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J. Dairy Sci.

© 2022, The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. and Fass Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®.
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Effects of restricted dietary phosphorus supply during the dry

period on productivity and metabolism in dairy cows
S. Wächter,1 I. Cohrs,2 L. Golbeck,1 T. Scheu,2 K. Eder,3 and W. Grünberg1*
Clinic for Cattle, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, 30173 Hanover, Germany
Educational and Research Centre for Animal Husbandry, Hofgut Neumühle, 67728 Münchweiler an der Alsenz, Germany
Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Physiology, Justus-Liebig-Universität-Giessen, 35392 Giessen, Germany

ABSTRACT were not observed, but plasma Ca was higher from 1

wk before to 1 wk after calving in LP cows, which was
Phosphorus in bovine nutrition is under ongoing associated with a numerically lower incidence of clinical
scrutiny because of concerns with excessive amounts and subclinical hypocalcemia in LP cows. Both treat-
of P excreted in manure contributing to environmental ments had a similar 305-d milk yield (12,112 ± 1,298 kg
pollution. Feeding rations with excessive P content, for LP and 12,229 ± 1,758 kg for AP cows) and simi-
however, still remains common practice, particularly lar DMI. Plasma and liver tissue biochemical analysis
during the transition period, as limited P supply in late did not reveal treatment effects on energy, protein, or
gestation and early lactation is thought to present a lipid metabolism. The results reported here indicate
risk for health and productivity of high-yielding dairy that restricted dietary P supply during the dry period
cows. The objectives of this study were to investigate positively affected the Ca homeostasis of periparturient
the effect of restricted P supply during the last 4 wk of dairy cows but did not reveal negative effects on DMI,
pregnancy on Ca and P homeostasis during the transi- milk production, or metabolic activity in the following
tion period in high-yielding dairy cows, and to iden- lactation. Restriction of P during the dry period was
tify possible effects on metabolism and productivity associated with hypophosphatemia antepartum but
throughout the following lactation. Thirty late-preg- neither exacerbated postparturient hypophosphatemia,
nant multiparous dairy cows were randomly assigned which is commonly observed in fresh cows, nor was as-
to either a dry cow diet with low (LP) or adequate P sociated with any clinical or subclinical indication of P
(AP) content [0.16 and 0.30% P in dry matter (DM), deficiency in early lactation.
respectively] to be fed in the 4 wk before calving. After Key words: hypophosphatemia, calcium, transition
calving all cows received the same ration with adequate period, metabolic disease
P content (0.46% P in DM). Blood, milk, and liver
tissue samples were obtained during the dry period
and the following lactation, DM intake (DMI), body
weight, milk production, and disease occurrence were Phosphorus in ruminant nutrition has received
monitored. Plasma was assayed for the concentrations increased attention in the past decade, due to envi-
of P, Ca, Na, and K, metabolic parameters, and liver ronmental concerns about excessive amounts of this
enzyme activities. Liver tissue was analyzed for mineral, mineral contained in manure. Official recommendations
triglyceride, cholesterol, and water contents. Repeated- for dietary P supply in cattle are continuously revisited
measures ANOVA was used to identify treatment, time, with the objective of reducing the P content in bovine
and treatment × time interaction effects. Cows fed LP diets to the lowest possible amount without jeopardiz-
had lower plasma P concentrations ([Pi]) than AP ing health and productivity of high-yielding dairy cows.
cows during restricted P feeding, reaching a nadir of Many countries are currently implementing regulations
1.1 mmol/L immediately before calving. After calving, aiming at reducing the amount of P applied onto farm-
plasma [Pi] of LP cows was at or above the level of AP land with manure, which unavoidably also affects the
cows and within the reference range for cattle. Symp- use of P in ruminant nutrition.
toms assumed to be associated with hypophosphatemia In dairy cows P deficiency is widely believed to be
associated with feed intake depression, as well as with
decreased productivity and fertility (Grünberg, 2014).
Received September 4, 2021.
Accepted February 4, 2022. Furthermore, conditions commonly observed in fresh
*Corresponding author: waltergruenberg@​yahoo​.com cows, such as downer cow syndrome or intravascular


hemolysis, have been associated with P deficiency and cows and decreased incidence of clinical and subclinical
hypophosphatemia on empirical grounds (Macwilliams hypocalcemia (Cohrs et al., 2018).
et al., 1982; Ménard and Thompson, 2007). Less well The objectives of this study were to explore the pos-
known is the potentially deleterious effect of restricted sible protracted effects of P deprivation during the dry
dietary P supply in cattle on the fermentation activ- period on DMI, milk production, and metabolism in
ity of the rumen microbiome. A marked reduction of the following lactation. We hypothesized that limiting
P content in rumen fluid was found to be associated the period of restricted P supply to the last 4 wk of the
with altered microbial protein synthesis and with al- dry period would result in the beneficial effect on Ca
tered ratios of the different fractions of volatile fatty homeostasis reported earlier, without impairing liver
acids in rumen fluid (Harder et al., 2015; Köhler et al., function and metabolism in high-yielding dairy cows.
2021). Another potential mechanism through which P
deprivation may affect the energy metabolism in cattle MATERIALS AND METHODS
is through a direct effect on the liver. Liver function
and the regenerative activity of liver tissue were found The study reported here is part of a multi-institu-
to be impaired in states of P deficiency in humans with tional project, investigating effects of a restricted di-
liver disease, and oral supplementation of P in these etary P supply during the dry period on metabolism
patients promoted faster convalescence and reduced the and productivity in dairy cows. Whereas other working
risk of complications (Baquerizo et al., 2003). The ef- groups on this project have investigated short-term ef-
fect of restricted P supply on liver function of cattle has fects on the Ca homeostasis during the periparturient
scarcely been studied (Grünberg et al., 2009, 2019). An period, metabolomics, or effects on erythrocyte stabil-
effect of P on liver function in cattle, as recognized in ity (Wächter et al., 2022e), the study reported here em-
humans, would certainly be of relevance, in particular phasizes effects of P deprivation during late gestation
in transition and early lactating dairy cows, where liver on productivity and metabolism during the lactation
function disturbances caused by hepatic lipidosis are following the dry period with restricted P supply.
Phosphorus balance disorders in dairy cows are con- Ethics Statement
sidered to be of particular concern during the transition
period, and consequently feeding rations in excess of The study was conducted at the Educational and
current recommendations to dry and fresh cows is still Research Centre for Animal Husbandry, Hofgut Neu-
common in the dairy industry (Plaizier et al., 2004). mühle, Münchweiler an der Alsenz, Germany. All re-
The objective of producers, nutritionists, and veterinar- lated procedures were approved by the Animal Welfare
ians advising and implementing the supply of P above and Ethics Committee of the government of Coblenz,
recommendations is to mitigate the severity and dura- Rhineland Palatinate, Germany (permit no. 23-177-
tion of the hypophosphatemic episode well recognized 07/G 19-20-008).
to occur around parturition, and thereby to improve
herd health and productivity. Study Design
The metabolic relevance of this postparturient reduc-
tion of the plasma P concentration ([Pi]) in cattle is The study was conceived as a prospective, random-
currently not well understood. However, little evidence ized, and controlled study, and was conducted on 30
supports concerns about abiding by currently recom- late-pregnant multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows
mend dietary P contents for dry cow rations. Recent entering their second, third, or fourth lactation. Cows of
studies investigating the effects of P deprivation in the research farm expected to calve between November
transition cows found that feeding diets with P con- 2019 and April 2020 were blocked by lactation number
tents well below current recommendations from the (LN) and, within each block, paired by first-lactation
last 4 wk of the dry period and for the first 4 wk of 305-d milk yield. One cow of each pair was then ran-
gestation indeed had negative effects on DMI, health, domly assigned to 1 of the 2 experimental treatments,
and productivity (Puggaard et al., 2014; Grünberg et which were feeding a dry cow ration with either low
al., 2019b). However, restricted P supply during the (LP) or adequate P content (AP) during the last 4
dry period was found to stimulate bone mobilization, wk of gestation. Cows were enrolled approximately 6
resulting in an important and metabolically relevant wk before expected calving and at least 2 wk after dry-
release of Ca and P from bone during the last days of off (Figure 1). The study consisted of different periods
gestation (Cohrs et al., 2018). This was associated with with varying observation and sampling intensities, and
more stable blood Ca concentrations in periparturient was initiated with a 2-wk acclimation period extending

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


Figure 1. Outline of the study design. Each rectangle represents 1 wk of time. During acclimation, cows of both treatments received the same
ration with adequate P content for dry cows. Cows assigned to the adequate P (AP) treatment remained on this ration for the remaining dry
period, whereas cows assigned to the low P (LP) treatment were switched to the P-depleted ration. After calving, both treatments received the
same lactating cow ration with adequate P content for lactating cows. Small solid downward arrows represent times of analysis of the composite
weekly TMR samples. Large downward arrows mark weekly blood sampling times; the dashed arrow indicates monthly blood sampling times.
Bold upward arrows represent liver tissue sampling times T1 (end of acclimation), T2 (1 wk before expected calving), T3 (d 3 postpartum), T4
(d 14 postpartum), and T5 (d 42 postpartum). BL indicates the baseline sampling time point at the end of the acclimation, immediately before
initiating experimental feeding.

