Unit 3 Questions

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Unit 3 Questions

1. Why does Canada have a smaller population than the US, despite being larger?
2. Which mountain range in the US is the oldest? How can we tell?
3. How did glacial movements affect the landscape of the US?
4. What is the greatest resource of the US and Canada?
5. Why is the climate so different between the Rockies and Appalachians from the coastal
6. How does the current running up the coast of California affect Washington and Alaska?
7. How does climate contribute to California’s high population?
8. Why is the central part of the US more susceptible to supercell storms and tornadoes?
9. How did the first nomads reach North America?
10. What is the Columbian Exchange?
11. How did climate contribute to the development of slavery in the South, but not in the
12. What technology allowed for higher populations in the West?
13. What two things led to an explosion in population in cities?
14. What kind of government does the US have? What system of government does it have?
15. What are the three branches of government? What does each branch do?
16. What type of economy does the US currently have?
17. What two countries are the US’s primary trade partners?
18. What has the US contributed to world art?
19. Why did the French typically get along with Native Americans when the British and
Spanish didn’t?
20. Why is most of the Canadian population located near the border with the US?
21. What type of government did Canada develop?
22. Name three jobs that are part of the service industry.
23. What are three popular sports in Canada?

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