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Toxicology and Industrial Health

2017, Vol. 33(9) 687–695
Ascorbic acid prevents zinc oxide © The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
nanoparticle–induced intracellular DOI: 10.1177/0748233717707361
oxidative stress and inflammatory

Hiroko Fukui1, Hitoshi Iwahashi1, Keiko Nishio2, Yoshihisa Hagihara2,

Yasukazu Yoshida3 and Masanori Horie3

Exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) promotes acute pulmonary toxicity through oxidative stress
and inflammation. Furthermore, dissolved zinc from ZnO NPs induces the formation of intracellular reactive
oxygen species (ROS). We previously reported that supplemental ascorbic acid (AA) inhibits ZnO NP-induced
acute pulmonary toxicity in a rat model; however, the mechanism of this action remains unclear. Therefore, we
investigated the effects of AA on ZnO NP-induced cytotoxicity in human lung carcinoma A549 cells. AA was
found to suppress intracellular production of ROS, and thus reduce the subsequent inflammation of ZnO NPs.
However, intracellular Zn2þ concentrations were higher in AA-treated cells than in AA-untreated cells. AA
was found to react with Zn2þ but not with the ZnO NPs themselves. These results suggest the possibility that
AA-chelated extracellular Zn2þ and the Zn–AA complex was readily taken up into cell. Even if the intracellular
Zn2þ level was high, cytotoxicity might be reduced because the Zn–AA complex was stable. Co-treatment of
AA to A549 inhibited ROS production and subsequent intracellular inflammatory responses. These results are
consistent with those previously reported from an in vivo model. Thus, two possibilities can be considered
about the cytotoxicity-reducing the effect of AA: antioxidant efficacy and chelating effect.

Nanoparticles, metal toxicity, oxidative stress, inflammation, antioxidant

Received 21 July 2016; Revised 24 March 2017; Accepted 30 March 2017

Introduction level in natural environments, can cause significant

risk to the environmental biota (Ma et al., 2013).
Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) are widely
The in vivo toxic effects of ZnO NPs were studied
manufactured for applications ranging from catalysis
using different treatment routes. Oral, inhalation, and
to cosmetics. With increasing ZnO NP production,
intratracheal administration routes have also been
more workers are being exposed to ZnO NPs. There-
used to evaluate the acute toxicity of ZnO NPs. In our
fore, it is necessary to understand ZnO NP-induced
toxicity and consider how to reduce the risk of
toxicity. 1
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University,
Widespread and expanding production and use of Yanagido, Gifu City, Japan
ZnO NPs increases the potential for their release to 2
Health Research Institute (HRI), National Institute of Advanced
the environment. Ma et al. reported that toxic effects Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Ikeda, Osaka, Japan
of ZnO NPs in both aquatic and terrestrial species HRI, AIST, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
were within a broad range of taxa, and for certain
Corresponding author:
species (such as Daphnia magna), the toxicity can Hiroko Fukui, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
occur at concentrations as low as less than 1 mg/l. Gifu University, 1-1, Yanagido, Gifu City, Gifu 501-1193, Japan.
This suggests that ZnO NPs, if reaching a sufficient Email:
688 Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(9)