from 6 to 4 wk before expected calving. During this Feeding and Experimental Rations
phase, cows of both treatments received the same dry
cow ration with adequate P content (AP diet) and were Feed was offered as TMR formulated to meet or
introduced to the restricted feeding protocol. Follow- slightly exceed requirements of dry or lactating cows,
ing acclimation, AP cows remained on the AP dry cow with the exception of the P content of the LP dry cow
ration, but LP cows were switched to the P-deficient ration (NRC, 2001). Feed was available ad libitum for
LP dry cow ration until calving. From the moment of lactating cows but was restricted to 11.5 kg of DM
calving, both treatments were fed the same standard during the dry period for both treatments. Feed re-
lactating cow ration. striction in addition to a low-P diet was required to
maintain the daily P intake in LP cows below 20 g
of P/cow. This threshold for the dietary P supply to
Animal Housing and Milking dry cows, necessary to achieve a negative P balance,
was determined in a pilot study in preparation of this
Dry and lactating cows were housed in separate areas experiment (Cohrs et al., 2021). Feed restriction was
of a freestall barn with concrete flooring and manure implemented through the use of electronic feeding
scraper; stalls were bedded with rubber mats covered gates and feed-weigh troughs (RIC System, Hokofarm
with a straw-lime mixture. Cows expected to calve Group), programmed to gradually transition dry cows
within a matter of hours were moved to individual from ad libitum feeding to a DMI capped at 11.5 kg/d
calving pens bedded with straw. A calving sensor sys- within the first week of acclimation, as described previ-
tem was used to assist calving watch at night (Moocall ously (Wächter et al., 2022e). Experimental cows were
Ltd.). After parturition, cows with a DMI above 5 kg fed from the feed-weigh troughs from the beginning of
during the previous 12 h and without apparent signs the acclimation period until the sixth week of lacta-
of disease were moved to the lactating cow pen within tion, with the exception of the period when cows were
24 h after calving. Lactating cows were milked twice housed in the calving pens. While in these pens, feed
daily between 0430 h and 0530 h and between 1530 h was offered from individual feed bunks, and feed intake
and 1630 h. was recorded manually. After the sixth week of lacta-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


tion, cows were fed from regular feed bunks accessible (T1), approximately 1 wk before expected calving (T2),
through conventional head gates. Feed was offered once and on d 3 (T3), 14 (T4), and 42 (T5) postpartum
daily to dry cows and twice daily to milking cows. Feed (Figure 1), as described previously (Grünberg et al.,
intake per cow and day was recorded from the onset of 2019b). Briefly, the procedure, which was conducted
the study until wk 6 of lactation. Water was available aseptically and under local anesthesia, obtained liver
ad libitum. tissue transcutaneously using an automated biopsy
The experimental TMR for dry cows was based on needle (BIP-Evocore EC2215, Biomed. Instrumente
corn silage, pressed beet pulp, hay, and straw. Pelleted und Produkte GmbH). Three liver tissue specimens,
concentrate, specifically formulated for each treat- each of approximately 0.1 g, were collected at each
ment, was added to obtain the targeted P content of sampling time, immediately submerged in liquid nitro-
the ration of each treatment (Supplemental Table S1; gen, and stored at −80°C until processing, as described
https:​/​/​www​.researchgate​.net/​publication/​359025502​ subsequently.
_Supplementary ​ _ Table ​ _ S1 ​ _ Ration ​ _ composition; Body weight was determined on an electronic scale at
Wächter et al., 2022b). The LP and AP rations were the times of liver tissue sampling (T1–T5, Figure 1) and
formulated to contain 0.15% P and 0.35% P in DM, thereafter in monthly intervals at the times of blood
respectively. Mono-ammoniumphosphate (Windmill sampling.
Monamphos FG, Aliphos Rotterdam BV) was used
as P supplement in the AP concentrate to obtain the Sample Processing and Analysis
targeted dietary P content in the AP ration. Urea was
added to the LP concentrate to equalize the N content Feed Sample Analysis. The DM of composited feed
of both diets. samples was determined by oven drying at 100°C for 24
h, and the dietary P content measured by inductively
Sample Collection coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The amount of
fresh feed offered per day was adjusted weekly in case
Feed Samples. Samples of TMR from both experi- of change in dietary DM content, to minimize variation
mental rations were collected daily and composited to in the dietary P content.
weekly samples to determine the mean weekly DM con- Blood Sample Analysis. Blood in Li-heparin tubes
tent of the experimental diets, as described previously was centrifuged at room temperature at 1,730 × g for
(Wächter et al., 2022e). 15 min (Jouan CR422, Thermo Fisher Scientific) within
Blood Sampling. Blood samples were obtained 20 min of collection, and plasma was stored at −21°C
twice weekly from the end of the acclimation phase to 6 until analysis. Total protein (TP) content in plasma
wk after calving, and once a month thereafter until the was measured by refractometry (RHC-200ATC, C &
42nd week of lactation. Blood was obtained between A Scientific) once a week at the time of harvesting.
0800 h and 1000 h by puncture of a jugular vein, and All plasma samples were assayed for [Pi] (ammonium
collected in Li-heparin tubes (LH Vacuette, Greiner molybdate method, Cobas Mira Plus CC, Hoffmann-
Bio-One). La Roche AG) and total Ca concentration ([TCa],
Milk Sampling. Cows were first milked within 1 Arsenazo III method, AU680, Beckman Coulter Inc.).
h of calving. The total solid content of colostrum was One weekly sample from each cow was analyzed for the
determined with a digital Brix refractometer (Digital concentrations of sodium ([Na]) and potassium ([K],
Pocket Refractometer, Model PAL-S, Atago), and the both by direct potentiometry), creatinine ([Crea],
colostrum yield at the first milking was recorded. Milk enzymatic method), BHB ([BHB], UV method),
samples for a DHIA equivalent analysis were obtained and total bilirubin ([TBil], dichloraniline method).
once a week throughout the entire lactation. For this Furthermore the activities of γ-glutamyl transferase
purpose, composited milk samples of an evening and (GGT, glycyle glycine method) and glutamate dehy-
the following morning milking were analyzed, and the drogenase (GLDH, UV method with α-ketoglutarate)
combined milk yield of these 2 consecutive milkings re- were determined. The concentration of nonesterified
corded. The daily milk yield at the time of the weekly fatty acids ([NEFA], acetyl-CoA-synthetase-acetyl-
milk sampling was used as mean daily milk yield for the CoA-oxydase method), and the activity of alkaline
corresponding week of lactation. phosphatase (AlP, photometric p-nitrophenyl phos-
Urine Sampling. Samples of spontaneously voided phate method; all conducted on Cobas Mira Plus CC,
urine were obtained 3 times a week during the first 6 Hoffmann-La Roche AG) were also determined once a
wk of lactation. week until the sixth week of lactation. All analyses were
Liver Tissue Collection. Liver tissue specimens conducted at the Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory of
were obtained at the end of the acclimation period the Clinic for Cattle, University of Veterinary Medi-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

cine Hannover, Foundation (Hanover, Germany), or TG, cat. no. 5741, Analyticon Biotechnologies AG).
a commercial veterinary clinical pathology laboratory The intraday coefficients of variation were 3.3 and
(Synlab Holding Deutschland GmbH, Augsburg, Ger- 6.2% for TAG and Chol, respectively. All liver tissue
many). Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation for specimens were analyzed on the same day.
these analyses are provided in Supplemental Table S2
(https:​/​/​www​.researchgate​.net/​publication/​359135082​ Animal Health
_Supplementary​ _ Table​ _ S2​ _ Intra​ - and​ _ interassay​
_coefficients​ _ of​ _ variation​ _ for​ _ plasma​ _ biochemical​ Activity and demeanor of study animals were as-
_laboratory​_analyses; Wächter et al., 2022c). sessed daily, and a physical examination was conducted
Milk Sample Analysis. Milk samples obtained as weekly on every cow from the beginning of the study
described previously were immediately submitted to a until the sixth week of lactation. Researchers in charge
commercial milk laboratory (Landeskontrollverband of monitoring and sampling study cows were not blinded
Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V., Bad Kreuznach, Germany), to treatment for reasons of practicality. Animal obser-
conducting the DHIA equivalent analysis to determine vation was intensified during the periparturient period,
the milk fat content (%), milk protein (%), MUN with an emphasis on the early detection of signs of com-
(mg/L), milk lactose (%), and SCC (cells/mL) via in- mon periparturient disorders, as previously described
frared analyzer (MilkoScan FT-6000, Foss Analytical). (Wächter et al., 2022e). Health events and related
The linear SCS was calculated by log-transforming the therapeutic interventions were recorded for every cow
SCC. throughout the study. Study animals did not receive
Urine Analysis. Freshly voided urine was visually any standard preventive treatments such as drenches or
inspected for overt discoloration suggestive of hemoglo- boluses. Only plain fresh water was offered ad libitum
binuria. The concentration of acetoacetate in urine was from large buckets immediately after calving.
determined semiquantitatively with a commercial urine For the purposes of this study, we used the following
dipstick assay (Medi-Test Keton, Macherey-Nagel). In case definitions and treatment protocols for common
case of suspected hemoglobinuria, based on discolor- periparturient disorders. Cows with clinical signs sug-
ation of urine, the sample in question was tested for the gestive of milk fever such as dullness, coolness to the
presence of blood with a commercial urine dipstick test touch, and difficulty standing or rising (Constable et
(Medi-Test Combi, Macherey-Nagel). al., 2016a), were immediately tested for blood con-
Liver Tissue Analysis. Liver tissue DM was deter- centration of ionized Ca ([Ca2+]) using a point-of-care
mined by atmospheric oven drying to constant weight at unit (EPOC Host and Reader, Siemens Healthineers)
85°C, as described earlier (Grünberg et al., 2019b). The that was previously validated for this purpose in our
P, K, and Mg content of each sample was determined in laboratory (Wächter et al., 2022e). Clinical signs, as
the previously dried specimens by inductively coupled mentioned previously, in combination with [Ca2+] below
optical emission spectrometry (Vista Pro, Varian). The 1.10 mmol/L were classified as clinical hypocalcemia.
detected emission wavelengths were 185.878 nm for P, Due to close monitoring and early detection of charac-
766.491 nm for K, and 279.553 nm for Mg. Both K and teristic symptoms, clinical hypocalcemia never reached
Mg, like P, are predominantly intracellular electrolytes, stage 2 (recumbency) in the present study (Constable
and were analyzed to determine whether changes in et al., 2016a). The corresponding treatment protocol
liver tissue P content over time were specific to P or consisted of subcutaneous administration of 11 g of Ca
also occurred with other intracellular electrolytes. The (Calcitat S50, Livisto) in combination with Ca salts ad-
electrolyte contents determined in liver tissue were ministered orally as a bolus (Bovikalc, Boehringer In-
expressed as amounts in liver tissue DM (designated gelheim Vetmedica). Treatment was repeated as needed
herein as subscript DM), wet weight (subscript WW), until full recovery, defined as resolution of clinical signs
and fat-free liver tissue (subscript FF; Grünberg et al., and restoration of normocalcemia (blood [Ca2+] ≥ 1.10
2019b). The liver triacylglycerol (TAG) and cholesterol mmol/L). The 2 twice-weekly blood samples following
(Chol) contents were determined after lipid extraction the last Ca treatment, either subcutaneous or oral,
from liver tissue specimens with a mixture of n-hexane were excluded from statistical analysis. The diagnosis
and isopropanol (3:2, vol/vol; Hara and Radin, 1978). of subclinical hypocalcemia in animals included in
Aliquots of the lipid extracts were first concentrated this experiment was retrospectively obtained from the
and then dissolved using a 1:1 mixture of chloroform data set generated in a separate study of this proj-
and Triton X-100, as described earlier (Gessner et al., ect, investigating short-term effects of P deprivation
2015). After vacuum drying at 42°C for 2 h, liver TAG on Ca homeostasis (Wächter et al., 2022e). Subclinical
and Chol contents were measured using enzymatic re- hypocalcemia in that study was defined as [Ca2+] below
agent kits (Fluitest CHOL, cat. no. 4241, and Fluitest 1.10 mmol/L within the first 7 d of lactation, without
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

