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A premier events venue hosting

conferences, concerts and


We are offering places on our

work experience programme
next month. If you are interested
in applying for a place, send us an
email outlining any relevant skills
and qualities you have, and
explaining what you hope to gain
by attending the programme.

Re: Application for place on work experience programme

Dear Mr Hagen

| am writing to express/discuss my interest in a place on the work experience

currently offered by the Victoria Events Centre.

As a young, highly motivated arts student, | regularly support/assist with the set-
up of
cultural events at my college. While this sometimes involves following the

of the event co-ordinator and reporting back when work is complete, | also need to
exploit my initiative. Recently, for example, | was asked to design and upload a
poster to
advertise an exhibition of paintings. | also need to combine/collaborate closely
with my
peers in order to negotiate/compromise solutions for issues that arise.

| believe the experiences outlined above have not only boosted/enhanced my

interpersonal skills, but also allowed me to develop/build strong organisational
These abilities would be very useful when dealing with the general public and
answering/responding to enquiries at the Victoria Events Centre.

Attending a work experience programme at the centre would be a fantastic experience

for two reasons. It would provide/supply me with a clearer insight into how large-
events are managed. At the same time, | could learn more from the senior staff
about the
contemporary artists that are being exhibited.

| can assure you that | would be willing to do any task required of me. | consider
myself to
be conscientious, approachable, and a team player, and would welcome/desire the
opportunity to contribute to the success of the V.E.C.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Irina Gramova

7.2 Find examples in Irina's email of these other features that make it fairly

1 Tentative language,
e.g. believe,

2 Use of nouns instead of verbs and adjectives,

e.g. my interest,
3 Use of passive,

e.g. currently offered by,

4 Vocabulary,

e.g. arise instead of 'happen’,

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