Essentials of Terrorism Concepts and Controversies 4th Edition Martin Test Bank 1

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Essentials of Terrorism Concepts and Controversies 4th Edition

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Martin, Gus. Essentials of Terrorism, Fourth Edition: Concepts and

Controversies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016


Chapter 6: Terrorism by Dissidents


Discuss the proposition that the 2015 San Bernardino attack represents clear attributes of
asymmetrical warfare. Identify these attributes within the context of the San Bernardino

What are the reasons behind the rise in cell-based organizational arrangements among
revolutionaries, and the decline in paramilitary arrangements? Describe the characteristics of
cell-based and paramilitary arrangements.

Compare and contrast the motives of nihilist and revolutionary dissident terrorists. Why would
dissidents adopt a nihilist vision rather than a revolutionary vision? In your opinion, does the
logic of one make more sense than the other? Explain your answer.

Using the case of Chechen violence against Russian interests, critique the new dissident terrorist
morality. Are the Chechens fighting on behalf of a just cause? Is their war fighting
methodology morally understandable under the circumstances? Explain your answer.

Using the case of Palestinian violence against Israeli interests, discuss the Maoist concepts of
“people’s war” and “war of national liberation.” Discuss why the Palestinian nationalist
movement has been viable for decades despite repeated setbacks and constant Israeli pressure.

Discuss the factors which give rise to communal dissident terrorism. Why do population groups
engage in massive degrees of violence against other groups? Is such violence ever justifiable or
otherwise understandable? Explain your answer.
In your opinion, is selection of hijackings and other international violence by nationalists
necessary from their perspective? Was it justifiable?

In your opinion, should the international community intervene when genocidal communal
terrorism occurs? Discuss circumstances when this would be a necessary policy option.

Discuss why the new terrorist morality occurred.

Why do some dissidents adopt anti-state terrorism as a strategy? What do they hope to

In your opinion, what explains sectarian violence in societies which have long histories of
residing together, such as Lebanon, Yugoslavia, and Northern Ireland?

Discuss the feasibility of obtaining weapons of mass destruction by terrorists. Which weapons
are more easily obtained? Which weapons are less easily obtained? How would they be
obtained in the first place? Explain your answer.

The gun and the bomb are traditional terrorist weapons that still predominate in the arsenals of
violent extremists. How have these weapons been wielded in the era of the New Terrorism?
Explain how the threat from these traditional weapons has evolved in the modern era.

Discuss the threat from suicide attacks. In your opinion, why did suicide attacks become a
common tactic in some conflicts? What impact has the concept of martyrdom had on such

Explain the symbolic selection of targets by terrorists. Describe symbols which are most favored
by terrorists.

In your opinion, what are the likely implications of the availability of information on the Internet
from the perspective of extremists?

Short Answer

Briefly discuss the motivations behind “lone wolf” acts of political violence.

Briefly discuss the terrorist environment created by Uruguay’s Tupamaros.

Briefly discuss the terrorist environment created by Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers.

Discuss why, from the perspective of revolutionary nationalists, terrorist violence may
sometimes be acceptable and/or necessary.

In your opinion, can the drafting of child soldiers ever be justified as a matter of practical
necessity? Explain your answer.

Briefly discuss the terrorist environment created by the Tupamaros.

Describe the evolution in motivation and ideology within the Palestinian movement. Why did a
movement like Hamas become so prominent?

In your opinion, is nihilist violence ever justifiable? Briefly explain your answer.

Briefly discuss whey Yasir Arafat and other leaders are vilified by their opponents but defended
by their supporters.

In your opinion, are rebels sometimes labeled too quickly as terrorists?

In your opinion, what is the most likely threat scenario for the use of biological weapons?

In your opinion, what is the most likely threat scenario for the use of radiological weapons?

Discuss the threat from asymmetrical warfare.

In your opinion, what is the most likely threat scenario for the use of chemical weapons?

In your opinion, what is the most likely threat scenario for the use of nuclear weapons?