apparent clinical signs consistent with milk fever. No alent results, with a threshold for SCC above 100,000
treatment of any sort was administered in such cases. cells/mL (Thorberg et al., 2009).
The protocol at the research farm defined subclinical Gait abnormalities were recorded whenever observed
ketosis as the occurrence of an acetoacetate concen- by farm personnel during their daily routine. Affected
tration in urine above 2.5 mmol/L, determined semi- study cows were diagnosed and treated in a foot trim-
quantitatively as described previously, that was not ming chute within 24 h of a lameness alert. Causes of
associated with any clinical signs (Andersson, 1988). lameness were categorized into digital dermatitis, heel
The corresponding standard treatment consisted of an horn erosion, interdigital lesions, and claw horn lesions
oral administration of a single daily dose of 200 mL or deformations. Interdigital lesions included interdigi-
of propylene glycol (PG) until resolution of ketonuria. tal hyperplasia, interdigital dermatitis, and foot rot.
Ketonuria, as described earlier, in combination with Digestive tract disorders diagnosed during this study
clinical signs such as dullness, feed intake depression, included feed intake depression of undetermined cause
and decreased rumen fill or rumen motility, was de- but unrelated to ketosis, diarrhea, hardware disease,
fined as clinical ketosis (Baird, 1982). Affected cows acute rumen acidosis, abomasal displacement, and
were treated with intravenous dextrose (500 mL, 40% hemorrhagic enteritis. These diagnoses were made by a
dextrose solution, G-40, B. Braun) in combination with veterinarian and treated accordingly.
oral PG, as previously described. Cases unresponsive to Other conditions not fitting into any of the afore-
treatment within 24 h were further treated with dexa- mentioned categories were summarized under “other
methasone administered intravenously (40 mg/cow, diseases” and are also enumerated in Table 1.
Rapidexon Albrecht, Dechra Veterinary Products). The
weekly blood sample following the last dextrose admin- Data Analysis
istration was excluded from data analysis. The defini-
tions of clinical and subclinical ketosis, as previously Baseline values of studied parameters were defined as
described, were used for convenience, as this allowed values obtained at the end of the acclimation period.
cow-side identification of animals thought to require Weekly, twice weekly, and monthly sampling times were
treatment. For the purposes of this study, however, di- retrospectively expressed as sampling times in weeks
agnoses of clinical and subclinical ketosis were based on relative to calving. The daily DMI was calculated for
plasma [BHB] greater than or equal to 1.2 mmol/L for each day of the study period from the end of acclima-
subclinical (without clinical signs) and clinical ketosis tion (−4 wk relative to calving) until 6 wk after calving
(with clinical signs such as anorexia, decreased rumen from the recorded daily intakes (as-fed basis) and the
motility, or dullness) rather than acetoacetate in urine. DM contents of the composited feed samples of the cor-
Uterine disease diagnosed during this study included responding week.
retained fetal membranes, metritis, and endometritis. The milk yield of each cow was studied based on the
Retention of fetal membranes was defined as failure to weekly recording at the time of the DHIA equivalent
pass the placenta within 24 h of calving (Risco et al., examination. The 305-d milk yield, as well as the aver-
1994). Metritis was defined as fetid uterine discharge age fat and protein contents for the 305-d milk yield,
within 21 d postpartum, and endometritis as uterine were calculated for each cow from the DHIA equivalent
discharge occurring after d 21 postpartum, as diagnosed records.
by vaginal examination (Sheldon et al., 2006). Metri- To study a possible effect of treatment with PG on
tis was further subdivided into nonfebrile and febrile, some of the plasma biochemical parameters included
depending on rectal temperature greater than 39.5°C. in this study, the variable PG was introduced in the
The standard protocol for the treatment of retained data set. The variable PG was set as 1 for weekly blood
fetal membranes, as well as metritis and endometritis, samples obtained between the first and within 1 wk of
consisted of parenteral administration of amoxicillin the last oral treatment with PG, and as 0 for all other
(10 mg/kg of BW i.m. once daily; Duphamox, Zoetis), samples.
in combination with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug (meloxicam, 0.5 mg/kg once daily; Meloxidyl, Ceva Statistical Analysis
Tiergesundheit GmbH) until complete detachment of
fetal membranes or resolution of uterine discharge. Unless stated otherwise, results are expressed as
Clinical mastitis was defined as the presence of milk LSM ± SEM or as median and interquartile range for
with abnormal appearance or signs of inflammation of variables not meeting the assumption of normality. The
the mammary gland (Federation, 1999), whereas sub- statistical significance level was set at P < 0.05. Data
clinical mastitis, for the purposes of this study, was were tested for normal distribution and homogeneity
diagnosed retrospectively based on weekly DHIA equiv- of variance, and log-transformed whenever necessary
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

to achieve normal distribution. Transformed variables LN, and the interaction between treatment and time,
were SCC, plasma [NEFA], [BHB], [TBil], AlP, GLDH, with time as repeated factor, using PROC MIXED
GGT, liver tissue DM, TAG, and Chol. (SAS version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc.). The most ap-
Differences between treatments for numerical and propriate covariance structure was chosen based on
categorical variables were tested with t-test and chi- the lowest Akaike information criterion. Bonferroni-
squared statistics, respectively. Repeated-measures adjusted P-values were used to assess differences be-
ANOVA, with animal identification number as subject, tween treatments at specific sampling times and differ-
was used to determine fixed effects of treatment, time, ence between sampling times whenever the F-test was

Table 1. Incidence of health events recorded from 4 wk before to 305 d after calving in absolute terms and
percentage (in parentheses) for cows on adequate (AP) and restricted P supply (LP) during the dry period;
30 multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration with either AP (n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or LP (n = 15,
0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation

Incidence, n (%)

Item   Designation AP LP
Hypocalcemia Subclinical 10 (67) 8 (53)
Clinical2 3 (20) 1 (7)
Ketosis Subclinical3 4 (27) 3 (20)
Clinical4 1 (7) 5 (33)
Uterine disease Retained fetal membranes5 3 (20) 1 (7)
Metritis I6 2 (13) 1 (7)
Metritis II7 2 (13) 1 (7)
Endometritis8 1 (7) 1 (7)
Udder health9 Subclinical10 3 (20) 4 (27)
Clinical11 6 (40) 1 (7)
Indigestion12,13   6 (40) 4 (27)
Lameness Digital dermatitis 12 (80) 11 (73)
Heel horn erosion 12 (80) 10 (67)
Interdigital lesions14 2 (13) 4 (27)
Claw horn lesions or deformations 13 (87) 12 (80)
Ovarian cyst15   4 (27) 5 (33)
Other16   5 (33) 4 (27)
Subclinical hypocalcemia was defined as blood [Ca2+] <1.1 mmol/L within the first 7 d of calving without
apparent clinical signs.
Clinical hypocalcemia was defined as blood [Ca2+] <1.10 mmol/L with clinical signs.
Subclinical ketosis was defined as plasma [BHB] >1.2 mmol/L without apparent clinical signs.
Clinical ketosis was defined as plasma [BHB] >1.2 mmol/L with clinical signs.
Retention of fetal membranes was defined as failure to pass the placenta within 24 h of calving.
Metritis I was defined as fetid uterine discharge within 21 d postpartum with rectal temperature ≤39.5°C.
Metritis II was defined as fetid uterine discharge within 21 d postpartum with rectal temperature >39.5°C.
Endometritis was defined as uterine discharge occurring after d 21 postpartum with rectal temperature
One LP cow was affected twice by subclinical mastitis; 1 AP cow was affected twice and 1 AP cow 3 times
by clinical mastitis.
Subclinical mastitis was defined as SCC >100,000 cells/mL.
Clinical mastitis was defined as presence of milk with abnormal appearance or signs of inflammation of the
mammary gland.
Indigestion included feed intake depression of undetermined cause but unrelated to ketosis (AP n = 4, LP n =
1), diarrhea (AP n = 2), hardware disease (AP n = 2, LP n = 1), acute rumen acidosis (LP n = 1), abomasal
displacement (AP n = 1), and hemorrhagic enteritis (LP n = 1).
One AP cow was affected consecutively by feed intake depression, abomasal displacement, hardware disease,
and diarrhea.
Interdigital lesions included interdigital hyperplasia, interdigital dermatitis, and foot rot.
Follicular cyst was defined as cystic structure on 1 ovary with a diameter of at least 2.5 cm, diagnosed ultra-
sonographically at 2 consecutive exams at least 10 d apart.
“Other” included unspecific fever (AP n = 1, LP n = 2), pneumonia (AP n = 1, LP n = 1), swelling of head
and neck of unknown cause (AP n = 1), actinomykosis (LP n = 1), intramammary bleeding (AP n = 1),
noninflammatory udder edema (AP n = 1), tibial nerve paralysis (AP n = 1), and non-periparturient clinical
hypocalcemia (AP n = 1).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