previous study, intratracheal administration of ZnO area was 49.6 m2/g. Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and AA
NPs induced pulmonary oxidative stress and inflam- were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries,
mation in rats, and Zn2þ released from ZnO NPs was Ltd (Osaka, Japan).
associated with pulmonary toxicity (Fukui et al.,
2012). Thus, it is known that the release of Zn2þ and Cell culture
subsequent induction of oxidative stress are known to
be contributing factors to the mechanism of ZnO NP- Human lung carcinoma A549 cells were purchased
induced toxicity. However, there are no reports on from the Riken BioResource Center (Tsukuba, Ibar-
preventive measures for this toxicity. aki, Japan). The cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s
Since oxidative stress is a known contributor to the modified Eagle medium (DMEM; Gibco, Thermo
pulmonary toxicity induced by ZnO NPs, we investi- Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and supple-
gated the antioxidant L-ascorbic acid (AA) as a poten- mented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum
tial preventative agent. AA is a water-soluble radical (FBS), penicillin (100 units/ml), streptomycin
scavenger, known to protect against membrane oxida- (100 mg/ml), and amphotericin B (250 ng/ml) (Nacalai
tion and injury. Moreover, AA has been shown to Tesque Inc., Kyoto, Japan), abbreviated herein as
chelate heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, mercury, and DMEM-FBS.
zinc) to inhibit metal-derived oxidative stress Cells were cultured in DMEM-FBS at 37 C, in an
(Tajmir-Riahi, 1991). AA has also been reported to atmosphere that contained 5% CO2 . For cellular
inhibit intracellular oxidative stress induced by nano- experiments, cells were seeded at 2  105 cells/ml
particles. For example, reports have shown that AA in a six-well multidish (Corning Inc., Corning, NY,
treatment reduces intracellular lipid peroxidation USA) and incubated for 24 h. The medium was then
induced by talc nanoparticles in A549 cells and inhi- replaced by ZnO dispersion, with or without 5 mM
bits reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation (and AA, this concentration of AA was the no observed
subsequent activation of apoptosis) induced by silica adverse effect level in preliminary examination, and
nanoparticles (Ahmad et al., 2012; Akhtar et al., incubated for another 6 h. The fresh medium was also
2010). AA potentially prevents not only oxidative replaced for the control cells.
stress but also inflammation. In addition, AA was
found to decrease the secretion of pro-inflammatory Preparation of the ZnO dispersion for in vitro
cytokines (IL-1 and IL-6) in human keratinocytes evaluations
stimulated by UVA irradiation (Tebbe et al., 1997). The ZnO NP powder (10 mg/ml) was dispersed in a
We have previously demonstrated that supplying
bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution (10 mg/ml;
AA in water reduces acute pulmonary toxicity Nacalai Tesque Inc.) using sonication in an ultrasonic
(including oxidative stress, inflammation, and injury)
bath for 30 min with shaking. The ZnO–BSA disper-
induced by ZnO NPs in rat lungs (Fukui et al., 2015). sion was serially diluted 10 times with DMEM-FBS
However, the mechanism by which AA acts to pre-
for use in the cellular experiments. The size distribu-
vent ZnO NP-induced toxicities (i.e. ROS trapping tion of ZnO NPs in the dispersion was measured by
and/or Zn2þ chelating) is still unclear. Clarifying
dynamic light scattering (DLS) using a Zetasizer
AA’s prevention mechanism is important for reducing Nano system (Malvern Instruments Limited,
the occupatonal health risk of ZnO NP-induced toxi- Malvern, UK).
cities. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate
the preventative role of AA in ZnO NP-induced toxi-
city and to determine its mechanism of action. Measurement of intracellular ROS level
The intracellular ROS level was determined by the
Materials and methods 2 0 ,7 0 -dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA;
Sigma-Aldrich) method. A 5 mM DCFH-DA stock
ZnO NPs and chemicals solution in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was prepared
ZnO NPs were purchased from Ishihara Sangyo and stored at 20 C. When used in an experiment,
Kaisha, Ltd (Osaka, Japan); the product name was this stock solution was diluted 500-fold with serum-
FZO-50 (lot No. 0010). According to the manufactur- free medium. After exposure of the cells to the ZnO
er’s material data sheets, the primary particle size was dispersion with or without AA for 6 h, the medium
21 nm, the purity was 97.4%, and the specific surface was changed to serum-free DMEM that included
Fukui et al. 689

