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# Duchy Capital Buildings

# These are built in the first barony of the first county of any duchy
# Holding the associated duchy is required both to build, and for the buildings to
be enabled


# We place these at the top to make them more visible in the building interface.

royal_garden_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_garden_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no
culture = { has_cultural_parameter = enable_garden_duchy_building }
NOR = {
terrain = desert_mountains
terrain = mountains
terrain = wetlands

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {
culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_manorialism

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.05
stress_gain_mult = -0.10
#Add a court grandeur bonus
court_grandeur_baseline_add = 4
#character_capital_county_monthly_development_growth_add = 0.2
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 5
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_2

next_building = royal_garden_02

type_icon = ""
type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

royal_garden_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_garden_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {
culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_windmills
has_cultural_parameter = enable_garden_duchy_building

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.10
stress_gain_mult = -0.20
#Add a court grandeur bonus
court_grandeur_baseline_add = 8
#character_capital_county_monthly_development_growth_add = 0.4
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 10
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_3

next_building = royal_garden_03
type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

royal_garden_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_garden_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {
culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_cranes
has_cultural_parameter = enable_garden_duchy_building

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.15
stress_gain_mult = -0.30
#Add a court grandeur bonus
court_grandeur_baseline_add = 12
#character_capital_county_monthly_development_growth_add = 0.6
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 15
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_4

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this


military_academy_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = academies_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
knight_limit = 2
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.25
army_maintenance_mult = -0.025
men_at_arms_recruitment_cost = -0.1
men_at_arms_limit = 1

next_building = military_academy_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

military_academy_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = academies_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
knight_limit = 4
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.5
army_maintenance_mult = -0.035
men_at_arms_recruitment_cost = -0.2
men_at_arms_limit = 2

next_building = military_academy_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

military_academy_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = academies_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
knight_limit = 6
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.75
army_maintenance_mult = -0.05
men_at_arms_recruitment_cost = -0.3
men_at_arms_limit = 3

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

march_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
supply_limit_mult = 0.25
levy_reinforcement_rate = 0.25
garrison_size = 0.25
hostile_raid_time = 0.2
defender_holding_advantage = 5
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_2
travel_danger = -10
mountains_tax_mult = 0.15
desert_mountains_tax_mult = 0.15
hills_tax_mult = 0.15

next_building = march_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

march_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
supply_limit_mult = 0.5
levy_reinforcement_rate = 0.5
garrison_size = 0.5
hostile_raid_time = 0.3
defender_holding_advantage = 10
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_4
travel_danger = -20
mountains_tax_mult = 0.2
desert_mountains_tax_mult = 0.2
hills_tax_mult = 0.2

next_building = march_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes

march_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
supply_limit_mult = 1
levy_reinforcement_rate = 1
garrison_size = 1
hostile_raid_time = 0.4
defender_holding_advantage = 15
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_6
travel_danger = -30
mountains_tax_mult = 0.3
desert_mountains_tax_mult = 0.3
hills_tax_mult = 0.3

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes

siege_works_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
siege_weapon_recruitment_cost_mult = -0.15
siege_weapon_maintenance_mult = -0.15
province_modifier = {
stationed_siege_weapon_siege_value_mult =
stationed_siege_weapon_toughness_add = 5
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_2

next_building = siege_works_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

siege_works_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
siege_weapon_recruitment_cost_mult = -0.3
siege_weapon_maintenance_mult = -0.3
province_modifier = {
stationed_siege_weapon_siege_value_mult =
stationed_siege_weapon_toughness_add = 10
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_4

next_building = siege_works_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes

siege_works_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
siege_weapon_recruitment_cost_mult = -0.45
siege_weapon_maintenance_mult = -0.45

province_modifier = {
stationed_siege_weapon_siege_value_mult =
stationed_siege_weapon_toughness_add = 15
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
additional_fort_level = normal_building_fort_level_tier_6

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
culture_likely_to_fortify_modifier = yes

royal_armory_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_activity_cost_max_discount_effect_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
levy_size = 0.2

character_modifier = {
army_maintenance_mult = -0.025

province_modifier = {
stationed_maa_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_maa_toughness_mult = normal_maa_toughness_tier_1

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
prowess_no_portrait = 2
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.15

duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
build_gold_cost = -0.1
holding_build_gold_cost = -0.1

next_building = royal_armory_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

royal_armory_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_activity_cost_max_discount_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
prowess_no_portrait = 3
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.3

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
levy_size = 0.3

character_modifier = {
army_maintenance_mult = -0.05

province_modifier = {
stationed_maa_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_maa_toughness_mult = normal_maa_toughness_tier_2

duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
build_gold_cost = -0.15
holding_build_gold_cost = -0.15

next_building = royal_armory_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

royal_armory_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_activity_cost_max_discount_effect_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
prowess_no_portrait = 4
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.45

duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_armory_buildings
build_gold_cost = -0.2
holding_build_gold_cost = -0.2

character_modifier = {
army_maintenance_mult = -0.1

province_modifier = {
stationed_maa_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_maa_toughness_mult = normal_maa_toughness_tier_3