statistically significant. The same model including the Health Events

variable PG was run to explore the effect of PG treat-
ment on metabolic parameters. Health events are reported in a descriptive manner
Pearson or Spearman correlation analyses and mul- only. Two cows of the LP treatment did not complete
tiple stepwise regression analyses were conducted to the study. One cow was found dead unexpectedly,
identify possible associations between plasma and liver without prior signs of disease, in the fifth week of lac-
biochemical parameters obtained at the same time. tation. Postmortem examination did not reveal an ap-
Correlation and regression analyses were conducted parent cause of death. This animal was retrospectively
for each sampling time separately. Each regression eliminated from the study and replaced, because a
model was checked for variance inflation by screening late-pregnant animal of the same LN and similar first-
tolerance, variance inflation factors, and eigenvalue in lactation milk yield was available in the herd. Another
combination with the condition index of each variable LP cow developed hemorrhagic enteritis, deteriorated
included in the model. Cut-off values for variance of despite of symptomatic and supportive treatment, and
inflation and tolerance used were 10 and 0.1, respec- died within a matter of hours on d 125 of lactation.
tively. In case of suspected multicollinearity between Acute rumen acidosis was diagnosed in 1 LP cow on d 3
some variables, the variable potentially affected by col- postpartum, after engorging 22 kg of DM immediately
linearity with the lowest coefficient of determination after calving, when switched from restricted to ad libi-
(R2) was removed and the analysis rerun to obtain the tum feeding at calving. This animal required intensive
final model. therapy but eventually made a full recovery; data from
The required sample size for this study was estimated this cow obtained between calving and the sixth week
on the basis of results obtained from an earlier study of lactation were excluded from the data set. One AP
investigating the effects of dietary P deprivation in cow was diagnosed with abomasal displacement to the
transition dairy cows (Grünberg et al., 2019a,b). We left on d 10 of lactation, immediately underwent sur-
anticipated a difference for one of the key outcome gery, and recovered uneventfully, and thus remained in
variables, plasma [TCa], of approximately 0.4 mmol/L the study. The occurrence of clinical and subclinical
between treatments around parturition with a standard hypocalcemia in experimental cows has been reported
deviation of 10%, and furthermore expected a 15% previously (Wächter et al., 2022e). Briefly, 13 of 15 AP
dropout rate due to early periparturient disease poten- cows, and 9 of 15 LP cows were diagnosed with peri-
tially exacerbated by P deprivation. Fifteen cows by parturient hypocalcemia. Stage 1 clinical hypocalcemia
treatment provided 80% power while controlling for a was diagnosed and treated in 3 AP and 1 LP cows
5% type I error to identify the previously mentioned (Constable et al., 2016a). Further, 10 AP and 8 LP
effect size. Similarly, the smallest effect sizes on daily cows were diagnosed with subclinical hypocalcemia as
DMI and milk yield with a statistical power of 0.8 and defined earlier (Table 1; Wächter et al., 2022e). One
an α of 0.5 detectable with the sample size of this study AP cow previously diagnosed with subclinical hypo-
were 15% and 10%, respectively. Retrospective power calcemia during the first week of lactation developed
analyses were conducted using PROC POWER and clinical hypocalcemia on d 95 of lactation and required
PROC GLMPOWER to assess the statistical power of parenteral and oral Ca supplementation. However, this
the analysis of DMI and milk yield data. All analyses incident was not counted toward the cases of hypocal-
were conducted with SAS software (SAS version 9.4, cemia as it did not occur in the periparturient period,
SAS Institute Inc.). but was rather included in the category of “other dis-
eases” (Table 1).
The occurrence of other health events, including ke-
tosis, uterine, udder, and reproductive tract disease,
Animals and Feeding and lameness is summarized in Table 1.
Comparing the on-farm diagnosis of clinical ketosis,
Respectively 7 and 8 AP and LP cows included in based on urine acetoacetate concentration (urine dip-
this study entered the second lactation; 5 and 4 cows stick), with the presumed gold standard—that is, the
the third; and 3 cows of each treatment the fourth lac- use of plasma [BHB]—the urine dipstick produced 6 (1
tation. The average P content of experimental rations AP, 5 LP) true positive, 1 false positive (1 AP), and
determined throughout the study were 0.30 ± 0.05% 0 false negative diagnoses for clinical ketosis. For the
and 0.16 ± 0.01% P (mean ± SD) in DM for dry cow diagnosis of subclinical ketosis, 7 true positive (4 AP, 3
ration for AP and LP cows, respectively. The mean P LP), 7 false positive (4 AP, 3 LP), and 0 false negative
content of the lactation cow ration was 0.46% P in DM. diagnoses were produced when categorizing based on

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


urine acetoacetate concentration. Overall using urine 0.0001) and LN effects (P = 0.0002), but no treatment,
dipsticks with the threshold of 2.5 mmol/L acetoac- treatment × time interaction, or treatment × LN inter-
etate in urine overestimated the incidence of subclinical action effects, were identified. The mean body weight
ketosis by approximately 50%. Accordingly, 8 cows (5 of both treatments remained constant until calving and
AP and 3 LP) of this study must be considered as hav- declined thereafter, reaching a nadir at 6 wk after calv-
ing received PG without indication. ing. Cows of LN 2 (663 ± 13 kg) had a lower body
None of the study animals developed clinical signs weight than cows of LN 3 (762 ± 17 kg, P = 0.0002)
often thought to be associated with P deprivation, and LN 4 (736 ± 21 kg, P = 0.01).
such as recumbency unresponsive to treatment with Ca
salts, or overt hemoglobinuria. Milk Yield and Milk Composition

Dry Matter Intake and Body Weight Daily milk production, represented by weekly mea-
surements throughout the first 305 d of lactation
The DMI from 4 wk antepartum to 6 wk postpartum, stratified by treatment, as well as by treatment and
stratified by treatment, is presented in Figure 2. Time LN, is depicted in Figure 3. Milk yield was subject to
(P < 0.0001) and LN (P = 0.03), but no treatment, statistically significant time (P < 0.0001), LN (P =
treatment × time, or treatment × LN interaction ef- 0.005), and treatment × LN (P = 0.002) effects. Nei-
fects, were identified. Feed consumption was identical ther treatment nor treatment × time interaction effects
for both treatments during the dry period with re- were statistically significant. The daily milk yield rose
stricted access to feed until calving. From the nadir at at a similar pace in both treatments, reaching a peak in
calving, the DMI increased continuously in both treat- the range of 49 kg/d in the ninth week of lactation, and
ments at a similar pace, reaching the highest values 6 declining thereafter at a similar pace to values in the
wk after calving, when recording of DMI was discon- range of 30 kg/d in the 45th week of lactation (Figure
tinued (Figure 2). The reported LN effect did reflect a 3). As expected, the average daily milk yield of cows
higher average daily DMI of LN 4 (14.8 ± 0.2 kg) than of LN 4 was higher than that of cows of LN 2 (42.6 ±
LN 3 (13.8 ± 0.2 kg, P = 0.009). The statistical power 1.1 kg vs. 38.1 ± 0.7 kg, P = 0.002). When stratified
determined with retrospective power analysis based on by lactation, LP cows in their second lactation had
the observed effect size and degree of variation with an higher average daily milk yield than AP cows (39.9
α of 0.5 was only 0.06. ± 1.0 kg/d vs. 36.4 ± 1.0 kg/d, P = 0.02), whereas
The body weights of cows over time, stratified by for the fourth lactation, LP cows produced less milk
treatment, are presented in Figure 2. Time (P < than AP cows (39.1 ± 1.5 kg/d vs. 46.1 ± 1.5 kg/d,

Figure 2. LSM ± SEM of DMI (a, left panel) and body weight (b, right panel) for adequate P (AP, blue, dashed line, open squares) and low
P (LP, red, solid line, closed circles) treatments. The vertical dashed lines mark parturition. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow
ration with either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. BL
indicates the baseline sampling time point at the end of the acclimation, before initiating experimental feeding. Time points of both treatments
are slightly offset on the time axes to improve readability.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


