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SAT Writing & Language: Parts of Speech

1. Noun – a person, place, thing, or idea 2. Pronoun – replaces a noun that has already
been mentioned
• We can usually put words like “the,” “a / an,”
or “my” before a noun
Jackie “she”

If we didn’t state “Jackie” before we stated “she,” we

the world my rubber duck would have NO idea who we’re talking about.
Standard Pointer General
Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns
I That Few
She This All
a democracy Jackie He Those Some
It These Both
They Many
The Alchemist None
My mom bakes is a book I’ll Each
cookies for the appreciate
holidays. She forever. That I knew two
is an excellent book has given girls who
baker. me a new played soccer.
perspective on Both were
challenges. goalies.

3. Adjective – describes a noun or pronoun 4. Verb – an action word or a state of being

• Adjectives oftentimes end in “-ed” or “-ing”
The rabbit hops
around the grass.

I am happy.
engaging I was happy.
I have been happy.
Noun: school

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5. Adverb – modifies verbs and adjectives 6. Preposition – a relational word that
provides further specification
• Adverbs oftentimes end in “-ly”
• Examples: on, in, to, of, by, at, from, with, etc.
He ran quickly to the store.

“quickly” describes the word _______. The food on the table is hot.

This is an example of an adverb modifying

a _________.

Raindrops fell from the

The extremely happy dog cloud.
continued to wag her tail.

“extremely” describes the word _________.

This is an example of an adverb modifying

an ______________.

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Instructions: Record which part of speech each underlined portion falls under for each of the six
sentences shown below.

1. A girl from my high school runs a 5-minute mile.

_______________ ________________ ___________________

2. He speaks highly of you.

_______________ ________________ ___________________ ___________________

3. The beautifully decorated house sits on the corner.

_______________ ________________ ___________________ __________________


4. She was bored.

_______________ ________________ ___________________

5. I love to read books quickly.

_______________ ________________ ___________________ __________________


6. Those smell like candy canes.

_______________ ________________ ___________________

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