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
levy_size = 0.4

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

jousting_lists_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_horse_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.06

province_modifier = {
stationed_heavy_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_heavy_cavalry_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_heavy_cavalry_screen_mult = very_high_maa_screen_tier_1
stationed_heavy_cavalry_pursuit_mult = very_high_maa_pursuit_tier_1
stationed_light_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_light_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_light_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_1
stationed_light_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_1
stationed_elephant_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_elephant_cavalry_toughness_mult =
stationed_camel_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_camel_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_camel_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_1
stationed_camel_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_1

next_building = jousting_lists_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital
ai_value = {
base = 20
ai_anti_synergy_armored_infantry_modifier = yes
ai_anti_synergy_light_infantry_modifier = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Don't build unsuitable MaA-boosting duchy buildings
factor = 0
scope:holder = {
NOR = {
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = heavy_cavalry
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = light_cavalry
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = elephant_cavalry
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = camel_cavalry
value > 0
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

jousting_lists_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_horse_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {
culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.08

province_modifier = {
stationed_heavy_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_heavy_cavalry_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_heavy_cavalry_screen_mult = very_high_maa_screen_tier_2
stationed_heavy_cavalry_pursuit_mult = very_high_maa_pursuit_tier_2
stationed_light_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_light_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_light_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_2
stationed_light_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_2
stationed_elephant_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_elephant_cavalry_toughness_mult =
stationed_camel_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_camel_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_camel_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_2
stationed_camel_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_2

next_building = jousting_lists_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

jousting_lists_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_horse_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.1

province_modifier = {
stationed_heavy_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_heavy_cavalry_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_heavy_cavalry_screen_mult = very_high_maa_screen_tier_3
stationed_heavy_cavalry_pursuit_mult = very_high_maa_pursuit_tier_3
stationed_light_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_light_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_light_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_3
stationed_light_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_3
stationed_elephant_cavalry_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_elephant_cavalry_toughness_mult =
stationed_camel_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_camel_cavalry_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_camel_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_3
stationed_camel_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_3

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

blacksmiths_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = blacksmiths_toto_effect_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
desc = blacksmiths_roco_effect_desc
desc = blacksmiths_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.06

province_modifier = {
stationed_pikemen_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_pikemen_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_heavy_infantry_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_heavy_infantry_toughness_mult =

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
pikemen_toughness_mult = 0.03
heavy_infantry_toughness_mult = 0.03
prowess_no_portrait = 2
duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
supply_limit_mult = 0.25

next_building = blacksmiths_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
ai_anti_synergy_cavalry_modifier = yes
ai_anti_synergy_light_infantry_modifier = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Don't build unsuitable MaA-boosting duchy buildings
factor = 0
scope:holder = {
NOR = {
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = pikemen
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = heavy_infantry
value > 0
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

blacksmiths_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = blacksmiths_toto_effect_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
desc = blacksmiths_roco_effect_desc
desc = blacksmiths_effect_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
pikemen_toughness_mult = 0.05
heavy_infantry_toughness_mult = 0.05
prowess_no_portrait = 3

duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
supply_limit_mult = 0.5

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.08

province_modifier = {
stationed_pikemen_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_pikemen_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_heavy_infantry_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_heavy_infantry_toughness_mult =

next_building = blacksmiths_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

blacksmiths_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
desc = unlocks_building_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = blacksmiths_toto_effect_desc
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = royal_court }
desc = blacksmiths_roco_effect_desc
desc = blacksmiths_effect_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

character_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
prowess_no_portrait = 4
pikemen_toughness_mult = 0.08
heavy_infantry_toughness_mult = 0.08

duchy_capital_county_culture_modifier = {
parameter = better_blacksmith_buildings
supply_limit_mult = 0.75

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.1

province_modifier = {
stationed_pikemen_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_pikemen_toughness_mult = very_high_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_heavy_infantry_damage_mult = normal_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_heavy_infantry_toughness_mult =
type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

archery_ranges_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_archery_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_burhs

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.06

province_modifier = {
stationed_archers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_archers_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_skirmishers_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_1
stationed_skirmishers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_skirmishers_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_skirmishers_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_1
stationed_archer_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_1
stationed_archer_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_1
stationed_archer_cavalry_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_1
stationed_archer_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_1

next_building = archery_ranges_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
ai_anti_synergy_cavalry_modifier = yes
ai_anti_synergy_armored_infantry_modifier = yes
modifier = {
add = 10
scope:holder = {
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = archer_cavalry
value >= 2
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Don't build unsuitable MaA-boosting duchy buildings
factor = 0
scope:holder = {
NOR = {
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = archers
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = skirmishers
value > 0
number_maa_regiments_of_base_type = {
type = archer_cavalry
value > 0
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

archery_ranges_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_archery_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_castle_baileys