P = 0.003, Figure 3). None of the cows in LN 2 were .net/​publication/​359025854​_Supplementary​_Table​_S3​

treated with oral or parenteral Ca around calving. Of 9 _Milk​_composition​#fullTextFileContent; Wächter et
cows in LN 3 (5 AP and 4 LP), 1 LP cow received Ca al., 2022d). Milk fat and lactose contents showed time
treatment in the first week of lactation. Three cows of (P < 0.0001) and LN effects (P = 0.0003 and P = 0.03,
each treatment were in LN 4, of which 2 AP but no LP respectively) but no treatment, treatment × time, or
cow were treated with Ca around calving. Treatment treatment × LN interaction effects. Milk fat content
with Ca was, on average, administered on d 3 postpar- of second-lactation cows (4.2 ± 0.1%) was higher than
tum (range: d 1 to d 7 postpartum). The mean 305-d of third- and fourth-lactation cows (4.0 ± 0.1%, P =
milk yield was 12,112 ± 1,298 kg for LP and 12,229 0.02 and 3.8 ± 0.1%, P < 0.0001, respectively). A time
± 1,758 kg for AP cows (mean ± SD). The retrospec- effect (P < 0.0001) but no treatment, LN, treatment ×
tive power analysis conducted for the t-test comparing time, or treatment × LN interaction effects were identi-
the mean 305-d milk production yielded a power of fied for milk protein content and MUN (Supplemental
0.58 when controlling for a 5% type I error. For the Table S3).
repeated-measures ANOVA, a power of only 0.5 was The linear SCS showed time (P = 0.005), LN (P
determined based on the effect size and degree of varia- = 0.02), and treatment × LN interaction effects but
tion observed in this study, with an α of 0.5. Results no treatment or treatment × time interaction effects.
of the weekly DHIA equivalent analysis are provided Cows of LN 4 had higher linear scores than cows of LN
in Supplemental Table S3 (https:​/​/​www​.researchgate​ 3 (1.92 ± 0.06 vs. 1.69 ± 0.05, P = 0.007). The average

Figure 3. LSM ± SEM of milk yield of all study animals (a, upper left panel); mean ± SD milk yield of second-lactation cows (b, upper right
panel), third-lactation cows (c, lower left panel), and fourth-lactation cows (d, lower right panel) for adequate P (AP, blue, dashed line, open
squares) and low P (LP, red, solid line, closed circles) treatments. LN = lactation. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration with
either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. Time points of
both treatments are slightly offset on the time axes to improve readability.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


linear score of second-lactation cows was higher in AP tically significant time effect (P < 0.0001) and a treat-
compared with LP cows (1.89 ± 0.06 vs. 1.61 ± 0.05, P ment × LN interaction effect were observed for [BHB],
= 0.001). For the fourth lactation, AP cows had lower with higher concentrations in second-lactation LP
linear score than LP cows (1.67 ± 0.08 vs. 2.17 ± 0.08; cows (0.67 mmol/L, 0.52–0.87 mmol/L), than second-
P = 0.0004). lactation AP cows (0.57 mmol/L, 0.45–0.71 mmol/L,
No treatment, LN, or treatment × LN effects were P = 0.03).
identified for the colostrum yield and total solid con- Parameters Related to Liver Function and
tent. The AP cows had 8.4 ± 1.4 kg and LP cows 6.8 Liver Injury. The values for plasma [TBil] and ac-
± 1.4 kg of colostrum. The total solid contents in co- tivities of GGT and GLDH are presented in Figure 6.
lostrum were 25.4 ± 1.4% and 27.8 ± 1.3% for AP and For these parameters, a time effect (all P < 0.0001)
LP cows, respectively. The retrospective power analysis but no treatment effect was determined. For [TBil],
yielded 86% power while controlling for a 5% type I a sudden and marked increase was apparent around
error for the observed effect size. calving, which was numerically more pronounced in
AP than LP cows, and values then gradually returned
Plasma Biochemical Analysis to precalving levels over the first 10 wk of lactation
(Figure 6). The activities of GGT increased continu-
Minerals. Plasma [Pi] time curves stratified by ously in both treatments from calving to the end of the
treatment throughout the study are presented in Figure observation period. Analysis of GLDH revealed LN (P
4a. Plasma [Pi] showed treatment (P = 0.001), time (P = 0.0005) and treatment × LN interaction effects (P
< 0.0001), LN (P = 0.0009), and treatment × time in- = 0.02). Activities of GLDH were higher in third- than
teraction effects (P < 0.0001). The LP cows had lower in second-lactation cows (11.1 IU/L, 7.4–21.0 IU/L, vs.
[Pi] than AP cows at wk −4 and from wk −2 until 17.5 IU/L, 11.4–28.6 IU/L, P = 0.0002), and, within
calving. Mean values were below the reference range of the third lactation, LP cows had higher GLDH activi-
1.4 mmol/L from wk −3 to wk −0.5 in LP cows, and ties than AP cows (18.1 IU/L, 10.1–26.5 IU/L, vs. 8.7
around calving in AP cows (Constable et al., 2016b). IU/L, 6.8–13.5 IU/L, P = 0.001).
Cows of LN 2 had higher [Pi] (1.7 ± 0.0 mmol/L) than Treatment with PG in the days before blood sam-
cows of LN 3 and LN 4 (1.6 ± 0.0 mmol/L, P = 0.001). pling was associated with higher plasma [TBil] com-
Plasma [TCa] time curves stratified by treatment are pared with samples obtained from untreated animals
presented in Figure 4b. This parameter revealed treat- (P = 0.005). The values for plasma [TBil] and activity
ment (P = 0.01), time (P < 0.0001), LN (P = 0.04), of GLDH were within or slightly above the reference
and treatment × time interaction effects (P = 0.0004). range for cattle at all sampling times and for both
The LP cows had higher plasma [TCa] than AP cows treatments, whereas values for the activity of GGT
from wk −1 to wk +1. Fourth-lactation cows had lower were above the reference range throughout the study in
[TCa] compared with second-lactation cows (2.45 ± cows of both treatments (Kraft and Dürr, 2014; Con-
0.01 mmol/L vs. 2.50 ± 0.01 mmol/L, P = 0.004). stable et al., 2016b).
Values for AlP showed time (P < 0.0001), LN (P Parameters Related to Water Balance and
= 0.0008), and treatment × time interaction (P = Protein Metabolism. The concentration time curves
0.007) effects. Values determined between wk −4 to for plasma [TP], [Crea], [Na], and [K], stratified by
wk +1 were higher than values between wk +2 and treatment, are presented in Figure 7. For all param-
wk +6 in both treatments (Supplemental Figure S1; eters, time (P = 0.002 for [Na], P < 0.0001 for the
https:​/​/​www​.researchgate​.net/​publication/​359025856​ remaining parameters) but no treatment effects were
_Supplementary​_Figure​_S1​_Alkaline​_Phosphatase; identified. The [TP] showed a decline over the last 4 wk
Wächter et al., 2022a). The LP cows had higher AlP of gestation in the range of 10 g/L, reaching a nadir at
activities (169 U/L, interquartile range: 127–221 U/L) calving, followed by a continuous increase over the first
compared with AP cows (122 U/L, 95–143 U/L, P = 6 wk of lactation. The development of plasma [Crea]
0.01) in wk −1 (Supplemental Figure S1). Furthermore, mirrored that of [TP], with a continuous increase until
cows in their second lactation had higher AlP activities calving, followed by a continuous decline, reaching a
(135 IU/mL, 97–166 IU/mL) compared with third- and nadir below the prepartum level at 10 wk of lactation.
fourth-lactation cows (85 IU/mL, 71–117 IU/mL, P Values of [Na] and [K] showed continuous decline from
= 0.0003, and 99 IU/mL, 80–122 IU/mL, P = 0.01, calving to the end of the observation period. For [Na]
respectively). a treatment × LN interaction (P = 0.0001) effect was
Energy Metabolism. Plasma [NEFA] and [BHB] identified. Although the average [Na] of cows of LN
are presented in Figure 5. For both parameters a statis- 3 was higher in LP cows (144.1 ± 0.7 mmol/L) than

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


AP (140.8 ± 0.6 mmol/L, P = 0.001), for LN 4 lower The values for plasma [TP], [Crea], [Na], and [K]
[Na] was measured in LP cows (140.0 ± 0.8 mmol/L) were within or slightly below the reference range for
compared with AP cows (144.6 ± 0.8 mmol/L, P = cattle at all sampling times and for both treatments
0.0003). (Constable et al., 2016b).

Figure 4. LSM ± SEM of plasma inorganic P ([Pi]; a, upper panel) and plasma total Ca concentrations ([TCa]; b, lower panel) for adequate
P (AP, blue, dashed line, open squares) and low P (LP, red, solid line, closed circles) treatments. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry
cow ration with either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation.
BL indicates the baseline sampling time point at the end of the acclimation, before initiating experimental feeding. The horizontal dotted lines
represent the lower reference ranges for plasma [Pi] and [TCa] in cattle (Constable et al., 2016b). The vertical dashed lines mark parturition.
Time points labeled with an asterisk differ statistically significantly between treatments (P < 0.05). Time points of both treatments are slightly
offset on the time axes to improve readability.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