10 mM DCFH-DA and incubated for 30 min at 37 C. Measurement of intracellular Zn2þ levels
The cells were then washed with phosphate-buffered Intracellular Zn2þ was detected using the fluorescent
saline (PBS), trypsinized with 0.25% trypsin, washed ZnAF-2 DA reagent (Sekisui Medical Co. Ltd,
again with PBS, and resuspended in 500 ml of PBS. Tokyo, Japan) (Hirano et al., 2002). For use in cellular
The cell samples were excited with a 488-nm argon experiments, the ZnAF-2 DA stock solution (5 mM in
ion laser in a Cytomics FC500 flow cytometry system DMSO) was diluted 500-fold with a serum-free
(Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, CA, USA), and the medium. After exposure to the ZnO dispersion for
emission of 20 ,70 -dichlorofluorescein was recorded 6 h, with or without AA treatment, the medium was
at 525 nm. Data were collected from at least 5000 changed to serum-free DMEM that included 10 mM
gated events. ZnAF-2 DA and incubated for 30 min at 37 C. The
cells were then washed with PBS, trypsinized with
0.25% trypsin, washed again with PBS, and resus-
Real-time polymerase chain reaction pended in 500 ml of PBS. The cell samples were
The expression of target genes was determined by excited with a 488-nm argon ion laser in a Cytomics
real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Total FC500 flow cytometry system, and the emission of
RNA was isolated from cells using the RNeasy ZnAF-2 was recorded at 525 nm. Data were collected
mini kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany). cDNA from at least 5000 gated events.
synthesis was carried out with a high-capacity
cDNA reverse transcription kit (Life Technologies The reactivity of AA with ZnO and Zn2þ
Corp., Carlsbad, CA, USA). Real-time PCR was
To evaluate the reactivity of AAs with ZnO, AA was
conducted with a StepOne real-time PCR system
dissolved in PBS at a concentration of 40 mM. ZnO
(Life Technologies Corp.). Gene expression levels
NPs were then added to the AA solution at a concen-
were analyzed by the Ct method. PCR ampli-
tration of 0, 50, 100, and 1000 mM. The AA absor-
fication of cells was analyzed using TaqMan® gene
bance at 260 nm was measured using a scanning
expression assays (Life Technologies Corp.), with
spectrophotometer (model UV-3100PC UV–VIS–
the human -actin gene used as an endogenous
NIR; Shimadzu). Changes in soluble zinc concentra-
control. The gene expression assays for heme
tion in the ZnO DMEM-FBS dispersions, with or
oxygenase-1 (ho-1), interleukin-8 (il-8), and
without AA, were measured at 0 and 6 h after pre-
metallothionein-2 (mt-2) were designated as
paration using 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-[N-n-pro-
Hs01110250_m1, Hs00174103_m1, and
pyl-N-(3-sulfopropyl) amino] phenol disodium salt
Hs02379661_g1, respectively.
dehydrate (5-Br-PAPS; Dojindo Laboratories, Kuma-
moto, Japan). The ZnO NPs dispersions were centri-
fuged at 16,000  g for 20 min, and the supernatant
Evaluation of AA uptake in A549 cells was carefully collected. After suitable dilution of the
The concentration of AA in A549 cells was measured supernatant, the supernatant (400 ml), APS (100 ml,
using a high-performance liquid chromatography sys- 5 mM), DTCS (100 ml, 1 mM), and 5-Br-PAPS (50 ml,
tem (HPLC) system equipped with a UV detector 1 mM) were added to a reaction buffer (2.0 ml, pre-
(SPD-10AV, 263 nm; Shimadzu, Japan) and NH2 col- pared by dissolving 6 g of sodium hydroxide in 500 ml
umn (Wakosil 5 NH2, 5 mm, 250  4.6 mm; Wako of 0.5 M HEPES, pH 7.8). The resulting solution was
Pure Chemical Industries). PBS (40 mM)/methanol mixed well, incubated for 10 min at room temperature,
(1/9, v/v) was eluted at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The and its absorbance at 555 nm was measured using a
cells were treated with 1 and 5 mM AA for 6 h. After DU530-spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter Inc.,
treatment, the cells were washed with PBS, trypsi- Miami, FL, USA). The reactivity of AA with Zn2þ
nized with 0.25% trypsin, washed again with PBS, was evaluated both directly and indirectly. For the
and resuspended in 100 ml of PBS. The cells were direct measurement, AA was dissolved in PBS at a
then diluted with methanol (1/4, v/v) and mixed vig- concentration of 40 mM. ZnCl2 was then added to the
orously for 1 min using a vortex mixer, followed by AA solution at concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 50, 100,
centrifugation (20,400  g, 10 min). An aliquot of 200, 400, and 1000 mM. The absorbance of AA at
the resulting upper layer was injected into the HPLC 260 nm was then measured using the scanning spectro-
system for analysis. photometer. For the indirect measurement, 10 mM
690 Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(9)

ZnCl2 and 50 mM 5-Br-PAPS were dissolved in PBS.