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.08

province_modifier = {
stationed_archers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_archers_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_skirmishers_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_2
stationed_skirmishers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_skirmishers_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_skirmishers_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_2
stationed_archer_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_2
stationed_archer_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_2
stationed_archer_cavalry_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_2
stationed_archer_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_2

next_building = archery_ranges_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

archery_ranges_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { has_dlc_feature = tours_and_tournaments }
desc = tournament_archery_cost_discount_effect_toto_desc
can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_royal_armory

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

character_modifier = {
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.1

province_modifier = {
stationed_archers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_archers_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_skirmishers_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_3
stationed_skirmishers_damage_mult = very_high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_skirmishers_toughness_mult = high_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_skirmishers_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_3
stationed_archer_cavalry_screen_mult = high_maa_screen_tier_3
stationed_archer_cavalry_damage_mult = high_maa_damage_tier_3
stationed_archer_cavalry_toughness_mult = low_maa_toughness_tier_3
stationed_archer_cavalry_pursuit_mult = high_maa_pursuit_tier_3

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

tax_assessor_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_manorialism

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
tax_mult = 0.15

next_building = tax_assessor_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = {
factor = 2
AND = {
building_watermills_requirement_terrain = yes
building_windmills_requirement_terrain = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
OR = {
has_building_or_higher = watermills_01
has_building_or_higher = windmills_01
has_building_or_higher = caravanserai_01
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0
tax_assessor_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_windmills

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
tax_mult = 0.20

next_building = tax_assessor_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

tax_assessor_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_cranes

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
tax_mult = 0.30

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

leisure_palace_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = leisure_palace_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_manorialism

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.05
stress_loss_mult = 0.15
owned_hostile_scheme_success_chance_add = 5
owned_personal_scheme_success_chance_add = 5

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
monthly_county_control_change_factor = 0.2
monthly_county_control_change_add = 0.2

next_building = leisure_palace_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 10

modifier = { # This type of Duchy Capital Building should be more rare

add = 10
scope:holder = {
OR = { # Suitable personality; cares a lot about their
image or reclusive
has_trait = arrogant
has_trait = deceitful
has_trait = paranoid
has_trait = shy
has_trait = lazy
has_trait = reclusive
has_trait = profligate
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

leisure_palace_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = leisure_palace_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_windmills

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.1
stress_loss_mult = 0.25
owned_hostile_scheme_success_chance_add = 15
owned_personal_scheme_success_chance_add = 15

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
monthly_county_control_change_factor = 0.4
monthly_county_control_change_add = 0.3

next_building = leisure_palace_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

leisure_palace_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = leisure_palace_effect_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_cranes

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost
character_modifier = {
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = 0.15
stress_loss_mult = 0.35
owned_hostile_scheme_success_chance_add = 25
owned_personal_scheme_success_chance_add = 25

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
monthly_county_control_change_factor = 0.6
monthly_county_control_change_add = 0.4

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

royal_forest_01 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_reserves_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no
NOR = {
terrain = steppe
terrain = desert
terrain = oasis
terrain = desert_mountains
terrain = mountains
terrain = wetlands

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_manorialism

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost
duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 5
development_growth_factor = 0.1
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_2

next_building = royal_forest_02

type_icon = ""

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0

royal_forest_02 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_reserves_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_windmills

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_4_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 10
development_growth_factor = 0.2
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_3

next_building = royal_forest_03

type = duchy_capital

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

royal_forest_03 = {
construction_time = slow_construction_time
effect_desc = royal_reserves_desc

can_construct_potential = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
building_requirement_tribal = no

can_construct_showing_failures_only = {

culture = {
has_innovation = innovation_cranes

is_enabled = {
NOT = { has_game_rule = world_of_monsters }
scope:holder = { has_trait = mortal }
county.duchy.holder = county.holder
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_5_cost

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 15
development_growth_factor = 0.3
province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_4

type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

ai_value = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
scope:holder.capital_province = this

# Megalith
great_megalith_01 = {

construction_time = very_slow_construction_time

type_icon = ""

can_construct_potential = {
building_requirement_tribal = no
building_requirement_castle_city_church = { LEVEL = 01 }
scope:holder = {
faith = {
has_doctrine_parameter = can_build_megaliths

is_enabled = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = province_is_of_a_megalith_faith_tt = { has_doctrine_parameter = can_build_megaliths }
county.holder = { has_title = prev.duchy }
show_disabled = yes

cost_gold = expensive_building_tier_3_cost

character_modifier = {
monthly_learning_lifestyle_xp_gain_mult = 0.1
monthly_piety = 0.25
monthly_dynasty_prestige_mult = 0.05
naval_movement_speed_mult = 0.1

duchy_capital_county_modifier = {
county_opinion_add = 10
development_growth_factor = 0.15

province_modifier = {
monthly_income = good_building_tax_tier_3

ai_value = {
base = 100
modifier = { # Fill all building slots before going for duchy buildings
factor = 0
free_building_slots > 0
type = duchy_capital

flag = fully_upgraded_duchy_capital_building

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