Liver Tissue Biochemical Analysis 13 to 19% (data not shown), and for PFF, MgFF, and
KFF with declines of 4 to 12% in the same time interval
Liver tissue TAG, Chol, and DM at the different (Figure 9).
sampling times are presented in Figure 8. For all 3 pa- The correlation analysis between liver tissue param-
rameters, time (P < 0.0001) but no treatment or treat- eters, stratified by sampling time, revealed strong posi-
ment × time interaction effects were identified. The tive associations between PDM, KDM, and MgDM (rho >
liver TAG increased in both treatments from below 1% 0.90, P < 0.0001), and more moderate associations be-
at T1 and T2 to values in the range of 5% and 12% TAG tween PWW, KWW, and MgWW (rho > 0.68, P < 0.0001)
in liver wet weight at the sampling times T3 and T4, and PFF, KFF, and MgFF (rho > 0.66, P < 0.0001) at
respectively. A parallel but more moderate increase was sampling times T3 to T5.
observed for liver DM, from a mean value below 28% at As liver TAG increased, the association of liver TAG
T1 and T2 to mean peak values in the range of 34% of with liver DM increased from no association at T1 and
liver wet weight at T4. A more moderate increase was T2, over moderate associations at T3 (rho = 0.44, P =
observed in both treatments for liver Chol, from values 0.02), to strong associations at T4 (rho = 0.64, P =
in the range of 2 mg/g liver wet weight before calving 0.0002) and T5 (rho = 0.65, P = 0.0002). With increas-
to peak values around 4 mg/g liver wet weight at T4 ing liver TAG, the negative association of liver TAG
(Figure 8). with PDM rose from rho = −0.48 (P = 0.008) at T3, over
The P, Mg, and K contents, expressed as amounts rho = −0.85 (P < 0.0001) at T4, to rho = −0.79 (P <
in liver DM and fat-free wet weight at the different 0.0001) at T5. Similar developments were observed for
sampling times, are presented in Figure 9. Again, a the associations of liver TAG with KDM (rho = −0.42,
time effect (P < 0.0001) but neither treatment nor P = 0.02; rho = −0.88 and rho = −0.74, both P <
treatment × time interaction effects were observed. 0.0001) and MgDM (rho = −0.42, P = 0.02; rho = −0.89
Values of PDM, MgDM, and KDM declined in the range and rho = −0.77, both P < 0.0001) at sampling times
of 18 to 25% between T3 and T4 in both treatments T3, T4, and T5, respectively, increasing in strength over
and increased again moderately by 13 to 16% between time. With increasing correlation of liver TAG with
T4 and T5. A similar although more moderate pattern liver DM, a concomitant negative association of PDM,
was observed for PWW, MgWW, and KWW, with declines KDM, and MgDM with liver DM also became apparent
of mineral contents between T3 and T4 in the range of at T4 and T5.

Figure 5. Plasma nonesterified fatty acids ([NEFA], left panel) and BHB concentrations ([BHB], right panel) for adequate P (AP, blue
striped boxes) and low P (LP, red open boxes) treatments. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration with either adequate (AP,
n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. Box and whisker plots represent
median (horizontal line), lower and upper quartiles (bottom and top of box, respectively), and 10th and 90th percentiles (lower and upper ends
of whiskers, respectively). BL indicates the baseline sampling time point at the end of the acclimation, before initiating experimental feeding.
The horizontal dotted lines represent the upper reference ranges for plasma [NEFA] and [BHB] in cattle (Constable et al., 2016b). The vertical
dashed lines mark parturition.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


Figure 6. Plasma total bilirubin concentration ([TBil]; a, upper panel) and activity of γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT; b, middle panel) and
glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH; c, lower panel) for adequate P (AP, blue striped boxes) and low P (LP, red open boxes) treatments. Thirty
multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration with either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P
in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. Box and whisker plots represent median (horizontal line), lower and upper quartiles (bottom and top
of box, respectively), and 10th and 90th percentiles (lower and upper ends of whiskers, respectively). BL indicates the baseline sampling time
point at the end of the acclimation, before initiating experimental feeding. The horizontal dotted lines represent the reference ranges for plasma
[TBil], GGT, and GLDH in cattle (Kraft and Dürr, 2014; Constable et al., 2016b). The vertical dashed lines mark parturition.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


Association of Parameters Related to Liver Tissue

With Plasma Biochemical Parameters

Plasma [Pi] was not associated with any parameter

determined in liver tissue, other than liver TAG at T4
(rho = −0.38, P = 0.04). Correlations were identified
between the liver P content and activities of GLDH and
GGT in plasma at different sampling times. Specifi-
cally, GLDH was negatively associated with PDM (rho
= −0.51, P = 0.04), PWW (rho = −0.42, P = 0.02), and
PFF (rho = −0.43, P = 0.02), as well as with KDM (rho
= −0.41, P = 0.02), KWW (rho = −0.36, P = 0.05),
and KFF (rho = −0.37, P = 0.04) at T1. Furthermore,
GLDH was negatively associated with PDM (both rho
= −0.43, P = 0.02) and PWW (rho = −0.52, P = 0.004
and rho = −0.43; P = 0.02), as well as with KDM (both
rho = −0.39, P = 0.02) and KWW (rho = −0.45, P
= 0.01, and rho = −0.43, P = 0.02) at T4 and T5,
respectively. At T4 and T5 GLDH was also associated
with TAG (rho = 0.40, P = 0.03, and rho = 0.51, P =
0.004, respectively).
The activity of GGT in plasma was negatively as-
sociated with PDM at T5 (rho = −0.43, P = 0.02) but
showed even stronger associations with liver DM (rho =
0.59, P = 0.0009) and TAG (rho = 0.43, P = 0.02). In
the regression analyses, GLDH and GGT were removed
from all final regression models in all instances due to
suspected collinearity.


The objective of this study was to determine effects

of restricted dietary P supply to late-pregnant high-
yielding dairy cows on productivity and metabolism
during and in the months following dietary P depri-
vation. The positive effect of the restricted P feeding
protocol used in this study on Ca homeostasis during
the periparturient period has been described earlier
(Wächter et al., 2022e). Feeding a P-deficient dry cow
diet during the last 4 wk of gestation resulted in higher
plasma [TCa] from 1 wk before to 1 wk after calving,
compared with cows on a diet with adequate P content
during the dry period. Upregulation of osteoclast activ-
ity in response to a negative P balance was proposed as
Figure 7. LSM ± SEM of plasma total protein ([TP]; panel a),
plasma creatinine ([Crea]; panel b), plasma sodium ([Na]; panel c), the primary underlying mechanism causing this effect
and plasma potassium ([K]; panel d) concentrations for adequate P (Cohrs et al., 2018; Köhler et al., 2021; Wächter et al.,
(AP, blue, dashed line, open squares) and low P (LP, red, solid line, 2022e). The data set of the present study also included
closed circles) treatments. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a
dry cow ration with either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) plasma activity of AlP, an enzyme used, among oth-
or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk ers, as biomarker to assess bone metabolic activity in
of gestation. BL indicates the baseline sampling time point at the cattle and other species (Sato et al., 2002; Fernandez
end of the acclimation, before initiating experimental feeding. The
horizontal dotted lines represent the reference ranges for plasma [TP], and Kidney, 2007). The AlP activities before calving
[Na], and [K] and the lower reference range for plasma [Crea] in cattle were higher than after calving in both treatments, and
(Constable et al., 2016b). The vertical dashed lines mark parturition. were furthermore higher in P-deprived cows compared
Time points of both treatments are slightly offset on the time axes to
improve readability. with dry cows on adequate dietary P supply. This cor-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


Figure 8. Liver tissue triacylglycerol (TAG; a, upper panel), cholesterol (Chol; b, middle panel) and DM (c, lower panel) contents for ad-
equate P (AP, blue striped boxes) and low P (LP, red open boxes) treatments. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration with
either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content (LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. Box and whisker
plots represent median (horizontal line), lower and upper quartiles (bottom and top of box, respectively), and 10th and 90th percentiles (lower
and upper ends of whiskers, respectively). Liver sampling times were T1 (end of acclimation), T2 (1 wk before expected calving), T3 (d 3 post-
partum), T4 (d 14 postpartum), and T5 (d 42 postpartum). The vertical dashed lines mark parturition. Time points with different lowercase
letters differ statistically significantly within AP treatment; time points with different capital letters differ statistically significantly within LP
treatment (P < 0.05, Bonferroni corrected).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022


roborates the concept of enhanced bone mobilization

in response to dietary P deprivation. Low plasma AlP
activity before calving was proposed as a prognostic
indicator for increased risk of periparturient hypocal-
cemia by Furrl (2012), but other authors found this
parameter to be of limited value for this purpose (Sato
et al., 2005). When pooling cows of both treatments
and grouping them by the occurrence of clinical and
subclinical hypocalcemia after calving, the AlP activi-
ties in cows that later developed clinical hypocalcemia
were numerically lower from 4 wk before calving until
calving, a difference that did not reach significance
level due to the large degree of interindividual variation
in association with the small sample size (Supplemental
Figure S1).
Feeding a diet with either adequate or low P content
during the dry period resulted in lower plasma [Pi] in
P-deprived cows during the entire P deprivation period.
The mean plasma [Pi] of this treatment was below the
reference range for cattle (Constable et al., 2016b),
reaching a nadir in the range of 1 mmol/L immediately
before calving. Remarkably, the level of hypophos-
phatemia achieved in this study was considerably less
pronounced than in an earlier study that used a very
similar feeding protocol (Grünberg et al., 2019b). In
this previous study, plasma [Pi] reached a nadir below
0.5 mmol/L immediately before calving. Importantly,
the results presented here indicate that restricting the
dietary P supply during the dry period does not ag-
gravate or prolong the transient hypophosphatemic
period, which is well recognized to occur in dairy cows
in the first hours and days after calving (Goff et al.,
2002; Grünberg, 2014; Megahed et al., 2018). To the
contrary, it appears that the negative P balance during
the dry period enhanced the capacity to absorb dietary
P from the digestive tract, which resulted in a prompt
increase of plasma [Pi] after switching P-deprived cows
to the lactating cow diet with adequate P content.
Earlier studies conducted on cows in various stages of
lactation showed a similarly rapid effect of switching
previously P-deprived cows to a diet with adequate P
content (Grünberg et al., 2015b, 2019b).
Figure 9. LSM ± SEM of liver tissue P (a, upper panel), Mg (b, The metabolic and clinical relevance of the hypo-
middle panel), and K (c, lower panel) contents, expressed as amount
in DM for adequate P (AP, blue, dashed line, open squares) and low P phosphatemia observed in fresh cows is uncertain
(LP, red, solid line, closed circles) treatments, as well as expressed as (Grünberg, 2014). Concerns are often based on the
amount in fat-free liver tissue for adequate P (AP, blue, dashed-dotted erroneous assumption that subnormal plasma [Pi] in
line, open circles) and low P (LP, red, dotted line, closed triangles)
treatments. Thirty multiparous dairy cows were fed a dry cow ration fresh cows is indicative of P deficiency, as well as on
with either adequate (AP, n = 15, 0.30% P in DM) or low P content the empirical association of the occurrence of recum-
(LP, n = 15, 0.16% P in DM) during the last 4 wk of gestation. Liver bency or intravascular hemolysis in early lactation with
sampling times were T1 (end of acclimation), T2 (1 wk before ex-
pected calving), T3 (d 3 postpartum), T4 (d 14 postpartum), and T5 hypophosphatemia (Macwilliams et al., 1982; Ménard
(d 42 postpartum). The vertical dashed lines mark parturition. Time and Thompson, 2007). During the study reported here,
points with different lowercase letters differ statistically significantly none of the experimental cows developed signs or symp-
within AP treatment; time points with different capital letters differ
statistically significantly within LP treatment (P < 0.05, Bonferroni toms thought to be associated with hypophosphatemia
corrected). or P deprivation, such as muscle function disturbances
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

