍❍ Melee ❍❍❍❍❍ Occult ❍❍❍❍❍
Leadership ❍❍❍❍❍ Performance ❍❍❍❍❍ Politics ❍❍❍❍❍
Streetwise ❍❍❍❍❍ Stealth ❍❍❍❍❍ Science ❍❍❍❍❍
Subterfuge ❍❍❍❍❍ Survival ❍❍❍❍❍ Technology ❍❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍

baCkgrouNDs lore Virtues
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍ Conscience ●❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍ Conviction ●❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍ Courage ●❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍
❍❍❍❍❍ ❍❍❍❍❍
aPoCalyPtiC Form Faith health
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Bruised ❑
tormeNt Hurt -1 ❑
Permanent Injured -1 ❑
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Wounded -2 ❑
Temporary Mauled -2 ❑
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Crippled -5 ❑
Incapacitated ❑
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ exPerieNCe
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

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