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How do you talk about future plans in English- meaning things that you will

do or have planned after now? Talking about the future is an important

step in learning any language. There are a few easy ways to talk about
future plans in English: using will, be going to and the present continuous

We talk in the future tense all the time because we like to speak about
things coming soon. There are a few ways to do this. Do you know the

For example:

 Will you help me?

 What are you doing when you get home?
 Are you going to  study for your exam?


Using will is a very easy way to talk about the future. You can use it to talk
about spontaneous plans, offers (something you gift to someone), promises,
threats  (something bad you say you will do), decisions, and predictions
(when you are only guessing with no facts).
For example:

I’ve just decided. I think I will go to the movies tonight. (spontaneous plan)

 I’ll help you with your heavy grocery bags. (offer)

 I will be there on Saturday. (promise)


Going to is another common way to talk about the future. You can use it for
predetermined intentions (when you hope to do something, but you don’t
know for sure if you can) and predictions based on information, evidence, or

For example:

 We are going to buy a house next year. (It’s our predetermined

 I am going to go to my yoga class on Sunday if I’m not sick. (It’s my
predetermined intention)
 He is going to have a bonfire on beach next week. (It’s his
predetermined intention)


The present continuous can be tricky for German speakers because it

doesn’t exist in German! It’s very easy to use the present continuous to talk
about future plans, because you can use it just like going to, but for 100%
solid (fixed, sure) plans.

This is not used the same as present tense vs present continuous.  You can
read about that on our blog.

For example:

 I am giving a presentation tonight. (I will definitely be doing this)

 She is having lunch with me in an hour. (100% sure)
 Harry is meeting with Tony on Thursday. (100% plan)

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