or intravascular hemolysis. Intravascular hemolysis, but P supply, reported in earlier studies, was associated
no signs indicative of clinically relevant impairment of with pronounced feed intake depression in P-deprived
muscle function, was observed in a similar study where animals (Call et al., 1987; Grünberg et al., 2019b).
P deprivation extended beyond the dry period into the As for DMI, an effect of P deprivation on milk pro-
first weeks of lactation (Grünberg et al., 2019a). It is duction could not be identified either, a result meriting
uncertain whether the primary reason for the occur- confirmation in larger-scale studies sufficiently powered
rence of postparturient hemoglobinuria in this earlier to identify smaller effect sizes. A negative effect on milk
study is the prolonged duration of dietary P depriva- yield while on a P-deficient diet has been reported by
tion or, rather, the specific P deprivation during early several authors and was, again, always associated with
lactation. feed intake depression (Call et al., 1987; Valk and Sebek,
Feed intake depression associated with lower milk 1999; Puggaard et al., 2014). In one study, restoring
production and impaired fertility are the main con- the dietary P supply to adequate levels in previously
cerns associated with sustained P deprivation in dairy P-deprived dairy cows in the fifth week of lactation
cows (Kincaid et al., 1981; Call et al., 1987; Valk and resulted in a return to normal DMI within a matter
Sebek, 1999; Wu et al., 2000). In the present study of days, but was not associated with an increase in
no treatment effects on DMI or milk production were milk production (Grünberg et al., 2019b). Remarkably,
identified. However, the limited statistical power of this in the present study we identified a treatment × LN
study, with 30 cows, was only sufficient to identify a interaction effect, with an approximately 10% higher
minimum effect size of 10% on milk yield and 15% on daily milk yield of LP compared with AP cows in the
DMI. Furthermore, feed intake depression in cows on second lactation (Figure 3). Inversely, for the cohort of
restricted dietary P supply that may have occurred fourth-lactation cows, AP cows, with an average daily
during the dry period may have gone unnoticed, due milk yield of over 46 kg, produced 15% more milk than
to the restricted feeding during the dry period. Studies LP cows. It is noteworthy that the cohort of fourth-lac-
using feeding protocols restricting the dietary P supply tation cows was small, with 3 cows for each treatment,
of dairy cows not only during the dry period but also of which 2 AP but no LP cows received Ca salts around
during the first weeks of lactation reported negative parturition, as they had developed clinical milk fever.
effects of P deprivation on DMI and milk production We deem it conceivable that the observed treatment ×
well above 20% (Puggaard et al., 2014; Grünberg et al., LN interaction effect in the fourth-lactation cows was
2019b). Again it is uncertain whether the more pro- confounded by this Ca treatment. Several studies have
nounced effects on DMI of fresh cows reported in ear- reported a beneficial effect of Ca supplementation in
lier studies is attributable to prolonged P deprivation the first week of lactation on milk production in dairy
or is, rather, associated with P deprivation specifically cows with above-average productive potential (Oetzel
occurring during the fresh cow period. One study in- and Miller, 2012; Martinez et al., 2016; Leno et al.,
vestigating effects of long-term P deprivation on health 2018).
and productivity, and initiating P restricted feeding in The contents of protein, fat, lactose, and urea ni-
mid-lactation, noticed a decrease in DMI during the dry trogen in milk followed the same pattern for both
period and early lactation after over 20 wk of restricted treatments, as well as of the rest of the lactating herd
dietary P supply (Valk and Sebek, 1999). In contrast, of the research farm over time. Again, no effect of P
Puggaard et al. (2014) and Grünberg et al. (2019b), deprivation during the dry period on milk composition
who initiated P deprivation 3 and 4 wk before expected was apparent. As for milk yield, a LN × treatment
calving, respectively, reported important decreases in interaction effect was observed for SCC, with higher
DMI within the first 2 wk of lactation; thus, after only cell counts among AP cows in the second lactation
3 to 5 wk of dietary P deprivation. It thus remains to and lower counts in AP cows in their fourth lactation
be determined whether restricting the P supply during when compared with LP cows with corresponding LN.
the fresh period only would suffice to induce feed intake Because a negative association of SCC with milk yield,
depression in fresh cows. presumably attributable to dilution, is well established,
As for DMI, the body weight time curves showed the we deem it probable that the observed treatment × LN
characteristic development for dairy cattle over time, interaction effect for SCC is the result of collinearity
with similar shape and amplitude for both treatments. between milk yield and SCC, rather than a direct effect
This indicates that neither body weight in late gesta- of P deprivation on udder health (Green et al., 2006).
tion or in early lactation, nor the development of the The mean colostrum yield was numerically lower,
body condition of experimental cows, were affected by whereas the total solid content was numerically higher
the restricted P supply. Loss of body condition in P- in LP compared with AP cows. Expressing the colos-
deprived dairy cows, compared with cows on adequate trum yield as total solids in grams for the first milking
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

yielded similar amounts for both treatments. The nega- mass relative to the total body mass, and thus also
tive association between the total solids content, which relative to the total extracellular volume, will result in
is commonly used as a crude proxy for colostrum IgG increased enzyme activity in plasma that is not driven
concentration (Godden et al., 2019), on one hand, and by liver cell injury.
colostrum yield on the other, is again well established The sudden increase of [TBil] in plasma observed at
and considered to be a result of dilution (Morin et al., calving, which persisted over the first weeks of lactation,
2010; Godden et al., 2019). The colostrum yield at first was of similar degree for both treatments. Increases of
milking was within the range of what is commonly ob- plasma [TBil] at the onset of lactation are well recog-
tained per cow at the research farm. The mean total nized to occur in dairy cows, and are considered a sequel
solid contents of above 25% qualified the colostrum of of negative energy balance and ensuing liver lipid ac-
both treatments as high quality (Godden et al., 2019). cumulation (Kauppinen, 1984; Busato et al., 2002). Re-
The energy metabolism and metabolic health of study markably, in this study, [TBil] was strongly associated
cows were assessed based on a combination of produc- with plasma [NEFA] at the postpartum sampling times,
tion, clinical, and biochemical parameters. Apart from but not with the activity of GGT or GLDH in plasma,
milk yield, DMI, and body weight, we also measured nor with any of the parameters determined in liver tis-
blood biochemical parameters that are indicative of en- sue, and specifically not with the liver TAG content. By
ergy and protein metabolism, liver function, and liver contrast, the activities of GGT and GLDH were associ-
cell injury, as well as parameters characterizing liver ated with liver tissue parameters that were affected by
tissue composition. the increase in liver TAG at the sampling times after
Plasma [NEFA] and [BHB], 2 parameters reflecting calving. This suggests that liver enzyme activities are
the status of energy metabolism of dairy cows, did more indicative of morphological changes occurring in
not display treatment-related effects (van Dorland et liver tissue, such as liver lipid accumulation and reduc-
al., 2009; Roberts et al., 2012). The numerically more tion of tissue water, whereas [TBil] is more reflective
elevated plasma [BHB] of LP cows in their second lac- of metabolic changes, such as lipid mobilization and
tation compared with AP cows of the corresponding ensuing increase of plasma [NEFA]. This interpretation
lactation might be attributable to the 10% higher milk is supported by the observation that treatment with
yield of LP than AP cows in this age cohort (Ospina PG, triggered by the presumed diagnosis of ketosis, was
et al., 2010). As expected, the highest plasma [NEFA] associated with higher plasma [TBil].
values were measured within the first month of lac- In the present study we observed a marked overes-
tation, with numerically higher concentrations in AP timation of the incidence of clinical and subclinical
compared with LP cows. Moderately elevated plasma ketosis when recurring to the cow-side urine dipstick
[BHB], with a large degree of interindividual variation, for diagnosis of ketonuria. Overestimation of the occur-
was observed throughout the first 6 wk of lactation in rence of ketosis with urine dipsticks is well recognized,
both treatments. and has been attributed to the fact that this test does
Liver enzyme activities of GGT and GLDH, as well as not account for changes in urine density (Nielen et al.,
concentrations of TBil in plasma, were measured as in- 1994). However, the observed overestimation in the
dicators for liver cell injury and liver function. Although range of 50% for subclinical ketosis is well above what
activities of both enzymes were within or slightly above has been reported earlier (Nielen et al., 1994).
the reference range for cattle, increases over time were The liver TAG contents in this study showed the
observed for both treatments. Increasing activities of characteristic development during the transition pe-
GGT and GLDH in cattle as lactation progresses have riod of dairy cows (Bobe et al., 2004; Grünberg et al.,
been reported (Busato et al., 2002; Kupczyński and 2019b). Liver TAG did not differ between treatments,
Chudoba-Drozdowska, 2002; Kim et al., 2020). Such but peak values recorded in the present study were
increases are usually attributed to hepatocyte injury, above contents previously reported in early lactating
resulting in translocation of these enzymes to the ex- dairy cows (Bobe et al., 2004; Grünberg et al., 2019b).
tracellular space. However, increased enzyme activities The productivity of the cows in this experiment, with
in plasma can also be the result of liver hypertrophy, a a 305-d milk yield of over 12,000 kg, was well above
mechanism that deserves consideration as an underly- that of most of previous studies reporting liver TAG
ing cause in cows in early lactation. The liver of dairy contents, which could explain a more pronounced level
cows increases in mass by over 30% in the first 20 wk of of negative energy balance, and thus of liver TAG accu-
lactation, while the fraction of tissue water and ash as mulation. However, it is conceivable that the restricted
percentage of liver wet weight remains constant, which feeding protocol used in this experiment contributed
indicates an increase of the number of cells and thus to the relatively high level of liver lipid accumulation
hypertrophy (Gibb et al., 1992). An increase of the liver observed in the cows of both treatments. Should this
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

