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Smoking cessation – counseling.(done)

1. Find out, what , how much, how long has been smoking.
2. Inform the disadvantages of smoking (clots, cancers low
oxygen , financial , breath , kid effect , fires)
3-advanges of stopping (circulation ,cough , energy)
4. we have medication which would make stop
Talking manikin
easily(nicotine shortness
replacement of breath/chest
),bupropion, ask ofpain-do
he hadexamination
tried samson
to stop in the past
5-Offer stopping and reassure that there is a lot of help
1. Great
available , introduce
like yourself to
smoking cessation the talking
clinics . manikin
Look athas thebeen
monitor forfor
posted observations:
this isPulse
the oxymetry,
mainRR.reason why he needs to stop smoking. Tell him that
even if we do angioplasty if he does not stop smoking the
3. General
chance that heinspection: hands,attack
may have heart pulse,will
JVP, eyes ,very
remain mouth, Peripheral
4. Inspection of the chest just like normal CVS examination for apex
beat, parastenal; heaving, palpable thrills,
5. Auscultation: listen with bell and diaphragm throughout all the 4
6. Auscultate for basal crepitations just by placing the stethoscope
under the manikin on the sides.(it wont sit up)

NB: there is a pansystolic murmur head through out the chest but
loudest at the apex.
Diagnosis is mitral regurg.
Managemeent: Post Traumatic
refer Stress Disorder
to the medical team.
1. ODPARA :onset , duration …of Thyroid exam complaint
2. Typical PTSD, greet
Introduce questions DREAMS
, check identity , explain (to feel ur neck to exam
Disinterest , detachment
thyroid gland , will be looking n feeling )
Reliving the incident Privacy
, falshbacks
, chaperone , verbalizing
Extreme nature of incident , coping , future
Avoidance of similar conditions
Sympathetic arousal , being on the edge
3depression hx, sleep , apetit,
1-general appearance : weight , clothing , staring look
2-hands : stretch>tremors w paper , clubbing , cholynchia , pallor ,
erythema , temp , wasting , pulse rate , rhythm , BP .
3-head : alopecia , eye brwo , myxedema , eye pallor , retraction , lid
lag , opthalmoplegia , proptosis .
Tongue : take out , fasciculation n mass moving up
4- neck : swelling , scars , deformity , bruises , drink water
See n touch trachea , temp
5-back : drink water n touch , palpate gland , LNs
6-front : percuss , auscultate
Adjuncts : abduction , squatting , leg edema , CVS , reflexes

BP measurement 40 swam
Third trimester exam 46 swam
Pap smear 49 swam
Vertigo exam 64swam
Unconscious patient65 swam
Gcs and neuro exam 66 swam

Suicidal risk assessment page 20 samson psychiatry

recap , What drug , others dx , number , when ,where , alone ,
planning , notes , inform some1, intentions , previous attempt, future
attempt , mood , who brought u , insight , voices , beliefs , thought
insetion , PsH , FH n support , SH .
Admit even if low risk , correct toxicity n psychiatry referral

Psychosis history : onset (alone ?) , duration , what do they say ,

hallucination , delusion , thoughts , insight , mood , suicide , PSYH ,
MH , DH , alcohol n recreational , FH
refer to psychiatrist

OCD hx : Onset , duration , how many times , own thoughts ,

senseless , try to resist , anxiety , other intrusions like door locks ,
washing , meticulous , crowd/spaces fear ,daily life , concentration ,
sleep , apetite , depression , suicide , hallucination , delusion , insight
PsH , FH n support , SH
Insomnia+RA : what time you go to sleep , how many hours , you
sleep at daytime , work shifts , noisy environment, feel sad/low /high ,
any cough , nocturia , joint pain , psychosis questions
PsH , FH n support , SH

Mental state and mini mental examination page 18,14 samson psy


LOC : arrythmya , TIA , epilepsy , hypoglycemia , hypotension ,

subarachnoid , alcohol , trauma

Epilepsy : hx of :
before event , during , after .
check type of epilepsy , LOC or not
Diff : hyperventilation n anxiety , TIA , stoke adam (leg weakness ,
sudden drop)
Life style : cut risks , manage diet n alcohol , take meds , stop ocp ,
Manage work n driving .

Hematemesis : varices , anticoagluants ,procedures , carcinoma,

esophg tear , ulcer .
(differentiate from hemoptysis by cough hx,n ask about color of

Chest pain : heart , lung , esophagus and gerd , aorta , skin , ribs

Dry cough : asthma , smocking , post nasal , early infection ,

pneumocystis carini , allergy , heart failure

Dizziness : BPV , Meniere , otitis media , postural , cerebellar tumor

Falls elderly : vision , stroke , mobility , ortho hypo , vasovagal

Sexual hx :
relationships , partner , last intercourse , type of sex , protection
Symptoms of infections , hx of infections , pregnancies ,contraception
Past medical , surgeru , travel , drugs n recreational , transfusion,
alcohol n social

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