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4th floor,Devrani Palace, Marshal Bazar, Danapur, Patna
MCQ (1MARKS ) Total 50 marks

Q1. The principles of management serve as General guidelines for : – Q2. “One Head and One Plan” This statement is
a) Managerial action related to which principle?
b) Decision making ; a) Unity of Direction
c) Both (a) and (b) b) Scalar Chain
d) None of the above c) Unity of command
d) Remuneration of employees
Q3. Which of the following is not True about the principles of management ?
Q4. The concentration of decision-making authority

a) General in nature and can be modified and used as a solution ;
is called
b) They are Formed by practice and experimentation
a) Centralisation

c) They are rigid prescriptions
b) Decentralisation
d) None of the above
c) Span of management

Q5. Which of the following is the significance of principles of management ? d) None of these
a) Providing managers with useful insights
Q6. Mental revolution means

b) Optimum utilisation and effective administration
c) Scientific decisions a) That management and workers should
transform their thinking

d) All of the above
b) Only workers should change their thinking

Q7. The essence of management is : c) Both a and b
(a) co-ordination d) None of these

(b) organisation
(c) staffing Q9. Co-ordination is established :
(a) between groups
Q8. The social responsibility of management is
(b) between departments

(a)towards all
(c) between management and workers
(c) towards the government

(d) all of these
(b) towards employees only
(d) towards consumers only

Q10. The nature of management is :
(a) as an inborn ability

(b) as an acquired ability
(c) as an inborn ability and as an acquired ability both

Q11. Credit manager of bank instructed collection officer to clinch (settle) a
deal with debtor by allowing 20% discount. But branch manager tells her/him not to

offer more than 10% discount. Identify the principle violated here.
Q12. Mr. Rohan is the finance manager of a leading soft drink company.

He is working from last 20 years. In internal audit, it is found that Mr. Rohan has cleared
the payment of relatives on priority basis even before the expiry of credit tenure allowed
by them. General manager ignored this due to his good friendship with Mr. Rohan.

Identify the principle violated here.
Q13. In your school, you observe that books are kept in office, chalks in the

library and office records in the staffroom. Identify the principle of management violated

Q14. Prabhat, a manager expects his subordinates to adapt to the new
environments and working conditions without giving them time to settle down. Identify

principle of management violated.
Q15. Mr. Ram never appreciates the work of his subordinates and behaves

in a strange manner. Subordinates consider Mr. Ram as egoistic manager due to his
behaviour. Identify the principle violated here.

Q16. General Manager of XYZ Ltd. gives open invitation to suggest changes
for better working practices and regularly motivates the employees for providing

suggestions. Identify the Fayol’s principle of management followed.
Q17. State Bank of Delhi decided to increase the working hours for providing
better services to customers. No representative is invited from labour union for
discussing the matter and a direct notice is issued in this regard. Identify the principle
of management violated here.
Q18. Prabhat Limited hires workers after considering their working experiences
of different machineries and provide seven days training. Workers are appointed only
after getting green signal from training department. Identify the principle of scientific
management followed here.
Q19. People of various nationalities work together in a discrimination free
environment. We find India-born CEOs such as Sunder Pichai who heads MNCs like
Google. Identify management principle highlighted in the given statement.
Q20. A company is manufacturing multiple products of different types. It
appointed Mr. Shyam as incharge for all the divisions. Identify the principle violated
Short Question And Answers (2 Marks)
Q1.What is meant by Management principles?
Q2.What is meant by flexibility of principles of management?
Q3.Briefly explain ‘discipline’ and ‘scalar chain’ as the principles of general management
Q4.What is Scientific Management? Mention any three of its principle.
Q5.Explain briefly any two importance of the principles of management?
Q6.Rajesh wants to become an ideal manager. For this he reads many management books. After reading various broad and
general guidelines he prepares f to apply them and make his work more meaningful. The necessary outcome will be his
improved output.
Q7.Which concept of management has been highlighted here?

Q8. A floor manager of a Mall is very capable as he utilises all the functions of management. He lays stress on developing mutual

trust and spirit of cooperation amongst the employees. Under his guidance the employees admit that they learn a lot and are
able to meet their targets. This has led to increase in their salaries.
Identify and explain the principle of Fayol followed by the floor manager in the above case.

Q9.Mr. Anil working as a ‘Sales department Head in XYZ Ltd. Name the level of Management he is working? Explain Any two

functions performed by him?
Q10.Explain the Social objectives of management?

Q11.Explain the term “Co-ordination” and its two importance in management.

Long Question And Answers (5 marks)

Q1.For the last three years, Elpis Technology Solutions p(Ltd.) is not functioning smoothly and systematically. The relations

between management and employees are becoming bitter day by day. After a complete analysis, it was observed that
employees are not working effectively and efficiently and management is not fulfìlling its commitment of increments and

Which management principle is being ignored in the given case?

Can the problem be solved if only management becomes serious in fulfilling its promises? What should be the appropriate
course of action to achieve smooth and systematic functioning of Mahagun Industries?

Q2.Explain why is it said that principles of management are 'mainly behavioural' and 'contingent' in nature. Also explain how
principles of management ‘provides managers with useful insights into reality' and 'helps in thoughtful decision-making'.

Q3.Real Alliance Ltd. is a well-known cement company in India. It is able to earn adequate revenues

to cover costs. Its capital base, number of employees and production turnover has increased
manifolds over the years. The rate of profitability of the business is also creditable. The
employees of the company are happy and satisfied with their remuneration, working conditions,
promotion policy etc. As a part of its moral obligation, the company has taken many initiatives

for providing employment to especially abled persons and promoting literacy in the villages
adopted by it.

In the context of the above case:
1. Identify and explain the various types of objectives of management being fulfilled by Real

Alliance Ltd by quoting lines from the paragraph.
2. List any two values that Real Alliance Ltd. wants to communicate to the society.


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