have been the case, this would have affected both treat- support early lactation liver hypertrophy mentioned
ments equally. earlier, and to provide cholesterol required for lactogen-
Dietary P restriction did not alter the liver P content esis (Smith et al., 1998). The results reported here do
during or following P deprivation. A marked decline not suggest impaired lipid metabolism associated with
of the liver P content, when expressed as amount of restricted P supply during the dry period.
P in DM, of over 20%, was observed during the first The plasma [Pi] measured at the liver tissue sampling
2 wk of lactation in both treatments. A similar de- times were not associated with the liver tissue P con-
cline was, however, observed for other predominantly tent. This finding is in agreement with several earlier
intracellular electrolytes, such as K and Mg, indicating studies that failed to identify associations between plas-
that this effect is not specific to P. The strong nega- ma [Pi] and contents of P in liver tissue, muscle tissue,
tive associations of the liver TAG content, not only or red blood cells (Grünberg et al., 2015a, 2019a,b).
with liver P but also with K and Mg in liver DM at These studies all indicate that subnormal plasma [Pi]
the postpartum sampling times, as well as the positive is not associated with subnormal P contents of various
association of liver TAG with liver DM at these sam- tissues. Accordingly, the plasma [Pi] must be consid-
pling times, indicate that this apparent decline of the ered unsuitable to assess or quantify deficiencies of this
content of predominantly intracellular electrolytes in predominantly intracellular electrolyte.
liver tissue may be driven by liver lipid accumulation. Several blood biochemical parameters were ana-
A positive correlation of the liver TAG content with lyzed as indicators for the protein metabolism, and
liver tissue DM has been reported earlier in cattle and to crudely assess changes in the water balance of the
other species (Häussinger and Lang, 1991; Grünberg cows on study over time. None of these parameters were
et al., 2009, 2019b). The association is thought to be measurably affected by the experimental treatment.
the result of a compensatory reduction of the cytosol The plasma protein concentration showed a transient
volume of hepatocytes as they accumulate lipids, with decline around parturition in both treatments, which
the objective of preventing excessive cell volume expan- is in line with observations of numerous earlier studies
sion, which may jeopardize liver cell and organ function (Bruckmaier and Blum, 1998; Grünberg et al., 2011;
(Häussinger and Lang, 1991; Dunkelberg et al., 2001; Piccione et al., 2011). This decline, which was not as-
Grünberg et al., 2009). When reducing their cytosol sociated with a concomitant decline of plasma albumin
volume, cells must also reduce the contents of osmoti- concentration in these earlier studies, has been attrib-
cally active solutes, to maintain intracellular osmolarity uted to the excretion of globulin with colostrum at the
and thus the osmotic equilibrium between intra- and onset of lactation (Piccione et al., 2011).
extracellular space. Nearly constant mineral contents, We further observed a continuous decline of plasma
when expressed as amount per fat-free liver wet weight, [Crea] over the first 6 wk of lactation, which, again, is
as observed in this and earlier studies, corroborate the in agreement with the literature and has been attrib-
proposed hypothesis (Grünberg et al., 2009, 2019b). uted to enhanced protein metabolization in early lacta-
The liver cholesterol content was studied as an in- tion in response to negative energy balance (Megahed
dicator for the activity of hepatic liver metabolism in et al., 2018). Remarkably, we observed an increase of
experimental cows. Cholesterol values in liver tissue plasma [Crea] over the last weeks of gestation that,
determined at the different phases of the transition to the best of our knowledge, has not been reported
period were in good agreement with values reported in earlier. Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle
an earlier study in transition dairy cows (Schlegel et al., metabolism, which is produced at a constant rate as
2012). Increased liver cholesterol at the time of parturi- long as muscle mass remains constant, and is excreted
tion, as observed here, can be the result of increased he- exclusively through the kidneys. Assuming that muscle
patic cholesterol synthesis, enhanced cholesterol uptake mass of the dam does not change in late gestation, and
from plasma, or impaired cholesterol excretion with the further assuming that the placenta is impermeable to
bile. An earlier study found a marked upregulation of fetal creatinine, the observed increase of plasma [Crea]
hepatic cholesterol synthesis at the onset of lactation, over the last 4 wk of pregnancy would be most plausibly
associated with the observed increase of the liver cho- explained by a decrease of the extracellular volume and
lesterol content around calving, making this pathway an ensuing reduction of the renal glomerular filtration
a plausible mechanism behind increases of liver tissue rate. The assumption of extracellular volume reduction
cholesterol in early lactation (Schlegel et al., 2012). Up- in the days and weeks before calving would also explain
regulating the hepatic cholesterol synthesis is deemed a the numerical increase of the plasma [Na] before and
meaningful adaptation process to lactation, to provide the decline after calving observed in this study. Such a
sufficient substrate for the enhanced formation of bile reduction of extracellular volume could, in theory, be
acids, and to promote formation of cell membranes to caused by decrease of the protein content in plasma.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

We propose, however, that this transient increase of on the spot, knowingly taking into account a rate of
plasma [Crea] may be an artifact of the study design false positive results in the range of 10%, as reported
with restricted feeding during the dry period, when the in the literature (Nielen et al., 1994). The number of
observed increase in plasma [Crea] occurred. Voluntary false positive results in the range, as observed here,
water intake is highly correlated with DMI in cattle, was unexpected; however, an attempt was made to
and feed intake furthermore contributes to water con- retrospectively identify potentially confounding effects
sumption through water contained in feed (Kume et of the PG treatment on blood biochemical parameters.
al., 2010). We hypothesize that switching study cows
from ad libitum to restricted feeding halfway through CONCLUSIONS
the dry period may have resulted in a reduction of daily
water intake, thereby affecting the hydration status of Restricting the dietary P content in dairy cows dur-
these animals. If applicable, this effect would have af- ing the dry period to a maximum intake of 20 g of P per
fected cows of both treatments similarly. day is effective in statistically significantly improving
Disease incidences, with exception of issues related the Ca homeostasis during the first week of lactation,
to claw health, were low and, in combination with the and in mitigating the severity and duration of postpar-
relatively small sample size, did not allow us to draw turient hypophosphatemia, which is known to occur in
the unambiguous conclusion that P deprivation during the majority of high-yielding dairy cows. Restriction of
the dry period is innocuous to bovine health. Other P during the dry period did not have pronounced effects
studies with phases of dietary P deprivation extending on DMI or milk yield in highly productive cows. No
into the first weeks of lactation reported a dramatic dif- metabolic effects associated with P deprivation, other
ference in disease occurrence between P-deprived cows than on Ca homeostasis, were identified during the dry
and animals on diets with adequate P content (Valk period or the following lactation. Although comparison
and Sebek, 1999; Puggaard et al., 2014; Grünberg et of disease incidence did not yield any indication of a
al., 2019a). deleterious effect of P deprivation on health, these re-
An important limitation of the present study arises sults should be confirmed in a larger-scale study.
from the restricted feeding protocol, which was re-
quired to induce a negative P balance in dry cows. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Although the study design was conceived to control for
the restricted DMI, and although key parameters such The authors acknowledge the assistance of Christian
as DMI or milk yield did not differ from the rest of Koch, Educational and Research Centre for Animal
the herd at the research facility, it is still conceivable Husbandry, Hofgut Neumühle (Münchweiler an der
that certain parameters such as liver TAG or plasma Alsenz, Germany) in formulating the experimental ra-
creatinine concentration may have been affected by tions, and of the staff of the dairy unit of Hofgut Neu-
the restricted access to feed. A pilot trial conducted mühle for their dedicated technical assistance. The feed
in preparation for this study showed that the daily P additive mono-ammoniumphosphate was generously
intake during the dry period needed to be capped at 20 provided by Aliphos Rotterdam BV (Vlaardingen, the
g of P per cow to consistently achieve a state of nega- Netherlands). The authors furthermore acknowledge
tive P balance (Cohrs et al., 2021). With available feed the financial support of the H. Wilhelm Schaumann
ingredients, we were unable to formulate an otherwise Foundation (Hamburg, Germany) through a graduate
balanced dry cow ration with a P content below 0.16% student grant. The authors have not stated any con-
in DM. With the dry cows of the research farm consum- flicts of interest.
ing on average 14 to 16 kg of DM per day, limiting the
DMI was the only available option. Inducing a negative
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 5, 2022

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