The Tupamaros are an example of extremists leading the people to a successful revolution after
provoking the government to react violently. (ANS: False)

Nihilist dissidents have a clear vision for the post-revolution society. (ANS: False)

Terrorists and other violent dissidents have a faith in victory that is often unrealistic. (ANS:

The New Terrorism represents an era in which the morality of terrorist violence allows for few
limitations on extremist behavior. (ANS: True)

Communal terrorism represents a selective use of violence that is less intense than many terrorist
campaigns. (ANS: False)

The Tupamaros represent a case of short-term success, long-term failure for dissident rebellion.
(ANS: True)

The PLO was ultimately defeated by Israel. (ANS: False)

The Tamil Tigers were among the first movements to routinely use suicide bombers. (ANS:

The Red Brigade was a West German terrorist movement that regularly attacked German and
NATO targets. (ANS: False)
The Red Army Faction’s leaders committed suicide in prison. (ANS: True)

Asymmetrical warfare involves predictable methods of engagement. (ANS: False)

Accurate knowledge about the construction of bombs is difficult to obtain. (ANS: False)

The Internet has yet to become an effective mode of communication between terrorists. (ANS:

The threat from weapons of mass destruction is that they are easily obtained. (ANS: False)

Composite-4 was a terrorist organization in the UK. (ANS: False)

The purpose of a dirty bomb is to poison water supplies. (ANS: False)

Mustard gas is a blistering agent which has been historically produced in large quantities. (ANS:

A Molotov Cocktail is a toxic poison. (ANS: False)

Semtex is a type of plastic explosive. (ANS: True)

Multiple Choice

Foreign Terrorist Organizations are listed in which of the following publications? (ANS: d)
a. The Annual Report on Terrorism.
b. Country Reports of Terrorist Attacks.
c. Foreign Terrorist Organizations.
d. Country Reports on Terrorism.

The conflict between Palestinian nationalists and Israel (ANS: c)

a. Was resolved with the end of the Cold War.
b. Was resolved during several phases of negotiations.
c. Has continued since the founding of the state of Israel.
d. Both “a” and “b”.

Which of the following statements is most accurate? (ANS: d)

a. Cell-based organizational arrangements among violent extremists proliferated in the
aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
b. Paramilitary organizational arrangements among violent extremists proliferated with
the breakdown of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere.
c. Most violent extremists engage in lone wolf attacks.
d. Both “a” and “b”.

As defined in the discussion presented in the textbook, which of the following statements best
summarizes the vision of nihilist dissident terrorists? (ANS: c)
a. Nihilists have a clear vision about the type of society they wish to establish after
b. Nihilists seek to reform society slowly after victory.
c. Nihilists have no clear vision about the type of society they wish to build, they only
seek to destroy the existing order.
d. None of the above.

As defined in the discussion presented in the textbook, which of the following statements best
summarizes the vision of revolutionary dissident terrorists? (ANS: a)
a. Revolutionaries have a clear vision about the type of society they wish to establish
after victory.
b. Revolutionaries seek to reform society slowly after victory.
c. Revolutionaries have no clear vision about the type of society they wish to build, they
only seek to destroy the existing order.
d. None of the above.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the new dissident terrorist
morality? (ANS: c)
a. Dissident terrorists engage in “surgical” attacks in order to civilian casualties and
b. Dissident terrorists conscientiously attempt to avoid negative publicity.
c. Dissident terrorists deliberately attempt to maximize civilian casualties and damage.
d. Both “a” and “b”.

Which of the following descriptors most accurately describes the Maoist concepts of “people’s
war” and “war of national liberation?” (ANS: c)
a. Indiscriminate warfare against adversaries.
b. The use of standing armies to defend the nation against enemies, both foreign and
c. Mobilization of the people to engage in guerrilla warfare.
d. All of the above.

Communal dissident terrorism refers to (ANS: b)

a. Significant degrees of violence between population groups.
b. Terrorism in the countryside (“communes”).
c. Communist-inspired terrorism.
d. Uprisings by communities against government oppression.