AA was then added to yield concentrations ranging
from 0 to 40 mM. The absorbance of 5-Br-PAPS at
555 nm was then measured using the scanning

Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean + SD of at least three
separate experiments. Statistical evaluations were
performed via analysis of variance using the Dunnett
test for multiple comparisons. Individual calculation
methods are described in each figure legend.

AA decreased the cytotoxicity caused by ZnO NPs Figure 1. Effect of AA on intracellular ROS level in A549
cells exposed to ZnO NPs. Cells were treated with the
The secondary particle size of ZnO NPs in the ZnO
ZnO-DMEM-FBS dispersion with or without AA medium
water dispersion was measured by DLS. The average solution for 6 h. Then the intracellular ROS levels were
particle size was 90.2 nm (based on the number). The measured by the DCFH method using a flow cytometer.
intracellular ROS levels in A549 cells exposed to ZnO The dispersion included 0.1 mg/ml ZnO NPs and 5 mM AA.
NPs with or without AA treatment were measured by **p < 0.01 (vs. control, Dunnett, ANOVA). AA: ascorbic
the DCFH method (Figure 1). Intracellular ROS lev- acid; ROS: reactive oxygen species; ZnO NP: zinc oxide
els increased remarkably in cells exposed to ZnO NPs nanoparticle; DCFH: 20 ,70 -dichlorofluorescein diacetate;
but not to AA. In contrast, AA treatment was found to ZnO-DMEM-FBS: zinc oxide–Dulbecco’s modified Eagle
medium–fetal bovine serum; ANOVA: analysis of variance.
inhibit the ZnO NP-induced increase in intracellular
ROS levels. Further, ZnO NPs were found to induce
levels in cells treated with AA were remarkably
expressions of ho-1, a major oxidative stress response
higher than those in cells not treated with AA.
enzyme protein (Figure 2(a)), and il-8, one of the
human chemotactic factors (Figure 2(b)) in the
A549 cells. Interestingly, elevation in these gene
expression levels was not observed in cells exposed Reactivity between AA and ZnO or Zn2þ
to both ZnO NPs and AA. We examined the reasons for the increase in the intra-
cellular Zn2þ level with AA co-treatment. There are
AA uptake in A549 cells two possibilities for this result: (1) co-treatment with
AA induced Zn2þ release from ZnO NPs and (2)
To evaluate AA uptake in A549 cells, intracellular
co-treatment with AA enhanced cellular uptake of
concentration was measured (Figure 3). AA was taken
Zn. To confirm these possibilities, we examined
up by cells following 6 h of treatment, in a dose-
whether AA accelerates Zn2þ release of ZnO NPs.
dependent manner.
We also examined whether AA induces cellular
uptake of Zn2þ. AA exhibits an absorption maximum
Effect of AA on intracellular Zn2þ levels in the 244–265 nm range (Nováková et al., 2008). In
Gene expression of mt-2, which is known to be this study, we used a slightly broader range (200–290
induced by metals, in A549 cells, increased following nm) to measure AA absorption. The interaction
exposure to ZnO NPs. However, the co-treatment of between AA and ZnO NPs was evaluated by measur-
ZnO NPs and AA inhibited the increase in mt-2 gene ing AA absorbance at 260 nm (Figure 5(a)). When the
expression (Figure 4(a)). The Zn2þ level was mea- concentration of ZnO NPs was 0 and 1 mM, no sig-
sured in cells exposed to ZnO NPs, in the presence nificant changes were observed in AA absorbance.
or absence of AA treatment (Figure 4(b)). Exposure to There were no remarkable changes in Zn2þ concen-
ZnO NPs significantly increased intracellular Zn2þ tration in ZnO DMEM-FBS dispersions with or with-
levels, regardless of AA treatment. In particular, Zn2þ out AA added 0 and 6 h after preparation (Table 1).
Fukui et al. 691

Figure 3. Uptake of AA in A549 cells. Cells were treated

with either 1 mM or 5 mM AA medium solutions for 6 h.
The intracellular AA concentration was measured by
HPLC. **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05 (vs. control, Dunnett,
ANOVA). ANOVA: analysis of variance. AA: ascorbic acid;
HPLC: high-performance liquid chromatography.

ZnO NPs are known to induce strong oxidative stress
in vivo and in vitro. The oxidative stress triggered by
intratracheal administration of ZnO NPs has been
associated with lung inflammation and injury in a rat
model (Fukui et al., 2012). ZnO NPs release Zn2þ into
the culture media and exhibit increased levels of intra-
cellular ROS levels associated with inflammation and
corresponding tissue damaging effects including cell
death (Cuzzocrea et al., 2000; Heng et al., 2011;
Figure 2. Effect of AA on the gene expression of ho-1 and Huang et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2010a, 2010b; Pawlic-
il-8 in A549 cells exposed to ZnO NPs. Cells were treated
zak, 2003; Sharma et al., 2012; Song et al., 2010;
with the ZnO-DMEM-FBS dispersion with or without AA
medium solution for 6-h exposure. Gene expression of Tsou et al., 2010; Xia et al., 2011). Thus, Zn2þ release
ho-1 (a) and il-8 (b) was measured by real-time PCR after and intracellular ROS generation are important
6 h. The dispersion included 0.1 mg/ml ZnO NPs and 5 mM predictors of cytotoxicity associated with ZnO NPs
AA. **p < 0.01 (vs. control, Dunnett, ANOVA). AA: ascor- exposure. In order to prevent ZnO NP-induced cyto-
bic acid; ANOVA: analysis of variance; ZnO-DMEM-FBS: toxicity, inhibition of ROS production must be
zinc oxide–Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium–fetal bovine addressed.
serum; ho-1: heme oxygenase-1; il-8: interleukin-8. We previously reported that AA prevents pulmon-
ary lipid peroxidation, inflammation, and injury in rat
However, the AA absorbance at 260 nm (and the AA lung resulting from intratracheal administration of
absorbance curve) responded to changes in Zn 2þ ZnO NPs (Fukui et al., 2012). In the present study,
concentration in PBS buffer (pH 7.0; Figure 5(b) and A549 cells exposed to ZnO NPs and treated with AA
(c)). The absorbance of 5-Br-PAPS complexed with exhibited decreased intracellular ROS levels com-
zinc was measured at 555 nm (Figure 5(d)). This pared to cells not treated with AA. Furthermore,
highly sensitive reagent is used to determine zinc increases in ho-1 and il-8 gene expressions were also
concentration in solution; the 5-Br-PAPS–Zn com- inhibited by AA treatment. These in vitro results are
plex is known to be red in color, with an absorption in agreement with those previously obtained in vivo.
maximum at 554 nm (Makino et al., 1982). 5-Br- There are two known AA membrane transporters,
PAPS–Zn absorbance was detected at increasing SVCT1 and SVCT2, in human lungs cells (Rivas
AA concentrations. et al., 2008; Savini et al., 2008; Tsukaguchi et al.,
692 Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(9)