Nationalists have sought to attract international attention by engaging in which of the following
behaviors? (ANS: b)
a. Carpet bombing of civilian sites.
b. Airline hijackings.
c. Hiring mercenary proxies to fight on their behalf.
d. Both “a” and “b”.

Which of the following attributes characterize anti-state dissident terrorism? (ANS: d)

a. Nationalistic motivations.
b. Ideological terrorism by small movements.
c. Communal conflict.
d. All of the above.

“Lone wolf” acts of political violence refer to (ANS: d)

a. Eco-terrorism by groups like the Earth Liberation Front.
b. Terrorism carried out by members and agents of established terrorist organizations.
c. Terrorism that is useful for intimidating neutral and undecided individuals.
d. Terrorism carried out by individuals who are not official or formal members or agents
of established terrorist organizations.

Which of the following statements best describes the Tupamaros? (ANS: d)

a. Nationalist insurgents who engaged in extensive political violence over many years,
resulting in widespread social disruption. They were eventually suppressed by the
b. Urban leftists who engaged in targeted political violence, resulting in widespread
social disruption and victory for the movement.
c. Nationalist insurgents who engaged in targeted political violence, resulting in the
collapse of a democratic government and victory for the movement.
d. Urban leftists who engaged in extensive political violence, resulting in the collapse of
a democratic government which was replaced by an authoritarian dictatorship that
suppressed the movement.

Which of the following statements best describes the Tamil Tigers? (ANS: a)
a. Nationalist insurgents who engaged in extensive political violence over many years,
resulting in widespread social disruption. They were eventually suppressed by the
b. Urban leftists who engaged in targeted political violence, resulting in widespread
social disruption and victory for the movement.
c. Nationalist insurgents who engaged in targeted political violence, resulting in the
collapse of a democratic government and victory for the movement.
d. Urban leftists who engaged in extensive political violence, resulting in the collapse of
a democratic government which was replaced by an authoritarian dictatorship that
suppressed the movement.

Revolutionary nationalists often argue that terrorist violence may be acceptable and necessary
because (ANS: c)
a. They are cold-blooded killers.
b. They are freedom fighters, so the end justifies the means.
c. They consider it to be a legitimate military and political tactic to use against militarily
stronger adversaries.
d. Both “a” and “b”.

The conscription and use of child soldiers (ANS: d)

a. Is universally condemned by violent extremists.
b. Is minor issue in comparison to larger issues.
c. Is practiced only by religious extremists.
d. Is a significant global problem because both extremist movements and some
governments conscript children and youths.
Leaders of nationalist and other insurgent movements, such as Yasir Arafat, are often vilified as
terrorists by their opponents but defended by their supporters because (ANS: b)
a. From the perspective of their opponents, they are insane killers.
b. From the perspective of their supporters, they are liberators and freedom fighters.
c. From the perspective of their opponents, they are fundamentally marginal politically.
d. From the perspective of their supporters, they are godlike.

Which of the following statements regarding violent dissidents is most accurate? (ANS: s)
a. Violent dissidents always have a faith in victory that is often unrealistic.
b. Violent dissidents have a clear understanding of the likelihood of success.
c. Violent dissidents are delusional.
d. Violent dissidents never have a chance for victory.

Which of the following statements regarding the New Terrorism is most accurate? (ANS: b)
a. The New Terrorism represents an era in which the morality of terrorist violence is
b. The New Terrorism represents an era in which the morality of terrorist violence
allows for few limitations on extremist behavior.
c. The New Terrorism represents an era in which the morality of terrorist violence
places strict limitations on extremist behavior.
d. None of the above.

Which of the following movements was among the first to routinely use suicide bombers? (ANS:
a. The Tupamaros.
b. The Red Army Faction.
c. The Red Brigade.
d. The Tamil Tigers.

Regarding success for dissident rebellions, the Tupamaros represent which of the following?
(ANS: b)
a. Long-term success and short-term failure.
b. Short-term success and long-term failure.
c. Long-term success and long-term failure.
d. Short-term success and short-term failure.

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