The expression of metallothioneins depends on

their binding to specific heavy metals (e.g. zinc, cad-
mium, copper, and mercury) (Kägi et al., 1984). For
example, mt-2 gene expression is highly inducible by
zinc (Karin and Richards, 1984). In the present
study, mt-2 gene expression levels increased in cells
exposed to ZnO NPs. This effect was markedly
inhibited by AA co-treatment. These findings sug-
gest that AA reduced intracellular levels of Zn2þ by
inhibiting the release of Zn2þ from ZnO NPs, most
likely via chelation. However, intracellular Zn2þ
levels significantly increased upon treating the cells
exposed to ZnO NPs with AA. With this result see-
mingly contradicting the above hypothesis, we next
focused on investigating the reaction of AA with
ZnO and Zn2þ.
We considered two possible explanations for the
observed increase in the intracellular Zn2þ level
resulting from AA treatment: increased intracellular
Zn2þ dissolution from ZnO NPs and facilitate intra-
cellular Zn2þ uptake. We believed that if AA directly
acts to promote Zn2þ dissolution from ZnO NPs
inside cells, it would also react with ZnO in culture
medium. Although AA is known to react with Zn2þ, it
is unclear whether AA directly reacts with ZnO.
Wang et al. reported that AA increased the endocy-
tosis processes of ZnO NPs, which resulted from the
increase in concentration of Zn2þ in human gastric
epithelial cells. Moreover, they reported that the acid-
ity of AA facilitates the dissolution rate of the ZnO
NPs in cells. Unquestionably, it becomes the predo-
minating mechanism for the increase of Zn ions,
Figure 4. Effect of the AA on gene expression of mt-2 and hence aggravating cytotoxicity (Wang et al., 2014).
intracellular Zn2þ levels in A549 cells exposed to ZnO To address this question, we confirmed that the absor-
NPs. Cells were treated with the ZnO-DMEM-FBS bance of AA at 260 nm was unaffected when ZnO (0–
dispersion with or without AA medium solution for 6 h. 1000 mM in PBS buffer, pH 7.0) was added. Further,
Gene expression of mt-2 was measured by real-time PCR the concentration of Zn2þ in ZnO DMEM-FBS dis-
after 6-h exposure (a). Next, intracellular Zn2þ level was persions with AA was unchanged after 6 h. These data
measured by the ZnAF-DA using a flow cytometer (b). The suggest that AA does not react with ZnO NP dissolu-
dispersion included 0.1 mg/ml ZnO NPs with or without
5 mM AA. **p < 0.01 (vs. control, Dunnett, ANOVA). AA:
tions in the culture medium. Thus, the extracellular or
ascorbic acid; mt-2: metallothionein-2; ZnO NPs: zinc cytoplasmic Zn2þ dissolution from ZnO NPs is most
oxide nanoparticles; DMEM-FBS: Dulbecco’s modified likely not augmented by AA. However, AA absor-
Eagle medium–fetal bovine serum; ANOVA: analysis of bance at 260 nm increased in accordance with Zn2þ
variance. concentration in PBS. Similarly, Maniyar et al. (2012)
reported that the absorbance of AA in solution con-
1999). In this study, AA was readily taken up by A549 taining nickel sulfate at pH 7.0 and 7.4 was higher
cells. Since AA is widely known to be a radical- than the absorbance of AA alone. Thus, the absor-
scavenging antioxidant and a zinc chelator (Tajmir- bance of an AA–metal chelate complex is most likely
Riahi, 1991), this agent is believed to be an ideal more pronounced than that of unchelated AA at the
candidate to prevent the oxidative stress triggered culture medium pH. Our results therefore suggest the
by ZnO NPs exposure. latter explanation of increased intracellular Zn2þ
Fukui et al. 693

Figure 5. The reactivity of AA with ZnO NPs and Zn2þ. The PBS contained 40 mM AA and ZnO NPs or ZnCl2. The
concentrations of ZnO were 0, 50, 100, and 1000 mM in PBS. The absorbance of AA at 260 nm in PBS was measured by a
spectrofluorophotometer (a). The concentrations of ZnCl2 were 0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 1000 mM in PBS. The
absorbance of AA at 260 nm in PBS (pH 7.0) was measured by a spectrofluorophotometer (b). Change in the AA
absorbance curve against Zn2þ concentration in PBS (pH 7.0) (c). Reactivity between AA and zinc combined with
5-Br-PAPS (d). The PBS contained 10 mM Zn, and 50 mM 5-Br-PAPS and AA. The absorbance of 5-Br-PAPS at 555 nm was
measured by a spectrofluorophotometer. AA: ascorbic acid; ZnO NPs: zinc oxide nanoparticles; PBS: phosphate-buffered
saline; 5-Br-PAPS: 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-[N-n-propyl-N-(3-sulfopropyl) amino] phenol disodium salt dehydrate.

concentration to be the most likely that AA chelates Table 1. Soluble zinc concentration changes in ZnO NPs
extracellular Zn2þ released from ZnO NPs and the DMEM-FBS dispersion.a
resulting Zn–AA complexes become incorporated
into cells. Intracellular Zn2þ can also result from ZnO of Zn2þ (mg/ml)
NPs becoming incorporated into cells and their sub-
sequent release of ZnO. While intracellular Zn2þ is 0h 6h
the source of ZnO NP-induced cytotoxicity, its dele-
ZnO DMEM-FBS dispersion 17.8 14.6
terious effects decrease when AA forms Zn–AA com-
SD 0.616 0.407
plexes inside cells. However, the effect of the AA on
ZnO DMEM-FBS dispersion with 16.46 15.00
cell death caused by ZnO NPs was not able to evaluate
adding 5 mM AA
because influence of the Zn2þ was too large.
SD 0.782 0.481
Zinc has an important role in antioxidant mechan-
isms in vivo. AA has been reported to enhance the ZnO NPs: zinc oxide nanoparticles; DMEM-FBS: Dulbecco’s mod-
uptake of Zn2þ during oxidative stress and suppress ified Eagle medium–fetal bovine serum.
The soluble zinc concentration in the dispersions included
its uptake when Zn2þ deficiencies are detected (Agte 0.1 mg/ml of ZnO NPs with or without 5 mM AA at measured
et al., 2004). In this study, the cellular uptake of Zn2þ at 0 and 6 h after preparation. The absorbance of 5-Br-PAPS at
might be accelerated with the induction of oxidative 555 nm was measured by a spectrofluorophotometer.
694 Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(9)

stress caused by Zn2þ. The chelation of Zn2þ with AA reactive oxygen species in human liver cell line HepG2.
most likely inhibits oxidative stress and inflamma- Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 259(2):
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of Zn2þ. Concentration of free Zinc is likely low in Akhtar MJ, Kumar S, Murthy RC, et al. (2010) The primary
these cells. role of iron-mediated lipid peroxidation in the differen-
The Zn–AA complexes accumulated in the in vitro tial cytotoxicity caused by two varieties of talc nanopar-
situation, while these complexes may be eliminated ticles on A549 cells and lipid peroxidation inhibitory
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Effects of tempol, a membrane-permeable radical sca-
In conclusion, the oxidative stress and inflammatory venger, in a rodent model of carrageenan-induced
response induced by ZnO NPs were prevented by pleurisy. European Journal of Pharmacology 390(1–
co-treatment with AA in human lung carcinoma 2): 209–222.
A549 cells. These results are consistent with those Fukui H, Horie M, Endoh S, et al. (2012) Association of
previously reported from an in vivo model. Two pos- zinc ion release and oxidative stress induced by intra-
sibilities can be considered regarding the reduced tracheal instillation of ZnO nanoparticles to rat lung.
cytotoxicity effect of AA. One possibility is that intra- Chemico-Biological Interactions 198(1–3): 29–37.
cellular ROS generated by ZnO NPs were removed by Fukui H, Iwahashi H, Endoh S, et al. (2015) Ascorbic acid
AA. Another possibility is that Zn2þ was trapped by attenuates acute pulmonary oxidative stress and inflam-
AA as a metal-chelator antioxidant effect and/or the mation caused by zinc oxide nanoparticles. Journal of
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Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Huang CC, Aronstam RS, Chen DR, et al. (2010) Oxidative
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
stress, calcium homeostasis, and altered gene expression
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication
in human lung epithelial cells exposed to ZnO nanopar-
of this article.
ticles. Toxicology in Vitro 24(1): 45–55.
Funding Kägi JH, Vasák M, Lerch K, et al. (1984) Structure of
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial mammalian metallothionein. Environmental Health
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of Perspective 54: 93–103.
this article: This study was partially supported by the Long- Karin M and Richards RI (1984) The human metallothio-
range Research Initiative program organized by the Japan nein gene family: structure and expression. Environmen-
Chemical Industry Association. tal Health Perspective 54: 111–115.
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